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PortfolioHailey Stolp

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ContactHailey Stolp:538 West 2nd South Rexburg, Idaho [email protected]

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Table of Contents Event Ad



Business Card





Web Page

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Event AdDescription:Charity event flier

Date: October 10, 2015

Program(s)/ Tools:Word

Process:I began by selecting the image to scan. After finding my image I drew up five sketches and picked my favorite one. I kept in the use of repetition by using the lighter green boxes on the top and bottom. I wanted to make sure to incorporate white space in my flier especially because the picture is such a busy one with a lot of background noise. Using my picture I also wanted to create flow so that no piece of my design was missing from the viewers eye. Since the model was looking off to the right I took my text and positioned it on the right. Doing this made it so that the person viewing the piece would follow the models eyes to my text. I know the picture is the main focal point so it really is the starting point for the design. I came up with the information through randomly googling information such as an actual charity. I received the photo from a magazine.

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143 West 17th St. New York, NY 10011

October 16 | 6-10:30 PM

Fashion For Action

Hosted by: Marc Jacobs

Ticket Cost $500

By purchasing just one ticket to the Fashion For Action benefit you can help clothe African children in need. You will be able to pick specific children in need through pictures and pick the clothing you want to donate from the runway to the child. Boxes will also be provided to bring your own used clothes and household items to donate.

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PhotodesignDescription:A photo with an uplifting design and quote

Date:December 12, 2015

Program(s)/ Tools:Adobe Photoshop

Process:I first took the photo and I went from there. I used a cannon camera that I own. Based on the photo a took I picked my color scheme. I originally went with a tetradic color scheme but I never liked looking at my design in the end. I switched it to monochromatic because it was more pleasing to my eye. I also took my roommates advice and added a quote in to make it a little more fun. I chose a landscape design because it made it more appealing to the eyes in the way of the picture. I took the colors from her shirt to ensure that there was a flow to the design. I brightened the picture as well as added some hue and saturation to it. The box has the opacity brought down to make my quote legible.

Objects: Photo was taken by me

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MontageDescription: A LDS church flier

Date:October 24, 2015

Program(s)/ Tools:Adobe Photoshop

Process:I used Photoshop to blend these photos and text together. I first picked my quote and then searched for my photos online. I placed the second photo of the hand by the girl to really imply the quote and worked it into the design as a whole. I did this using mask layers and getting it blended just right. I added a little shape in the background behind the text in order to make the text more visible. I then applied some filters to the photo so that it was more sharp in color rather than a dull design. I sharpened the image, adjusted the exposure and saturation. Then I added a color fix layer with a mask and added more blue to the photo to make it so that only the sky was affected.

Objects: “Dear Lizzy” “Wikipedia”

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Business CardDescription:A business card for a local business in Preston Idaho.

Date:November 8, 2015

Program(s)/ Tools:InDesign and Illustrator

Process:I first opened Adobe Illustrator to create a new logo. I created several designs for my mom to choose from. She narrowed it down to two and left the final decision up to me.

After my logo was designed, I took it and placed it into InDesign and started to build the business card first. I tried to build a Zen look to the design because my mom likes to incorporate that into her business. I used the circle and line tool to create the Zen Garden look on the top and finished it off with the pen tool doing the squiggly line off the page I added the logo on the front and the back corner of the business card. Lastly I added the required information.

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LetterheadDescription:A letterhead for a local business in Preston Idaho.

Date:November 8, 2015

Program(s)/ Tools:Adobe Illustrator and InDesign

Process:When I was designing the letter head I tried to incorporate more Zen into the look I added the stacked hot rocks water mark in the background and then brought the Zen Garden design to the top so that the two had flow between each design. I also put the logo in the same bottom corner as the card and put on the necessary information (design process on previous page). My message is portraying that massages are relaxing while my audience is for anyone who is interested in massage therapy

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FlierDescription:Black and white flier to promote and inform graduate students about a leadership conference.

Date:October 2, 2015

Program(s)/ Tools:Adobe InDesign

Process:I began first by sketching out six different ideas for my design. I then used Adobe InDesign to design my sketch. I used the rule of 3’s in my flier to create repetition and bring it together. I wanted to produce a professional design so I was sure to leave white space to keep it clean. I also positioned the photo so the models were looking at the title to create a natural flow through the design. To give the photo some edge, I then put an arrow shape at the bottom to carry the eye from the time, date, and place of the event to the website where more information is available. I was given the graphics and texts for this design. My message was intended for the graduates who are looking to gain leadership skills by attending the conference to prepare them for their lives ahead. My intended audience is recent graduates ranging from 22-30.


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LogosDescription:A logo to capture the attention of all age groups that is fun and creative. This is for my photography business that I have set up in my hometown that is called “Stolp Photography.”

Date:October 31, 2015

Program(s)/ Tools:Adobe Illustrator

Process:I gathered a lot of different ideas for my logo all over the web and sketching before I even opened Adobe. I used Adobe Illustrator to create this logo. I first used the rounded square tool to make the basic shape for the camera. I then used the circle tool to add in the lens. After that I put on the button on top. I had to seriously mess around with the fonts before I could find one that worked that looked decent. When I was finished I could either not read my letters or it didn’t look like a camera. After my first draft I messed around with the design for hours on end and finally got both looks and legibility.I wanted to show my creativity through my design because that is what the basis of photography is! I know that cameras are used a lot in photography logos, but this worked and I turned my name into the logo to give it a flare to differentiate from other photography logos. My audience is for high school seniors and their parents

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S PP h o t o g r a p h y

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S PP h o t o g r a p h y

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S PP h o t o g r a p h y

l l

Stolp Photography

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BrochureDescription:An offset brochure for a depression clinique.

Date:December 6, 2015

Program(s)/ Tools:Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop

Process:I first started out with my logo in Illustrator and I wanted to CAPTURE something so I went for the Polaroid picture look. I used the rectangle and text tool. I had to play around with the colors a lot.

I then opened InDesign to start on my brochure after finding pictures online. I opened the 11X8 document and drew out the boundaries for the folds. I then inserted the photo in full bleed for the back of the brochure then I inserted all of my text into the inside folds of the brochure. I messed around a lot with the pictures and their placement for the front and the inside folds but eventually figured it out and placed the one inside the text to have a text wrapped photo. Lastly I placed the logo on the front to represent the company.

Objects: staff side picture by herself in sunset

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Web PageDescription:A web page for my logo that was created for my business card and letterhead designs.

Date:November 21, 2015

Program(s)/ Tools:Notepad ++

Process:We got a demo CSS and HTML document and were asked to make changes to the design. I started out by changing all of the font colors. It took me awhile to find out which portion of the text was where on my web page. After I changed those I changed my fonts. At this point I realized there was a little blue line around my web page and changed that to mint and changed by background to the brick color. I wasn’t sure what color to do the line with my header in it so I changed that. I was trying to change the position of my logo but after I Googled it and messed around with it for an hour and getting nothing I decided to leave it on with left alignment.

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