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  1. 1. What is History?
  2. 2. Bill of Rights Think about the normal things you do each day like: Reading a newspaper Attending church Talking to friends Attending concerts
  3. 3. Bill of Rights Amendment 1 of
  4. 4. Rel - P
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  7. 7. Bill of Rights Amendment 2
  8. 8. Bill of Rights Amendment 3
  9. 9. Were George Washington and Alexander Hamilton so alike, or did John Adams get it right?
  10. 10. Who were the leading Federalists? George Washington 1st President Alexander Hamilton 1st Sec. of the Treasury Robert Morris Superintendent of Finance
  11. 11. Who were the leading Democratic-Republicans? Thomas Jefferson Third President James Madison Fourth President
  12. 12. Why did they see things differently? George Washingtons Mount Vernon
  13. 13. Alexander Hamiltons house in New York
  14. 14. Robert Morriss home in Philadelphia
  15. 15. Thomas Jeffersons Monticello
  16. 16. James Madisons Montpelier
  17. 17. What was different? Washington was Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army for the duration of the Revolutionary War. Alexander Hamilton was Washingtons chief aide for four years during the war. Robert Morris was the Superintendent of Finance from 1781-1784. Thomas Jefferson served as Governor of Virginia 1779- 1781. James Madison was a delegate to Continental Congress 1780-1783.
  18. 18. British General William Howe threatens Philadelphia from the South. Brandywine September 11, 1777
  19. 19. Valley Forge Washington and Hamilton Winter of 1777-1778
  20. 20. The Continental Army and the French close in on General Cornwallis at Yorktown. The Assault of Redoubt #10 led by Alexander Hamilton October 1781.
  21. 21. The Cost of the War By 1781 Morris estimated states would have to pay $8,000,000 per year. $2,000,000 due per quarter. First payment due on April 1, 1782. First payment was received from New Jersey in May: $5,500. September totals: $125,000 received from states. The Articles of Confederation. Weak or Strong? Treaty of Paris September 3, 1783. The total war debt: $151,000,000. National: $37,000,000. State: $114,000,000. Creditors: France, Netherlands, and U.S. Citizens.
