  • 8/2/2019 Private Schoole of Defence - Hale


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    , i J . B . n . THE jll fl:1J.Priuate Schooleof 'Defence:,ORTHE DEFECTSof Publique T cachets) ex-adly d ifco ue re d , by way ofobiellu7I ..JRe,folHtiDII

    ToaZ_THERVVith the~praaifeofthe.S cic nc e,fe c d own c in iu dic io usRules AliaObftrtlAlICU; in,Method neuer beforeespretled,By G.11. Gent. I _

    LON DON:Printed for l,b" Ht/.,', and are to befould at his Shop in S.D""p"..tlChurc b- "a rd ia fl~ccftrecr.1'14.

  • 8/2/2019 Private Schoole of Defence - Hale


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    1~(,I m~~9;a Rai[e is rc: !r;d :."_;--e:=:~.rJ all Arts, t;,!P;7-fiffio~ ofP r .; ~ f~'OtIC!)' in Emi!!trt.:t,

    'W h ich beget s Ex.impl .:,d . : t : . : ".' I mmmon. Seew g (,-,as \ g,r(~:.t_A 3 Prine:



  • 8/2/2019 Private Schoole of Defence - Hale



    The EpiftleP r ince) )'ou r B ir th g iu es you th ebcft priuiledg e to expreJfo th eworrhinefJe oj Vertue,fjeenotbur ber [olloocrs, eytbcr in Artor A fiiou,/h ould necejJ dr i!J flieto yotlr Rigb Patronage. Th iS 'conjt ae,.a tion makes my low de-[er r s Iooke rvpward , 'Which intbi a t leu fl1 l1 ilJ merit your1'iew , th at th e S cience of De-fence,not 1'rtwortlJily foiled N0-ble, ( if eJ ther t rue!J praEt if tJ ,or r igh t !; "Vnderflooa ) 1\~aJne..uer before in our Lang uag ~ .brougbt to any M eth od . TheProfefJors t he reof beingJo ig . .nor anc., th a t t hey could rAtherdoe, t hen m ake dom onflra tion, ,"

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    Dedicatode,or reduce th eir doing to IIIJ)cer ta in t ie o f principle.Many a re th e i"ljJlltationsla id ~pon th is Ar t, (for fuch 1dare now affirm e it ) th e ch iefo'W h ereof ~ , th e increaftttg ourbloud y a nd irrelig iDM s Duels,~hich if th e nam e ofth u Sci-ence, b eing ca lled o f Defence,~ iQ not l auoyd , yet th e m oft li-centious age of th e RomanesjbaU Iufficient/y clesr : N o H i-flory ofth oft tim es m aking m en-tion of a n) Duello or jing le fig h tto th e lojJe of an) N oble Perfonin th at S ta te, or d ifreputa tio,_oJt ht pub liq ue Iujiice. Tet tbdtth h ~ i" "e o f' bMteO waJ knowne

    .A - + and

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    The E p i i l l c s t Dedicatorle,'d N d in fime C a J 6 S app rouet i a ":' in th e Italians, th e jirfl inuen-m ong fl th e Romanes, Th e Hi- ters of Foyle-w eap on, a nd tbpcrdue1s betw een t h e Curari] cu nning fl P r a8 iJ er s) 'W h cr e n ot-and th e Horatij, and t l;ar ja- 1Vitbj landing t b e J e jingle Com' : 'mous Duell betwecne T orqua o e ba ts arc ra tbcr repor ted tbenru s and t ile F rench -man , appa .. , , [eenc, and yet in r ud er Count riesr~ tnt ly fpeake. a! Poland, &c. noth ing m oreIt is not th en th e publiq uc common; ' } . 1 1 / ; i c b J impute-n'holyp rofifoon. of tbis S cience, no r to ad~lring Igt l0rance. Ney tber\ tb m ultip licitie of P roftJJors h a d tb is k now led g e o j Defence,

    :~ th a t increa je th eJ~ d eJ Pera te a .f if illj}[y tnx: -with tZil)'.fo 'W ickedflfina tions :for ,K now ledg e be... " I e.! feEt !)beeng r({ced wi thIo many~ ge ts Jfljedom e, lind 1Vljedome .Au t hent ick pr iuilcdges ill aUwel lb ) ' h ow m uch it pa r ticipa tes of g ot~ er ned S ta tes ,no ,' th e P r ofeJ -. sk ill -w itb Di(cretion,m ~fd oH bt- . jors' th ereof bad receiued fitch~ etb th e fa me in a noth er ,tlnd con- hono r ant i r ciP eE r,in Jonmcb t h at. dudes jaft ty as th e J umme of I lfflong f l t be RoulancsJome of~. I ber a b ilit ie , This is manifi fl ~ th ~m h ltd th eir S ta tues ereE fed ,

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    The Ep iftleaJ Plutarch ~ itneJ Jeth . T h ~Reltfotls ( if my iu dg ement [aileno t ){orcing t he fame.Firf t , Necetlitie at home,M a R em ed ie to an 1 'nauo yd edDifea fe, in oppo/ing [oda ine a f- Ifa l ll ts , '1 l>b ichrom Caine ,plea-t J ing Ant iqui t ie, 'W iD H ot nowlofe th eir p la nta tion. A ndfinceInnocence is no p rote8 ion a-g ,jinfl m ur th erous intents, G od,m d N a ture toOera te th is De- ,.fence.Thefond is,Publiquego~dabroad, for .a uoyd ing bloud , ifth e fla te of a W a r fh ould req uired~ng lelly40, 1Dhich hOTl'Jomer~~I p re j u m p ti o n i n Goliah,.u

    trUe 'I~'

    " Dedicatorle.. .~ t r u e I 'T J A U l ri n Dauid : th e i m i -

    -tation o f 'his example, ha t hbeeno freq uent in g rea t Per-fons in for ra ig ne, a nd memo-rable in our owne Crmntry : a Jbetsoeene Edmund, furnamedIronfide, and King Canute,t() a h app y ifJue. Neythw ca n I

    . " forg et an offer in th e fam e kindemade in m ore la te: yeeres, be-tweene Frances tbePrjl,King o fFrance, and Charles th e f i fo ,Emperour , th oug h Tith.ut if-. feE t.

    The lall Realon Is, Com-mendab le and p ro fitab le Ex . ..ercife , Firft, no oth er re-c r e a t i o n c a r r i e s fo g e n e r a Q im -. j lo ymen l

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    - c_--~ , The Ep iftleplo)'menL both of botly andminde, a .r tbu .d otb : for h ereth e Feete labour e q ua lly 'W it hth e H ands, th e Eye and tbeIudgement " S l 7 a l k e t oge t/ Je t' : a n dfo r th e p r ofit , it lea d s to a s much1 1 f t in making th e perJon rea dyand da r ing to th e -:w a rre; tUHoi fcmanjh ip begets dexteri t iefor th e lbocke. Tbe S ch oole of ourpr iua te PraEti fe being tbe Ja m 4to rbe Battel l , tba t th e Mu~eIs to th e Troope .'fo r -wi th -wha tconfidence /balJ bee g oe on ~POIlm any, th a t h a th no Mow/edgeeo g iue bim hope o fJa ft ty fto",one,Pardonn~ t e d i o u s d i fc o w . r e . . . .

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    - -, . Dedicatorie:~ (nuJ/l ExceQent Prin,'e) ifit h e

    a Crime, not E rror but Zeale of-find s: for bo can I ch oa ft h u tfPeake much (If Armes to )Jou,-w h om . 'W e e a U expeE t th e moflHeroyicke P r oftfJ or a nd D ifen-d,r of tbe !a~e: ' to -roh!c/ )yourfutur e a bilit ie Inyour bigh A t ..cb ieu em ent s , if m y p oo re end e-uours m a y gi~ th e lettf/ fur tb ..ra nee: ( (lJJpromi fe my Jelf~much h erein) I returne fromyoer A ccep ta nce_ " loa den -r vith

    , fu ll r~ard and h ap pie{l ex -peE tance : 'W hom no [econdrefPe8 could induce to th e .dertaking this- /0 dijjhulL aLabour, , - p h i , / ; tn)' PerJon }haD.

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    The Epifile,& Jour com m and , in aU h um ble[eruice, be euer a t a tt endance t~make good , refling

    The 1110fi denotedSeruant to you andyour Pr ince ly V ertues,

    G. H. Gent~

    THEPriuate Scheele ofDefence.

    T H 'E I N D v c rr ION.O rne hold op inionthat Sk iJ I auayle rh~~ little or nothing inf igh t; and the re fo refo foone as they{hall fee t hi s Tit le ,w i l l can aw ay th e Difcourf e, as anvnpro6table A rgument. H ee thatis the mof] obfhnate enemie tobi,mfclfc,irucicding thcbcncfit; o rs k i l l

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    11}( Pr iua te Scboole! .\ .; il1 , m ull necdes confeffi: it nova ine I ixe rci fe , if th e ap mdfc andfacilitie be onely though t on, tow h ich the athue p raetiCe of itbrin g~ :th e bo dy , an d en ab les it ~orenduring in figh t. B ur to the pom to f m ateriall v te.Of filch m ens vnder!l:andings1 wou 'd know how comes it (th en )that an i gnor an t handler of a ':\' e~.pon meeting vvith an ordinariet)rofdlor of Dtlmce at FI1J/u, cannevther ccrtaindy giue otfcn~c,nocauoid it.They. w ill anfw e re m ee, that atblunt a man comes boldly on) andJis not troubled w ith any fitch con-fiderations, as at fbarpe mufi: ofneccffitic diforder his remem-brance, and put him out of fight.T o th at,th us;AU rules (indeed)mut\ adm it fom e ex cep tions: h eator cold may fomc.wbat difirat\ afighter;


    , . . ofDefont~~fighter; heare in cafiing him tO Oforwardly VpOIl a danger : cold-n dfc : in nOI; preparing him to fo l..Iow an aduantage of offence, yetth efe com e neuer wholy [Qpreiu-dice the vfc of sk ill: for, fpeak ingofIuch an heate as alwayes f als v~on this p erilI; w e e m ufl not vnder ..fland icto be lim ply rhJt h eat need-fillly belonging to courage; forthen it is an orderly Venue, andlofeth no Ilreng th e} ther bornew ithir, or taught it; but it mull beforced vp into much anger (w h ichIeldome happens in the Defen-dant, for w hole caufe onely w eeprofdfe teaching) before it caneurne a man intO that weakndIC.W here it doth is a k indeof madnefle, w h ich (tor the time)Iofeeh ~Ureafon, as much as [hacp art of skill: and { hall g ood aduicebe altogether negleCted bccaufcB a


  • 8/2/2019 Private Schoole of Defence - Hale


    11)( pri tu te Scboolea madde man is vncapable ofit 1T hen to uch in g Coldnes, thoughit be brough t dow ~e into the v .erybalen efle o f F eare 10 one, vet It ISim pofiible to m ak e Skill vnerly ofno vfe to h im . For the gellure ofthe body vpon fueh a danger, w illn aturally fall into th o fe . mo tio nsth at it hath gee by p ra ch fe .So th at sk ill to euery reafonableman is fomething a friend. B utwhen it is entertained by one na~turally of a good temper, it can byno rn eane s fall vnder any of theirObiections th at difp ife it; for filcha man brings no more fury, norl e f i C aiTuranee w ith h im into theField,th en th e Schoole.andthere-fore w ill haue as m uch aduanrageof an ig norant m an in fight, asth ere is diffe re nc e benvec ne theminpraaife.To cxcm pli6 e thi5, y ou may-- read

    , , OfDefent~:re ad o f ORe c,,,.fo,a Noble m an,w ho from tw o and tw enty DlltllHtreturned Conquerour: B eing de-manded the reafon by fome thateonfidered th e equalitie o f h is ad-u erfaries in fh ew , and the vncer-raine chances of the field: hee an.Iw ered , Streng th , Length , Cou-rage, Tem per and Cunning . 50 heconcluded N ature in A rt, and at-tributed the managing of thofcparts hee w as borne w ith , to theabilitie of rh ofe h ee w a s taug ht.S in ce th erefo re th at th e S cien ceof D~filltt IS vndetflood to be ap rofeffion of vfe, it followes to ex -am ine rh e defeC ts of T each ers, andto refolue vpon the w orth of thek now ledge: w h ich followes imme-dia tc ly after our Dcmir ion .B 1. The

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    The Definition of theScience of Defence, withthe: pl1rts t heret o requ ired .U S cience of Dcfinceis a n A r .t Geome tr ic al! ,w herew ith the body ISg uarded w i th a finglcordouble w e~pon from w rong of theO ffen der, or th e g reatefi d ifad uan -tag e of h is O ffence.. The P arts thereto required arc

    Stren_~thand ludgtmtnt.Vnder .strt'ngth a rc ccmprehen ,'.ded Iw;fl1JejJ~ Qf 1fJQti611 and quick.ncjJ t o j E Je: w h ere abilitie is w ith-o ut p e rfe cti on of there, it is but afupp ly of dcfe8s,drlw nc from theIu diciall p art or Iu dg emen e, Voder

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    ofDefenc~:Vnder J_J / t . tmt l l t fa ll t he confiaerations of Time, PIAu, andDj.jlAllce.It .hath (eemed to many thltthere 15 ~o c erta in ty in th is S cie nc e

    w h ich g ran ted , it mufl.lo le h is ty ~tle , In w h ofe behalfe w ee cannotbut w ith gre~t reafon aucrre , thatas the body IS p unctuall, Io it h atha iu1l: circumference 10 (h e h andsa nd fe et.w h ic h co d efen ce a nd Ia fe -i?1I3 rd t~e~ eof, runne in an equallline, w h ich extended w ith fireng thin a iul] p roportion, mak e the bo-dy the fame as the P oynt is in C ir, v ntouch t or impoffible to beviolated,To them that obieC t Examp le:aga infi Know ledge, in that none orfew , h au e e ue r a tta in ed this heightof a{furance, Ian m ak e no other:lnfw ere, then argue from theirown e S cbo ole, and fay, that none .B 3 or

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    71)( p r i U d t e Scbooleor few, in difp utarion, euer gauefltl~faaion w ithout fome doubt,therefore Logicke is no A rt of truecldpming. True it is,all Arts andSciences haue their iu{ \ and abfo-\ m e bound) to which though in theIpeculariue part or Theorie , manyhaue arriued.none euer did 111 p ra ..tlife. Since as in thoie o f w o rd s,m any fubtilties and nim ble inuen-tions opp rdfe and w reR the heft ex-politions : fe in rhofe of exercifeof the body, the incqualitie ofp lace, as the flip pin g o f g ro un d,dazeling of figh t, many times dif.order th e ben and fu refi w ay ofDiful(t and Kno'l'1'ltdl.t. Where-fore though by th e w e ak nefle ofmans cafuall nature, w ee can p ro-rnife to our Scholler no pofiriuefecuritie, yet the imperfeC tion inth e learner) m ak es the An no wh i tlef le certaine or fin gular.

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    of Defincf ! -J~ 'To thofe that rc:ieC lthe Sci~ ... _becaufe they .cannot promifer hemfe lu es f up re amc excelle nc e.isto reiectthe fiudy of Phyficke, be-caufe hee cannot be a GII/tn) or a

    P4T4Ct / /J I&; or if any {ball from thefaU offorne man of the fword (asourw ord m en tearme them )by thev nsk ilfu ll arrn e o f { orn e ru de aff'a i-ler, conremne our inflruction , Iw ould hauefiich a youth turne M u-letor, becaule Ytlltidi~ that rubdA{fes , came [0e Confu ll, and 1'l triU1 cc th e G ramm arian be-c ame a h ac k ne y-man: F~rtlmtnotS&itntt herein is to be blam ed.N otw ith ftanding, that the ex "cellence of th is Science may notw ant Example; I c annot forget thememorable p erfedion of the tWORomanes BYlhll4 and Bluhm, w hohauing foughe eigheeene feucraUCombats or Villa,n) returnedB 4 boeh

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    7 1 J ep r i u a t e S c b o o leboth without hurt, and at th e IaA:were both, It one P,zffi~e, runnethrough and thinc , lcauing noplace tv l11d~":l1lellt, that couldgiuc pccm!ne,~cc toeythcr.wherc-'fOl i t became a P roucrbe in Tri-t t t ; ,~j:' l.' CQll.1,l:lC, 13:r . ,ms C61J(rll BtU-t /W1?; . B ut I hauc digref] (00farre:ln Tl7dS,"J. . ' tA11IJ ' Z ) ( } ! * t j ] e lilt 1'; Inhigh matters it 1 1 , 1 1 1 fuffice to f i t inPhil [ 1 M Chayre, rhounh wee can-not runnc h i S full dayes ioursey :w herefore w ee rcrume aaaine tohandle the pans ceriu c:d -, w h ichrn ik e to approuc our Defnitionahe' E _ ) l ' an d th e F~vu.'Ihat w hich w ee call strtnf,th, isnot ondy JBude-beating abilitieof [l)C .lr;ne;fnr the point.row hich

    a '1 vie o r weapon is ~lOWwi th grc3trcaion reduced, is not Io bluntbi [{au: i f . . J : cc mikes it enter: in fA/(j!..e or r4J4~es theforcerequired

    .:' , of Defenc~ : .required Io much as {hife of body ~to w h ich the E.1~mull lik e a faith-fu ll C en tin ell giue warning, andth e Fret e nimbly giue perfor-mance : for if th e E ye faile in p er-

    cciuing opp ortunitie , or th e FUltin taking it, in vaine is rh e force of 'anne: on thefe two then wcgroundAbilirie, to w hich the: I I ld .g , tmmtg iu e~ th e crownc or conquett,Nc \I V for ludgemtnt, as w ee [aidbefore, Time rnuf] be obferuedwhen, DifitlfJc( where, IliacI how.Occafion ofTiouand LJi j lanumaylee m e faire to th e eye, yet the:r/

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    ~ ,i,.. ""',: ,i.I/l' r S"/V'f ' /""",'~ ";"'1. f("m< t'~ ...',' ~.-.,. :.4":lm!l~( ; t;", ' l " " " ~"It!f)'H'''h:.''h; ~~ :fn '''f rM srme , if i~~,-r,,~.'m:lkc ..ft:"\ t,,(hur( ro thU:",~ i'i1~h,"\fll(" t~'rtilch p,,-\t:t:- m"r\ :-Im.....dt-~"{,~rbe ~duer-;;

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    ,'.' rrn:, l~." "tl~c.l by way, ,./,., ,{ .. ,', 'j"I'U(t,lc. . . . , " . " 1 , " " . . , ' ./j: > : - " c c. : : ,.' :J,""~1~.1:1;j tL~

    - ~ r > -: . : . . : ;{l~.

    ,~ ' , - '. '" v- I! J _ ... .. ............ It _

    ofl)c{enc~~R F . 5 () r. v r I (J u ,HE1;,that fhall tCOlch :ll1mr;gman with a fi'I'JIevicapon t:JJ:)runne PJJ!"guwich fhif[~t.lkesfrr)m

    him the aduanragc o f h is II :" l:n gth )w ho f hould e yt hc r arrend rhe c ~(()or hauing length [0hIS ihength,fhould flanding otfend to the in th is Boeke y ou fh al! n;:devader the title O r tler [ er ft.~h!.Orhee that (ball teach a weake manfi"(tJ~ WtAp#1I or billding P 4 1 a g t forth~ Cule "faJtI~nt4~elorfeites himto a firong m ans m ercy.though he) f" hath much Idfe courage o r sk ill.

    Whereby the: defed: in die Obie,aion plainely appeares, as in ma-ny other, riling from this 0..ample ,Obic..:1ion

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    11.'~Priuat Scbooleo.8 I [ C T I 0 hi II.

    THE/"Iblitt T~A&"~rJiMh, d" ' 4 1 1 ' n '14 f# " s ," s tht} !:,illt; / - , 1 - 1ill tb~irChdlU",~ts, ;tU ''' gb t i l " '1l'rdDI'J 'Il'"t tJ(uJ .",;th ~1I",1lG , . v d s /lnd Difmus, 01lt " " 1 " , , ,t,".~fht".,t R:ESO~VTION.


    THis is meere deceipr, to blin~ethe eyes of their Ipectarors 10publicke, as they doe their Schol- ,~Iers in priuate : fo r aU men tio nedin the defeet are conrayned in tWOw~apons, that is fingle Rapier a nd .~arter-fiatfe) and their defences,as ~.oufball finde in the rules ofPracufe.Obictl.

    ofDeflnc~.OBIECTION III.TH~UII(hJJ 1Mtn " " t 41, fit-.ItJ~u"rdw;lh thtir wh,k hrtft

    I,,,,r's Ihtir tlltmit/, .,lIi aN lilt..wift m,ltt thtm lrlljllo " D411/rJtkjtllCt.RiSOLVTION.TO giue the w h ole brefl, w henthe more th in the bodv offersif felfe to th e o ffen fler ,the morefree it i s f rom be ing h ll; .- r,i sno le ff c:abfiird, then i f they fbould t ea chonly to guardthehead,&leauethcbreR:open: for of dangers choofethe l eaR . La llly" for dcfcnce,he tha ttrolls to his Dagger, cannot poffi-bly at th at in frant offend with th efame. And there is no furer prin-ciple then this; there is no good de-fen ce w i th ou t o ffc n~ ncitber g oo doffence

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    r TIlt ' Pr ius re Scbeol,,~tt(.nl'(l\id'k'U[ defending, whichil;''''(' "nch the Rapier or Sword, ,-a ;" ) m , " '1 1 ,,'cl'tlin:\' doc, rhc O1aync,")f~,"'th mud nccctlarilre be call vp-oo t!lcm.

    l . - ' " r - r 1..- 1" I I) N IIll.T..r t:.k:k{ [rt:({(fou '1thil. : : .r I1 ( ' :: . :,J"h 170 : f ,m p , 41 BlUk~.,'1:-:"[,. sn ~ 't r {J rd ~ nd D.~(r)bllt

    I::he poinr beares the blow. in:1:1: a~ leGe inr;aging him thatp...)-.; lr~then him that of-. u_,.oJ ~ _, l", .!I., ... \..fe;IQ~ W l. 11 ecge,which I know andtn'::\ cannot denv ,it is as much prr~iuclet a!. tr...rhelf'Schollenjo teachmen. tnt bare blow at Sword andLJ" ,ggc~ ; a s if they fbould teach ~L~p;'",~oucly to th ruH and not daf.order;

    of l)efenc~.-J'order: the neceflary vle wherefYOII null hnde ill the next Hehlll-rron,


    o J\ f r: '. T I f) ~I V. IN [lI1gll R "pu,., 4IId F ap itr dDa,gl',cr, t he y uach aU Ihn)' sci-AI . .lers M the} (aU t h em} SWdS,lJfh(f wift Longe, tl th rnll tbem tnt bit

    'IIli thtluf di/orat,.'1Ig tle,r.dlltrflR.pier: all. tilt liknvlfo f~l(h Paf-rages, til "Nllnt Iht7fl t'~hf [,,...,lIrJ1J!~.I"i,enrm i ,


    I ,, \

    TO m y knowledge then: is ! " ' - - ?otltoding ~.g

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    -- _ . . . ._-- . ,The Pr iMate StJ,oole " o f D e [ e n e t ! J :

    _J_ . , l."J :" d "nur" . t b I J vp J,tORIFCTION VL J l t r t U J TH(f will foffn- Ihtir Sth,at,s RES 0 1. VT10 N.I,/i( "'" II1I6th"s"..Oift, tU M

    iitmnfo t hry tht_!tJ"tS ll'iU tUf""" THeir k now ledge i,accideneall,e w r . _ , , . . . s P U ) t .., --. not m ateriaU , they haue fom eR f: S C L \' T ION. j I g en erall no tio ns, w h ich (w a ntin gA rt) ehey cannot reduce to headsTO le t any maa fcc anotr ers and p rincip les : how can hee thenp rad :ifc, g iu eth jn uc h ad uan - b e c on l:a ntin o ne g ua rd , th at can-rage to the fp caator, and is m uch not fee dow ne any for ben, andp rciudicial! vnto h im w h ole pra .. y ec ld a r ea lent he reof?Ctife is feene : and m el: m urth e- Hence it comes th at I w a s tau gh trous and dam nable in the Tcachet more in a w cck c by an vnde rf ian-

    to b etra y th eir ownc Scholle rs to ~ . . ding A rtifi, th en I could leam e indeath. { caucn y ea re s p ra ctiCe in publiq ueSchoolc~ . A nd if any of theiroBIf. CTIoN VII. S eh ollers h ap pen to be ex cellen t,it p rocccdcs rather out of theirTtJ ."ill /tl4nw ". IItfIerfi~" owne w ittie a nd iodu ftr io us obf c:r,. t~ f A I l l e gurJ the] ' 11M' uanccv pon th e accidents of pn.. , b u I : "" /_ """" III M J J I h e~ a ife . , then from any certainc de-gIWJ , , C1 moofua-


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    . . .._.", _ . ._ - -171( Priuate Scboole

    _m ,'nHr :1 tio n o f their Teachers, -t~ '\n fiJcr;n g all th ete ad uan ta..lXand ddJdllanta~cs, let euery;nJI1 make his ow ne Prachte pri-nate, and "i,11 rbofe h ee may hauen.."caufc to deale w ith all : for theirnice crick "" in Schoolcs.or Player-like t1chr! ' at manv WeaponsvponStace~. ar c mete 111aaoweswithout1ub!ta:1':-~. Therefore let A rt and> . . - " ' ' 'u~n '1" iovned in one:.. ~ . . '" .. ~ .. '" .

    orarr /1 1 fi.t,ht.TH E managing of a Q !arreD ish alre th e p erfo rm in g thereof,re: euerv man be r ath e r De fe nder ,ro: h ee "h ath the aduancage of th eOfienrier in chovfe of Weapons e-Le: him 1 : hee bee firong makecn orie o f a fin gle VV eap on , eythcroetng -. long Rap ier, or a long~W(H C : fo r the Challenger hathtl~td~\ch e dilOlduallatgcofafirong. man

    , ,

    I ,

    ~fDefence,man; for h ee earm or comm and hispoint to help his w cak eneffe vponth e C/o{t. O r Iik ew ife a 7'lIr1ttJ s .",,'o'i~;for h cro ok ed , an d h atha broad p oint rh ae will not corer Iand therein is the leaf] danger ofall s and is much aua leable for 1fhong man for th e Cloft ( , f aduan-r age to d ifa rr ne ,Let h im rhae is w eak c c A body,and hath a fborr reach , m ak e choifeofa double \I\'eapon,being a (hartR ap ier and D agger, or fhort Sw ordand.Dagger: 10 may-he =eaiicrcommand them to help h is w e ak e-ndfc; for h e m ufi k eep elus C % 1e m lCfrom th e clift. Therefore let h imgiuc a little ground, ~or that w illencourage his CDC1Dle( IILuongmandctirous to clofc) t o com e for-wards.lhea is your , a /fo !,6 , _orCrlffi'Iff~ witb jh,ft vncxpc.C \ c :d ; or i f he hath l e n g t b and notC 31ucngch

  • 8/2/2019 Private Schoole of Defence - Hale


    r r - ~ ~ . u ~ - - ~ ~ -.a . - _ . ~ - ~ - -. . . . . ~ . . . . ~ - - - - - - . - - ~ - - - - - - - - . . . . ~ - - - - - - - - -, -71)(priu,tte Schook oj Defmt~:fireng th ,lct h im offend to th e nigh; T, b t l p tht JI""ll ' 'Icfi parts ,othcrwWcanfwerc. 'll'tdtmAII.Likewife if a firong man be ot :fen de r, an d h ath a lo ng reach le t THree th ings help thc fircngthhim offend arleng th to the nighelt ofa w cak e man: change thep arr.or elfe to feekefor theCl#ftlf point when th e aduede fee kes toi#dll.fnIAgt as a fo reu id . takcit. change back e to reeouer it;or eire open you r fide, and then iti5 not w ell t o be tak en. .

    . A gllel GrmtlIhee that lycth w ith the righ tfide as rhinne as hee can ,towa rdsbis cncm ic, and th e p oin t n o h ig h-er then th e {boulder, t ruf t ing toyou r Rap ie r o r Swo rd s d cfenc e;fo rthereby your encm ie hath linleroomc to h it, and you th e lc:ffe todefend. And alfo a good gua rd d if:couragcth the enem ie to otfcnd,and is ready alw ayes to defend. H e:.. th at dazc1s much neuer defends' ( w c U : for if you offend w hen hee-- - C 4 - dazds,

    Tp I . t l p tht kn~thIIf .flIT t " 'A " ~I. a weake m an be offender h3 . .umg a fborr reach .let h im runneP4fogu vpon h is enem ie, w i th asm uchfoiftofbodyas he can.Shunth e c/p!t; fo r if hee feek e to hit atle ng t~ , h ee giu es aduantage to h isenem ie rohurt h im ; for h is enem ieh arh adu antag eat leng th by reach;and aduancage of fircng th v ponth e cuf~,orfhec befirorigthoughI O O r t o f r ea ch Jet h im ~e choyfeofa Jingle Weap on to diWm c.

    ; \

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    r-----.......--','I, ~w;n""\(t},II .~ }'~.'h,).( ,'::."'"'(:'"~,." .'t'IT:lI1,t, .~...',' ", ," n"l'~.TJ~:."',"I, '''~;'~'''~' '.'"

    '..... .''':''i~."l' ~"I, ,/1:1. " " " 1 ' , -.' q.,~, ., " . " , 1 1 .,~nl"llh '''''I,.It;., I, "-'\"':, ::In,' j. h~:'1 ,f:,.11 , t t ' .~,'"\.'\1I ,"\1"1, "","'on ~',' ~ """.hnt lIt._~\. ~I,::l-(., ~,,,,\' ;),"\'~ r,' t'''( out'~. ~.")n ~"";l,~.""I~;'i:\~" t,'\( hce: ',,:. ,,"\,~.. ;~~;-..h(~"'altCr, .: ;, , . :" a , h: ":Ii~:-"" ' , , " \ : + , : 1 . ) c\) [h e:i!:~~:~l:-~. t:r :h~:- v.....J =n~\' t'!l"'C'::~;':l.:~:+ anr 1: - "O~:...t t 'Cnd to...." .......,-~ 'P"":1-. -......, ' 1 - " ~ t u r - "bet", ".,-, ~- : ..Ia ~... ..c:~\

  • 8/2/2019 Private Schoole of Defence - Hale


    r~....,,..~-- .~


    71" l',- jt ut e S c h oo leAnd likcwifc t hre e O f t~nc c$ .1 ])1 {I' tin L t J " c . ~ ." ])t11lfdrr rA iJ~ / .~ ] I 'l l , . h t1 tJ i i" ,.c : . rA f l A J , t fo,. the(-itt;, " t #.t;'~4"t4e'.The n . g g e r help cs the R ap ierc~-.'C':lalk'in two th ings in Offence.

    1 r .lf~(.: Cr~l't FAfJ.:(t.A:1 .J rwo in Defence.I:f'j'l~1I thl R4fitr I J l I J d t s h i _ : h J h l::4,rrrr bt.dn 11'1;.-~ Or wb(1Ifhl DA~(r b i J I a s h i g / '

    z lit' l.."P:r r b ;_ J rs lt rw .T:le ch ie fe fl w ay to force a m anr; f!:>J.:1 practife for play or ~hr)i: :: m ake h im rnaintaine a fingle""~;>::J;) a ga in fi a ll a du an rag es .h~[t) ler him kame lingle Ra-:'l':~:hcn to maintaine lingle R a-

    ~)l~; 64g;I.l~;fr.pi~r and Dagger ;~~jihK '=V\ '1 [e agamfi: Sword and!J"g>~,;~and !ailly J [0mainuinc- ~rt

    . .-r-,v :to



    of Defenc _ J :fb ort Swo rd :;a gain fl:all the a(r)re-raid aduantages.I haue concluded my rule s (J fPraClilc, an d th ew h ole Bo< Jk c)..uhth e m oll neceflary jnttruC tion be-longs {O this Sc ience , and. rile. Jeaftoblerued in S ch oo les, w h ich JS c h t !

    It m~in t~ in in g o f Defects. t h i s bein~th e fcope and true end ofour skill,to h elp th e w e ak e.w h e re in [ he r-ro r...gcfi lball al[o confe~ h imfC ! f~ tow a nt th is k now ledge, If he ccr.Lderth e vfe th ereo f in acciden t al l Cj tl Jr -rels which c anno t b e denied m~'~lto ;xceede occafions for the B eld :

    (I fo r fuppof ing hirnfcIfe . inciden; t?fodaine on-lets, how 1S h e: p ro ui-ded w ith h is wear ingweapoo , be -ing for the m oll polrt,2 tingle ~.1.p ier or fbort Sw o rd ,to defend h im ..fclfcfrom t he aduanrage ofl Swordan d Dagger, RJpic( and Dag~er,or Halberd l ~hcrels b y p C : 1 d l f c :.l.5J.inL~

  • 8/2/2019 Private Schoole of Defence - Hale



    Thep r i u a e e Sc~1eag ain fl: th is v ne qu all o pp ofitio n ( (he C!l~pter before prefcribed)he fhalJ rinde h im felfe enabled notonely for defence in rhisexrremiry,hue alto may offend his aduerfarie. Jas I haue feene vpon the publiqueStage, :lllngle Rapier molHhamc. .fully foyle both Halberd and h a1fePike. To adde to th is fupply of de-fett, 1would haue ~ man wantingo ne h ~n .d)~ r o ne cy e,by p rac tifc ,tGhelpe his unperfedion.: or, beinslame Inboth arm es J wi th hIS fcetean d tnift of body, to cJcare thatdefect (aU cunning in this Artcon.fithng more in fc cc eth en hands.) IFun he r, ( bou ld one be lame in feethauing eyes and armes, I w oUldhaue hun practiCe thofe Weaponsan d ~ardl ~ay beft perrea hiscondirion, bemg neymer able topurfue nor reryre, This I could cx-prdfe, being a man . my felte 'cfo.



    ., . OfDefince_,.Ceaiue,but mat aCt and demon l1 r~lion) not words, mufi make this2 pp ara~t '. !,hercin I referre myCc!fe to iudicious eryall.concluding"lth an A nfw ere to one ObieCtionth at w ill:trife from m eanef] vnder~.fianding,being this..Why lbould fo few of ou r F en-cers ariue to this knowledge, orto. no. more height of doing, thent his d lf couery o f rheir d cfects hatbmanifefi:ed f' .

    I anfwcr~, thcfe two conditionsmull concurre to make a Fencerabfolute, Art an d lt141.rtnow for.Arlexaminc theequa1itie ~f thafe. V lber s our M-lI le rs brin_Ss vp , vouC h a n 6ndc na cQac,Bucch'crs,B ye-makers, Shooe-rriakers , or .Trunck e-m ak ers , men envred cothe hide, rather able to bear blow e sthen auoyd them. \V hencew cc fcca Gendeman 01' Aniil,\\hocan re -duce

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    , 1 N1S.

    ' 1 1 J ep r i t u t r e S c h o o I e , ~ c . .duee know ledg e vnro ru le , in fmalltim e out-goes h is T each er h auingboth Hands, Art and Nature, hisSeh oole-rnatler w a nting one, andmany tim es both of them . N otth at th is my taxation reacheth toall Maflers of Dt!tlUI : for I hauefee ne Iorne, w h om I mull: con fcffc 'to be both k now ing and able , w hodeteR our commonly ap plauded,ru de , an d buffe tin g p lay : whoreIudgements w i l l be as fJr from de-p rau in g mee or my w o rk I thanbe from th e leaf] enuy tow a rd!them , w hom I confeffcmuch wonhy o f e fle eme

    and rew ard.~ a r S 6