
Asha Health Care Management




Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


1.1 Problem StudyThe Asha Health Care Management System means a stand alone, uni purpose system. This system serves the needs of a single service of the hospital at a time and it may or may not interfere with the other systems in the hospital. This Health Care Management System is designed to cover a wide range of hospital administration and management processes. It is an integrated end-to-end Hospital Management System that provides relevant information across the hospital to support effective decision making for patient care, hospital administration and critical financial accounting in a seamless flow. The modules included in the project are described as follows. Staff module will give the details of the staff in the hospital which includes personal information, their qualification, designation and salary. Patient module will have space for patient details, doctor consulted, treatments advised, tests undergone and medicine details. Testing module will have details about the test undergone by the patient .It can be accessed only by the lab technician. Billing department will sum up consultation charges, lab charges, pharmacy charges and print the bill. All the required modules and features have been particularly built to just fit in your requirement. The sound database of the application makes it more user friendly and expandable. Prolonged study of the functionalities of the hospital and its specific requirement has given it a wonderful shape both technically and usability wise.

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management



DEMERITSThe existing system being used is that of a manual report generation without the help of computer systems for organization of the reports. Every process is done through manual labour, from the sorting of existing reports to the generation of new ones. In existing system, every record is stored manually. And there are details of the doctors and patients in various registers. Forms for patients will be manually maintained. Without the implementation of computer systems in this process of report organization, the existing system poses the following disadvantages 1. It is manual and it becomes difficult when we have to process and access data manually. All the work has to be done physically which makes result preparation process very difficult. There will be lots of data redundancy. 2. More manpower will be needed. More of paper work, more of confusion. 3. It becomes more expensive because we have to hire many people to maintain the records in the hospital. 4. If a patient is regular, his/ her record maintenance becomes very inconvenient. 5. Searching and sorting the data is much time consuming and exhaustive. 6. Often the records are lost and the user is not aware of this. 7. If manual record is lost, data will be completely lost. 8. Many times duplication occurs as users find it hard to keep track in the bundles of registers. 9. Data is stored in filling cabinets and can get in the wrong hands and can be used against the department. Hence, security and confidentiality of the data cannot be guaranteed and is very unreliable.

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


10. Preparation of the collected data is a long process. 11. Transference of the reports is not very easily done. 12. Mostly data is kept in registers which are stored in filling cabinets, taking up a lot of space. 13. Data is not always reliable as it is hand written and some human errors might have occurred example wrong telephone number, etc. 14. Requires many sheets of data, as it is stored separately according to its specifications. For example data about the registration, patient name, patient age, etc. require separate sheets. 15. Data verification is not possible manually; it has to be done with the help of computerized software.

1.3 ADVANTAGES OF PROPOSED SYSTEMDepartment of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


It is a computerized system for managing the data and details of the hospital. 1. The generation of reports is very fast and can be backed-up easily. 2. The amount of manual labour (man-power) required is much less. 3. Reduces space requirements. The use of computer for office activities reduces the requirements of office space which otherwise is required. 4. Being a machine, it does not suffer from fatigue, even if millions of computations are to be required. It performs the calculations with same accuracy and speed. 5. The data processed by the computer are highly accurate. The programs written on the system checks and controls data before and during processing. It detects invalid data and ensures high degree of accuracy and reliability of output reports. 6. Storage capacity: Large volumes of data can be conveniently stored, accessed and altered. 7. The maintenance of the regular patients is easily managed. 8. Searching and sorting of data is done much easily. 9. The security of the data can be ensured beforehand. If the results and records go missing there will always be an easy back up in the system. 10. Reduction in paper work. The use of computers for data processing has helped the management of data in departments to cope with increasing problem of paper handling. The computers have speeded up the process and have eliminated the paper needs through the storage of data using elaborately constructed data bases and files. 11. Reduction in cost. Though the initial investment for installing a computer is high, but it substantially reduces the cost of each of its transaction. Cost reduction occurs due to processing of huge data and record keeping.

12. Processes can be run many times in a row without human intervention.Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


13. Files can be transferred easily from department to department. 14. Data verification is possible since all the data is linked to each other. 15. Database: Computers facilitate the establishment of database. Such a database integrates data records and reduces data redundancy.

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


2.System Analysis

2.1 LITERATURE SURVEYLiterature Survey is the most important in software development process. Before developing the tool it is necessary to determine the time factor, economy and company strength. Once these things are satisfied, then next step is to determine which operating system and language can be used for developing the tool. Once the programmers start building the tool the programmers needDepartment of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


lot of external support. This support can be obtained from senior programmers, from books or from websites. Before building the system the above consideration are taken into account for developing the proposed system. Literature review was done by referring books, journals and internet and through interviews. The popular C# programming language combines the high productivity of rapid application development languages with the raw power of C and C++. Updated to cover the new features of C# 4.0, including dynamic binding, named and optional parameters, and covariant and contravariant generic types, this release takes the language to the next level by adding the ability to cleanly write programs that don't rely on static type definitions. This allows dynamic programming languages such as Python, Ruby, and JavaScript to feel native to C#. The C# Programming Language, Fourth Edition, continues to be the authoritative and annotated technical reference.

2.2 TOOL SURVEYFrontend Backend - C# .net - SQL

C# .net as frontendIn our project Health Care Management System we use as frontend. We choose as frontend because it is more user friendly, is the third-generation event-driven programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft for its COM programming model. As with any modern programming language, supports a number of common programming constructs and language elements. is also considered a relatively easy to learn and use programming language, because of its graphical development features and BASIC heritage.

Features of C#.netC#.NET provides the easiest, most productive language and tool for rapidly building Windows and Web applications. C# .NET comes with enhanced visual designers, increased application performance, and a powerful integrated development environment (IDE). It also supports creation of application for wireless, Internet-enabled hand-held devices. The following are the features of C# .NET. The following are the features of C#.Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


Powerful Windows-based Applications Building Web-based Applications Simplified Deployment Powerful, Flexible, Simplified Data Access Improved Coding Full Object-Oriented Constructs XML Web Services

Advantages of C#.NET

First of all, C#.NET provides managed code execution that runs under the Common Language Runtime (CLR), resulting in robust, stable and secure applications. All features of the .NET framework are readily available in C#.NET.

C#.NET is totally object oriented. The .NET framework comes with ADO.NET, which follows the disconnected paradigm, i.e. once the required records are fetched the connection no longer exists. It also retrieves the records that are expected to be accessed in the immediate future. This enhances Scalability of the application to a great extent.

Error handling has changed in C#.NET. A new Try-Catch-Finally block has been introduced to handle errors and exceptions as a unit, allowing appropriate action to be taken at the place the error occurred thus discouraging the use of ON ERROR GOTO statement. This again credits to the maintainability of the code.

Another great feature added to C#.NET is free threading against the C# single-threaded apartment feature. In many situations developers need spawning of a new thread to run as a background process and increase the usability of the application. C#.NET allows developers to spawn threads wherever they feel like, hence giving freedom and better control on the application.

Security has become more robust in C#.NET. In addition to the role-based security in C#.NET comes with a new security model, Code Access security.

This security controls on what the code can access. For example you can set the security to a component such that the component cannot access the database. This type of security is important because it allows building components that can be trusted to various degrees.

The CLR takes care of garbage collection i.e. the CLR releases resources as soon as an object is no more in use. This relieves the developer from thinking of ways to manage memory. CLR does this for them.

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


Full support for object oriented programming. Structured error handling capabilities. Access to .NET Framework. Powerful unified Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Inherent support for XML & Web Services. Better windows applications with Windows Forms. Immense power of tools & controls (including Server Controls). Interoperability with other .NET complied languages. Better database programming approach with ADO.NET

SQL as backendThe SQL language and relational database systems based on it are one of the most important foundation technologies in the computer industry. Over the last two decades, SQL has grown from its first commercial use into a computer product and services market segment worth tens of billions of dollars per year, and SQL stands today as the standard computer database language. Literally hundreds of database products now support SQL, running on computer systems from mainframes to personal computers and even handheld devices. An official international SQLDepartment of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


standard has been adopted and expanded twice. Virtually every major enterprise software product relies on SQL for its data management, and SQL is at the core of the database products from Microsoft, Oracle, and IBM, the three largest software companies in the world. We choose SQL as our backend because SQL is both an easy-to-understand language and a comprehensive tool for managing data. These are the reasons why SQL has emerged as the standard tool for managing data on personal computers, minicomputers, and mainframes.

Features of Structured Query Language [SQL]Structured Query Language is a database computer language designed for managing data in relational database management systems (RDBMS), and originally based upon relational algebra. Its scope includes data query and update, schema creation and modification, and data access control. The following are the features of SQL. SQL is an interactive query language. SQL is a database programming language. SQL is a database administration language. Client/server language. SQL is an Internet data access language. SQL is a distributed database language. SQL is a database gateway language. Data retrieval. Data sharing Data integrity

These are the advantages of SQL.a. Block Structures:

SQL consists of blocks of code, which can be nested within each other. Each forms a unit of a task or a logical module. SQL Blocks can be stored and reused.


in the database

b. Procedural Language Capability:SQL consists of procedural language constructs such as conditional statements (if else statements) and loops like (FOR loops).c. Better Performance:Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


SQL engine processes multiple SQL statements simultaneously as a single thereby reducing network traffic.d. Error Handling:


SQL handles errors or exceptions effectively during the execution of a SQL program. Once an exception is caught, specific actions can be taken depending upon the type of the exception or it can be displayed to the user with a message.


Processor RAM Hard disk Monitor Keyboard Mouse

: Intel Pentium : 512 MB : 20 GB :14 inch :104 keys standard keyboard :PS2 mouse

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


7. 8.

Parallel port Display SGRAM

:1 :32 bit

SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS 1. Operating System 2. Back End Tool

: Windows 98 and above :SQL Server :C#.Net

3. Front End Tool

2.4 DATA FLOW DIAGRAMSA data-flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an information system. DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data processing (structured design). On a DFD, data items flow from an external data source or an internal data store to an internal data store or an external data sink, via an internal process. A DFD provides no information about the timing of processes, or about whether processes will operate in sequence or in parallel. It is therefore quite different from a flowchart, which shows the flow of control through an algorithm, allowing a reader to determine what operations will be performed, in what order, and under what circumstances, but not what kinds of data will be input to and output from the system, nor where the data will come from and go to, nor where the data will be stored.Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


This level (level 1) shows all processes at the first level of numbering, data stores, external entities and the data flows between them. The purpose of this level is to show the major and high-level processes of the system and their interrelation. A process model will have one, and only one, level1 diagram. A level-1 diagram must be balanced with its parent context level diagram, i.e. there must be the same external entities and the same data flows, these can be broken down to more detail in the level one. Data flow contains:

Rectangle: data storage. Bubble: it represents the process. Arrow: it represents the how the data flowed b\w process and data storage.

A few simple guidelines can aid immeasurably during derivation of a data flow diagram:

The level 0 data flow diagram should depict the software/system as a single bubble. Primary input & output should be carefully noted. Refinement should begin by isolating candidate processes, data objects, and data stores to be represented at the next level. All arrows and bubbles should be labelled with meaningful names. Information flow continuity must be maintained from level to level.






STAFF DETAILSRETRIEVALINFORMATION Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.


Asha Health Care Management







Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


D A T A F L O W D :A G R A M I L E V E1:LL O G IN d b



r e iv nd Ret to re s a S


n ew use



P re s c rib e s



is t e


S to r e

P a t ie n t R e g is t e r

iv R e tr e s and

U s e r L o g in

S to r e s a n d R e tr e iv e s


G et R e g i s te r

P a t ie n t d b

S ta ff d bGets S t or ed

T e s ts

S to r e s a n d R e tr e i v e s

T est d b


Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


L E V E 2: L

R e c e ip t Q u e r y


nd es a S t o r t ri e v e s Re

P a tie n t e e s -F db

G iv e s

P a tie n t e e s -F db

S t o re


R eq u

an d


et rie ve sA c c u m a la t e d R e c e ip t



e Requ


P a t ie n t R e c e ip t E n t ry

U ser

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.



S to re s a n d R etr ie v es

St or es


Asha Health Care Management



AHMS Username UsernamePassword Password









Login TestPatient Registration


Logi n


Test Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29. Urine X-Ray

Asha Health Care Management


Biochemis tryhas

Gastrosco py Stool



has has

has P_ID

Urine_ dbP_ID

XGas_d b Bio_d b Stool_dbP_ID P_ID

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management



Patient Basic Details

Patient_i d


Phone number

Patient Name Gender


Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management



Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


3.1 INPUT DESIGN1. Login Module

The first module to check username and password in order to process any modules. If the password that is entered is correct, then it takes us to the main mdi parent form .If the password is not correct , then a message box pops up which says try again.


Doctor Module The doctor module has the doctor details like his/her name, category, age, years of experience etc. The doctor id is generated automatically. Also the details of different doctors working in the hospital are shown in this particular module.

1. Registration To create a first information report of the patient giving his/her details and generating a patient id. After the patient is registered and it is given a patient id, it allows us to enter information about the patient in detail. For example the type of patient, the type of ailment etc. 1. Patient Module

To add details about the patient the type of patient, type of ailment , doctor in charge of the patient. It also allows us to view the different reports of the patient present in the hospital.

1. Bill Generation To get all the details of the patient like which doctor treated him , the type of treatment given to him/her , the disease he/she was suffering from and the final amount to be paid by the patient. A bill is generated which shows the entire details of the patient.

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


The first form is the Login form: It contains a space to select the User - Doctor or Admin. The respective User enters his/her Username or the Password. Only when the Username and Password is correct, the User can get access to other modules.






Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


When the Admin enters his/her User name and Password, a form pops up which has fields to enter all the details of the Patient. And also has options to Update the database, Add a new Patient details, retrieve the details of existing Patient.

REGISTRATION FORMPatient Name: Address: Gender: Age: Phone number: Patient ID: Consultant:




P_ID is the Primary Key.Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


This form takes which test is suggested by the Doctor. Patient ID is the Primary key. This form allows Doctor to select the test to be performed.

Patient ID Submit Description


Gastroscopy Blood test Biochemist ry X-Ray Urine

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


The next form is a test form for Stool Test. Patient ID is the Primary key. It has a tab control for Physical and Microscopic details of the Stool test.

Patient ID

Patient Name










3.2 Output DesignDepartment of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


Fee receipt Form

Patient Details

ColonoscoPatient ID

SubmitPatient Name


Sonogra Age X-Ray Consulta Urine




Lab Fee


Lab Report

The first table is the login table , it has fields which contain data of the Username and his/her password.

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


Field nameSel_User U_ name Password

TypeVarchar Varchar Varchar

DescriptionUser UserName Password

The Next Table is the Patient detail table which collects related data.

Field NameP_ID P_Name P_Age P_Add City Ph-no Gender R_Date Consultant

TypeInteger Varchar Integer Varchar Varchar Long integer Char Integer Varchar

DescriptionPatient number Patient name Age of patient Patient Address City Contact number Sex Registration Date Doctor in charge

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


Field NameStatus P_ID Age

TypeVarchar Long Integer Integer

DescriptionIndoor/Outdoor Patient ID Age of Patient

Patient Test_db

Field NameP_ID R_Date Consultant Bio_Test Gas_Test Ur_Test Bloo_Test X-ray_test

TypeInteger Integer Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar

DescriptionPatient Number Registration Date Doctor in charge Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Medicine detailsDepartment of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


Biochemistry db

Field FieldP_ID

Type TypeInteger

Description DescriptionPatient Number

P_ID R_DateGluc_Fast

Integer IntegerText Text

Patient Number Registration date70-110 mg % 10-40 mg %



Medicine number


Med_name CreatinineBUN S.Cholestrol HDL.Cholestral LDL.Cholestral VLDL.Cholestral Triglycerides S.Total LipidsBlood test is the next table

Varchar TextText Text Text Text Text Text Text

Medicine Name 0.6-1.5 mg %8-20 mg % 130-250 mg % 30-55 mg % 60-165 mg % 0-60 mg % 0-60 mg % 400-700 mg %



DescriptionPatient Number

R_Date Haemoglobin TLC Neutrophilis Basophilis

IntegerText Text Text Text

Registration date13-15GMS% 4500-10500 cells / cu mm DLC,45-68% DLC,1-2%

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


Lymphocytes Platelets Eosinophin Others

Text Text Text Text

DLC,25-45% CU.MM DLC,2-6% DLC

Stool Test Table



DescriptionPatient Number

R_Date Color Consistency Mucus WBC/HPF RBC/HPF Mecrophagus

IntegerText Text Text Text Text Text

Registration datePhysical Physical Physical Microscopic Microscopic Microscopic

Urine Test



DescriptionPatient Number

R_Date Appearance SP Gravity Reaction Albumin

IntegerText Text Text Text

Registration dateRoutine Routine Routine Routine

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


Sugar RBCs/HPE WBCs/HPF EPITH Cells/HPF Crystalls/HPF

Text Text Text Text Text

Routine Microscopic Microscopic Microscopic Microscopic




DescriptionPatient Number

R_Date Remark_1 Remark_2 Remark_3 Remark_4 Remark_5 Remark_6 Remark_7 Remark_8 Remark_9 Remark_10 Remark_11 Option

IntegerText Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text

Registration date

Patient Fee Table

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management




DescriptionPatient Number

R_Date Receipt_number F_total_fees W_total_fees Receipt name Diagnosis_Fee X-ray Urine Stool Biochemistry Blood Test

IntegerNumber Number Text Text Number Text Text Text Text Text

Registration date

Total fees in figure Total fees in words Cash/Cheque

Staff Table It contains the information of all the staffs working in the Health Care

FieldStaff name

TypeText Text Text Text

DescriptionName of the staff

Staff Id Designation Qualification

Unique id for each staffPost held by the staff Educational Qualification

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


Address Phone_number Salary Date Of Joining

Text Number Text Text

Residential Address Phone number Payment Microscopic

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


4.Test Reports

Sr. no 1

Module name Patient

Test data Patient name: Ashwini Gender: Female Age: 20 Phone number : 9886366511 Address: 303,3rd floor,ulsoor Patient Id: p123

Expected result When Add button is pressed data should be saved. When update button is pressed, data in the database should be updated.

Actual result A message Data saved is displayed. A message Data updates is displayed

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


Consultant: Dr.Anita

Patient name: Gender: Female Age: Phone number : 9886366511 Address: 303,3rd floor,ulsoor Patient Id: p123 Consultant: Dr.Anita

Error message should be displayed.

A message No field should be empty is displayed.

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management




Staff _ID:EMP-1 Staff_name: Qualification: Address: Phone: Designation: Shift: Salary

When Get button is pressed data should be displayed.

Data is displayed.

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management




Select User: Admin User name: ashwini Password: ash Select User: User name: ashwini Password: ash

Patient basic details form should be opened

A message Admin is displayed and patient basic details form is opened. A message No feilds should be empty is displayed.

Error message should be displayed

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management




Patient Id:p123 Patient name: ashwini Age: 12 Gender:female Esophagus:12 Fundus:122 Antrum:129 Corpus:50 Bulb:128

When Save button is pressed data should be saved.

Data is saved.

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


First Part:84 Second Part:20

Patient ID: pa90009

When Submit button is clicked, If the patient has not registered, error messaged is displayed

Patient has not registered.

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management




Patient ID:P123 Patient Name:ash Gender:Female Age:21 Consultant:Dr.Ann Consultant charge:200 Test Done:stool Test charge:200 Room type:special Room Charge:3000 Pharmacy Charge Mode of payment:cash Due:nil Balance:nil Total amount:1000

Bill details should Bill details is be saved saved.

Patient ID: Patient Name: Gender: Age: Consultant: Consultant charge: Test Done: Test charge: Room type:Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Error message should be displayed

A messageEnter patient Id to get Detils is displayed.

Asha Health Care Management


Room Charge: Pharmacy Charge Mode of payment: Due: Balance: Total amount:

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


5.Implementation and Sample coding

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


The project is implemented in .NET Framework and C#.NET .

Login form codeusing System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace new_asha_health_care { public partial class Form3 : Form { public string a, c,m; public string c_2; public Form3() { InitializeComponent(); } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox1.Text) | string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox2.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(" No feild should be EMPTY","check",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=sample1;Integrated Security=True"); string y = null; string z = null; string x = null; x = comboBox1.Text; y = textBox1.Text; z = textBox2.Text; con.Open(); MessageBox.Show(x); string Query = null; Query = "select * from login Where Sel_user = '" + x + "' AND username ='" + y + "' AND password = '" + z + "'"; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(Query, con); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


if ((dr.HasRows == true) & (comboBox1.Text=="admin") & (textBox4.Text=="&Patient_New_ Entry ")) { patientbasicdetails form2 = new patientbasicdetails(); form2.Show(); this.Hide(); } else if ((dr.HasRows == true) & (comboBox1.Text == "admin") & (textBox4.Text == "&Appointments")) { Appointment q = new Appointment(); q.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Login As ADMIN, Check Your Username and Password"); } con.Close(); } public Form3(string c_2) { InitializeComponent(); textBox4.Text = c_2; }

private void Form3_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'admin1.login' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


this.loginTableAdapter.Fill(this.admin1.login); textBox2.Clear(); textBox1.Clear(); timer1 = new Timer(); // Setup timer timer1.Interval = 1000; //1000ms = 1sec timer1.Tick += new EventHandler(timer1_Tick); timer1.Start(); } private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Hide(); }

Input patient details, Search patient Details and Update the detail for a particular patient ID.using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel;

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


using using using using using using using

System.Data; System.Drawing; System.Linq; System.Text; System.Windows.Forms; System.Data.SqlClient; System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace new_asha_health_care { public partial class patientbasicdetails : Form { public string ab; public int myVariable=0; public patientbasicdetails() { InitializeComponent(); SqlConnection c = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Asha Health care;Integrated Security=True"); c.Open(); SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand("select max(p_id) from patientbasicdetails", c); Int32 reader = Convert.ToInt32(cm.ExecuteScalar()); textBox1.Text = Convert.ToString(reader);

string s = null; s = (int.Parse(textBox1.Text) + 1).ToString(); p_id.Text = s; } public void clear() { p_age.Clear(); p_number.Clear(); p_add.Clear(); p_name.Clear(); p_id.Clear(); Consultant.Text = ""; p_gender.Text = ""; } private void Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection c = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Asha Health care;Integrated Security=True"); c.Open(); SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand("select p_id from patientbasicdetails where p_id='" + p_id.Text + "'", c); SqlDataReader rea = cm.ExecuteReader(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_name.Text) | string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_gender.Text) | string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_number.Text) | string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_add.Text) | string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_age.Text) | string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_id.Text) | string.IsNullOrEmpty(Consultant.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(" No feild should be EMPTY"); }

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


else if (rea.HasRows) { MessageBox.Show("Enter a Unique Patient ID!!!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Asha Health care;Integrated Security=True"); con.Open(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("insert into patientbasicdetails values(@abc,@cde,@efg,@e,@f,@g,@h,@i)", con); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@abc", p_name.Text); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cde", p_add.Text); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@efg", p_age.Text); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@e", p_gender.Text); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@f", Consultant.Text); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@g", p_number.Text); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@h", p_id.Text); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@i",DateTimePicker1.Text); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); MessageBox.Show("DATA SAVED!"); clear(); rea.Close();

} }

private void Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_id.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Patient ID must be entered"); } p_age.Clear(); p_number.Clear(); p_add.Clear(); p_name.Clear(); SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Asha Health care;Integrated Security=True"); con.Open(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("select * from patientbasicdetails where p_id='"+p_id.Text+"'", con); SqlDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader(); SqlCommand comm= new SqlCommand("select p_id from patientbasicdetails ", con); if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { //Assign to your textbox here

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management

50p_name.Text = reader["p_name"].ToString(); p_add.Text = reader["p_add"].ToString(); p_age.Text = reader["p_age"].ToString(); p_gender.Text = reader["p_gender"].ToString(); Consultant.Text = reader["consultant"].ToString(); p_number.Text = reader["p_phone"].ToString(); }

} } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Asha Health care;Integrated Security=True"); con.Open(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("update patientbasicdetails set p_name= '"+p_name+"' p_add = '"+p_add.Text+"' p_age='"+p_age+"' p_gender='"+p_gender+"'consultant='"+Consultant+"'p_phone='"+p_number+"' where p_id='" + p_id.Text + "'", con); com.Parameters.Add("@p_name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10, "p_name"); com.Parameters["p_name"].Value = p_name.Text; com.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close();} private void Exit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); } private void patientbasicdetails_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'pbasic21.patientbasicdetails' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. //this.patientbasicdetailsTableAdapter1.Fill(this.pbasic21.patientbasi cdetails); // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'pbasic1.patientbasicdetails' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. //this.patientbasicdetailsTableAdapter.Fill(this.pbasic1.patientbasicd etails); p_age.Clear(); p_number.Clear(); p_add.Clear(); p_name.Clear(); p_gender.Text = ""; Consultant.Text = "";

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management



Billing codeusing System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace new_asha_health_care { public partial class billing : Form { public billing() { InitializeComponent(); } private void label4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void splitContainer1_Panel2_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { } private void splitContainer1_Panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { } private void label5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void splitContainer1_SplitterMoved(object sender, SplitterEventArgs e) { }Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


private void billing_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(textBox6.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter the Patient ID to get details", "Asha Health Care", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } else if(!textBox6.Text.StartsWith("PA-")) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter appropriate Patient id", "Asha Health Care", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Asha Health care;Integrated Security=True"); con.Open(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("select * from patientbasicdetails where p_id='" + textBox6.Text + "'", con); SqlDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { textBox1.Text = reader["p_name"].ToString(); textBox3.Text = reader["p_age"].ToString(); textBox2.Text = reader["p_gender"].ToString(); textBox4.Text = reader["consultant"].ToString(); textBox5.Text = reader["charge"].ToString(); } } }

}private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Asha Health care;Integrated Security=True"); con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into bill values(@a,@b,@c,@d,@o,@e,@f,@g,@h,@i,@j,@k,@l,@m,@n)", con); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@a", textBox6.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@b", textBox1.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@c", textBox2.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d", textBox3.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@o", textBox4.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@e", textBox5.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@f", textBox7.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@g", textBox8.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@h", textBox9.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@i", textBox10.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@j", textBox11.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@k", textBox15.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@l", comboBox1.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@m", textBox13.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@n", textBox14.Text); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MessageBox.Show("Saved"); } } }

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Asha Health Care Management


1.Crystal Reports

Crystal Reports have been implemented in the project to help generate user-friendly and desirable reports. Crystal reports is a business intelligence application used to design and generate reports from a wide range of data sources. In this project various crystal reports included are : 1. Billing for the patient 2. Report for 6 tests. 3. Details of the patient.

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Asha Health Care Management


This report gives the Patients Bill Receipt.

This is the report generated for the test Biochemistry.

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Asha Health Care Management


This is the Blood Test report

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


This is the Main MDI form .When the user clicks on each button they will be prompted to Login form.

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Asha Health Care Management


This is the form which appears after the MDI form, in which the Admin, the Doctor, the Lab technician will be able to log in.

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Asha Health Care Management


The above form is the about box.

This is the registration form. The Patients Basic details, consultant and consultants charge can be added into Patient details. The details can be added, searched, updated.Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


The above form shows controls that are accessible by Lab technician.

This is the Biochemistry Test form accessible by Lab technician.Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


The second test form, Gastroscopy Test.

Next test form, Stool Test.

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Asha Health Care Management


The next form is X-Ray Test.

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Asha Health Care Management


Next test is the Urine Test form.

The last test form is Blood Test form.

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Asha Health Care Management



Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


The project titled Asha Health Care Management System is a simple which uses C#.NET as front end and Sql Server 2008 as back end This is designed to help the user as well as the authorities with the day to day progress of the hospital details and that of the patients and doctors. It mainly helps the user to keep track of the up to date details of the inpatients outpatients along with their bill details.The software makes it easy for the user to enter, retrieve or modify data. It is easy to use this software as it helps in fast and accurate access to the details regarding the sickness type, treatment given, doctor incharge and the bill details of the patient in the hospital. It displays doctor details, patient details also.

Advantages:The system has three main features: Easy Operability: Consistent user interface with every economic design. All computer operations are button click and when mouse pointer reaches a control tool tip tests are maintained for user understandability. Simple, easy to understand error messages are provided. Maintainability: The system design is modular which gives scope for easier maintenance and high reliability. Flexibility: Since the design is modular, it gives a great flexibility for a system enhancement and expansion. Integration of new modules is also very easy. Many types of controls and validations ensure maximum security and a minimum error rate.

Future EnhancementsIn future this project can be modified using the future technology which would be easier and faster to use. The password can be biometric.

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


Automatic generation of the bill. Improved organisation of the project. Emergency patient module can be included. Birth and Death record module can also be included.

9. Bibliography

Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


Books Hejlsberg, Anders. Microsoft.NET Development Series.4th Edition.

Evjen, Bill, et al. Professional C# 4.0 and .NET 4. Dorman, Scott. Teach Yourself Visual C# 2010 in 24 Hours: Complete Starter Kit. Troelsen, Andrew. Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform. 5th Edition. Wagner, Bill. Effective C#:50 Specific Way To Improve Your C#.2nd Edition.

Websites Narayanaswamy, Anand. C# Tutorials for beginners: Part 1.16 Aug. 2001. 5 June 2011. al1an11282005015140/cstutorail1an.aspx Microsoft Corporation. How to: Insert New Record into a Database. 2 Aug. 2005. 30 July 2011. Microsoft Corporation. How to: Update Records into a Database. 11 Mar. 2005. 30 Jan 2011. Microsoft Corporation. How to: Delete Records in a Database. 1 june. 2005. 30 feb 2009. Thackett, Nanette. Crystal Report Simple Tutorial. 1 June 2002.15 Aug 2011. of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.

Asha Health Care Management


Department of Computer Science, Christ University, Bangalore-29.