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Welcome to my individual presentation

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I’m Md Anisur Rahman Id: M21331111043 Batch & Section: 32nd (A) Program: BBA Dept. DBA

Topic:Introduction to International Business Management

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Definition of IBM (International Business Management)

From Meaning ;

IBM means doing business across the boundary to earn profit legally. in another sense, it is the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling to earn profits by doing across the border transactions legally.

From Elaborately;

Very simply, IB refers to business transactions crossing national borders at any stage of transaction.

It refers to all business activities which involve cross borer transaction of goods and services and resources between two or more nations.

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Characteristics of Traditional & Modern Economy

1. Traditional Economy

A traditional economy is defined by three characteristics:

I. It is based on agriculture, fishing, hunting, gathering or some combination of the above.II. It is guided by traditions.III. It may use barter instead of money.

In the another sense….

Trade was limited into country border. Distance way large.

Barriers were still there like 60-80%

Traditional Economy

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2. Modern Economy Advances in technology. Lower transportation costs. Rise in skilled workers. Barriers are reducing day by day and so on.


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In today’s interdependent global economy, An American might drive in a car designed in Germany that

was assembled in by Mexico Ford from components made in the United States and japan that were

fabricated from Korean steel and Malaysian rubber. She may have filled the car with gasoline at a BP

service station owned by a British multinational company. The gasoline could have made from oil

pumped out of a well off the cost of Africa by a French oil company that transported it to the United

States a ship owned by a Greek shipping line.

This is the world where we live. It is a world where the volume of goods, services And investment crossing

the national borders has expanded faster than world output for more than half a century. It is a world

where over 4 trillion in foreign exchange transactions are made every day where 15 trillion of goods and

3.7 trillions of services are sold across the national borders.

Example Of Interdependent Global Economy

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Simple Meaning:

Globalization is the thing through which the economy changes are measured and this is called globalization. Elaborately Meaning:

As used in a book Globalization refers to the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent economy.

Globalization (or globalization) is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture.

According to Cambridge Dictionary; A situation in which available goods and services, or social and cultural influences, gradually become similar in all parts of the world.

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1.Globalizations of MarketsDefinition: Generally we know that market is the actual and potential customers needs and

wants. Globalizations of markets Marketing globalization is a synergistic term combining the promotion and selling of goods and services with an increasingly interdependent and integrated global economy. It makes companies stateless, without walls, with the Internet an integral marketing and cultural tool.


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2.Globalizations of ProductionDefinition: Generally we know production is the process of transforming

input(Raw Materials) into output (Finished product) may be called as productions. Globalization of production refers to the "sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production like land, labor, and capital’’


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