
PowerPoint Presentation

Princeton Sustainability Committee Meeting May 7, 2014: Noon 1:15pm

Welcome & Introductions

General announcements

Pathways to Leadership - GreenLeaders - DrinkLocal Summer/Fall reporting

GreenLeaders - OverviewGreening PrincetonEcoReps Greening Dining Sustainable Fashion InitiativeSURGE Garden Project BEE Team

Founded in 2006Olivia Howard 15 GL Coordinator

Highlights Activities Fair green islandGreenLeaders retreat dinnerEarth Day planning & picnic


Greening Princeton

Founded in 2003Olivia Howard 15Misha Semenov 15

Past advocating for Office of Sust.; GreenSpacerecycled paper policytrayless diningenergy campaigns annual Earth Day celebrationPresent single-stream recycling roll-outFuture more single-stream education & eventsoff-campus composting water & energy awareness posters

Greening Princeton Highlights

Leadership Reflections


Greening Princeton

Alana Miller 15EcoRepsFounded in 2004

10EcoRepsHighlightsPast Recycling: Electronics & plastic bagsPresent Recurring activities: Move-out & ReunionsIntroducing Res Colleges to EcoRepsFuture Expanding EcoReps into Res CollegesGreen room recognition; sustainable study breaks; flea market swapGreener Reunions


Leadership Reflections




Greening DiningFounded in 2002Anastas Belev 16Greening DiningHighlights

Pastexpanding sustainable food options (grass-fed beef, humane chicken, cage-free eggs, etc.)GoVivPresent recurring activities:food for thoughtveggie dinnersinteractive veggie dinner presns NEW!Future expanding GoViv


Greening DiningQuestions?

Greening DiningSustainable Fashion Initiative

Macy Manning 16Founded in 2011

Sustainable Fashion InitiativeHighlights

Past/Present:recurring events:Sustainable Fashion WkAdvertise This! SFI Mktg panelClothing swapother events:DIY T-shirt reformCinderella storyFuture Hosting new speakersMore DIY workshops

Leadership Reflections


Isaac Lederman 15SURGE

Founded in 2006

SURGEHighlightsPastRaising $900 for Hurricane Sandy reliefStudent Energy ConferencePresentDo It in the Dark competitionRush Holt at film screeningFuturePromoting sustainable investment guidelines



SURGEGarden ProjectHannah Kraus 17

Founded in 2006

Garden ProjectHighlightsPast/Presentrecurring activities:planting, harvesting & workdaysfall festivals, camp firesstudy breaksplant salesyoga Futureenhancing garden Magicstandardize produce pricingsolidifying Dining & co-op relationships

Leadership Reflections


BEE TeamLouisa Willis 16

Founded in 2009

BEE TeamHighlights

Pastestablished and maintain 2 hivesPresentrecurring activities:lead regular hive visitsmovie screenings, cooking, panelsharvest & sell honeyFutureexpand to 3-4 hivescontinue to raise awarenessLeadership Reflections


DrinkLocal Princeton Graham Turk 17 and Dora Demszky 17

Whats Next?

FY14 Sustainability Reporting Summer/Fall

Thank you!
