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Page 1: Presentation on graphic art

Graphic Design Style

Page 2: Presentation on graphic art







Page 3: Presentation on graphic art


Punk: Punk is a loud, fast-moving, and aggressive form of rock music, popular in the late 1970s.

Urban: Urban graphic is an art relating to, or the characteristic of a town or city.

Cartoon: a simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in a humorously exaggerated way

Pop-Art: Pop art is art based on modern popular culture and the mass media, especially as a critical or ironic comment on traditional fine art values.

Op-art: a form of abstract art that gives the illusion of movement by the precise use of pattern and colour, or in which conflicting patterns emerge and overlap

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Punk• Dressed-down look of North

American hard core.• often short hairstyles

replaced the long-hair hippie look

• Loads of tattoos • Big heeled shoes• Black coloured lip sticks


• Bright colours • Usually done on walls• visual representation

of ideas and messages• Visual art• logos and branding• Painting


• Black and white• Optical illusions art • Swirling • Feeling of movement and

vibration• op art is one big perverted

shape-shifting tease

Pop-art• everyday imagery, and

vibrant block colours• Common sources of Pop

iconography were advertisements

• by bold, simple• popular culture• artistic movement that

marked an era from its birth during the middle of the last century

Cartoon• Big faces • drawing or painting• humorous illustrations in

magazines and newspapers

• It is referred to comic strips and animated films.

• two-dimensional illustrated visual art

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Action is a genre wherein physical action takes precedence in the storytelling. The film will often have continuous motion and action including physical stunts, chases, fights, battles, and races. The story usually revolves around a hero that has a goal, but is facing incredible odds to obtain it. Like these pictures at the top, these are all magazine front covers they are all associated with action a you case on the first magazine front cover the picture gives it all away that the magazine is about action as the character is holding a gun. The second one has cars on it so its about cars are cars are all about the action with in them well the good ones. The last two promote action films you know they are promoting action films as the first cover has a picture of man running in a forest and the second poster has two men and one holding a gun with animated skulls on the floor which is what you find in action movies .

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These are pictures as you can see for fashion these pictures are associated with fashion as they have the colour pink in the not only that but specific picture like the last one on the right shows ladies fashion because it is lipsticks which is known as fashion for ladies. Furthermore there is a picture of a girl wearing a stunning dress and holding a plastic doll, this is associated with fashion because of what dress she is wearing and the way she is posing.

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Fantasy is a genre of fiction that uses magic or other super natural elements as a main plot element, theme, or setting. Many works within the genre take place in imaginary worlds where magic and magic creatures are common. Fantasy is generally distinguished from the genres of science fiction and horror by the expectation that it steers clear of scientific and macabre themes. Like the first two pictures above these pictures look like real people but they are drawn out characters looking like humans. Also the third picture is a super natural element of lions and humans being able to do similar things and live together. Lastly the last picture shows a theme of robots being alive s humans these elements are all related by drawing them on paper.

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Sport are all forms of usually competitive physical activity or games which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing entertainment to participants. As you can see above that the first picture is of baseball results this is usually shown to on television to the audience this has been editing for the audience to keep track of the scores. The second picture is from an advert of baseball in America, they have used editing to make he person look bigger then the building around him. The third one is of the Olympics swimming at the bottom there is the name, the country flag and the distance and time the person took; this is all for the audience to know who the person is. Lastly the last picture is of a logo of Action4 sports, they have used media editing to make there logo for there show.

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Action film is a film genre in which one or more heroes are thrust into a series of challenges that typically include physical feats, extended fight scenes, violence, and frantic chases. Action films tend to feature a resourceful character struggling against incredible odds, which include life-threatening situations, a villain, or a pursuit which generally concludes in victory for the hero. All of these pictures above are associated with adventure as everyone knows INDIANA JOHNS is an adventure movie. The third one is a magazine font cover on women's adventure you can see this from the picture on the entire front cover it of a girl sky diving, which is adventurous. The other two pictures are about adventure as well you know this because spirtball has an exposition as its front cover so it informs the audience that's its an adventure as it has many types of aliens exploding out. The last picture says adventure on it so its clearly about adventure but the picture in the background enforces it’s a adventure as the picture is of a man trying to kill a clue fury.

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My poster has cartoon graphics.

Has a structure where you read from left to right.

Typeface used is minion pro this is because it attracts my target audience.

The colours I choose where aimed towards my target audience.

Has a structure of three columns.

Factual pictures used because I had taken them my self.

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Type ace used is bold and is capital letterers this attracts the audience and emphasis how important it is.

It has a structure of where you read from left to right.

Factual picture is used to show that it happens in real life is not just lies or jokes.

Logo’s this is important branding

Real life events.

The colours used are black and white they contrast very well because it attracts the audience’s attention.

Has a structure of one column only.

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Campaign against living miserably Navigation:

This is a navigation you press on these hyperlinks to direct you to a specific page.

Structure and grid: This is a grid structure as you can see on this screen shot that the have used a rid method to separate there points apart and pages. As you can also see that there is a main image of a man in the middle of the page; this shows hat there is something important about him and that something that will attract the audience.

Navigation:This is another type of navigation they have used, as you can see on each end of the sides there are arrows which you press click on to go back or forwards. Its like a small slideshow in the middle of the page.

Text and image choice: As you ca see from the print screen below that the images that this website have used are factual images, which create a positive affect towards the audience. Text wise as you can read they have used a very urban unique quote which makes the audience think and want to precipitate. Furthermore the colours they have use on the text attractive a lot because they have used white writing over red background which makes the writing stand out.

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Campaign against living miserably Dynamic contact, e.g.

animations, video, audio or live feeds.

This is a live news room column they have at the right side of their website this is where they post live new and also gets updated.

This will keep the audience updated about what the government and parliament are doing about what the campaign is about. They also have updates on up coming events to do with their campaign.

They also have a live tweets page, this generates more of a lively and active atmosphere.

Type and Typographics structure

This is a short animation explaining all about CALM by supporter Herries Anderton with drawings by Melissa Searle. Includes latest suicide figures compiled from 2014 statistics..

This is a sand serif typeface, because it is a serious campaign that’s why they have used sand serif typeface where as if it was about fashion they would of used a serif typeface. leads you to the homepage of the website:

This is a inline because it is underlined. This emphasis the fact that it is something important.

When you click on the underlined part it leads to another page which is like another link that talks more about that specific topic.

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TV CAMPAIGN ADVERTTiming and rhythm of motion Pace of motionCompositing-

This is called compositing because as you can see that most of the page is one picture but at the bottom it is separated which looks like a long column at the bottom. This is done because it related to what they are talking about in that part of the video.

This is a still image of what I wanted to show when this part of the video was showing it had a very slow motion to it; this was done to emphasis how hurt and unwell Louis is.

As you can see in the screen above it shows a tear rolling down Louis’s cheek then straight after there is the cancer UK page that comes up; this is done to show the audience that this campaign Children with cancer UK save children like Louis who have cancer to stop crying and help them fight cancer.

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TV CAMPAIGN ADVERTKeying Relating text and images to audio or sound Perspective, angle.

This shows Louis getting Chemo therapy for his cancer; this is related to the audio because in the audio it says ‘ He spent months in hospital having painful and intensive treatment’ this shows Louis in hospital getting his theory done, furthermore straight after this scene it shows Louis crying which relates to the fact the voice over explained that he was having painful and intensive treatment.

In this print screen you can see that Louis is crying and his mother is pushing him towards he shoulder to stop him from crying. It makes you feel emotional towards Louis because he’s upset and the only one person he’s got besides him is his mother.

This screen shot fades in after Louis gets his Chemo therapy done. This is very effective towards the audience as it gets shown straight after him getting his Chemo therapy which enforces the audience to give £3 a month to give young children like Louis so Children with cancer UK can treat more young children like him.

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The different features The same features

It has a structure of left to right reading

They both also have logo’s

They both use factual pictures

They both show real life events happening

They both use bold type face to get there point across

Poster has one picture where as the website had many pictures.

The poster has a one column structure where as the website has a grid structure.

The website has navigations the poster doesn't have any navigations.

The website has live tweets the poster doesn’t

Poster is on paper where as the website is on the internet