
How to Save a Place


Educate yourself on preservation.Start reading preservation

resources and seek out training.

You could also pursue a

preservation degree.

Educate others.Tell everyone about your passion! Discover what people care about in

your community and put a positive preservation spin on it; at the same

time, remember to keep your message clear and straightforward.

Arm yourself for conflict.Rally your supporters and assess your group’s strategy. Keep

reminding yourself why you do what you do. Your passion and

commitment will speak volumes, and supporters will be drawn to your


Know that you can lose the battle, but still win the war.

Take some time for personal TLC and reflection. Remember, you’re

only human. Use the loss of a special place as fodder to further the

preservation dialogue in your neighborhood and network.

The National Trust for Historic Preservation works to save America’s

historic places. Preservation Tips & Tools helps others do the same

in their own communities.

For more information, visit

Photos Courtesy: Slide 1: Dave Gilbert, Flickr; Michael Cardus, Flickr; PentaxFanatik, Flickr. Slide 2: Tulane Public Relations, Wikimedia Commons. Slide 3: Dave Gilbert, Flickr. Slide 4:Michael Cardus, Flickr. Slide 5:PentaxFanatik, Flickr.
