  • 8/10/2019 Project Story Softskills for Projectmanagers


  • 8/10/2019 Project Story Softskills for Projectmanagers







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  • 8/10/2019 Project Story Softskills for Projectmanagers




    VERSION 1.1



  • 8/10/2019 Project Story Softskills for Projectmanagers




  • 8/10/2019 Project Story Softskills for Projectmanagers




    INTRODUCTIONIn this document the process of researching and

    building the pilot for the Soft Skills project is written.

    This project was quite divers and this document will

    try to guide you through different areas in a clear way.

    It will start with the background of what the project

    is and what the original goals are. It then gives an

    overview of the Game Design.

    The main body of the document is about the research

    and production that has taken place and the lessons

    learned from this process. The earlier paragraphs in

    the process chapter will be mainly concerning the

    research and the latter about production, but there is

    not a strict division between them.

    The references that are included here are from exter-

    nal research where possible. When internal technical

    documentation is referenced, this document will often

    contain external research, or our own reasoning for

    having made this choice. These technical documents

    contain the details about the process. This document

    tries to tie all the lessons together in a coherent


    Opposite page: render of the control room

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  • 8/10/2019 Project Story Softskills for Projectmanagers




    BACKGROUNDWe set out to make a project in which we can teach

    people soft skills[1]like social graces, communication,

    personal habits, emotions, feelings, relationships and

    insight. To teach people these soft skills we wanted

    to make a realistic virtual world, with realistic virtual

    characters in it. In this world the player would be able

    to interact with the other characters and train their soft


    We defined our own goals for this project, based on

    our expectations of the domain and our experience

    with the target market. To make this project both

    valuable to train the soft skills and appealing to the

    audience we set out to create a very realistic world at

    a very high quality.

    The assumption was that to train people at soft skills

    it is important to be able to read emotions from thefacial expressions and body movements of the virtual

    characters. To get this close to reality, we decided

    to use full body motion capturing and facial motion

    capturing. With these technique it is possible to

    closely record the movements and expressions of an

    actor and translate them to a virtual character.

    To engage the player we decided to create a fictional

    setting in the near future on a space station. In this

    setting it made sense that while the player is a novice

    in management, he carries a lot of responsibility and

    is without direct communication with more seasoned

    managers. It also allowed us to integrate the feed-

    back mechanism for the player into the game world.

    This is explained by two sensors in the personnel on

    board of the space station that measure hormones

    related to interpersonal relations(oxytocin) en stress.

    To get a model for the behaviour of the virtual charac-

    ters we looked towards the Rose of Leary. This model

    plots an expression on an agentic and communal axis

    and predicts that this expression elicits a reaction at a

    specific place in this model.

    Opposite page: Rose of Leary

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    GOALSThe original goal for this project was to create a game

    to use as an environment for the training of soft skills

    for project managers. Advanced facial animations will

    be integrated in the 3D environment[2].

    The goal of the game is for project managers to test

    and improve their soft skills in a friendly and playful

    manor. To this end they will be challenged to achieve

    tasks that increase in complexity. These tasks are

    aimed at improving soft skills that are hard to measure.

    How would you measure if a manager supported

    an employee correctly, when faced with a personal

    drama? The development of these soft skills is based

    on the correct use of hard project managers skills.

    These are skills that are easier to teach and measure

    and can lead to better mastery of soft skills, therefore

    these hard skills will also be implemented in the game.

    It should be possible to use the game as a preparation

    for the certifying process for PMI and IPMA.

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    GAME DESIGNTo place this document in perspective an overview

    of the Game Design will be given here[3].

    The game takes place on one of the first space

    stations. The space station is not fully operational

    yet and only a small crew is present. As player you

    take on the role Aaron Graham. Aaron is a project

    manager trying to achieve good results aboard the

    space station.

    In the beginning of the game problems arise which

    need to be solved. Aaron is responsible for making

    sure these problems are fixed, but cant do it all

    alone. He needs to make sure his team do the work

    required. To achieve this he must not only order the

    crew what to do, but also make sure his relationship

    with them keeps being positive and that there are no

    tensions in the team.

    Aaron cant rely on help from Earth. Contact with

    Earth is limited and can only be established at

    certain times. These moments are used in the game

    to give the player feedback on how they solved

    problems. This takes the form of a report that is send

    from Earth to Aaron. This includes mistakes that have

    been made and pointers to keep in mind for future


    Direct feedback is very important for the learning

    experience of the player. Thats why the game

    includes a monitor for the stress and oxytocin of the

    other characters. When the player talks to characters

    he can monitor these values in the HUD. In the game

    world it is explained that all personnel their vitals are

    being monitored. When the player says something

    which affects the interpersonal relationship the

    oxytocin is altered. Stress is modified due to the way

    the player motivates the character to act. This can be

    viewed during each conversation, this way the player

    can see the effect of his choice, but is only informed

    about why this effect happened in the status report

    from earth.

    A large portion of the game is about conversations.

    In a conversation the camera is focussed on the

    character with which the player is talking. In a

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    conversation the player can make conversation

    choices. These choices affect how the game plays

    out. These choices should be made based on the

    required management skills. The player has access

    to the personal files of the characters and can see

    the behaviour of the characters. This behaviour can

    be a change in posture, facial expressions, hand

    gestures, tone of voice, or as simple as what is said.

    Based on this information the player must make

    his choice, for instance if he knows that a person is

    submissive he should take charge, with a dominant

    person the player should be more cooperative.

    Difference between personality and behaviour could

    mean there is something going on and he should

    respond to that.

    Except for the conversations, the gameplay is

    divided in navigating the space station and solving

    small puzzles in the form of mini-games. These mini-

    games serve as a break from the serious gameplay.

    These mini-games are integrated into the world. An

    example of a mini-games could be draining water

    from a cooling system by turning pipes in place.

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    MANAGEMENTDuring the project the team worked together withproject management specialists from the Project

    Management Institute Chapter Netherlands. PMI

    has a long tradition of certifying project managers

    using the PMBOK, the Project Management Body of

    Knowledge[4]. The main focus in the PMBOK is on hard

    skills. Soft skills, according to the PMBOK, include

    different skills generally defined as Communication,

    Leadership etc.

    Hard skills are easier to measure and are an easier

    subject of examination. By applying gamification

    techniques using a well defined set of characteristics

    (see below) soft skills can also be validated.

    The PMI also has a set of core principles which

    applies to all activities of PMI certified Project and

    Program Managers. They are: Responsibility, Respect,

    Fairness and Honesty.

    From the PMBOK the following elements are

    translated to the script, the gameplay and the visual


    A way to self-reflect and learn administrative


    The possible use and accessibility of information

    on your team members.

    Delegate task to your team.

    To add value to the Soft Skills game these principles

    were translated in the feedback and scoring mech-

    anism of the game. As a player responding to the

    actions of your team by respectfully handling protests

    in a given situation is rewarded. Using visual and

    audio game elements, feedback can be asked and

    givenduring the game to the player.

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    BUSINESSCASEA group of MBA students, under the name TopGun,

    from IBO did a five month research on the business

    potential for the game under the title Starstuck (2012).

    This produced a business and marketing plan. Italso uncovered a large potential market of project

    managers and customers. In the Netherlands alone

    there are 130.000 professional project managers,

    certified experts and 450.000 employees fulfilling

    project managers roles and responsibilities in a

    project environment. The survey was conducted

    by Managementbureau BoerCroon together with

    MODELFOR COMMUNICATIONResearch into the Rose of Leary showed that the Rose

    of Leary has never been empirically proven. Especiallythe hypothesis that certain behaviour directly elicits

    other behaviour on the Rose has never been shown.

    Further research into similar models has lead to an

    updated model that has been empirically proven[5].

    In collaboration with several psychologist, most notably

    Pamela Kato and Leonard Horowitz, the project

    started using the Circumplex Model of Interpersonal

    Interaction[5](based on the slightly older Circumplex

    Model of Affect from Russels[6]).

    The Circumplex Model of Interpersonal Interaction is

    closely related to the Rose of Leary. It also has two

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    axes, one agentic and one communal. These axes

    serve a slightly different purpose though. The agentic

    axis describes a personality between unassured/

    submissive to assured/dominant. The communal axis

    describes a trait between cold/distant and warm/


    The model places a personality in this circumplex.

    For instance, a very warm agreeable person who is

    quite shy would be placed high on the communal

    axis, but low on the agentic axis. The model predicts

    how this person would react to certain behaviour, that

    he will react agreeable to behaviour that matches

    the personality on the communal axis, but mirrors thevalues on the agentic axis.

    This model allows us to create scenarios where

    the player has to be aware of the situation and the

    personality traits of another. For example, if a serious

    personal problem arises, a high communal person is

    more likely to appreciate a persons attention given

    to the situation. While a person who is more distant

    (low on the communal scale) might just want to be left

    alone and focus on work.

    By getting to know the characters in the game, from

    background information and interactions in the game,

    the player needs to choose how to react. This will

    influence how the other characters will feel towards

    the player. The closer the match to the desired

    behaviour the more favourable the characters will feel

    towards the player.

    Due to the two axis system the player can make

    choices to trade between a good relation and



    315O AGREEABLE -






    COLD - 180O


    0O WARM -








    Above: Circumplex Model of Interpersonal Interaction

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    motivating a character to act. For instance, the player

    can react more warmly, to increase the interpersonal

    relationship, but sacrificing the possibility that the

    character will do something for the player. Conversely,

    the player could also react more colder and sterner

    so that the character will execute a task, but feel less

    favourable towards the player.

    In the game the player will be informed about the

    immediate effect of his choices. This immediate

    feedback mechanism is important to achieve efficient

    learning. In the game world we have introduced a

    system with which the player can read the stress and

    oxytocin hormones of other characters. The stresshormones signal to which degree the character feels

    the need to act, oxytocin is the measure for how

    favourable the character feels towards the player.


    FROM FACIALEXPRESSIONSAt the start of this project it was assumed that high

    quality realistic graphics were needed to convey to

    the player the emotions on an virtual face. Research

    was conducted to determine to which degree a

    person can detect an emotion on a virtual face andwhich factors impact the distinctness and the natural-

    ness of the expression[7].

    The main results were that the use of animation greatly

    increases the distinctness of the expression and

    increases the recognition rates[8]. The use of textures

    increases the overall recognition of the emotion[9].

    Fear and surprise are hard to make distinct from each

    other when using facial expressions only.

    Several tested virtual heads (Talking Head, Baldi and

    Miralab) showed that artificial facial expressions can

    Above: Miralab, Untextured Talking Head,

    Textured Talking Head

  • 8/10/2019 Project Story Softskills for Projectmanagers




    convey the six basic emotions almost as convincingly

    as an actor. Also, increasing the abstraction level

    does not decrease the distinction of the emotion

    significantly, but impacts the naturalness.

    This leads to the conclusion that humans can read

    emotions from virtual faces even when they are not

    realistic or when rendered at low quality.[8][9]


    The first iteration of the project focussed on one

    main channel of non-verbal communication, the facial

    expressions. From further research it was learned that

    the facial expressions are not as important as initially

    thought. Research tried to measure which of the three

    main non-verbal channels are more important, gestures,

    body language or facial expressions. The results of these

    experiments were that they each contributed equally to

    the communication.

    Except for non-verbal channels there also some less

    obvious verbal channels. The choice of words can add

    more meaning to a sentence than what is actually said.

    For instance the difference between: She bought a car

    and She bought a car from Bert. The second sentence

    implies that there is something noteworthy about the

    person she bought the car from, not just that she bought

    the car. Placing emphasis on Bert will add to this effect.

    All these channels usually communicate the same

    message, which is about what is said and the current

    emotional state of the person. When writing the script

    these channels should be taken into consideration.

    Questions that could be asked are:

    What is the location of the character in the room?

    Which posture does the character take?

    What does he do with his hands?

    Where does he look towards?

    How long does he keep eye contact?

    What is his facial expression?

    Does he make gestures when he talks?

    At which tone of voice does the character talk?

    At which volume does the player talk?

    A great deal of research was gathered in support of

    these conclusion, which can be found in [10].

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    The basis of the visible character is the model. This is

    the physical representation of the character in the game

    world. The techniques to light and animate the character

    all depend on this basis.

    The aim of the project was to create a hyper realistic

    character. To achieve this result a base model with a high

    vertex count was needed. During the project this led to

    problems in the production pipeline. The targeted quality,to bring hyper realistic character convincingly to the

    screen, could not be achieved in the time allotted. This

    would break the style that was aimed for. This, together

    with the high cost of continuing to try to achieve this high

    quality led to a redefinition of the style of the game.

    The new style is a slightly stylised look, which comes

    across more convincingly at lower quality. The characters

    from Grand Theft Auto 5 became the target style and


    Instead of placing all the detail of facial expressions in

    the geometry of the model, this detail would be carried

    more by the normal maps. This allows us to use between

    5,000 and 10,000 polygons for the face. This will be

    supported with animated normal maps (wrinkle maps).

    For the body model a budget of between 15,000 and

    20,000 polygons is available. For the body the hands are

    quite important. A lot of expression power comes fromthe hands and hand gestures.

    Within the more stylised look the textures contain less

    detail. Details like pores will not be included. This means

    that it will be easier to draw attention to other parts of the

    face, like bags under the eyes.

    Certain details deserve some special attention to get

    the animations right. The eyelids will be assigned a

    single bone, this allows the eyelids to follow the looking

    direction. The pupil wont dilate, this is not a necessity in

    this style.

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    Instead of using a hierarchical skeleton set up, in which

    all bones are parented at a fixed distance, dummy

    bones will be used, that can freely move in the face. This

    allows for movements like the bulging of cheeks and the

    forward motion of the jaw.

    The tongue is a very flexible organ, however it is only

    visible through the mouth. In GTA 5 the tip of the tongue

    moves around, with the right skinning this can be

    achieved with a single bone. The total bone count in the

    face will be 35. The remaining bone placement is based

    on the muscle movements and edge flow of the model. It

    will use the following image as reference.

    Besides the body and the face models separate models

    for the teeth, the tongue and the eyes will be delivered,

    with respectively 1000, 100 and 1000 polygons. [11]

    Left: Character of Grand Theft Auto 5 Rockstar Games

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    CLOTHINGAND HAIRRealistic clothing and hair are a problem in real time

    environments. Both are flexible object that can freely

    move based on movement of the character. For instance,long hair that falls over the shoulders when the head

    is turned. These systems work by simulating a spring

    between each vertex. When these simulations function

    correctly it can look very good. Unfortunately it is nearly

    impossible to get consistently nice results. This technique

    also comes at a very high computing cost.

    The research focussed on a pseudo solution, building

    a low detail rig and skinning a high detail model to this.

    This makes the simulation much more stable and less

    computational intensive.

    An alternative solution to this techniques, which became

    more viable after the switch from hyper realistic to

    stylised, is to use tight fitting clothes and short hair. Tight

    fitting clothes is not at odds with the science fiction

    setting of the game. Short hair moves very little with the

    movements of the head. [12]

    Opposite page: Bone placement in the human face to allow for

    realistic animation.

    Upper left: The jacket rig on top of the regular game skeleton from

    Alan Wake.

    Lower left: The mesh of the jacket that will be transformed by the

    jacket rig from Alan Wake.

    Middle: The simulated jacket of Alan Wake in action.

    Alan Wake Remedy Entertainment and Microsoft Game Studios.

    Source Gamasutra.

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    REALISTICCHARACTERSHADINGTo achieve a high level of realism it is important to look

    at advanced shading techniques. Classical shading

    techniques usually result in a flat and unconvincing look.

    To get to a high level of quality several techniques exist

    to make faces more realistic.

    Ambient Occlusion is a technique to make ambient light

    a little more realistic. Ambient light is light that is omni-

    directional, because it bounced off surfaces many times.

    In games this is simulated by lighting the whole scene

    with the same intensity light, usually a very dim light.

    Ambient light however is less prominent in corners and

    ridges. Ambient Occlusion is the effect of reducing the

    amount of ambient light in certain places.[13]

    Diffuse lighting is scattered light from a surface. This

    lighting is usually added to a small amount of ambient

    lighting and is often responsible for the majority of the

    lighting in the scene. This lighting model is a gross

    simplification of the path that light actually travels. In

    surfaces like skin a part of the light bounces of, but some

    light also travels through the upper layers of the skin and

    is emitted slightly further than where it entered. [13]













    Above: A comparison of screen space ambient occlusion. Left part

    of the image is without SSAO, right part of the image is with SSAO.


    Upper right: The principle of subsurface scattering.

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    In narrower parts of the body some of the light can also

    travel through the body and be emitted at the other side.

    This effect is called subsurface scattering. The effect of

    subsurface scattering on surfaces like skin usually gives a

    softer look, which appears more realistic.

    After the shift in style direction these techniques became

    less important. Ambient Occlusion still adds a lot to the

    over al feel, but can be baked in with the characters

    diffuse texture.


    To bring emotion across convincingly and make them

    recognisable and distinct it is necessary to animate the

    face of the characters in the game. There are several

    techniques to animate a face. Most often faces are

    animated using bone animations. To have more control

    over the exact position of each individual vertex in the

    face blend shapes can be used. A blend shape is an

    animation between two deformations of a model, in this

    case the head. This gives 100% control of the shape of

    the head at the beginning or the end of an animation,

    during an animation the shape of the model is blended

    between these two extremes. The main disadvantages

    of blend shapes is the performance drag. A blend shape

    is stored as a point cache, which contains all the vertices

    of the face. When playing blend shape animation each

    shape needs to be blended, which is a high drag on

    performance [14].

    To get an anatomically correct face with animations

    a muscles system can be created. This system is a

    simulation of the muscles in a human face. If done

    correctly this would theoretically lead to 100% match

    with a human face. Some 3D packages have a muscles

    system available, but there isnt anyway to simulate this inreal time in a game environment. The only viable way to

    get this in a game is to use point-caches, due to the large

    amount of facial animations needed in this project this

    technique was dropped[14].

    The three previously mentioned techniques all deform

    the face based on vertex information. This limits the detail

    to the amount of vertices placed in the head. The higher

    this count, the more difficult the face is to animate and the

    worse the real-time performance. The face can also be

    animated on a pixel level by using wrinkle maps. These

    maps animate some of the texture maps on the face. By

    animating the normal maps the illusion of a deforming face

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    can be created at high detail. This techniques does not

    allow for actual movement in the geometric data. Due to

    this limitation extreme deformations cant be made and it

    cant change the profile of a shape[14].

    To achieve the desired effect a combination of bone

    animations and wrinkle maps are used. The wrinkle

    maps are used to accentuate certain specific emotions in

    certain regions of the face. These regions are based on

    the book Stop Staring[15][16].

    ENVIRONMENTThe environment that the game takes place in needs

    to fit with the style and quality of the characters and

    setting. The game is made in a retro science fiction

    style, inspired by movies from the 70s [17]. This style is

    defined by light environment, with a lot of curves and


    The colour scheme needs to fit this theme. A choice

    is made for white and broken white colours for the

    ceiling and walls. The floor are more grey. Accents

    are full black.

    The equipment on the space station has simple

    geometric shapes and simple on/off functionality.

    These buttons are covered by transparent caps and

    only light up when they are active.

    Due to the repetition in the environment modular

    building can be employed. Modular building means

    that the level is constructed from basic building blocks.

    This increases the speed at which an environment

    can be built and makes it easier to keep the style

    consistent. This does require some planning, making

    sure all the pieces fit together.

    Top: A comparison of wrinkle maps. Left part of the image is

    without wrinkle maps, right part of the image is with wrinkle maps.

    Lee Perry-Smith / IR

    Above: Wrinkle map placement on our actress.

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    Above: reference image for the retro look of the equipment.

    Upper left: a collection of reference images to describe the shape

    language of the project.

    Lower left: a summary of the shape language, patterns, use of

    color, contrast and repetition used for art direction.

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    LIGHTINGTo bring the world to life lighting is essential. Light

    determines how we actually see colours and materials.

    Some techniques, like normal mapping, also require

    lighting to bring the effect to the foreground. Traditional

    lighting model divide light into three categories, ambient,

    diffuse and specular. Specular is important for normal

    mapping, this is the effect that is often compared with

    shininess. In a newer lighting technique, Physically Based

    Rendering, specular has been replaced by reflection[18].

    Physically Based Rendering is a fixed set of rules to

    get a lighting model that is based more on how lighting

    works in the real world. Material properties are divided

    in separate maps, these maps can be combined into

    new materials. One of the most significant differences is

    how reflectivity is handled. The reflectivity map together

    with the micro-surface map handles the shininess and

    reflectivity of the material. Because this use of reflectivity

    all models should have an environment map associated

    with them. Fortunately the game takes place inside an

    enclosed space, the space station, so this is quite easy to


    Instead of calculating light each frame, lights can also be

    pre-baked in light maps. This gives a more realistic result

    when the lights are static and also gives a performance


    Instead of calculating the lighting during the render pass

    it can also be calculated in a post processing stage

    with a technique called deferred rendering. Deferred

    rendering is a screen-space shading technique with the

    great advantage that it can add many more lights to the

    scene without a performance hit. For the style of the

    game, this is a great advantage, however this technique

    also has a couple of disadvantages. It does not support

    hard anti-aliasing, it requires more memory bandwidth

    and it cannot handle alpha blending without a separate

    rendering pass[19].


    To get realistic virtual characters in the game a combi-

    nation of full body motion capturing and facial motion

    capturing was used. This is a long process involving

    several important steps to get from a script to in game


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    Based on the setting that is described in the game

    design a script was written. This script is divided in

    scenes. Each scene includes a description, the action of

    the actors, the dialogue between characters, transitions

    to other scenes and the type of shot (e.g. close-up or

    long shot).

    This script is usually divided into small visual frames to

    form the basis for the storyboard. A storyboard conveys

    more information about the shot and can include

    character performance, timing, staging and sound.

    An optional step in this process is making an animatic.

    An animatic includes timing information and movements

    which can not be conveyed in the storyboard. Due to

    time constraints, which were caused by last minute

    changes, a storyboard could not be made.

    The recordings are based on a shot list, which is usually

    based on the storyboard or animatic, but in this case on

    the script. These are the final recordings that are made

    in the studio. The recordings were made in Gameship,

    which has most of the equipment needed, only for the

    facial motion capturing a custom head mounted camera

    was made.

    For the full body motion capture specialised cameras

    track the position of markers on a body over time. The

    head mounted camera makes a video recording of the

    face. Together with the audio this results in three types of


    All three recordings need t o be processed and cleaned.

    This is a straight forward process for the audio, cutting it

    up and removing artefacts.

    The body motion capture data needs to be cut and

    cleaned. In this process the markers are named, missing

    data is filled up and spikes are removed from the data.

    After the cleaning the data of the markers are placed

    on a skeleton. The skeleton is the basis for bone driven

    animations in computer simulations and games. After

    this process the results can be viewed on the character.

    When needed the animations can be tweaked.

    The facial recordings also need to be cut and cleaned,

    before it can be analysed. This data is a video recording,

    the cleaning involves removing flickers and noise. After

    cleaning the footage can be exported to an acceptable

    format and get analysed by Faceware. The resulting data

    can be applied on a face rig to drive the bone animations

    in the face. There was a problem with the head rig. LED

    Light were installed on it and dimmed for the recording.

    Top: custom made helmet rig for capturing facial animations.

    Above left and right: captures from the helmet rig from two

    different facial expressions

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    This dimming caused a flickering in the footage. In the

    cleaning stage this flickering could be removed. To avoid

    this problem the LEDs shouldnt be dimmed.

    To go through this process once on this scale results in

    knowing all the steps and problems that can be encoun-

    tered. There is only a limited amount of time in which the

    recordings can be made, therefore it is of paramount

    importance to have the preparation done right. Even

    with good preparation unexpected problems can be

    encountered. After the recordings analyses was made for

    what went wrong and what went right and documented

    this. Making it possible to streamline the process for the

    next time.

    To make this process go stream lined everything needs

    to be known upfront. Most of the problems were due

    to last minute changes. Only at the very last minute the

    script was finalised, because certain information was

    provided late in the process but recording date could not

    be changed. This also led to the need to find a qualified

    actor late in the process. Which caused problems with

    the motion capturing suits.

    During the recording several technical difficulties were

    encountered. The first, flickering in the LED lights, was

    easily avoidable if it was known this would be a problem,

    by not dimming the lights. The second, a tick in the audio

    recording, looked like a serious problem and caused the

    recording to be halted several times, but it turned out this

    could be filtered out later.

    Another non-technical problem was encountered during

    the first test with an actor. In which the actor tended

    to overact which made the video images over the top

    and therefore unbelievable in a game setting. This

    feedback was given by a psychologist trained in human



    A significant part of the Game Design is the interaction

    design[21]. This is the collection of data that drives the

    main part of the game. The simpler the interaction

    design is formulated, the easier it is to design game-

    play with it and keep an overview about what is going

    to happen when the player goes down a certain path.

    On the other hand, the design needs to be compli-

    cated enough to support the games design.Above: our actress in a motion capture suit. The red-yellow figure

    shows the digital representation of the skeletal data captured.

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    The interaction design can be divided into separate

    parts. The world states determine the state of

    properties that are shared by the world. These can be

    simple things, for instance if a door is locked or not,

    but also the amount of leadership qualities the player

    possesses. If somebody changes a world state, this

    world state is changed for everybody. A world state

    has a description, possible states it can be in and the

    current state it is in.

    Characters also have a state. The characters are the

    virtual people on the space ship with which the player

    can interact. The characters personality is defined by

    two fixed values the agentic and communal values,

    which refers to their position on the Circumplex Model

    of Interpersonal Interaction. The characters have

    two other values which change due to actions of the

    player, one to keep track of how close the players

    interaction with the character matches the communal

    axis, this value is called oxytocin. The other value is

    for the match on the agentic axis called stress.

    A conversation is a collection of conversation choices

    the player can make and responses that the character

    can make together with links between these two.

    A conversation choice include the subtitle of what

    is said, the animations that needs to be played

    and game play information like the position on the

    Circumplex Model of Interpersonal Interaction, the

    precondition needed to be able to view this option,

    if it can be used as an interruption and the change in

    stress and oxytocin of a character.

    The responses also include the subtitles, animation

    information and an oxytocin and stress level. These

    levels are used to choose the response of the

    character. The character will pick the response for

    which the preconditions are satisfied and has the

    closest matching stress and oxytocin values to the

    characters levels.

    The links define for each choice to which collection,

    conversation choices or responses, it will go next.

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    Writing the script for this kind of game involves more

    than just writing a story, which is hard enough on itself.

    The scriptwriter needs to be aware of the research

    behind soft skills and the rules that have been laid

    down in the Game Design document[3].

    The main interaction in the game, besides navigating

    the world, is having conversations. These conversation

    dont follow a single path, but the player can make

    choices influencing the flow of conversation. This

    means that the player needs to be presented with

    several choices and the reaction of the virtual

    characters need to be written based on these choices.

    The current mood of the virtual character can also

    determine the reaction of the virtual character. This

    leads to a collection of responses that the character

    can have due to the choice the players made in

    previous conversations.

    The personality of each character needs to be well

    defined based on our research[5]. Only when the

    personality is known by the player is it possible

    to see the difference in behaviour. This behaviour

    needs to be described, not only in what is said, but

    in non-verbal cues that the player can pick up on.

    These cues can come in many forms, for instance

    facial expressions, body posture, pauses in speech or

    position in a room.

    The players actions influence the mood of the virtual

    characters[21]. This has to be taken into account when

    writing the conversations. How will the players action

    influence the virtual characters? These changes in

    the virtual characters need to be expressed in their


    The choices that the players makes need to be

    tagged on the Circumplex Model of Interpersonal

    Interaction. For each result from a conversation it

    needs to be determined if it influenced the emotional

    bank of the character and if it showed leadership


  • 8/10/2019 Project Story Softskills for Projectmanagers




    FINAL MODELIn this process two variations of the model were

    made, including the rig.

    The first model was based on the first concept of

    making a highly realistic character at a high quality.

    This means high polygon count, detailed textured and

    advanced rendering techniques. Due to the technical

    difficulties, time constraints and updated knowledge

    about the quality requirements a second model was

    made at a lower quality.

    For this second model all the steps needed to bring

    the character in the game were finished. 3D Model

    and texturing, skeletal animation and wrinkle maps.

    This allowed for the testing of the pipeline and the

    validation of the research, confirming that this style

    and level of quality would be sufficient for conveying


    Above: a screen showing a project management approach to

    handling a crisis situation. This information can be consulted


    Left: a final render of Ingrid.

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    RESULTSGoing through the whole process, from Game Design

    to in-game Testing, made us robust for the next

    iteration. We know the problems we are going to run

    into. This gives us the unique position to plan ahead

    and change the design to avoid problems. We have

    documented the process and set up the pipeline

    needed to bring a virtual character to life in a game.

    Our initial goal for the visual quality and style turned

    out to be unnecessary to bring this project to a

    successful conclusion. It also raised the bar to a

    standard in which the production of the product ran

    into problems and the cost of realising became too

    great. This made us re-examine the primary goals of

    the project and what was needed to achieve those.

    Due to this turn around a feasible style was deter-

    mined, which was backed by research, proving that

    it can satisfy the demand to bring across emotional


    It also let us to the path of exploring more and

    different channels of communication. This gave us a

    wider palette to express our virtual characters. For

    any future script we will write this will bring depth to

    the world we are creating. This research also steered

    us away from a simple model of the basic six emotion,

    to a more rich world.

    During the project the psychological model, on which

    the game design and script should be based, got

    fleshed out. The project started with a model we

    were advised to use, but proved insufficiently verified.

    During the run of this project we got into touch with

    several psychologist and researchers who steered

    us toward the Circumplex Model of Interpersonal

    Interaction. This model gave us the basis for the

    interaction design on which the script has to be based.

    A lot of problems we ran into were due to the fact that

    this knowledge came late into the project. We already

    had materials produced and didnt have the budget to

    revisit this production.

    With this model and the updated knowledge we have

    now we can start a new process of writing a Game

    Design and a script based on this design. Unfortu-

    nately for the pilot project we did not have the time

  • 8/10/2019 Project Story Softskills for Projectmanagers




    to do this. An interaction design was written with this

    knowledge and can be re-used in a next iteration.

    The design for this game needed to tie a lot of

    different things together, the project management, the

    psychology and the gaming elements in a feasible

    and interesting way. The document that is produced

    contains the solid core on which we can base any

    future soft skills project. The setting and the script can

    be adjusted to any specific desire.

    Left: a screen capture of a conversation between the main

    character Aaron and Ingrid.

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    CONCLUSIONDuring the process of making the pilot we gained

    all the knowledge we need to bring this project to

    a successful conclusion. Unfortunately not all the

    pieces fell into place at the right time. We stand now

    at the point at which we have all the knowledge and

    experience to make a game about soft skills.

    When we started there was a lot of tension between

    different aspects of the project: the psychology,

    game design, project management and production.

    Now these pieces fell in their place and we know

    enough about all of them to correctly tackle each part


    The game design principles, art style, pipeline and the

    team are all ready to start this project from the ground

    up and realise a project in which we create a game to

    use as an environment for the training of soft skills for

    project managers.

    Would you like to know more about this research project or the possibilities for your business. Please contact

    Jan-Jaap Severs from Grendel Games at j [email protected] +31 (0) 6 50 50 24 88 or Bertrand Weegenaar

    from M-Engaged at [email protected] +31 (0) 6 83 80 17 09.

    Or check out our website at

  • 8/10/2019 Project Story Softskills for Projectmanagers




    REFERENCES1: Investopedia (

    2: Project Plan (201202 Projectplan Softskills 1.2.pdf)

    3: Game Design (SoftSkillz_Design_document1.5.doc)

    4: Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge: PMBOK(R) Guide (893-7485908328)

    5: Nicole Shechtman and Leonard M. Horowitz, Interpersonal and Noninterpersonal Interactions, interpersonal Motives, and the Effect

    Frustrated Motives (

    6: James A. Russell, A Circumplex Model of Affect (

    7: Artificial Expression in Soft Skills (artificial expression in softskills.odt)

    8: Jari Ktsyri, Human Recognition of Basic Emotions from Posed and Animated Dynamic Facial Expressions (


    9: Jari Ktsyri, Vasily Klucharev, Michael Frydrych, Mikko Sams, Identification of Synthetic and Natural Emotional Facial Expressions (www.

    10: Soft Skills: Non-Verbale Kanalen (nonverbaalMEUT.docx)

    11: Technische Aanpak (Softskills_TechnischeAanpak_GTA.pdf)

    12: The Secret of Cloth Simulation in Alan Wake (


    13: Character Technical Documentation (Softskills_Research_Character.odt)

    14: Softskills: Animation Research (Softskills_Research_Animation.docx)

    15: Technical Implementation of Wrinkle Maps (Technical Implementation of Wrinke Maps.odt)

    16: Jason Osipa, Stop Staring: Facial Modeling and Animation Done Right (978-0-470-60990-3)

    17: Style Guide (Solitude - Style guide document.pdf)

    18: Physically Based Rendering, And You Can Too! (

    19: Environment Documentation (Softskills_research_environment.odt)

    20: Pipeline Guide for Motion Capture (Pipeline mocap 2.docx)

    21: Soft Skills Interaction Design (Interaction Design.odt)

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