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Unpacking the most important Primary Evidence where Nile Valley Africans said their Ancestors came from Inner Africa

Finally destroying the Myth of that the First Kemeteou came from the Middle East

Stele of Sehel (The Famine Stele or the Stele of Yebu)

Prepared for the 31st ASCAC Kemetic ConferenceBro. Reggie Mabry

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Borrowing the first words of Dr. Josefben Levi’s introduction for his paper in the Journal of Pan African Studies called the Intellecutal Warfare of Dr. Carruthers - This paper is intended to remind Africana scholars about what Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop called the necessary “pluridisciplinary skills” encompassing what he described as three factors: Historical, Linguistic, and Psychological. This has vast implications for the field of Africana Studies. African-Centered scholars engaging in what Dr. Jacob H. Carruthers called “Intellectual Warfare” are struggling against well-financed and organized European intellectual armies preparing to do battle with us to the end. In order to combat these challenges Africana scholars must be grounded in African-Centered theory, methodology and pedagogy. In this article I first explain what led me to become a soldier in this battle for the liberation of the African mind.

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This paper I am presenting deals with examining primary proof that our Ancestors came from Up South – Deeper, Further into Africa where Africa was older, Blacker, Indigenous and sacred for its Strength, Spirituality and Morality.

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For years, we have let Europeans Question and deny us to where the People of Kemet/Egypt came from – yet the proof is in the Direct Words of our Ancestors in the Stele of Yebu and our European counterparts have no other ancient biographical literature that can challenge what I am going to speak to you about today.

As I have said last year and other places – the Human born in African is the Species of Humanity and all others are races (pedigrees) of this sacred Species.

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There exist a stela located on the Island of Sehel/Elephantine (Yebu in Mdu Ntr) which allegedly inscribed during the Ptolemaic dynasty of 332–31 BC. In it is a story in the Mdu Ntr of a 3rd Dynasty encounter of the King Nwsuit Neterkhet (Djoser) and the Chief Lector Priest the Famous Imhotep. The Greek Ptolemies were not the authors of the document at all they simply rewrote a document thousands of years earlier.

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In letters beginning in February 1889, Egyptologist Charles Wilbour stumbled on the Stela of Famine. On Glyphs of a Huge Bolder, lightly written in the Mdu Ntr, Wilbour came across the name of Kharser. At the time the name of Kharser which would eventually become Djoser could not be deciphered, the King was unknown to the European world. More importantly, this King was in his 18th year of reign. Though the Stele was suspected to be written during the time of the Ptolomies – this clue was incredibly important because the King mentioned could not be a Ptolemy because no Ptolemy was in his 18th year and certainly there was no mention of a lack of flooding of the Nile during the reign of the Ptolomies. This event itself would have been devastating to the economy of the Ptolomies and would have been reported. So we know even though written during the time of Ptolomy – the story has a much earlier date.

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Since Wilbour, the Stele has been translated to various successes by Brugsch (1891), Pleyte (1891), Morgan (1894), Sethe (1901), Barguet (1953) and Lichtheim (1973) and in The Literature of Ancient Egypt, Edited by William Kelly Simpson, 2003 published by Yale.

Hopefully soon a published African Translation will be done by Mfundishi Jehutyms, Sister Rkhty Amen, ASCAC or Scholars from Howard being led by our President Dr. Mario Beatty or some combination of the three.

This is why I am presenting – In one presentation, I cannot tell you of the Treasure in it. However, Mfundishi Jehutyms knows.

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The Famine Stele does four important things 1. It is the primary evidence that shows that the Nile Valley Africans say they come from Up South – Deeper into Africa.

2. It is an authoritative source that shows our Kemetic Mystery System – the Hwt Ankh or Per Ankh in Context. With a discussion with two authoritative real persons.

3. It ends the controversy of where Dr. Ben’s statement – We came tfrom from the foothills of the Mountain of the Moon where God Hapi Dwelt.

4. It is the Mother Story of all Major Western Religions because of it’s the oldest story of interaction between God and Man.

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One: Primary evidence that shows that the Nile Valley Africans says they come up from Up South – Deeper into Africa and now elsewhere

Here is the Glyphs, transliteration and Translation – The Translation is Litcheim’s

King Neterkhet is speaking - Context He departed; he returned to me quickly, He let me know the flow of Hapy, His shores and all the things they contain. He disclosed to me the hidden wonders. To which the ancestors had made their way, And no king had equaled them since. To which the ancestors had made their way, And no king had equaled them since.

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This one line in Mdu Ntr is one of the most important historical statements in all of Africa. This line rewritten from the 3rd Dynasty by the Ptolomies is part of a conversation between the Famous an Deified Architect Imhotep and his King NeterKhet/Djoser and shows directly that the people of Kmt knew that their Ancestors came from Up South where the Nile began and the Nile is called by the name of Ntr/Deity Hapi. This one line has no equal in all of History – It is incredible because the world knows that Imhotep, who was the Pyramid Architect and Builder was a Scientific and Priest Genius and is an authoritative source.

He departed; he returned to me quickly, He let me know the flow of Hapy, His shores and all the things they contain. He disclosed to me the hidden wonders. To which the ancestors had made their way, And no king had equaled them since. This line will be further supported over and over again in other lines of the Famine text

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Various Passages that show the knowledge of the Two Niles

Earthly elevation, celestial hill, Seat of Re when he prepares To give life to every face. Its temple's name is 'Joy-of-life,''Twin Caverns' is the water's name, They are the breasts that nourish all.

The shrine I dwell in has two lips, When I open up the well, I know Hapy hugs the field, A hug that fills each nose with life, For when hugged the field is reborn! I shall make Hapy gush for you, No year of lack and want anywhere

The second glyph is important to Dr. Ben’s famous quote – we will return to that latter. However these lines coupled with the line from where our ancestors come and no king has equaled them sense paint a picture of Ancestors travelling down the Nile so certainly they came from the South and much further than Nubia.

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Lastly, Mfundishi Jhytyms brings important incite to the text when he explains in his soon to be published translation that all of the towns in the south are written as Divine in the Mdu Ntr. Why would the locations and things found below be written as divine? - second this Glyphs shows that the names of the Major Principle Gods are already known in the temples of the south and are necessary to learn.

Learn the names of the gods and goddesses of the temple of Khnum: Satis, Anukis, Hapy, Shu, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Horus, Isis, Nephthys.

Learn the names of the stones that are there, lying in the borderland: those that are in the east and the west, those [on the shores] of Yebu's canal, those in Yebu, those in the east and west, and those in the river: bhn, mt3y, mhtbtb, r'gs, wtSy in the east; prdn in the west; tSy in the west and in the river.

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Khnum is the Deity or Principle that Made Man and Women on the Potter’s wheel from Inert Materials. He did this where he lives which is Up South. Isn’t this where Humans were created?

This was the Voice of our Ancestors

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Two: It is an authoritative source that shows our Educational system or the Mystery System – the Hwt Ankh or Per Ankh in Context already had information of earlier Kmt.. With a discussion with two authoritative real persons

Year 18 of Horns: Neterkhet; the King of Upper and Lower Egypt: Neterkhet; Two Ladies: Neterkhet; Gold-Horus: Djoser; under the Count, Prince, Governor of the domains of the South, Chief of the Nubians in Yebu, Mesir. There was brought to him this royal decree. To let you know:

Written in the time of the Ptolomies – they Priest of Kmt record an earlier period and it is here where the name Djoser is linked with the King’s list NeterKhet.

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I was in mourning on my throne. Those of the palace were in grief, My heart was in great affliction, Because Hapy had failed to come in time in a period of seven years.

This line will be important later, If we have the time to show that the Famine Text is actually the Mother Story of the Major Western Religions.

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Grain was scant, Kernels were dried up. Scarce was every kind of food. Every man robbed his twin, Those who entered did not go

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Children cried, Youngsters fell, The hearts of the old were grieving;Legs drawn up, they hugged the ground, Their arms clasped about them. Courtiers were needy, temples were shut, Shrines covered with dust.

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Everyone was in distress.

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I directed my heart to turn to the past, I consulted one of the staff of the Ibis, The chief lector-priest of Imhotep, Son of Ptah South-of-his-Wall: "In which place is Hapy born? Which is the town of the Sinuous one? Which god dwells there? That he might join with me."

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More Context – Where is Hapy Born – We know where Hapi is Born – Deep South fed from the Mountains of Kilimanjaro and Kenya and to Lake Victoria.Coupled with our Ancestors came from this place. Our Creator God came from this place. Khnum is the the Creator God. All of this is in Deep Africa

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Ptolomey Map

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Rwenzouri a source of the Nile

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I He stood: "I shall go to Mansion-of-the-Net, It is designed to support a man in his deeds; I shall enter the House of Life, Unroll the Souls of Re, I shall be guided by them.“

What we have read is incredible – Real Authoritative Persons – Neterkhet sends Imhotep to return to the past to find out about Ancient Kemet. Imhotep goes to our Educational System, connected to the Divine Shrine of Tehuti (Authoritative) and reads the Souls of Re.

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In Context,

The Nile Valley Africans have the need to return to the past to find the answer of the Nile not inundating. The Nile Valley Africans have a need to find and describe the source of the Nile.

We find elements of mountains, the flow of hapy, A God Principle that controls the flow. The God is also the creator of Man God Khnum. A passages that show that the created man were the ancestors of the Ancients. We have the praise – “no King has equaled them since”. We have two real persons talking about this – Inhotep and Neterket

All of this is from Deep Inner Africa – all of this is written.

We have our Proof of where the Ancestors of the Kemeteou came

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Three: Dr. Ben’s Famous Statement – We come from the Mountains of the Moon where God Hapi dwelt. Though Poetic and liberating for us – Controversy grew because he said that our Ancestors said this and sourced it to the Hunefer Papyrus. Our detractors looked for this text in the Hunefer Papyrus and did not find it and forced us to

look. Many of us were shocked when we could not find it. The problem with this is that this was supposed to be the statement that proved the Nile Valley Africans said where they came from.

I have already shown that the Africans did source where their Ancestors came from which was inner Africa – Now let’s look for the Mountains In 2014 – Here at one of the Places where this Journey began for many of us I am here

to finish the work of my Living Ancestor Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan

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Here is the Plates to Examine

Earthly elevation, celestial hill, Seat of Re when he prepares To give life to every face. Its temple's name is 'Joy-of-life,''Twin Caverns' is the water's name, They are the breasts that nourish all.

Here we see the Kemeteui know from their Ancient documents that they know the source of the Blue Nile and White Nile “Twin Caverns” – and they know that they are mountains – All of this is embedded in the phrase: ''Twin Caverns' is the water's name, They are the breasts that nourish all.

However the most important line is the term Kr(r).ty or Khrty. See it

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The famine Stele and another text from Hatshepsut Stele give us some important clues. We quickly turn to the words Krty located in the Famine Stele and the word Kbhw. The Mdu Ntr word Krty can seem to mean two caverns, twin caverns or two mountains or Twin Mountains. The other word Khbw is known to be an imaginary district in which the source of the Nile comes from, also the place where God resides. From HSK Bakry’s Thesis at Durham

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Certainly, we know kbhw is connected with Mountain because this is in fact the name of the step pyramid that Djoser and Imhotep constructed the Khbw-ntrw.

Does this mean that Khbw, this imaginary source of the Nile is in deep Black Africa ? Does this mean that the Mountains were in deep Black Africa ?

Certainly, to destroy our European Counter Arguments – All mountains that they can be talking about in the context of the Nile are in Deeper in Black Africa. And the Mountains are a Source of the Nile.

However, we know that the Ancient people of Kmt – believed in False Doors and temples as some sort of metaphysical portals to the afterlife or other places. The temple of Amen in Southern Temple of Luxor and Gerbel Barkal in the Sudan were portals to each other.

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Hatshepsut much later in the 18th Dynasty shows how detailed a record the Africans kept of their past and of inner Africa. She mentioned the Ancestors of old in this passage of her travels to Punt

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We come from the Foothills of the Mountains of the Moon – certainly may have been embellished. However, there is no doubt that the Source of the Nile is Fed from the Mountains of Inner Africa and Lake Victoria is a Key Reservoir.

So Now we have the foothills (Khbw), the Mountains (Krty)and we certainly know that the Mountains fed Hapi so this is where he dwelt. And we know now that there is a place which is God’s residence in the same place called Khbw which can be substituted as Foothills.

Dr. Ben’s statement can certainly live if it is referenced to the Stele of Yebu. However, the direct statements of the stele is a much more direct source of primary data that cannot be refuted.

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Where did the Ancestors of the Africans of the Nile start their Journey what did they bring? Before I show you where I believe they came from. I want to say that the Full Reading of the Stele of Yebu is important because there is much sacred territory that was revealed and the spirituality in the sacred Soil.

Luckily, I am with Mfundishi Jehutyms and other experts in this room on Kemet and maybe they can share some commentary.

The following is a Civilization of Africa from where we all come from – which was Kemet’s Grand Parent.

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Ancient African


In South AfricaPredating Kemet by at least 15,000 years

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Ancient Pyramids

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Ancient Glyphs

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Ancient Heru

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Ancient Ku/Sphinx

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Oldest Calendar Systems

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Ancient Tekenu/ Oblisk

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Where is this Ancient African Civilization that disappeared around 15,000 years where our Ancestors may have traveled the Nile from. This is the Unexplored

South Africa. The South Africa that Apartheid has kept us from studying. And what may have happened to it.

In an article published by the National Science Foundation -

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Curt Stager of Paul Smith's College, New York, and co-authors David Ryves of Loughborough University in the United Kingdom; Brian Chase of the Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution de Montpellier in France and the Department of Archaeology, University of Bergen, Norway; and Francesco Pausata of the Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, Norway presented a ground breaking paper to the National Science Foundation that showing that one of the most widespread and intense droughts of the last 50,000 years or more struck Africa and Southern Asia 17,000 to 16,000 years ago.Between 18,000 and 15,000 years ago, large amounts of ice and melt water entered the North Atlantic Ocean, causing regional cooling but also major drought in the tropics, says Paul Filmer, program director in the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Division of Earth Sciences, which funded the research along with NSF's Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences and its Division of Ocean Sciences."The height of this time period coincided with one of the most extreme megadroughts of the last 50,000 years in the Afro-Asian monsoon region with potentially serious consequences for the Paleolithic humans that lived there at the time," says Filmer.The "H1 megadrought," as it's known, was one of the most severe climate trials ever faced by anatomically modern humans.Africa's Lake Victoria, now the world's largest tropical lake, dried out, as did Lake Tana in Ethiopia, and Lake Van in Turkey.The Nile, Congo and other major rivers shriveled, and Asian summer monsoons weakened or failed from China to the Mediterranean, meaning the monsoon season carried little or no rainwater.What caused the megadrought remains a mystery, but its timing suggests a link to Heinrich Event 1 (or "H1"), a massive surge of icebergs and meltwater into the North Atlantic at the close of the last ice age. For the Ancient World – Drought and Famine was one of the Most Dangerous and Feared Disasters. It was the Ruin of Empires.

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Four: It is the Mother Story of all Major Western Religions because of it’s the oldest story of interaction between God and ManThe Famine Stele is most likely the world’s oldest account of God and Man interacting and it is an original source of several biblical stories –

The Adam and Eve Story,Abraham Story Joseph , the Moses Story and others stories

In the Famine Stele – The King Neterkhet/Djoser will be have a Divine interraction with theKhnum, the form of the one God that made intelligent life on his potter’s wheel form inert Materials.

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Here is the God Khnum on the Potter’s Wheel with Anukhet creating intelligent life. This is the Principle of God that appeared to Neterkhet in a Dream about Famine in Kemet. The Earliest Date the Hebrews came into

Kemet is the12th Dynasty – The story is about a 3rd Dynasty Story. So there are at least two thousand years before Abraham came out of Ur Chaldea to start the Hebrew Religion.

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Three: It is the Mother Story of all Major Western Religions because of it’s the oldest story of interaction between God and Man

The Famine Stele is most likely the world’s oldest account of God and Man interacting and it is an original source of several biblical stories – The Adam and Eve Story, Abraham, Joseph , and the Moses Story. In this case – the name of the God is Khnum, the form of the one God that made

intelligent life on his potter’s wheel form inert materials.

First it correlates to the Seventh Year Famine of Joseph

I was in mourning on my throne. Those of the palace were in grief, My heart was in great affliction, Because Hapy had failed to come in time in a period of seven years.

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This is indeed a catastrophe and it correlates to – from Genesis 41:5453When the seven years of plenty which had been in the land of Egypt came to an end, 54and the seven years of famine began to come, just as Joseph had said, then there was famine in all the lands, but in all the land of Egypt there was bread. 55So when all the land of Egypt was famished, the people cried out to Pharaoh for bread; and Pharaoh said to all the Egyptians, "Go to Joseph; whatever he says to you, you shall do."…

Grain was scant,Kernels were dried up. Scarce was every kind of food. Every man robbed his twin, Those who entered did not go

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It relates the appearances of God in the Adam and Eve Story, the Abraham and Moses Story.

First to understand this – you must know that Khnum is the Deity who built intelligent life on his potter’s wheel from inert material. In the famine stele is the oldest interaction of this Human Maker with Man.That being said – the interactions of Man in the Bible are at least two thousand years later. Let’s examine the Holy DreamThe Holy Dream

As I slept in peace, I found the god standing before me. <I> propitiated him by adoring him and praying to him. He revealed himself to me with kindly face; he said: "I am Khnum, your maker!

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My arms are around you, (Be Still)

To steady your body,To safeguard your limbs.I bestow on you stones upon stones,That were not found before,Of which no work was made, For building temples, Rebuilding ruins, In laying statues' eyes.

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My arms are around you, (Be Still)

To steady your body,To safeguard your limbs.I bestow on you stones upon stones,That were not found before,Of which no work was made, For building temples, Rebuilding ruins, In laying statues' eyes.

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First this should obviously correlate to the Old Testament Adam and Eve Story of where Man is created. Khnum is the maker of Men and Women from inert materials.This interaction between God and Man in relationship to Famine is earlier than then even when Abraham starts his journey to Egypt.Calculations show that Abraham started his journey into Kemet at the 12th DynastyBeginning in Genesis 12:1 - Now the LORD said unto Abram: 'Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto the land that I will show thee.Genesis 12:10 - 10Now there was a famine in the land; so Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land. 11It came about when he came near to Egypt, that he said to Sarai his wife, See now, I know that you are a beautiful woman;Obviously the interactions is about God, Famine and KemetJoseph now finds himself interacting about the 7 year famine to the King/Nwsuit as with Imhotep in the earlier plate about the famineGenesis 41:28 That is the thing which I spoke unto Pharaoh: what God is about to do He hath shown unto Pharaoh. 29 Behold, there come seven years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt. 31 and the plenty shall not be known in the land by reason of that famine which followeth; for it shall be very grievous. Moses has a delicate interaction of with God which is too similar to be a coincidence from the Introduction of Khnum. The Famine Stele said this

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As I slept in peace, I found the god standing before me. <I> propitiated him by adoring him and praying to him. He revealed himself to me with

kindly face; he said: "I am Khnum, your maker!

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My arms are around you, (Be Still)….

Before Exodus 3:5 – God appears to Moses this is what follows:When the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here I am." 5Then He said, "Do not come near here; remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground." 6He said also, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." Then Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God.…Yet they all have a similar theme to the famine Stele – All of this is not the issue at all but worth mentioning because of the similarity and certainly because the happenings of the Stele of Yebu is thousands of years earlier.