
World news right here. May, 2017


Books are interesting and funny. Sometimes their stories are real and sometimes they are not. We read and we learn a lot of things about famous people and about songs. Books are very educational! My favourite book is: The 3 little pigs. It is about a famous fairytale. It is easy to read as it is about 3 little pigs and one bad wolf. (Κέισι, Ε1)

The 6th Primary School of Piraeus

My school is the 6th Primary school of Piraeus. It has got a big playground with a basketball court and a very big tree. There are three floors and a lot of classrooms, one music room, one computer room and one room for theatre performances. All the classrooms are big. In the classrooms there is one board, a lot of posters on the walls, maps, chairs and desks. Our school is very nice and we love it. (Ματθαίος, Δ2)

Art at school

For many students, art is a favourite

subject. They love drawing pictures with many

colours. They like to paint animals and birds.

They feel nice to make drawings because they

can picture life and their friends on their

paintings. When I grow up I want to be an artist

and draw lovely pictures.

(Μαρία, Δ2)

Find the words

Famous, girl, boy, same, fish,

problem, screen, printer, love

tower, funny, food, fight.

Across : 1. A cartoon elephant

4. Get the … to unlock the door

5. …..and roll music

Down: 2. This is a cartoon mouse.

3. She is a little explorer

6. Opposite of "no" (Μαριτίνα, Ε2)

Our favourite school subjects

All the children must go to school to learn new subjects.

At the 6th Primary School of Piraeus we interviewed

students from the 4th Grade about their favourite subjects.

Here are the results that show what students prefer to

learn about:

Maths: 35% Physical Education: 25%

Drama: 15% Art: 15% ICT: 10% (Α.

(Μάνια, Δ1)

School snacks

It is very important to have a good meal at

school, because some foods make us clever and give us

energy. For example we must eat foods from these lists:

Fruit: oranges, apples, bananas, kiwis, pears .

Sandwiches: cheese, turkey, egg, tomato, lettuce.

Snacks: cucumber, carrots, cereal bars, crackers.

(Ανδρόνικος, Δ1)

6th Primary School of Piraeus

Our neighbourhood 6th Primary School of Piraeus - May, 2017

Our neighbourhood

The Maniatika area is in Piraeus. It is a beautiful area near the port. It has got a church, many bakeries and grocer's shops, newsstands and playgrounds for the children to have fun. It is not a very big neighbourhood, but people love it. (Πέτρος, Γιάννης, Ε1)


Piraeus has many sites.

Some of these are the walls of ancient Piraeus, the

open theater of Veakio and the harbor of

Microlimano. Many people enjoy these historic and

attractive places. Piraeus is a great city and you

should visit it.

(Ελένη, Ε1)

Dilaveris Park

The Dilaveris park was a tile

factory. It closed in 1982. The owner of the factory

offered it to the city of Piraeus. Now it is a park for

the children and their families. The children can

play football, do roller skating and skateboarding.

There is a playground and children can also ride

their bikes there.

(Μαρία, Δ1)

Time for fun

Patient: Doctor, sometimes I want to kill myself!

Doctor: I know what you can do. You have to drink

all the pills that I gave you, the red pill in the

morning with a glass of water, the green pill at noon

with a glass of water, and the blue pill at night with a

glass of water.

Patient: What is my problem doctor?

Doctor: You don’t drink enough water.

(Άγγελος, Στ2)


Mani is on the south of the Peloponnese and at the East of the Lakonia and the Messinian Gulf. The weather in Mani is mild. The winter can be very cold and the summer can be very hot. People in Mani are mostly fishermen, farmers and oil producers. Two of the most beautiful attractions in Mani are the cave of Diros and the cape Tenaros. The Diros cave is between the city of Pirgos and Areopolis. You can get in it by boat. It is an unforgettable experience. Cape Tenaros was an important place for thousands of years. The Spartans built many temples for the gods. Today you can see a part of a temple for the sea god Poseidon. You can see a lighthouse there too. (Δημήτρης, Μιχάλης, Στ1)


1. bird that sings beautiful songs c… 2. having a lot of colours c… 3. a person that makes bread and cakes: b… 4. not married s… 5. ill: s… 6. colour: p… 7. writes poems: p… 8. amazing: t… (Μαρία, Δ1)


cherry, strawberry,

grapes, mango, butter,

flour, salt, sugar

(Αντριάνα, Δ1)

Around the world 6th Primary School of Piraeus - May, 2017

Holidays in Greece

Summer in Greece is beautiful. Some of its most famous beaches are four: the Iguana beach in Crete, the Kalathos beach in Rhodes, the Vatera beach in Lesvos and the Velanio beach in Skopelos. (Κέλλυ, Ε2)


I come from Greece in the South East of Europe. Greece shares borders with Albania, Turkey, Bulgaria and Fyrom. The temperature is mild and it is usually sunny and warm. Greece has got large plains, but also high mountains. Greece is beautiful and it has great beaches. (Μιχαήλ, ΣΤ2)

The Empire State Building

The Empire State Building is located on the fifth Avenue, between west 33rd and 34th streets in Midtown, New York. Its name comes from the nickname for New York. It was the largest building in the world for forty years. After an attack in September 2001 it was again the tallest building in New York. The Empire State building was designed by William Lamb in the Art Deco style. On Saturday, 28th of July a bomber airplane fell on the North side of the building. It killed fourteen people, but after a week the building was open and it worked normally. (Εύη, Στ1)


Mexico has a lot of sights and beaches, too. The beaches are 600 k.m. The sandy beaches are huge and the water is cold. Mexico is in Latin America. Cities such as the famous Kankoun, Tihouana and the cosmopolitan Akapoulko are very beautiful. The travel to Mexico is fantastic. I hope to travel there one day! I like this country very much! (Παναγιώτα, Ε1)

Big Ben

Many tourists visit the capital of England, London, to taste the local food and to admire the sights. One of the main attractions is Big Ben, which is the landmark of London. Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north of the Palace in London. Big Ben is 96 meters high. The bell weighs 16 tons and it is about 7 feet tall. The construction started in 1843 and ended in 1859. Big Ben weights 13.7 tons. The clock is the biggest and the most accurate four – faced clock in the world. Big Ben is a British cultural symbol of the United Kingdom and one of the most famous buildings all over the world. In conclusion, we believe that all people would like to visit London because it seems like a very interesting place to be from all the articles we have read and all the photos we have seen. Big Ben is the most important sight in London and everyone wants to visit and to see it. (Ξανθίππη, Αναστασία, Παναγιώτα, ΣΤ2)

Airbus A380 The biggest passenger airplane in the world The Airbus A380 is the world’s largest commercial aeroplane. It has two decks and four engines. Its first commercial flight was in 2007. It can carry up to 853 passengers with a speed of about 900 Km/h. The maximum distance it can cover (without stopping for fuel) is 15.700 km. Its dimensions are as follows: a. Length 72.7 m. b. Wingspan 79,7 m. c. Height 24.1 m. It costs about 433 millions US dollars. (Γιώργος, Ε2)

The world of animals 6th Primary School of Piraeus - May, 2017

Fantastic Animals

The sea is home to millions of amazing animals. They are beautiful and unique, but most people only know a few of them! Puffer fish are funny-looking but poisonous fish. They are usually quite small and have got spikes. They swim very slowly and are sometimes clumsy, but they are very clever. When another fish tries to eat it, the puffer fish never hides. It fills its stomach with water or air so it looks like a big balloon and it frightens the other fish. (Παρασκευά Ισιδώρα, Ε2)


1. Allosaurus was one of the

biggest dinosaurs. It was carnivorous and the

biggest threat for most of the dinosaurs. It was 14

m long and weighed 3,6 tons.

2. Brachiosaurus was very big too. Its neck was 9

m long and its head was very small. It couldn't

run very fast. It was 28 m long and weighed 50

tons. It was a herbivore.

3. Ankylosaurus was a big slow-moving animal

and its tail had a club. With this club, it stroke its

enemies. This dinosaur was 10-11 m long. It was a

vegetarian and ate leaves and fruits.

4. Tyrannosaurus was the biggest threat for most

of the animals. It had big and sharp teeth. It was

carnivorous and it ran very fast. It was 10-14 m

long and weighed 5 tons.

(Γιαννούλος Νίκος, Μπόγρης Πέτρος, Νάστος

Τάσος, Τσόρι Άγγελος, Στ2)


My favourite pet is the dog, because people

say that if you own a dog, you live longer! Dogs are

very fast runners. They like playing all day, or hunting

things. Dogs are the best in smelling or finding things

and their hearing is much better than that of humans.

Dogs can also sense an earthquake or a possible death.

(Σάντρα, Δ1)

Leon – My pet cat My cat's breed is that of Angora. His name is Leon. He is white with short legs and a long bushy tail. His eyes are blue and he is very funny. He's only eight years old. He is clever and soft. He can climb on trees and his favourite food is chicken. He is my best friend. (Εύα, Δ2)


1. British short hair: the British short hair is

a very tender, lazy and sleepyhead cat.

2. Sphinx: this is a cat without hair. It is very

active and needs sunscreen in the summer.

3. Mein Koun: this cat weighs 13-14 kg. It is a friendly


4. Siam: It has got blue eyes and it is a guardian cat.

(Ελιζαμπέτα, Δ1)

Stray dogs

In my neighborhood there are many

stray dogs! It is a habit of their owners to leave

them in the middle of the street. That is why they

need love and care. I recommend to feed them

and if someone can take one stray dog at his

home, it will be exciting!

(Αξή Ειρήνη, Κυκιλία, Ε2)

6th Primary School of Piraeus - May, 2017

The White Lion

The white lion is from Timbarati.

Lions first came to public attention in the 1970s in

Chris McBride's book. They have gold and blue

eyes. Their hair is the same as the brown lions'.

People hunt them for their bones and their fur,

because they believe that it brings luck. Now white

lions are protected by organizations and there are

some of them in zoos.

(Αλέξανδρος, Δ1)

The giant Panda

The Giant Panda is black and white. Its scientific name is Ailuropoda melanoleuca. Its length is 160-180 c.m. and its tail is 12 c.m. The male Giant Panda is 85-125 pounds and the female Giant Panda 70-100 pounds. They live in bamboo forests in west China. They are unique and their reproduction begins in March-May. They eat sprouts, bamboo leaves, small rodents, fish, mushrooms and all leaves. They live for 10-15 years. The Giant Panda is an endangered species. The Giant Panda is a bear, but it does not hibernate. (Ανθή, Ε2)

Caretta - Caretta

The Caretta- Caretta turtle is one of the three types of turtles that live in the Mediterranean sea. It is possible to see it in Zakynthos, because it lays its eggs on the beaches of Laganas. These turtles can reach a considerable size, but their movement is still very fast. The females lay about 120 eggs and these take 50 days to hatch. When they are on land the move very slowly and they cannot hide in their shells for protection. Sea turtles are an endangered species and the International Union for the Conservation on Nature protects them. Special devices are fitted on fishing nets to provide an escape route for the turtles. (Ελεάνα, Στ1)

Patient: Doctor, I see blue and green beans. Doctor: Have you seen an optician? Patient: No, only blue and green beans.

(Αγγελος, Στ2) Fun Time

Cats and Boxer dogs

Cats like to eat meat, fish and cat

food and they like to sleep. They are very nice and

beautiful. They attack other cats and dogs. They need

a lot of free space. The boxers are nice, beautiful and

lovely dogs. They like to sleep and eat meat. They can

attack cats and are sometimes bad to people. They are

friendly and they also need company. Boxers are the

best dogs for families.

(Ειρήνη, Ελένη, Ε2)

The small world of Shih Tzu dogs

Shih Tzu dogs (西施犬) are also known

as the chrysanthemum dogs. They are

a toy dog breed. They weigh 10-19 pounds when

they are fully grown. We do not know the exact

origins of the breed. We think it comes from Tibet

and we can find information about it in the Chinese


(Μαρία, Ε2)

The Polar Bear

The polar bear is a wild animal and it lives in

the Arctic Ocean. Polar bears have black skin

and 42 teeth. They live near the sea or on sea ice.

They can have cubs and they are found in the

frozen wilds of the Arctic in Canada, Alaska and

Russia. Polar bears are excellent swimmers and they

like to sleep a lot.

(Βασιλεία, Ντέση, Δ2)

Teenage Entertainment 6th Primary School of Piraeus - May, 2017

Helen Paparizou

Helen is a Greek singer. She lives in Greece. Helen is an attractive intelligent woman. She is tall with brown hair and brown eyes. She studied music for many years. She first sang in 1999 with the group Antique. She works hard. She is a judge at the Voice television competition. She loves her work. But Helen’s life is not only work. She enjoys dancing and spending time with her friends. She loves to take photos. (Χρύσπα, Στ2)

Dimitris Papamichail

Dimitris Papamichail was born in Athens on the 29th of August in 1934, but he grew up in Piraeus. His childhood was poor. His parents worked in a small café. He worked with his parents. When he was a teenager, he decided to study at a drama school. In 1952 he sat exams in secret and he entered the National Theatre. He finished his studies scoring A grades. At school he met Alice Vougiouklaki, his future wife and fellow actress. Papamichail acted along very famous actresses and actors of his age and won many prizes. He played in many movies and in the theatre. He had a son together with Alice Vougiouklaki and he died on August 6th, 2004. (Αναστασία, Στ1)

Pantelis Pantelidis

Pantelis Pantelidis was a Greek singer. He also wrote songs. Pantelis lived and worked in Nea Ionia and in Athens. At first, he worked in the Hellenic Navy, but later he followed a career in music. He was a self-taught musician who became known for some You Tube videos. He died on the 8th of February in 2016 in a car accident on Vouliagmenis Avenue, in Athens. (Ελισάβετ, Στ1)

Inside out: Anger

Anger is a comic character. He lives with

four other emotion-characters: Joy, Fear,

Sadness and Disgust. They all live in Riley

Anderson's mind and influence her actions.

He has red skin and red eyes and wears a white collar

shirt, a zig-zag tie and brown trousers. He likes

reading the newspaper and eating desserts. Anger

explodes every time things don’t go as planned and

he shoots fire out of his head.

(Αποστόλης, Δ1)


Prince Rogers Nelson was an American

singer-songwriter. He was known for his eclectic

work, his stage presence, extravagant dress and

makeup. His music integrates a wide variety of

styles, including funk, rock, R +B, new wave, soul,

psychedelia and pop. He has sold over 100 million

records worldwide, making him on of the best-

selling artists of all times. He won seven Grammy

Awards, an American Music Awards, a Golden

Globe Award and an Academy Award for the film

Purple Rain. Rolling Stone magazine ranked Prince

at number 27 on its list of 100 Greatest Artists.

(Διοτίμα, ΣΤ2)

Video Games

Τhis game’s characters are called: Zombi, Skeleton and Creeper. Zombi usually fights with players and if he hihits them, they get a disease. Skeleton fights with playeplayers and sends them arrows to kill them. Creeper dodoesn’t fight, but he comes near you and explodes to kikill you, but he doesn’t die. Teenagers love this game bbecause it shows you how players can survive. (Γιώργος, Ανρί Ε1)

Friendship - Fashion - Food 6th Primary School of Piraeus - May, 2017

Teenage Fashion

Fashion is based mainly on advertising, but not only on that. Many factors influence the fashion industry. Young people is one of the targets that the fashion industry if interested in. Young people's opinion is easily affected by what they consider to be trendy. But which are really these influencing factors? Television, magazines and the Internet are means that show fashion standards. Celebrities and their choices are also a reference point for young people. Finally, other young people's opinion dramatically affects their thoughts of what is "in". (Μπέτυ, Στ1)


Friendship is the most important

thing. People want to have good friends because we

need someone for our difficult moments. Also, with

our friends we can play and have fun. It is very nice

when we go on holidays with our friends. We take

photos and when we grow up, we have good

memories. I think that friends from school are the best

friends in our life.

(Σταματίνα, Δ1)

Fashion tips

On special occasions girls at the age of 11 and 12 can wear light make up because they already have a beautiful face. They can use a pink lipstick, a pale rouge, and all the soft colours of blue, brown and black for an eyeliner. However, the girls mustn't wear make up every day at school, because this can damage their skin. (Κάλη, Στ1)

Table manners around the world

Arriving late! In some countries, it is customary to arrive late when you are invited for dinner. In Japan, count 1 hour of delay. In Tanzania count between 10 and 30 minutes. In general, never arrive in advance at your host's place. (Βαρβάρα-Μαρία, Ε1)

Ready for a city walk?

We are two friends Stamatia and Stavroula. We

are ten years old and we want to give you our

ideas on what to wear for a morning walk in the

city. You can wear dresses with flowers, skirts with

yellow stars and orange T-shirts. You can also wear

tops and bell bottom jeans, green shorts and yellow T-

shirts with purple shoes.

(Σταυρούλα, Σταματία Ε2)

Galaktoboureko with Thermomix Ingredients: 40 gr of butter, 1 litre of milk, 140 gr of semolina, 300 gr of sugar, 4 eggs, 2 vanillas, 1 packet of pastry sheets, 150 gr of margarine, lemon zest

Directions: Put the milk, sugar, semolina, vanilla, zest and butter in the bowl and adjust the mixer to 100 °C, aspeed 4, for 10 minutes. On the last minute, add the eggs. The cream must remain hot. In a large Pyrex baking tray, butter and lay half the pastry sheets. Pour the cream over the sheets and cover with the remaining half, after buttering them. Before putting the Galaktoboureko in the oven, slightly cut the pieces and sprinkle water. Bake in a preheated oven at a medium temperature for 45 minutes. (Γιώργος, Στ1)

Tony's Pizza

Tony's Pizza restaurant takes 3.5 out of 5 stars because the pizza there is tasty, but the service is not so good. The chef is talented, but the waitresses are not polite. Its pizza is delicious, though, so give it a try. (Μανόλης, Δ2)

We care about ... 6th Primary School of Piraeus - May, 2017

To Hamogelo Tou Paidiou

It is a Greek organisation. It helps children of all nationalities and religions. It helps and protects poor children, children who are missing, and children with no families. It offers houses, money, advice and support. You can ask for their help on 1056, 116111 and 116000. (Αλέξης, Νεκτάριος, Αντρέας, Δ2)


Recycling is the process through which people reuse things which are useless. The advantages are many. With this process people usually turn rubbish into materials that can be used to produce something new. An important part of recycling is to convert materials that are bad for the environment into something useful. Recycling reduces the consumption of materials. Even the rubbish from food can become fertilizers. (Μαριάννα, Στ2) Ballet

Ballet is one of the most popular ways to work out and also it makes you disciplined. It is popular all over the world for boys and girls. It combines classical music and movements of the body. It helps exercise all the parts of your body at the same time. When you do ballet, you need to wear tights, a body suit and different kind of ballet shoes. The media present ballet as a really interesting thing to watch so many girls are influenced to follow this art. (Χαρίστα, Στ1)

Rhythmic Gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport in which people or groups of sportswomen (from 2 to 6 people) dance and exercise on one of more of the following instruments: the rope, pins (2 for each sportswoman),the crown, the ball and the ribbon. It’s the nicest sport in the context of amateur sports. It offers health, and strong emotions of happiness. (Χαρά, Μαρία, Ε1)

Tradition in Dancing

Greek dancing is a very old traditional custom referred to by Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch and Lucian. There are different styles of dancing from all over Greece. Each region has its own choreography and style. For example, island dances have a smooth flow, while Pontic dancing is very sharp. There are over 1000 traditional dances. There are also Panhellenic dances, which people dance throughout the Greek world. These are the Syrtos, Kalamatianos, Hasapiko and Syrtaki. Traditional Greek dancing brings people together at many festivals. The arrangement of the dancers is by age or by height. (Ιωάννα-Κατερίνα, Στ1)


Ballet is a dance with classical music. The movements of ballet are plie, releve, and pirouette. Ballet also has five positions for the hands and the feet. It is difficult to become a ballet dancer and it takes years of training. Many girls start training from the age of three. The most famous ballet show is the "Swan Lake". (Μαρία, Δήμητρα, Δ2)


The way that people do sports is affected by the trends of time. A few years ago, people used to go jogging. Later on, they went to gyms or sport venues. Lately, a new way of fitness has entered our lives. This is Zumba. Alberto Perez created it in 1990 and it combines dance with aerobic exercise. Many people have found in this a way of entertainment and exercise at the same time. (Αναστασία, Στ1)

Dancing and Exercise

About sports and famous athletes 6th Primary School of Piraeus - May, 2017


The team of Panathinaikos was created on February 3 in 1908. Its sign is a trefoil. Panathinaikos was the best team in the world. The team went to the finals in the champions Leage against Ajax and Panathinaikos lost 2-0. Its coach is Ouzounidis. Its president is John Alafouzos. It has won 18 trophies in 20 Greek championships and 4 Super Cups.

(Δημήτρης, Γρηγόρης, Στ2)

Karaiskaki Stadium

The Karaiskaki stadium is named is

named after Georgios

Karaiskakis. It is in Neo Faliro - a very beautiful

area.The owner of the stadium is the Greek

Olympiakos team. The sits are 32,115. Its

construction was completed in 1985. Restorations

took place in 1953, 1964 and 2004.The architect who

built it was Stelios Agiostratitis.

(Νίκος, Άρμπρι, Ε1) La Liga

La Liga is a tournament in Spain. In this tournament teams such as Real Madrid, Barcelona, Atletico Madrid and Sevilla usually take part. Real Madrid is the best team in the La Liga and Barcelona follows as the second best. In the past it was Barcelona with Ronaldinho with the best scores and in the future maybe some other teams could be better than Real Madrid. Ronaldo is the best player for Real Madrid, Messi for Barcelona and Griezman for Atletico Madrid. (Δημήτρης, Νίκος, Γιώργος, Ε1)

Find the words

snack, tree, eat, sweets, fox, box,

apple, chocolate, milk, blue

(Βασίλης, Δ1)

Match the footballers to their countries

Pele Cristiano Ronaldo Leonel Messi Argentina Maradona Portugal Zinedine Zidane Holand Ronaldo Wales Neymar jr Brazil Cruyff France Gareth Bale Uruguay Luis Suarez

(Σπύρος, Σάμουελ, Στ2)


George Printezis is a basketball

player and he plays for the

Olympiakos team. He is 2.06 in

height and his nickname is Air George. He is 31

years old. He has played with the National team of

Greece. He is the best and I want to be like him.

(Νίκος, Δ1)

Giannis Antentokoumpo

Giannis Antetokoumpo is one of the best basketball players in NBA. Ηe was born in Athens and he is twenty three years old. His team is the Milwaukee Bucks since 2013. His height is 2.11and he earns 2,995,000 dollars every year. He is my favourite player.

(Γιώργος, Ε2)

About Sports and Famous Athletes 6th Primary School of Piraeus - May, 2017

Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano is a famous football player. He is in Real Madrid’s team and he’s a very good football player. He is 30 years old and has got 13-14 cars, one plane and two houses. He has got one son, who is six years old and he likes Messi. He has got a wife, two sisters and one brother. They love him very much. They are a big lovely family! (Μανώλης, Αλέξανδρος, Γιώργος Ε2)

Lionel Messi

Lionel Messi is from

Argentina. He is thirty years old. He is an

aggressive football player. He plays for

the Barcelona football club and for the

national team of Argentina. He started

playing football when he was thirteen. He

has won 4 Champions Leagues, 7 national

cups in Spain, 1 Olympic gold medal and

1 world cup with the national team of

Argentina. Messi is one of the best players

in the world and the top football player in

the Champions League in the last few


(Θανάσης, Δ1)

Thomas Müller

Thomas Müller’s place of birth is in Weilheim, Upper in Upper Bavaria, and he is a German professional footballer. He plays for Bayern Munich and the German National Team. He plays as a midfielder or forward. Müller scored 23 goals in the 2012-2013 season as Bayern won the historic treble, the league title and the Champions League. Müller also likes charity work and helps children. He is married to Lisa Trede. In 2014 Müller was between the five best footballers in the world. (Λάμπρος, Αχιλλέας, Δ2)

Le Bron James

He is a famous player

of basketball. He is thirty

three years old. He is the first

American professional basketball

player. He plays for the Cleveland

Cavaliers team. The number on his

T-shirt is twenty-three.

(Παναγιώτα, Δ1)

Find the colours

Blue, red,


black, orange,


(Δήμητρα Δ1)

Vasilis Spanoulis

Vassilis Spanoulis was born on August 7, 1892. He is a Greek professional basketball playler for Olympiacos Piraeus. He is 1.93 cm tall. His fans call him Kill Bill. He was named the Balkan Athlete of the year in 2009 and the All-Europe player of the year in 2012 and 2013. He first played for the NBA in Houston Rockets. In the 2006 he returned to Panathinaikos and in 2009 he helped them win a Euroleague title. Ιn 2010 he made a big step in his career. He went to Olympiacos. During seasons 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Olympiacos managed to win Euroleague with Spanoulis’s help

(Νίκος, Στ2)

Funny Patient: Doctor, I'm suffering from amnesia. Doctor: Since when? Patient: Since when, what? (Άγγελος, Στ2)

About sports and famous athletes 6th Primary School of Piraeus - May, 2017

Mandalos Petros

Mantalos was born in August 1991 in Komotini. He is an international player from Greece and he is a midfielder. He plays for the AEK team and he is the leader of this team. Mantalos is a good player.

(Γιάννης, Στ1)


It is game between two teams of talented players. When one player has the ball, he or she tries to run around three bases and get to home base before the other team can get the ball back. It is a very interesting sport. People in the USA love it and play it every weekend.

(Μαρία-Γεωργία, E1) Ronaldinho

Ronaldinho is a great footballer. He is about 25 years old and he is from Brazil. He played football in the most famous teams in the world. His special feature is that he usually wears a head band on his head. Everybody who loves football wants to know him and, maybe, one day meet him.

(Βασίλης, Θοδωρής, Δ2)

Retsos Panagiotis

Panagiotis Retsos is a Greek football player who plays for Olympiakos. He is 18 years old and he plays as a defender. He is 1.85 m. tall and his weight is 76 kilos. In Olympiakos he plays with number 45.

(Ηλίας, Ε2)

Time for fun

Patient: Doctor, before the surgery you didn't have a beard Doctor: I'm not a doctor. I'm Saint Peter.

('Αγγελος, Στ2)


Neymar was born on February 5,

1992. He is a Brazilian footballer

who plays for Barcelona and the Brazilian team.

He is one of the best footballers in the world.

(Αντώνης, Δ1)

Sergio Araujo

Sergio Araujo is 25 years old. He is an Argentine footballer. He plays for AEK Athens and he is a striker. He comes from Buenos Aires and he played his first match as a professional on 13 December 2009. Araujo scored his first professional goal on 21 November 2010.

(Θέμης, Ε2)

Christos Aravidis

Christos Aravidis is a Greek footballer and plays for the AEK team. He started playing football when he was 7.5 years old. His career with AEK began in 2014. He is a striker and his team won the Greek football cup in the 2015-2016 season. His number is 21. He first started his career with Akratitos and the first time he played for the Greek National team was in 2003.

(Χρήστος, Φανούρης, Στ1)

Congratulations to all the students whose hard work made this newspaper possible!

6th Primary School of Piraeus - May, 2017

Υπεύθυνη καθηγήτρια: Στειακάκη Άννα

Συμμετέχοντες εκπαιδευτικοί:

Πιτσιρίλος Λεωνίδας

Ρόμπας Ιωάννης
