
PDTP modules

• Outreach

• Leadership

• Proposal Writing

• Mentoring

• Diversity

• Teaching

• Research Exchange

• Science Communication

Most modules include “training” and “action” parts.

Also, career resources & on-demand workshops

Professional Development Training Program (PDTP)

Professional Development Organizing Committee(PDOC) members

UH OSU MIT/WHOI WHOI Education office

Total: 83 Total: 32

PDTP module completion CUMULATIVE 7 YEAR

Outreach 26

Leadership 24

Proposal Writing


Sci Comm 10

Diversity 2

Teaching 2

Mentoring 7

Research Exchange


Outreach 11

Leadership 11

Proposal Writing


Sci Comm 4

Diversity 2

Teaching 1

Mentoring 3

Research Exchange


PDOC IN ACTION (PDTP module completion)


• Diversity:

Family-Career-Life Balance Workshop, July 2, 2013.

(Total participants: 50)

• Proposal writing:

C-MORE Proposal Writing Workshop Videoconference, July 17, 2013.

(Total participants: 25)

PDOC IN ACTION (PDTP module completion)


• Diversity:

Family-Career-Life Balance Workshop, July 2, 2013.

(Total participants: 50)

• Proposal writing:

C-MORE Proposal Writing Workshop Videoconference, July 17, 2013.

(Total participants: 25)

• Participants tracking:

- 92 certificates awarded for module completion - Participant progress distributed via email (8/2)

- PDTP checklist survey distribution to allhands (8/5)


• Outreach: outreach training session (HI) -- Aug (week of 8/19-23; with Stu Goldberg -- focus on ocean acidification activities)

• General professional development:

-C-MORE "Google Sites" creation guide updated -- Aug

- CV polishing workshop (all) -- Sept

• Mentoring: Mentoring workshop (all) -- Oct

• Teaching: Teaching workshop (all) -- Nov

• Diversity:

C-MORE Community Diversity Workshop (tentatively Feb 23, 2014) 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI

PDOC IN ACTION (PDTP module completion)

PDTP modules completed (May 2013)

C-MORE Alums

PDTP modules completed (May 2013)

C-MORE Alums

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Jamie Becker Paul Berube

Rene Boiteau Jessica Fitzsimmons Katya Frois-Moniz Jessica Thompson

PDTP modules completed (May 2013)

C-MORE Alums

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


Nick Hawco Kathleen Munson

Elise Olson Monica Rouco-Molina

Britta Voss Meredith White

Louie Wurch

PDTP modules completed (May 2013)

C-MORE Alums

University of Hawai'i Name

Jessica Ayau Jaclyn Mueller Lydia Baker Olivia Nigro

Daniela Bottjer Shimi Rii Alex Culley Chris Schvarcz

Daniela del Valle Mariona Segura i Noguera Jim Foley Christine Shulse

Allison Fong Sara Thomas Scott Grant Donn Viviani

Michele Guannel Sam Wilson Sean Jungbluth Johanna Wren

Vanessa Michelou

PDTP modules completed (May 2013)

C-MORE Alums

Oregon State University

Name Brian Burkhardt

PDTP modules completed (May 2013)

C-MORE Alumns

University of California Santa Cruz


Deniz Bombar Nicole Goebel Jason Hilton Irina Shilova

Julie Robidart Anne Thompson

PDTP modules completed (May 2013)

C-MORE Alums

C-MORE Alums

Name Shellie Bench

Christina Comfort Fabio De Leo

Solange Duhamel Jana Grote

Lionel Guidi Darin Hayakawa

Jacqueline Padilla-Gamino Laure-Anne Ventouras Elisha Wood-Charlson
