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grab  some  food  and  drinksnext  presenta2on  will  start  at



1Monday, September 29, 14

Welcome,Make yourself comfortable, the presentation will start in 5 minutes..

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Eveline  Brinkat  IJsfontein

Amsterdam,  2014


ACTION2Monday, September 29, 14

Welcome, I’m Eveline Brink.. Thank you all for coming in the next 30 minutes I will tell you more about my industrial assignment at IJsfontein in Amsterdam.I want to especially welcome my coach from IJsfontein: Naomi van Stelten.. also my coach from USI: Mark de Graaf and the second examinator: Panos Markopoulos..

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3Monday, September 29, 14

Before I get into action I first have a question to you:- please raise your hand if you ever heard about co-creation..Quiet some.. another question:- please raise your hand if you know exactly what is meant with co-creation.. can you describe it in one sentence?Cearly less.. thank you..

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4Monday, September 29, 14

To give you some action, some are sitting here already for three hours; I have a little exercise for you guys:you gonne experience a co-creation-ish session by yourself, right now.You get 4 minutes to create a concept: how to put your lipstick on in the future.. please divide yourself in team of 3 to 5, brainstorm together and come up with a concept in 4 minutes.You can use all the materials provided on the tables and here you can find all the information you need.Are there any questions? Everything is possible, as long as you are done within four minutes.

explore/create concept:how to put lipstick on in 2030?come up with an innovative experience..

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5Monday, September 29, 14

Okay, go..

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6Monday, September 29, 14

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12Monday, September 29, 14

just half a minute to go :)

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WHAT  HAPPENED?13Monday, September 29, 14

Okay, stop! Thank you all for your collaborative cooperation :)How did it go? Did you managed..

You can lay down all your brilliant ideas and for now keep it for yourself,It is more about the experience instead of the outcome..

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14Monday, September 29, 14

What just happened?

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I  need  more2me

I  am  not  an  expert

I  am  not  prepared!

how  to  tackle  this?

what  shouldwe  do?

this  is  not  my  cup  of  


why  am  I  doing  this?

I  can’t  predict  

the  future


15Monday, September 29, 14

You felt probably confused/puzzled, out of your comfort zone..had questions like.. why? how? what?But maybe you had some inspiring input, learned something new from others..

So why did I ask you to do this? Not just to wake you up ;)It will help you during the presentation to get a better understanding of what I am talking about..

Of course I made it on purpose shorter, more chaotic, to make a point ;)It will help you to feel the dilemma’s which I will discuss in this presentation.

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“is  co-­‐crea2onvaluable  for  IJsfontein?”



16Monday, September 29, 14

So back to my project, my goal of this presentation is to inform you about my industrial assignment:half a year ago I started at IJsfontein: a creative agency in Amsterdam..I mainly helped them with a couple of their projects; but we also created an overall goal for my internship:- IJsfontein asked me to invest if co-creation could help to improve their projects.In order to do so I used the projects I worked on to get insights and make conclusions. In this presentation I will show you this journey.

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17Monday, September 29, 14

During this presentation I will first explain what is meant with co-creation and what I mean with co-creation.

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18Monday, September 29, 14

Then I will explore the company IJsfontein, their culture..

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Then I will combine my insights to check if co-creation would be valuable for IJsfontein; why and how?

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I will end this presentation with conclusions.Please ask your questions at the end of this presentation.

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so first co-creation..

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22Monday, September 29, 14

what is co-creation?It means everything and nothing..It feels like the term is used randomly everywhere, everyone is talking about it, but what doet it mean..

A couple of people try to define it, but there is no overall accepted meaning for it (yet).Because there is no clear definition, it is widely spread out and hard to grab..

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23Monday, September 29, 14

When you look at the word: you have co and creation.

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most people agree that co stands for collaboration..but collaboration between who?

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most of them say you have a company (initiator) and the field.. the problem is that they are separated..they are designing a new experience for them..

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the company could collaborate with the user..they are expert of their own experience..

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but also with other stakeholders from the field,they could have a lot of insights about users, which they may even not have

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the client could be one of them or inbetween,..

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29Monday, September 29, 14

In order to optimize this collaboration people agree it is important to have facilitator..

So this is the complete picture about who could collaborate..

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30Monday, September 29, 14

But what is meant with collaboration?In the literature they have various things to say about this:some say just an online interview is collaboration, get awarness..others say users/client should share their insights.And the most extreme is engagement, user/client are owner of the project, they give input and make choices about the concepts..I would call this top collaboration: partly co-creation and the bottom more complete co-creation.

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31Monday, September 29, 14

But what is meant with collaboration?In the literature they have various things to say about this:some say just an online interview is collaboration, get awarness..others say users/client should share their insights.And the most extreme is engagement, user/client are owner of the project, they give input and make choices about the concepts..I would call this top collaboration: partly co-creation and the bottom more complete co-creation.

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32Monday, September 29, 14

So what is creation?What do you make? produce?What did you make during your lipstick adventure? concepts? ideas? or just gathered insights?

Again there are various answers when you look at the literature.Some say you collaborate to create value,others like Sanders say you literally make something with your hands..

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33Monday, September 29, 14

I throw them all on one pile,lights versions: just create awareness, get insights, stories..Or more abstract: get understand what are the latent needs, the meaning..Or create a relation with the client/user, which can be used as marketing tool..

A more concrete outcome could be that by using co-creation techniques you get ideas or conceptsMost of the time all this input is used to eventually create strategies.So again, one clear understanding about what is actually created is not defined..

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34Monday, September 29, 14

So why would you organize co-creative sessions?

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-­‐  Innova2ve-­‐  Quality-­‐  Fit  market-­‐  Save  2me/money

35Monday, September 29, 14

The benefits of this creative collaboration is that the outcome could be more innovative (fresh input)Also the quality of a project will increase: choices are not based on assumptions anymoreBy involving the field it will have a better fit with the complex market, you only design things that will have an added value on the marketAnd also because eventually co-creation could save time and money..?Even though it does not feel that way, but it is an investment..

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-­‐  Innova2ve-­‐  Quality-­‐  Fit  market-­‐  Save  2me/money

36Monday, September 29, 14

this graph is a bit exaggerated, but it clearly shows that a co-creation process has some extra costs in the beginning, but saves time and money when successfully done: [point]

This also shows the threats of co-creation:- invest in the beginning- feels like it makes less progress, see result late

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37Monday, September 29, 14

How co-creation looks like also depends on the context,

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-­‐  Strategy  development/explora2on-­‐  Innova2on  and  product  development-­‐  Organiza2onal  development-­‐  Change  management

38Monday, September 29, 14

When looking at the people who are talking about co-creation, different fields use co-creation:strategy, product, organization development or change management..even as just a marketing tool,.. It is used quiet broad..

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-­‐  Strategy  development/explora2on-­‐  Innova2on  and  product  development-­‐  Organiza2onal  development-­‐  Change  management

39Monday, September 29, 14

To focus my project, I only looked at co-creation in the context of innovation and product development.

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40Monday, September 29, 14

So who is using co-creation?

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41Monday, September 29, 14

Co-creation used to be more common in the academic field, but it spread out to the industry..Mostly consultancies implement co-creation at this moment, they are hired by companies to organize, execute co-creation sessions..Hot topic now..

I spoke with a couple of them..

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42Monday, September 29, 14

.. to see how the industry uses co-creation in the field..

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43Monday, September 29, 14

I post an online discussion about what it is.. It was a big hit, a lot of different responses..

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“most  companies  say  they  do  co-­‐crea2on,


YoungWorks“client  love  it..  it  is  hot  and  trending”  

WiEN-­‐s  Ontwerpschap:

“  I  prefer  to  call  it  co-­‐something”  

44Monday, September 29, 14

.. to see how the industry uses co-creation in the field.. the intensity of co-creation varyies in industry.. it is broadWina: so clearly showed how vague this area is, during the projects at IJsfontein I help with the implementation of sessions..YoungWorks:they clearly showed me that companies heard the news that co-creation could be of added value.. and showed how co-creation helps to improve the relation with the clients..TheCoCreators have a clear vision on what co-creation is, the take it extreme, it is an engagement..

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45Monday, September 29, 14

So, it is clearly that there is no clear understanding of the topic co-creation,to help IJsfontein, I decided to choose for myself what is meant with co-creation..

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46Monday, September 29, 14

I see co-creation as active involvement of a user and/or client, by using generative tools.

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47Monday, September 29, 14

what I mean with this I can easily illustrate by using the theory from Sanders (convivial toolbox)when you go for quality/innovation, deep understanding of the users needs should be gathered, that is quiet an challenge, and it helps to use generative sessions..

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48Monday, September 29, 14

Who should be involved in order to achieve this?My opinion is that the user or the client should be actively involved.have a minimal of one actively involved user/client

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-­‐  trust-­‐  prepare-­‐  flexible-­‐  facilitate-­‐  listen/open

49Monday, September 29, 14

so if you want to use co-creation like this, how to realise this,most important is to create them most optimal circumstances:build on a relationship, create trust..this is done by good preparation (yourself but also the peoples mind by a good warming up)adapt the tools to the situation, facilitate well,learn to listen, provide the right tools and ask the right questions

because like you experienced: you need to get out of your comfort zone,to gain access to those latent needs.

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50Monday, September 29, 14

How to do this in detail, many tools are online available..servicedesigntoolshcdconnectdesignwithpeople

Sanders made her own physical toolkits..

some call it: tools, methods, techniques

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51Monday, September 29, 14

So no you have hopefully a more clear understanding of what co-creation could mean..

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next: IJsfontein..

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53Monday, September 29, 14

Who is IJsfontein?The are a creative agency in Amsterdam (30-40), they have projects in the area of playful learning..They have a wide variation in what they do and make:

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54Monday, September 29, 14

Every project is tackled in a different way.. they have for instance education:Malmberg, create platform to make math exercises on primairy schools, this is a project of three years now..They also make more entertainment apps, for different ages, the Tumblies is for the really young once..But also they make training tools: ABCDE sim, a serious game for doctors to practice first aid protocolsNext to serious gaming and education, they also have interactive exhibitions, for in musea, but also as shown in the VEVA create interactive games/stands..

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55Monday, September 29, 14

They have big scrum projects, but also really small one, within just three weeks they made an app, VVN.. They often win awards?They have a wide variation in clients; some don’t know the users, others are the main experts for their target group,Beter in Bed is an app to help youngsters with a low self-esteem on their sexuality..The are open/transparent, share their insights.. as with conferences, APPril.. they have a good network..Lately IJsfontein is involving the user more often in the design process, create lab, perform user-tests..They even had already co-creation sessions, executed by an external agency..

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So, all these projects gave me insights in how IJsfontein works.. by interviewing the people I got a clear image how IJsfontein works..

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I summarized all the findings into this visual, focussing on three areas..

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The greenorange: challengeRed: points of improvement..

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So now you know the insights about co and IJs.

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is co-creation valuable for IJsfontein? In other words: is there future for IJsCo?

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Yes, it could be a good marriage.. but step by step..

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63Monday, September 29, 14

I propose to use a more co-creative approach, but to a certain extend..

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-­‐  mindset-­‐  facili2es-­‐  fit  their  goals

64Monday, September 29, 14

Why would they..It fits the IJsfontein culture,- most of them have the right mindset, they want to involve the user, improve the relation with the client- they have good facilities.. the only problem is the time/money agreement with the client, so the challenge will be to convince the client- it fit with their goals: more user-involvement, reflect during process on quality, share tools with eachother

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65Monday, September 29, 14

But now they know it fit, how to realize this at IJsfontein, because it asks for a change of approach

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nthe  IJsCo  toolkit:-­‐  introduce-­‐  set  goals-­‐  implement

66Monday, September 29, 14

To make sure co-creation has value, the way of implementing is really important.for that I create a proof of principle tool; the IJsCo toolkit.. If IJsfontein will implement this, it is important to first present this to the whole company, otherwise people will have the same mindset as you had during your experience early at this presentation.

After introducing it properly they have to set goals and then they should implement it

The toolkit contains three tools:- IJsProfile- IJsCube- IJsMenu

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67Monday, September 29, 14

The IJsProfile will help them to find if out of co-creation could help for a certain the beginning of a project they will use this form to analyze the client..

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68Monday, September 29, 14

a profile can look like this, and this will tell you how co-creation could help

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69Monday, September 29, 14

the IJscube will help to decide when who should be involved

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for example it could look like this..

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71Monday, September 29, 14

IJsMenu will help to choose the right co-creation technique.It will be a set of physical cards which can be easily explored..

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So this is a suggestion how it could be implemented at IJsfontein..

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-­‐  investment-­‐  done  well-­‐  understand-­‐  find  balance

73Monday, September 29, 14

Important  side  notes  are:

invest  (be  pa2ent,  build  on  rela2onships)done  well:  good  facilitator,  ambassadors  (should  be  able  to  nuance):  intern&extern  (wina)understand  why  and  know  howfind  balance  (outcome)

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74Monday, September 29, 14

So now you got insighs about..

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it’s time to wrap up..

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Conclusions from this project are, first of all, more concrete.. co-creation

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-­‐  no  clear  defini2on

-­‐  needs  to  be  done  well:

invest  &  facilitator

-­‐  trust-­‐  out  of  their  com

fort  zone

77Monday, September 29, 14

-­‐  no  clear  defini2on:  co-­‐crea2on  is  used  for  everything  and  nothing  at  the  same  2me-­‐  needs  to  be  done  well:       -­‐  invest:  co-­‐crea2on  is  an  investment  which  eventually  pays  back  on  the  end   -­‐  facilitator:  knowledge  and  skills,  look  at  co-­‐crea2on  more  nuanced,  be  sensi2ve.-­‐  trust:  building  on  a  rela2onship  with  the  client  is  of  high  importance-­‐  like  you  experienced  it  is  awkward  to  go  out  of  your  comfort  zone

You  experienced  how  a  co-­‐crea2on  sessions  shouldn’t  go..

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-­‐  no  clear  defini2on

-­‐  needs  to  be  done  well:

invest  &  facilitator

-­‐  trust-­‐  out  of  their  com

fort  zone

“an  approach  wherethe  users  and/or  clientis  ac2vely  involvedin  the  design  process”

78Monday, September 29, 14

For now I made my own definition for IJsfontein:an  approach  where  the  users  and/or  client  is  ac2vely  involved  in  the  design  process

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79Monday, September 29, 14

What did this project mean for IJsfontein:..

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-­‐  get  insights  co-­‐crea2on

-­‐  more  familiar

-­‐  co-­‐crea2on  more  nuanced

-­‐  get  concrete  advice

80Monday, September 29, 14

IJsfontein is glad with the results:

I gave them insights about the field of co-creationthey got more familiar with the term co-creationmade sure their view on co-creation is more nuanced (add gaduation and details) gave ijsfontein concrete advice how to implement co-creation at IJsfontein

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81Monday, September 29, 14

Did I succeed with my goal?

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is co-creation valuable for IJsfontein?

82Monday, September 29, 14

I answer their question:“is co-creation valuable for IJsfontein?”,answer is yes, but take little steps and to a certain extend.

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apply  co-­‐crea2on  at..

83Monday, September 29, 14

But maybe even more important is the insights we gained with this project on a more abstract level:about how co-creation will look like in the future..

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apply  co-­‐crea2on  at..

84Monday, September 29, 14

past: academiccurrent: consultancies, bring co to the industrynear future: early adapters (ijsfontein)future: co-creation everyday practice for normal companies..

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apply  co-­‐crea2on  at..

85Monday, September 29, 14

this was my presentation, I want to thank you for your attention and please feel free to ask any questions..