




Oi>5mrrrTiox.iUKT \3tu IK IWI*U> EVKBT DA-xxccmxa sixnAvs jua> H O U H H S - J I I Pot 4OVuti rx TUX AFTIXSOOX; SENT, THKOTGITHE POST OFFICE AT »i.UO A YtAU, OB DfcUXZMXD BY CAUUEB AT 10 CEVTX A W«nt. |

Com*. 3inarm.





. *SD H o M W 1XTE5T o r THJ5 COJ




lf.l LT>*D A.- * - . • ; I -


—All ex-flreiueu are rv.jiiest.-d to meetat Alert Hi>se House on Monday/•veiling, iI'ith in»t, at eight o'clock. Importantbusiness*, will be transacted.

—The band of gypsi.-k jvjui. have t»«i Sixth street.camping on Parkawwui' near the citylor a w,vk or t.*n day* ,-ast. pulled "their ;

Mis* Laura visiting her; ,„ V U n h,r

stakes this momin*. and left AcCh.tli.iu. i F r a * s . of Orch>rd ,4a.N. J., their aextnuupinK ground, j _ i ' __, f" ^ '—The total amount of insurance on the

Little Carri.'lJ. T»riik.-.j«iand Mrs. H. C.

barn ami contents bel^iging t.. Mrn, J. H. c , l f l t t , l t M , t , ,H a r b r y r whih b d l SUd

City Judge IUranil Cunelaviary. Knight* Tiat Trenton on T

^Jre. Dr. R. I


Why We SMID Proud.You arr all saviiijf HI many nice . things

about us that v e <;an't h<>Ip jfivlinX lofty;s<j although vfe ari- *till we to-dayj g yKljt our head in pride a deal higher than.yhen we Brst metThiS also give u

yrm tm-o da\"H t| .to spread

"'' ''


Harberyer which was burnetl early Sundaymorning, we arc informed. is«;l-out $-».oi>o.The IOHS witl probably amount to severalhundred dollars more." i

—Officers Flannigan and Xoel lodgedinthe station house yestenlay afternoon aman who (cave his name a» Traynor, whom,they found tlrunk o« the public hi^hwavof the city. , This morning he paid one « p . Opdyke haidollar into the city treasury and was ~ - vacancyleased.

—A Rfwetel meeting i.f the Fire Boardheld in

test week, whien the Board decided tojt«.r-$*2v*iU3 in anticipation of taxes, a part

0/which nm.unt was f.>r the[paying oh* the notje fallingjJEngtae.


Justut»k.; l

has proved aihrorganization/ u

• Cn^on.


by Messrs. Can:making somePark avenue

J afternoon, whenOut and In Aratn. , . j come f.y the heatwilight was deepening Wtoj ever, ft.- n-co'v.-r

evening, an open' plupton dnlve! work as usual.|np before' the main entrance of tlie CitJ.-j Ex-Mavor E<tail, andl Officer Grant springing to tb(- ' y,, - T

^-round gallantly turned and assist.-<l mi w a v s

lderly lady to gracefully ali>rht. In the iatter a

' f —At this of the vtjar many uf. tiie lawus b.-i«-aJ~>ut« JIM* very pretty,dotte.1 with violete. , i

! —Union Eyang.-listi.' Mass Meeting f<>r4neo and -women. <ornliu-ted bj^Mr. Vwt-man. Friday ni^lit at eight o'clock, in theFirst Baptist ohureh. [I i

—Our negihttorim; vfllajte, Bound Brook,was treaU-d to a delightful shower abo^t(i :3C> lant evening. For a short time tnestreets w w flooded with water. |

, —EverytK)djr {t» .tpecting to attend theOld Folk Concert, this evening- Benfdns

pairj h . - r ed^tuuie was n j w^i^ t ] ff p

.» be di^ngujfhed. but a wealth .of .iron-j t , _ , , a y . .^ t h , . u

i l i t H wjeiv toMStnf U>aud fro BIK.V.- j u,iull"(| Br<«>kier brow |.y thii' eveiung zej.hyrs. and !»•- 1 | u r , . , | f n , n i t n , . n

leath heij skirts x>f|HHl out her urn-lad j n ^J?et. Sbe|seen»ed vurv glad U> meet Cap-U i l>Kldi who welcomed^Wbreshold and politely uslfercl>acji>Us cell. ;She luad '-Ui'iimonth ago as drunk and di«-ordcfiy.the officer's question tlhut

just bi^'iidischarged on Monday. The •>mplaint i against the woman, whoseme is StjiIM ajn, wks made l.y her bus-;

nil, and was the olitl, old story. Full of!e vilest liquor, she liaH^nmde Short |'

street howl since her return^ and it !

f a n i"ur *»

Alexander P.l^'trW- L|ght C<

tiaidj j

nuUti-r- u> it flui»h l.y. |-tlw»/llutaer|l«*t >i ^ h lthe »t>lo singers we nifiiti..n»<l yesterday. ; s abbing»^n.fther wouian, in the • i-aiu

• 1 •• • f p i i ( j l d b " L " " " " 'a lull assortmentvoijes will "jine in Hie chorus."

«,f piaii.(j.ld» beat

lserv• evangclisticlservk**in Reform Hall this evening, the usuail!

tl>ethrough' one cheek and out the ; »'K of the ""f.-w Y

Xew' York;, City.per with a dinner fork.|Mr. Kelltiy. jtli»* interior of whose wife's i -laborap

the twoj Women were panning such• weeWV morta l of tlic Reform Club will " d " I'- "••'<'l"'fd, naturally cnmpiain.rfl as , .Society «•a*lfnmul*d Ft

.-II: l.ut Mrs. Kelh-y to s.t i lT i ' m " a i l ' < i " '" ' i 1 1 'uiuandlUs things "on the sifceWalk jf , «s the EWtrinal S^nterlji'iv|d with the uiihridlc.l fr.-e.iorn j The/animalhex gjuetto. iHe brought Ottlcei-MeCue ; Boyal ArcliThnpttTUjlt* «\j|ot. but when the latter asked, who • belli in Ma<-ouic T.

authority, on the premie's, Mrs. • day. Messrs. Jo|devis'v* answer that she "Was i antl T. (A. Rogers f

be nimitUnL The regular Sunday evening;; w

' ~j meeting of the Club will be }icld as usual ' '—-Th.*; regular scmi-nionthjy cnciunri-

A Winiield ' Kcott Post, f No. 73.G. A. B . of tihis plate. washeJdMn th«Post, room oil East. Front street, lasievening. Business of the Pt**t was trans-acted. - . • ••." i • •' [

—Home person unknown cnnriiil a way .the *triped poles from in fronttrf a ' jdishop: on Madison-avenuv, ;Tues«Jay after-

;, and the proprietor's ijre wa»t uropsedwheii he learned tyiat it was only •intended'

—Th« appearance irf Somerset;-«irwetto thji* bro<>fc has been somewhat improvedat the ex|»'nst' of the^oity by u'top dress-ing of t-i'usljed stone u;id gravel: Someof th • otlK-n stii*et» jn tlie city wouhlliken iwi improved by similar treatnicnl. TaVlor JobiietonTs /ullifrsi'v cows were taken to New.

wKIn 4s~.restraiu.-d her husluui^i's deiiiaiuN. : So. 11, K.A. M. •X w.i although he would rid liis wife's interest! of ftu- A. h«

isc and his biibitatioit of the wounded j of theiriiui^iU-r. Vtur,l»-r of his |»-flce, yet hefieeimes to ! has held the ..ffl.-eke a complaint and feel* vexed thnl tli.-1 Chapter- for uinn\

th avenue, i*n atta.-k 'of

•*>nt at theI C'oniiuuud-Jerwv. held

to till the[i>. Lo.vrie

f the itolje

PlainnVia jirxt*

rilit|<| ftates Xi. .V

1 hcartilN.'w Y


Yorked jin

Impities will interfere without au-'rity in his family•quiur.-l. Mrs. Sulli7

wais arTni jKil Iw-fon* City Judge I'l-moriiing, and swiftly sentenced

returned to the place from whichcam.—the County • Jail—for witty

8- i* _ • oilier things he .-MIII. » ! J _ I • ^ 1 _ has ifot to s^-ek («Ml«.tmc ^ Cte.ll. Eneme Company. ^ . ^ „„.„ .faf. MN.kt an adjourned nw-titig ,of Gazelle j u . / < ( 1 , . t h , . v n | J J ) i .rtneq.mpany Xo. 1 held iu U..; P - ' - , , „ . „ . , . a n ,;.,,,. , . , , . ,

ork in ".I »p»*cial car." atLuclu-d to [the5;2«<i. in. triiih on Monday morning, tobe exhibit flat tfie Cuttle Show uoW inrt>gi <-!*- jii |M«di.s<>n SVjuaru Garden. ;

so belonging to Howard "Pojie'f W jst Fifdi .'street,- escaped from theIrani' >y .siculfaig the fence early this morn-ng, and ran along tliat thoroughfare,east.

he p.nyV j«r|ons ou Mouday .•vehin^.b.jsiib-s iinstallation of tlm iixwlyi-leeti-tl of.'Irs, Vimt'rlt L. Frazw, the Treasurir. |

report of iiin-iots jdislmrvements for the year ending I1st. P«(7i The follow ing is th«? r<

'or so;uie distance.ionie jlleshencej


The animiilin jumping over the

"'• 0lie ploinJleld ISingipg and Turning

will witness, the rising of the *UJIhniv>!t« Drive on Sunday m»>rn-

log in xt. Duriiig the afternoon of thatday t i e wiVbgaiid friends ol the ni^mliprswill hold their usual May festival in Kel- *»*••ler's «rove; "itirth Plaintield.

—At a rV-jr Sar meeting <»f Howell Di-vUsatfi Sons €>f Tempi-iiuice, held Tut^silayeveiiiug, three nevv :i]etniM>r£i> Wcjjj4nitmt«d•—Join Brown. James I. Baldwin and Ge<i.H. Ha I--.II. It was unanimously vi>t«*d tohold n . Sunday af]t«-rht»m jubllc |Gos|i<'l

runce'-Mee Ling in 'the D/ivisionEtK nir at four. o'i-li*k p .m. as long asth..-"weather will i erinH.

e nextjdramatii' .qntc'rtainm «ht pitHall is tl«- -, ap^M-ui-wiit-o ;:gn


2» n

Musi•fss *iiag'»i<

Lijtle •_effertivje piee.-si tg ivei the'filil"l'port(inity" f.

Jliu-hi-ll.- Tfie -pluy s<t'fiH.t,w one of thein lur entinr re|>ert«oiis little lady an c*r displaying her



'iu the portrayal of the puUi,cUc «fcli>n tl1-11 tis the humorous side of life. • ../and

nd tiir.-e o'el.H-k this]!t tM.-i;uri.i-tl just westk tanks on the C.-utral

ml freight train, engin

d Oranil Prir

Y. M. C. A. Evange'etticTo a I MMIIV eoiii|iuny^of mi

ig Mr."Yatiiiain pi"tw:ni.| m,

Meeting of. the McAII Auiiliar..the Ml-All Auxilinn-

.11 . the cllupel <>t tin»e chiirc'n at fot:r o'c|>»-k Monday

Although the atitendtliiee was,1 th" i-xercise* wTie rji< t heartily•ed byj this^. pn-siiit. ' Ilev. E. M.•an pJT-l.led and with him were

on [the platform Hev. Dr. Vanjr. Rev] A. B. Hilts. Rev, C. L. («>HI-

ntl R.jv. W. B. Riehanl-. also the;.-r to (»• anuoiiiiciil. Iu front of therni U-iiutiful plants and

in- u.ldiHl l»-aii!y to the siirroundiii^s.[Julia keti-haiii sj.n^ a siilo in openingf'tillKV accoll|pallil*«l by Miss Jesse• .ii iljl-oruBii. Rev. Mr. Blchunlspniyef and Dean Rodman nmd the

fn^in Isaiah. ">M.h "tbapter. Heiiitr.«b<i-ed Rev. Mr. Bra»<| the R.-f>-lative Secretary or thcMcAll Mission

j The -|»')ik.r s«i.| ne had IIs.;.:l a in.'etitij.' in this city a y ' a r

nd ha.j carrii-d away witjh hun many ',lit tneitiories. He said he notie.-.l>r<ign+s'in't*ie work done since hi-!it. --Jill Frain-e." the s|jeak.*r said. ,

:y j are itriiored. G»-nuan an>Lie Pri.-i«ts are hated in Paris." Oneninnv vails.-- forthis was i^iioranee.

had never li<-anl of the Bible.' in iParis is such that when the

»|M.|jen "f, most | know ;n- (o I.K.k for it. The M.A11 j

:i is noW distributing Bibles to thet i^aifri-s. Tho KjH'aker told an

ft* whe^e storekeepi-rs ii|'Paii-t offer*ie al! kinds of literature, yet thef-aniiotj U- foiiml on tlie shelves,jr iiistithce wlil-ni a ma|i had read

and 'returned it to Mr. M.AIItlie wn*j v.-j-y much jileascd with it.

i askijil ror the ••Heecind e»litio1ii." !iisjoniMr. Bract lol.l^.f the work

{lisiieiljby Mr. M4-AJI and hi.-/ wifeBn-v. Mr. Van Mi'ter P-IUI a

thf founder of tlit< Xtisadun amie i m e t « a e|oH.>.

' nu-n stiiiK ai*.-<>uiit of

nizati iii and work done by theid Anx|lian of the'McAll Mission

, l.y Bev. Asa.. K.itrk avj-iiu.' Baptist church :.slnfl.-lJ Auxlllury Hi th.- Mo.Ul Ml

d xjr.r. wl. UKti. »—^1..* t—.r

Freeholders of Somerset CountyThe oM Board of Freeholders of Som-

uity in.'t 'iu 1'iics.iay, au.l occu-pied the entire day In tlnNhp^' up thelni-ii:ess for tlie y.-ar. The Board a.l-jouriifcil at •"> p. iu. on Tuesday to meetaKaiu'.il lo a. in. y.-stenlay moiuinK- TheIT|Mirt of the FillHIKe CollUllKtee for they.-ar was read and ortlered published. Thetotal expi-Iidilnres for the year anioiilite.|t«i £t'fcU,fiH-4..>~»; Imlance on haji.l;' .'J.T&Mril.

I1), si.I. nt W. E. Jniu-s. in « few words,thanked the Hoard for the uniform coin-."tv.-y au.l kilntn.•>-.- shown him l.y theIIII-IIJIKTS, and the Board then .i.ljoui ueil week's leaveMtnf r'tV. '

imr.e.'jatcly tliereufter. the new Bo.-ir.lmet for organization. .VII tin- UICIIIIHTSserved in the old Board except thosefi-oiii Bri.litewati-r and Warren towiiships.Follow**iIK is the list: s.

Why are tlu- hiiups uot nil lighted now-a-«layr.y ^

Mr-. S. P. Tallnuin !•• Rlowly recoveringfr<jin her recent dan^crou's iMjfesft.

The culvert at the corner of Walnutstreet and l'rosjiect avenue needs, lookingafter.

W. H_O:irk liu* , returned fif»m JfewYork find taken up his—residence

Bev. Mr. S. Ky

Bnll.'UilUf, V.4 u.


iiKT has taken a twomid gone tii Ocijan

(irove.JohnyiAninn, the, Central Railroad

switcjrman. has'romoved his family to tho

-iV. ip-«. Wy.KvlT. tt.i—\1<K. B..Inir. R.

Fraiikllli—H.liry B. Sklllniau. I)M(.iitfc»..ii»ery—.1. M. Yrt-*-lan*l. u.N.irtll Plaliill-l.l—W. E. J.*,.->•. u.Warri'ii—Fn-.I. Kln-h. V. ,

Tin- members tools' the oath of office,ami prtM-ii-dcd to elect officers a> follows.:

Clerk i -A, P. Sutpb-n.Cllivtor—Hu^'h Gasion.The salaries of the Clerk and Collector

were fixed at tiie same rale us last year.The next ordnrof business was the electionof an attorji. y. Scv.-nil • Mil lots resultedin a tie U-tvy.i-n Ji>hn A. Freeh, the pres-ent iii<-iiinl»>nt. an<l James L GriKKs- I*was finally decided to lay the matteruntil tht next rejgulai- meeting ofBoard. M«v l!»th. [

rejjIHenee of his mother-in-law, Mrs. J<>hnmt, <>n Front stivet.

The "Liver Medicine " ninn is In townattain, eiitertainiiiK his- audience withs«int.Manil Aleight-.if-hand pi'rformant-es.Th.-j- will remain for one w.-ck.

A three-xear-old daughter of George •Vr>Mim died on Monday from an attack of••black measles." This is said toJ )>e theHrst ciis.- of measles on record that has 'proved fatal here.

The question'Husked: "Is thert anyH.«M1 reason why the BoroUKh Oi nTnis-sion.-rs should not have a K'**' sidewalklaid from the station to the school houseund save the children a t'ramp throughthe mud next winter-"

Isaac Lim>, an old and respocted reei-• leiit of Green Brook, died Tuesday nightWed about Ml years. His wife, Sarah,

It daughter of th|> late Ephriam Vail, who Is.ver also advanced |n years, survive hhp, . asthe do also sevcraf children.

I Rev. A. B. rttnlth of New Market, WhileI'tiring the »ft.jni.«m Piisident Jones I vl

JsitinK in Wiuhimsport, Pa., was taken

iiiotm.-iil the »..|li.wl!iK stjindrfW ••<"»- sti?i.lenly ill about a v.eck ago | withitt.-esf Vr the yenr>nd to each committee typhiid pneumonia nnd died in thatlplace

the rc<|ulryiiients of the law inthe dtschiil'Ke of thjeir tlilties :

FinanceConimittiv—-Taeol. M. Vr.leland.Henry B. Hkillinnn! *Wm. 1*. H. Wy.-koff.J. E. Hildrrbi-hiii. ; _

I'uI.In- Buililiii^' iii|d ('round

iltiiimf Hiu-!i I'l^.it in th

ha» come aiid oalle h forA mat

. .but it* men forto him.

churchow; but

Wa-s a t'ime when renl piety amChristian character in the si,told as ifdiM-s toilajv". Wljenhis f.t-t i.m the solid! r.»ks .Uses him iiiit'litilyi jn hiss l ims as though thifie ncv.-ras the present wheiil GIMI is ndovvn this grt-at i-oujitrj- s iviit iK-lieve that Ix-forl* this e



links li

aunual i^mU-r4lil | '• life uirinU-n. Tin- um.'uut

[ flrnt year ITAM $JM), 'an.1 to tlii-l.K). Tin' IIrat rt-uiltuuii-e l"11-. a..- DUiwUMtry ivi tlH- Sail.-

i«*ric^u.-y. »l»f*n Mr.vlivrr miviifl tiiul.l I*.* nu|.|.U.*<1

tills lui|«.rtaut brnucii ..f ih<> w..rn.t" ku..|»: that »iur rtrst fruit-* w.-n* re-

t.. ihf w-..rk whl.-li «.ur buhor-Letiaj-. .'ur I'Uii.l.-r. b<>l<U <l*-«ir. un.l

thr M.ithrrs' M.'+tlnirt jui.lUIIP HI>II»M*. Hi.- B|t.lo rv.i'1>r

irar Auxiliary hm. ••r-.-n h.^' Hi.- Wnrni liit.-rV'Ht at Mrs. I'lias.-.>r tin- A—•.M-IRU'.II i n thl»J •••iiiuir}-.

« .- ilij«.


tli>- li .- | . ir/iil . . i . ,Jfnient fr. id Mr Brt>'still lurtlD-r Hi.- in-

'i » y.-nr

r - i j a l l . l l . r - tr.'in tlui «r..rK.-r»I.' »> ^ 1 * . liar.- llii-se. (J'litilniiik'

f Moll'* fHlllifiillir*!!. Tliv s..|t-r..r-inipk- <•! i'iir li«.n.T(Ml lea.l^r. Mr. Mr

• •ul.l .'intilnt.', as ail a.-r*i>U!it*iMV. |.ra.'ti.-al WIMI.HII.: ciilij.-.-rio-:

|iv In tfn<' ma i ia^m. - l i t >•!lli,.»i..ii] «h:l . ' «•<• «•»•; in <

humil i ty • I1IU^UHC1<II4

l l i 6 i r

**•.'«* tluti In

out there will IH? SU<h a revival

JiH.-il. -^.«-ilijfilhl-i t in)

i ty ii

It tin- |»r> IH.H»-tluti In It tin | r IH.H»-Iraw ullSifii (int.. in»*.

ns this old worldEngland and IxiniiiciScotlandstiike a blow Loset niHU fn-cSjiain is jpst ready t > lueakCut holicisiu aud i-omf < .tit for (icursed a* she has Ijcf-n by infill

•e i>-ready to sh.nit Lack t«l•we ar»- with you ;" kJerniaiiy.rationalism is ready to help, aj'l Stusf-ia driiiikeiand India, China aiiif, Japan, IIIKJ tin- isles lilierate.of the sea are getting ready tof sttik'e » ! her htislblow that will !»• felt;to the v>|-y jji-entre , fiiiuily iiof Hell itself. Oh. li^.w I wish t |man hen* t**-nijjlit had his ^Hrni*ytitfl clean i IMM-U ilriand th.- girdle of truth aboutand all the world vvoulil say thatjjs h n>xMi have I, Bujt let no't it sinner li|'k!| tochurch ineiuljer who is not i-onsi*teot and l-efntry t.o^cxcus»-'himsi-lf JM-caus.- ii&. world charge.

i m i n ] nu-iiilH-r^ anj t . (u.-t ityi". «-h !1<-.-aru.-r^t In thin .^.-liirritrul

li.'l|...r"th.' ntyt Plalnq.-lkl.- t - ^ . - - .1 '.

nfield! Woman Assaulteid.Yorki |Mi|M*rs liist w e e k eon-

voui i t of a vvoinan vvlio hail

&U\- a s s a u l t e d liy a t,T'iX <>'

ElizufU-thport. The victimIH' tljc notorious Mrs. IJlahi'r.identj in this . i ly, who on

last[ sentenced • by \ Juijgehe couhty jail for s ix ty

t* a ten ilollar • ftno impo

Have,, J. E. Hil."erlir»nt, Win. H. H.Wyckoff.' «J.M.nuitu— >i«4«ii—Wm. H. H, Wyckoff,

George W. Ballentlhc. Fred Kirch.PrintiiiK and Publishing—Augustus Bol-

iii. r, Henrv B. .Skjllraan, . G.'orgh W..Ballcntiiie. "

ComiuitKt' on Lunacy—Henry B. Skill-man. August us ROIIIKT. Fnfl Kin-h.

To audit-CVilhi'tor'-* accounts—Jacob M.Vit-i'iaiid. Win. E. Hiivcr, J. E. Iiililer--,brant.

To audit Bills--Wm. E. Haver. Win. H.H. Wy.-knir. Henry 1?: Skillmau.

Death of John Shaw- ,: . .IW> 1111 Shaw, father of Mr. R. J. Shaw.

• li.-»l. at his honi.-on East Second street,a'-mil eit;ht.o'c)ifck lapt eM>ning from coii-

, K'-' ti-'ll of t-lh' lull^s M.'lll ll'Mlrt llolll.l..-.i Altliouirh eujoy'iiK )>til modenite|. be»lth,i he ]»iis ulniut atitenilin-; to his ilnij'"* untilit ivr-ek u;,'o jVulentaiy. 'when \ hi\ e\-|M'i-fi'iiced u veviirc..chill, and continued todei-^iiie Ulllil Illsi IllKllt when lie ilik'.l. The

• in 1M2. and In- ipa* t'lercforescvciily-fite \ean» olVl at the . tiniip of his dc.-ith. In

\early MTe lie mnrrietl Eii/.ii)n'th Hazen, a^ait^'h'.er of the i;tte Jmli;. A.-uori Hazen.of Sussex coiijllyi l i e nioveil vvitli hisfam|ily to this city April "III, lxs'I. jn'ru-pyiiig the house In which he died. Fourehildien, 'two sons ntid two daughters.Wen- the result of the ui'joii, all of whom jsurvive lain, tb.-ir uiotli.-r having depart- jeil- (Jiis Jife iin AUKU*t hist. Tlie'fiinifntl will take plai-e frmn the lute ns i -

• .li-t!i|«'o,'the 'ieeeasi-ll'on S.'Itll'tlay Jtfter-2 :*i o'clock.

Tuesrtny morning about C,.:iil o'clooki Hewas libout .">>. yeiirs ,i.f age und has ; beenfor the last ten years connected wiUti theBstey OrKan (VK of N. Y. A daj- .o^ two

j before his death he telegraphed foif Mr.Wm. E. Samuel Luckey who arrived - here! last

last evening with tte body on the 6.14- train. Noti.-e of /unr-ral hereaftef.


The n e w h o u s e ij{ Mr. J a m e s T . e

<m BriMid s t r e e t ni-ar Stanley avonul1 , ' i s

an ormiment to that portion of our town.

• .The light n>n Bartholdl S ta tue , Liberty

Is land, can readily In- w e n from our Rail-

roa.1 de[H>t every evening. I t s h o w s theelevation of 'VVestnVI.I alM>vothe»iirround-in^ rtiuntrj-. •

The main nxwl t-iwands the countryfrom when> the present crushed" Btorte Ison it, oiifrht to lie lnwerpt] ut least one

f.Mit to g ive a jfootl drainage Ix'fore beingcovered with s tone .

Westtield, 1*> feet aLove t ide water, ' Isthe high.-st point l>etvvu.n JJ.-w York landAmiundale on the line of the Central 6 a i l -

roji'l, with hii.rli rolling ground, l ieautiful

building site.*. (,'•><"; crus l i e i s tone roadsand still improvjn;.'. fn-e from tleljt, a flrst-

l i a s s ijnlplic schoitl nniler the charge of -

Prof. J. A. Penii'.r. s t . vvit|i IUI •efllcjent

corjts of coni|>ete]it l^aehprs, firfTrrurtjhes

of all denomiii i it ioiis , a well-kept ho te l for

the aceomodiit i >f the publte. A! s h o r t

distance from ilie town lain bc-jseiMVA Ibxeview of the suiTotiiidinj; country. ' T h eBrojiklyir bridge also can U> dist inctly seenwitll the liiiked eve . . T


A Slander Nailed.Tli> character of ft Plaintield lady was

recerttly assailed by sj.-tinlci. The lady'shusbiinil consulted e.ftiinsel ;aiid was iu-foriucd that the only ri-riress afforded bythclavvii of New Jersey in such/ a casewas. inn .action of slander. 'Suit wasbrought, anil the trial Monday at Eliza-beth tcrniiiiiit'-t! v\ ith a verdict in favor of|

i in , l h t; ,j ia i n t iff . The jury assessed mutiiiialor , l a l u a K , . K )>f , l v , . dollar*.: Pljiintiffs con-i-

s t u t l . ( | t (1 t | ,lift*, ain| who was sul)Jscip.ieiitly | sl.'| s t u ted to the jm-j- thi«t it was a vindi- might ha\>- Ivi-n tolilm n seriou^ijthe instnrtiiiuitjijlityjo'f. ) . a U , , n a l ] , | ,„,, m,,":u.v -,i,i,t his clients ' L»is-t eveniiiK. as he wiifc-Mtchiiij; his horso".

I were after. H>- asked t5H i» i-aruy costs^ ' i» front of his house ..n High street; theI We ifoiitfriitulate. the |ilaintifTs couiisil.'' nnrs<- Iwiinn' fii^len.-.l-at something and' irml b.l.l up the ease us a waruintx to ran away, one of the wl»H'|s struck Mr.thosij-vho reckh-sbly (tttm.-k t hjrreput.-i-

aljil and^oinc friendsmeantime removinjj t<» W jt

1 • - " l v.

o f ;


The woman claims to h•d iindjassaulted, nnd three

hoiji sh|- ••)Nisitiv>>ly identilic|rrestefl aiid liHljjed in Eli

i-st.-iilay shi' was suiumoirund Jury to substantiate

a in track,und BriK.k; when 'engine X _

—Brithe IK^II ejiprifs to-<lay, Emiiieat attat4»e«l to a west) iHiuud coal tpUn, cani^ j ,|,.atMlI1 -.uVthou<-'oiuni4ii.|(;r Win. J. Douglusf*, irf CyjireKs tbunferlliK along, runninK into tlii freight j J,t m ( ; ^ h | | W

of this t-ity,

and train J Five t-ani -v-cnty-jfive ..r the members, left Tor X«jw Mti'enftyj i

York, vj-h.-re they «»»• the tfuests,-with^t.Ah Of

was l«iil]ForttJnatelv, noJ.i

Couimaiidery of -B».Rton, Of i <-ver.('oniutundery of New Yorfc.. The j sever

i jtatter Mfiii ent.-rtiiin its sister lodges with .'.a parade, this afternoon, fi>llowe.l by |aball Uii s evening. !

'-. - . ' ' : '1..• ' • • r . - V - ' r i l

west bound track was d.-layeil for '1 hours. . A•th went, up

Mi-s. Vlia.-k t<arresie.1EiizulH-tl]

the juili nient i'f tlie -s«a« il|itj dea-.thesanu

GtxJ^ will say I will atteudj'jt<| the . to leaveshaltianswer for!^h|-se.U. | On Nov.

says-*To our own Master we *tjij d or.fall."-' That is one i.f the U-f iti -s of

•iKlit tJai-s and an en- Chirstianity; even.'nmn has to fgi|e an•flhimsclf toj(i»d. Oh it »v{J! not

iding out ,i,, f(,r „ ,i|,,n to com^ tol and say t.j G.HI, I am ascon.

•«• lierailed, .and No.y writ-ked on one side,

was injiiET'il. Travel

an* you Koing lo||die? i ayuin ar:What ilestihy are you 'x.iiud for. tfor the K"!,**1 or tluit f|>r thea lilessr-d met it I* that sin is bioin the twinkling of an eye and th>

wrecking train from . i n th,. Blli^ t i ( | ( , (>f ^ y :rind away the.1

delxis t ,s»» that travel was rusiimedpifi forenoo:


as I —"Ye Oltle F"lks" in ancient attja dres« rehearsal last evening.'

i s record in this city daust 5 l i . IKWi. when shi- v ai+

U-ing drunk a id simt to• thirtj-duys. On Octo'iei 28y.'ur, : she wan arrested

I'liee,'ijut u|«»n her promis

ill, seone

itein'e was KIIS|KUIII(week later, she] lfas

•d and'seut up for eighty daM ice she is pronounced a*

i. audjthe city may prideJig riij of Kticji_a—

•ting ;at Trinity Befonr ed« jorrowj afterntKin at f<

, w It ie a Biirden Bi-arersMcifti


There is any ipmntity of white perch inthe Karitr.n. two of iAirt<>wn<anglens werpdown ycsteiihiy afternoon ami landed 140in two hours. ,,

The flsliei-in''Ti IM-IOW the dam in thoit.-iril.ui an ha vino; very j;iio<l luck, one ofthem caught thirty-seveu KIIIK] antl alxxit:«m herrinn. TiH-^day night.

The strike in the W.i..lenvMil! slill eon-tinues, with but little show of a fiettle-nient. It is n-iH.rt.-d that Mr. Einstinewill 1M' home this w.-ok, and lh«,'n it IsIIOIMMI the diflleiiltr will l*> settled. v

Philip Eder caimr. near having what

Eder'. •kin;.' him down amp bruisinghim somewhat. The horse run'as. far as

i Gillispic's livery stable, when it ran thewii^on ij^'iiinst n tree find 'completely do-,molislied it: The horse was not hurt. '

j tion of ottters. The iU-feiidaiit in this(c.-isi1 was a poor servant girl, otherwiseheavy damutpt- would hare liocn claimed.But tlie plaintiff only n.i*tovt*Ri^j U.wartlsthe ciist

-fireman's Relief Association.Mora Money For Bethel. The aiuiuahtucctiiiK of the' Fireman's

• When the specifications were all out. Belief Association oT~rH*Mjty was held Inand the estimates were all in., it was ids- Zephyr Hook and Ladder c.impalrrjS*- -p^r-covered that it woiil.l c(ist #t'i.lHNI instead |,,r last .fveniii^. Officers to serve the


. [ of ?.".IKHI t<> construct ajid complete the- association for t! clia]M-l that the Crescent avenue chun-h efote.l as follow-:

for the Doming rear were

|n-ople ha<l deeidiii to build for tbc Bethel! Miss-ion (colored) that Jvuperintendent S.A. Giuna has so successfully treated. Ameeting was then-fori'! called for lastevening, x^'fjuestinn a vi|U- on the matterby the r'ofiirrcga'tii-'n. The result was


that the buildiii).'committee, of which Mr. | T..tal RII-»-IP'IH...John W. Miirrnv is Chairman, was an-

President—Thaddeiirt O. Donne.Vice-Piesidelit - Wril. K. |>«-k.S.-.retai'j'- Edwanl MIH-IMT. ' ,Treasurer—Joseph A.( Hiiblmfd.The treastirer pn-senti'd his annual re-

port. Followinu is a recHpitillation :

1,433 90

ig. ' tliorizi'd t.i ex|M'iiil the eKtiii s u m needed .


1 Bftlnnr.-.n linnii ( . . . .$ 133 51

The Daily as Evesiso edition of The Wke^l


All cx-flrciucu are requested to meet at Alert Si**** House on Monday/’veiling, lfith in»t. at <*iglit o'clock. Iiupi'i'Uuit bueinees will be trim dieted.

-Tl*** iWld of gyp**j<*g win i ■nue near tl

MV» Hanimli I'llinaii. oft N*-* York. is visiting Mr-». (Herman on East Sixth »trei




have Is eii vamping on Park avenue near the eitv line for a week or ten days |ia»t. [lulled th Stakes this morning. a,si left for Chatham, ^ ,

11 “aXjln srr« ;. j • | i li'"‘ Mi** Laura tl'anTofic, of hjj»m,-**ys. N. J.. j ! ^‘‘r ; is visitinsr her broth«tr-inis|’it Mr. V. L. '* mu. *._• . cL'_., ..... - ill IKm

el^nKtoMrs, 4. H. c„IlHllt.(11<1. ns burned earlvSilndav ,... * • 111* flpit*?.

Little Carrie and Mr*. H. C.


J. Driik**.jd ijigbt er <*f Mr

Advebtisino bates hade .knows on afpeica- TIOS AT THIS OFFICE.* KoTICEB or CHVRCH entertainments. Turn, Sotiabeek. lk**- ttres. Cards of Thinks, Lodoe Resoeitioss, etc., i:

Masaoisu Editor.

Why We Seem Proud. You an* all saying so many nice things

about us that we can’t help jfisding* lofty ; so although We are still modest we to-day lift our head in pride a deal higher than when we first met you two days ago. ftliSalso give us_more room to-spread ourselves. .2 '' '

Drake bllUs:

of tie* ti

N J., tlwir next eamping ground. '—The total amount of insurance on the

barn and contents b* HarU-ryvr which was morning, weiare informal.issils.ut The loss wiEl probablv amount to *.v.*ral Ci‘-V Ju,I«e 0™'* wa

hundred (dollars more.* , Grand Con.-lav Office ns Flannignn and Noel i.slged' in „t Xn.nt,m on tHe^ar.

tile station liouse yestenlay afternix.n a*. j ' . j man who gave hisimmeusTraym*r. wieun ■ r* ^>r‘ , L°wr*" I they found drunk on the public highway of the city, j Tiiis morning* he paid one foliar into the city treasury and was re- leased. j

A sjsieial meetinj? of the Fire Board Was held in Counsellor Mi-CIufe's office last week, when the Board decided to .i***r- . row $3„5t)b in anticipation of taxes, a part " iiliam. Da we <if which amount "as for the purpose of Messrs. Can; paying tiff the notje. falling due on No. 2 making, some ro Engine. ' Park avenue

ary. Knights T^mpftir of

tntisurershijt.of the \V. L'J Gin}. Oislyke lias l«-en **1»* vileaney in used thereby! has proved au-efih-ii-n: ofll organization/ liWl her r*‘ longer b- dts*piy'| regretted (if the T'nii>rx.

1»[eial Id in

r sob .h iu t off I

N- Out and In Again. j come by tfie lien

1st as twilight was deepening iijitoi ever, fte recover It., last evening, an open piueton drove work as usual.

Ih avenue, is in attack of

|- . i gsent at the ifill Command* ii*i| Jerts-y. held

resigned tie* |t’.. and Mrs.

to fill the Jli>. Low rie. a Of the Iloble Ail to serve the member*

employed- 4i*| engageil in

j afterijl (Kin, whei

i^yeusant s. smile, and ln*r IsyitJ as high


J _


Just usk ip before' the main entrance of the CitV-j. e.x-Muvoi R.4*kfell,,w ail. anil. Officer Grant springing to the Varolerb+ek. th|\forin'er 44. mind gallantly turned and ah Wavs (.resent an.

rly lady to gracefully alight. In the hitter a pair of .tte-ring darkn<*ss her costume was hot' w*4ist left Pi.

p distinguished, but a wealth of .iron- j t<„tay OI1’ n ringlets weiv tosseef to and fro ; ,UI1d Br,H.k

brow by the evening zephyrs, and U- fl,,m ,h<'. „isi„K i«»ath h**ij ^kirtsi ^hh’jhhI <»ut h**r unclad in tin* riv^-r

.Shej se^rtutl vtsjrk' ^h»<J t<* m^et Caj*- iin DiHlilj who welctumni i«.*r 4cn.»w tlr«*

hn^hcdfl and into a >i»«i i»*u> ifll. Sli*> lutd •**be«*n

a \N»un?; y aix>« «*n |^H*f *•( tin* | l*ttsd « y4*5*teniiiT he! wa* ^u«(jlenly ovi*r-

Iji ahow* | d. ainl r«*i*um«*<l .

, Meeting -of. the McAII Auiiliary. tin* Mf*All Auxiliary

r: Letd-In th»*. olui(j«*L<d llu! Cruiw-^iit rhun*h at four oV|*H-k Monday

•n. i AUIimukH th** atjteTidrtnee wa* l th»* ji*x**rt*i*«‘* w**r»» i)i«»*t heartily ed l»y( th<*** j»n**»*nt. U>*v.- E. M. tan jijnsMfd and with him wen*

on ; th** platform Hjrv. Dr. Van tr. Rev] A. R. Dilte.- Rev; C. L. (V»« Ki- nd R«|v. IV. R. Ri«-hand». al.^o tin* **r to announced. In front the >rm' U*autifui ]M>tt«Kl plant* and

tr* ad<l«Hl U*auty to the Mirrouiidiii^- Julia KeUdiain sj»n^r am^o in op**nin^ ••••tin^Ty aecoiupMiii«Hl by Mi?--* on thl*oruan. Rev. Mr. Richard* prayer and Dean R«Hlinau ntid the iii>* fnfm Inaiah, .V»th chapter. He

Sntr«*dileed Rev. Mr. Brairq the Rep-; ative »*en*taryof the Mr All Mi^itui /an*. ; The ^|^*akrr ^i«{ n«* had ti

a fii«v*tknu in thi* eitv a w*ar • -7 nd ha«l earrietl away witih hi;u many int mertiorie*. He ^uid he notired sproj^re^* in t*h«» work tlone *im-e hi* i*it.^ ‘Tin France.” the speaker t-aid.

leiyv ; are i^imred. (w-rman and. Ie Prieht* are hated in Pari*.” One •many j-imm* for this was i^noranee.

ph*|ha<i never heard of the Bible. :n*e in jPari* i?s *iirh that when the

•i* >|K.l(«*n of. most |K*r*<'H* know r»* |«» liM»k f«»r it. The Mr All

i is noW di*tribi|tinK Bibles to the <d£ij*-e*.

I month a+ro as drunk and die-orderly, aitd .• note the rv.«t«ine'r ifflyp's: question repinnl that aiie

famou* cas* wit May ti

y the s»n d

* ffi |ame is hultjsjiii. wks made bv li.*r hus- and, and was the old, old store. Full of

■d just Us*ii diseluii geil on Monday. Tie in plaint ujpuirst the woiuan, * whos*

ruwiH-r i*.Fit*v as nfgn ns ainfield aij.J ilizati.m, A4 train. St' ilds < f ty now tfif may have

ri|ii!i|aM the tl^li

(ill lisure t<f p•serve That «4f" Plalnfleia jrofis-sional

men is n.< .-..nllnf*. 1 Craig illarsli. Es.)., l.-tte

l v Danp! |F. B**atty, tie* i great*.*i vran i|iu nifmtu .|r|5n his now*

)»> I'nit* <} States G.*v- th* ifiual g. fKlSuck ..f the Plainji;

It is always a pi. as

-nius-ii!. counsellor follow 1

At this sea sue of th** year many of . the lawns b>sx*aJs>uts |.k4 very pretty. dotted with violets.

. . | —Uni* id Evang.-iistie Mass Jhs*ting for wien and women, conducted by Mr. Vat- roan. Friday night at eight o'ckwk. in the First Baptist chui-eh. If' j -

—Our ncighlmkitg village. Bound Bns.k, was treated to a delightful shower 6:3tl last evening. For a short time the streets were flooded with water.

—Everybody {s ev|«*eting to attend the Old Folk Concert, this evening. B.*sl(b*s tho solo singers we mentioned yesterday. A. full assortment of Plainfield's ts*st

will “jine in tin* ehorus.'' account of the e\ Hngelistic s»*r\ im*s : .

■form Hall this evening, the usual i tjwoj women were painting such j<“11 *,r<■*',’*t; Th|* weekly Blurting of tlK* Befonn Club will uP*.*p, dis-p red. naturally complained as S<« i* ty was fonndisl*i| be mmitUsL The regular Sunday evening ! : ,,ut '-K«-lh*y tlireat.*fi.*.l to sot u »«bat.*.l with* the Am.-riJ meeting of the Club will be liel.l us usuaL “jfR** *««> Ms things'* on She sikeWalk if *’*.,,M* ElctrieiU Station. las| j

interfere|d wiih tke uubriflb*! freetloru | The/knuuaJ e< tii\>*jirien hex He bnm^lit OfficerM'-fue R«»yal Ar« b ('Itiipt#M' of N«*wji ]

t cfaifi-eH. Tin* k|H*aker toM an wher». storekeeper* iirPaii*; offer* The next orilerof bu^in^ wa

; all kimls t%f lit‘*raUiin*, yet the ' 1

iMiiot! \h> f«-uu«| on the shelves. r in*iaiu »* wlil-re a man lm«l r**u«l ib* ami r»*tume«l it u» Mr. M« AU ie wi*h very nimth pleasiMl with it.

Freeholders of Somerset County The obi Board of Freeholders of Som-

erN‘t.^t»uiity iuet«*u Tuewluy, occu- f»ie»I the entire dMy in tlni~dipte up the lni'ii!'*** for tin* year. The Board ad- j«>urif%d at .*» p. m. on Tuesday to meet atfiiiieat Id a. in. ye*t«*nlay morning. The rejwirt of tin* Finance (’onunrttee f«»r the year was read and ordered published. The total exjKMiditures for the year amounted to ^l!i,OH4.5o; bulaiiee on hand;' jvJ.72d.tKh

President W. E. Jones, in a few w»»rds, thanked lie* Board for the unifi>siii emir-' tv*y ami kindness shown him by tia* iiieiuiKTs, and tiie Board then adjourned f* itu dit. ^ '

Inu..<*diately tliereafter. the new Board met for organization. -Vjll tin* iiieinlHTs >«*r\ed in the old Board exeept thoi^e frorti Bridgewater and Wtirren town.-xinj Foljo^iitf the list:

—Ot-«Bnll«*ujiue, i>. Benini-nAr—J E. HilJerbrnnJ. l>.

E^ifirrer-. n. Brktp-wnTF-r — fcv. Wyekt-fT. R. Hill*xi».>r"airh—Ai<s. B«»lm**r. u. Franklin —Henry B. Skill man. I). Mont»r>»inery—4. M. Ynrlan»J, u. North Platnfleju—w; E. J-oies, u, WariYii—^^Fre«l. Kln-h. n. , Tlie mend N-rs took th«* oath of office,

and pn*c«*oded to cb*ct officers a^ follows.: Dinvtor— Wi Ilia in H. Jones. Clerk \, P. Sutphen. C« «lb*vt« ir— Huj<h t »n. The salaries of the Clerk and Collector

wen* fixed at the same rate a* last year. the election

f an attorney. Several l»alIots resulted in a tie U i w**eii J«>hn A. Freidi, tin* pn*s- ent ineiiiiitM*iit. and Janie* L Gri^*. It was finally decided to lay the matter over until the next rekcnlar meeting «»f the

Tlie eul\ert at the comer of Walnut stn*et and Prospect avenue mnnU. looking after.

'V. bL_Clnrk bus /n*tumeci fn»m New bii'k and taken uw his~^n?si<len<*e here again.

Rev. Mr. S. K/fienger has taken a two w**«*k’s leaveyr abnenee and gone t<> Oooan (in»te.

J«*hn >L<»gan. the Ontaul Railroad switcjitriaii. has reumve^l his family to the

•nee of hi* motlier-fn-law, Mrs. J*9hn unt, on Front street. The “Liver Medicine" man is in town

again* entertaining Ids' audiemt* with *4mgs ami sleight-of-hand jierforraances. They will remain for one w«**k,

A three-^ear-old daught»*r of George an died on Monday from an attack of Vr» h

vilest liquor, she JiaH^irmd.- Short Alexander P. W ird stm»t -bowl since her return, and it j Elivtrif Light Coinj»any said brought matter, to t* dui.h by.! the^diuwer last >v. min*?, bbingi^^iiother woman, iu the >aur«‘ h^KMUi tip* cf*Jel

* through one cla***k and odt tie* ( N**w with a dinner fork. I York! City.

h>us«< rk Electri<!fojl The m**m| |

in Fi i.| Plainfield , of th<

|>r»*»s nt at _ c<mn«t i*

f»»nli lp#*et- oeiety, in


“black niettsh*K.” This is suid the ilrst ca**M»f inea-sW on record tliat has proved fatal here.

The question is asked : “Is tliero any good reason why the Borough Commis- t-i«»n**rs should not liav<* a g<n k1 sidewalk laid from the *tati<»n to the sch<><>l house and save the children a tramp through the mud next winter.'"

Isaae Lines, an old and ros|Wicted resi- dent of Green Bnw»k, died Tuesday night aged about N> years. His wife, .Sarah, daughter of thf lab* Ephriam Vail, who is. also udvatuMKl |n years, survive him, do als<* aeveraf c*hildren.

Rev. A. B. Smith of New Market, While visiting in WilJmnisjmrt, Pa., was taken suddenly ill about a v.t^k iigt> with typhoid pneumonia and died in tliat>place Tuesday morning about f».30 o’c lock. He

, th»* diM’hdrge <if duties >Yas r»S y»*ars j..f und has lx*en Finance Com mittif —Jacob M. Vreeland. r, >r lht> ltl^ t<.;, Vf.arH ponneeted with the

Henry B. ^killman\ ,'Wni. Tl. H. Wyckoff. £«tey organ (Vk of N. V. A day ot two J. E. Hihlcrbraiil. , _ , in'fon* hls death he telegraplu'd foij Mr.

n a>k«jd for the “second etlitioh." B*»ard. BHh. r < iglusioiijMr. Braeq tohU>f the work l>»*nng the aftiinnH>n President

ishedlbv Mr. Me All ami hU wife anmttimod tlie fo|lowlng stamlrfS fom- k*. Rpv. Mr. Van Meter read a iwitfeefr Or the Venrj, and toeach committee om the founder i»f tlieMia«u»n and he nvited the nN|uireinents of the law in

; iniui* tn a cilia**. >» i jg inten etjng aeismiit of

kiiizHtihi) uwi work ilotic by the Aiis|liatj- of tin'’Me All Mission

tHri*. waH.ri*ail by Rev. Asr. R. Dilts, j ^ nbllv* Buililtng i^iiti Grouiuis Win. E. Samuel Luek**y who arrived here last, irk avj*iiue Baptiet efiuivh : Haver, J. E. HSI<|erbraiit, '"in. H. H. last evening with t1’e hotly on the (1.24 p.

"yekoff. m. train. Noti**i* of fnni ral hen*aftef. '

Cr. Kelley, kia* interior of whor-o wif.-V t ialairab* seale. uiid heartil| Mijoved by Heinx

lialleutini*. lEleetrieal ' Srln Ptti, IKS], «»ny .-it

Me Ail

—TUo regular semi-monthly eni-tuujii- Jiient of Winfleld ' Scott Post, j No. 73. G. A. R.. Of tlbis place, was held 'in the Post room on East s Front str>s*t, iasi evening. Business of tlie Pobt was trans- acted. * ; ■ 4 ’ *■

—Home fNTson unknown earried a way the *tri[>ed («des froth in front of a lmri“*f

mMadisoiravenue, ITuesi^ay after- DIKi when he learned that it was only iiitejid* as a jok- ■ -

ttjlUte s(M*t. but when tiie latter a-ked w ho held in Man*nie Temple. Tnjij ;in authority , on tin- premises, Mrs. * day. Messrs. John riri<*h.

i|lley's divisive answer that she **w«s arid T. A. Rogers foni J> ni s"i.restrained her huslum.i's ileniuml-. No. 27. 11. A. M of tiiis eit v

although he would fid liis wife's ! interest; of jrtu


ii* Chit pt. r ami t|*| liouor one (•el*. " iiliam H. ^*lg-ing, who sd and his habitation of tin* wounded of tln*ir<iniads*i „

T of Ills |«aais>. yet hed's‘irm*s to lias held thf* "flliv of High I^ijhp in the ike a eompdahit and feels vexed that the I Chapter’: fof many years. a|4 hoitities will not interfere without aiej eb-cted Grain I Prin *tpiil“Soj irit^in his faiuitysjuajrel. Mrs. Sullir| . •

Vian was arraigned befon* Citv Judge VI- -the appeaiHoce of .Somerset -tris t ri^ n.orniug, and swiftly -enter,, ed

illia ri** to Us* bris>i has been somewhat inapravisi at tin* expense of the city by u'top dn*ss- Ing of ei*us)H*d stone and gravel! Some of th • otln-r streets in Ur* efty would In* likevii»M* improved by similar treatment

blooded Jifrsey o<»ws were taken to York



John Tavlor Johnsti ■atiiM* •it's full ‘ Jfew.

t u rnei 1 to tlie plaee from wldeh calm—the; County Jail—for sixty

Jrff • eetmg of Cazelle Engine Company.

an adjourned nveetiug of Gazelle EniJrine Company No. 1, held in tin* pom- piiljy's jiarlops ou Mouday.evehiiig.lxjsides tlii|| installation of the n«wlj*-«*h*eted of-] fie. pr.i .un) Ma| JK. 1‘

liJ sjweial ear," .attached to the 5;2s i. in. train on Monday morning, to be exhibit! d at the Cattle Show now in progi ess ii Madi.—m Square Garden.

—j. horse belonging to ( Howard "Po(«' of *st Fiftli street, e.*-<*a|N*d from the fard >y .sealing the fence early this morn- ng, anil ran along tlmt thoroughfan*.east, ’or sijiue distaliee. The aiiiiual P*eeiVed ■omelllesh wounds in jumping over the

i’encej •! | —Tiln* Plainlleld Hinging and Turning eietiv wiii witness the rising of tin* siui

;>m John-turn's-Drive on Sunday mdi]n- ig next. During the afternoon of tjiint

day tip* wivhgniid friends of the inOmU-rs iw>7.j will hold tlieir usual May fe.-tival in Kei- 7nn- ler's grove; North Plainfield.

—At a iy*g*.iiiir meeting of Howell Di- vishlf! Son- of Tempenuiee, lie Id Tue-11 a\‘ evening, Uuve new inemliers W<ji*4tiUJated '—Join H. H

'nizee, tlie Treasurer. ... .. J t hristian i •lv rvi»ort of pis-iats ■ *' ' %. j told ns it i Vims'nt L. Fraze<

•nteil his yearly disbursements for the 1st. IH87; The following is thy re- in jjart:

Y. M. C. A. Evapge'estic IJII^^tings. T<> a g* •* *dly eoiupany>«*f ui*Vj last even-

ing Mr. Yntlmali 'pijw^'ed on HTpe Mast* has come and ealletii for th£j.'| Among o\her tilings he saiil: A iiuii|it link.' >■• has got to sfs>k GimI. .but it is|i ii so. God ~****ks men. tie M-*kjs men forji a iv years liefore they emiie [to. him.' never nn h<«]ir whei church meant ko little as ilow; but Was a time when real piety amf


hold a -Tempt Bin mi the Wi

—The next Music Hail i

Brown, James I. Baldwin and Geo. es-it. It was unaniimiusly vot.-l to Sunday afternoon Public |Gos[>el

lunei*: Meeting in xhe ihvisiiIII lock p. in. as long as at four, ii

"her will ijcniirt. dramatic enteitainm']

th*,( apjieaninee again M itrhell. * Tjie play m

Biu -foot,'’ one of tin; in tier entire roperti ry, jus ious little lady an ex* ellent r 'lisplaying her varii-'l

ht lit

Ja 4ul AU fit Del. Xevill. Dee.ll.

Feh.j M*-h|)'E


Int. Rififlvrcl fr*5'm Pi-Tiva; (asb 2. JU***«iv**ti fr*»ni Imj***

rhox-a<*t«*r ii _ -_ bn** t<>-«lav.

* hi* fe«*t f.ill tile SJillii | iws him mightily *4*4*ms as tliiiu^h tic*r

] i lie prcs«‘iit ’ivhen C V w | *Iown tiiis i?rt*at cmm ii

^ 1 u‘li**vw ^hal

9nlnfl»*lj Auxiliary bf th«* McAli MI^ioq ji^xrd ^f»v. ua. four 'YJi-r

» autl WD iiianaiKM-n*, ^attaiuiinc «iuxrtnic five n|outh» au aufiual qi«*iub*r4bli»

\ an«i lift* uiembent. Tli*- aiih-uui, rina flmi year wa* $jre. an<i ti» tb< ^inu* tAfy.FJ. Tin* flCNt rviuiUJuuM* t« ! JfVotnl !•* tilt- Dl«|HfU*vtiry at tbn* Sail** . i OIilIiiittdT

ivinir Imw-11 nycrivrtl l»y Mh<1niik* Lt- Hnu* «>f M-rtuun t*mcr»ct*ucy. when Mr. |w not «|li**r»* lueaim «*i>uM I** »u|»|»li«*<l t ibl* liui-•riant -bntuch *»f th<‘ w«.m. ^ t*# kno r that *»ur fruit* wt-rc r»*- J*|'|*ortu u»*ly. ttubaequfMtiy *»ur fuinln |tlcv»«ttMl u» th#* w.»rk whichn*ur hohnr- &*■ • ur f* un<l# r. huhlt <1 ear, au<l

dii'tft*—th#* M<itht*r#*' M»*4*tlnp*# and of ,M*dn-in#> H«‘ii<*(u*. th#» B|l»l»* r»*ad#*r

• B**n« li(. wh#*rt* w** h»*«r of -an*. jitilt#*. ifnr Auxiliary h«>* iif«*»i highly

tht* Warm intt-rcHt of Mre. i lm***. i*>f tin* lAtowN-iatloik in tht*! «* »uutry, |1 >rr»*»*tl(i*r n»u.**t «i»hy** ri-ne'uibtT: if thi*.! th** ln*i»l)rath»r. »jf elowlnfc p«**»urH*.4*ni#*nt from Mr. Brhe*i a year ^ d«**»rt*J r*tlll furth«-r tin* re<-a*iomtl ^ iN-r^oiial I«*tt«*r* from ||J *\r».rk«T* |W.’ wt* >il*o liavt* th**#*#*, 4>.ntiiinbi|f

of talthfulto-**. Ttiy ’***H-for- • *r**tl I*>ad+r. Mr.

all a*f..nntf* rltli hlk l»ra* tn*al wIfmJoiii,:dilip-n'f!

fiy iu th** limuAkfiaifUt of thi.* fjar- ^rai lv lift ifl**l<‘i\, wh'.l#* tM^.*' Iu '|!vl-s j;n*;vv

|nnd humility .^illusiriicloq or ran* If - th«* fi*riiiatloht*.l «»ur'Aux|illHi-y th*-

ha*l u*«*ii dlfihuriwil. lM*pild#* UU- ptf In*>*. ri*#*or«l* nnljf IfadclH j iha) aim* ell lutt r»*4tlu|p tuftdfXit. •Tin* r<H>lVr tn (ltd alts*|rUMl hy- till* woudtrrful Mi*-

f, an.) ****** that In It tin* |»r* ini (jll!h*l. ^

CrtHumitU*1 **» 4«il- Win. H. H-. Wrrkttff, frettr^t* \V. BalJeutliie. Fretl Kirch. j

lYintini? an«i Publishing—Augustus Bol-1 B. Skill mar., , George W. (



n Lunacy—H« nr>- B. Skill- man. Augustus BoIiiiht, Frt*<l Kireh.

To umiit CVlleftor's actM»unts—Jacob M. Vix elaml. Win. E. Hsiter, J. E. Ilildcr- brant.

To audit Bills^- Wm. E. Haver, H. WwkofT. Hfiirv B. Skilliuan.

James T. Person is

Win. H.

[* "I At«*u f* IHltniUltU- inifdc of our h«»imn* ire wou|d finulntf,

|g Up


Beceil>U...L. oDil di>l»Jir4J‘iueiif-

lptcd to S1L2J.H). Of for this

Tl aino

wWs for jloitor s servie bttla ice for suiitiiy tflaims. Tht on h Uni ix$lb7.'.Mi.

* Criniiinirnlery of tiiis eftv, and ajUhi^ [ train twenty* ft vt

reck at Green Brook. B«j ‘ ween\ two ind tiir#*e o*ci<K*k this

°f iiion ing. an areith'ji.t occuri>*d just west lccted 0( tl c Grtvn Br«*bk bulks <*n the Ct*utral unist liailioad wiiich njsultfd in the Wrecking

. .in? .3a oo

. . 6 30

.. H 75

.. 2 <*) . . 4 25

« 30 15 *25

oo 25 123 95

rnanakD-i-^*1. w -rk th# id int#*rf*t

*111 draw all'nifU fin’to in#*.’ nix ltf#»-in#,inh«*r>». Kin#* huip

utual ntfiulHT.* unit A'wcaty II#* #*arn#*fAt In thi* «|»*liirlitful

i ^*lr»* IfiriTfiy thf ilitcUlgyiH thf t’i^y of plain Iff ft!

Death of John Shaw Jtdut Slutw. 'father of Mr. R. J. Sltaw.

di«4i. at l»is hoitie on East S<vomi str*s*t. a'HHjt eigiit oV|«fek la^t e\idling from eon- gesti-*n of tin* lungA and liejirt tr»»ubles. Aitliough joying j»tit inoderateI- he»Hhv Ie- was niwnit afitendiiig to his duhiV* until a iv^ek ago \ystenlay. wlnui IjA ex- jht|« iic«*d u V#"\otv t liUl. and couU|mietl t<* deirjline until lust; nigiit when iu* diled. Tlie d<M*t*a.-«Ml isUTi in H}iism*x rouuty. N.J.. in l^i*2. and lie \V;is therefore s«*veii\y-r.\e \ears oM at the tillin' of hi* dcatli. In

lie inarritMi ElizjilH*tJi Hazen, a daughter of tin'lab* Jiadge Aaron Hazen. of Siism'v couhly. Iff moved with his- famjily to this eitv April 7th, Ihh», jnru- pvilig the house ill wiiich lie died. Four i hiliiien, ‘two siiiiiV an«i two da-ugbiers, won* tin* result of the uni'*n. all of whom survive 1dm. their mother having depart- ed* pbs -life Tin August 2<»th hist. Tlie fundntl will take plarefnati tiie late ivsi-

Thc now Iiousj' iff Mr i «>n Br»>ad street ni*ar Stanley avenue, 14

. an ornament to tliat iK>rti«»n of our town. The light v>n B«r*tiiot#li Statue, Liberty

IslanrI, can p adily Ih* seen from our Rail- riKul deiM»t everj* evening. It shows the elevation of AVestfield alHive the surround- ing Country. •

The main romi towards the country fn>m vvher»' the j»n*sent erusJu'd' utonft Is

| on it, ought to 1n» lowbred at {east one f<n»t to give a giHid drainage lx*fore in'ing covered with stone.

Westfield, 1#1 f«H»t a!»ove tide water, * ift tlie higla*s1* j»oint betwis-n N**w York land Aniiaiidale on tli«• iim* of the ('<»ntral Rail- road, with high rolling ground, lieautiful building sib‘.*i. go<»d enishpd stone roads and still improving, free from debt, a flrst- eiass public Tool under tlie eliai’g© <>f • Prof. J. A. Deiiiiiivst. witji sol efficient corps «»f competent tbaehbrp, fireT'h’unihes of all denoniinatioips. «i well-kept hotel for the accomodation of tlie public. A! short drstanee fn»ru Mu* town etui LK^seenA fine view of the surpHiiiding eountryj The UrtMiklyii' bndge also can 1h» distinctly su'en with the naked eve.


ilrrttje of tlie d 2 :» o


$241* 90 tiie year amount, and thf l*alatieoi

out there tvi|l U? su< Ii a r»*vivn| I as this old world lias m England and Ininui*'^(Scotland strike a blow to set mgii free Sjiain is jtist r»*ady ti* i»r«*ak f Catholicism nud c«*Mir«*iit f**f G« cuTscd a?s she lias b«nr»u by ilifi« (vi«*e is r«*ady to slioiit Utek t« “wb an* with you jfbTmany, rationalism is r**ajly to help, a and India, China and Japan, an of tin* r^*a ar«* g«‘ttin^ reatly to blow that will 1»* feltit«* the v« <*f Hell itSJ-lf. Oh, how I wisil t|m man hen* t«sniglit liail ids garment and thi^^ctnile «*f truth about und all the world would say that' man. Bqt let not aj siiu^#*r l<|»k^ to a ehureh iuemls*r who is not Vonsiftc^t ami

her tusbia

loins, g« kkI

trx- tx»rexcuse himself jH*eau^ says “To our own Muster

That is **n«* i»f the

* tij.' jworlii ve stand or

T _ • lH‘{^jtK*S «*f . . of n juniU-r i.f fri-iiiht cfer» anil ail <*«- j Chirotianity ; every mbn has t«. an j nrreMeil jjine. JA west' i.mhil fr»*iglit triiin, engine l ,ei.„ll(1t nj liiiu?-«*lf to jGoil. Oil it ivfll not ElizalM*t >'n. 11 i was iwms^g from the aiding out (l<> f)>r a an c„ln^ t<> tL(. j,,ji

Woman Assaulted. pa|H»rs lust wf<*k cou- of a woman \v|io hud

illy assaulted hy u gang of Elizdl*ethv>ort. The victim

■ tl e notorious Mrs. Mahi*f\ ent in this eitv, who was,on • j - osti tM*nt4*iice<l x by Ju*lgf

he county jail for sixty•<|«4yKi in ia ti*n dollar ftn«‘ ini|H#4<‘d-for

!«HS, ami whi> was Mibkcquciitlj I M.j statl>(1 t

Ijirbuglii tli*' instrulnetitjiil.ity jo'f id und Home Is (ieK*—jin* | w,.lv aju.r He ufeked HStl tn earay eosts/ ia front *

meajitinie trimiving to "'|*^jt; ^Ve ([(.ngratulate tin* piljiintitTs cmnisel. ] norsc I ..Ifii■«.ii v»... 4

Thore is any (jimutity «»t white p#'rch in <*eus<*ii'on Saturday after- the Raritan, two of o\ir town angler# werp •l‘N‘k. down vfstfnhiy afternoon und funded 140

in two hours. , The fishermen hwdow the dam ih the

Raritan are having very good luck, one of t hem <*uught thirty-seven shad and alxnit joo blurring. Tix^lav night.

The strike in th#* Wot»l#-n'Miil s-till con- tinues, with but litth* show of & s<'ttl»> m«*nt. It is re|H»rti*d that Mr. Einstine will Ih* homo this w#s*k. and then it is )io|hm! thf difficulty will U* fM»ttJe<.1. x

IMiilij* E*Ier eam*r n**ar having what might have h«*en to him a s#*iious Aecijilertt. L^ist *'vening, ai-' he wuis hitching his horse

lit*- ^Ol

•Hfltl .Tin' i oman claims to hajv#

g^ed aud(assaulted, and thnsoof oijfi sh|* “jH*sitiveiy identified.’’ t;oll (^f nvsted Hi

A Slander Nailed. The f hit meter of a Plainfield lady was

1 recently asSaih'd by sinmier. The lady’s liiislAind consulted counsel ;and was iu- f#»rnie*J that tin* only redress afforded by

, th«' litws of New Jersey in such/a case was. i nn , a4*tu»n <»f ftlknder. "Suit was br*»ught, and th** trial Mondfiy at Elii^a- In't.h terminab'd with a-verdict in favor of

| the plaintiff. The jury assess'd nominal lamages of five dollar*.! Plaintiff's coun-

tin' jmy tfiat it was a vindi- <-ati#*n and not money That his clients ig, ai-' he was tuU-Ji

iis iioii.*^* on High

f|Hs Maggii* ••Littl.* -Ii

eff#*# ti\i«* pi#M*#*s it giv<**l Uii**r;,(i “IfiKirljinity' t taMiti* [in til.* portiaval of the ptttJjetic tl, jfnmu, tra.k. bftw«wt Grrop Br.n.k | t, j am a- g,».l a» vell'asi th«* humorous side <if IM^, , and ] lound Bi>M»k, %vli«*n engine No. ' f,0|| . Qiti\

By ithe min Vipr^s to-ilay, Emfnent attae uni to a west bound e<mi t&liu eani^ (|f.aeoll XtUi tholl shaitlanswer for | On Nov. Conim«|mh5r Wm. J. Douglas^, of Cypress thum lering along, [running into thi- freight

ainl hnigeil in Eli'a it lay sin* w as l Jury to subs

SUUllllOt ubstantiat*

ed I he

e^ord in thin city da:<*s

Five ears vreiV* d«*rai 1«*<1, »an«l N* . . ’ • I • I* IIUV ih **1111* III' •I'llllllI of tin* moniiM-rs, h*ft for N«ivr Hfi'enfciiu* wa- lifilh wr»i-k.Ml on .an* *i<!<*. f(ir ttu. ,„^Ki ,ir tlmt f.,r thl . L ’ . . i • I. I ! FI . . i .... 1 ...j! ....... Tmiiv.l '


11 tlii«» evening. - 'ii

nut.-ly, no |>i^ wa« injuro.l, Trav.-l R l)k.^d fH,.t it u tha^ Hin u u, lie west.bound travk was <l* lHy*sl for

York, v li.-rc tii**y irr»* the guost.-. witii -St. j Forti Aiithon , s CoiiiiiiHiidi-ry of Boston, Qt i.over IvRiiln^. OiniinuinlvVj of Now York. The j sever! il hours. A w ns king train from latter iijiH viit.*rtniii it- sist.*r hslit-s Hitii ; Eliui(j«*th went u|> and eleatvd ajvvay the a parade, tiiis aftt-rnoon, followed l>y ja j del-ris


di*a- . tin* -am** von. • God will say I will attend;'^ the , to l**«v

1 thou shRlt ansv L**t me a-k how are you going

rust 5tli. when she vtaa ] , Ising drunk af<i sent to ' thirt j* days. On Oi*to|ier 2H

! y«*ar. j she wan arrostdd 'or l*nee. iiut u|s*n her proipis ng , #ji, s«*nt.*iH**‘ was s u—|». * ii * 1 *i i

idie What'destihv aro viiu Isiund for, ttiejila


so that tiH\el was rosqiued as this forenoon. 1

in th** twinkling of tpi eye and th**||ei in the fliKsji tide of jbyj t* <

—*’Ye Old** Folks" in ancient att] a <ir**ss rehearsal last everting.

| again arrft* | By tin

hadH IVliat j **t*ad" w<* ii out ( s**lf *m g< tl

>ln*‘s j * liara**ter

r , held

one 'week later, sin* \ ns hi ami-sent up for eighty da vs.

slip is pronounee*! a* |n. andjthe city may prid<* it-

ri<( of siu* Ii a—notoru us

! —The ehureh

' o'el<*ek.

etiug !at Trinity Keforir **<i jlorrow afternoon at four

/ II

| and ti#»ld up the ease as a warning to who recklessly <Ula»:k tl\yr n*puLi-

TIm* defriidanl in thi? case was a jmh»r H^'cvaut girl. otln*rwi?s* lifavy tla*nag#-s- would hf§Ve Ih*#*u chiimed. But lie* plaintiff only towanU the costs. i ^ --

More Money For Bethel. When the sp«*<'ifieations were all out.

and tin* *'stimat«*s w«*re all in, it was jfis- covered that it would eirst $fi.(NNI inst«*ad of uon t«* fonstruct and complete the-

! eha]*«‘l that the Crescent avfiiue church j jN*ople had d«*(*id(*<i to hillld for tiie Bethel Mission (colored) that lh*i|K»rintendeiit S. .

! A. Gimm has s<* siieees^fully created. A 1 meeting was therefore called for last ••veiling, requesting a vob* oil the matter j by the Congregation. The result was that th#* building <*ommit!tee, of which Mr. i T..t«i it«*#*«*iptH.. John W. Murrav is Chairman, was an- Dishurscnwnt**

f hi*' lion.-#* #*ii High >t.n*#*t, the am#* fright«*n«*#l’at something and

mn ijway, «.*ne #»f th«* wlnsfis stni#'k Mr. E<l# r'. kmK'king him *l«*wn an#P bruising him som#‘what. Tin* horse ran' as. far as

{ (rillispieV liven* stable, wjnm it ran the wagon iigainst «i tre#* ami c<unpletely de- m#»Iish#*#l it. The h#>r^e was not hurt.

L '* ' Fireman’s Relief Association. The aiinuabmgeting of th«* Fireman’s

( R**lh*f Ass#H-iati#»n mThLw^itv was Imld in Z«*i>hyr H«>ok and Lnd#i#*r erjmpatiy^ 4U|r- l*»r la^t -«rveiling. Offic«‘rs to serve the asMK*iati#i>n for the ooming y»*ar were #d«***t#*#l as follow

I>resident—Tlm<hieiis (). Donn»\ Vic«>-I>r**sid#,nt Wru. R. j>H*k. Secretary- EdwaHl M«»-h«*r. * v Trea>ur#*r—Jos«*ph AJ Hubbaf#l.

. The treasurer presented his annual re- port. Following is a recapitillation : | -

—Si,Mfr 41 J.... 1.433 90

a Burden B#*arers Meeting. * th#*rized t«» #*xj*en#l the #*xtra sum needed. ' Balance «»n hand $ 133 51

• 1 ! * * . .. r • •''■•'■*

I- / L *


I i



A Co«»ml«lo»«r KaplrfiM Hiaw—H&yNrThajrA n O«B#rmJly Mbunil.nlood.

.W,»irf|r«oTox, M«v «.—A BM^nber of theCivil serriqe commission, referring to tbecriticism upon tbe new civil service rule*for promotion >>«v»: "Much at this critic-ism seems to M based upon »misconceptionef tbe; character of tke examinations forpromotion. If these examinationswere to be of | an exacting,technical nature, the complaint* ofthe clerks might hav« more founda-tion. liDn the contrary, they will not bewhat sire called 'scholastic.'' but designedto ascertain the know-leg*- of the clerks asto tbe matters of^jrhich they ought to beadvised. The examinations will treat oftlie daily work of the clerks, and of the du-ties, that are expected of them if they shallbe promoted. There will be some questionsasked Sin orthography, but the w^rdswlU-|bej*htM«a from among those which arein diily u»e In the division. Every clerkcertainIJk ought to be able to spell them.

' There wilMie some questions in arthmetic,and the problems will be prepared fromcases actually in band in tbe ordinary workof the office, or will be based ujK>n transac-tion* with1 which .It is ncvessary that thecleric* shall be familiar. When a clerk hasbeen once successfully examined, that wtll'be his final examination.

•-•stjon that the rules were pre-irod with a view to turning Republicantrks out of oftice is absurd. ' The rules do

nptVaffect removals in sny way. A clerkrantfot be promoted unless he or she shallreceive 75 in a possible scale of -lOu. But aclerk who even receives ItiO may be re-moved for any cause that seems sufficientto the head of the department. There isnothing in tlie civil-service rules, amendedor unammemledc or in the civil-service law,.•to prevent that.



I f ,



. W.*«Hix«iTox, May 1i—Tiie cishteet thannual reunion of.thc socicu- <j{ the anof the Cumberland which begab licreterday, is one of the mo*t'Iarie6ly attend >dand, siui-essful ever h'''d.terauy wan dcvnicil to routine businessthe IT. A. 1'. hali. vuicb was crated with banners ami Ha?s resettedfestooiicl. mammoth l>alm leaves, andinsignia of the ».>1<I army corps. Acrossfront of 'the building. r,n a loqiff n-streaaoer. appcarvd the legend, '-IVuloonArmy of Hie Cumberland."" At 1) ojirlofkthe presitlont of tho society. •Jen.jStiemrfu i.

j «alloa the meeting to oilier, nnl explain! d' that the postponement from time to time >fthe eighteenth reunion \v:i< due \Q tiie d 5-lay IB the completion of tht-Uarliold .itatu 3.

An immense auiliencc Kalherej in t i eCongregational church in the evaiiing.

Gen. Sheridan, president of -the! nociet, r,was seated on the platform withi Sonati rSherman, Gens. Cist. Fullcrton. Rosecran >,JEJarraett. olilnstin, Morgan. I%r)cliurst,Reynolds, Whipple and others. Gen. Sliy *•man was erected wUM tremendousappiau! e'as he walked tip *ne steps leailimj- to tt astand. Anoviation was also tcii'iertM Go".Curtir. as ho. subsequently atccnldcd t i eplatform. Mrs- Lo^un occupiotl & seat inthe andienee. i | .

Thecnrcmoities of the cveniaW were o] •-^ned by Gem Albert Ordway. chairman cf

the loi.-al comriiiuee, who made: a brief we -cominjr wldnW Pistrict Commission* rHfebb. in behijlf of the people of the districtwelcomed tlielsociety to Wasnknirtoni l»nc t

' as guests, not as visitors, but as bur d< •fenders and oilr saviours.'> I '

lien- I'h.r SfccHiian was 'proofed with lBearty outliu^t of handclappins: and cheersas he rose tcrrpspond,(o tbeaddrcssrofcome. "'" '

THE COMING ROWING MATCHUandair 11M » » « shrll^-The ( O H M Not

YPI IM>I tied I'pon. ISKW VCHIJK. May ii—JakJ Gaadaur. who

is-to contest a single-scull event on IJecora-. tion day with KJ*"arJ Haulan. is in Wash-ington with Uis trainer. Fred Planted, andr^backer. St-jloun. A new shell which was• made by Kiiddocte."fjfte b«.ut builder at Har-

lem, was sJiipixxHo Washington. Gaudaurintends to com;>l<Mo His training and prep-aration for, the big'eventfon the Potomac,the Columbia boat club having extendedhim* all privileges. Tne question of select-ill? proper water on which to contest thorace will be sMtletTby the representativesof the principals in a few da\s. Hanlan isvery anxious to have the struggle takeplace on the Kill von <Kull or over the resru-Ur Rockawa.v course; buu;au<laur objectson the ground that the water of tnese parts

: is generally disturbed, and^be justly con-tends that Hanluri is much .faster than hein rough water. The most likely place tobe determined on U the Point of Fine*course, bciow Baltimore.

NEARLY IO.OOO IMMIGRANTSAn L*n|yreoe<l«?nte<t Sr«n« at Ca*tl« Gard«iv->

A Bin l>aj> Work. '

NEW YORK; May 12.—Never in the historyof Castle Gasderi has such a day beenknown to the Castle Garden officials asyesterday. The arrival of 5,0110 immigrantsin one day has been considered enormousand the greatest difficulty has been e*piar-ienced in getting rid of that number in oneday. |

Yesterday from S:30 a. m. until 7 p. in.

meeting, tvao then introduced hijr Gen.Sheridan as one of our old army of th sCumberland soldiers. * j

Another business meeting was called t4order at 'er> o'clock this morning aud l u l a 1mntilaoon. . • ;*. -J ' ••

Thei statue was nnveiled ^rit* I apprc -priaUl and impressive ceremofiies.- io tbnpresence ot a great throng of c;ti?.en» visitors and ex^ioldiers, at I p. m. The statu tis located "fli the circle west of tbe southwing «rfi th* capitol. at the intersection o'.Vtrml street; and Maryland .avenue, j

After the unyeilins of the I stato >the visaing vcu-rans made- anexcurstnn to M<iunt Aernon anl Marshal

. HalL- At the Utter planked shadj dinncwas provided- which is the (Hopingj out' othe convention mnd mrasr of1 tbe visitorwill lenvc for their homes by tb* earljevening'riiins.

Mr*. OarJli-11 w;.s unable to Bthrough in(lis|«siUoii. but the family wa;

r»iy -joiitjsa by the-ivea son*, HarryJames. • ' :;';- .

.nd docks were a livingmass of people, while to change the monot*ony, as it were, not less than 5.U00 bags,bundles and bales were to be seen on theheads of women and children. -

| Tbe explanation of this marvellous num-'•• bcr ot foreigners in one day was the tog of

h c d previous thit hung over the bar-b k |

n-»w »3:.>t«|"'« tj. over nl.*n% jwhich were contribute;! u\ Mcsc

WAR OF T H» RACES:An immun bjr a . . .cnl M u

oilk l.uut. . ,

AiT,r<t.. (Ja.. May IB.—A stroa^i esjoris bein,' maiie to suppress the news, of th<juoLbit;^ t»f a colored man inoh Sunday nigit. Arcording :o thof the wtiitc men engaged in itl8u!"herlH:iJ, in company .with twwas out walking Sunday evening

' niet t»y Alex l>aiy, colored, wi.owalk betvvrx-n .Sutherland and >me of theladies. Sutherland stopped and asked thfnegro to go around them. "I won't do it,"'said the negro and ran against one jet theladies, i Sutherland picked up a bridtbatand would have resented the insult'then ifthe ladies bad not begged him not la. Thatflisrht the colored settlement was visitedby about forty white men fiiily armed, who!flreVl several volleys, running the peoplebut of their homes, when It wastdiscoveredthat Day had escaped. Several other-po-groes were-served with notices to guit tbatown.; , f : '• -' ; •

A»kmc Kor Clfmrncf. '- "*

May 12-—8eew«ly Bay-aijd sent a telegram to Mini^teRjJIanning•lying that the reports concerning tbe ex-ec utions of Mexican army oHcer* at No-gales have been most conflicting since tbe6th inst.: that Ins telegram announcing anappeal is just received with saHrifaction^*that this government would view withdeep reyret |«he imiKjsition of^a i*nal|y soextreme, and instructs him to suy .that ain legation »vpulU be regarded by us withtavor. •- ,

Omar** W. Child's IUrth<t«y.PBiL»i>ELPniA. May li—To-day being the

anniversary of George W. Child's birtbdaythe nnion printers of this, city as all officeseast ot the Missouri river, will celebratethe event by setting up 1.UUU ems of typeand contribute th> money they receivetherefor to Uie CmMs-Drexel fund of theInternational Typographical union for thepurpose cf establmhinr a permaoertt bamefnr the organiia»ion in this city. The fqnd


ani Drcxi-L, Tkv ttlito'rial anl rc|>ortor:alS'aff of th"/y O-r will also contribute tbepnoe of LOW i n , ami "be total amountrealized will be duplicated by Mr. Chiidshimself. The comi>"«itor» have arrangedto |>resenl hlim with *n elaborate »ud beau-tiful tributej ~ •

Tonn., May II—Fire bfokeout in the second i»tory of the Dyas Knit-ting company's factory, corner Church andCollege street*, in one of tbemostimportahtbusiness blocks of tho city. The wholebuilding was soon wrapped in namesbnd rapidly spread to I Robin Jones'creamery. The; Merchants' exchaneecaught fire, but wus saved with slightloss. About one hundred horses from Mc-Arthur's stables, immediately in the rearof the burning buildings, were cut looseand immediately stampeded among the vastcrowd assntabled, but no one is reportedinjured.'^ At two a- m. the lire was undercontrol. • Total loss is estimated at (40,000;mainly insured. -

1 A Snrprige For the Grorje Men. iCINCIXXATI. O., Kay li—The executive

committeeof the united la x>r party had along and stormy session. A motion wasmade and iiotly debated that the partyadopt the natno Union and reorganize theCity under that title. The socialists andHenry iGeorge men fought to retain thepresent name, birt were linally defeated bya vote of VI to !S. The result was a surpriseto the Georso people, who ex|«cted tohave everything their own way.: i •.

f~. Falw Ramon A boat Mr. Paraett. I 'LOXPON. May 12.—An alarminjg rumor

wasin circulation in tbe house of commonsthat Mr.- 1'arueil was dead. Mr. Justin Mc-Carthy . however, stated that he (>ad seeaa telegram from Mr. Parnellsaying that bewould be in London Thursday. It Vas as-certained later that Mr. Earnell had "leftbis residence in Avondale for London, ana

-tha[ he was in much better health than tiebad been for sotao week* pant - ;

Mammit In a Kllllord HalooU.-DATTON-. O . May 12.—E«i 'Con way J nine-

teen years old, who has figured in a num-ber of burglaries and in an arson case forwhich he was sent to the reform farm, flgured in a traeedy resulting in the death otUeorge Saul, seventeen years old, son of awell known baker in this city. Saul andCon way were in a-saloon playing billiards.Conway drew a revolver and began flour-ishing it. A report followed anl Haul wasshot in the head just abcjve the left eye andexpired almost instantly. Some claim thatthe shooting was accidental while otherssay that it was the result en a quarrel overa game of billiards.. > ' "

The Hchtlng Kditor Fine* . '

'xTA, May 12.—fapt. J|. F. Burke andeditor Atwood api>eated before Trial Jus-tice Anderson und entered picas of guUlyin connection with the late cowhlding. Thecase against Burke wus dismissed, but aline of *•"><> waislimposxd "n Atwood; wbo.paid, it'With a.''new I crisp treasury note.This Is suppose! to Ic Itieind of the affair.

By Th^n^sn* of Loyal.4dn|sa at vfpHfOa** aa4 R*-

W«||B Ottaira.: ; MONTREAL, May 12.—^Thjen th* train

bearing Mr, Wm. OBrir.%, t|ie Dublin cru-I sader, and the party ivhlcU met him at Bt.

Johns drew into the Boniv^nture stationIn this city tbe. immense:: square outside

1 and the yard inside were pjacptnlby a dens*i throng of patr.otic lrisbmf n, of whom> there are 40.000 in Montreal- |A« toe train

came to a stop, a mighty hararan rent theair, and cheering was kept up for fully ten

; minutes. ' , - ' |1 MrL O'Brien was escorted .t'p an impro-i Vised platform, and there an faddress was

read to him bv President Clown, of whichthe fntilowitig is theopeningpapa«raph:

You come to champion the s»c"ei causeof humanity, you come to ple^d that thehand of tbe exterminator afar be stayedagainst i noccnt babies and Kicfcly mothers,against the aged and dving; |»i| thank Godthe Canailian • are neither abit|lated or in-fluenced by such sentiment*. Tlie heartsof the people are trua and s.vjjnpathetic andin this free air of Americaresponsive to the sorrow*tkk weH»as to the aspirations ,on a sister race bravely enditfve and prosperous.' The Canadian people will i l l

nicalities of title or position to |tahd in th/9Vf»y ot legitimate or necessarl' exposurewhen it benitiis a questionjejf 3brin:;ins totask an ojipres»or atid an epfuy of any ofthfl races which go in uiukejq^nhc imputa-tion of this dominion. \vh»*thof* the victimsbe Scotch or French. Knclisb^o Jrish.

*Then|the applajse whiciji | Tretod thereading at his address had flu raided, Mr.U Brien r*plipd as follow s: I,

MR. CI.OI:KS AND FELLOW;l'< NTRTJIEV:Even at Uits; distance I rer >f ii/<* a goodmany friendly Irish, faces al-alind me. Iam most deeply and simi-rrjvt grateful toyou for these;words of kmJh^i and goodwill with which you have (jr, M ied my ar-rival in this the principal citySei the domin-ion. I am at a loss for won]* ti 'express toyou my irratitude for the ?fi| h with

onug to be

no tech-

which our fellow-countr.vm4ii'around me tmti my friend. "the str,u^2le Me are makirand oppressed against thepowerful opprfssor. {(irepart I ""never f<vr one inyou. 1 never bi'lievt*will believe :that tbo Caw.hose parliament ngain antimony of thefr appn>val "ftheir sympathy with' ourpeople, will refuse mu t l i c Sof a hearing ifor our caus iThe result of my visit willdisupiwint the false proppredicting to the eorrtriiapplause. | I come not to'anjf section Qr class of tiie(Quije the contrary. 1 comin Canadian affairs, nor tocareer of J-pid Lansderaior-general. but as thof live hundred human bei jThis being a free countryl>edt t very body to agree wIieve we have such a strengtruth upon , our side that hheard our stbry all will[applausej. ai.U that the twill stretch out their handjilives and properties of Uie*antb €>f Luggarurran, for Imoment at your mercy and

rallyingvilbride, in

tlie poorcatted and

Kor mye doubtednd neverin poopie,n gave tes-

e rule anduffering

on fuirplayApplause.]m certain,who wereJKenewed

t ' offence tol. dian people,

to meddlewith theas gov

Wterminator[Groans. ]

{cannot ex-but i be-

just u'c and.n air have

convincedian people

nd save thepoor ten-

are at this(<our hands.>rough- theas wiltingbody ^Lthep his handrong, that

Mr. O'Brien's progress J-crowd to vvhqre a carnag Ifor him was a slow one. Ecrowd pressed- forward toand at times. »p thick was I alehe Was almost lifted from ifsjleet. Aftermany.minutes the carriage >|v«|re reachedand amid anotner trcmend (j4|outbnrst ofcheering Mr. O'Briesi an\i ais reooptloncommittee.drdve1 off. As |t fwas knownbefirenand that he would i |d | |kt Ht. Law-rence HalL Bonaverlture |gpi|:

; St. Jamesstreets, through ^vhich bk jfrove, werelinett with Irishmen and w«i it p.

All tne morning the rotnpiij;af the hallwas crowded as in carnivgg tpme with thenumbers of Irishmen and other sympathiz-ers with his mission who| i jno to greetthe apostle of humanity's cr!ii)h]e.

In Montreal tiie receptioiexocnenccd considerableting a halL Theiprtpnetcomrert hall* Wer^ alwavi

l | |

f<fnmitte<> nadIflfj'ulty in get-

the large1<> leaseomrert hall* Wer^ alwavi ^uith i<> lease

them for popular|dpn|inn*t *t«m purposesa d at thi t * § *and at this tim*. owing vinjr In tbe air, of triable

i i i l la ^ ic

praciticaily imp«»«ibl« ton- |rjf

Ma.r l-i-

p§i'*uii*asy^ ic<>mf. it

lliil! jOBrii-n. on

, ISnioiUlr III. . ,ri^. May! 12.- -Justi<--e Woods, of

the supreme court, it now lying crilicillyill at his residence ami his death may occurat any momctit. He is suffcriiig fi oindropsy and a complication of diseases.

— ~ . ; ! I •• Detncvrmtlo for the First t ime. '

OGi>EN«nt Ki.H,'3E, Y., May li—This cityiat its municipal election overturned repub-{ran rule and elected/a- full democratictkJket b\-5"0 majority, la tbing heretoforelakoown. " :

at in spi'ecome prevails

PIVE MEN piiRNEOijrb DEATHYoung Iron Worker, l.ltt-riil ji Cooked to

PiTTsnrRO, May 12.-A teifi *e accidentoccurred at thb Edgar Thtii ipson steelworks at Braddocks. which «)• I five lives.Furnace " E " Was blown ottjt A few daj*ago, and a gang of ir.on wer»J smt to workclearing it out. An arcb f l»d formed,composed of cqke, limestqnje^; apd othermaterials, which was still i t '* red heat,at\d part of the men were w&)[|h;r beneaththi» , mass. feooh afterl t *>n o'clock,without warning, the acch irae 'way- -Therod-tfot matter was thrown inja ||directiohs, *knocking men down, ana In «§>t|e instancesalmost burying them. Few|> I the men lnthe vicinity escaped unin]uro^L i In a shorttime the debris was removed! i nd Jive menwefe taken out ic a horrible I*II jlitior., theirclothing burned entirely froA fjieir bodies .and the flesh literally cooked| :;Tbey woreall young men and unmarriei^ 'jiemdes toofive men. mentioned other^i jrere badlyburned by the flj'ing pieces. <-jL

A Bone Rlvjal of the C"hl |s£o Cow.HAVEKHILU I(lnBS.. May | i - A horse

kicked over a lighted taniernjatlBurton Vil-lage at'mignight and start«t§ 4'fire whichdestroyed twenty-one buildiii jsj Loss |25-OOu. The Twilight hotel, theSa ble ajnd out-buildings, ft W. Craffs meat rn|(rket. Sam-uel ftayford,'s house, H. ] : ; jjjartfnrd'sbouse, stable and carnage ' a< lory. JohnBoyt's bouse and barn. Dr. AiScll's houseaort ham. E. B. Hoyfs dwelli|^>;jj. B Meririll's^.-use and Istable. W. fkAB Wilder'sjrrocer.v.-tore, barn andoutbrip ings. H. W.Craft's sta >le. ft. H. Uatch% |iouse andttable and t),o town house wercgburned.


and m.OO ». m. ;i3.*» ami *.<>0 p. m.o, 8.i», n.w a. m.; I .» p. m. ,

r:\sTOH. ETC., MAILK. '

EJ-f.3i)a. m. and 4.10 pi m.r.10 a. m. OtBuv "|>en from ».«» a. m.

CARP4I»I1 for;Warrenvllleclo«?i«Tui?sday, Thurwlay i

Saturdny at 13 m. ' :"»t Oni-e opens at 7 a. m. »nd cl"»t-« at

jain. SaiurdsTa el'»»e» al *.<«) p. m. t)|»-n I'IITJ







B&S'--1. jiBflr MiUec, Knt-


Paeka|rd. Him Ella VP J '

•• M r *j f , ;

Regau. Kate IKegau, Mrs c'atli«*rln»e i

vaw, JII*<- Jt-nnle Booeiui. si. | ,h..n\U K,f. X n H.) .u . bwiuu^y. MIM MaryS f . D K Shwhan. Ml!i» Mluiili-

it Hln. K tle , Tdbln, Ml»» Eaty«i Srley. Klchard Wrljflit. J

: Walker, MU*. Jtinnle

$20,000 WorthOF j '



call)ii£ for pl«-ai*.- nay a-lvf-rtlr-Hl.

W. L. FOB("E. Pn*tmast<T.. . , -« •

Mattings, ;

Rugs. \Art Squares,

Gents' Furnishings and MerchantDry and Fancy Good*. | Tailoring, a Specialty.


n* i.-s now offered nt

WANTS AND OFFERS.t'j rrfisr-mrvif* titular thtt h*iiiii*'j, \ on** cut fur -EDS ALL'S-



A NEATI"'"'- ! A -

«•. Tw<. li iMmlly. Apply 1.. 116 E««t K f n tft.—mjjllwu j *-v»'i


.4ENEKAI • x < w a n < l '»i!'i<>v.-,l DKT G.><)ii«i STORE:

ry uuil l»«^4*rn«»nt ext^nbion of

uri'. Th'- i -nt iro ••stabli»hun>iit

*•< c h a n g f i l a.» tu t«> i-tfareMvJ-r.v»|..r»,.,i.y. A,.T..y.Tm.surF.,-...-.Hi..,f j r , . ( . , r J , I j i z a , , 1 ( . . T h r . , t < H . k j , u

HMSHJEl) KiHiMM Til LETTD OEXTLEMF.X I jj, r..-],aiatf •iflHirtilK-ntt.flllioiil l».«r'l MI X... VI Vf. Srooi'l M w l . '



HAH iu

No. 6 Park Avenue,

a largrt* and

Thirty Incandescent Lights•i1»t<r>jil and ujii>-KiHter..(l. Milking, an ,IIK iu. iFiu.-»t.--k.u.--ii.-«ji.i'ii, s . . .-i .Iniw. i l I V r...iiiirrtl f-.1' Hluii,iiiutioi,. E ightAMuer-M I'l'i'"' •* 'N,.niv- tln»- faintly ruws

I MEN'S, BOY'S AND V o n i C a , ^.ADIES', MISSES'

I ' SHOES,'Ut. Apply !•» )V |E. S M I T H .

w ilr —.klyii . 'N. -T.j— u,^l<it i

IMITSHJ H A L L !BConday, May 16.

lAljliiE JHttlEIl '"Little Barefoot."

ElligTEEX SS AcTO&S IN' THE< V>T.»—^h I T * . , "KI t'TS.. ".", ( J s . AXU » 1


. s u i t i o i i ^ <>f t h e -

Rapid Transit Cash Railway .System'

have 1H-I-II put in. TlnT. i~ H LAJIIBS


In fa<t. E D S A H - ' S i^ thc'ui.rfci. i i ipl. 't-in all <>f i t - ap|>i«iii!iin'liti» <>f a n j r Jifc<- IcoiKM^t'ti^iii tho Si«t«\ E\i*ry <](>piit*t- \

.lm'nt i--* I'riiu f/ill i.f N E W uinl SEASSOXA- '»LE (rooiM. nit ofTi-n-il nl NEW V o B K iPRICES. Will YOl~ h-lp to KiiMtiiin a |

fir*t-rl,,»» ' XEW YORK DRY AXJJ\FASCY auilVS KSTA lUJSllMEXJ]in PLAIXFIELJ) I'#I j,nf>-r'>«•* to 'jmnijto XEW YORK' •


From the BEST MANUTo Whl.'h h f c a l l t Hi.; att'-ul

Buyt r». | ful ly e->ufld<iit <>f

nt.ick of


"t all Sh.'m


|e mhny memberf of v" V !

t^kh 6'ccafion to notify x' iI * " !

i>n v" Thiirfdav ji • •

if f 2"1 day of 5th. month) I)ld"IFolk will srive a Con- i

--Not 8 -te ini vc Hall of Mufic. [PARK A Y E N UE.T dporf fhall be opened ! Fancy Goods,

! •

Ijbarlif candle-light", \vh is 7

\|y" cjlock'; y* concert' to

, Worsteds,Notions, ' '

• later.—w» is 8. by ye t S T A M P I N G " !


' LARGEST SIJjCK /or ' ' ,

Suitings and TrouseringsEVEB SHOWN IN PL.VINFIELD.


John A.Ttiickstun,UEJLLEB I X j ,



Irtmylyi TAHD-Cw. Third strMt

bta trnrpl her*, wi l be ^r^ive.1 »t the•tattoa te- tb» »rr*Mlrjnt. • '»•'#• »n<l »om-tMT»;Of the Ottawrit t>rati.- | -if tne lri»hNattonal leagud. He »ill tx^fr|swnt<Hl v i'thma m4<ire»s und ^soortpd thriiupb the town. 'The pen-monie*! will be uieitiSToon.lnft.M•nd he will huvfe an immpw |»udien.-e in 'thr roller rink Mrhere hb wilt, Ifieak. n l astated on tlie bt'st autuonij-:Vol, nther ro|iortii ho is »ure*|and the greatest excltd*amonifst the Orkn^cmen of v

.** entrance monie fhall bei • • •

fhillingf, w*1 doth e-1 50 centf of y Scrip.



admit one. Thofe



prefer to fit \Vith ve cho-

I people may so do by 'pay*




A w i . INGRAINS at




25 to





2 fHillingf morNat y^piH';

t foiv c Elder Rcynoltlts,

18 y'Pcacon'Sha^v.

"\f ATTf\("N

and Madisoa m.





To Seb 4else<l S<-hooo« ».

k | Mov 12.-|TJStates revenue tuHer Hichgboon <ir.ifere<1 to lirocesd to SIwhere she will 'take \fco Vimar&lial aboard «nd convey 1Jlaska for the purpose oftwo Britisii •vliOoner* »oizpdMa la»t year for jlleiral

. ! : . • • ;

UnitediRUSH has

Alask-i,t fjl States


H Uutinog

A Meeting,



1 I.'

WHITNEY'S.No. 22 W. Front StShould not be «>vprl<xiki>d by any one who

is iii want i>f



No. 33 Park AvenueFnr Mu*l«*al Instrument* and - . ,_-

$l>urUiigG<>i><la. V|..|lu si; liijfg anilMusical M.n'h«n lli~-. A (ixxl

Assortment ofHAMMOCKS. 1



A Fine Linf ••{ Ki>b8, KEELS.U S E S , H(X)K8, yETS and :

. ' • ' • • AHTIFICIAL BAIT8.

' I I

AK<»nt« f"r th« Xo» IKlliK Bl.yrttf, thp ILati-xt anal Beat j

Wh.-vi u, tu^marki't. I

Plainfield, N. J.unylOrl







tOMMENCIXi. - ; .

Tuesday, May lbthAXD COSTIN'l'ISit Ton ONE WEEK.




L«,w, Fnui-r()<»><!a

rrnl'-rwrnr at



In n«'>-d of

La<iio*' 11111) M!n«M--*' trinin

Hair- In all tlie Latent:

i'l'*« 'put thi> liali

.and untrlmmedityI.-», willn-e ,.( i.ur •

9 O ' C L O C K : . The Newest Styles.


Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Mats,A t L o w e r • P r i c e s «--••• «• i o"• »s i-r . i-n. .-hoHi-rtuan .my..m*

li' u.-r la Uie dliy. thin mvli .mlyf l ~*» W"I>.H'.. ' i t . ' AT

Howard A. Pope's. S!



- r

ITM^’ ■ !•! . :





•T tha Army of th* Cam’ Lars* Aturdmer-lVotad


mi GAMri..U> STaTCK.

W.»»HiN«iTos, May VZ—Tne eighteenth • reunion of ;the»qcie»vqf «he afny of the Cumberland which be can here y< terday, is one of th'e tno.t’largdly attend Hi and i successful ever held. Yi *- terdiiy was devote.! to routine business In lioD day With K ittrard Hanlau. i» in Wash- the ft- A. 15. hati. vruich was gayly de< tv 1 nyton with his trainer. Fred Flatted, and rated with banners and flags reaetted afd.-Waer. St. jlohn. A new shell which was


THE NEW CIVIL SERVICE RULES A CraiBlnloMr Explain. rhem-Saj* They

An time rally Ml»«ndar«tood. Wa»i*tr«oTox, Mar tS.—A member of the

civil aerviqe commission, referring to the criticism upon the near civil service rules for promotion says:. “Much of this critic- ism seems to be hosed upon a misconception of the character of the examinations for promotion. If these examinations were to be of 1 an exacting, technical nature, the complaints of the cljerks might have more founda- tion. On the contrary, they will not be what are called ‘scholastic.’ but designed to ascertain the knowlege- of the clerks as to the matters of'grhich they ought to be advised. The examinations will treat of the daily work of the clerks, aod of the du- ties, that are expected of them if they shall be promoted. There will be some questions asked | in orthography, but the Words wilhbegfiiosm from among those which are in daily use m the division. Every clerk eertainikought to be able to spell them. There wul“be some questions in arthmetie, and the problems will be prepared from cases actually in band in the ordinary work of the office. or will be based U]H>n transac- tions with is necessary that the clerks shall be familiar. IVhen a clerk ha* been once successfully examined, that will be his final examination.

The suggestion that the rules were pre- red with a view to turning Republican rks out of office is absurd. _' The rules do

npKaffect removals in any way. A clerk cannot be promoted unless he or she shall receive T5 iu a possible scale of I'll. But a clerk who even receives 100 may be re- moved for any cause that seems sufficient to the head of the department. Thyre is nothing in the civil-service rules, amended or unammendedt or in the civil-service law, •to prevent that.'’



i: ; i i


of Lofil

THE COMING ROWING MATCH (ittndsor 1U< » New ShelP-The C our*« Not

Yet M>ltiPd l‘|M»n. Kzw Tokk. May li-Jalcj C*u«laur, who

is. to don test a single-scnll event on Decors-

fcstooBte*!. mammoth )>alm leaves* and tfe# insigma of the old army corps. Across t le front of the building, on a long white streamer, appeared the Jejpeml, **WelooneT Army* of the Cumberland.” At U o>ylo k the president of the society. lien^fbBrtda i, oallbd the meeting' to order* and explain* d that the postponement from time to time >f w ^ kHv the eighteenth reunion was due talked*- 'of the prinohiaYsTn a'fewdaya. Haulanis lay in the completion of Ihc Garfield status. very anxious, to have the struggle take

An immense audience galhci'O in the place on the Kill von >Kull or over the regu Congregational church m the evening. jar Rockaway course; butGaudaur objects

Oen. Sheridan, pre-eject of -tho S'H'iet ', on the ground that the watcr of tnese parts was seated on the platform with Senator, is generally disturbed, and'ho justly con- Bhertnan, Gens. Cist. Fullerton. Rnsecranfc,

made by Ruddock. the bout builder at Har- lem, was shipped ^o Washington. Gandaur intends to complete hjis training and prep- aration fog the big event?on the Potomac, the Columbia boat club haviug extended hinf all privileges. The question of select- ing proper water on which to contest tho race will be se^tleif by the representatives

Barnett-. obinsrtn, Morgan. l%rkhursit, Reynolds, Whipple and others. Gen. She j- man was greeted ivUh t rena-ndpus appiau: e 'ks he walked ii|i the steps leailing to tqe stand. All ovation was also tendered Go Curtir. as he. subsequently ascended tfle platform. Mrs- Logan occupied a seat the audience.

Thecercmorjes of the evening were o»- ‘ ened h.V Gen, Albert Ordway. chairman ( f

the local comr lit tee, who made a brief we - coming address. District Commissioned fir ebb, in beluilf ofthg people of the distric t welcomed the society to Washington, *?nc t ns guests, not as visitors, but us our de- fenders and m|r saviours.’»•

Gen 1'h.C Sheridan was* greeted with a hearty outburst of handclapping and cheer# as he rose t(/respond, the address of we, - come.

CoL Honry'M. Duffl^ld, the orator of thp meeting, was then introduced bjy Ger. Sheridan as one of our old army of the Cumberland soldiers. «

Another business meeting was called order at ten o'clock this morning and Iasi antrlaoon.

The statiue was unveiled with ap priatd and impressive cereinofoes. in t presence of a great throng of citizen* visit ors and ex4aoldiers, at 1 p. m. The statu is located in the circle west of the soutl wing *f th> capital, at the intersection o First street; and Maryland .avenue. -

After the unveiling of the statu the visiting veterans made - 'a excursion to M-iunt Vernon and Marshal Hall--. At the Itiiler planked shkd dinne •

; was provided- which la the Closing out' o ’ the convention and most of! the visitor will l*»ve for their homes by the earlj

, evening trains. • | ' | Mr*. Garll.- I w. s unable to be preseq ,

through indi#|a»illoa. but the family si r»n- sempd by the two sens, Harry am James

tends that Hanlati is much .faster than' he in rough water. The most likely place to be determined on is the Point of Pines course: below Baltimore.

NEARLY 10,000 IMMIGRANTS An Unprecedented Scene at Castle Garden—

A Big Day's Work. New York! May 12.—Never iu the history

of Castle Garden has such a day been known to the Castle Garden officials as yesterday. The arrival of 5,0110 immigrants in one day has been considered enormous and the greatest difficulty has been exggsr-

- fenced In getting rid of that number in one dat.v. j

Yesterday from S:30 a. m. until 7 p. in. 9.0C3 immigrants were landed, registered aud shipped out west or to their respective destinations.,

The Rotunda and docks were a living mass of people, while to change the monot> ony, as it were, not less than 5.|U00 bags, bundles and hale* were to be seen on the heads of Women and children- -

'The explanation of this marvellous num- ber of foreigners in one day was the fog of the day previous that hung over the har- bor, bolding back twelve vessels.

WAR OF ’•ME RACES. An Insult by a • . .red Man Rented

with 4>UU*. Arors-r.i. Ua.. May la.—A strong effon

Is being made to suppress the news- of th< mobbing <.f a <-alored man in MiUcjlgevIlh

According :o the rc|>prl

Georg* #'• Child's lllrtiidsy. Pmt.n>Ei.rnix. May l'i—To-day being the

anniversary of George W Child's birthday the union printers of this city as mil offices east ot the Missouri river, will celebrate the event by setting up 1.U0U oma of type and contribute the money they receive therefor to the CttUds-Grexei fund of the International Typographical union for the purpose cf establishing * permanent home for the organization in this city; The fund n-*w amorj's tj> over •'il #t<l.nno of Which were contributed bj Mcsrrs. Childs ani DrcxeL Ti e ed.tonal an I rp|>ortor:al i'st of tlir fr+Ff will also contribute the price of LIDO • ms, and 'he total amount realized will be duplicated by Mr. Childs himself. The compositors hare arranged to present huu with an elaborate pud beau- tiful tribute; _ ,

sd Cheered By Theym bishmsn—AdOrpss of Wr1w<°*

t.' >pon*s—The Progr»muie-ln Ottawa. Mnsm»t, May 12.—MTh^n the train

bearing Mr. Wm. O'Brlr#, t|ie Dublin cru- | sader, and the party which met him at 8t. Johns drew Into the Boi^iv^nture station In this city the, immense!) «<juare outside and the yard inside were pac ked by a dense

j throng of patriotic irishman, of whom < there are 40.000 in Montreal. -As the train

came to a stop, a mighty hurt-rati rent the air, and cjieering was kept Up for fully ten minutes. ’ , - ‘ |

Mr, O’Brien was escorted tp an impro- i vised platform, and there an #ddress was

read to him by President Clown, of which the following is the opening |ia|agraph:

You come to champion the sgc-e l cause of humanity! you come to plead that the hand of the exterminator may be stayed against i nocenl babies and SH-gly mothers, against the aged.and dvmg; !j)iii thank God the Canadian• are neither animated or in- fluenced by such sentiments. The hearts of the people are truo and sySnfjathettc and

: in'this freeatrof America can beat 1 rei|>onsive to the sorrows qnd sufferings as welvas to the asmrations pnd triatnphs

' of a sister rai-p bravely endeavoring to be , free and prosperous.

: The Canadian people-will Allttw no tech- nicalities of title or position lo |taiid in thp Way of legitimate or necessatw exposure tVhen it becomes a question,of^|bringing to task an oppressor and an epfmy of any of the races which go in make [nJiWhe popula- tion of this dominion. u-ht-tiM ihe victims be Scotch or french. Knglisji’oi* Jrish.

i When|the applause whicij:i ireeted the reading at tails address had i'|u)tsuied, Mr. (i'Brien Replied as follows: fl «

Mr. CTontX and Fri-ioW;E<I[ Vtrvvev: Et’en at this distance I rei^iiHriize a good many friendly 1 nsit faces nro}!ml me. 1 am most deeply and sincere©Igrateful to

, you for theselwords of kindpfhni and good . will with which you have ghfotted my ar- rival in this the principal (-1 tv!(it(lc domm-

‘ ion. I am at a loss for wnrds ’iyexcress to you my gratitude for the j-V

: which our feliow-countrytm around me and my friend, the struggle jwe are niaki 1 and oppressed against the; tioweiful oppressor. (Gri

I part I ’never for otic in<|j , you. 1 never believcif j Will believe that tho Ca

\\;bose fKlrliainent again antj timony of their approval of their sympathy with’ our people, will refuse me tli of a hearing for our causj The result of my visit will:

I disappoint the false propj I predicting to the contra ’applause.) I come not to-

J any section qr, class ol the | QuRe the contrary. 1 com ] in Canadian affairs, not to: j career of Lord Lausd eirior-general., hut as th of live hundred human be; This being, a free countryj l»'dt everybody to agree tv; lieve we have such a stren: truth upon four side that jd heard our stbry all will™ [applausej. ana that the will stretch otit their ham lives and properties of the ants of Luggaicurran, for hgt moment at your mercy andqj

Mr. O'Brieti's progress ;;j|t crowd to where a earria; for him was a Slow one. iCjHb: crowd pressed forward to p-; and at times, so thick was I hje_ he Was almost lifted from i|sneet. After many minutes the carriagetowhhre reacned and amid another trcmend|u*youtburst of cheering Mr. (1'Hncn and. hi* reception coiRmittee drtive1 off. As •p-as known befprenand that he would dj^tiat 8t. Law- rence Halt Bona venture 8l. jarne, atreets. through Which 1m; Strove, were lihdd with Irishmen and wijfien.

All tne morning the rotiq#jl|:of the hall was crowded as m carnivjl tfnie with the numbers of Irishmen and oibev sympathiz- ers with I his mission whcjf-srtho' to greet the anostle of humanity

In Montreal the reccptioi experienced considerable ting a hall Thejprtnrtet concert balls Werh alwaci them for popular jdetnonst and at this time, owing to ing in the air, of trouble practically impossible tose

ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. I • 1 ! , xr.w youk m.uls

*sr—f.30 and in.00 a. m.0.*** and 4.00 p. m. gfUUI\TE:-i-7.30f 8.^10. 11.43 tL. m. ; 2.S0. f.»J j.. m. ,K so Web vi UsE, eamtok. etc., kaii>

m. an«l 4.80 \k m. fiuuvfc--f<.30 a. m. ami p. ni. k

_ SUNDAY XAIBS.. iiiiirTlTp ait 3.10 a. m. Offlo*- *»|*en fmm 9.»J0 a. m.

t^jlO.UO a. in. Mall closes at " p. m. ’aYIhII for| WarrenviJleckiaeN Tuesday. Thurs*lay

h*<1 Saturday at 13 m. *nt Oflfe*e ••lien!* at 7 a,, m. and cl**s»“* at

lin. Saturdays el-H*** at 8.<ji) p. m. Oj**n t»v»«ry nlnK until S.30 p. m., to owpera l**ck Ibixh?*.

ney <«-dt-r sdH'-t* open frotp i» a. m. t« • 3 j>. urdayuft** 4 iLlnr-^

W. L. FORCE. Postmaster. U- t







N'o *u« h opportunity has f»v#*r ft;red to the uitiz^uis of Plainfield t<


of- ,



j| B(Jr TvU. M|»by«>aie wu. Mm Fnuxy M

. Mr4 A/lre •Ue, liha* l»


l«**»Ue, ••vnw, Jennie

Fei*. Mm Hei**u r**. D | Irtlll. Katie r

jrley, Richard

MlUer, Kate Paokor.l. Mias Ella .V Pt-imliijftoii. Ja» R* i?au. Kate Upwu, Mrs Catherine R«>t»ena. Stephen Swafsr-fy, 31 tier# Mary Sbe»*h»n. Mis* Ml mile Ttthln, Ml#s Eaty Wrijflit, J Walker, Minnl«

•ns calling* f-yr ai"*ve pleas** **ay a* 1 vert 1^1. 3V. L. FOR^'E. Postmaster.


rath with rallyin>?

dbride, in the poor '

alted ami For my doubted

nd never people,

in pare tea- rule and •u fferinp

on fair plo>' Applause.] m certain, who were {Renewed offen^’e to

l^diau people. rmXo meddle •^kl’ with the - iW* as pov

terminator '|i [Groans ] ;cannot ex- 1s. but 1 b«?- ( just n*e and n all have I convinced

[dian people ihd save the

poor ten- are at this

|iour hands, rousrh- the as waiting body V the . p his hand ron*. that

|frti**m*nf* tuul-'r thu h'lntim'i, oicAj msr-i-fn>n.

on- iynt fur "i-A i

r \NTE1> A NF.AT <ilKE FOR oENF.KtL ii«iUs*-4w.-rk Must 1h* a r.».ik and (nun- j ts. Twv In .family. Apply In 116 East Fr«dit


$t«»ard.l Ls-nU'di u**ar d«*p|t. T«*rmsn-a—ui- ' Pr*vak«* taintly. Ai*7dy. THIS OFFICE.—uilutf I | ■ — ,

tttMSHKD' KlH iMS TO LET To GEXTLEMEX ! itliMUtllN.anl i*i X". 12 Second ’ . H.\x>iu Sr A ATS. —in v lot f a • j

I.KSEY Cilws and HEIFERS, id tmrejrlHtcred. Milking, and j

fin*: in. iFim* -*i.«-t, d.H-il»* and in *: • - j .inler. |ll SALE: JEH l»irlst«‘r4l and it.... i.. ; f

ariu**rv* prl*** cr s*-ill tg • ■ur.

: Ilr ■s..n»e nti»* Tamily .*..wh.

Apply *•» >V-|E. smith. Br<-fk- •“kiyii.'N. -I.j— in^lnt i


r, May 16.

mm IN

''Little Barefoot." |TEES FIRST-CLASS ACTORS IX THBCAST. ScEs—« its., so ctw., ctrs. axu $i.iw.

SE.VTS OX sale FRlPAt! MAV 13.

Ipe many member! of

^ tAkh occafion to notify ve

jlic jthat on vr Thurfclnv 1 if i 2!M day of 5th. mon^h)

)ld* Folk will give a Con-

t' ini y* Hall of Mufic. f - : Lc dporf fhall be opened

t|earlif candle-light*. \vh is 7

dlock'; y* concert' to

Carpets, Oil-Cloths,


Rugs, Art Squares,

Curtains, Dry and Fancy Goods,

At NEW YORK CASH PRICES at HOME, as is now offered at


sew anil improve! Dry Goods Stoue’. A one-story anil basement extension of Seventy I has t I! ud'ie'l. to the former store. The entire establishment lias Ihs-u so changed as to be scare,‘Jy recognizable. The 'D»'k i»all classified in separate d.quirtiuents.

Thirty Incandescent Lights

itiv requir*1*] * f«rilmuination. Eight station-* of the

Rapid Transit Cash Railway System

have been put in. There is « Ladies' Toilet. Wash-Room au<i Cloak-Room. In fart. EDSALR'N is the unst compji'te in all of it-, appointni.-iits of any like eonrern<Jii the State. Every depart- ment is brim Bill,of New anil Seasona- ble Gooijs. nit offered at NEW YORK PRICES. 11)7. Yoy h- Ip to HUMlitin a


$20,000 Worth /• > ■


mi mi cm



Gents’ Furnishings and Merchant Tailoring, a Specialty.

Schwed Brothers,





No. 6 Park Avepue,

Has in *l“tv a large and wHl- iel4*clcd Nt<»ck of MEN S, BOY’S AND VOr^TII’s ^ApIES-, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S


*ns >>f all Ix'ihg ald<* A LITY



ncp to youuj


wlih-'li Up calls lhe »u**ut Buyt rh.ffuliy cufiduni «»: 9 please, In g

AXI) yjT’E.


display THE

LARGEST STOCK 1 * < ■ or > :

Suitings and Trouserings EVER SHuWX IN PLAINFIELD.


John A. Thickstun,

1>E.^.LEI» IN

X*r|ou* Fire In \a^hvlll«i Nasuvn.i.k, Term , May 13!—Fire broke

out in the second i»tory of the Dyas Knit- on Sunday nlglL _ of the white men engaged in it. Madison , ting comiiani''* faetor.v, corner Church jznd SufberiHaJ, in company with two 'ladies. Colleire streets, in one of themostimpoftant was out walking Sunday evening and vrarf business blocks of the city. The whole met by Alex Daly, colored, wr.o tricp tc ..building was soon wrapped In (lames


walk betw<-«-n Sutherland and one of the bulies. Sutherland stotiped and asked the negro to go around them. "I won’t doit,;’ •aid the negro and ran against one of tho laditis. Sutherlnbd picked U|> a brkffibat and would have resented the insult ‘theta if the ladi>s had not begged him not ter. That

ryjight the colored settlement was visited by about forty white men /iTlly armed, who fired several volleys, running the people out of their homes, when It wasdiscovered that Dai' had escaped. Soveraf'zithejn ne- groes were- served with notices to quit the town. -

“ : r~ V ; •• . Asking For Clemrney. - Wasipxotox, May 12 —Aeerctafy Bay-

ard sent a telegram to MinisteuAiannmg skying that the reports concerning the ex- ecutions ol Mexican army officers at No- gales have been most con dieting since tho ethinst; that his telegram apniunding an appeal Is ]ust received with sa’trsfaetioQg' that this government would view with deep regret the imposition of^a i*nul|y ao extreme, and inslp-ucts him to say that a mitigation would be regarded by us with lavor. t- j ■ j '

1 A Karprlse Fortlie George Men. Cincinnati. O., May 12.!—The executive

committee of the united labor party had a long and stormy session.; A motion was made and hotly deuated that the party adopt the name Union and reorganize the city under that title. The socialists and Henry George nien fought to retain the present-(lame, but were finally defeated by a vote of 12 to X. The resfilt was a surprise to the George people, who expected to have everything their own way.

and rapidly spread to I Robin Jones' creamery. Thet Merchants’ exchange caught fire, but was saved With slight loss. About one hundred horses from Mc- Arthur's stables. immediately in the rear of the burning buildings, were jcut loose and Immediately stampeded among the vast crowd assembled, but no one is reported injured.*,* At two a m. the lira was under control. ' Total loss is estimated at $40,000; mainly Insured.

inittee nad halty in get-

S*f the large ifi*t h to least*

it kin purposes lemiroasy feel-

fcome. It Was ry a f^i-st-class

_ 4. klrittm.iil lit- o^kws.

OTT*»bf. May l'i—H'dli<§i jO'Brien. on his arrival here. Vdl be lk>ynvel at the Statina by the presatelnt. ••fifesfrs and mem- bersiof the Ottawa IVraiu-bfliif the Irish National league. He w ill be pr^temed lyith an address and ^oorted through the town,

i The ceremonies w ill be quieilj'; condii,*:^! and he will havj* an immenap iaudience in 1

the roller rink irhere hb wl(l,-)|peak It is stated on the twist authority*; t|iat in spite ol. other reports he is sure||oi come here, and the greatest excittSeMt prevails amongst the Orangemen ofjtlie town.

FIVE MEN BURNED jp DEATH Young Iron Workers l.ltrrqllij- Cooked to


j ’ -No. 8 •

PARK A V i: N U E.

Fancy Goods, , Worsteds,

Notions, ' Patterns.

later. =\vh is 8 by y* iSTAMPHSTG- !






■ Am

r. False Humors About Mr. Paraell. Lonpon, May 12.—An alarming rumor

was;u circulation in the houseof commons that Mr.- Faroell was dead. Mr. Justin Mc- Carthy. however, stated that he had seen a telegram from Mr. Parnell saying that he would be in London Thursday. It Was as- certained later that Mr. R»rneU had left his residence in .Avondale for London, and Aha, he was in much better health than be had been for some' Week* past.

Murdered In a Hilliard Saloon. Dattox, 0.. May 12.— Ed Con way, nine-

teen years old, who has figured inti num- ber of burgluries and in an arson case for which he was sent to the reform farm, fig ured in a tragedy resulting in the death ot George Saul, seventeen years old, son of a well known baker in this city. Saul and Conwa^ were in a-saloon playing billiards. Conway drew a revolver and began flour- ishing it. A report followed and Haul was shot in the head just above the left eye and expired alqiost instantly. Some claim that the shooting Was accidental while others say that it was the result dt a quarrel over a game of billiards., »\. '*

The righting Kditor Fined,. Atlanta, Stay 12.—Capt. Jl. F. Burke and

editor Atwood appeared before Trial Jus- tice Anderson and entered pleas of guilty In connection with the late cow hiding. Th* case against BUrke whs dismissed, but a fine of *30 was mi posed on Atwood; who paid it with a ; pew crisp treasury note. This is suppose*! to be the end of tile affair.

. Seriously Hi. WashinatoX. May. 12.—Justice Woods, ol

the supreme court, is now lying critically ill at his residence and his death may ocL-ur at any moment. He is suff;-r:ng floin dropsy and a compliA’ation.of diseases. |

. Drmorntlin tor the First Time. OGPEXSBtTu.n, N. Y.. May 12.—This city

at its election overturned repub- ean rule and elected i a full democratic ticket by 570 majority,fa thing heretolore Unknown.

, I

a”' entrance moni' {hall be

jTorkf fliillingf, wj1 doth e-

al 5<j> centi of S'* Scrip,

v 'T* will admit one. Thofe

v l|p prefer to fit \Vith y* cho-

ft 4|peo ile mavso do by pay-

ing 2 fllillintrf morSRt \ '-pill'

pf of y' Elder Reynold's^

l y' Deacon' Shaw.



'<: r YARD-Cor. Third street and Madison art.

niyiotf ^


body Brussels.





«1 00

3-7 A 57

'25 to 50


No. 33 Park Avenue Fur MuMual Instruments ami •

$]HjrtluK O’mkI#. Violin sullies ami Musical M«-r«?han|il^e. a gnod

Assortment of HAMMOCKS, L



i 3 ' , PiTTsnrno, May 12—A teifife

occurred at the Edgar Tlqiis works at Braddock*. which :r ' Furnace “E” was blown

accident jpson steel

five lives, few day*

ago, and a gang Of men w**r» stit to work clearing it out. An arch | bad formed, composed of cqke, limestqile^! apd other materials, which was still ^t rdd heat, aqd part of the men were tv<wl|lng beneath this ; mass. Sooh after! t|in o'clock, without warning, the arch gSk-fij way. -The rod-hot matter was tlirown ii|njl directiohs, knocking men dqwn, and in *>me instances almost burying them. Fetv|pf the men in the vicinity escaped unmjure|Lf In a short time the debris was removed! *nd live men wefe taken out in a horrible r&r^iitior., their clothing burned entirely frorq |heir bodies and the flesh literally cooked! [ They were all young men and unmarried Jftesides the five men mentioned other®' Jtere badly burned by the flj'nig pieces.

YliLC.A. Meeting.


A Horae TUral of the Chl| HAVEiutiLU Mass., May

\o Cow. A horae 4

kicked over a lighted taniern^itriBurten Vril- lape at'mignipht and startc destroyed twent.i*-one bulldi 000. The Twilight hotel, the buildings, ft W. Craft’s mea' uel HayfonRs house, H. house, stable and carnotre fe>yt’s house and barn. Hr. Ax and barn. E. B. Hoyt’s dwellif fill's'(• 'use and stable. IV. |Vi jrrocer.v. .'tore, barn andoutbu^l Craft's sta >ie. P. ft. Hatch w stable and the toiwn house w«*-<

fire which Loss Icic-

le ajid out- ,rket, ftam*

rt ford’s ory, John IPs house J B Meri

Wilder's njrs, ft. W. oust* and








No. 22 W. Front St

SIhmiM not l>e 4»verlooked Ly any one who i is iti want of j





We can nh' A Fine TO FISHERMEN Llm* *>t luLDS, REELS, LINES. HOOKS, NETS and


I f«*r the N**w | ; Kintc Bicycle, the ; Lal»-M ami Bt»«i i

! Wh«*el In the !. market.

Plainfield, N. J. mylOyl




Tuesday, May 10th AND COYTIXrtXll FOB ONE WEEK.



Muslim*. H' Para<^


cnlle.n*s*. Ginghams, 4<*ry, I.atvs. Fancy Goods * «n*l I'nderwenrat

GREATLY reduced prices.


When in need of * ami

8 419 O’CLOCK. The

To Sei*Sel/e(1 Schoouri SaN; FRANciscb. May 12.—Jnj

Staten revenue jcuLter Hich been erdfefed to iirocee<l to fti whore *he will take the Un marshal aboard and convey hi laska for the purpose of seili two British schboners seiz< •oa last year for illegal seal-fisl

United • \Hush has

Alaska, fttates Juna- iction


Newest Styles .

At Lower • Prices

than T«*w|u*r* <

(i Buhricg ■off >Mi

Howard A. Pope’s.

MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Ladle*’ aiul trlnuwed and nmrlmmfA

Hat* In all tlie Latest Styles, We will el‘»t*e »»ut the halanee of our - 1

' f*to,-k of x

Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Mats, etc., at 10 to is i**r,t*ei;t. cheHjier than any oth«#

h« use in the «ilty. this week -uly ' AT A"


NO. 9 W. FRONT STREET. niviotf


• • / . • I ••

M O Rbtrr"T" ".

t b


ptojrers om*etiofes . [

OncAOO, May IS.—The bricklayer* wan4to he paid Hutunlaj; and the bomses refuse,luratif* as they allege, their men frequentlyfail to report fotjfork Monnuy morning*;'A. communication was sent tbe bricklayers;last aigbl stating the reason* ot the em-.

^ptojers for not acceding to the demand.;' Tb»-bricklayers utterly refusal to recedej

from tbelr demand for Saturday pay day,!sad the masters passed a resolution ayree-itor to shut down all work if the bricklayers!sbonld strike on this account. I ' |. It is asserted that tne loading members!

ot tbe builder's and traders exchange are!making preparations to "carry the war!Jnto Africa" if it becomes necessary. A ;

1 written contract baa been prepared, bind- 1tug all the dealers in building materials to;aaU to BOM but men bars of tbe exchange;luring; tbe strike: It is anted by mover*In this plan that it is' purely a proteetire

„ ineasijre, without -which outside contract-' «rs wjjnld secure ail the work during a

protractecnfenerBl strike.

NEW BRUNSWCK'S FLOOD.Ballroaul Wsshodta-j-BrlriCfis > wept A wajr—

A City In U»rkn«M.

8T. JOBS, May l i^The Hood in the riverwhich was at first• looked upon as a curi-osity, is now regarded as the direst cai-mity which bas ever befallen the provinou.Since ynterday the water has risen tenInches, and is now almost two Teet higherthan ever known before. .

The city of Fredrlcton is in total .dark-ness the iras house having been Hooded.The Nerepla. bridge t which cost tlBu Prov-ince nearly »200,Ouv>;to build in 1S74, was

-swept away., ': j M j ' , ' •. •At .Westfleld, fifteen miles from, this

city, fnvat waves are dashing over the. tracks of tbe New Brunswick railroad, andthe train bad to return. The overflow at

USeuth' Branch has increased to almostthree thousand feet.' \ : • ... .<> . j'.

At Rothsay. Rirerside «B<1 L^kBBide. on-the Intercolonial railroad, tbe track hasbeen undermined, and it was found nece*-

> transfers. ' . •

German* Insist on >rli«lr Ul>»rtl»s. 'ICACO. May 42.(—Mayor Roche's en-

•deavbrfto emulate Mayor Hewitt, of JJewYork.In the matter of effect inpa moral pun-Hcation of the city,particularly in tbe matterof enforcing the-laws cm-erriinff the;«altv>n»,1% arousing! the native German -.cWtuent. andIt is expected "that an ac:jve '-jjorsonalliberty" agitation will sjhnrty begin. The•order that the mWlnijgbt closing ordinancemust be strictly enforced aff<.vt* hundreds•of well connucted (Jerman restaurants^salooqs and wine cellars, as weii as the

- higher class of concept irarden i. which arejust opesinjj their summer »o»wn. in the«ztreme northern »D4 western limits of the

* ' j ; ' '



B» Aays the Coercion (Hill U OUhoaorabls

jnd Dtfrrmdlnf—ramcllltt* Again T»e-

trml&t^yt^mf Jfatteiy of Intarat.

Loxnox. May 11—Mr: Gladstone wail atruest at luncheon at/ the house of Ur.Parker, tbe pastor of the City Temple. Incompany with forty non-conformist minis-ters, delegates to tbe conference of cpngre-gational pastor* no'.v in progress ht*fe. IUN{erring to the resolution passed by the con-ference, putting that bcjdy on reVo'rxf' asagainst the passage of the government'scoercion bill, Mr. Gladstone saidThrre hadnever existed any reason for charginlr theParnellite party with complicity~~willv*rim-inals or in any way whatsoever countenanc-ing crime. .; • *

Mix years ago. he said. He himself had de-nounced the ParoeJlitos as damrqrous men.but.that was totally different from charg-ing them with being or afllliatin? withcriminals. Their si>oe<h^ may have beenintemperate, but the utterances^ of LordFa-llsbur.v, Lord Randolph. Churchill andMajor Haunderson had been mow danger-ous to the public peace than those of any ofthe F'arnsllite*. '

The ParneiJiresJ alliance with the liberalparty, he held, was'open and do-void of secrecy, but had beenhrougbt aboutby a community of. belief that nimiwrdfavorably' wish th" lories" alliance withthe Parn«Hlt«t in 1»-*1 ami l Vi. Th* pre-ent coercion Ijill he chn'raefwrized as an inlsldious-.measure. It attacked the liberty ofHie pri'ifc. waj> tlesimeu to create new of-lfences and altogether was a .dishononnpand degrading-bill.both to its authors andto the people of Irc'and

Mr. loadstone Wa« particularly vehe,tnent in his denunriat.on of the attituiie ofthi- government in relation to'tlie chargesmade against members of tne house ofcommons by tjhe 7""m»" and BUM that au ac-tion asainstth'p'7'mi'-in a court of law.with the crowin las 'prosecutor, would be a

. ghastly farce). Mr. Oladsloni.- spoke anbuuraud live

OF THE EffiTHQUAKEand Calm Statement o|fth> D »

••' ' : , Uone.P H O B X I I . Ariz.. May iS-j^jl »• 'following

•eport concerning theeartuj i W Q . made by)r. U. E. (ioodfellow. ha|(!| <een *<ml tip

: Vasl»lngton. • • < |rf| • 'The distance ccrereJ bv f'tjifc earthquake

is twelve hundred miles lojONf $M*d six hun-dred miles wide. The srenffp)- direction oftbe shock was southwest tafBertlu-ast. Itsaverage duration was l' f rpittiutps. Thedamage-in New Mrxico ftn<l!ATiz"n1| i* trtf-lin'g. In the (Sulphur Sprinjwf Yalleyjlwithintwenty-five miles of Tomjmt^ni1. tt»tureaoccurred in tbe bed of ar >ld stream, anda considerable amount ot-'te«tei- spurtedout. After three days a$j?i|ncd up buttwo. Which appear perng£$4Mt. "and arepp prunning a small amount, o

» t fg

nary »eni|>erature. ffecdeeding theshocks flres'were observ«taiu Tjfurcs giving rise t<canic acUon. The ttrst anshock rolled bouid ij |'mountafu sidles. ruise: idust, which '.vit'h tiffi \g nol«e caused many tohacTbrok-»n ^ilt: ail xrtagination, there havingany part of rbc suet.onroad track a! the |> unt uljand ive»t was; ijont four aout ot line for a distance^!cont"e»itv loalfing southIng in u«)P ftct- level feseverely. ^rinieJbecan

Bi Frontsras. ^lexico. tthrown down, one chilii kifatally inj-.n-i-d. In (utni'ueast, four houtk's \wi-e tlei

Uny. Torres t<'Iesr:iphcit;ito \\~ ilarshu that S..uthvtortall.v destroyed and tha'bean lost.

Or. Uoodfellow hosand con tinned evmaking toe report.

. , li.•pater-of ordi-

innuy inoiin-(H>rts of vol-moM severe/down tbei rlonds . of; acc'.inpanv-iik •' voliiinof pu?elv mi-ji> erection injel. 111.- rail-1 it runs vast

half mciiei:ttm foot, theinners wurlt-le vibrationsfk. , ,

Statist.oa states that ou of >S3sbor orguu UiUfon^ in that tSt^te last ya*r'S (endeavored ^Stadvance their IUITHSVy&lriki4f. These report 212 strik's. In-u k'ag 5),tt2 men. These Were »ucce»».

I u )n Sb oases, 31 resulted in compromises,( i puled. 23 were unsettled.' when tbe re-do I closed, and the results of four wererjo|' reported. The total number of, days

aggregated L.&J.273. representing» amounting to {3,644.080 The sum of

307.wiu railed in support of strikers,*123.<)R3 was oontribuiod for the reliefemtiejr* in sickness.

I :.;N£»r machine Is being introduced Intot^Aknitting mills of Cohoes, N. Y , which

throw a great mmy hands out of em-o imenLJ It is known as tli • Ualoa

bi on sewing machine. Th ! m-chiuismo I |es« machines are so simple tuat a girl

D bporate one and do tb< work bercto-requii-ing j six or eight women. Thejms uro *ewed on much better to the


! to

jgoolS than can be done by hand, tberay, and over three thousand buttons

o ?be seiwed on to 'garments per day.T « mills mentionel above are to add sSv-ei islnore iof tbe button-sewing machines

factories, and several other millsso to adopt the machines.

ami liiaupiK 11.1

IKIS «ia"l<er0divery slftto in:


Offl«», S. <-. Op[»wlK- Depot.



Countellorcat-Law,Ma»t«rs bj^banwry. X..tartr, Public. Cmmls--hmers ..f Deed., e*c. C m w Park arenu™7m.l» street \

Dee» street.


Counselor at Law.Supreme O.urt li.ornlMlon.T. H.jllcltT.r and

Ma»uir in Cham-en. Xoury Publi.-.omct) Corn.-r *-r..nt apd s.,msn^l 8t».

• Park Avenue, Cor, 6th St.Omce Hi .um unt i l 10 A. If. S ti l l 7 p. Jf.

- . • . _ . ' mrWf

Teacher of Piano, j

T"T T^rnig. etc.. kdilre»s p. o. B"X 1164 Plaln-flel.1, X. 1.


Appoiated l"nll«-<l

• . • crnl .tlr. .InnlWXifliv.ToV. May \"2 —T

pointed Jum*v»;W. Hva'.lf

A Cfartlral Antl.povertr Society. .'Cisco. 4ex.. May 12,—The people pi' Ris-

ing Bun make everybody work in that m c-tion of country. Recently a' family «f idlersprepared their land for planting m a slip-shod maota?r. They ware visited by a•crowd of twenty neighbors who compelledthem to ds the work over and do it weiLThe idlers were then warned that if theyfailed to plant or work the land wejl in thefuture they would be driven from tbe com-munity, but assured them if they wprkeUaa other people did they would be [in no•danger. ; ^ • - ' '

W « B T « » feetnrn to Wo**.WARE MA«.«. May li—The weavers em-

ployed in the George. H. (Gilbert manufao-"tnring company's woollens mills in CJii-bertville, who; went out on strike on April$0 because ihey were refused Increasedpay, surrendered unconditionally and a

• majority returned to work. All tbe strik-ers were taken back bad to promise goodbehavior in the future. All a he mills m.Vilbertville are now running. Tne company-will not take j back the leaders of the strike.'

GEN. BOULANGE.RS BILLTo Mt>bll|zr Pr'nrh Vnrrr*— It <:»o»r« I'D-

««ii|M>n tm Uf-rlia. - _ j

May IS..—Gen.j . Boulangeif'smobilization b;°l cai;*es 'milch uneasinesshere., The Xuh* «"'«-IM n*vti* says it iscf much greater * iin|K>rtancd thun upiioursat first sight. : ' [• \' \ ''

The Russian, government's :ddcrfce thaitall merchants oi F<>-»en .havjn? combierc-iqlintercourse bOvSlMk tlis Hussiau frontiermust pay the taxes of the Russi^ni merch|ant's gqild .utl obtain a Vicente frwm the)Russian: minister of. trade 'rouse's;indignation: The ^emi-ofticial pre^s!in its comments ou this and thenew i Russian] dutle* on metals dis-:

plays great Indignation. Tbe Cologne O»- 'lette says:" '-This course commutes acrushing bloTr to German imdustry. and f»also a blow in the face to its representativeOfficial )«aderv: It * that the Kalkoff.not the DeGiers, |«rty commands real pow-er. Such measures can,only bare the objectof affect'n;.- the political attitude of thecountry against which they are d|ire..-ted:"Tbe diplomats hat y deny all. tne di$>n,uict-lng rumors received from Bulgaria an I StPetersburg. Tbe Bulgurian question re-mains stagnant. '

The increased import duty on corn will"not bo" proposed by the government untilthe winter session.

jires;<i.--iir. ap-p ; j ; in:icc;icut' to ibe treiisiirer of the I'mt •! |( jftceoj Conrad N"; Jfor.lan. resi ^ 1 . Mr H.Vatt is a natrve ; uf.« resid fi! j.J f Nr>r«ii:k,Conn. -For ten yetir* he \vj|isiorier of C'onnect'H ut. bv t |first of Gov. lnj(.-er»i:: nn<l H ibotb ddai'MTatic and refu'olji:He noxy Jills thj? |iosr CunjiectK-i:t.apimintjcd by

A Itert N m i n c iMAKi fr.TTn. ^lu'h.. May

of John Flyun an 1the hovel:Of Mils. 1'onihu • i-nteresL | Ikm^huc to -.111. in ttjold \vomtin refiiB«<-«> t<> ailnman 1» &) earsl old. Tlie IEOs<-boolul^t<-s tci»<\lyears ago she shut lulu u:> :beeu out since, kind -it'-> nbut peridivn. l i e do»?*ii t vThe young re^luso i s . s vtrooper at the officers forD U D awajr. Tho old »-f.Uian"UO pound-*. and;\vi:l "t'leac

poiice force if thej: atiempl

REYNOLDS' PHARMACY.G»r. Park and North Avenues, near

B. B. Station. (Established 1868.)

Only the highest grades of Drugs andChemical* obtainable are used In tbii-Pharmacy. I neither l>uy nor seil "CHKAJ-DBCOS." - • i ,

lU-yhold*' Pharmadays for the di»pen»i4

•y Is qpen on Sun-* of Afctllciiies .ftnc


Hours—9 to 1; 3 t o 6 : 7 to 9.A Kcgisten-d D s{>t-n»H-r a lways ir.

) mj-9tf


Dealer in Flour, Feed, Baled Hay, Eke


WOO D E j»~ WA R EEtc . at U-s^Jthan New York Prices.


Otttrmsre «Mi >n AmarlrmnBA!«-FHA:NUISCO, May 12.—A special to

* tke Bulbil* from Murphy's, Cai., says:yews' bas Juat reached ' here to the, effectthat J. B. Frucbier, an American citixeo,•who1 left hero last October to visit France,was seized on bis arrival there and imjtris-

"cned. He' was denied •counsel and wasforced to serre in tbe French army. He' isnow in the seventh regiment of tbe line.


l««Hlg theMat- li'—Tbe

nc»1 IconsrieratlcjoclbiiibiiL >Ir. ijotor McD-ini j |moved the adopjtion of an a rtthe, evutefi'fe ofj witnessesInquiries Khuuld nc>tthem except Iij ca,!«e

.S6me d*l>ute flf. H ,Smiththe treasury, injsisted that

, divided Amid jrne» of "SI:' stron*:" & c . cl()ture was pji

bj" a votjs of 2»M|IO lftl

Victoria Has m HperUI Pnbraui iMof »h« TTIId nrst. i

Loxnos. May tl.—The ctueen, adcoinpanjled bv the Marquis of Lome and Princess!Louise, attended a special performance of;he Wild'West show. Her majesty waslelighted with tbe exhibition ami expensed

• ler pleasure by frequent applause. After i.he performance Buffalo Bill, Red Shirt / - b _ -ind a number off the s<|Uirw<. attachejJ^HT '•*'• »J™<"UBe "• Buffalo 1: B

«u^»« Hamilton v. Ltiifa 4. Toronto

Itewj Uall O

K:MayJ-2.—pionsbip earner; resulted as!tional league—New York '.'. Hf"t&bingt<in. S;Kefroit IS. Fi.UBb'Urg 'J: HI 8 Jelpliia , M,Boston 4; Chicago 11. Indiana ii Us •».eri<iaa association—Brooklyn $'• rain at 8t. Louis and Louis r|

league-|-Jersey. Citj

Sntrlila oC • Psrrat Mwllriif XasuPORTU XP. Me., Maj- 12.—Nathan Wood,

Biaiiafartarer ot patent medicines , I andplasters, commrtted suicide by hanging;himself in bis stable. He was seventy-twoyears old, and leaves a Widow and one son.He bad been in poor health for two years.He was wealthy and well known thrsugn-

he show were presented tocher majesty.The queen was particularly pleased] with

he back Jumpers, and thf girls who did•mo wonderful -ihootint . Hhe fondled tbelapooses, who blinked their baby eyes atler.She conversed with RedKliirt through

i ill iuteri-reu-r *&4 n« i«ld her that he was|iad to meet the •lireut Wbild Mother." •

Roche* terI:

Oat the state. I .Xpnie With Rwr In Xrw Torfc.

, j ALBANT< May li-rGowernor Hill signed. Mr. Cantor's bill aothoHzing the sale ofliquor in, New York by concert hall propri-etors un'der permits frotn Mayor Hewitt.The govertior bad the biH in b>s j>oses<about fivei minutes before be signed it.

TforhsPKOBIA, 111, May 12.—The large grain

drill and machinery works of the Shelby,Blarres & Co., occupying nearly a block,were destroyed t>y Ure.ceed*100.uOO.

The loss will

nt. of th .BOSTON, May 12.—Qu&'n Kapiolaol "and

, Walte, accompanied by the city committee.Visited W ellasly college. A reception WasRiyen the ojuecn by Govl Awes at hisresuteoge. ^T ; •

'- t for (lovornor ot Kentueky^ " .LonsviiL», May 12.—Hon. Wllllami O.

Bradley, of (jarrard county, was made therepublican npminee for governor on tbe

. Urst ballot; ••- . f '- ' ' * ] - ' • '

' Gnuip Apxnt th« Sporta, h 'Ansori"hasn't made a hit in two game*. '

. Ewing still thinks, he can pla** secondbase. . - ' . . / .

Frank Hnriald and Mike P.txifn. thes Kan-ock. meet in a six-round glove contest atWilmington, Del., on Tuesday evening nextweek.

Arrangements are being' made tor anopen air teii-ronnd glove contest to takePlace in Long Island Citv on Monday May80 a>erWratii)n l>av), betwoen Jake Kilraintnd Charlie Mitchell.

Billy McLean, of Philadelphia, the mana-ger of Hat Farrell, of. Port- Kiohiiinhrt; Whobested Uommick McCefiffre.V in I'hilaitcl-'

: paia some months iwo.fhas Item. re«jiicsle<lto allow FHrrwIl t« in.-.(t Frank Hearld in aJen round contest in pu.biii', to t,ake place«n Loni; lwlund city tfie lattef part of this

, month. Heitrtd is ready and willing and, awaits a reply from McLean. .

^ "Mike_Bradfonl und bis feather wc-tciitProtege, Willie Clark, haveguuu to AtluiiucLity-Mr the snmm.-r. .Brailford savs thatalthough-Clark lost-his battle with Weir, ,be ma-le a irame Sirht, and proved himself a

» 7?-ver" " 'fliey will remain at the summer, and Bradford will ba< k^'larkt" n>.'ht Weir n«?Jtt fall under U K U I U C c«n-

:™oiaan(lat ise same place for Kt» a,

Cmtm H u n Maant Roto.May ! | i ,-In congress Cuban

I ome-ruler« dPclarwl that the governmentf, t nless it promptly found m-an* to Improve

t lie prospects of the Spanish West Indiesty granting the lilierty demanded by the( reoies. would find it*elf unable t/>| check 't i e Cuban movement In favor of aWn>*xa-Mt on to Ailjerica. ScUor Moret. minister off >reifrn affairs, 'rentyins f«>r the goverii-n ent, said that botti 8|n»i,n and America<le-s red a reciprocity treaty, whereby,

though it was impossible to obtain privi-le ges for West Indian sugars. Spain hoi*4lt( secure advaBtaircs in return for conces-sions in favor df American imports. InMhalf "of the government he opjtosed bornerule, but he .promised early political and

riff reforms. It is reported that theO'arlists are assisting tne Cuban Separatists

organize an outbreak.

to DnuTI th* H

;EKI.IX. May l'J.-iThe electioft at Htras*bi|rg for member of the reiebstag in pllitce

Deputy Kable, deceased, is fixed ZforJthe'Z Tbe protestors, acting undenin-»t uclions from Paris. decHtnu to noniipMte4 < andidate. 'Wiis stlep threatens to bciitheprslude to the'vi'hdrawal of jiJl the pro-tc iters in tlk ii-icfisw^, r » a demonstrationag linst tbe repressive me* ures tak^n intl e reichsland. /« :

t * Brrtagnr .sails Attain.AAVKE, Jlay 12.—The stearoer La brrt-

ague of the Cami"apnie fSenerale Transat-/larjtic. sailed for New York at noon. She

on board a n/amber of the passengers ottin steamer La Canipagde, wnich was runasl ore after colliding with the steamerVil e de Rio Janeiro on .Saturday last.

TTmtchlnK an Amfrlraa Vraarl.>x. May 12.—It is reported.that tbe

government acting on information fromsecret apents in j>'ew York, mis nent thecutwaael

er Orwell to 1'arriirahf.It. Ir.' for*'be arrival of an American vi(riib a eargo of arms and explosives.

Rr ^rlllon llnA. Jlay 12.— The Ameer's trooj/* and

the • hi las s are standing on the defensiveTbe Ameer, is sen'lltiir reinTorpements fromCan luhur jand Cabul to re>iew the attackupo i tbe»\4»urgenlj.<i. ./' ' ...


A{ l»l«a»lrom Collision. •LB<>I«|VK, Australia. -May . l'-J— A col-

b h Bi oc«urb-ei! on the Brighton railwaypersons were killed

DEATHS.LASM-Tuvltday, jjay U>. lwrt, PfKE FEED. WIXTEB BRAIH),


JjERSEV OAT. Undertaker* and Embalmen.

M Park Ari'iiup. Tei.-|,li..u,. c«ll Sn tnic.-, 4H Ma.1l~.nAv. T.-l.-pb..Uf0all X

N-.,f Hlllwl.W ( .•ni'-l.-ry.A. M. Uuii)..u. Elnier E. Bunyun

n the »th in?t'um!«as wasjiy live* had at 0>.[<ul«r urlce*.—


Funeral Directors.VOEHL'S QUEEN BREADShould, be tried. Ask your grocer V

It, uud also try our un«i|iiuli«'Jrx. ooi>14 C Fp-ut strfi-t.' ,Tfl.-[.b


X'>n<> of the latter i« genuine fxcept beniiiK <>ur

r"> a variety of. Caku made outthe best inaU^rialrt. i


City Express.

•••Ml*- tin- r»»-|«>t. X-Tth Aw. Thankful fur jia*t tuvun \\U- w.licit tilcoiitinued patronagi' of ifiur friendPlnlnflHiI.

c..r Hi.. I l l y , at all

n»-. FuniHun* «u<l T"r.-iiclit c..uvcy.-.| ttli- iH-fl u, *U"|»rl«

Man.- r>-ni<ye.|.

nd Shoe Dealer.

v . - P l i l u f l r l d ' l . l T . i l l l ..r.. -i.\*\•••rk-U.i"'. <

I Upholstery and Repair ShopI ..IB<-<- s -mh »v... pr--*ni at Hie J.-.«-»-*t


lfiei.1 f.T VwartPicture Frame*.


*1HI«* r.» . .t ami roM wait-. nlc-ly

rart»-t» am] mattingMOKTUAUE |»i.3<IO. XEAT TW>»-niMutni..<itrub»ust>, lUfxwai

furno.-r, tw., Bnrst..ii riute<-». f>alh r>h.m. stlitm. all lii tr.MxJ r«>r*i#*r. L<ic >/ *ci

Ith <-h..|r.-fruit »ml KO. <1 shKde. fttablli.h' *it—-. Immediate IM

t'<«t f'.Suu. A t *ABOE FBEXCH HOOT

run.E o of

f ibi; coer-ia:if.nalist,


Wholesale and

aivl^r In Fl-1

Retail Butcher.& S l.iJUUCJAIIH.

nii.rj' »t"'lX.. . IB P a r km >"••: rrelimitvary

be a^dfitiHi azr.inst |After-I

I st lord ofcommittee


\ 8 W A L M .

' Painters Supplies, Wall Papers, 4c ,

PlalnA'-M—I.I.V ».(>». 707.•2.UU, 3 . « , ».U. «..'»;. S.-iS,

: .»J. S.XJ, Iu.j8, II.JH

l«'»*e»nl..n If ilt-mmj; goo Ixhadn:

Bookseller and Stationer.. Xn. 7 Park Arenut?.


FRED'K COOMBS, Proprietor,Anv

Clevelands. Inter-

Xewafkbam tan 0,Oswego H,

A full line ofBall*. Bat*, kal Er.iua.'

PlalnOrld—a.IS. 5.JO. ».:a. ".'.44. MSI « m 1 H-.M.4.55. K.4O. U.Hl. 11.111 (.. in.



Sample and Lunch Rooms,E MTATIOX AND N"E»'

tcd t« lh» "Ward 01r a m Ave. h i j i i | . . n -). 4-30. 5 OU. 5.31). <j 00.

X.., 1 an<l 4 WV Front St.. and -8t-.ini>rm>i St..PlaUiO'-M. X. 1. MIIwauk>-c and Kru.-icer »Eitra Lugrr <<u Jraugbt. .

HATS AND CENT'S FURNISHINGS,V"rk—5.1S.n i . : l . I d . :1.1M.

w»nl c l fc

If '•Furnrture and Freight Express..•£>. » .4». 11.44 s .

i n .l l .w a. m..

-A Ck»pt#r or Kmall F

*»i.i-». p . T.. M»ycheese factory. n*ar this place,with its i-.'iitenta. Less


In my care will r«x-i-|y«- pr'impt'attrntiBE <IPEX FEI^X 7 d. x. TIUL i t .


FISHER & MONFORT, P lotographers,13 E. FBOXT 8TI EET.

. May 12—JohnB. I?

Cigar Manufacturer.Our VERT DEST C.IBIXET PHt TO'8. ( 3 . 5 0 . f -

, Dotren. jN... IT-p»rk av-iiu.-. Plalnflel.t. X i. Maiiuta.--turer ..f th>- <:«l,-l.r»l<-<t c. jt) D, rtcar. Th>- t»-»tn«• c u t .I8»r in the NCatv, and nm<i<' ..n tli>-

m l w fr..m the flut-al H«Ian«.^jt Irur Havanaa !-if*;lMtv;

Schoool buiiilinir \ias nearlv t»< Croveil.srether with the furniture.

The Book Seller and Stationer,


Has a full lliir




f SfMMEK «AMES. tnclud I .

ETC. [ Al* .


frs. Mat 1«. « a. m.—Iij|as hours, chwnag Hurtt«rn l*enn<«Jersey. X«1* York in<t X<"Wfair wf»tbdr: nortijifrly winds, veasterly. •

I»AV. .

. Livery Stabiles.

X.irih Ave. ..|.p. l>.;i».t. rarrWe™ t>rraln-. All klo.l- '.,t Tlifu-ijut» .lajrFamily rMlne a »|i.-.-lalt}-j THt-pui.ii

INew Soda Fountain.

I N S U R A N C E- No. 2 Park Aye., 2lli. <'"|»i«-r ami Mh*fi fr..n '.•nil if >r tin- --Anthony"' st*tH Ilrh k !-»•! and P..rtmlile.

ISIukn II Oranges and Crape

MARlvKT.—ThV raarkt-t con

th • alit-rnoon. withtin lKt-

' Lumber aitd Coal Merchants,


P L A I X . F I E l f D .

Lum'»T .

jnylOyl ' i)BEKT B. C

Furnfture Cupr4.'> W.-st Front Slret-t.

Truck". hHtl»fa>'t|i>n truaranti«. liny pan of thf Tlill*Furniture bought HD<I

Canaatao Pscifle.•Bur

Ceotril Psclllo.VeL & Hud-ujnDel. Litck. A WErie. ! ^ • •

House Paintef. ARL PETEBSOX.

Pemt-st. .ll .l .l . X. AL-.w

•f.p. Xi-rtll Are.,

Plnln-Mint: Plant" at ,

rnvsir '


Crocers.Lumber andi Masons' Materials,

Vep-tajilpa. to-of 4"

N..rth Pln'liim-kl

House and Sign" Painting,


•A HPEl'IALTY. '' • 1



WEAVEB. ;H. •>. »>x :m.) j p.

HI.-. rLAIXFlF.llD. E.'-l.|

i x d A SPElTAtTTami ^

X.rtb Plalnflflil.

rkft -irrlk!t e r n l a *

t<irn. hblri i • — F r a n .

t n'ami-rjl«-Dairv— OOTS AXP SHOpSAT

Randolph's, 12 W. Front;street.

New Coods, Latest Styles, Best

at Reduced Prices*Fresh an4 Salt M

Xo. II) rtlr i

All h i l l - | .ny-i m y l m f

-Market OrHE'iEastern an flr-6, \*c: Wi.4u.-m tints

ir .al ike. J _

Df»LiX. May 1J1—At Ix?itritwenty tenants, who bad ad041 li I tbe |>ianof campaign ami whet had l l | i evicted.wer« idn».tt.-d toi thothe VrorHhouse



fi ('

more trouble in chicaqc pt*pa<« Abaat MUrter M

pi open ObJoeUoa, Csicaoo, May 12.—The bricklayer* want

lo be paid Hatunlay anJ the bosses refuse, ’ because as they allege. their men frequently

fall to report fohj^ork Mommy morning*. A communication was sent the bricklayers last sight stating tha reasons at the ' em-

_ploy«rs tor aot acceding to the demand. Tbe-bricklhyers utterly refused to refced* from their demand for Saturday pay day, and .the masters passed a resolution agree- ing to shut down all work if the bricklayers should strike oh this account. \ ' *

It is asserted that the leading members ot the builder’s and trader's exchange are

' making preparations to “carry the war |nto Africa*’ ir it becomes necessary. A ' written contract baa been prepared, bind ing all the dealer* In building materials to sail to none but members of tbe exchange during the strike It is urged by monrere In this plan that it .is' purely a protective measure, without which outside contract-

' «rs would secure all the work during a eral strike.

NEW BRUNSWCK’S FLOOD. BaUroad TVaahndts—Bridges swept Away—

A City In Darkness. 8t. John, May 12.—The Hood in the river

which was at flrst looked Upon is a curl osity, is now regarded ns the direst cai- mity which has ever befallen the province. Since ymterday the waiCr has risen ten inches, and is now almost two feet higher than ever known before.

The city of Fredricton is in total .dark- 1 ness the gas house having been Hooded. The Nerepia bridge which cost the Prov- ince nearly |200,IWQ to build in 1ST!, was swept away..- I .1 j i i',-

At Westfield. fifteen miles from this city, great wave*'are dashing over the

. tracks of the Now Brunswick railroud, and the train had to return. The overflow at

dSeuth Branch has increased to almost th ree thousand feet. ' <* . ’

At Kothsjiy. Riverside and LVkeside. on- the tnterphlonial railroad, the track has been undermined, and it was found neces- sary^ make transfer*. ^

^ 1 Germsns Insist on Their Llliertles. ‘Chicago, May 12.—Mayor Roche’s en-

deavor to emulate Mayor Hewitt, of New York.In the mattcroleffecting* moral puri- fication of the city, particularly in the matter of enforcing the laws governing the saloons, i» arousing1 the native German element, and It is expected *tliat an active “personal liberty’’ agitation will ’shorty begin. The order that the midnight closing ordinance must be strictly enforced affects hundreds of well connucted German restaurantsv

eiilars. as well as tbe

IT IS A GHASTLY FARCE extent of the


ne Says the Coercion iBIIl Is Dishonorable pad Degrading—rarnellltes Again De-

feated—Manf Matters of Interest. London. May 12—MrT Gladstone wri* a

guest at luncheon at/ the house Of Ur. Parker, the pastor of the City Temple, in company with forty non-conformist minis- ters, delegates to the conference of congre- gational pastors now in [ >rdg r-e*s - here. Re- ferring to the resolution passed by the con- ference, putting that bcidy on record' as against the passage of the government's coercion bill, Mr. Gladstone said'There had never existed any reason for charging the Parnclllte party with ooniplioity'wiliycrim- Inals or in anyway whntsoevercouotenanc- ing crime. . •

Hix years ago. he said. He himself had de- nounced the ParneJIite* a* dangerous men. but.that was totally different from charg- ing them w(th being or affiliating with criminals. Their *i>ee<hvjs may have been intemperate, but the utter an res of Lord Falisbury. Lord Randolph Churchill and Major Haunderson had beeh more danger- ous to the public peace than those of any of the Parnsllitc*.

The Parneilitets alliance with the liberal party, he held- was entirely'open arid de- void of secrecy, but had beenhrougbt about by a community of. belief that crimparrd favorably wish the tpries" alliance with the Pamellitin in 1'<1 and l-XV The pro - ent coercion pill he characterized as an in.

It attackcil t be liberty of

Cowl and Calm Sr*t*ine«t Done. P»

PnoENix, Ariz., May iS-Mw ?port concoraing the cart.'

>r. p. E. Uoodfellow, h&jii Washington. ' « plj

The distance,covered bv ■tb ia twelve hundred lor J

dred miTes wide. The geui the shock was southwest t average duration was ■ damage'in N»*w Mexie^and : ling. In the Sulphur Sprinp* twenty-five miles of Toi occurred in tbe bed pf a considerable amount OUt. After three days two. which apnear pernf3^ running a small amount ol nary temperature, shocks tires were observ lain ranges giving rise t canu- action. The first shock rolled bouid/? mountain sides. ruisdf: dust, which with Ibdj i\tnolso caused many toupp hatibrok^n oiU: ail whu*hf


THQUAKE the Damage

i« following ,ke. made by

n s*jnt to

agination, there having beQtfii any part of the sect.on disfiir! road track al the ami west was bent out of linef«»ra convexity looking south ing in a led level fel severely, Jennie* became h<

In Eronteras. flexion. t» thrown down, one child kil fatally injured. Ln l uuipu^,. east, four houses were <leup»|

Gov. Ttii-res >t«Tegrni>hed/#n

earthquake d six hun-

direction of theast. Us I utes. The )

•iron* i« trif- | Tal ley jkwi thin ton**, fissures l ‘ stream, and

ter spurted I tried u p but t, and are tor-of onii- ling the

many uioun* rts of voU |

most severe down the

' clouds . of j LV*'innanv- !

a volcano \ putvlv ;m-

eruptlou in l‘. The rail-

ast hes the

itinera worg- ie vibratious k. ouses were ami one man

oft*? mile sputh- fcel. he Mh inst.

irt.on ais||iri|ei. 1 tie point wlftfdlil run* ci nt four an*) a half inch distancefeet, t

ll »f|‘

i.W» i f jrA ii ul fcsakS linuOi* wu fcor states that ou. of fer organ izaMons in that tjlxie lust ycat ' anUeavored ’fe-advance thdir im.-rest# linking. These report 212 slrik-s. m-

ng 5J..V22 men. These Were succe.s- In Sfi eases, 31 resulted In compromises, ' led, 2S were unsettled.' when the re-

, closed, and the results of four were reported. The total number of days

sifKTefpUai L32j,273. representing :« amounting to ^,644.060 The sum of

raised in support of strikers, Vfl2S.')63 was contributed for the relief aemoers in sickness. Ijxxw machine Is being introduced into cnittirig mills of Cohoes, N. Y., which throw a great many hands out of eui- ■

fment. It is known as the Union ton sewing machine. Th i raechmism bese mschines are so simple teat a girl jbperate onfe and do the work hercto-

fijrg requiriug 1 six or eight women. The ’ ipns are sewed on much better to the

egoolS thah can be done by hand, the pray, and over th ree thousand buttous ,5’be | on to garments per day. /inills mentioned above are to add sev- Itnore of the button-sewing machines feeir factories, and several otner nulls

iji^lso to adopt the machines.



Attomey-at-Law. X'^tAry Public. Man ter in Chancery.

mh»Ri«*ncr f»f EW«i*. OflW*. X..rth Arenac, Opi»**Rltc Depot. G»m-

JAC^SOX k CUDIXGTOX. , - Counssllors-at-Law,

Musters mvhancep’, X,,tarlc» Public, O.nimis- Hi.’Hers of Deeds, etc. Comer Park avenue and s^c«*n<l Ntrc**t. myirnf 0Raig Af’Marsh.

Counselor at Law. e> Supreme Court O.mnilsstoner. Solicitor an. Master in Chancery. Xotary Public,

Office Corner t*r*jnt au<l 8ts. * , ^ my9tf

ph.™. 90 Park Avenue, Cor, 6th St.

Office Hours until 10 a. x. 5 till 7 p. x, • .. mj-ytf

J^mile beiickmax.s,

Teacher of Piano. F’»r T»*rnni, etc.,

field. X. J. MdrefR p. o. B-’X 1164. Plain-


REYNOLDS' PHARMACY. ■ i . it • Cor. Park and North Avenues, near

B. K. Station. (Established 1H6H.) Ouli the highest grades of Drugs and

Chemicals obtainable are used in thi- Pharmacy. I neither buy nor sell “Chkai Dbcos."

SUNDAY HOURS. Rej-riolds’ Pharmicy Is qpen on Sun-

days for the dispensing of Medicines anc Prescriptions,

And fob NO Otheh Tbapfic. Hours—9 to 1; 3 to G: 7 to 9.

A Registered Dispcnss-r always ir attendance. j ’ mv9tf

IhhT, after a l.rl.-f A. W -h1

to TV BarshU that SouthwB^ff was totally destroyed and ilia’ pidtiv lives had been lost.

sidinus the pr. fences and d

leasure. wsj desicncl to create new of-

nd altogether was a .dishonoring adjng-bill both to its authors and

1 hr. Goodfellow has ga’ticndd the data and confirmed every stjUe^ricu*. before 1

making tne report.

^.A N Is—T-utjrslAv, May 1‘1 b*h. ..f kplnajl rn.-11111x111.' i n&’‘l|64 ycarx. Srnl «t his lat#* <*n Frl Iny .l.i.!at 4 <»'cI'a-A. K«;laliv»'H ami fricml* |iu*a. i 1 X CENTRAL R. R. TIME TABLE, 1 ! JAN VAllY 1st, 1HS7.

^ M. Itrxvos * SON, Undertakers and Embalmers.

I *H Park Avi-nue. T.-).-|,ti--n.- call X<<. to. Resi- dcure. tH Madlsiri Av.-. T,-l.-ph<'111- Call Xo. 37.

Office of H1I1hM«» CVmcicry. A. M. Bunjou. ELnicr E. R0my<>n.



Dealer in Flour, Feed, Baled Hay, Etc


Et<\. at l^tAjthan V«>rk Prices.



—All pun* k’-hhI- at popular price*.— T**leph“ne Call. 113. my.

to the pt'onle of IrvUrnl Mr. Cfiladstone \va% particuiarly vehe^

tnent ip hi» denuh< iai.on of the aurtiitie of the government In relation to*tlie charsres made aeamst mombem of the houAe of commons by the ami said a<*- tlon against thW*"Timr* in a c'ourt of law. with the crown as prosecutor, would be a fhaatly farce. Mr. G.ladstoue »t>okc au kuurand five minute*.

THERE. ur«*r to Sac* i

saloon^ and wine ceffi higher class of concept pirden^. which

imcr }ust openinsr their sum Extreme northern and weatern

i\ i

ich are son. in ihe riiits of tbe

A Srsrtlral AntliPovertjr Society. Cisco, Tex., May 72—The people oi! Ris-

ing Sun make everybody work in thrit s> c- tton of country. Recently a family af idlers prepared their land for planting in a slip- shod manifbr. They ware visited by a

■crowd of twenty neighbors who compelled them to d* the work over and do -it welL The idlers were then warned that if they failed to plant or work the land we(l in the future they -would be driven from the com- munity, but assured them if they wbrked as other people did they would be jin no danger.

Q1 i Return to Work. Witr. Mass, May 12.—The weaver* em-

ployed in the George. H. Gilbert manufac-" tnring company’s woollens mills in Gii- bertville. who went out on strike on April $0 because they were refused increased pay, surrendered unconditionally and a majority returned to work. All the strik- ers were taken back bad to promise good behavior in, tbe future. AU 'the taiUs in Gilbertville are now running. Trie company will not take| back the leaders of the strike.

GEN. BOULANGER’S BILL To Mobilize French Force*—It F»u*e* |'n-

in IWrlta. - BEittixl 12. —Gen. . Boulanger’*

mobilization bJ°.t linurh unoa*inc*x* here., The .V.»r h i say* it i* of much greaier imt*ortuned than kp)«c*ars at first sight.

The Russian government's decree that: all merchants qi Posen ,hav)n? comknerci^l intercourse bevt^tifii. the Russian ijronttc^ must pay the faxes of the Russian, merchr ant's ^qilti ml obtain a license fr^.m tbfi Russian mimsior of. . tnule txiuse’s . ix^dicmatp.n; The ^emi-ofticiuil pre** in its comments pa this and the new Russian dotted on metals dis- • plays crreal indignation. Tue Coloerne G<t- \ jette says: 4*'njis course constitutes a crushinar blow to German industry, and L* also a blow in fbe face t<» it?i represent’ative Official leader*. It sIiqws that the Katkoff, not the De Giers, iiarty.commands real pow- er. Such measures can only bare the object of affect'n«r the political altitude of the country aTainst which they are djirected.” The diplomats Hat^v deny all tne disquiet- mg rumors received from Bulgaria and St Petersburg. The Bulgsirian question re- mains stagnant.

The increased itnport duty on corn will not be’proposed by the government until the winter session. 1 ,

MR. HYATT GET^f , Appointed Fnlted Stale* Ttr^swur

• . • rrr«l Mr. .Inr<tt^i| « Wls^ivi.soN. May resident, ap- 1

pointed Janet'?* AV Hvatl fhnecticut to be treasurer of the T’nitcJ *o suc- ceed Conrad N. Jtof.l-an. Mr Hy-’

iortvaik, nk enmnns- i*>aint r»K*n-t hjuynt ly yf governor*.

|al bank ex* ich be was

ceed LOnraq N. JTor.i-an. re^i1

at t is a natrvo a^.-B resid *|»i Conn. For ten years he vij^Ui sioricr of Connecticut, bv tM| first of Gov. ln,^er»»:: and m both democratic and rej ubfiu He now fills thlp ihist of na^j Conitiecticut. tor appointt^l b'‘ the president.?G!

T —t — -—ui A llitd Maa»iul \AXglt*

Maki/i r.TTn. ^lich.. May 1*4,J- of John Flynn un i I.awn.’ij^ the hovel of Mr* Gonohu • i**, terest. j non««hqe is still iu ifil oid woman refUsw** t«> man is. fit) year* old. The icqj s<’boolmdt«kH teased b!jm so |fi|i years afro she shut him u.:» been out Since, bnd -it’s n*>^ but per oivn. fledd^sn't The young refuse is * suf< trooper at the i*ltir-ers for t4| mao away. Tliii old vmman UUU pounds, amliwi.l ••clean * podee for^ ii tliLy: attempt Mcj

;AunivE -NcwY’-rk. I 4. a m, ! •• I “ f S.itA 1 .*• 1 S.3U “ f s.50 •• ! '.•.mi ••

Aknitr. Fiallillel'i.

jpOltD k STILEH, Funeral Directors.

and Pra« tlf-al £iu»»mlrii-TH. offlt*.-, AVaren^mi* aicl R. f»td.-n«*u N... 14 f. Fr<>ut *truut.' tT2*l»-ph-*oe

ill N<». 44. G£o. M. STILES.

H<JAGL.\ND .s 1.1»» p.m. LJfc» ■ '•

l*o untl*. < he. finding |

iI>ju >huje at | ™s great in- i

iioum!. Tue | y one. The J |er says hls.j

■h. that ten j he has not

A business 1

to go out A’ j u»p like a | fug the old j .

s» lie weighs i the whole -

[move him.’,'

City Express. the- D«*i».i. s-rrxh Av-.. Pl«iiift**M. N. .7.

bagmue*. FumKurt* and Tr* lain c-.nvey.-d i.. -r fr- in th- I>w|M.t t*. SlPpiHrt* -.f Hi-- City, at all h"»ir-*. Flan-.- renepred. and slilp|<**«l at r»*a.H.-naid»‘rat-#*. my^*>i

VOEHL'S QUEEN BREAD Should. l>e tried. Ask your grocer f- .

it, aud aljffO try our unequalled NEW ENGLAND BREAD.

None of tip- latter h* genuine except ben - ing our laUd.

Als*o a variety of Cake made out • tin* l*e*t materials.

Thankful for past -favors ui* solicit th eoutinueij patronage of Our frlcmls.

f :

J. VoEHL. H. A. VOEHL.; - my0m3

G." FORCE, ' \

Boot knd Shoe Dealer. t. .*i

: mei •• a;ru

DUrqeinT th«* Co<*rr|«ii toxiKiv. May l-r—The kc|

mons resuincvi !con%idar:it!qa


Ollnfeos an Am. r I ran rltlm. ■ Bax -Fkaxuisco, May 12—A speeia* to

the Bulletin from Murphy’s. CaL, say#: News has just reached ’ here to tbe,effect that J. B. Fruchier, an American citizen, who1 left here last October to visit France, was seized on hi* arrival there and impris-

-<med. He’ was denied '(counsel and was forced to serve in the French army. He' is now in the nevtoth regiment of the line.

Botelfle of a Patent j Modlelae Man. Fopii.AXP, Me.. May 12—Nathan Wood,

manufacturer of patent medicines and plasters, committed suicide by hanging himself in his stable. He was seventy-two years old, and leaves a widow and ons son. He had been in poor health for two years. He was wealthy and well known threugD- but tbe state.

THE QUEEN SEES THE SHO ttn«rn Victoria XIm m Special Performance

of 4lie mid licit. Lgndox. Max- ll.—The queen, aCoomparb

led bv the Marquis of Lome and PrincesJ Louise, attended a special performance of :he Wild West. show. Her majesty was lelighted with the exhibition and expressed

• ter pleasure by frequent applause. After :he perforriiance Buffalo BilL Red Shirt; tnd a number of the squaw* attachejj#atff ihe show were* presen ted to.hcr majesty. . The queen was particulatfy pleased] with be back jumper*, and the girl* who did

i >*me wonderful sbdoting. j She fondled the >apooses, who blinked their baby eyes at

1 icr. She conversed with Red' Whirt through

i Iti intier|>reter odd be tsld her that rie was [ lad to meet th»|-fiireat White Mother.” •

cibn*biiL Jlr Hater McDom moved the adoiijtion of an i the. evuiffifO of witnesses inquiries stouljl not be them except it) egse of - M

•SOme debate IT H .Smith] the treasury, insisted that

, divide. Amid tries of -SI * stroda!” &c.. cloture was p|

by a vote of 265]to 162

nm.. • ; of com- 1

if'the cOer- ! ationaltst, 1

ibient that j L lire I i mi nary i

1 against | fy. After] t lord of]

S couwn ttee j L-iiti-


SI*»ie With fleer In Xew Turk. J Ai-Baxx, May li-rGovernnr Hill signed Mr. Caiitor's bill authorizing the sale of

. liquor m-New A'ork by conceit hall propri- etors under permit^ frotp Mayor Hewitt. The governor had the bill in hjs |k>session about fivo minutes before he signed 12

* 4 —■ ]- ’■ . ; ' i ' Machinery tforlu Burned.

Peokis, 111, May 12—The large grain drill and machinery works of the Shelby, Btarres &. Co., occupying nearly a block, were destroyed by fire. The loss will ex- ceed f 100. ntm.


Bo«tox, suite, accom Visited W elli Riven the residence.

M n T.mrnt a of the One r>x. May 12—Que.-n Kap iccomyamed by the city c

Cuba W ant. Home Rule. Msnuin. May fcl,—In congress Cuban

home-rulers declared that the gervernmerit tales* it promptly found m-ans to improve tpe pros[>octs of the Spanish West Indies t.v granting the liberty demanded by the C reoiesi would find itself unable toj check 1

tie Cuban movement In favor of annex a-, t on to America.] Ssnor Morel, nilmister of foreign affairs, reoiyihg for the govern- n ient. said that both Spain and Americade- s red a reciprocity treaty, whereby,

though it was impossible tp obtain privi- ltges for West Indian sugars. Spain ho|«sl t< secure advantages in return for conces- sions In favor of American imports. In b 'half of the government he op|k>sed homo niie. but be .promised early political and tii riff reforms. It is reported that the C irlists are assisting tne Cuban Separatists tqorganize an outbreak,

Knpiolani and committee,

sly college. A reception was tecii by Gov*. A rues at hia


for Governor of Kentuekj. LortsviLH, May 12—Hon. William Q.

Bradley, of Garrard county, was made the republican nominee for governor on the flrst ballot. ’

- Gossip Among the Sports. Anson hasn’t made a hit in two games. Ewing still thinks he can pla# second

base. / ' Frank Herald and Mike Boden. the’ Kan*

fick. meet in a six-round glove contest at Wilmington, Del., on Tuesday evening next week.

Arrangements are being made for an open air tejn!ronnd glove contest to take £lace in Long Island Citv on Monday May

) (Hecriratiua Day), between Jake Kilrain »nd Charlie M'ltcheU.

Billy McLean, of Philadelphia, the mana- ger of Pat Farrell, of. Port- Richmond; who . bested IJotumick McCpiiffre.V in Philaticl- Imia some months ago. (has been, requesaed to allow Fiirreli to in.-oi Kran'k Hearld in a ten round conrtest in public', to t,ake place in Long Islam: city trio iatter part of this

, month. Hearld is ready rind wilting and, : atvaits a reply from McLean.

Alike .jirad ford and bis feather weight Protege, Willie Clark, have gone to Atla)i(ic *-ny~tbr the summer. Bradford says that although Clark iost-his battle with Weir, - he made a game Mght, and proved himself a

j stayer. • They will remain at the sca-bore SJ1 summer, and Branford will ba< k'Clark w fight Weir next tall under tbe same con-

• and at the same plaoe for RW a

I U-r Hall 1. a ms*. Nrw YoRK. M»v .12.—Ye*t«qfaj» cham-

pionship games resulted asl Irillows. \a- tiotial league—NPw York 9. M'mhington. S; De#oit !1S. Ptttjsb’Urg 2; PlfijLlelphia 9, Boston 4; Cnicago 11. Indiana^Mlis ti Am- erican a*sooi»tic|n—Brooklyn Ifl Cleveland 7; rein at Bt. Lou is and LouistHgle. Inter- national [eague-|-Jersey. Citdllf. Newark 14: (Syracuse »*. Buffalo J; B^ahamton 6, 1

Hamilton *>: Utica 4. Torouto Oswego s, j Rochester 7

i! t Adaiittni to th* Wiml nf DifLiX. May 10.—At Ineitri^

twenty tenant*, tvho had ado of caYnptfdffn and whrf- had were ToJ the “ward the vrorkhouM*

i. l A (. hapt*r of Mroull fl "Little f * Y.. May lj£

cheese factory, n^ur thisplaee^F with its contents. L<-ss

TciRON’fc**- May V2 —John-B- 9tt|»ih ASstn's plan in Lr mill wa| burned. ^LYUiH), insurant^ fUi,4JUb

ULot il>TEK. Mass.. May VLMb$*be high- Schoool bqilii»n»r was nearly d«fi£4*oyeii. :o- (rether with: the furniture, bv l|^r-■ which was discovered t<>o late to b^giisily put ouU . .• • J|| J

s Weather K*p<»rt. || .. Wastiington*. « a. nil.—1 jn hour*, cbvrring -Hantern IVnnv Jersey. X«w York ktvV N>w Enrj! fair weather: northerly winds, veei easterly. L , * j


12. W) Plliufleld K27.

, X*» 11 w.-it Fr--nt -JIVT. Sj-rwi*: an-l I >umi|i**rhi-k-e. sh—M b*sPrlp**. j \ nn»-jrra-h--.f *r -«I* t--*.'|.**t fr-.nt. iii‘\-T»ir FRANK C (tREEN

4-p*. T. Jif. 7 «■ •Tk-t-IJ*". *.4.*». l2.Ho '. t»g»J li. p. m.

John john^»to\, ,

Coal Dealer.


•uii«v*t l r Newark fr«- u Flfilnfl- ltl »• . 114. | f-*r Fialnflcl-i - ou a. pi l.o'..

11, 5, j*1, f'.AJ, 7.i»o nfiui-l f--r N-’Wt

r FJkiiirt.-M—a. iu.. Ij -jn, 4 1- ip. in.

Upholstery and Repair Shop Yard an-l--fllef S-.rtfh hv-*. p (». b-.j 14*7 Th* 1 »—-t .jualitr-.f-n-r.-cn.-l r--al af til.-L‘-w*"«t Mark--. Frlwts, !..r di*h. D *wk**r »'F**riUt»*-n» f;-r 1


s -ii l-i.iLt, 11.32 I E. FLOWER

Picture Frames.

u.i-i* avi> NmiEu^ rl—rii.27. 6.J12, 7 ir.». 7 j ... 1.21.._;/»!. jj*.

■ ■ f all kin-4* ai'N*-wV|f*.rk prl- - Fr-.nt streel. Strainer^ f -

J j alining. .

. Mu-Ill* 2* drawing and --11 ruyvtf

■.-.1—1-iN^ 7.In, / 4,4*J, j.‘2r.

l*. i; 41 j*. m. 11. *2»‘- a

0.2’.^. ti.iS, LEWIS.

Wholesale aod

11. IK a. Hi.; l.W, 4.20. 4.51, ,6.22 6.4

IVRt JP. 11.21 a in.

. Fan Co tt> i r-r Fauw 7.02. y.iri. 21. 2-i'-. 3.51, 5 ,:»j

i> Whitfield. I and Wt^uUiitl

Si, H.40. 7.02, *.46, 1' r-r Plainfl. hi—1.lo. *■*:

T.tT. i».17. lu.32. Il.J-i

an-l -1*’al»*r ln Fl*ti. Avenue.

Retail Butcher. &-•. N 16 Park mr.'tt

- irj Plain field—1.13/ 5.o#,

^ 8WAL3I.

Painters Supplies, Wall Papers, Ac., . Nu*. ^ Norih Avenue. myTyl

2.00, 3.:«. 4.25. 4.56. 5.25. 7.32. S.U2, 2.XI, lo.3», 11.. ESTIL.

LI*. EVO>A and Dl’XELLEsN. Iiflel I f^r Dunellen—1.22. •5.10, 7.14.

30 s ra. . *a.U*. 3.42. 4---.S). 5.*1*2.5.31. S.3N. 6.55*. 7.3a. »wUa, SI.22, 10.45,

Booljaeiier and Stationer. No. 7 park Arenut*.

K tnkin'a » burned


L-’fiVP F •2.16. * L«*are F »

* ai-*p ai Erouo. * ellen r- r Plainfield—3.18. 5.20. 6.24. r,.V4: H.15. S.-.KJ. V.44. H).31 a. m. ; 1.14.

J 5.24. H.4U. 9.10. 11.10 p. ril gPlainiloM—A.Xi, 6.27 . 6.57. 7.X1. 7.57. nl.{;, 5.26. 6.25, 6.56. **.42.

jjAYE-il*E STATION AND NEW Y<tBK. i*raui Ave. Ktail--n—6.00, 10.15. U., 4 30. 5m>. 5.30. 6.(JO. 7.UU. 8.15,

* I*. n(. 5* ue Matlon f--r New Y -rk—5.25. 6.r.», ’.W.p a m. ; 1.18. 3.48. 6.27

INFIELD AND PHILADELPHIA, jkfle-lsli—1.22. *5.1(1. H.2U. P.45. 11.44 a m. ;

•5.0;I. -ti.oj. 6.17 p. in. L.-btyau, *8 ;«f.". n.(») a. m . 1.1% ». 12.00 j*. m. gb «ui 1 Bn*.k »3d and b- rkn MtreeT.-

A full line of ball*, bat*, fcr

Cr-H]u--i. Baby Carriages. Base v my.Uf



o cash, mortgage i^.inio. two-stoe O attic and cellar, ^late r.«£f, m-xtern <*--tL&g 9 r-"-m*. furnace, rang**.I h--t and cold v&u- ,,*ltj>_r-«,ni. marble niau<|e*. ni*N>ly situate- L<.t 75xi5o. Cari-et* ami matting lnriude>

(N l.uwcAHH. Mortgage j42. *oo. neattw- O -tor} an-l ba-’in-m tu xlyru hoUHe, W room

Barst--it ratiget*. fmth r-w^tu, at j g* •« -J | *>r*f

furnaee, tw.. tl<»nary tub*, all Lo |->r-ler. ism i with ch*-ice fruit and go-W -hade. Stablli, atol carriage h<-u*M*. Imno-Uate ]*>t4tHtsakK

7.5ou. a bargain. | ’•*«•t #7 F AB9E FRENCH KCHJF

two r-K-ms. large «.table, t sltatdepin. Adapted for! * l»--Rnling house. Termj jH.HHe**l--n if drained; gtxd


OFftE. TTVENT z ilcely ligated opp. a lar»h» family ea*y; lmmedla

iahadei; lot 2U0xl > ft. Dunellen. N. J

\V estfield Motel. | WESTHELD. ^. J.

FRED’K COOMBS, Proprietor.



Sample and Lunch Rooms.

X.i, 2 an*l 4 w: Eriiit St., and 3o.|l'ftimmrt Si.. F]aLiifl»'l<l. S. J. Milwaukee and Kru**ger'f* Extra Lager--n draught. . myvyi

C -hXs. * eibei..

A. PilPE.

Furniture and Freight Express. P O. B..X 75. Plainfield.,x t ’All g»>d« »hlrqx-d In my care will receive pr, ,rli plat tv nil. • r..' myrif

•• Plainfield t.«. j.l»; 9.3*/a. m . id-' L.-avc I-blla.—»- :i" a In..» H.


I Cigar Manufacturer.

TJtAla tmtiTEILH Fi Sunday Papers.

I * an t*»‘ li|i j imri-1 of C-ti

my} mi 1 N<»rth avenue, llellv

17-Park av-nue. Plainnel-1. N. J. ilanuta*-- turer --f the Celebrated C. <) V, Cigar. The be-t five cent cigar In the Stale, an-l made <-u th»* preml-ee fr--rn the filieet HaFanA-JL'lcar Havaita ft !»|*es,dalty. T niyvtf


No. .-> w Fr .xt stsrrr myV ■ * - -^1


We Will be open fbom 7 w m. till 6 p. A CHANCE FUJL ALL!




, Pbotographen, STREET. PHOTO S. S3.50 r

piyio> H. ALLEN.

k Bl LXER. i^ationa for

nlu. New Cooler,

to rk>rth-



NEW YORK ryiARKfeTS. Vppfhees’ New Soda Fountain.


Livery Sta J N-»rth Ave. Opp. l>e|H»t. I train-. All kind** '--r Tu^ | Family riding a i*|i*ylal$Yl

*8 b- meet all «lay «>r night. Telephone Cali 121,

‘ ntj^f

The Book Setter and Stationer, 1 k.,. 23 EAST FRONT ST..

Has a full line of St'MMEK (i.I.MES. laclud /... Base Rili-s. (’k.sjvkt. Etc. 1 Also. aa-BA CARR IASES. 10m

0. POPE * ClD,

l.lkely to Ilenert the Keich*tag. Beiclin, May li-^Tho electiofi at Htras*

bv rgr for member of the reichstag in p^iee o? Deputy Katie, deceased, is fixed 7for Jihe2. The protestor*, act In i? utnieij in- , st ’uclions from Paris, decline to nominate -a Candidate. This ktjcp Jhreatpns to be^Lho pr dude to the withdrawal of j*ll the pro- le ters in the reiejas^ rs u demonstration apriin^tthe repressive Ultra ures taken in tl e reichslantL

New Yquk. per cent.

qa.ll 5 All syritp and -llvi- r iju ••p**rati’-n. Drawn fr -m gl/»

Fr* ht -tr**rt. mylutf r R- THOK5,

m. reg 3891. eoh. l»Tk re?..

CJoslntf] Yeitcr>l»

H‘ F.AWi'iBtTEBS Foil

wa sel

in* The

Ls Bretagne Malls Again. Havre, Slay 12.—The steamer La bret-

ague of the L'ampagnie Generate Transat- lar tic, sailed for Sew York at noon. She

j ha ou board a npinber of the passengers o! tin steamer La Campagfie, which was run as! ore after colliding with the steamer Ville de Rio Janeiro on Saturday last.

' ^ - — Watching an American

I Jon don, May 12.—It is. reported tfiat the (government actinjr on informiatioti from secret agents in >'ew York, hns sent the cutjer Orwell to Carruraholt, Ireland, to

ch for':*be arrival of an American ves- with a (cargo of arms ami explosives.

199.* con rj \ market.

flrffl o'clock —The market con^j strong during th • ufjt-rnoon. with tivity ghoul thd list. , j

CLOSING -» I Closing

Y^hD r lkvl ? i 4-—». r’"

' * M-I

Canaolan Pacific. CbicagA •* Q- Central Pori tic. - ■idd-

rictre-llion In A fghu ni.Ian. mla. May 12.—The Anieer’stfooj/i and [Ihilzajs are standing ou the defensive. Ameei^ is sending reinforcements bom

Canllahar sand Cabul to renew the attack upo l the iiisurgents.

DeL * Hud-on . ... DeL Li»ck- A IV Erie. ! i.

, Erieprsf...v ... ,i... Lake Shore Loni*. .kNasti Mu-hlgan Central .. Missouri Pacific N. Y. * Sew Eng.... V J.<Cc-ttr»t. X. Y. dent. A Hud -Northwestern Oregon Navigation. Pacific JMttU. —. .... I v'eftlihi KocU IflUM., St. I'auL Union IWific «Ye»u Ukion T**l-


ii ClOblng X To- lav. \ t;,li i i'»h I [ 10l‘t I 13 ^

_y- ■ ,1 T.rv L^>R

fUl. A gout if-»r t No- 2 Park Aye., 2d Floor.h INSURANCE ACENTS-,

Fiord# Oranges and Crape Fruit, '•r*’tgn and Fruits. 1 Hipstl*’ T«»-b- nu-l

"Up. B*’X - f tab'ly u..t- Rk«*f pluk. 25»*t8. , KExxg^ Hm n.. t-- /Mi/t/ <• m-•**.

r and JShW*t Ir- .. thv ••Anthony'* st«** I

•"til Brl«*k 8*.*t ft u-l PortAblr. Fumppv, Sink* nnd^Lcad PIjh* th*’ s*«*a8*»n.

V.-rks'r, alr<» Plato Furnrtcr.

Brl»-k-t***,t Hang-’**.* St"Ven 8t--r***l f-*r



6 e: fr-»nt strlet: my


vE. House Paintet*.

l®N-’rtli av**. i Al-J W’-rk g^iarant«t*«l. ftlmajt**-* furni.-hv*!. mylbyl

Furniture Enpr^ss. 45 Wpjjt Fr«»nt Str»-rt. Lar

Triwkw. s«t Ipfa-’tlon guarant* • r-”l t-’ Hiijr part -«r the I'ntti hand Furniture Ixiught an*l s«-

>* Junihi. C-.ver***l **\. (Gh»1h «lellv- 1 Ht'atei*. Hec*»n*l J. mj-9yl


F»*ae»* St., flehl, N. 4. L**W Pfl«*e>

'Florist; d*P- N.-rth Av#»., i ATarge At’i'k «'-f

A. * i Lumber and Coal Merchants,

Corner park Ave SUE and| RAILROAD P L AIN.FIEIjD.

i «* AU Lum'fi-r a.ii'1 C«*a! UNDER CotIK. ALFKF.D D. C< 8>K. >'!«>>* 1 ? doitF.RT B. C

- Af Depf-t. Plain ' *«l«llng Plant-* at i

mr9tf 1



Wheat Com OaU...Ui

MilUCflA N'TI Butter—iJflKrket \vbsiem Isih-ii

Jlajm-.; eastern. hlsl'WSrkm rnClMH*; Factory—Fratk i*^

5*iaKKKT day ^une'|'

! S:i Is 4SS-|j ’^l4 H'4 rfr ! E) LX*7lA.N-ff. ;

'Vith r»*M 1 r tii icy. T~


»»r late fli r i ] CAftl

i iffl.- adj ii-ar Park f^v| F.n-l

M r, .4

Soda Water, e

c . I ‘ ^ 0t Sr^up-. jkatr-’Bli'v yt£i> “ Fr-Un -in**-:


r';- Pliar- mviutf ; Grocers. I Lumber and Masons’ Materials,

r r i i f SHjEPHrCD. 4->HN>-*N', A (»* *18 *\v v.

NTER and BUILDER. ngtjity -<*n Ser--n*t


Pr*-vNipne. FI*Air. Feed. Gr*in. Baled Hay. OFFICE and YARD—SOUTH Straw._*«i Veg**tapleH. Au . ,N , “ ’ «>r-J.-r- l>*^|lv»-rv’«l Free of Charg * tin- city sir N.-rth PlalnficM

H. Sharkey. 3. H.

76 Ea-*t 3.1 sit. t*j any j*Firt **f

PECOND F i t0t

i r—- EAVER BRO-i..

•tre* 1-5,


I *2i uy$ .: i »uj ry—Ban tufioi W HOLES A]




Y KVOLP. The Grocer.

C--r. 5*-ijier****t and (,’lintli i Xi-rth Plalufleld. >

A Ilf<ui»trnu« Collision. t .'ixK, Australia. May 12 —A col-

iisio i ocaurrcd on the Brightou railway by rhk h ,XouVtccii persons were killed or

Inffu cd,

pyst'rn.*lSi*K.. > nclor> -KrreJi I dflsu,. low gr’i.u—. • 1 j - If; I. Cheese—Market e . :C ;. X- vv Vork:Whrd,5ar, KalSftC. Cnfsmery—Xuw Y'ork. parj skint, ; Billc. r ' • IL * ' tali' t."i' M.1 rke I tlrn.' l-'.asT-'rn fl -l -I *1 k'.t"‘,v ' a: U'lUm lir t- 12c; Writern lirets' lric'Ceontu- ern firsts if .alike. |f |L

Fresh Mea s J:

W. V \N SICKLE. Eggs.

And al'- V fur y- Mtti!

«H*«Hl N(» No. R( No



and Feed, Butter, , Poultry. Game.

tnTry Pit**l»r*E. G’Hic nn*l Pr.-mpt retjirivH mad*--ft all \N1» P*RT1» *-1 lU LIhD \T j. p- Hatfield. Manag-r.


kin-l- orj’- Van Siekle i T-*rry l>ealw- In-all '

Fresh anc( Salt Me^ts, 10 I * t**. Gum** In H«fiR!s*»n. X

j Plalnfli bl. N. J. Telephone X -•all*’-l f*-r an*l pr*uiij*tly dellrere- able to mg.

rth- avenue. I* la. order-

AIl HUN pay tn y lot f

\Y House and Sign Painting, Chaining, ' ayPAPEB HV.N'til.Vli axd KslJsoMfXIXt



'1 nu «*. r ; ' ■ j r gOOTS AVD SHOPSAT

■ s

Randolph’s, 12 W. Front;street. New Coods, Latest Styles, Best Mater

at Reduced Prices; Al l ENTS -SEWING | MACHIV

» v myli


• • » •

: I

/ • • •




SALT and water may be Used with. effect ia the cleansing of. willow ware.

A STaoso solution of soda if appliejd tosteel knives or kitchen utcasils willvent their rustini?.

Fisn may be kept in vinegar as wellon toe; this also improves lUe flavor,

TBE best way to clean a lamp chhdnevis to place It in the swam Of the kettledry wth chumuis.

RAW starch mmie into a pasta with witeris.said U< be excellent for tae rtmovgrease in colored, silks.. To KENEw old broom*, place in bolwater a lew mom mu, sjiuke out and dry.When dry. trim th" uneven ends. , j

Ez;> cedar is tbe best wood for the < on-st-u>uon of receptacle* for the presiei va-tion from rmnus .of :ur*. Iafcr cs, etef

l>mxot the eJsres of the carpets wt h ajeeult m. xtiu-e. f turp.'ui;uo aad cold wi Jterto keep out the carpet nirth. I

A» A remedy in the case of pepper oraay smarvaf sobsfaBcii entering lh««ve,the white of an egg will he fount* •»-cacious. • .

Sliovv.i> an insect enter the ear. Wi rmwater may be poured into the pitmane,when the intruder will be apt to peek hesurface. . •

THE odor of block walnut leaves-is p»r-tieularly obnoxious to fleas and is. rec< in-mended as a positive protection agaii istthese p^sts.

A GOOP liquid glue is thus made* < neounce of borax in 4 P'°t of boiling Wat »r,add'two ounces shellac and boil until hashellac is uissotve-1 7 j

FOR the removal of plant lice, drenchthe foliage with a mild solution of toba«coand water. Should one application proveinsufficient, repeat tbe drenching process.

A P<IWDJ:R for the pres-TVatidn o"ffrom moths is made a» follows: Groundone drachm. Scotch snuff two ounces,pborgum one ounce, black pepper one oante,'cedar sawdust four ounces: mix thorouf b-ly and sunw among the furs and woolento be protected.

A Jncr wa.v to freshen old-fashionedsilk, making it look like new surah, is tosponge it carefully with strongWhile damp, lay it wrong si le up onironing beard and place paper overpress with s warm iron. Be sure the cof- .fee JS perfectly settled until clear beforeusing. This is also good to freshen blafJclace, cashmer", ribbon and alapaca, j

A rarrTT frame for odd pictures, whichone does not care to have done at a shop,maybe made by ratting from' pasteboarda frame the desired size, then take silverwhiting, mix wi'-h water,leaving it lumpy,and put on . the frame. When dry get ;abotlte of gil ling and gild the dry rowdef.Xhis frame has n unique appaaranoe that laliked by m"«t r«>->r>V\

IP there i\7~"1itt.3 children in the familyto dress, it helps thing*-' along to bayebreakfast started tha night before. Thetable' having been sin. the coffee ground,the hash or potatoes chopped up. the ket-tle ailed, wM'e, the w*tor {• coming to. atoil itws* tEc <MV1ren that they may teready to take their places a', the breakfaitable. Men i any thin? that requires)don't wait to-fl 1 up n basket; pick upyotneedle when yju h/ive ai. odd moment <two and sew on a button, or put in a fe- rneeded stitches Keep up the meodm;day by day These; are. little points, btthey are time-saving pointa that pay in tb atoe« run. -

A H " ir accessory to the dressing*tab!la made fay gett ng a small round box. lit sthose in which tMinbles come in the storeor. If this is difficult to obtain, a smaround collar box rut down to about hafts depth will do nicely. Fasten across tb Bopen f>p some coarse netting and cover thebottom with >ome pretty naper. Trcbcrochet a cover to the rim of the botton ,tfcen crochet a row or two of shells, a.cor.Har to the d -p'.h of the box arcand tb >bottom so that when on th 1 box they wilie flat! T.e around close to the lower ri

• a narraw satin ribbon of the same shadas the rover, and fasten in a neat bow orbow with long ends. Th.» makes a ver r

.pretty niinature sailor hat. the top of tbcrowta ibeing u»Jd as a cushion; for hail


MA farmers Who raise tur-keys drive tham to market In great flocksjust as sfieA-p a*te driven. !

Ot>Ln to lh; value of 13,500.Wi pcranntitnis eonsum -d in the arU in the UnitedStates. Tue consumption of the world ia

0 ' "

COOKERY CUf^ETS-slices any

)ces togetherbs neatly with'

Ickb TABLETI.—Cut into' t | idealrable ealce, - put the. Mjiwith jelly, anJ cover both i ^iciag. '.'

RAW BCKP 8»NmrirHE$;small quantity of raw. teqd

_ a-: UtU>% spread on thin? alTB« culttraUon of the olive for the pro- | • n d t0**1 »«?h"y • f,

durt.on of oil is fast becomtug a remuner- ! tx beating cake beat froni |he bottom ofaUve baain'essAn the Pacinci-oa*t. Experts , tbe bowl, bringing the spqdnsup hi.'h withpronounce tllc-home prcxiuct fully equal in e»ch «troke, uuJ as »oon uB; t|ia substancequality-to tbe imported ' i •» smooth eeu»-; beating.

AN American inventor bas contrived' a.l 'Mri<u RoLLi.—TTsa any*

p fine &beef, season

of bread

rolls and bake in a hot oven, -Wipe

••vacuum car" with which he asserts his : knead in fine gmli.-m Hiability to navigate the air at a high rate of j form into medium s'iff douspeed, and 4rop explosive* with precision 'upon the decks of war vessels or|in, for-tifications. ;

BISSIAX cotton mills employ over eightythousand workmen in the running of 5$,-Mo loons, turatog o«t Stf.SuJuUU -worth ofgoods per annum. Twenty-five tbowaulmen also flo.1 employment in the eighty-seven linen factories* j

THE principal industry of -Yucatan iasaid to be tbe cultivation of hemp, thegreater portion of which is shipped to theUnited States. The importati n Of thisaifticlein one year aggregated 36,401 tons,valued at ta.rift4.OJO. *7"

Ix the .region of Los Angeles, CaL,numerous oil wells have recently Leen

ojd mush andenough tomake, into

If an hour.BKOILCO tSTEiK. —Wipe 4 sieak 'with a

wet cloth, place on greased gridiron, broiloVer bright flre five miptkes, turningoften; serve on a hot <1ish wiHi seasoning.

CH<K'<II.AT« 1CIN«.—Melt ) i u ounoos ofchocolate and add three ^Mblespoonfulsmilk; mix thoroughly aud »li | oue- cupfulsugar. Simmer a few momej^tf' and spread0*1 cake.

,POH a light crus: for mealegg, two-thirds of a cup mispoonfuls butter, two tctartar, one teaspoon sodamake a stiff butter.

Osw»?r-t*orj>.— Cut up a•onions, stew over a slow n

MIXED MATTERS.FKANCISOO ha* a Chinese publiciik which ure now accommodatedve pupils, and Tne number will be

sej by tweuty-seven. Nothing ami| t thjs . ,

million dollars is the comfort-sum in the possession of a patent

cine man in this country who fifteeni mfip was a plain, ordinary, every-Uay

tier. \ That is more than some folksi ia sixteen years.: favorite beverage Of the Spanish is

plate. While tne poorer .classes arecoiteut with caff of an inferiorthey will olien dispense with some

•• actual necessities of life in order too tieir fon iiie-a for this luxury.EN VK'IOKIA has bad 73,000 pris-

on;^! in 1 he jails lurou^hout India sex freei H ! f h j b l S i l i

nse oneight dessertfuls cream

flour, to

mediuman hour

words of a San FrumUco paper, ''the at-.raospherp is full of oleaginous odors."

A IA car com piny recentlyrecjeived the largest order for tram <-arseVer—placed at one tim>!. Iho ord >p isfrom Mouth America and consists of threehundred aad'fif:y-two cars in all. Theyate to-, run'on u tram road one hundredmiles Ion?, and will bedrawojby horses.

A SBiP-Brn.Dixa concern at Birkenheadare building lor the In man Line a steelh k


sunk, and reports are to the effect that / with a piece Of butt«r, pour fji ome warmSan Francisc<> and Pittsburgh companies'' water, Twasoo with herbs, sai|&n<l pepper;are prospecting in that vicimtv, an-1 in tbe ! make of this a soup and add,.£ tittle grated

I cheese. i '. :|jfj .! STEAM - D CBICKEX —Keasoj|)is prepared: chicken and place in a steamer for an hourand a half. When done. Iceepf hot and dress

i with a com position of one piidt of cream,six spoonful* of flour, pepper^aod salt and

, a little extract of celery. Mhj Lrrri.E Lxivrs. —Be it a qu^g&r-pound of' fresh buttor to a cream. Ad{f Hour table-spoonfuls flour, two oymv*, Ijoaf sugar,

: one cum* sliced candied peal;' »ix each ofship of dimensions an I sup<'rior work- J sweet und bitter almonds rat • lengthwise;manship. She AVill be of lT.ttXl horse power j mix the whole and bake in pt*tj* pans,and S W tm* ttgiitcr. Her pas^n-jer' -OMELET Snornux.--Beat ijfcs-l whites ofcapacity will be for 330* pas- four eggs to a froth, then beft.jnto themsengers and she will outspucl any tl.iu« 1 <two tablc-poonfuls sugair, tifttfii Veaspotvn-•lloat. , • ' • - . . ; I ful van.lit, then add tbe yjljfsijaud a cap

AISEW German industry is the welding, I of whipped cream. Pour inijd « buttered ) c u

after the Mos;iic style, of strips of gold, \ quart-di»h and bake twelve mnjites. ' I b u t

silver and pUtin 1. upon a metal ground j 8ro»oi: DoMixors-Threei|gs, one cup- ; " n

prepared by the lescon.t process, ful pulveruv-1 'sugar, ono b. tp\ag cdpful ; * o 1

flour, one tubl- spoopful cok '{water, four; teaspoon fuls soda, half a teas sAonful cream, tartar ant! th -• rind an 1 JU«« ol half a

lemon^ Bak.; to-* very, tnjn &d mark rff : u n <

, like dominoes, with cl.ocolataTtcing.FiiiTTERs-Boiltilliwft a few : ^™


' TBB; boy who puts up money on a dotll£ht sliould not be classed with com mo 1gamblers, bei-ausc lie is a little better.

WHT'IS il always unadviaable to depencm catching a l-:Vi train' Because it wi!be ten 16 one if you get it

SMAI L PAHTT-T" HOW much is yer li<z -ngersf" Can Ivman fkndlv—"Tw« for a-cent," 8. 1*. (spcculatively~-'"H-how much is wan uv ' emf Candyman (nut so kinJtlyj —"(Jit out o' heref"

THE leiM.itig'tonor in an opera troupefailei Ui put for • • enough into bis liruM

, whereujion be was interviewed by th- man g<tr. fiis fxnue wiU, as be was re

eeivins' only' summer wipes, be wouhhave Busing in bis summer voice.

THE 0wn«>r of a pnirof bright even ,sayithat th« pretti-st romprmeiit she ever receiv*i i':imc from a <hiU4 of four yearsThe little fellow, after looking intently aher eyes a mnracht inquire-l naively; "Artyour ey-t-s new ones:'". EVEST sckoft.-l.ny knows h"w much anapple hid to do with the discovery of thelaw of aravitati-n ana • the liberation of8wili«rlun,J. Tie sclio 1-bov knows also,somewtut .of the way-in wardnesa. anddeep-Jown wariness of which/Oven a little,halfgrowta apple is capable of ratrtiug thehuman organism to experience.— Pi

ONWAHD the wheels of civilization move,like unto the 'desultory.flop of the Indian'smoccasin as he stoically wends bill ser-pentine way south westward toward therealm of'irariTlerUawkV 113d the abode ofthe PuUi irri'<i •«, yet the manner of laying

.brick rema.'iis wichnnged and tbe sameas in vogu* centuries agone. Th.s appliesto brick laid in walls as well as *Qiose de-posited in retired plug hats.

THE height of chagrin is pictured'in thefeatures land actions of Uie motherlyhen, who, with indefatigable < ffort andperfect ceif-cor. fl lonce has sought to hatchout a batch of trustworthy looking eggsand, after over-lapping tbe proper 'lengthof time iojr. the purpose, mak -s the dis-covery that she is the dupe of the artiflcial egg manufacturer, Oo I hers is a clearcase of '-loves labor io t-"j=-/><ii»<r*o.

Ftii«T FARMER—''You say-you can't takeforty dollars for that cow!'' Second Farm-er—"Can't do i t" "But yesterday you

: told me you'd sell her for forty dollars.""I know i did. but I'll have to bavk out."IWhat'the matter!'* "You see that cow

-belonars to my wife, and she says she withsob herself into hysterics If 1 sell her. Itwould break her heart." "All right—it'sno traJe." "1 say.'' "Well, what is it?""Halt? it forty-flve dollars, and; we'll lether sob.r

IRKI-.RET within ray bres.*t U pife.

\'ben OimkinK on the pan.- That ever? had-penni'd ibose lines

That bind me hard an-J fast. .- 1 .

Fain would I flee with ripkl irsiti . Thi» presence*constant. ftniSL,; . As^nearerj nearer draws the lime

Whea. face- to face with him—Bin npoa whosq ready c»-h , '

* Ionee Iras,moi«l to dote, i 'Who »oos will make his ttsted call


pressed and rolled into, strips for the manu fact ure of scarfs and neckties. This in-destructible style of neck-weir is fast be-coming popular and the manufacturer*of the Pforzheim an«%Bificn districts arereceiving numerous orJers for export.

MOKE Uri'lg-vworSt ia jprojei-tej at thisdat- than ever in tbeTniatory of thecountry. • Two are projected across thoHudson, six across Ure: Mississippi, twoacross the Missouri, a 10.(Ml,AMMoll.trbridge across the Potomac. 4,6tV) feet long,beside a multitule of smaller briiges.The bridgo works are cojnstanlly overrunwith work, and bridge iron makers areunable to accept all the business offered.Four bridge builJinar works ure projeir.ed,and an expansion of milljcaiocity is goingon. - * 1; . j*,-.| ._ ^

Ax ingenious improregnent in the man-ufacture of tin cans for preserving fondconsists in so forming the. lid that it ismerely pressed on and tae can is hermet-ically sealed, so that no internal pressurecan remevi- the lid^ ' Waiter boiled in a tinthus closed has failed to force it off, al-though the steam pressure has burst th;can itself. A penny p:ek-e. however, u « las a lever by being plsjce.l undur a rimformed around the top < f the cover, withthe shoulder of the can at a fulcrum, rais-es the li 1 with a rcma|rka >ly small ex-pendituro of power.

A GEKTI.EMA!C intercs ed in the com-merce of the great lakes iay« that it is going rapidiy to largo hull 1. Twenty yearsago a propeller that c >uld carry ,H),(Xk)bushels of grain or 1.000 lous ol' coal was jconsidered a monster, bu inhere are manynow in the trade betw ten , (iuffalo andChicago, and Cleveland and jDuiutu, thatcarry over 1UU.UUU busb< Is of grain insingle cargo. The On ko, naft of ourgreat iron propellers, takes 1'3II,0I0 bushelsof oats in a singU; car ro. These largevessels are fast crowdict tbe smaller pro-pellers Mid sailing vesselk off the lake*.

; .

X2zr± r?CL*1. i s i M a ^ j i XUftE 7^ ^ " ^ . T ^all strings and lump*; add tu#teatpn eggs, j j ^ , ' .two-l»blc*poonfuls milk and jujd of sifted . ~T. Jflour, on • t Mnponn sa't and ?.|t4r?e pinch iLJ

i ciet



INTERESTING ARIETY.LEAVES wjen mixed with bam -yanl

matter wiU furnish a'uniform beater fortbe hot bed.

A GOOI> knife should nerer be put in hotgrease. A cook ins fork ihould be alwaysat hand for useriu fryiug potatoes or m "at

A Bt* house wrote to a niauwas indebted to them, requesting theamount'of bis bi'.L He ouiigingly compile 1by Informing "them by better what theamount watt, but he omittbd to remit.

THE climate und Reasons- of Al<rier->. it issaid, are very similar to tbo«c of SouthernCalifornia: there beiu,- tout two or throemonths in tbe year -in \vh cb *may be ex-pected any,rain >r coolneiM of tin- atmos-phere. All the houses are constructedwith an eyo to coolness and

lx England crackers ari called biscuits,and biscuits rolls. Hvrup is treacle; a Dieis a tart; a pitoher a jug, and a bureau achest of drawers. A dryjtoods Morn Is ahaberdasher's; mirujj store a cheriiml's; andavegeUihU- store a greeii-^roc^r's. liaremeat is always underdone, and stubs olcbec-k-borfks are counterfoils.

BATS a <fo<it«mporary: "A superstitioussubscriber who found a spider in his paper,wants to know if it is con»idir.d a badomen. Nothingof the kind. The spider w:tsmerely loolr-nir over the coluirimt <J thepaper to sec who was not advertising, sothat it could spin its web across his shopdoor and be froc frum disturbance.

A Tfocvo man living with bis widowedsister in the northern part of Georgia, wasdigging a hole for a potato bin* in his cel-lar thej other day. when Inn spadebroke open an earthen pot contain-ing fourteen hundred and eighty dollar*in gold. The coin had been buried by hissister's husband during tbe war, and sub-sequently forgotten.

IT WOUU bo^bext to an impossibility toconstrui-t'a typo-writer to hiinillo tin; Chi-nese lan^rua^e,; aa there are i omojtliirtythousand iiiaructeri in it* alp ).i,bet. Wecon faintly imagine th; efforts of un oper-ator of an inua binary typewriter to tap outthe intruaoles of a message from thej Em-peror op the inhumanity of the treatmentof the Chinese abroi-d.

THE singular naiuus ornamenting thesi^fts of Ch.BL.-s> mTenant i UD 1 l.iuniry-men do not ail way v .represent thQ n;ini-?5 ofthepropriot.iT4.a-4foriii8t.inoe. "H'liin Wo."instead of being-a Hume, simp!/ nniiounccsthe establishment as bein ' run U|R>H tbeprinciples or "Faith *nd Charity." It isnot Uncommon, however, for it j Chineseto be known and called by these names•aid in muny cases allow p:op*lg to remaiaundocived as to the mistake.

A WRITKK from Constantino)tie, in de-scribing tbe different article! j}t dvended in the streets says: TKe mostsubstantial are the 'kebobs,' or smallpieces of mutton, broiled on the entT of aniron rod over the mangul of livo charcoalthat, they carry from plac to place. Thenwith this is the *pelolT or rice cooked ingrease. Tbe 'yaoute' ii.-an finds sulofor his prepared , clabber, while thutwain it,' or seeded-bread man, is at every-one's beck and caU."

j ..-?. .-,!•;:..-•!

1 with ato sin .small

Buck-tie bought9 covered

in cov-

remr antsand dry

grate likeof Utabt,

u-d bam.tiroeietra. a

ik with c bit>t; pour


cupful offor four

t it In aabout an

Whence un t a

I >mon. untls. Herveo taste.

box f

; flour, on? tM^ppiin sa't and n ^ r j e pinch' Of pJTppor; niix tlioruughiy aoSj jmake intosmall cakes, Hour them and fr* ;in butter.

ENGLISH Mrrrivs.—One |)>«pful light .' bread dough and sufnoent inl^kito convertit into a bather us ltr gri Idle^ Jake*. Lettbe ba tUr raise for an bour wjid] 3>ake on awell-pir,a*ed griddle, allow^i ;• a table-spoon lut to the muffle. LfflJ -ool, split

, open anj toast fjightlj on i|*Ue; butter. and serve hoi %\ \.| Y I X K - C O B X BR: AO.— Oue^i ful Indian: meal, bait a .upful flour, hall'i teaspoon' salt and three t/M»poonful« bakijjtg powder

sifted, together; mix with t | i | a cupfulench of butter and flour beat *fi'H> a cream,

1 four oggs I eaten for two min& fifes and onepint milk; bake in a well-bjittored pantwenty minutes. ' '

I F u i n should be kept in; flour scoop to dip it and a s' Indian meal should be purclquantities and kept well co'

| wheat and homiiy should all' in small quantities and kept

tub. Ke,p sufart in a cool' ered wooden articles.

DTTCH CREAM VOAHT.— Useof a boiled ham. Remove alltbe ham in the oven till it nicbee*". Make delicate thin »butter them ami spread withMake a «au<-e with the yelksgill and a half of cream, or mof Jiutbr idded; boat and lisiboiling hot over the toast nnd

TAPIOCA JEI.LT-i-Soak ottapioca in four capful* of waor flve heurs. jr-'we-ton it anipan of. bailing water to cohour, or unlil <t look* qu.leit » ncarfy c<>ol.*'l .stir in thelittle of the grated rind ofwhen done rour mv> Ittlewith swe,if?npd ctvi.m flavor

in Itbnor of her- jubilee. Social painsto sAow cl jmeoo.v to wouws.

Tt einen »»l free »r-> many of them snutll' "in, and tbe Erittsb Oovernment has

J i thedebtk. • -• je^>rresponJenco gives thj infortna-' tu* influence of Amer-*

.ssiunari -s in Japan is reni.n Itabl-.pi|e is quite Americaiiiz-i in some

ies. Tae ini»s.onary wur< has doneto jst.inulate couimen-ial relations,

rijsuttis rouiar,:ej by every Amer-ho jtrayeis tlij.-e. ' ' . ,!

ksx IXIZABILTH hod ayellow throat andlover it tha highest and stiff st ruff in-

bit she stood up">n her dignityXciuijvenes, Cj- ordering her grava

g :ts W> staad ~t tbe gales of the cityly hands on the weurers of all ruffs

< d a terrain length, to "cut thfcm'downpensions for below whit »hj wore.

expression, "the skinlof my t^eth"supposed to be vulgar slang.

Erefe|«uce. However, to tbe Bible,»J. t ie true origin of the expressionie fotind. Many other expressions re-

dfjti as iculgar are traoeabie to tbe same"uth<rity. wliile^not a few generally

the same are of different

KG silvcrspoons in tbe diff--rent[of E irope is oneof the fancies of tbe

ily a d ff'rent -hap? is pro-crufty silversmiths keeping

in-i antique designs constaittlyanil vrhen tbe collectors return

have tbe spoons manted WithOf the cities where they were

of tbe ancent nations ate biscuits !psjec ul conJ ti.->ns; chiefly in war.

r nival or military, or on Ion?e b - s e a o f land. To the &reek-«

The Plainfield Electric L p Co,OFFICE- 35 and 37 NORTH AVENUE, Opposite Ri R. Station.

(Mri.r<iRD's RE.VL ESTATE A<»EX«-T.I




— ! ' • ! . - » •




H | i u * i j . a u !•<•



d without

can \f ui


to walls ami en

r wiring at r</xt.


••trie Lixht C<>. k<»«'p a staff of t*xp<.>rt wii|'ni''ii, and do ail



»ithTib ' do.

*s i"J PEK A x x m . .7 WO ilr».6 IK) il<>.5 l"t "J<>.4 IKI ^f lo .3 IN) ifo.

II A'l.litiojia.1 Lamps at $2 <XI | « T annum t>aiuh. i

'rit lini'^ will !«• nia.U" at onod, and an additionTh»i ••*t«-ii!*i">n <•*[t-Jio Iiiciitniinm<li't" ca|>acily nfl Station;.

Thn ('••tntianv ar>i. now making i.ointract* for lightin^r, in i»nl<-r fayiiili <-uuip|i-t<'il i-oinjiirri'iitly" with tin-Hxtttit-ii HIS. }

S»-H Cresoont Aveliue Cl.iin'h : The C'<>in|>anj"VOfflco, njiposit*' tli<"Private Show Pt tr lo^ at Ciiv'n » Funiitur>' Kt/>re. • I .

- ' ' '. ' I

the wir-

Dcjxit; also


PURE SPRING!WATER ICE,s hai their panis nuut ius, or capui,use-., as its name impl es, for nau--po «s.

'omen of Japan have orgranixad *t>for the cultivation of a taste for

cdoking. As many X<ptneseof good birth are invite 1 to dinnerpeims in - Yokohama. Tokio aal

(lev flni it "Very difllcult u* ac-: hoi pital ; i . i offere I art,

already seriously mjuredl the

f \rXDOUUTEDLYOrders .r.

'.ally t • nor |i«n »f th<" city at the'1

UlWEtl MAnfcET PRICE. |"vlvedatSherlin'.Sh^Store. P. CK ' " ^ E P B E S S WILL PBfltVE A MOST VALTJ*rW

I mylinf

a fli ««olist

yf pipe timbers which have been

to one-fourth thjir naturalf-twel ve years' use under immense

a temperature of 160' degs.I is of a eep chestnut color, takes

glere is a hint for an inventor.


been takinga mine at Vir

from the 1.900City, N'ev ,

pand seems us firm -grained asl i h f i

man tells of Uta gcity of life as displayeJ in a mon-p h; was trying to drown. Ha

tne animal in a pail of'water untilptly lead; after which he droppedt dist se.l post-licle, covering it with

L Upon b s return home afterrs' absence, he heard criese and en digging down found

siiv» and welL

E IS a paste or cake competedIs of the- tbeobroma cacaoC


PLAl*lfuU|O, H, 11.

JAMES H. FX»RCE j '.... . .PKiprfelf-r.

A FIEST-CLAKS rjxiLT HOTEL.Transient Uue»tii t.iken |at R*-asonAlile Rates.

La ing's Hotel!

J. B. MILLijR & BEO.,Proprietors,


A First-Class Family Resort. =




"BOUND BROOK i C H I M f . "Send postal for rates and sample copy.

W. B. R. MASON,;Publisher,ml!)*2 * / BOUXD \BROOK; N. J.

I 1 •

iombm^d with sugar and va-


As A blood puriU -r irii an | | i f to diges-tion, charred b«iie or corn for Jfe poultwill prov't valrt;<hl<>.

Wi«m :mbes ,*ivl animal nn tfcr shouldnot b- mine I. as the latter witfil>| renderedinv-a!liable ly tbe lormer.

GAICGKT or SWKUICTI bag. if 1 ,1 ?n in dufetim-i will bj . ur-d l-v frequvR t,npping»and rubbing th< roughly witl '^leun snft-soap. j

le the soil be lackm; for th« i rcnluctiooof strawberries, bone dust a ad wood' ]ashes will bring it up to t o | rvquisitoquality.

Ax excellent growing feod fbe found in a mixture of cutstraw und a little bean und cotmoistened.

W B B S tho butter3 fa; Is to cn


nillasuisaAthe*T|of AplanUra'

Tu• Ier ufcbectbepriaJtha .

! dravrbaind the r g:it of the checkholdcr isprior ti * tha| of the crclitor who attaches

r \ before the check is pres?nte»l lorX. This siKiuld hold good in any

cloves or other flavoringoes. j Tbe cacao or chocolate tree

1 evergrien. a native of Southbuk is extensively cultivated in

it lndi s aaj in the tropical partsand Africa, tbe best prctfucmens b'i:ig in til) West Indies, NewEc|uaJor aud BriczitT"

UoWing sound pointer ai given ino( jc-om»n»irc$: Whirs the own-

hecll hiis an fuads ia bank when aj W o n subsequently lepotf.ts

o ey tojbiscr^iiiMtisascl 'iir^- .ippro-jto tht pay-ni'? it of tho c ie •« m iften dndtposit W1911 this ch-'ck was*j ih h h

•'• No. 17 Park Avenue,



Electric Motors:• • f



Beers, &c.


EN repairing the telephone wiresy-vi!l« nnd Swramento half a mile of wire

laving btwn washed away b>i J ear river Knowing thatnceuV.I coiislant!y. and not

the line-wire to a


after thocustomitry amount of churnnif i fcaapoon-tul of b carlimiate of soda will; Ofi fou -I tocx|*MliU! ni;itt.TS.

WATFK in wh>h "potatoes 1 ive beenboiled has been found cfncji -u us, whenthoroughly rubbe I into the okiji, \n remov-ing lice fromfatt'.j. 1| I

^ntLTttT sh' aid nut ix? iifflii'-Wdiwith the{rapes for twewtjr-four hours Wb|n a fi-wdrop* of (STII ptior and waterH down theAhrout wilf'iui-* them. ii

Fo» scours in calves, a freshjjt en's egg,crushed in the animal's mouib, an'l thenose hel4 Wjp u«til A is swalltm-. J, oftenoffecti" aa- iniinediute cpre. I!

Ai'itLE or other Iruit tr^es, shjlu d. not beprunod in the eiiriy spring ^v^>4| hey arestarting in g*owtb; the w...-l(|lshould bedone between October und Martti 1

LAHOE coverj-l W;olen t-»nbest sjdapto i to th > steam

tbe w.reas


was working andnuly. Their mes-

tiid l«*-a passing over 3 half mile ofence.range trees iir • thus spoken

(Cal. i 7.>*/•*, in connec-ifl| tbe arr v .1 of a urge cons:gn-'lSbeni: '-Th • Jupaues .- orange treeis jtatatl in .l« , a t v * country in a cli-

* in NovemberIrrz.1 r until February. The

eu» .y ajS^ctsi by fmsi. It is;m reWhing a height of six-

The fruit in its first year isinc.hes in di:imet-T, but in timethr|'e inchi>9 in<liamet«r; isseed-

ne,l. swoet, and brings a be/-marlt t than the Florida or

j jcattle. .A ppe fiom any



steamgenerator can bo mtroduci'd int<j'ftt<j tank.

Ir (lean quirt T.S are pr<stock; will not nuffer :n I;ICItheir health will It' mi) ruifi J.oral thing stock piefor a deaidirt pjle.

'THE!subject that shou u i.jce.vsideru'tinn that it ileserves s thofagiwl vcgetaMn gar loh. Aand a jgood gar^'ri ^o far towarIng wbolaosome food for the funi

Poo*i soil ab.u: "rune rines1

lfvoned by un ap: c -IOU »f mand mu<1k. This j r> parution s inlututesthe r.K>t 'growth i'.ud is unsuri

value f. r u»j mi

It MOTH v. whiic quite unMt :nianeiit lawn trr.iK.. :s quick toai x<'«»l color th > first year, andbetter}appju< • lliau the coanlike os ts or mi.l>.*: It d:cs .a afjj.m

( lawn if»ais.

possess.oc of \\f pcrm-in

j To tarf .•i Italifuj thougi

bv her

y eu r«ig tbeoccu-

Goods delivered to any oart of the city freeof chargie. myioyi

. V

C0LEMAXPark, • ' *

• -+- r- r -

HOUSE ?!New Jersey.:

li with, them,the ends of tor"

'ence n«r.r ihe ra Iroatl track





THE , W(i)ULD. ,

kii'.wn ,f..r th.- « * » - Mnc*. -nini. xlntl. >n

them ti> :t- Upon returning I' I ' I l \ . I IT*1 "1 l *" 1 "thevu*kHi the emnloves &1- *-»'. I—' -J-N - t i l J_»^3-I_ .

The H'i'I. -Inmtth.- i»-n<-li. i<i ' i i | . l .T isn cnt>>nll«llnir« ami Jwnntlfii.1 lair<*1«.u*. PIAZZAS i*<>niniHti<lH a n<.f fh»* •^•••ali. ««urf ainl l a k e .

I l.--s ihan 1'"' yar.|'» frisn cntlri' ii|.«-it w|ih1

ui)<>t>strui-t**<l vlrm

Electriq Lights and Bells,i Wi»t>'ni t n l . n t.l«-i.-rapli. ' t.-Ic- •,

|ih"U>'. '••niniotliie wl-li PL.nxrir.Mii t>imcl>>ui*HVLL RIXIM an.l onrHiirrin. ami i-rirj- facility If».r tlu-••i-nit.-ijt ami ••••ffivt.'nleiii-*' of. jfiifwirt. . |

Rates. $4.00 per day, with spefcial aK- j

rangements for families during the month

of June. S. V. WOODRUFF; j

We Furnish Electric Motors




sual1 liuli *s iy j. i i renume*.


• jftVnj

HardwareoneanotJ" .,

sixl fby geuUi-men,It is at flrsl -ather

to be so f.tmilisaly


Stoves,hc»e whom oue has butbut tiitngs must be taken ast, an.l. i ioi iniuo familiarityI, none ib i i j l l be imagined.c' v.'oulJ be to iniitat*) theiio.i -by a ni-lr writer, who

hal mi Ie a cuBquett of a fairl , . U i i hlull somewhat shocked

(jjrwiiriliiejKs. iieciuse iu an iu>liffer-to tirar s :c hal signed herself

ruly.*ince.' when such a tning as

«:i» talkel ot, peotile ridi-Yet here we are; right in. '

• of a lai>a-^iith of wires, throughi.1

•i.filu are t ilkiaj )lo othersust n~ ,f it were no trick atre «omn one to foretell theoxxt : airsh ps Di-om. inoc >, tii»*y woul Isignii;. ,ut an;ilcSJ s:ioi

lirul mil unioucerije I

nJ say in av g K.-8 thf ' Sew Yorktn.; -ship j)6r China and

the •'new langled things"ng a week; "Vat a goundry

I peebjlea.*"







Our Raflft'avSvsfiw-'Eiibraces—EITHER OVERHEAD., Q




-THE r. A-

J. P. UUllE



Sheet iron and Heater Work.TELEPHONE


Are Ready to Make Estimates





Or '• ’ BmL- -

—Hr ft i ft | B £



HINTS FOR HOUSEWIVES. Salt and water may be Used with good

. effect in the cleansing ot. willow ware. A nw'So solution of soda it applied to

•teal knives or kitchen utensils will pre- vent their rUbtimr.

Fisn may be kept in vinegar as well on we; this also improve* the flavor.

The best way to clean a lamp chimney la to place it in the steam of the kettle and dry With rhumois.

Raw starch made into a paste with witer is said to be excellent for the removal of grease in colored silks.

To renew old brooms, place in boiling .water a lew m<>m ;iiu, spake out and dry. When dry. trim the uneven ends

Re:> cedar is the best wood for the eon- strqcLoa of receptacles for the presei turn from moths,, of :urv, fa Ur rs, eie,

lApovoe the edves of the carpets Weak m xture. I turp»*ut ;ue and cold Vti to keep out the carpet ninth.

As a remedy In the ease of pepper] any smartiag substance entering the the white of an egg will be found carious. '.

Kiioclo un insect enter the ear. warm wafer may be poured into the pi SHaJge, when the intruder will be apt to f>eek the surface.

The odor of black walnut leaves-is tieuiarly obnoxious to fleas and is. mended as a positive protection agnii these pests.

A coop liquid glue is thus made* ounce of borax in « pint of boiling wai add two ounces shellac and boil until shellac la dissolved. 7 ! .

Fob the removal of plant lice, drench the foliage with a mild solution of to! and water. Should one application pi insufficient, repeat the drenching pri

A rowD.EB for the pres-rvatiOn of c from moths is made as follows; Ground hi one drachm. Scotch snuff two ounces, ' pborgum one ounce, black pepper one om cedar sawdust four ounces; mix thoroui ly and sir iw among the furs and wool to be protected.

A vice way to freshen old-fashioi silk, making It look like new surah, is sponge it carefully with strong coffi While damp, lay it wrong side up on fm ironing b4ard and place paper over it. then 1 press with a ivarm iron. Be sure the cof- 1 fee 1a,perfectly settled until clear before nsing. This is also good to freshen black lace-, cashmefe, ribbon and alapaca.

A paETTT frame for odd pictures, which one does not care to have done at a shop, maybe made by cutting from paste board j a frame the desired sire, then take stiver whiting, mix with water,leaving it lumpy, and put on the frame. When dry get ja bottle of gil ling and gild the dry powdej Ibis frame has n unique appearanoe that liked by e™i

nil <t Ip there s.TTlitt’.s children In the famil to dress, if helps things1 along to baye breakfast started th; night before, table having been set. the coffee groun the hash or potatoes chopped up. the ki tie flljed, wM'c. this water is coming tej* boll Jres*-- lEe cMVIren that they may ready to take their'places at the breakfast table. Men I any thin? that -requires i don’t wait to-fll up n basket; pick upyojr needle when yon h-ive ai. odd moment qr two and sew on a .button, or put in a fe- needed stitches. Keep up the mendml day by day. These; are. little points, bi t they tire time-saving points that pay in ti e log* run.

A PiurrTT accessory to lb.e dressing-tabi» la made by gett -tig a small round box. Ill a those in which thimbles come in the store- , or. If this is difficult to obtain, a .smu 1 round collar box rut down to about ha f Its depth will do nicely. Fasten across th a open top some coarse netting and cover th 5 bottom with some pretty naper. Trcbl 3 crochet a cover to the rim of the button, then crochet a row or two of shells, a - cording to the d -p' h of the box around th ; bottom so that when on th 1 box they wi 1 lie flat] T.e around close to the lower m 1

- a narrow satin ribbon of the same shad ! as the coyer, and fasten in a neat bow or i

. bow with long ends Th.s makes a ver ( . pretty mi nature sailor hat. the top of th > crown ;being usxl as a cushion! for ban- pins. 1 i’l ■ ,


The hoy who puts Up money on a dos - light should not be classed with commo 1 gamblers, because lie is a little better.

W hy iis it aivvay, unadviaatile to depenfl on catching a 1J:SU train? Because it wil 1 be ten to one if you get It.

Smai.L pAitTT-r-" How much is yer pet b-t-ngers f Can tv man (kindly —"Two for a.cent” S. 1’. (speculatively —"H-bow much is wan tit- 'em?’* Candy man (nut so kindly')—"Git out o’ here I”

The leieiiug tenor in an opera troujx faiiei to put for - enough into bis linos whereupon be was interviewed by thi

- man jfdr. VI1, excuse was, os he was re oeiving only summer w.igeh. he woulc have towing in hts summer voice.

iHt owner of a piiirof bright eyes ,sayi that the pretti***t compi meut ahe ever re- ceived 1-amo from a child of four years I The little fellow, after looking intently al her eyea a mmuent inquired naively; “Are yonr eyes new ones

Evebt scbooi-i.oy knows how much an apple had to do with the discovery of the law of gravitati-n and-the liberation of BwUxerlaii.i T ie sdio l-boy knows also, somewhat .of the way-iuwardnesa. and deep-ilownwarJness of which/teen a little, haltgrovta apple is capable of cabfang the human organism to expedience.—Fanrto>

On wAim the wheels of civilization move, like unto the -desultory flop of the Indian’s moccasin as he stoically wends bis scr pentine way southweslward tonard the realm of "trariTlerliawks’’ aad the abode of the Pulex im' <1vet Ihe manner of laying

shriek rema.'tfs Uuchiiriged and the same as in Vogue centuries ngone. Th.# applies to brick laid in walla ua well aa those de- posited in,retired plug hats.

The height of chagrin is pictured' in the features and actions of the motherly hen, who, with indefatigable < ffort and perfect ceif-cor.fl Jence has sought to hatch out a batch of trustworthy looking eggs and, after over-lapping the proper -length

' of time fojr. the purpose, tnak -s the dis- covery that she is the dupe of the artiflei al egg manufacturer, an 1 hers is a clear case of "loves'lnbor loqt-’h—/ViikAo.

First Farmer—"You sav-you can’t take forty dollars for that cowl-’ Second Farm

. er—"Can’t do it.” "But yesterday you ’. told me you’d sell her for fortydoilars. ”

"I know I did. but I’ll have to back out.” "What the matter? . "You see that cow

-belongs to niy wile, 'and site says she will sob hefsetf into hysterics If I sell her. It woold break her heart.” t’All right—ft’s no trade.” “1 sav.” “Well, what is it?' "Mail? it forty-five dollar*, nncl we’ll let her sob.”

Rec.ret within my brnst is rife. When thinking on the past.

' That evert bail.penned those linaa That bind me hard and fast. .

Fain would 1 flee w ith rapid gait . This presence constant, gniu, As-neareri nearer draws the-time

When, face-to face With him— Zfim upoa whose ready ca-h .

- 1 once Was moved to dote. Who soon will make his stated call

For^utyrCiit on that'note.

i HE BUSINESS WORLD. Pennstltania farmers who raise, tur-

COOKERY CUTLETS. Iced Tablets.—Cut into' t&in slices any I Ettx

MIXED MATTERS. ax cisco has a Chinese public

keys drive them to market in great flicks dealrable cake, • put the, ifiecs together iflhhol in which are now accommodated \- ‘ tsrvf h iialltr bn.-l o/i«ae K/ttR ai L>s noutl v with' f/ flt-n ntinila unrl 'f fio mtfnKaw twill Vsxx just as shevp are driven. CkiLii to ihi value of *3,500. iWperannum -

is consum -d in the arts in the Uni (Ed | States Tne consumption of tie world Is j *Jii(tn,OUO. ~

The cultivation of the Olive for the pro- j ductum ef oil is fast tiecoming a remuner- ative business on the PaciflccoasL Experts pronounce tflb-iiome produet fully equal in quality-to the imported

AN American inventor has contrived' a. "vacuum car” with which he asserts his ability to navigate ihe air at a high rate of ] speed, and 4rop explosives with precision upon the decks of war vessels or|in , for- tifications. ‘

Russian cpiton mills employ over eighty j thousand workmen in. the running of 5S,- Mb looms, turning out ttt.SbJ UUU worth of good* per annum. Twentv-flve thousanl men also find employment iit the eighty- !

seven linen factories) j The principal industry of -Yucatan 1*

said to be the cultivajtion of hemp, the greater portion of which is shipped to the United States. The imp irtati n Of this amicledn one year aggregated 36,401 tons, valued at *2.564,000. '

lx the region of Los Angeles, CaLt numerous oil wells have recently Leon sunk, and report* are to the effect that San Francisco and Pittsburgh companies are prospecting In that vicinity, anl in the words of a San Francisco paper, -‘the at- mosphere is full of oleaginous odors.” J

A PREADEUniA-car company recently received the largest order for tram cars ever—placed at one time. Ihe ord »i* is

* neatly with with jelly, and cover both icing. 11.

Haw Brer 8zNi>wiriiB*;4~j£crape fine & small quantity of raw. teqitel beef, season a- little, spread On thin flukes of bread al >l< and toast slightly.

In beating cake beat from ihe bottom of the boWl, bringing the spobnup hirb with each stroke, uui as soon ua t}ie substance is smooth oeus .* be ating. ; ij

Mcsu Holul—Use any \ |o|d mush and knead in line grali.°m flOuJ’ enough to form into medium s'iiT doutfti; fnake. into rolls and bake in a hot ovenrhftlF an hour.

Bkoilkd PTEAg. —Wipe 4 *teak *wl^h a wet cloth, place on greased g^*idiroh, broil over bright Are ttve mipi^es, turning often; serve on a hot dish Wjtp seasoning.

Cn<>< oi.vra 1c»n«.—Melt ivfo ounces of chocolate and add three t<P>iespoonfuls milk; mix thoroughly aud one* cupful sugar. Simmer a lew mome|t|; and spread on **ake. I ’ \

? For a light crust for mea|; Jne use one egg, two-thirds of a cupmMk,‘sight dessert spoonfuls butter, two tcajHftjK^ifuts cream tartar, one teaspoon sodapgpd flour, to make a stifT batter. • f | .

Ojifisr-HorP.-Cut up a 4<|cn medium Onions, stew* over a slow firelhgfcif an hour with a piece of butter, pouf* ffi ^orne warm water, weasoo with herbs, sail find pepper ; make of this a soup and add k fctttle grated cheese. ‘

Steam fd Ciiic ken —Season ?a prepared chicken and place in a steamjpr for an hour and a half. When done, keep hot and dress with a composition of one pjj$t: of cream.

ferj^-five pupils, and'tne number will be in ceased by twenty-seven. Nothing anti al >o§jt this.

SIXTEEN million dollars is the cocx)fort- sum in the possession of a patent ine man in this country who fifteen ago was a plain, ordinary, every-day

p<d£ler. That js more tpan some folks null in iixteeu years

from South America and consuls of three six spoonfuls of flour, pe;>pen upd salt and hundred aad’ flf:y-two cars in all. They , a little extract of celery. ^ aw to-, run * on a traim road one hundred , Litti.e Lovxa. — Be it a quarter-pound of miles long, and will bedrawn| by horses*. 1 fresh butter to a cream. Ad4 ?four table-

A SHiP-BriLOiNO cones'rn at Birkenhead spoonfuls flour, two opnneA ijoaf sugar, are building /or the Inman Line a steel one ouure sliced candied peel; j*ix each of

sweet and bitter almonds < tit I lengthwise; ship of vast dimensions an 1 superior work- manship. She AVill be of 17,OW horse power and $,510 tjns rjgiitcr. Her pa-s-en^er capacity will be for 330 nrvt-clasc pas- sengers aud she will outspcc 1 any thing afloat. v -

A: new Oerman industry is the welding, after the Mosaic style, of strips of gold, silver and platin.i, upon a metal ground prepared by the inc.iniescon.t - process, pressed and Tolled into strips for the juan- ufaeture of scarfs and neckties. This in- destructible style of neck-wear is fast be- coming popular and the manufactiuers of the Pforzheim an^B-lilcn districts are receiving numerous orders for c*xport-

M<>he tortdg^work is iprojec-ied at this dabj than ever in the) kistory of the country. Hudson, across bridge across beside a muitilule of smaller bridges. The bridge works ure constantly overrun with work, and bridge |iron makers are unable to accept all the, business offered. Four bridge building works an* projee.ed, and an expansion ot mill'ca|»acity is going on. •> ^

An ingenious improvement in the man-

mix the whole and bake in psdty pans. Omelet SnurrjLE.1— Beat lie ? whites of

four eggs to a froth, then beat.into them ftwo table'-poonfu la sugar, 'h^lf^ teas poem- ful van.Ilk, then add the vji^a'ikud a cup of whipped cream. Pour injjn a buttered quart- di^h and bake twelve ^putties.

8poxc|i: DoMixors —Three Alga, one cup- ful pulverized sugar, one hoping capful flour, one tabl* spoonful col<^.water, four teaspoonfuls so<1;l half ateaaj tartar and th: rind an l j lemony. Bake* th*s very tn;n like dominoes, with choc4»Ls:

Parsxip Fritters.—Boil illf|idft a few parsnips; scrape and mash fii?e, removing ail strings and lumps; add t\vi*beaten eggs, * ‘ ‘A 1 of sifted

pinch into

j||n butter. English Mir fins.— One $af»ful light

bread dough and sufficient mhktlo convert it into a bather as l^.r gri ldl« " 5 ‘ the butter raise for an hour i well-greased gnd lie. allow spooniut to the niufflu.

i open aqd topst »lightly on i). and serve hoL SP

favorite beverage of the Spanish is late. While tne poorer .classes are content with caff of an inferior they will ofien dispense with some actual necessities of life in ordeir to

tpeir fon mevs for this luxury. lEen Victoria has had 75,WXJ pris-

in (he jails lurou^rhout India sex free •norjof her jubilee. Special pains taken to snow d jmency to women.

Tt ednen free1 are many of them small depi^rs, qnd the British Government has

Jjued fhe debts. j .If- cbrresportdence gives thi informa- tfton^iria# the influence of Amer-'

Jeanjbi.S'U''iiari -s in Japan is remarkable. .pire is quite Americaniz • i in some

ies. Tae iniss.onary wor*c has done to jst.mulate commercial relatiqpa, e rdsult is remar<ced by every Araer- irho kn^veia there. en ElizAbtth had ayellow throat and

wcreWeijit the highest and stiff st ruff in- e, but ahe stood up *n her dignity

Kcluaiv'enesv I7y ordering her grave bts t<) stand ut the gates of the . city Iky hands on the wearers of all ruffs fid a tftrtain length, to "cut them'down tensions fur below \vh it she wore. I. expression, **the skin|of my tjqth” imouly supposed to be vulgar slang.

Irefe lenoe. However, to the Bible, I.5&J, the true origin of the expression

i fot mL Many other expressions re- k Vulgar are traceable to the same

kuthdrity. while not a few generally uted to the same are of different

LKctWg silvcrspoons in the djff.*rent |!of E irope is one of the fancies of the

i ev.-ry city ad ff “rent - hap? is pro- thei crafty silversmiths keeping

The Plainfield Electric light Co.

OFFICE—35 and 37 NORTH AVENUE, Opposite R. R. Station. -MrLFoRus re.vl Estate agency.t

- LIC^TiNG STATION- -Madison Avenue.







onful cream dl half a

|d ] mark c'ff znR.

- - — —i — wi -triujr, auu lump,; mm uva Two are pr.o}ecved ncro^* the j two table* poem ful, milk and ?>nvi

six across UK; Miuislippi, two i flour, on -1 spoon sa’l and nfllarire pi the Missouri, a 10,iW0,iXX)-doliar • 0f pjjjrqx'-r; mix llioroughly ai»S -make i cross the Potomac. 4.661 feet long. >B,all cakes, Bohr them and fS in but

hov « batter i - - art >: Ufacture of tin cans fob preserving food Cobs Br an.-Oue consists in so forming jhe. lid that it is merely pressed on and the can is hermet- ically sealed, so that no Internal pressure can remove the lid.^' Water boiled in a tin thus closed has failed to force it off. al- though the steam pressure has burst th ■ can itaelf. A penny piece, however, used as a lever by being plaice ! uniter a rim formed around the top Of the cover, with the shoulder of the can ms a fulcrum, rais- es the li i u-ith a rcmi pbndituro of power.

A oE.VTt.EMax interes1

meree of the great lakes ing rapidiy to large tmll| ago a propeller that bushels of grain or 1,000 considered a monster, flow hi the trade bet Chicago, and Cleveland carry over 10U.0UU busl

meal, hall a cupful flour, hal^i | salt and three teaspoonfuls

sifted togelher; mix with enchhf butter and flour beat?i’

| four eggs 1 eaten for two m mo lips and one pint milk; bake in a well-bettered pan twenty minute*. i, f

Floor should be kept In a barrel with a flour scoop to dip it and a sioyei; to silt it.

!J\ ,'i' Tt ! Indian meal should be purehfts^d in small ** * 1 * niliint tins end Irs.wvt ss- . I I tl


quant ties and kept Wt-*ll co1

wheat and koorniy should al . ® . com" i m small quantities nnd kept ,ys that it is go- luj, Keep sugar, in a cool

Twenty years erPti wo<x|en articles. Dt-rca Cream Toast.—Use

of a boiled ham. '‘Remove all the hum in the oven till it nil cheese. Make delicate thin

i butter them amt spread with Make a sauce with the yelks

Buck- lie bought % covered

in cov-


HvU"«> <*an 1n» 4 ir«*d without to walJd and c«*il|ng9.' Existing ga#, fitting can In* u$c«1. ^

-T The Pln1tifieW;Eie.tric Light Co. keep a staff of ex isn't wiivTie*!], and do all wiring at I



carry ,KI,(Xk) of co«l was

here are many 1 , Buffalo and id .Duluth, that

Is of grain in a single cargo. The Onflko, line of our ^ great iron nropellers, taWes 130,0.0 bushel* fri11,a“c‘ “ half of cream, or mgks with a of oat# m a Onglo earfco. fhe« large of J*u,«*’r addl’d; heat and fan! it; p . ° ' nnilintr liftt nfar trim tnaaf nn<4 naiietra vonaels are fast crowding the smaller pro- pellers and sailing veaselk off the lake«.

INTERESTING Leaves waen mixed

matter will furnish a ui the hot bed.

A good knife should never be put in hot grease. A cooking fork should be always at hand for useric fryiug Potatoes or in *at.

A Bt’siNEss house wrote t-> a man wfio was indebted to tbemJ requesting the amount'of his bilL He oUigingly complied by Informing'them by better what the amount was, but he omittbd to remit.

The climaite and seasonf- of Algier-*. it is said, are very similar to those of Southe rn California; there beiu^ but two months in the year in \vh cb may lx* ex- pected any .rain yr coolaeku of Uu*. atmos- phere. Ail the; bouses are constructed with an eye to coolness and ventilation!

In England crackers ar« called biscuits, and biscuits rolls. Syrup is treacle; a pie is a tart; a pitcher a jug. and a bureau a c hest of drawers. A dry goods store is a haberdasher's; a drug store a chemist's; and a'vegetahlc store a green-grocer*a. Ka^e meat is a.ways un*lerdouer and stubs ol idveck-bodks are counterfoils.

Bats a <ro »temporary: 44A superstitions subscriber who found a spider in his paper.

remranta and dry

grate like of toast,

u*d ham. tiro egRt, a l-8—- bit

pour boiling hot ove** the toast andlgefrve.

*r.. T-* - - ‘ “ — *- “ upfui of for four

Tapioca J-Boak boi|; tapioca in four cupfuls of wa or ttve hours. iFire*ton it an pan of boiling water to co hour, or until tt-lOoNi qu.te it » nearfy cool^'t stir in theQi little of the grated rind of ^ when dope four :nt*» I ttte m^>] with twgctbned c*n*nn flavorlp


wants to know if it is considered a had omen. Nothing of the kind. The spider was merely lootrnir over the column*} < i the paper to sec who was not advertising, so

ill As a blood purifi *r and un qfc tion, charred Ixme or corn for^alfie poultry will prove valuiahte. j|j |

W»h»h ;iHbes «n.T animal matter should not b-* nnxe L as the lajtter w’iilibd rendered or throe invaluable t y the tormcr. rfj |

Gaicoet or awiculeu hag. if in du^ tim*'1, will bs? tur**d hv frequem: ^trippings and rubbing th roughly witjfi'^llcan soft- soap. r |

If the soil be Lu kui^ for th^ jiroiluction of strawberries, bone dust |ja|id wood* ashes will bring it up to tae} requisite 1 quality. . | ;

Ax excellent growing food 1 i* stock will bo found in a mixture of cut ii mips oat straw and a little btfan and cot jr »je J meal moisb-Mied. 1 i ]

When the butter1 fa ls to co iff after the customary amount ofchurrmiy

botl^new ind antique designs consLai.tly on l^aid, aud when the collectors return ho^Hjg^bey have the »iXK>ns marked With tiie of the cities where they were bot g^t. i am of tibe anc ent nations ate biscuits

unc efts pec al con J tious; ch: cfly in war. \vh-t|feer n*val or military, or on Ton jcu ‘iwys b;r sea or land. To the Greek* the -^ere lcnovrn\^s arton dipuron, that if, “br twibe pul* to the fire.’’ while the Itoihad their pa*iis nuut.ius, or caput, chit tm used, as its name impl es, for nau- ttcu L Ha^poaea.

T iJ;:womeu of Japan have organised so- ciet for j the cultivation of a taste for

o conven lo" # conking As many Japanese kes Let W0113? °r *^OCKi birth are invite i to dinner t , by ' F^ropeins in - Yokohama. Tokio anJ

j Naf aMiki, tfiev finJ it Very difficult to ac- ' cep ifie hospital.inrs offere 1 art,

ty. already seriously injured! the JJapan.

Tr a# have boon taking from the 1,500 fooijlHrel o| a mine at Virginia City, Nev., piccv-4,t)f pme timbers which have been com P&sse lj to one-fourth their natural

twelve y«*ars’ use under immense s^ a$temperature of 160 degs. isj of a eep chestnut color, takes

lishi and sqems ;i» firm grained as Here is a hint for an inventor.

A rlfilai*Elp:ij a man tells of the singu- lar tlej^tcity!of Jife as displayed in a mon- grel myp hfe was trying to drown. He pl»e> fine iimaiHl in a pail of'water until appi r^itly dead; after wliich he dropped it in disqs-ed post-bole, covering it with his i o£t hbe!L Upon h s return horne after sevo rf hours’ absence, he heard cries fronj f|e hoje and oo digging down found

| aiivb and welL | 4>late is a paste or cake comprsed kernels of the- tbeobroma cacao^ Hand combined with s igar and va- mnstn >u. cloves or other flavoring

subsuifices. The cacao or chocolate tree is a iflfcall cjvergr j^n. r. native of Boutb Ame rMa, buk ia extensively cultivated in the lndi s aai in the tropicdl parts of A i ft! and! Africa, the best prttfucing plan Hpor.s p *i:ig in th » West Indies, New (irail afth. Ecjuador aud Brandi7*

\ce uni a Tu:lolioWing sound pointer Is given in J*mon. und ( a jo*u **id of commorc^: Whih the own- js. Herve aa^hecli hta no funds ia bank when a jo taste. cbecl Eli drawn. b»*t subsequently lepog.ts

then oley toiflis credit it is as cl *ar!y .ippro- 3FS. priat *.fSto thje payment of the c leek a< if k it ha< Ren dn fle.poHit w i^n the ch *ck was* ® to diges- ! drawh^md the r gat of the checkholder is

Amd all additional Lamps at $*2 00 per annum eajeh.

}' '. '!- * -' ' ■- Th»* extension of I the IiH*andef*e»*nt lilies will Is* made at onc«j, and an addition

made to cajiaoitv r»fj Statioi^. The C?-m(ianr ar»j now making contract* for lighting, in order to"tiave- the wir-

ing cumplcUMl foiiMiirrciitly’withi tto* extension*. j S**c Cret*cent Av**iiuc Church : The Company's Office, opposite th«* Dejiot; also

Private Show Parlors at Green s Furniture Store.


PURE SPRING WATER ICE, I>.’Uver*-4[ daily t” any pin-W the city at the'

LOWEST MARKET PRICE. Orders -re vived ai Sh**r|wlu'?» 8h*?e 8tor»e. P. Cf.' **

rayiotf VhS. i

FORCE’S HOTEL. noktSj avente. near r: R-. depot.

PLAINFIELD, N. !l. * , f-4- JAMES H. FORCE j Pr*>pqetor.

A FIKST-CLAkH r i MI LY HOTEL. Transit-ill i*ue*ts taken|st Reasonable Ralea.

Laing’s Hotel! * j •

J. B. MILLER & BR0.f







“ BOUND BROOK CHRONICLE." Send postal (or rates and sample copy.

W. B. R. MASON, Publisher, . ■ inldWd BO VXD BROOK, X. J1

the | Cdo

groulng nillai fl

A First-Class Family Resort. mytotf


No. 17 Park ^vetnie, ! *


Wines, i ' | Liquors,

* Ales, Beers, &c. -

Van Depoele

Electric Motors

priorltft tha> the creiitor who attaches the ft ria before th.e check is presented for pjiyin .-ftt. This shduld hold good in any State ^

LinlMex repairing the telephone wires !betw<eft Marysville und Sgi raraento re- cently Sjfoun 1 that half a mile of wire was niiM-ngJ having be**n washed away by high vfd'-r □ Lear river. Knowing that the*r4|'WriH needed constantly, and not

Inouifh w re with them, the line- Iggct! the ends of tb^ wire to a

i irc fence near jhe ra Iroad track I*he l them to '.L Upon returning Ivilk ^hey u+k. -d the'employes at


Goods delivered to any oart of the city free of charge. myH»>i


1 tcaapoon- ojs fou -1 to

lutve been

tul of b.carbonaite of soda will ex;?odito mat tom.

Watp.b in wb:-h "potatoe* boiled has been fotiud effica *u us, when

that it could spin its web across his shop thoroughly rubbe i into the ski|n remov- door and be free from disturbance. lice frorn cattij.

Pnt LTUY ste did n'it be ufflii gayn'S f»«r twe»l|r-four hours dropi of Cffii yrtior and \vaterf|

A Torvo tduq living with his widowed •ist'er in the northern part of Georgia, was digging a hole for a potato bin- in his cel- lar thei other day, when liis spade broke open an earthen pot contain- ing fourteen hundred and eighty dollar* in gold. The coin had been buried by his nose beldAI$ u*til it in swali sister's husband during the wir, and sub- 1 effectk an immediate dare, sequently forgotten. . T

It would be^ext to an impossibility to construct^ type-writer to handle tlie Chi- nese language,; as there are $emejthirty thousand kiiararters in its alphabet. We con faintly imagine th.* efforts!of an oper- ator of an ImiugiHary type-writer to top out the intricaoies of a message from tho! Em- peror op the inhumanity of the treajment of the (jhincsi! abroed.

with the l few

iown the throat wilkr ui« them.

Fog scourt» in calves, a freshs* crushed in fhe animal's moufA

A.rifLE or other Iruit trq<*s, pruned m the enriy spring wh starting in grflwtb; the w«»rk done between October and Ma

La hoe covered w-.olen i-in b<»st adapt.* j to th' steamfn^ of; 4ood for | once o cattle; . A p pe from any kin 1 'ojf stearn f-hey a generator can be mtrodm ed &nt^*tiftf tank.


i yiey should

nre the

are and ar ? 5| be 1 by the i^

| BTartl: spike i

If clean quart »rs arel pro stock; will nut suffer ni eajaube and their health will It- uni rori J. As ?a gen- eral thing stock piefer a clea^ tied to a dirt pjle. ’The, subject that should .

sideraUun that it deserves

Tiia singular names ornamenting the sighs of Chinese merchant i ao 1 laundry mep do not all way*.represent tha names of thepropriet' for instance. “Shun Wo, instead of being-u niune, simp!/ aiuiouQcc'a the establishment as being ruji uihjii the * , . , . principles ot "Faith and Charity.” It is ^l*!**1 yW»l" -ff»f ^ not uncoiumon, however, for ft : Chinese to be known and called by these names aakl in many cases allow’ p3ojflq to remain undeyrived as to the mistake.

Constantinople, in de- dieL_

Tfie dhost or small

fceiv* s the


t^»e con- kieeping

:o<>d cow and a good gar% t go far towar supply- ing wholaesome fcnxl for the fami

r. b. w.

A writeic from icribiug the different article! vended in the street* says: substantial are the ‘keboba,’ pieces of mutton, broiled on the enJ" of an *ron rod over the man gal of live charcoal that they carry from place to place. Then with this is the ‘pelofT or rice cooked in grease. The ’yaoute' nian find* ready sale for his prepared -clabber, while the

dr seeded-bread man, is at every- one's beck and caiLw

Poor aoil ab ui: livened by an ap: and muck- This the n>ot 'growth i.

^maru-fial value f rasp birr es.

1 iM<i*THT. while

"rape vines cr ion »»f mi

pis parution nd is r use

niaucijt lawn gr.os. :s quick to j rf w and of gcKHi color ih > first year, and n ike.’ a bettcr; • than the conrsc r.( Tains, like oats or rni.le* It dies .a a ffw years fj^-m ijhc ciuve Ci pp>ng it got*, leftvi ig the lawn ip possess, oc of perm an d occu- ■pauts.

quite unlit f

!>-. n ay "be ef Lme

:ulate* urisurjfiNjed in cm in i»< s and

a per-


Asbury Park, * * New Jersey.



i the b:i nji hov the was workinfr an-1 they it v as doing finely. Their mes- sages hkd l.ofn passing over a half mile of barbel jjirire ence.

Jap. orange trees ar * thus spoken of in M 1 ul ir| (<*nl. I 7itnr*, in Conner- ' tion vi iU the arr or a urge consign- ment 'fgjthen' : *Th • Jupaues • orange tree is pro]iwatmi in its #*at ve country in a cli- mate u*p?'re th» *■*.» freezes in November and reiijjiins irrz» r until February. The tree is itot eu» «y affected by frost. It is •crubl yviseld >m r*S*c’hing a height of six- teen .*|t, l|hi fruit in its first year is about inches in diamet jr, but in time

. n’s egg, j gets t< Hk thi|*o inches in diameter; is seed- an l the less, t i ftfskitjned. sweet, and brings a bef-

||v| t, often j terpr ei’in inarket tiian the Florida or Califo -in ori nges. *,fi

ujd. not be j SJejpco all ludt *s address oneanotb jlsual v j. i i ressinl *by genlL-men, Snivel numes. It is at first -ather |tq aUtrangor to be so f.amharly J by 1 h? se whom oue has «*een but ;

jklce, but tmngs must be taken as to ear t, and. no undue familiarity pndei, noue should be imagined, jffem c- would be to imitote the Ipntic uei by a iadv writer, who

thougl it|jie ha \ a conquest of a fair Engl is hft|om.i i, tin. igh somewhat saocked by her tlrwaciti^sa, iiQcuuse in an indiffer- ent n<t«jto lim s ;c had signed herself “youn i pruly.

A F£M^-* ar? since; when such a tning as (whs talkel of, people ridi- 1

Yet here we are/right in.

Th*- ub*tor«ltnw*d t«1 aun**un<^* t<« fiicHtU amt'th** puhlir that tfp* h»>**v»* h**11 ku«?wn H<»TEI...ini*!* r lil- ninnHe« nil**iiF f«>r til*- ri** • •f 1h>*T-4h. will >*• 'for th»‘ a****..mni-Mlatl’-n • ?f jm**stK

CTTJlsrEl 1ST. V The H*’t**l. “itimitnl than U*n yard* from th*- u-ft*di. ••»***npi.*> ?git» fiitllrr t'loc’k with it^

hiillfltinr* ami N-autlfu-l lawn-*, and fr<*ni rts'spa- fl?.«‘* plaz7A« mniniRmlfl an \m«?l*sir\i*'t«Ht vl«*w • •f th«* o**»*un. Hurf nn<l lake.

Electriq L'Sfhts and Bells, i*a«. ?llr»***t (*u1«*n t*d**CTfti'li. ’ t«*l#»- i phollf. •**oilll»*Ctllig winll PLAINFIF.LIm b|*aCioutt IUll R»**»m an«l Orchipth k, ami «-vert facility f«>r the amt »*nfive«ien«*e ot gnLfsts. , Rates. S4.00 per day, with spefcial ar-

rangements for families during thfe month

■ J- , ' ’

We Furnish Electric Motors



of June. S. V. WOODRUFF: / myl*»

Hardv/are AND

Stoves, III! VMS

the tel-pi one 1 ruled idea :he mi J« of a which *'»'iv |< at a di lance, all. lo|i ay \\y*re some one ynnnit f t York Hranci-c g»rlt*. IWitii iriancejsi^i Yrt






J. P. Li\IRE & CO. / lomyly ;



-THE r. fL )■ i *


in a i point passivb pray, ship, there Japan, bit fore had LKied:runn P’td peeblea.’1

laba "*uth of wires, through'.1

pie are t ilking fio others u-*t n- if it were no trick at

to foretell the ou^ i airsh ps ^-om New

»* they wt»ult t»e/e- signo;. ,ut anyl piling heS ‘ Ham • !c ui/er-s v^ould* ind uiKomvruel /b anner.

ii *u<i a mile or so And' say in a 1 here g s tikfc ^ New York

* tne aship Qbr China and the “new tangled things” ng a week: * Vat a goundry




Sheet Iron and Heater Work'. TELEPHONE (AfU—i;



Are Ready to Make Estimates


