Page 1: Presents In the Footsteps of Jesus - Executours Travel › images › promos › Logos_Israel... · 2015-03-24 · “Trek in the Footsteps of Jesus” The Galilee region of Israel

L o g o s B i b l e S t u d y


In the Footsteps of Jesus

Led by: Dr. Bill Creasy Travel Dates: November 1-12, 2015

$5,499.00 from Los Angeles, CA

Optional Pre-trip Jesus Trail Dates: October 28 – November 2, 2015

$1,699.00 per person based on double occupancy. (Includes: US & Intl. departure taxes & std. gratuities)

Contact Executours at 310-552-0786 or E-mail: [email protected]


Page 2: Presents In the Footsteps of Jesus - Executours Travel › images › promos › Logos_Israel... · 2015-03-24 · “Trek in the Footsteps of Jesus” The Galilee region of Israel

“Trek in the Footsteps of Jesus”

The Galilee region of Israel welcomes you to walk the paths of Jesus. Walk village to village through rugged countryside, see many layers of history as

you explore important biblical sites, mingle with locals for a glimpse into rich regional culture and encounter epic views and diverse flora and fauna. Experience sacred history at important religious sites each day. Feel the satisfaction of arriving at your destination by foot, enjoy a hearty well-earned

meal and share your trail stories with fellow travelers.

Day 1: Wednesday, October 28, 2015: Los Angeles/ Tel Aviv We depart for Israel from Los Angeles International Airport.

Day 2: Thursday, October 29, 2015: Tel Aviv/ Nazareth We arrive at Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv and drive to Nazareth. Our hotel is a restored 18th-century Arab mansion with old-world ambiance. Tonight we enjoy a wine and cheese reception followed by dinner. (D)

Day 3: Friday, October 30, 2015: Nazareth / Cana This morning we will have a traditional Arabic breakfast. We begin our pilgrimage and experience the world of Jesus with all five senses! We leave the old city to walk through calm pastoral fields to Zippori National Park to visit the archeological ruins in the Galilee at the time of Jesus. We admire the exquisite Byzantine mosaics, drink in the view from atop the Crusader fortress, and take a stroll through the ancient cistern system. We walk through the villages of Mashhad and Cana, traditional site of Jesus’ first miracle. This evening we visit the Orthodox and Catholic churches commemorating the water to wine miracle. Eat a home-cooked meal with our hosts. Today’s walk is 13.5 km /8.4 miles. (B, D)

Day 4: Saturday, October 31, 2015: Cana/ Kibbutz Lavi After a hearty breakfast we depart Cana and walk along a forest ridge with peaceful valley views. Stop for a break in a pleasantly shaded forest. We visit a nearby ancient Roman road (5 min from route), part of the Via Maris and Mediterranean connection to the Sea of Galilee. Travel by motor coach to Kibbutz Lavi, with dinner and overnight. Today’s walk is 14.4 km/ 8.9 miles. (B, D)

Day 5: Sunday, November 1, 2015: Kibbutz Lavi/ Moshav Arbel We travel by motor coach after breakfast to the foot of the Hors of Hattin–a volcanic structure. Here we have our first glimpse of the Sea of Galilee and sweeping views into Arbel Valley. We continue down the rocky hillside to Nebi Shu’ eib, the holiest shrine for the Druze religion. Visit the tomb of Jethro, father-in-law of Moses. After lunch, continue on the trail through Arbel Valley, past ancient olive groves and the ruins of Hattin village. Dinner and overnight in Moshav Arbel. Today’s walk is 16.1 km/ 10 miles. (B, D)

Day 6: Monday, November 2, 2015: Moshav Arbel/ Capernaum/ Ginosar This morning we continue to Capernaum, experiencing the stunning morning light from Arbel Cliffs. We descend the trail down the mount, passing ancient cliff dwellings and caves. Drink from the fresh spring at Wadi Hamam before continuing to Tabgha, traversing rolling agricultural land. Here we explore the mosaics, the traditional site of the feeding of the 5,000. Then we visit the Church of St. Peter and the Mount of Beatitudes, the traditional site of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. We finish our journey at Capernaum by wandering the ruins of the city that was the center of Jesus’ ministry, and spend a moment of prayer in the church built over the home of Simon Peter. Our motor coach will transport us to Ginosar, Sea of Galilee. Today’s walk is 16.8 km/ 10.4 miles. This evening we are joined by our fellow travelers for the start of the Logos "In the Footsteps of Jesus” tour. (B, D)

The Pilgrims of this walk will be eligible for the ‘Jesus Trail Certificate’ of Accomplishment. Stamps en route will be acquired as proof an official walk route. Important Note: The Jesus Trail walk is a physically demanding pilgrimage, a 61 km/ 38 miles walk on pavement, rugged and wooded countryside trails, and hills. To participate you must be in good physical shape and capable of the tour’s physical and psychological demands. Hiking and rain gear and willingness to walk in the rain are requirements. The average late October/ early November temperatures range from low 50s to high 70s with a possibility of rain. Day 1: Sunday, November 1, 2015: Los Angeles/ Tel Aviv We depart for Israel from the Los Angeles International Airport. Day 2: Monday, November 2, 2015: Tel Aviv/ Galilee We arrive at Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv and drive from the Mediterranean to the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Sitting 690 feet below sea level and flanked by mountains, the Sea of Galilee becomes our home for the next four nights as we check into Nof Ginosar, a kibbutz on the western shore. We meet those who participated in the pre-trip Jesus Trail for our welcome dinner. Then we can relax by the water's edge, watch the stars twinkle over the sea, and get a good night's sleep – for tomorrow is a BIG day! (D)

Day 3: Tuesday, November 3, 2015: Galilee We begin this very special day with devotions and a study session on the Mount of Beatitudes. When he was headquartered in Capernaum, Jesus would often go into the hills to pray, and in these hills we not only study the Sermon on the Mount, we spend an hour of private time in this place that Jesus loved so much. Mid-morning, we descend the hill to Capernaum. Sitting under the trees, we share the story of Jesus driving out the demon from the man who attended his teaching, and we picture the paralytic being lowered through Peter's roof, just 37 yards from where we sit. After an optional lunch of St. Peter's fish, we drive to the archaeological site of Bethsaida, the ancestral home of Peter and his brother Andrew, where we discuss daily village life during the time of Jesus and the historical and political environment in which he lived. (B, D)

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Day 4: Wednesday, November 4, 2015: Galilee We head north to the Upper Galilee to reach Dan, the northern border of Israel. We stroll along the Dan River, one of the headwaters of the Jordan River, reaching the site of ancient Dan with the remains of its altar for the golden calf, built by King Jeroboam in the tenth century BC, when the kingdoms of Israel and Judah split. After lunch, we visit Caesarea Philippi where Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do you say I am?” Before returning to Nof Ginosar, we ascend to view the snow-peaked Mount Hermon, probable site of the transfiguration. (B, D) Day 5: Thursday, November 5, 2015: Galilee This is a morning of leisure, perhaps strolling along the water's edge, taking pictures, writing in our journals, or spending private time in prayer. We will see a 2,000-year-old fishing boat, which once sailed the Sea of Galilee. After an optional lunch, we drive to the summit of the Arbel cliff for an unforgettable panoramic view of the Sea of Galilee, where we summarize Jesus’ Galilean ministry and explore the Jewish tradition in Galilee, which in Jesus’ day was a hotbed of Jewish creativity, new ideas and revolutionary thinking. At dusk we set sail on the Sea of Galilee in a replica first-century fishing boat. Under the stars, we tell the story of Jesus walking on the water and of his calming the storm, just two of many miracle stories associated with Galilee. After our boat ride, we head back to Nof Ginosar for dinner. (B, D)

Day 6: Friday, November 6, 2015: Galilee/ Jerusalem This morning we head south “up” to Jerusalem. Our first stop is Nazareth, where we visit the Church of the Annunciation, remembering the angel Gabriel's encounter with Mary. From there we move to "the brow of the hill" where an angry mob threatens to throw Jesus down the cliff (Luke 4:14-30). On "the brow of the hill" we have a magnificent view of the Jezreel Valley and Mount Tabor where Deborah and Barak defeat the Canaanites. After an optional lunch in the Jezreel Valley, we pass by Megiddo, seeing a “layer cake” of archeology – the evidence of civilization on top of civilization. Next is Caesarea, the deep-water port built by Herod the Great. Caesarea was the home of the Roman garrison and home of Pontius Pilate. We'll see the port itself, the remains of the hippodrome, Pilate's palace and the fully restored theater where Herod Agrippa (who executed James, the apostle John's brother) "was eaten by worms and died" (Acts 12:1-24). Leaving Caesarea, we drive up to Jerusalem. Before checking into our hotel, we stop for our first look at the city and celebrate with a prayer and traditional bread and wine. (B, D)

Day 7: Saturday, November 7, 2015: Jerusalem We begin our Jerusalem pilgrimage on the Mount of Olives at Dominus Flevit, where we look directly across to the Temple Mount with a breathtaking view of the Dome of the Rock, Islam's third holiest site. Here we teach about messianic expectations of the time, and we walk down the path that Jesus took when he entered the city on Palm Sunday. Halfway down the hill we reach the Garden of Gethsemane where we discuss Jesus’ initial popularity and ultimate rejection, leading to his trial and crucifixion. Then we visit the Church of All Nations. After an optional lunch we enter the Old City through the Damascus Gate and follow Jesus along the Via Dolorosa, or the Way of the Cross. Not a quiet devotional time, the "Way of the Cross" takes us through busy markets, crowds of people and marked indifference. We smell the marketplace and the crowds as we proceed station-by-station to Golgotha. After our visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, we try our hand at bargaining for olive wood and other items in the colorful market. In late afternoon, we head back to our hotel for dinner. (B, D)

Day 8: Sunday, November 8, 2015: Jerusalem Today we begin with a stroll through the Jewish Quarter and a visit to the Western Wall, (or the "Wailing Wall"), the holiest site in Judaism. Here we join the men and women of Jerusalem as they offer prayers to God. Be sure to have your own prayers ready for this very special place. As Solomon says in 2 Chronicles 6:32-33, "As for the foreigner who does not belong to your people Israel, but who has come from a distant land because of your great name and your mighty hand and your out-stretched arm – when he comes and prays toward this temple, then hear from heaven, your dwelling place, and do whatever the foreigner asks of you.” After our optional lunch in the Old City, we visit to the Israel Museum/Shrine of the Book/Jerusalem Model. Finishing the Museum, we go back to the hotel. The rest of the day and evening are at leisure. (B, D)

Day 9: Monday, November 9, 2015: Jerusalem This morning we tour the southern steps excavations, where we watch the film at the guest center and explore the excavations. We stroll through the Old City, stopping for falafels along the way. After an optional lunch we visit the Garden Tomb, one possible site for the tomb of Jesus, and one which gives us a good idea of what Jesus’ tomb looked like. Here, we with have an ecumenical service in the garden. Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem. (B, D).

Day 10: Tuesday, November 10, 2015: Jerusalem – Ein Gedi/ Masada/ Dead Sea/Qumran We depart Jerusalem and descend to the Dead Sea, the lowest place on earth, arriving at Ein Gedi, a lush oasis, which serves as David's hideout when he is on the run from King Saul. Here we retell the story of David sparing Saul's life (1 Samuel 24) and we hike up the dead-end canyon to a beautiful waterfall. If we're lucky, we'll see the ibex mentioned in scripture, and the conies that live among the rocks. Next, we visit Masada, where the Jews make their last stand against the Romans after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. We ride the cable car to the top of the fortress built by Herod, explore the archeology, and enjoy a panoramic view of the Dead Sea framed by the mountains of Moab to the east. We will stop for lunch and have time to float in the Dead Sea. Our last stop today is at Qumran, a retreat center of the Essenes who were copying the Dead Sea Scrolls. We return to Jerusalem for dinner and overnight. (B, D)

Day 11: Wednesday, November 11, 2015: Jerusalem/ Tel Aviv Today is at leisure. This evening, we come together for our farewell dinner celebration. After dinner, we make our way to the Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, where we board our flights back to the United States. (B, D)

Day 12: Thursday, November 12, 2015: Arrive Los Angeles We arrive home in Los Angeles. Never again will we read the Bible in black & white; now we will read it in living color and Dolby® sound!

Note: The sequence in which sights are visited may be adjusted and is subject to change by Dr. Creasy. While we do our very best at making sure all items listed in your itinerary are included, there are times when conditions beyond our control affect your program/itinerary, including but not limited to air carrier changes, delays, weather, political climate, time constraints, or changes by your tour leader and tour guide.

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Mail your Registration Form to: Executours 1901 Ave of the Stars #460 / Los Angeles, CA 90067

Phone: 310-552-0786 / Fax: 310-552-2622 or E-mail: [email protected] CST# 2002434-40

INCLUDED IN PRICE: $5499.00 including round-trip airfare, US & Int’l. Total airline taxes and fuel charges of $700.00 (subject to increase by airline up to 30 days prior to departure). These taxes include Federal inspection fees for the U.S. Customs and Immigrations; international air transportation tax; agricultural tax; other per person taxes imposed by government entities; airport taxes and fees including the September 11th Security fee up to $10 per person, passenger facility charges up to $18 per person, federal domestic flight segment fees up to $3.50 per segment and U.S. and International arrival and departure, and other government imposed fees up to $300 per person. Also included are gratuities of $150 to your tour guide, local host, driver, local guides, Deluxe Motor coaches, First class hotels, Guided sightseeing, Entrance fees to sites visited, Breakfast & Dinner daily. LAND ONLY RATE: $4399.00 per person. Prices based on a minimum group size of 31+. NOT INCLUDED IN PRICE: 1) Optional Travel Insurance Program; 2) Miscellaneous fees and personal expenses such as Individual Transfers; Passports, Laundry, Beverages at All Meals; 3) LUNCHES; 4) Meals not listed as Included Above, Excess Baggage and Items of a Personal Nature; 5) Fuel Surcharges which may be imposed by airlines and other suppliers. If applicable, fuel surcharge will be paid by the passengers; 6) Any increase in taxes and fees imposed after printing of brochure; 7) Airline baggage/carryon charges; and 8) Any other items not listed above as included. PAYMENT: $500 per person is required at registration. Only the deposit may be charged to your credit card. Final payment for trip, including optional insurance premium if applicable, is due by July 20, 2015 and must be paid by check (to help keep trip prices reasonable). Registrations received on or after July 20, 2015 must be accompanied by full

payment. Thereafter, a late payment fee of $95 will be assessed. imagine reserves the right to add a surcharge if the dollar declines by more than 2% against the Israel Shekel on foreign exchange rates in effect on July 18, 2013. ACCOMMODATIONS: Price is based on double occupancy. When available, single rooms/

cabins are often smaller than doubles. While imagine will try to match roommates, we cannot guarantee one will be available. Roommates may be assigned as late as 35 days prior to departure and, if one is not available or if you request a single, the following single supplement charges apply: $1149.00 for basic 12-Day Program. ITINERARY and CHANGES: Because airlines often change flight schedules after brochures

are printed, imagine reserves the right to shorten or lengthen the itinerary accordingly and, whenever possible, you will be notified in writing. If itinerary changes necessitate extra overnights, you will be charged $185 per night/per person; single rooms $220 per night. Meals for extra night not included.

imagine and the trip leader reserve the right to adjust or change arrangements or to eliminate, shorten, or limit certain aspects of the itinerary as circumstances warrant in their

judgment. imagine also reserves the right to cancel this trip in its sole discretion if minimum no. of 31 paid passengers is not met.

AIRLINE TICKETS: In order to keep prices low, imagine does not guarantee the most direct routing to your final destination. Once issued, airline tickets cannot be changed or refunded thereafter. Air transportation to/from your destination will be economy class aboard IATA and ARC carriers utilizing non-refundable, non-amendable tickets for groups of 10 or more flying together for entire itinerary. Air transportation currently is expected to be on Delta and AirFrance but we reserve the right to change or substitute air carrier(s) in our discretion.

VISAS: Applicable visas will be obtained by imagine for US and Canadian Citizens only. All passengers who do not carry US Passports will be responsible for obtaining visas to the

countries they are visiting, imagine is not responsible for non US & Canadian Passport holders. FLIGHT TIMES: All flight times are subject to change by the airlines without advance

notice. imagine is not responsible for such changes or delays and does not reimburse expenses resulting from such delays. If making own flight arrangements to departure city, we recommend you purchase a ticket which can be changed without large penalties. CANCELLATION FEES: From day of registration, until July 20, 2015 is $350 per person for trip/$150 per person for pre-trip; July 21, 2015 –Aug. 24, 2015 is $500 per person for trip/$250 per person for pre-trip; Aug. 25-Sept. 28, 2015 is 75% per person; and on/after Sept.29, 2015 is 100% total tour cost (no refund). Cancellations must be received in writing to be effective. On or after day of departure, no refund for any services not used. If final payment is not received by July 20, 2015 we reserve the right to cancel your registration and refund your payment, less the applicable cancellation fee. Executours recommends you purchase a travel protection plan. Coverage includes Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Trip Delay, Baggage Delay and much more. Based on a tour price of $5499.00, the estimated cost of the Travel Protection Plan is $449.00 To view a copy of the Description of Coverage for the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions of the plan by visiting our website at PASSPORT: Each passenger is responsible for making sure that they have a valid passport that has an expiration date valid six months after the date of return from their trip. RIGHT TO CHANGE TRIP LEADER: Should Dr. Bill Creasy be unable to lead all/part of the trip for any reason, another trip leader may be substituted in his place without notice. There will be no refunds or credits.

STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY: imagine Tours and Travel, LLC (hereafter referred to as

imagine) and its associated companies agree to provide the itinerary described in this brochure and this represents the entire agreement between the passenger and his agent, the travel agent, the tour host, and the tour operator. All prices, itineraries and schedules are subject to regulations and changes thereof by acts of Government, International agreement and Airline

tariff adjustments, rules and regulations. imagine reserves the right to refuse or revoke travel to

anyone who is, in the sole judgment of imagine, incapable of group travel or who may interfere with trip operations or the enjoyment of the trip by fellow passengers. Except for the willful negligence of its direct employees, the tour operator assumes no liability or responsibility for any injuries, inconveniences, illness, irregularity or incidental damages occasioned by circumstances beyond the control of the tour operator, or by any person or reason whatsoever, including but not limited to events such as strikes, revolts, wars, natural disasters, closures of airports or hotel, force majeure, default or omission of any common or private carrier or the default, negligence, or omission of and by any third party providing services or facilities related to or included in this tour or any part thereof, or in arranging for the same, or the acts or omissions of the travel agent or the tour host. Enrollment in and payment for the tour, constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions, including the statement of responsibility and release of liability. The terms and conditions become a binding contract where your enrollment and payment are

received and accepted by imagine. Florida law will be applicable to any dispute which

arises out of/or concerns regarding this brochure or your tour. imagine Tours & Travel, LLC., is registered with the State of Florida as a Seller of Travel. Registration No. ST36635 RELEASE OF LIABILITY: You represent you are fit to participate in this tour and accept all risks to your safety and health. All travel involves risks, and travel to some countries, including Israel, involves a heightened risk to your health and safety, including risks from terrorism, criminal acts, and illness. You understand and freely accept these risks, and you generally and specifically

release and hold harmless imagine, Logos Bile Study and Executours Travel and their officers, agents and employees from any liability and any claims for (i) any physical, mental, emotional or other injuries whatsoever that you may sustain related to this tour; (ii) delays, damages, illness, injuries or death, or for the loss of or damage to property, from any cause (including negligence) and however occurring; (iii) any accident, illness, injury, damage, sickness, loss of personal property, delay, or other Injury or claim of any kind related to or arising from flight delays or cancellations, delays or disruptions of the itinerary (including changes or modifications by

imagine or the trip leader), strikes, armed conflicts, social or labor unrest or strikes/work stoppages, war or acts of war, terrorism or terrorist acts, acts of God, mechanical or construction failures or difficulties, diseases, local laws or acts of local or government authorities, criminal acts, weather or climatic conditions, volcanic eruption, earthquake, disruption of advertised schedules, refusal of visas, or any similar causes; and (iv) any and all other causes beyond their direct control.

Insurance is offered through Executours and is not handled by imagine Tour & Travel

Executours is not an insurance agent or broker and cannot answer questions or provide advice concerning coverage or technical questions about the travel insurance.

Travelex 360° Group Travel Protection Plan Benefit Amounts per person Comprehensive Plan Benefits (up to limits shown below) Trip Cancellation. . . . . . . . . . . . ………………………...……………………..Up to 100% of Trip Cost Trip Interruption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………...………………………Up to 150% of Trip Cost Trip Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………………………………………….$1,000 Missed Cruise Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……....……………..………………….. $1,000 Emergency Medical Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………….…………………………………...$50,000 Emergency Medical Evacuation / Repatriation ……………...…………………….. . …….. . $250,000 Baggage and Baggage Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……….…………………….…….$1,500 / $250 AD&D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……..……………………………….….$25,000 24 Hour Travel Assistance & Concierge Services*…………….……………….………..……..Included *Assistance Services are provided by Travelex’s designated provider This is a partial description of benefits. For a summary of coverages, benefits, limitations and exclusions of the insurance plan, please refer to the Description of Coverage or for a complete listing of terms and condi-tions refer to the Group Certificate/Individual Policy. This plan provides insurance coverage for your trip that applies only during the covered trip. You may have coverage from other sources that provides you with similar benefits but may be subject to different restrictions depending upon your other coverages. You may wish to compare the terms of this policy with your existing life, health, home and automobile policies. If you have any questions about your current coverage, call your insurer, insurance agent or broker. The pur-chase of this plan is not required in order to purchase any other travel product or service offered to you by your travel retailers. California Residents: California Insurance Department: Toll free consumer hotline is 1-800-927-7357. Travelex CA Agency License #0D10209. Travel Insurance is underwritten by Stonebridge Casualty Insurance Company, a Transamerica company, Columbus, OH; NAIC #10952
