
Pregnancy Testing

Required Testing:

• Prenatal Lab Work taken within the first 16 weeks which include: Blood type, Antibody

screen/titer, Hemoglobin and Hematocrit, Syphilis testing, Hepatitis B, Rubella titer,

Varicella antibody screen, HIV testing, Gonorrhea and Chlamydia culture, Pap smear if

needed, Urinalysis for protein and glucose.

• At every prenatal visit a urine will be taken to test for protein and glucose.

• Gestational Diabetes Testing and Hemoglobin and Hematocrit will be drawn between

26-28 weeks

• Group Beta Strep Culture will be taken between 35-37 weeks

Optional Testing:

• Progenity nxtPanel available after 10 weeks: Genetic Testing for Cystic Fibrosis, Spinal

Muscular Atrophy and Fragile X Syndrome

• Progenity Verifi available after 10 weeks gestation: Testing for Down Syndrome (Trisomy

21), Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18), Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13), Turner Syndrome

(Monosomy X), Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY), Jacobs Syndrome (XYY), Triple X Syndrome


• Quad Screening available between 15-18 weeks Gestation: Testing for Down Syndrome

(Trisomy 21), Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18), and Open Spina Bifida

All of the optional tests are screening tools, they are not final. If you have a positive result we

can discuss further options for you and your baby.
