
Presidents Assembly

Monthly Webinar

October 20, 2011

Full recording available here:

During the Webinar – Just Ask!

Please use this question area to communicate with us throughout the webinar. Have a question…type it!!

Raise Your Hand

There will be designated times to speak your questions.

You can click on the “Raise Your Hand” button. When we are ready for your question, we will unmute you and call on you.

What Chapter do you represent?

Please use your GoToWebinar Question box to type in the name of your Chapter…

Presidents Assembly Leadership

Lola KakesGreater Tucson Chapter


[email protected]

Rachael BenderSouthwest Florida Chapter


2011-2012 Presidents Assembly Steering


Sandy SpadaroNAWBO South Jersey

PASC Northeast & Mid-Atlantic Region

Deb SheaNAWBO Silicon Valley

PASC Western Region

Carolynne MatherNAWBO Lakeland


PASC Southern Region

Steering Committee Roles & Responsibilities

Presidents Assembly Steering Committee is responsible for: •Serving as “voice of the chapters” on the National Board and facilitating communications between National and the chapters

•Facilitating chapter collaboration/information sharing via webinars & meetings at national conferences

•Creating a community of chapter leaders

•Helping chapter leaders with strategic planning, problem resolution, etc.

Webinar Schedule

Mark Your Calendar NOW!Webinars will be held on the third Thursday of every month

at noon Eastern time.

Upcoming Webinars:

•November 17 – NAWBO Strategic Plan and Q&A with Diane Tomb•December 15 – Out of the Box Revenue Generating Ideas•January 19 – How to Run More Effective Board Meetings•February 15 – Grow Your Membership: Engaging Younger Generations

Suggest a webinar topic by emailing [email protected]

Poll Question

• Which topics are you most interested in hearing about on upcoming webinars: (Multiple Choice Choose TWO)– Revenue-generating ideas– How to grow membership– How to engage chapter in public policy– Board leadership issues– Developing your chapter’s strategic plan

PA Facebook Page

Use to share news and information; exchange best practices; ask for help; etc.

All chapter leaders are welcome to join.

Please do not use to market your business.

News from National

Rachael BenderPASC Chair

Best Practices Library: We Need Your Help!

We need your expanding the chapter best practice library. Please send us information with enough details for others to be able to implement in their chapter.

Best Practice Areas: •Board Governance•Events & Programs•Fundraising•Marketing & Public Relations•Member Recruitment•Member Retention•Miscellaneous•Partnerships & Community Relations•MiscellaneousEmail [email protected]

Best Practices Library: We Need Your Help!Chapter Documents

We are looking for a variety of sample documents that you use to manage your chapter. Here are a few:

•Policy & Procedure Manuals•Committee Descriptions & Committee Manuals•Corporate Partner Packets•Board Training Materials•Memorandum of Understanding for Strategic Alliances•Executive Director Contract

What else would you like to see? Submit a question or raise your hand now.

Email [email protected]

NAWBO® and Ameriprise Financial partner to host “Real Women. Real Conversations”

Join us for an afternoon of real conversations on how women are creating priorities and making the most of their day-to-day relationships.

Keynote speaker is Suzy Welch, business owner, journalist and author of the New York Times bestseller 10-10-10: A Life-Transforming Idea. Suzy will share her strategies to help you make decisions and balance the priorities in your life. Then join our informal discussion and tell us how you’re doing it all.

FREE to attend

Dates and Locations

Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Thursday, October 27, 2011, 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Indianapolis, IN

Thursday, November 3, 2011, 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Poll Question

• Has your chapter had difficulty finding enough board members? – Yes– No

Poll Question

• Does your chapter provide leadership training for board members?

– Yes, training by facilitator at board retreat– Yes, outside training for board members– No

Guest Speaker

Marilyn BusheyCEO & Chief Learning OfficerPower Performance and Communication, Inc.

Attracting, Retaining and Motivating

Your Chapter Board

“I didn’t realize it was such a task to run a chapter.”

“My worst experience was trying to understand people who make a commitment and don’t follow through with that commitment.”

“People need to understand the seriousness of being a leader of NAWBO.”

In applying his research to the social sector, Jim Collins of From

Good to Great fame found the principle of getting and hanging on

to the right people in the first place or the "Who Principle" becomes even more


“Get the right people on the bus. Get energetic, committed people, match

skills and expertise to task.”

Learning Outcomes

Sharing of best practices for attracting, retaining and motivating board members  

2011 Leadership Survey

Criteria • Chapter membership of 45 members or more• Maintained or grew membership over the last 2 years or is one of

the largest chapters

Participants - 31 chapter leaders • Presidents• President-Elects• Paid staff at the Executive Director Level and Above

Qualitative Survey of 45 Minutes or Less• Telephone• 10 Questions

Attracting • Be Selective

“The chapter made the mistake of asking for volunteers for the board, big mistake, we sounded desperate, now we approach individuals and position them as a leader.”

“We identify talent and recruit to fill gaps. The board members recruit new board members depending on the fit for a balanced board.”

• Have a Committee Structure“We find out where their passion is and bring them in as a committee chair with 1 or 2 assistants.”

“We try to draw people into committees immediately.”

“Board members grow through committee participation, we encourage delegation, and we believe people grow or go, so we groom as we grow.”

“Our Goal – 2 new people on committees to train as future leaders.”

• Have a succession plan“A succession plan is the cornerstone of growth.”

“We believe in keeping up the momentum. We have 5 people on the board who are under 30. Youth, technology, and balance are important for the future. We need energy!”

• Flexibility• Communicating and Listening• Inspiring Others• Collaborative• Strategic Ability• Business Acumen• Resiliency• Developing Others• Building Networks• Focused

NAWBO Leader Competencies

Retaining• Get Commitment

“I have all my board members write a commitment letter to me in their own words and I email it back to them.”

“Be very personal – I met with each person invited to be on the board 1 on 1 to get the total vision.”

• Educate Them“We have a training retreat in July with speakers who educate board members on how to proceed and how a board works to stay strategic instead of functional.”

“We do leadership training every 3rd board meeting.”

“We have a new board notebook”

“We have a two step, transition board meeting, with both boards, to pass on info to incoming board members and then we have a retreat.”

“During the first 90 days we educate new board members on what resources are available, we have a session for all the things you need to know such as email distribution list, how to do x, y, z, for example, amend bylaws.”

• Have a Strategic Plan and a Succession Plan“Have a 5 year Strategic Plan that immediately connects to

operating plans.”


“Be a builder, not a fighter; be inclusive, encourage engagement, give pats on the back.”

“With age comes wisdom, something may be very important, but not the end of the world.”

“Be the example, you set the standard, enthusiasm is contagious, if you aren’t excited, no one else will be.”

“Communicate ideas, new ways of thinking, as well as how to do’s”

“People want to be recognized, appreciated, that, not money, is the delineating factor.”

“Keep pressure off, remember they are volunteers, nip unproductive behavior in the bud, animosities, etc.”

“Let others make their contributions”

Chapter Resource Center


To increase and expand chapter support by providing tools to support our local chapters with improvements and updates on ongoing basis

The all-new Online Chapter Resource Center provides:

• Visual Resources and Instructional Presentations

• Bylaws and Policies

• Forms and Templates

• Chapter Best Practices Library

• Chapter Operations Manual

• National Strategic Plan Overview and Strategic Plan Templates

Chapter Resource Center

To access the Chapter Resource Center:

Log in with your username and password at

From the Member Main Menu, select Chapter Resource Center

If you don’t have your log in information, please contact Joyce Lee at [email protected].

Poll Question

• What would be the most effective way for NAWBO to offer training to your chapter leaders? (Multiple choice choose TWO)

– Training Materials, Manuals, PowerPoint Presentations for us to present at Board Retreats

– Videos to Watch online– Webinars– Regional Bootcamps/Summits– Training at National Conference


Thank you for participating in

NAWBO Presidents Assembly Webinar!

•We look forward to talking to you next month. The webinar will be on November 17th at noon Eastern.

•To share this information with your chapter’s leadership, visit Chapter Resource Center on the National Website for the Powerpoint slides

•To Watch the entire Webinar visit our Facebook Fanpage


Member Services:  [email protected]

Chapter Services:  [email protected]

Presidents Assembly:  [email protected]

News/Article Submissions: [email protected]

Website/Technical Support:  [email protected]

Your Feedback is Welcome!

Please send feedback to [email protected]
