
PREPARING ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS-SCIENCE TEACHING SPECIALISTSAuthor(s): L. Diane MillerSource: The Arithmetic Teacher, Vol. 40, No. 4 (DECEMBER 1992), pp. 228-231Published by: National Council of Teachers of MathematicsStable URL: .

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L Diane Miller

Curriculum and Evaluation Stan- dards for School Mathematics "expresses the consensus of profes-

sionals in the mathematical sciences for the direction of school mathematics in the next decade" (NCTM 1989, vi). It represents a response to the call for reform in the teach- ing and learning of mathematics. As one familiar with the preparation of elementary school teachers examines the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards, a sense of doom pervades the otherwise enthusiastic atti- tude toward the reform represented by the document. Many practicing and prospec- tive teachers are not adequately prepared to meet the challenge of implementing the curriculum standards.

Everybody Counts (National Research Council 1989), a precursor to the Curricu- lum and Evaluation Standards (NCTM 1989), is a report of an examination of U.S. mathematics education from kindergarten through graduate study. It substantially documents a need to revitalize mathemat- ics and science education in the schools. Its section on teaching recognizes a problem inherent in implementing the curriculum standards at the elementary school level: "The United States is one of the few coun- tries in the world that continues to pre- tend - despite substantial evidence to the contrary - that elementary school teach- ers are able to teach all subjects equally well" (p. 64).

The NCTM's position statement Math- ematics Leaders in Elementary/ Middle Schools (March 1984) acknowledges that a key component of the improvement of

Diane Miller teaches at Texas Tech University, Lub- bock, TX 79409-1071. In addition to supporting the use of elementary mathematics-science teaching spe- cialists, she is interested in how teachers implement the mathematics curriculum and assess students understanding.


Specialists taught with concrete materials and discovery types of activities.

instruction in elementary and middle school mathematics is the provision of stronger mathematics leaders at individual schools. Dossey ( 1 984) reiterates the importance of employing mathematics specialists in our nation's elementary schools and encour- ages the mathematics and mathematics education community to speak out "with a loud voice to schools, teacher education institutions, and state agencies on the mer- its of, and need for, such teachers."

Let's not doom implementation of the standards to failure and place an unfair burden on experienced elementary school teachers by asking them to implement teach- ing strategies with which they are unfamil-

iar and introduce mathematical content for which they are inadequately prepared. It is time to identify people with special inter- ests in mathematics who are willing to continue their professional development toward becoming better prepared to teach the mathematics content outlined in the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards by using a student-centered, discovery-based approach.

The National Science Board Commis- sion on Precollege Education in Mathemat- ics, Science and Technology argued the case for using subject teaching specialists in Educating Americans for the Twenty- first Century (1983). An excerpt from the document (p. 8) suggests one model for imple- menting elementary-level specialization.

We hope the commission will encourage school systems to reassign interested teachers at the 4-6 grade level to become specialists at teaching math- ematics or other disciplines. One model might be a simple trade of classes between teachers with each teacher concentrating in areas of particular interest and competence. The needed changes in subject mat- ter emphasis will be much easier to effect if those actually teaching any subject are selected for their special interests and aptitudes. Special inservice train- ing programs should be developed for all such semi- specialized teachers, whatever their subject.


Lets identify special interest in


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Many elementary school teachers al- ready have the interest in, and enthusiasm for, subject specialization and are willing to continue their professional development toward filling the role of specialist through summer institutes. In mathematics, these institutes should be designed to address changes in pedagogy and to include both learning higher mathematics at an advanced level and revisiting the content of school mathematics (NCTM 1991, 169). Elemen- tary and middle school teachers of math- ematics "should know and understand mathematics substantially beyond that which they may be expected to teach, and they should have knowledge and compe- tence in the methods and techniques appro- priate for effectively teaching mathematics to elementary/middle school students" (NCTM 1984).

A Case Study An example of elementary school teachers '

willingness and enthusiasm for becoming content teaching specialists is seen in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Fourth- and fifth-grade teachers and principals in the East Baton Rouge Parish school system were surveyed to ascertain their agreement or disagree- ment with using subject teaching special- ists. About three-fourths of the 1 56 teachers responding believed that under suitable conditions of specially designed in-service training, a mathematics-science specialist would improve the quality of students' performance in the two subjects. The remainder were either undecided (24) or disagreed (11). About two-thirds of the teachers said they would consider volun- teering to become a mathematics-science teaching specialist. About one half of the teachers said they would consider committing themselves to a three-year professional-development project to be- come the mathematics-science teaching specialist for their grade level.

The teachers surveyed had been teach- ing at the fourth- and fifth-grade levels for an average of seven years. Over 90 percent said those were the grade levels of their choice, and most had completed about two college-level courses in mathematics and two college-level courses in each of the physical and life sciences. More than one half of the teachers had at least a master's degree.

Forty of forty-one principals surveyed


reported that grades 4 and 5 in their schools used generalist teachers in self-contained classrooms. All principals except one (undecided) agreed that well-prepared mathematics-science specialists would improve the quality of students' perfor- mance in the two subjects. Only about one- third of the principals, however, agreed that without appropriate training, the use of subject specialists would improve perfor- mance. (The survey did not ask principals to speculate on the influence mathematics- science teaching specialists would have on

For three academic years, the mathemat- ics-science teaching specialists attended monthly in-service meetings that focused on topics in elementary-level mathematics and science. For three summers, the teach- ers participated in a six- week institute at the university in which they enrolled in a math- ematics course, a science course, and a teaching-methodology course. The strand unifying the various topics examined throughout the professional-development component was a new approach to teaching and learning. Rather than teach mathemat-

students' attitudes toward these subjects. However, feedback from teachers and principals in the model reported in this article indicates that significant improve- ments in students' attitudes toward math- ematics and science have resulted.) Most principals surveyed thought that their schools had teachers at the fourth- and fifth-grade levels who would make good mathematics-science teaching specialists with proper preparation.

A Teaching Model After contemplating the results of this survey and the various reports calling for reform in mathematics and science education, educators from Louisiana State University and personnel from the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board decided to implement an experimental, semispecialist teaching model in fifteen schools involving thirty fourth- and fifth- grade teachers. Each school was respon- sible for designing a daily routine in which students rotated between teaching special- ists. Some schools having three fourth- grade and three fifth-grade teachers chose to form teaching triads in which one teacher was responsible for instruction in math- ematics and science. Smaller schools formed teaching diads in which one person assumed the responsibility for teaching mathematics and science.

Funding for the professional-develop- ment component of the project was sup- plied by the National Science Foundation.

ics solely as a collection of memorized facts and the manipulation of symbols, teachers were encouraged to use concrete materials, cooperative groups, and student- centered, discovery types of activities. A view of the learner as an empty container being filled with knowledge was replaced by a vision of the learner as an active participant in constructing meaningful bridges between prior knowledge and new information. The calculator as a tool for completing tedious computations and ex- ploring number-pattern relationships was also introduced into every mathematics- science classroom.

Advantages for Teachers The advantages of using subject specialists in the upper-elementary grades are numer- ous. The following six advantages are evident in the Louisiana project.

Teachers have the opportunity to teach in areas of their interest, talent, and training. Many people enter elementary education feeling more confident and bet- ter prepared tò teach one subject than an- other. However, generalists are asked to set aside their preferences and teach every subject as if it were their field of interest and strength. Unfortunately for students, it is humanly impossible for one person to be strong in every school subject and to con- tinue her or his professional growth in content and pedagogy in every field. Given the opportunity, elementary school teach-


Students rotated between specialists.

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ers in the Louisiana district identified their areas of interest and strengths and volun- teered to teach only those subjects. In a couple of schools, both teachers at one grade level wanted to become the math- ematics-science teaching specialist. In an- other school, both teachers wanted to shy away from becoming the mathematics- science teaching specialist. The principals offered to allow the teachers to change schools so they could teach their preferred subjects. The teachers decided to flip a coin to decide their areas of specialization rather than change schools. However, the oppor- tunity to specialize in an area of their interest was possible because several schools in the district were implementing the model. Other factors dictated the reso- lution to the problem.

Fewer content preparations allow teach- ers to develop more thorough lesson plans. Comments from a questionnaire completed by the subject specialists support this asser- tion. One teacher said that the quality of her planning was better because she didn't feel rushed to move on to prepare four other lessons. Another said, "With fewer lesson plans to prepare, more effort goes into doing a better job on the ones you do." "I Have more time to plan student-centered activities, to think about teaching strate- gies, and to organize a unit more thor- oughly when I have fewer preps to do" paraphrases another teacher's comments.

Teaching the same lesson to more than one class affords the opportunity to refine instructional strategies when needed. Although each class has its own personality to which lessons are adjusted, secondary school teachers who repeat lessons admit that they sometimes revise a lesson for a subsequent class because some aspect did not go as planned in an earlier class. Even the best of planning cannot guarantee a smooth lesson. Elementary-level teaching specialists have the same opportunity to refine and revise lessons as they are re- peated. Not every lesson requires refine- ment, but the opportunity for revision with repetition has been identified as an advan- tage by the East Baton Rouge Parish teach- ers.

Another advantage to teaching the same lesson to more than one group is the re- peated use of mathematics manipulatives or science-laboratory equipment. Some teachers admitted they neglected using manipulatives or undertaking science ex-


periments because they did not want to go to the trouble of setting up equipment for one thirty-to-forty-minute period each day.

In-service training can become more specific. In-service training is much more productive with a small group of highly motivated teachers who have chosen to specialize than with all grade level teachers in a particular area.

The use of subject specialists increases the opportunity to equip classrooms with manipulatives for the teaching of math- ematics and scientific equipment for the teaching of science. Equipping one teacher at each grade level is more cost-effective than giving all generalists the same equip- ment and materials.

The subject-teaching-specialist concept promotes professional growth. Local, state, and national organizations in mathematics,

science; social studies, language arts, and reading promote professional growth and development in each of their specific areas. Joining even one group for each subject is too costly for many teachers. Subject spe- cialists are more prone to become actively involved in one or more professional groups. When asked, "What has been most benefi- cial to you since becoming a subject teach- ing specialist?" one teacher's response reflects the comments of many: "The pro- fessional growth and the interaction with colleagues who share an interest in teach- ing the same subject. We exchange ideas and strategies, we discuss problems, and we support each other." Several of the teachers who had never attended a profes- sional conference are currently conducting workshops at the local level, sharing their ideas and experiences at state meetings, and are scheduled to present programs at regional and national NCTM and NSTA (National Science Teachers Association) meetings.

Advantages for Students Students, too, benefit from the use of elementary-level subject specialists. The following advantages have been docu- mented by students, teachers, and parents in Louisiana. Some of the advantages for students parallel the advantages for teach- ers. Their repetition emphasizes that the advantages of implementing a teaching- specialist model in the upper-elementary grades are equally beneficial to students and teachers.

Students achievement improves. Teach- ers were asked to respond to this question on a survey: "Has there been any evidence to support the idea that the achievement of your students in mathematics and/or sci- ence has improved since they have been working with a teaching specialist?" The following responses are representative: "Students' grades seem to have improved across the board." "Students did better on this year's (statewide) testing." "Yes, our California Achievement Test (CAT) scores have improved." Parents' comments were mixed. Some indicated that grades had improved, others said that grades had dropped. (Statistical comparisons of stan- dardized test scores are being calculated in the summative evaluation of the project.)

Students' interest, in and awareness of, mathematics and science has increased, and their attitudes have improved. One parent commented about her daughter, "Her grades have remained the same, but her awareness of the math and science in the world around her has greatly improved." One principal's comment reflects a similar change in students' interest: "The students never used to talk about mathematics or science outside the classroom. Now when I'm on the playground with them or talk to them before or after school, they are often eager to tell me something they have learned in math and science." Teachers have also testified to students' increased awareness of mathematics and science in their daily lives. Several teachers say their students often enter the room talking about a mathematics problem or a science topic that is related to something outside school.

The responses of teachers and parents surveyed by questionnaire confirm the stu- dents' enthusiasm, motivation, and height- ened interest in mathematics and science. One school reported that 97 percent of its


Fewer preparations allow more time

for each lesson.

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fourth- and fifth-grade students had desig- nated mathematics-science class as their favorite in an essay for a language arts class. Several parents indicated that their children's attitudes toward both subjects had improved and offered these observa- tions as evidence: "Because [my daughter] seems to talk about math all the time" and "I've noticed a difference in [my son's] attitude toward science. [He] has a deeper appreciation for what's going on in the world. [He also has] a stronger desire and urge to learn math."

Students' exposure to concrete materi- als and student-centered, activity-based learning has increased. The mathematics- science teaching specialists are placing more emphasis on problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. With teachers' in- creased knowledge of mathematics and science through their continued profes- sional development, they are involving stu- dents in more challenging and rewarding activities.

Students are studying mathematics and science every day. Regardless of state regu- lations, some generalist elementary-level teachers admit to not teaching mathematics and science every day, often because they do not feel confident in teaching these subjects or do not like teaching these sub- jects. As with the departmentalized middle school schedule, students rotating among elementary teaching specialists have a des- ignated time with one teacher in which one or two subjects are taught. A group of students may be with one teacher for a ninety-minute period. The mathematics- science teacher can choose to conduct an extended lesson on mathematics one day and a scientific experiment another day or plan a lesson that integrates the two sub- jects.

Students benefit from a more meaningful integration of elementary-level subjects. In theory, the generalist teacher should pro- mote the integration of all subjects. In reality, elementary school teachers admit that they do not do so on a regular basis because one teacher's knowledge of all subjects is not sufficient to plan for the integration of several disciplines. Some generalist teachers do an excellent job of integrating subjects and fear that specialist teachers may teach subjects in isolation. In fact, the more one specializes, the more one sees connections with other subjects and can introduce these links to the students.


Many of the teaching triads and diads in the Louisiana project meet regularly to discuss the integration of the subjects they teach. Whenever possible, the teachers plan to- gether the concurrent presentation of a topic in all classes.

Implementing subject specialization in the upper-elementary grades gives students the opportunity to deal with different teach- ers, thus facilitating the transition from the self-contained structure to the departmen- talized approach used in middle schools. Sixty-five percent of the fifth-grade stu-

forts. Local businesses and industries may also be supportive. Money and resources can be pooled to equip the specialist teacher's room with manipulative materi- als, laboratory equipment, and calculators.

We must all weigh the cost of imple- menting subject specialization in the upper-elementary grades against the cost of continuing the generalist, self-contained model. "To ignore this need or delay its implementation to higher levels of school- ing misses the critical foundations devel- oped in mathematics in these grade levels"

dents surveyed indicated that they liked changing classes and having different teach- ers. Sixty-three percent of the fourth-grade students agreed. Several students' com- ments reflected this person's attitude: "I like changing classes because it helps us get ready for middle school. When you change classes, you don't get tired of one teacher."

More than one teacher assesses a student's strengths and weaknesses. Dur- ing conferences with parents, more than one teacher can discuss the student's aca- demic progress and social development. Parents, teachers, and principals have tes- tified to this benefit of the model.

Conclusion Successful educational reform requires the support and sustained commitment of many people. Implementing the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards (NCTM 1989) and revitalizing mathematics education can be- gin with individual teachers in one school. Some elementary school teachers prefer teaching one or two subjects over others. With the support of the principal, an ex- change of classes during the school day is sufficient to begin implementing subject specialization in an elementary school. Local and state funds may be available to support such professional-development activities as all-day in-service meetings during the academic year and summer in- stitutes. State departments of education and nearby colleges and universities may be interested in collaborating in these ef-

(Dossey 1984, 3). The fact that our nation is losing its technological competitive edge has been documented. Many universities are beginning to implement elementary education programs that allow students to specialize in one or two subjects. Our future cannot wait for a cadre of elementary teach- ing specialists to graduate. With adequate support, practicing elementary school teach- ers may freely choose to become subject teaching specialists. This is just one solu- tion to the multidimensional problem we are all responsible for solving - educating the leaders of tomorrow.


Dossey, John A. "One Point of View: Elementary School Mathematics Specialists: Where Are They?" Arithmetic Teacher 32 (November 1984):3, 50.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Cur- riculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics. Reston, Va.: The Council, 1989.

. Mathematics Leaders in Elementary/ Middle Schools: A Position Statement. Reston, Va.: The Council, 1984.

. Professional Standards for Teaching Math- ematics. Reston, Va.: The Council, 1991.

National Research Council. Mathematical Sciences Education Board. Everybody Counts: A Report to the Nation on the Future of Mathematics Educa- tion. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1989.

National Science Board Commission on Precollege Education in Mathematics, Science and Technol- ogy. Educating Americans for the Twenty -first Century: A Plan of Action for Improving Math- ematics, Science and All Technology Educationfor All American Elementary and Secondary Students So That Their Achievement Is the Best in the World by 1 995. Washington, D.C.: National Science Foun- dation, 1983. W

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Students study mathematics every day

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