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Skeletal Physiology

What does the street know?

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The game is where our host goes on the streets and ask question to see what the people know. Some people know almost everything to the question while other can’t even get the slightest bit right.

This episode is over skeletal physiology there are many different questions over this topic. Now lets get started. Lets see how many people can get these right.

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Game host: You Sir, yes you, do you want to take part in our game called, What does the Street know?Sir: While yes I’d love to take part in this game.Host: Alright then, this topic is over Anatomy. Can you list the four types of bones and give examples of each?Sir: Well I can tell you that there are Long bones and Short but on the other two I am completely clueless.Host: You are correct on two of them but can you name examples for the long and short bones?Sir: Well for Long bone I know for sure would be the femur. As for the short bone the knee?Host: Very good on the long bone yes. But for the Short bone it would be the wrist or ankle bones.Sir: Oh darn, well do you mind telling me the other two times of bones and examples?Host: Of course, the other two types of bones are Flat bones and irregular bones. Examples for each would be Shoulder blades for flat and for irregular would be the facial bones.Sir: Yeah there would have been no way I would have ever got that right.Host: Well thank you Sir for joining us on What Does the Street Know?

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Game host: Hello ma’am thank you for joining the game What Does the Street Know? Today we are going to test your anatomy.Ma’am: Oh no, guess I got to go way back to high school to see if I remember any of this. But bring it on!Host: That’s the sprit okay here we go, what are the six major structures of a typical long bone?Ma’am: well I know that an example of the long bone would be the tibia. Oh one major structure would be the medullary cavity, which is where the marrow is in the bone.Host: Very good that is one of the structures.Ma’am: Also the Articular cartilage, which is cartilage that covers the joints on the bone. The Epiphyses is also one it is one the ends of the long bone space for joints. But that is all I can tell I have no idea what the other three would be.Host: well Ma’am you have done wonderful! The other three are, diaphysis; which is used to support weight, periosteum; which is where cells are forming and blood vessels are. And last but no least Endosperm a thin membrane that lines medullary cavity.Ma’am: well dang I would have got the last one right if I really thought about it. But thank you for including me your game.Host: No thank you for joining me today on the game What Does the Street Know.

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Host: Do you know what the bone matrix is compromised of?American: Inorganic salts and organic matrix.Host: Yes!! Inorganic salts are the minerals in the bone. The hardness of the bone results from the deposition of calcium and phosphate through a process called calcification. Other minerals found in the bone are magnesium, sodium, sulfate, and fluoride. The organic matrix is compromised of collagenous fibers and amorphous mixture of protein and polysaccharides called ground substance. It supports the bone and provides adhesion between cellular metabolic functions for growth, repair, and remodeling. Chondroitin sulfate is a compound called glycosaminoglycan. Chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine work together to repair and maintain bone and cartilage. The components help with strength and add some plastic-like resistance to stress.

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Me: What is the Haversian System?American: Lamellae, lacunae, canaliculi, and the haversian canal.Me: Yes!! Lamellae- Concentric, cylinder shaped layers of calcified matrixLacunae- small spaces containing tissue fluid in which bone cells lie imprisoned between the hard layers of the lamellaeCanaliculi- ultra small canals radiating in all directions from the lacunae and connecting them to each other and into a larger canal, the Haversian CanalHaversian Canal- extends lengthwise through the center of each haversian system; contains blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves from the Haversian canal; nutrients and oxygen move through the canal to the lacunae and their bone cells- a short distance of about .1 mm or less

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Me: What are the 5 joints of the body?Person: Uhm....the elbow, the leg, your neck, your wrist, and your hip?Me: Nope, they are the: Hinge, Ball and Socket, Pivot, Saddle, and Gliding joints.

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PIVOT JOINTMe: What kind of joint is this?Person: A circle joint?Me: No, it’s the pivot joint. Do you know where it is located? Person: Pivot means turn, so I’m guessing in your neck?Me: Right!!

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Me: Can you name this joint of the body?Person: Ball and Socket?Me: No, it is actually the Hinge joint.Person: Oh, so like the ones in your elbows?Me: Exactly! Who taught you that?Person: Coach Gatlin

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Me: Where is the Ball and Socket joint found in the body?Person: The Hip?Me: Correct!! What kind of movement does it provide?Person: Rotational movement?Me: Exactly!!

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Me: Give me 2 examples of gliding joints in the body?Person: I don’t even know what that is.Me: A gliding joint is one that glides in any direction, for example your wrist and ankles

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Me: Can you tell me where the only saddle joint is in the body?Person: uhm…your knee?Me: That’s a good guess, but no because even though it acts like one, it isn’t directly attached to your bones.Person: So where is it?Me: In your thumb

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Answer: While many people believe that a fracture is a "hairline break," or a

certain type of broken bone, this is not true. A fracture and a broken bone are

the same thing!

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Both of these words mean that the normal bone architecture has been disrupted. This does not imply a certain type of treatment, but in general, bones heal best when immobilized. Therefore treatment often involves casting of the broken bone (or fracture) and may require surgery to fix the bone into place

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THE STEPS OF BONE REPAIRThe fracture occursThey are described by the direction of the fractureTransverse- perpendicular to the long axis of the bone Diagonal- caused by a force in the same direction as the long axis of the boneLongitudinal- along the long axis of the boneSpiral- a twisting or winding fractureBy the relationship of the fragmentsDisplacementAngulationShorteningrotation

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By the number of fragmentsBy the communication with the atmosphereThe formation of fracture hematoma (mass of clotted blood) at fracture site. Tissure aroud the fracture site swells, very painful, obvious inflammation, bone cells begin to die. Callus formationNote that the fibrocartilaginous callus serves to splint the fracture. 3. Bony callus begins forming after 3 to 4 weeks after injury and is prominent 2 to 3 months following the injury. Continued migration and multiplying of osteoblasts and osteocytes results in the fibrocartilaginous callus turning into a bony callus. 4. Remoldeling. Any excess material of the bony callus is removed and compact bone is laid down in order to reconstruct the shaft. Remoldeling is the final stage. Bone remodeling complete

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Answer: No, a baby has partial bones, and the rest of their skeletal structure is cartilage and other connective tissues.

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Bone marrow- is a soft spongy tissue found inside the bones. The bone marrow in the hips, breast bone, spine, ribs, and skull contain cells that produce the body's blood cells. The bone marrow is responsible for the development and storage of most of the body's blood cells.

Bone marrow transplantation- is a special therapy for patients with certain cancers. A bone marrow transplant involves taking cells that are normally found in the bone marrow (stem cells), filtering those cells, and giving them back either to the patient or to another person. The goal of BMT is to transfuse healthy bone marrow cells into a person after their own unhealthy bone marrow has been eliminated.

Osteoporosis- a disorder in which the bones become increasingly porous, brittle, and subject to fracture, owing to loss of calcium and other mineral components, sometimes resulting in pain, decreased height, and skeletal deformities: common in older persons, primarily postmenopausal women, but also associated with long-term steroid therapy and certain endocrine disorders.

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The epiphyseal plate is an area at the long end of the bone which contains growing bone. As people develop, the bone grows longer as a result of activity inside the epiphyseal plate, allowing them to grow taller. These growth plates permit growth after birth, allowing the long bones of the body to extend as someone reaches maturity. It’s because they are still growing.

Skeletal framework- Beginning at around age 35 in both men and women, calcium is lost and bones become less dense. This can result in osteoporosis and a reduction of weight bearing capacity, leading to the possibility of spontaneous fracture. Thinning of the vertebrae also results in a reduction in height. In addition, the vertebrae calcify, resulting in postural changes and increasing rigidity, making bending difficult. The joints also undergo changes.

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ME: Compare the mechanism of growth in bone and cartilage! AMERICAN: That’s a hard question. ME: Well most bones are formed through the process of endochondral

ossification, which means formed in cartilage and cartilage is formed in two ways, interstitial growth and appositional growth.

AMERICAN: Yeah. I would have never known that…

ME: Compare the classification of joints according to structure and function! AMERICAN: I have no idea… ME: Structural classifications- joints are named according to the type of tissue

that joins the bones together (fibrous or cartilaginous) and the presence of fluid in the joint capsule (synovial)

Functional classification- joints are named according to the degree of movement allowed (synarthroses- immovable joint, amphiarthroses- slightly movable, diarthroses- freely movable).

AMERICAN: Oh! Well you learn something new every day!

Syndesmoses joints connect two bones and some movement is possible. Sutures are only found in the skull, the bones of the skull interlock with a thin

layer of fibrous tissue. Gomphoses are found at the root of the

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ME: What are the three major types of cells found in the body? AMERICAN: OSTEOCLASTS are large cells that have more than one nucleus that

dissolve the bone. OSTEOBLASTS are cells that have one nucleus that build new bone

called osteoid. It is made of bone collagen and other protein. Osteoblasts control calcium and minerals.

OSTEOCYTES are found inside the bone. Osteoblasts can turn into osteocytes when new bone is being formed.

ME: What are the five homeostatic functions of the bone? AMERICAN: Support, protection, movement, storage, and blood cell


ME: Compare and contrast the development of intramembranous and endochonondral bone!

AMERICAN: Intramembranous bones are flat and endochonondral bones are short, long, and irregular.

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Q; How many types of bones are there? A: 4 Q: What are the types of bones called? A: Long, Short, Flat, and Irregular Long: extended longitudinal axes and oddly shaped ends that are

constructed to work with the coinciding bones to perform a specific movement (humerus)

Short: cube or box-shaped structures about as broad as they are long (carpals and tarsals)

Flat: broad and thin with a flat and slightly curved surface (scapula) Irregular: clustered in groups and come out in various sizes and shapes

(vertebra) Parts of the bone: Diaphysis- the shaft of the bone, cylindrical and hollow,

crates structural support Epiphyses-the ends of, or bulky parts of the bone. It provides structure for

muscle to connect to, and gives stability to joints. Made of cancellous or spongy bone(bone with small spaces in it) red marrow fills the holes in it

Articular cartilage- hyaline cartilage that covers joint surfaces. Resiliency helps absorb shock

Periosteum- white, fibrous bone that covers bone accept at joint surfaces, penetrating the underlying bone for extra support. Depending on its location, either creates or destroys bone cells, important for bone cell survival….medullary- (marrow cavity) hollow space in the bone filled with connective tissue and fat known as yellow marrow….endosteum- thin epithelial membrane that lies in the hollow part of the bone

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Q: What type of bone covers joints? A: Hayline Cartilage Q: Which cartilage is considered Articular Cartilage? A: Hayline Cartilage Hyaline- hyaline cartilage is found covering the articular surfaces of

bones in synovial joints. Here, it reduces friction and acts as shock-absorbing tissue. Hyaline cartilage also forms the costal cartilages where ribs attach to the sternum and is the precursor to bone in most of the embryonic skeleton.

Elastic- Elastic cartilage has a preponderance of dark-staining elastic fibers embedded in ground substance. Perichondreum is typically found around elastic cartilage. Elastic cartilage is found in the epiglottis, and ear lobes where needs dictate supportive tissues possess elasticity.

Fibrocartilage- Fibrocartilage (fibrous) is a type of cartilage that contains fine collagen fibers arranged in layered arrays. In contrast to the very uniform appearance of hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage possesses a more open or spongy architecture with gaps between lacunae and collagen fiber bundles. It is this open spongy structure that makes fibrocartilage a good shock-absorbing material in the pubic symphysis and intervertebral disks