Page 1: Prediction of higher-selectivity catalysts bycomputer ... · using chemoinformatics at every stage of development. Robust molecular descriptors that are agnostic to the catalyst scaffold



Prediction of higher-selectivitycatalysts by computer-drivenworkflow and machine learningAndrew F. Zahrt*, Jeremy J. Henle*, Brennan T. Rose, Yang Wang,William T. Darrow, Scott E. Denmark†

INTRODUCTION: The development of newsynthetic methods in organic chemistry istraditionally accomplished through empiricaloptimization. Catalyst design, wherein exper-imentalists attempt to qualitatively identifycorrelations between catalyst structure andcatalyst efficiency, is no exception. However, thisapproach is plagued by numerous deficiencies,including the lack of mechanistic understand-ing of a new transformation, the inherent lim-itations of human cognitive abilities to findpatterns in large collections of data, and thelack of quantitative guidelines to aid catalystidentification. Chemoinformatics provides anattractive alternative to empiricism for severalreasons: Mechanistic information is not a pre-requisite, catalyst structures can be charac-terized by three-dimensional (3D) descriptors(numerical representations of molecular prop-

erties derived from the 3Dmolecular structure)that quantify the steric and electronic prop-erties of thousands of candidate molecules,and the suitability of a given catalyst candidatecan be quantified by comparing its propertieswith a computationally derived model trainedon experimental data. The ability to accuratelypredict a selective catalyst by using a set of lessthan optimal data remains a major goal formachine learning with respect to asymmetriccatalysis. We report a method to achieve thisgoal and propose a more efficient alternativeto traditional catalyst design.

RATIONALE: The workflow we have createdconsists of the following components: (i) con-struction of an in silico library comprising alarge collection of conceivable, syntheticallyaccessible catalysts derived from a particular

scaffold; (ii) calculation of relevant chemicaldescriptors for each scaffold; (iii) selection of arepresentative subset of the catalysts [this sub-set is termed the universal training set (UTS)because it is agnostic to reaction ormechanismand thus can be used to optimize any reactioncatalyzed by that scaffold]; (iv) collection of thetraining data; and (v) application of machinelearningmethods to generatemodels that pre-dict the enantioselectivity of each member ofthe in silico library. Thesemodels are evaluatedwith an external test set of catalysts (predictingselectivities of catalysts outside of the trainingdata). The validatedmodels can then be used toselect the optimal catalyst for a given reaction.

RESULTS: To demonstrate the viability of ourmethod, we predicted reaction outcomes withsubstrate combinations and catalysts differentfrom the trainingdata and simulated a situation

in which highly selectivereactions had not beenachieved. In the first dem-onstration, a model wasconstructed by using sup-port vector machines andvalidatedwith three differ-

ent external test sets. The first test set evaluatedthe ability of themodel to predict the selectivityof only reactions forming new products withcatalysts from the training set. The model per-formed well, with a mean absolute deviation(MAD) of 0.161 kcal/mol. Next, the samemodelwas used to predict the selectivity of an externaltest set of catalysts with substrate combina-tions from the training set. The performanceof the model was still highly accurate, with aMAD of 0.211 kcal/mol. Lastly, reactions form-ing new products with the external test cat-alysts were predicted with aMAD of 0.236 kcal/mol. In the second study, no reactions withselectivity above 80% enantiomeric excesswereused as training data. Deep feed-forward neuralnetworks accurately reproduced the experimentalselectivity data, successfully predicting the mostselective reactions. More notably, the generaltrends in selectivity, on the basis of average cat-alyst selectivity, were correctly identified. Des-pite omitting about half of the experimental freeenergy range from the training data, we couldstill make accurate predictions in this regionof selectivity space.

CONCLUSION: The capability to predict selec-tive catalysts has the potential to change theway chemists select and optimize chiral cata-lysts from an empirically guided to a math-ematically guided approach.▪


Zahrt et al., Science 363, 247 (2019) 18 January 2019 1 of 1

The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.*These authors contributed equally to this work.†Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] this article as A. F. Zahrt et al., Science 363, eaau5631(2019). DOI: 10.1126/science.aau5631








Full libraryUTS





ΔΔG (Observed)

ΔΔG (kcal/mol)







Test setTraining set

Chemoinformatics-guided optimization protocol. (A) Generation of a large in silico libraryof catalyst candidates. (B) Calculation of robust chemical descriptors. (C) Selection of aUTS. (D) Acquisition of experimental selectivity data. (E) Application of machine learning to usemoderate- to low-selectivity reactions to predict high-selectivity reactions. R, any group;X, O or S; Y, OH, SH, or NHTf; PC, principal component; DDG, mean selectivity.


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Page 2: Prediction of higher-selectivity catalysts bycomputer ... · using chemoinformatics at every stage of development. Robust molecular descriptors that are agnostic to the catalyst scaffold



Prediction of higher-selectivitycatalysts by computer-drivenworkflow and machine learningAndrew F. Zahrt*, Jeremy J. Henle*, Brennan T. Rose, Yang Wang,William T. Darrow, Scott E. Denmark†

Catalyst design in asymmetric reaction development has traditionally been driven byempiricism, wherein experimentalists attempt to qualitatively recognize structuralpatterns to improve selectivity. Machine learning algorithms and chemoinformatics canpotentially accelerate this process by recognizing otherwise inscrutable patterns in largedatasets. Herein we report a computationally guided workflow for chiral catalyst selectionusing chemoinformatics at every stage of development. Robust molecular descriptorsthat are agnostic to the catalyst scaffold allow for selection of a universal training set onthe basis of steric and electronic properties. This set can be used to train machine learningmethods to make highly accurate predictive models over a broad range of selectivityspace. Using support vector machines and deep feed-forward neural networks, wedemonstrate accurate predictive modeling in the chiral phosphoric acid–catalyzed thioladdition to N-acylimines.

The development of synthetic methods inorganic chemistry has historically beendriven by Edisonian empiricism. Catalystdesign, wherein experimentalists attemptto qualitatively recognize patterns in cata-

lyst structures to improve catalyst selectivity andefficiency, is no exception. However, this approachis hindered by a number of factors, includingthe lack of mechanistic understanding of a newtransformation, the inherent limitations of thehuman brain to find patterns in large collectionsof data, and the lack of quantitative guidelinesto aid catalyst selection. Chemoinformatics (1–3)provides an attractive alternative for severalreasons: No mechanistic information is needed,catalyst structures can be characterized by three-dimensional (3D) descriptors (numerical repre-sentations of molecular properties derived fromthe 3D structure of the molecule) that quantifythe steric and electronic properties of thousandsof candidate molecules, and the suitability of agiven catalyst candidate can be quantified bycomparing its properties with a computation-ally derived model on the basis of experimentaldata. Although artificial intelligence was appliedto problems in chemistry as early as 1965, theuse of machine learning methods has yet toaffect the daily workflow of organic chemists(4). However, recent developments represent thedawn of a new era in organic chemistry, with

the emergence of “big-data” methods to facilitaterapid advances in the field. Computer-assistedsynthetic planning (5, 6), the prediction of or-ganic reaction outcomes (7, 8), assisted medic-inal chemistry discovery (9, 10), catalyst design(11, 12), the use of continuous molecular repre-sentations for automatic generation of new chem-ical structures (13), materials discovery (14), theenhancement of computer simulation techniques(15), and the optimization of reaction conditions(16) all provide examples in which leveragingmachine learning methods facilitates advancesin chemistry. The power of these methods isparticularly notable for catalyst design; mod-ern machine learning methods have the capac-ity to find patterns in large sets of data thatare incomprehensible to experimental practi-tioners (17). Discovering these structure-activityrelationships may facilitate catalyst identifica-tion, thus enabling the rapid optimization ofcatalytic transformations.Lipkowitz et al. and Kozlowski et al. first

reported the application of a 3D quantita-tive structure-activity relationship (QSAR) toasymmetric catalysis, wherein they used differ-ent molecular interaction field (MIF) approachesto study copper bis(oxazoline) complexes inenantioselective Diels-Alder reactions and enan-tioselective alkylations of aryl aldehydes, re-spectively (18, 19). Although similar MIF-basedapproaches have since been employed (12, 20, 21),we suspect that such methods have not achievedwidespread use because of the reliance on onlyone conformer in descriptor generation. To ad-dress this problem, Sigman and co-workershave employed multivariate regression tech-

niques and catalyst-specific descriptors to gleanmechanistic information (22–24). These re-searchers attribute some of their success tothe use of Sterimol values; these substituent-based descriptors have multiple parameters de-signed to capture the rotation of the group ofinterest, thus providing a more accurate pictureof how the molecule behaves in solution (25).Furthermore, preliminary studies in which pre-dictions are made beyond the bounds of thetraining data have been described; Sigman andco-workers have demonstrated the ability topredict ~10% enantiomeric excess (ee) beyondthe training data (26). However, no examplesexist wherein the prediction is far outside theselectivity regime comprising the training data.A very recent example of the utility of machinelearning methods in catalysis is the prediction ofreaction yields by Doyle and co-workers (27, 28).These authors use many easily calculable de-scriptors to predict the outcomes of C–N cou-pling reactions and deoxyfluorination reactionswith random forest models (29). Although thismethod excels in predicting the outcomes ofreactions when the predicted value falls withinthe range of values in the training data, thismethod has not been used to make predictionsbeyond the range of observed values in the train-ing set.The ability to accurately predict a selective

catalyst by using a set of nonoptimal data re-mains a primary objective of machine learningwith respect to asymmetric catalysis. This featis sometimes erroneously referred to as “extra-polation”—an understandable mistake, giventhat predictions are being made outside thebounds of previously observed selectivities. How-ever, the term “extrapolation” does not refer tothe selectivity space of the training data butrather to the descriptor space. Thus, a betterstatement of this goal is to predict high selec-tivity values far beyond the bounds of what isencompassed in the training data. Herein, wedescribe a method to achieve this goal by pro-posing a more efficient alternative to traditionalcatalyst design.This endeavor is challenging for a number

of reasons. First, very small energy differences(~1 kcal/mol) can give rise to vastly differentselectivities—even modern quantum chemicalmethods struggle to reproduce these energydifferences in diastereomeric transition struc-tures. Subtle changes in catalyst structure canalso lead to large changes in catalyst perform-ance, whereas descriptors capable of capturingfundamental chemical properties (30) and thesubtle features of catalyst structure responsiblefor enantioinduction remain imperfect. More-over, off-cycle or background reactivity can erodeenantioselectivity, and selectivity data are rarelyuniformly distributed, adding the challenge ofmodeling on a skewed dataset. Predicting reac-tions that are more selective than anything inthe training data (essential for machine learn-ing to optimize a reaction) requires the modelto accurately predict to a fringe case, a formi-dable challenge in its own right.


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Roger Adams Laboratory, Department of Chemistry,University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, USA.*These authors contributed equally to this work.†Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

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Perhaps the greatest impediment to accu-rate prediction in this manner is that no widelyaccepted workflow implementing chemoinfor-matics at all stages of development has beenintroduced to date. Using training set selectionalgorithms is essential to guarantee that themaximal breadth of feature space is covered inthe training data; thus, by design, there shouldtheoretically be no need for extrapolation. Fail-ure to use training set selection algorithmsintroduces a greater level of uncertainty forpredictions—if the domain of applicability iscompletely unknown, predictions may be outsidethe well-described region of feature space, andthose predictions may be unfounded. If suchmethods are to be successful, chemical prop-erties must be represented by robust descrip-tors. This aspect is especially challenging forasymmetric catalysis, as currently no mathe-matical representation of organic moleculesexists that satisfies the following critical criteria:The descriptors must be rapidly calculable, mustcontain 3D information about an ensemble ofconformers for each molecule, must be gen-eral for any given scaffold, and must capturethe subtle features of catalyst structure respon-sible for enantioinduction. We describe thedevelopment of a workflow that uses chemo-informatic methods at every stage. Further, wereport a molecular representation that facili-tates this workflow and that enables the pre-

diction of enantioselective reactions in a mannersimulating new reaction optimization.This new workflow consists of the following

components (Fig. 1): (i) construction of an insilico library of a large (31) collection of con-ceivable, synthetically accessible catalysts of aparticular scaffold; (ii) calculation of robustchemical descriptors for each scaffold, therebycreating the chemical space comprising the insilico library; and (iii) selection of a represent-ative subset of the catalysts in this space. Thissubset is termed the universal training set (UTS),so named because it is agnostic to reaction ormechanism. Thus, the same set of compoundscan be used to collect training data for anyreaction that can be catalyzed by the commonfunctional group and will cover the maximumbreadth of feature space. The continuation ofthe workflow involves (iv) collection of thetraining data and (v) application of machinelearning methods to generate models that pre-dict the enantioselectivity of each member ofthe in silico library. These models are evaluatedwith an external test set of catalysts (predictingselectivities of catalysts outside of the trainingdata). The validated models can then be used toselect the optimal catalyst for a given reaction.At this point, either the predicted catalyst ob-tains the desired level of selectivity (success) orthe predicted catalyst data can be recombinedwith the training data to make more robust mod-

els. The process can then be repeated iterativelyuntil optimal selectivity is achieved (Fig. 1).To develop this workflow, we chose the BINOL

(1,1′-bi-2-naphthol)–derived family of chiral phos-phoric acids as the catalyst scaffold. This familypossesses a number of beneficial features, includ-ing synthetic accessibility and ease of diversifica-tion by installation of an array of substituents atthe 3,3′ positions. Additionally, the acidity of thephosphoryl group can be easily modulated, andthe backbone can be unsaturated (binaphthylbackbone) or saturated (H8 backbone). Thesecatalysts can be used for a vast number of syn-thetically useful reactions; thus, a UTS of thisscaffold could be very powerful for methoddevelopment (32).

Development of average stericoccupancy descriptors

The plan began with the formulation of an insilico library containing 806 chiral phosphoricacid catalysts. For this class, two scaffolds wereselected: catalysts with a fully aromatic binaphthylbackbone and catalysts wherein the second ringof the binaphthyl moiety is saturated (H8). Thena dataset of 403 synthetically feasible sub-stituents (from a database of readily availablecommercial sources or fragments that requireno more than four well-established syntheticsteps) was added to the 3,3′ positions of thesescaffolds by using Python2 scripts (for full details,

Zahrt et al., Science 363, eaau5631 (2019) 18 January 2019 2 of 11

Fig. 1. Summary of chemoinformatics-guided workflow. (A) An in silicolibrary of synthetically accessible catalysts is defined. For each memberin the library, descriptors are calculated. (B) A representative subset isalgorithmically selected on the basis of intrinsic chemical properties.(C) The representative subset is synthesized and experimentally tested.(D) The probability of identifying a highly selective catalyst in the firstround of screening should be greater than that by random sampling alone.

(E) The data from the training set are used to train statistical learningmethods. (F) The models predict selectivity values for every member ofthe greater in silico library. (G) If successful, the model will predict theoptimal catalyst for the reaction. If unsuccessful, the new data can be usedas training data to make a stronger prediction in successive rounds ofmodeling. R, any group; X, O or S; Y, OH, SH, or NHTf; i-Pr, isopropyl; t-Bu,tert-butyl; Cy, cyclohexyl.


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Fig. 2. Generation of ASO descriptors. (A) Pictorial description of the ASOcalculation process. (B) ASO grid points away from the catalyst have valuesof 0 (red), whereas grid points occupied in all conformers have a value of1 (blue); flexible substituents can be seen in the green and yellow regions.

(C) ASO discrimination of 3,3′-substituent groups: ortho-substituted arenes(red), fused-ring substituents (blue), 3,5-disubstituted arenes (yellow), andall other groups (green). (D) Bar graph representation of ASO descriptors fortwo different Brønsted acid catalysts. calc., calculated; vdW, van der Waals.


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see computational methods in the supplemen-tary materials). The substituents were chosenby surveying catalogs of boronic acids, arylhalides, aldehydes, alkyl boranes, and Grignardreagents and adding all members that werecompatible with the reaction conditions nec-essary to install that substituent (such as Suzukicoupling, use of organolithium reagents, andKumada coupling). Thus, we are confident thatour in silico library covers a large breadth ofchemical space that is synthetically accessible.To construct the chemical space representingthis library, chemically meaningful descriptorswere calculated. However, using many types ofreadily available 0D, 1D, 2D, and 3D descrip-tors (the latter derived mostly from MIFs) led tofailure because the calculated features did notadequately represent those catalyst propertiesresponsible for enantioinduction [comparativemolecular field analysis (CoMFA), grid-independentdescriptors (GRIND), and all descriptors avail-able in RDKit and MOE 2015 are some examplesof previous attempts] (33–35). The likely causeof failure was that only a single conformation ofeach of the catalysts was included. Thus, a newset of descriptors had to be developed thatincluded information about the entire conformerensemble, could be used for any catalyst scaffold,and would be easily calculable for large librariesof compounds.To achieve this goal, we invented a new de-

scriptor called average steric occupancy (ASO).The ASO descriptors were inspired by 3.5D and4D descriptors, simplifying the conformer pop-ulation information into a location-specific nu-merical form (36, 37). The protocol for ASOcalculation is illustrated in Fig. 2A. First, a con-former distribution for each catalyst in the insilico library was obtained. Second, for each

molecule, the conformers were aligned andindividually placed in identical grids. If a gridpoint was within the van der Waals radius ofan atom, it was assigned a value of 1; other-wise, it was assigned a value of 0. This processwas repeated for n conformers, and upon com-pletion each grid point had a cumulative valueranging from 0 to n. The values were thennormalized by dividing by n, such that all gridpoints had a value between 0 and 1. These valuesconstituted the steric descriptors for the struc-tures. These features are represented in Fig. 2B,wherein the ASO values around a phosphoricacid catalyst are depicted. The red grid pointsmark areas away from the catalyst where ASOvalues are 0.000 to 0.125, whereas the bluerepresents grid points where the ASO valuesare 0.875 to 1.000. Because the catalysts arealigned to the backbone, the corresponding gridpoints all have a value of nearly 1, and the back-bone is visible as the two overlapping bluebands. Below the blue bands are regions ofgreen and yellow; these represent conformersthat differ by the rotation of the P–NH–Tf (triflyl)moiety and the phenyl substituents at the 3,3′positions. The capacity of these descriptors todistinguish among catalysts of different classesis illustrated in Fig. 2C. The distribution of thedifferent catalyst classes in chemical space (fromthe first three principal components of the ASOchemical space) demonstrates that ASO qual-itatively groups like-structured catalysts.The electronic descriptors were derived from

the perturbation that a substituent exerts onthe electrostatic potential map of a quaternaryammonium ion (see the computational meth-ods in the supplementary materials for details).These substituent-based electronic descrip-tors were combined with the ASO descrip-

tors. In total, this process amounted to 16,384features per catalyst, which was later reducedupon the removal of all features with a var-iance of zero.To select a representative subset of the chem-

ical space spanned by the in silico library, thedimensionality of the chemical space must bereduced (38). The data were transformed withprincipal components analysis (PCA) (39), whichselects new dimensions such that the varianceretained is maximized per dimension kept.A representative subset (including boundary

cases) was selected from this space by using theKennard-Stone algorithm (40) (Fig. 3). This sam-pling method is of paramount importance; itguarantees that catalysts from uniform regionsof feature space are sampled. Thus, predictionsmade later in method development should stillbe in a region of feature space described by theinitial training set, giving more confidence inthese predictions. The subset of selected cata-lysts constitutes the UTS, which can then beused to optimize any reaction that can be cata-lyzed by that catalyst type. The 24 members ofthe UTS for the chiral phosphoric acid scaffoldare given in Fig. 4A. To evaluate the predictionsmade from the UTS, a separate test set of 19external catalysts (52 to 70) (Fig. 5B) was se-lected from the in silico library. These externalcatalysts were selected on the basis of intuitivechemical differences and synthetic accessibility.

Application of the catalystoptimization protocol to asymmetricN,S-acetal formation

To validate the ASO and training set selectionprotocol, the training set was evaluated on apreviously optimized model reaction. The enan-tioselective formation of N,S-acetals (Fig. 5A)

Zahrt et al., Science 363, eaau5631 (2019) 18 January 2019 4 of 11

Fig. 3. Construction of the UTS. (A) Subset selection with theKennard-Stone algorithm. The algorithm then selects a representativesubset of points, as qualitatively depicted. (B) Locations of the catalysts

selected by the Kennard-Stone algorithm in 2D chemical space[constructed from the first two principal components (18% and 12%of variance, respectively) of the full catalyst chemical space].


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developed by Antilla and co-workers (41) wasselected for several reasons. The reaction ishigh yielding and highly reproducible; it canbe performed under air at room temperature,thus facilitating rapid screening; and a rangeof selectivities (0 to 99%) has been reportedwith different catalysts (six reported catalysts).

Accordingly, we judged this reaction to be agood candidate for empirically evaluating theselectivity space covered in the UTS. By calcu-lating ASO and electronic descriptors for reac-tants and products as well and concatenatingthese descriptors with catalyst descriptors, indi-vidual reaction profiles could be constructed

that also took into account substrate properties.The inclusion of substrate descriptors alsoincreased the number of data points obtainedper catalyst synthesized. As a general note onthe use of reactant and product descriptors, wefind that it provides the following benefits:More data points can be collected per catalyst

Zahrt et al., Science 363, eaau5631 (2019) 18 January 2019 5 of 11

Fig. 4. BINOL phosphoric acid (BPA) UTS. (A) UTS of phosphoric acid catalysts selected by the Kennard-Stone algorithm. (B) Average selectivity oftraining catalysts across the 16 training reactions. Ph, phenyl; Me, methyl; Et, ethyl.


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Fig. 5. Model validation on thiol addition to N-acyl imines.(A) Model reaction screened over 16 training substrate combinationsand nine test substrate combinations. (B) Test set of catalysts.Each catalyst was evaluated by the average selectivity across all

25 substrate combinations. The experimentally observed selectivityis in bold, and the predicted selectivity (reported as the free energydifferential between the transition structures leading to eachenantiomer) is in italics. r.t., room temperature.


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synthesized, allowing for stronger models tobe produced, and we can use our technologyto predict the outcome of reactions with a knowncatalyst on new substrate combinations, thuscreating another powerful tool.

Generation of models by using allselectivity data

To ensure that our descriptors capture the struc-tural information pertaining to enantioinduc-tion and can be used to construct predictivemodels, 2150 separate experiments were per-formed, wherein the catalysts shown in Figs. 4Aand 5B (43 catalysts in total) were used in thereactions with pairwise combinations of iminesand thiols, leading to the 25 different productsshown in Fig. 5A. This process creates 43 × 25 =1075 reactions, which were run in duplicate, andthe average of duplicate runs was used as theexperimental selectivity data. From these 1075reactions, 475 were randomly selected as an ex-ternal test set by using a Python random-numbergenerator, and the remaining 600 reactions wereused to train the model. To ensure that modelefficacy and training set–test set partitioning wereunbiased, this process was repeated 10 times.Models were then developed with support vec-tor machines by using a grid-based optimizationof hyperparameters with fivefold cross valida-tion (see supplementary materials for details).The average predicted selectivities of the 475external test set reactions (i.e., those which werenot used in the model training process) revealvery good correlation when plotted against theexperimental selectivity data (a high coefficientof determination R2, a y intercept very close tozero, and a slope approaching unity) (Fig. 6A).The mean absolute deviation (MAD) for eachof the 10 randomized trials is listed in Fig. 6B.As is evident from the low MAD of each run,

the models make highly accurate predictions ofselectivity, confirming that our descriptor set isa valid, numerical representation of moleculescapable of capturing the relevant features ofcatalysts responsible for enantioselectivity.As experimentalists, we were interested in es-

tablishing whether these tools could be used topredict the results of either new substrate com-binations or new catalysts that have not pre-viously been tested or to identify new reactions(i.e., substrates and catalysts) that are more se-lective than any reaction in the training data.We therefore performed two modeling studiesto evaluate each hypothesis by partitioning theavailable data in two different ways. For thefirst study, the data from reactions of four imines(imines 25a to 25d) and four thiols (thiols26a to 26d) (i.e., 16 reactions per catalyst) wereevaluated (Fig. 5A). Using the 24-member cat-alyst training set (Fig. 4A) with each substratecombination then gave rise to 16 × 24 = 384training reactions that could be used for modeldevelopment. This process also generated 1075 –384 = 691 test reactions for external validation(the test reactions were later divided into threedifferent sets, detailed below). For the secondstudy, we investigated whether new, more selec-tive reactions could be predicted. To investigatethis possibility, the 1075 experimental selectivitydata points were divided such that every catalyst-imine-thiol combination that gave products below80% ee was included in the training set and noreactions above 80% ee were used at any stagein model development. These remaining, highlyselective reactions were instead used as an exter-nal test set. Both data division methods violatethe iid (independent and identically distributed)assumption (42). Thus, we make no claims as tothe generalizability of these studies and simplypropose this method as a tool to facilitate the

experimental optimization of catalysts and theexploration of substrate scope.

Generation of models derivedfrom the UTS

It was very rewarding to find a highly selectivecatalyst in the training set (compound 11) (Fig.4A), supporting our hypothesis that using theUTS increases the probability of finding aneffective catalyst in the first round of screening(catalyst selectivity data are summarized inFig. 4B). 3,3′-Benzyl-substituted catalysts usedin reactions with aliphatic thiols as nucleo-philes gave rise to the opposite stereoisomeras the major product compared with the othercases. Thus, the range of selectivities coveredby the UTS in the 16 training reactions spansfrom –43% ee to >99% ee with the same en-antiomer of catalyst, further supporting the hy-pothesis that the UTS covers a broad range ofselectivity space, as illustrated in the full com-pilation of experimental results (table S1). Fromthis dataset, a suite of models was generated andused to predict the selectivity of three familiesof test sets: a substrate test set of reactions gen-erating new products (i.e., those formed fromsubstrates not included in the training set butusing catalysts in the training set), a catalysttest set of reactions generating the same pro-ducts in the training set but with catalysts notincluded in the training data, and a substrate-catalyst (sub-cat) test set of reactions creat-ing new products and also using catalysts notincluded in the training data. For the substratetest set, nine distinct compounds (31, 36, 41,and 46 to 51) (Fig. 5A) generated from sub-strate combinations with unknown results in themodel reaction were selected, totaling 216 re-actions (24 training catalysts × 9 test substrates).For the catalyst test set, the 19 external catalysts(52 to 70) (Fig. 5B) were evaluated in reactionsgenerating the same products as the trainingreactions, totaling 304 reactions (19 test catalystsfromFig. 5B × 16 training substrates fromFig. 5A).For the sub-cat test set, the 19 external test setcatalysts were used in reactions producing thenine newproducts, thus evaluating the capabilityto predict reaction outcomes with external sub-strate combinations and external catalysts, totaling171 reactions [19 test catalysts × 9 test substrates(Fig. 5B catalysts with Fig. 5A test substratecombinations)].By using a variety of data preprocessing meth-

ods (see supplementarymaterials for details), wegenerated a suite ofmodels. Of these, the supportvector machines method gave the highest per-formance on the basis of the MAD from thecombined external test sets (Fig. 7A). The firsttest set evaluated the ability of the models topredict the selectivity only of reactions formingnew products. In this role, the model performedwell, with an MAD of 0.161 kcal/mol. Next, thesame model was used to predict the selectivityof the external test set of catalysts. The per-formance of the model was still highly accurate,with a MAD of 0.211 kcal/mol. Lastly, reactionsforming new products with the external test

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Fig. 6. The averaged predicted selectivity values for external test sets plotted againstobserved enantioselectivity data. (A) The vertical bands result from the accuracy in the analyticalmethod, wherein the limit of detection determines enantiomeric purity to the nearest 0.5% ee.Because of the exponential relationship between ee and free energy, detectable differences inselectivity appear greater at larger free energy differentials. (B) The MAD data are listed in the tablefor each of the 10 replicate runs.


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catalystswerepredictedwithaMADof0.236kcal/mol.All three test sets were predicted at a level ofaccuracy equal to or greater than that of mostquantum chemistry methods (43). To evaluatecatalyst performance, the mean selectivity (DDGin kilocalories per mole) of each test catalystacross all 25 reactions was calculated (Fig. 5B).The model predicted this efficacy metric withnotable accuracy, predicting all catalysts within0.4 kcal/mol, with only two catalysts (53 and 54)predicted outside of 0.3 kcal/mol from the

experimentally observed DDG. Catalyst 53 gavethe best selectivity in the original study (41), andour results were in good agreement with whathas been previously reported. Similarly, aliphaticthiols gave diminished selectivity with respect tothiophenol derivatives. The first three principalcomponents of catalyst space also reveal distinctregions of high, medium, and low space (Fig. 7B).Similarly, the predicted reaction outcomes for thenine test reactions with the best catalyst are illus-trated in Fig. 7C. All reaction selectivities except

one (49) are predicted within 2% ee of the mea-sured value.Despite not being includedat any stageof model development, compound 52 was stillpredicted to be the most selective catalyst in thein silico library for this transformation. A completelist of predicted selectivity values for the entire insilico library of reactions can be found in data S1.

Reaction prediction beyond the training set

Although modeling with data spanning the en-tire range (e.g., up to 99% ee) of interest can be

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Fig. 7. Application of models from UTS. (A) The predicted versusobserved plots for the training set, substrate test set, catalyst test set, andsub-cat test set. The support vector machines method (second-orderpolynomial kernel, q2 = 0.748 by k-fold cross validation) performs well onall external test sets, predicting reaction outcomes within 0.25 kcal/mol(MAD = 0.161, 0.211, and 0.238 kcal/mol, respectively). The vertical bandsresult from the limit of accuracy in the analytical method. (B) The 3D

chemical space of all catalysts (from the first three principal componentsof the full chemical space, 13, 8, and 8% of variance, respectively). The redpoints are unselective catalysts, the green and yellow points are moreselective, and the blue points are the most selective, with the averageselectivity across all 25 reactions as a metric of catalyst selectivity.(C) Observed and predicted outcomes of reactions with substratecombinations that were not also included in the training data.


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valuable for predicting the outcome of newsubstrate combinations, modeling beyond thisrange can be leveraged to enhance the rate atwhich catalytic enantioselective reactions areoptimized. To demonstrate this potential in ourmethod, we simulated a situation in which highlyselective reactions (i.e., combinations of substratesand catalysts) have not been identified. Accord-ingly, we partitioned all 1075 reactions as follows:All reactions below 80% ee were used as trainingdata (718 reactions), and all reactions above80% eewere used as test data (357 reactions). (Theidentities of the training and test datasets canbe found in the supplementary materials.) Avariety of modeling methods were tested, andalthough a number of methods, including supportvectors, Lasso, LassoLars, ridge regression, elasticnet, and random forest (by no means the state of

the art in machine learning; see computationalmethods for a complete explanation), providedacceptable qualitative results, deep feed-forwardneural networks accurately reproduced the experi-mental selectivities (MAD = 0.33 kcal/mol) (Fig.8A). More notably, the general trends in selectivity,on the basis of average catalyst selectivity, werecorrectly identified. As shown in Fig. 8B, the mostselective catalyst, 52, was predicted with thehighest accuracy,within 3%ee of the experimentalvalue. Catalysts 53 and 54were the next two tofollow experimentally and computationally (theorder is inverted, but they are within experimentalerror from each other), followed by catalyst 55.The remaining catalysts shown in Fig. 8B werepredicted very accurately, likely because the ex-perimental values are closer to the training setcutoff of 80% ee. Despite omitting about half of

the experimental free energy range from thetraining data, we could still make accurate pre-dictions in this region of selectivity space.


The capability to successfully predict the selec-tivity of higher-performing catalysts has the po-tential to change the way chemists select andoptimize chiral catalysts. This method has notbeen “pressure tested” in a number of scenarios;reactions that are susceptible to electronic per-turbation must be investigated, more flexiblecatalyst scaffolds need to be explored, and cat-alyst scaffolds with multiple points of diversitymust be examined.

Materials and methodsGeneral information

All reactions were performed in glassware thathad been flame-dried under vacuum or oven-dried (140°C) overnight. All reactions were con-ducted under an atmosphere of dry nitrogen orargon by using a drying tube equipped withphosphorus pentoxide and calcium sulfate. Allreaction temperatures are noted as the oil bathtemperature, the internal temperature as moni-tored by a Teflon-coated thermocouple, or theroom temperature (~23°C). Solvents used forextraction were reagent grade, and chromatog-raphy solvents were technical grade. Columnchromatography was performed using ultrapuresilica gel (40 to 69 mm) from Silicycle with acolumnmixed as a slurry, packed, and eluted at 6to 8 psi. Retention factors, Rf, are reported foranalytical thin-layer chromatography performedon Merck silica gel plates treated with F-254 in-dicator. Visualizations were accomplished byusing ultraviolet (UV) light, aqueous KMnO4,ceric ammoniummolybdate solution, or iodine.Reaction solvents tetrahydrofuran [Fischer; high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)grade], hexanes (Fischer; HPLC grade), diethylether [Fischer; butylated hydroxytoluene–stabilized American Chemical Society (ACS)grade],methylene chloride (Fischer; unstabilizedHPLC grade), and N,N′-dimethylformamide(Fischer; HPLC grade) were dried by percolationthrough two columns packed with neutral alu-mina under positive pressure of argon. Toluene(Fischer; ACS grade) was dried by percolationthrough a column packed with neutral aluminaand a column packed with Q5 reactant, a sup-ported copper catalyst for scavenging oxygen,under a positive pressure of argon. Amines weredistilled fresh before use, and pyridine (Fischer;ACS grade) used as a solvent was distilled andstored over 4-Å molecular sieves before use.

Instrumentation1H, 13C, 19F, and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) spectra were recorded on a Varian UnityInova 400 spectrometer (19F and 31P), a VarianUnity 500 spectrometer (1H and 13C), a BrukerAdvance 500 spectrometer (1H, 13C, 19F, 29Si, and31P), a Varian VXR 500 spectrometer (1H), or aUnity 500 NB spectrometer (1H). Spectra arereferenced to chloroform [d = 7.26 parts per

Zahrt et al., Science 363, eaau5631 (2019) 18 January 2019 9 of 11

Fig. 8. Reaction prediction beyond the selectivity spanned by the training set. (A) A modelgenerated by using a deep feed-forward neural network simulating the optimization of anunoptimized reaction by using all data below 80% ee to train the model. The vertical bandsresult from the limit of accuracy in the analytical method. (B) Predicted and observed averageselectivities for the eight catalysts with average enantioselectivity over 80% ee. Only the commonreactions (i.e., those forming the same product) that were in the test set for each of the eightcatalysts were used to calculate the average selectivities. The identity of these reactions and thepredicted and observed values are available in data S3.


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million (ppm), 1H; 77.0 ppm, 13C], residual ben-zene (d = 7.15 ppm, 1H; 128.62 ppm, 13C), or di-methyl sulfoxide (d = 2.50 ppm, 1H; 39.52 ppm,13C). Chemical shifts are reported in parts permillion, and multiplicities are indicated bys (singlet), d (doublet), t (triplet), q (quartet),p (pentet), h (hextet),m (multiplet), and br (broad).Coupling constants J are reported in hertz, in-tegration is provided, and assignments are in-dicated. Mass spectrometry was performed bythe University of Illinois Mass SpectrometryLaboratory. Mass spectrometric data were col-lected on a Waters Q-TOF Ultima (ESI) spec-trometer, a Waters Synapt G2-Si spectrometer(ESI), a Waters Quattro Ultima spectrometer(ESI), or aWaters 70-VSE spectrometer (EI). Low-resolution spectral data are reported as (mass,intensity), and high-resolution data are reportedas calculated and measured masses to 10−4 massaccuracy. Infrared spectra were recorded on aPerkin-Elmer UATR-2 FT-IR spectrophotometer.Peaks are reported as reciprocal centimeters, withrelative intensities indicated as s (strong, 67 to100%), m (medium, 34 to 66%), or w (weak, 0 to33%). Analytical chiral stationary-phase super-critical fluid chromatography was performed onan Agilent 1100 high-performance liquid chro-matograph equipped with an Aurora SystemsA-5 supercritical CO2 adapter for supercriticalfluid chromatography and a UV detector (220or 254 nm) by using Daicel Chiralcel OD, OJ,and OB or Chiralpak AD and AS columns.

Descriptor calculations

To describe the steric environment around agiven structure, the strategy taken in these lab-oratories used grid point–type descriptors. How-ever, instead of using van der Waals potentialenergy values at grid point locations, this de-scriptor incorporates steric data from a popula-tion of conformers of a given compound. Thenew calculation process is as follows (see sectionS3 in the supplementarymaterials), demonstratedby using a BINOL-based phosphoric acid de-rivative scaffold. (i) For each base compoundwithin an in silico library, a set of conformerswithin a given energy window (generally 7 to10 kcal/mol) is generated. (ii) The full set of com-pounds and associated conformer libraries arealigned to a common core. (iii) A spherical grid ofpoints is then calculated to encompass the entireset of aligned compounds to a depth of 3 Å. (iv)For each conformer, an indicator field is createdby determining which grid point locations arewithin the van der Waals radius of an atom.Locations determined to be within atoms aregiven a value of 1; those outside are given a valueof 0. (v) The ASO of a given catalyst is calculatedas the average of the indicator fields for eachconformer of that catalyst. This gives a descriptorvalue of 0 ≤ ASO ≤ 1 at each grid point. Whencompiled, the descriptor set acts both to describethe shape of the molecule and to weight thatshape with how often the molecule occupiesdifferent regions of space. The process of cal-culating the ASO descriptor set is completedfor every catalyst in the in silico library (fig. S4).

The same protocol is used to calculate startingmaterial and product descriptors, and concat-enation of the descriptors generates the reac-tion profiles.The ASO descriptor can be used to visually

compare the shapes and sizes of different com-pounds by plotting the descriptor values as barcharts. Shown in figure S5 is a comparisonbetween3,3′-diphenyl-substituted BINOL-phosphoramide1_iv and the much larger catalyst 182_iv. As canbe seen in the plots, the ASO descriptor values for182_iv are much more varied, and nonzero ASOvalues can be seen formuchmore of the availabledescriptor range, indicating that this catalyst ismuch larger and covers more of the space avail-able to the catalyst. This type of comparativeanalysis shows that the descriptors are capturingthe shape of the molecule as well as distinguish-ing between catalysts of different sizes andconstitutions (Fig. 2D).To capture the electrostatic effects of sub-

stituents on the compounds of interest, a separateset of descriptors was considered. ElectrostaticMIF descriptors have underperformed in theapplications tested in these laboratories, andthese 3D MIF-based electrostatic descriptors donot incorporate conformation-dependent informa-tion. Additionally, most descriptor calculationmethods based on electrostatic field determina-tions fail to distinguish between through-bondand through-space effects (44). Although othershaveused 1Dand2Ddescriptors, such asHammettparameters (45), to describe such changes, thesubstituent libraries used in these laboratoriesare too diverse to have these parameters derivedfor them. To that end, a new electrostatic pa-rameter that correlates well with known 1D pa-rameters has been devised.This electrostatic parameter was calculated

for individual substituents represented in thecatalyst in silico library and is used to estimatethe electronic effects of the substituents onthe core molecule. The calculation was performedby attaching the substituent group to a tetra-methylammonium cation, generating a benzyl-trimethylammonium cation if the substituentis aryl, a homobenzyl-trimethylammonium cationif the substituent is benzyl, or an tetraalkylam-monium ion if the substituent is alkyl. Anelectrostatic potential MIF is then calculatedby using NWChem (46) at the B3LYP/6-31G*level of theory, specifying a specific probe andrange for the grid to give a single layer of gridpoints 0.025 Å apart. An example of the gridand calculated electrostatic potential for a 4-nitrobenzyltrimethylammonium cation is shownin figure S6. After the energies are calculated, themaximum and minimum energies calculated inthe single-layer MIF are saved, giving the sub-stituent electrostatic potential energy minimum(ESPMIN) and substituent electrostatic potentialenergy maximum (ESPMAX) descriptors. TheESPMAX descriptors correlated well with knownHammett parameters, suggesting that the des-criptor was describing the electron-donating or-withdrawing nature of the given substituents(fig. S7). These electronic parameters were also

used for the nucleophiles and electrophiles,wherein the corresponding thioether and arylmoieties, respectively, were appended to theammonium ion. Further, natural bond orbital(NBO) charges for sulfur and sulfur molecularorbital energies from the NBO calculation wereused as electronic descriptors for the thiols.

Model generation

All machine learning methods except deep neu-ral networks were implemented with Python2scripts by using scikit-learn (47), a Python ma-chine learning package. A collection of modelswas generated by using a variety of featureselection methods with experimental DDG asthe observable. Beforemodeling, all data descrip-tors were scaled by removing the mean andscaling to unit variance. A variety of featureselection or transform methods were surveyed(variance threshold method, mutual informa-tion, f-regression, and PCA). For the featureselection methods, 100, 500, 1000, and 2000 fea-tures were selected. Additionally, by using apercentile cutoff, the 10th, 25th, and 50th per-centiles were selected. By using PCA, modelswere generated with 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100principal components (64, 78, 84, 89, and 94%of variance, respectively). These methods wereall performed separately on the scaled descriptordata (PCA and a feature selection method werenever used together). The enantioselectivity data(expressed as the free energy differential be-tween the diastereomeric transition structuresleading to the different enantiomers) were alsohighly skewed, so these data were transformedwith the Box-Cox transformation by using SciPybeforemodel generation. Each set of preprocesseddata (meaning one of the selection methods orPCA on the features with the transformed oruntransformed Y-data) were then used tomake acollection of models. Models generated includepartial least squares PLSn (where n = 2, 4, 6, 8,10, 14, 18 and in which n < number of principalcomponents), random forest, LassoCV, LassoLarsCV,ElasticNetCV, RidgeCV, kernel RidgeCV [kernel =radial basis function (rbf)] [k (number of foldsin k-fold cross-validation) = 5], k-nearest neighbors(kNN), and support vector machines with linear,rbf, and polynomial kernels (second-, third-, andfourth-order polynomials). Grid optimization ofhyperparameters was performed (example codecan be found on the GitLab site) (48). This hyper-parameter optimization was performed with afivefold train-validation split (e.g., in the caseof the UTS data, the 384 “training reactions”weresplit).Modelswere evaluated viaq2 (cross-validatedR2), R2, and MAD from an external test set ofreactions (not used in hyperparameter optimiza-tion). Three examples are given in fig. S8. Eachmodel used the transformed (Box-Cox) selectivitydata and the top 25%of features selected by mutualinformation regression. SVR_poly2 (support vectorregressor with second-order polynomial kernel)was the only member of the best models to ac-curately predict the most selective test reactions.Whereas SVR_poly2 qualitatively selected

the best reactions when attempting to predict

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beyond the range of selectivities in the trainingdata, the models quantitatively underpredictedthese reactions. By using Keras (49) with theTheano backend, a Python package that canfacilitate deep learning, we generated a deepfeed-forward network. Grid-based hyperparam-eter optimizationwas usedwith linear, relu, elu,and selu activation functions; 0.05, 0.1, and0.2 dropouts on the layers; 4, 40, 400, and4000 nodes per layer; and 0 to 6 hidden layers.Further, all optimizers available in Keras weretested. This method of hyperparameter optimi-zation was very time intensive, and it is stronglyrecommended that practitioners instead use aBayesian optimization of hyperparameters. At-tempts to use this kind of optimization andmore modern machine learning methods arecurrently under way.


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We thank K. A. Robb and Z. Wickenhauser for experimentalassistance and N. Russell for informative discussions aboutmachine learning. We are also grateful for the support services ofthe NMR, mass spectrometry, and microanalytical laboratories ofthe University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Funding: We aregrateful for generous financial support from the W. M. KeckFoundation. A.F.Z. is grateful to the University of Illinois forgraduate fellowships. Y.W. thanks Janssen Research Development,San Diego, CA, for a postdoctoral fellowship. Authorcontributions: A.F.Z. contributed to catalyst synthesis, acquisitionof experimental selectivity data, and computer modeling andcomposed the manuscript. J.J.H. contributed to creatingccheminfolib, designing and implementing the ASO descriptors,and revising the manuscript. B.T.R., Y.W., and W.T.D. contributedto catalyst synthesis. S.E.D. secured funding, supervised theproject, analyzed data, and revised the manuscript. Competinginterests: The authors declare no competing interests. Data andmaterials availability: Full experimental procedures,characterization data, and copies of 1H, 13C, 31P, and 19F spectracan be found in the supplementary materials, along with analyticalsupercritical fluid chromatography traces of all products. Thecomputer code used in these studies is available in GitLab (48).

SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS and MethodsSupplementary TextFigs. S1 to S10Table S1References (50–86)Data S1 to S3

22 June 2018; accepted 3 December 201810.1126/science.aau5631

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Page 13: Prediction of higher-selectivity catalysts bycomputer ... · using chemoinformatics at every stage of development. Robust molecular descriptors that are agnostic to the catalyst scaffold

Prediction of higher-selectivity catalysts by computer-driven workflow and machine learningAndrew F. Zahrt, Jeremy J. Henle, Brennan T. Rose, Yang Wang, William T. Darrow and Scott E. Denmark

DOI: 10.1126/science.aau5631 (6424), eaau5631.363Science 

, this issue p. eaau5631Scienceexperimental results, they achieved highly accurate predictions of enantioselectivities.conformations of more than 800 prospective catalysts, and then training machine-learning algorithms on a subset ofon a known coupling reaction of imines and thiols catalyzed by chiral phosphoric acid compounds. By modeling multiple

present a framework for more efficient, predictive optimization. As a proof of principle, they focusedet al.empirical. Zahrt mirror-image products. Nonetheless, the process of tuning catalyst structure to optimize selectivity is still largely

Asymmetric catalysis is widely used in chemical research and manufacturing to access just one of two possiblePredicting catalyst selectivity



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