
Preceptorship Framework

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Newly Qualified Newly Qualified











Amended May 2009 & March 2010

Preceptorship framework 2011KS 2008:CDDFT 2

Preceptorship framework 2011KS 2008:CDDFT 3

Contents page

Page Introduction


Preceptorship definitions


Preceptorship framework


Preceptorship contract


SWOT Analysis


Plan for supernumerary period


Three-month review document




Reflection and self-evaluation


Action for non-achievement


Medicine Management Documentation A Competency Assessment for Qualified Nursing Staff


Plan for continual professional development


Completion of Preceptorship




Preceptorship framework 2011KS 2008:CDDFT 4

Introduction The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2001, 2006) and The Health Professionals Council

(2008) strongly advocate the provision of preceptorship as a method for providing transitional

role support from student to qualified practitioner status, The Chief Nursing Officer and the

Chief Health Professionals Offices (DH 2010, p4) state 'the period of time following registration

as a health care professional, whether on completion of an educational programme or

following a break from practice can be a challenging time. We all know that good support and

guidance during this time is essential. Newly registered practitioners who manage the

transition successfully are able to provide effective care more quickly, feel better about their

role and more likely to remain in the profession. This means they make a greater contribution

to patient care, but also ensures the benefits from the investment in their education is


County Durham & Darlington Foundation Hospitals NHS Trust (CDDFT) actively encourages

the use of preceptorship as part of the Clinical Governance agenda to help employees achieve

their full potential, while promoting patient safety through the provision of evidence based high

quality care.

This pathway should be used in conjunction with the following documents and may

be cross referenced where appropriate to avoid duplication.

Knowledge and skills framework (KSF) outline for your post

KSF appraisal folder

Your personal professional portfolio

Local competency documents – where appropriate ITU, A+E COMMUNITY etc

Clinical updates available on the Trust Intranet

A preceptee is:

A newly registered practitioner who is entering practice for the first time

A practitioner entering a different field of practice by means of a second registration

A practitioner returning to practice following a break of five years or more

A practitioner newly admitted to the register from other European Economic

Area States and other nation states

In some instances a newly appointed member of staff changing their area of

practice if the line manager considers this to be beneficial

A preceptor is:

Preceptorship framework 2011KS 2008:CDDFT 5

A registered practitioner who has a minimum of twelve months (or equivalent part time)

post-registration experience within the same field of practice as the preceptee.

The approach to mentoring a newly qualified practitioner is significantly different to that we

use with pre-registration or undergraduate students. Whilst drawing on the same skills,

within the context of being a preceptor you are working with a registered practitioner as a

guide or “coach” rather than signing off a student’s competency.

Responsibilities The Ward/Department Manager should ensure that preceptorship is provided to staff by:

Ensuring that a preceptor is allocated to the preceptee before the commencement

date to allow the preceptor time to prepare and plan for the initial supernumerary period


Arrange the off duty to allow the preceptor and preceptee to work two shifts OR 40% their

time together per week for six weeks.

Providing the preceptee with the Trust Preceptorship Framework and supporting study day

timetable (if appropriate). Study time should be allocated for attendance on the

programme and progress meetings, which should take place once a month (lasting for one


Formally arranging to meet with the preceptor and preceptee at the beginning of the

programme, and again at three months, to discuss and agree the preceptee’s personal

development plan and any outstanding issues from the preceptorship programme.

**During this period of preceptorship the preceptee may be working towards the

foundation gateway for their post and will need clear guidance, through appraisal,

to enable accelerated transitional points to be achieved (if identified for that post)

Where areas of non-achievement are identified at any stage, which cannot be resolved by the Preceptee and Preceptor, a meeting should be arranged with the line manager to agree a course of action. To sign the completion of preceptorship section in the framework document and return it to the Senior Nurse Practice Placements (PPF) A copy should be retained in the personnel file. Discuss clinical supervision and the allocation of a supervisor.

Preceptorship framework 2011KS 2008:CDDFT 6

The preceptor has a responsibility to:

Following the NMC consultation on Fitness for Practice at the Point of Registration

(2006) the response suggests that preceptors should:

Facilitate the transition of newly qualified registrants from student to a

registrant who is confident in their practice, sensitive to the needs of the

patients, an effective team member and up-to-date with their practice and


Provide positive feedback to new registrants on good performance.

Provide honest, constructive and objective feedback on performance that are a

cause for concern and provide support through action planning to remedy these

Facilitate new registrants to gain knowledge and skills

Be aware of the standards, competencies, or objectives set by the employer

that the ‘new registrant’ is required to achieve and support them in achieving these

(NMC 2006)

The preceptee has a responsibility to:

Practice in accordance with the **NMC (2008) The Code Standards of conduct,

performance and ethics for nurses and midwives or HPC regulations

Identify and meet with their preceptor as soon as possible on taking up post

Identify their specific learning needs and develop an action plan to address these

Be aware of the standards, competencies, or objectives set by their employer that

they are required to meet

Reflect on their practice and experience

Seek feedback from both their preceptor and other members of the team

Complete the Trust Preceptorship Framework and ensure that it is signed by both their

preceptor and line manager and added to their professional portfolio

Seek clinical supervision as the next step to support

Preceptees must take responsibility for their own learning and the identification of any

Deficits in their knowledge and skills although a preceptor will facilitate this.

** This only applies to newly qualified Staff Nurses

Preceptorship Contract Checklist

Checklist Signed Date

The two day Corporate Trust Induction has been undertaken where necessary to include:

Moving and handling Fire Basic life support

A copy of the Outline for the post and job description has been given to the preceptee

The preceptee has undertaken a SWOT Analysis of their current position to help them to identify areas for development/support

An initial programme has been drawn up for the supernumerary period and entered into this booklet

Conflict Resolution Training has been booked

A tri partite meeting has been booked with the preceptee,

preceptor and line manager for the first week in post to

discuss areas for development/support and initiate a Personal

Development Plan (PDP)

Off duty has been planned to allow for the preceptee and preceptor to work on the same shifts for two days per week (initially)

Dates to attend the Trust Preceptorship Training Days if appropriate.

Month One …………………………………….. Month two ……………………………………. Month three ……………………………………. Month four …………………………………….

NMC registration has been discussed and renewal date documented in the personal file by the line manager

A tripartite meeting has been booked for three months to discuss and

Preceptorship framework 2011KS 2008:CDDFT 7

update the PDP

Any other individual arrangements should be entered below

All Acute Adult areas a place on the Aims Course has been arranged and booked.

If working in a surgical area Epidural pump & P’cam training has been arranged and booked.

If working within paediatrics a level 2 child protection and PLS days have been arranged and booked.

Additional checklist add below any specific to area of work

Preceptorship framework 2011KS 2008:CDDFT 8

The Nursing and Midwifery pledge To deliver high quality care

Preceptorship framework 2011KS 2008:CDDFT 9

Nurses and midwives will lead and manage the delivery of high quality, compassionate

care. We will be at the leading edge of innovation, always challenging the status quo and

taking responsibility for creating new solutions.

Nurses and midwives, acknowledging that we are responsible for ensuring that health

care decisions are informed by our expertise, will engage more directly with policy-

making and decision-making. This includes decisions on funding priorities, health care

technologies, and the development of innovative models of care.

works' best.

Nurses and midwives, acknowledging the public investment in our education, training

and continuing professional development, will commit to delivering care that is evidence-

based and effective, and evaluating and researching it to expand our knowledge of what

Nurses and midwives, recognizing our important role in improving health and wellbeing

and reducing inequalities, will engage actively in the design, monitoring and delivery of

services to achieve this. We acknowledge that we are seen as role models of healthy

living and will try to live up to this responsibility.

and lifestyles that are health-promoting and sustainable.

Every nurse and midwife, acknowledging the huge public investment in the provision of

health care in the NHS and elsewhere, will act to ensure that these resources are used

to optimum effect for the benefit of service users and society. This includes making best

use of our own time and expertise, and developing and adopting practices, services

below the agreed standard.

Every nurse and midwife will uphold the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code and the

values of the NHS Constitution, wherever they work, and will accept responsibility for and

take charge of the quality of care, service and outcomes for every service user in their

care. Each one of us will speak out and act wherever and whenever care falls

Preceptorship framework 2011KS 2008:CDDFT 10

Preceptorship Contract

The Preceptee and Preceptor will initiate the Preceptorship by signing this contract, and

agreeing the way forward using the Preceptorship Pathway. The Preceptorship will last for a

minimum of four months, and the Preceptor and Preceptee will work the same shifts twice

weekly for the first six weeks For the remainder of the Preceptorship period, contact time will

be negotiated between both parties. A progress review meeting will take place each month

and time will be agreed, allocated and supported by the line manager. The Preceptee will

assume overall responsibility for ensuring that progress is regularly recorded and signed by

the Preceptor.

Details of agreed contract:

Preceptee signature …………………………… Preceptor signature …………………………… Line Managers’ signature………………………. Date agreed …………… At the beginning of your preceptorship complete this SWOT Analysis

Preceptorship framework 2011KS 2008:CDDFT 11

Do a self-assessment of how you feel now at the start of your period of preceptorship and

how you see yourself, both professionally and personally using a SWOT Analysis

Discuss this with your preceptor and ask for his/her opinion. Either write a summary of their

comments yourself or ask him/her to write something at the end of your reflection. Both of you

need to sign this.





Documentation of discussion – SWOT Analysis

Preceptorship framework 2011KS 2008:CDDFT 12

Preceptee signature ………………………… Date ..……………………….

Preceptor signature ………………………… Date ..……………………….


Timetable for Supernumerary Period. (For newly qualified and those changing area role at the start of their role)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Comments …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Signed…………………………………………………………………………………..Date………………………………………………………

Three Month Review by Ward Manager

Dimension No.

NHS/KSF Dimensions - Core

Level KSF Outline/JD (Please indicate)

Evidence Collected Comments



Foundation Gateway


2nd Gateway Full Outline



Personal and People Development




Health, Safety and Security




Service Improvement








Equality, Diversity



Preceptorship framework 2011KS 2008:CDDFT 14

Please add any specific competencies required by your manager/organization/area of work/KSF into this part of the portfolio as evidence

Preceptorship framework 2011KS 2009:CDDFT


Preceptorship framework 2011KS 2009:CDDFT



Aim - To be able to effectively communicate with a range of people on a range of matters

Outcome Self -evaluation by Preceptee

Signature of Preceptor

Date Achieved


The preceptee: has demonstrated the following basic

communication skills: effective oral communication with a range of

people both face to face and on the telephone

write and maintain accurate, clear and succinct patient records in accordance with legal, NMC/HPC and Trust standards

has conducted effective handovers of information to colleagues and other health care professionals

has demonstrated an awareness of barriers to effective communication

has demonstrated awareness of legislation, policies and procedures regarding: o Complaints o Confidentiality o Data protection o Can competently use computer

technology to meet the needs of their role.

E-CAMIS/SYSTEM ONE training undertaken o Password obtained

Preceptorship framework 2011KS 2009:CDDFT


o Smartcard obtained (if appropriate)

Please add any further requirements

Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Personal and people development Aim – Develop own skills and knowledge and provide information to others to help their development

Outcome Self-evaluation by Preceptee

Signature of Preceptor

Date Achieved


The preceptee:

is familiar with the daily routine on the ward/department /locality/team

knows where to access policies and procedures in the event of needing to make direct reference to them

can explain what appropriate action they would take if a situation arose which was beyond their experience

identifies own learning needs and how to

address these through the development of a personal, professional portfolio

can explain their level of accountability within

their role contributes to the development other team

members/patients where appropriate

Personal and people development Aim – Develop own skills and knowledge and provide information to others to help their development

Outcome Self-evaluation by Preceptee

Signature of Preceptor

Date Achieved


The preceptee: has read the Health and Safety Policy has discussed with their Manager Health

and Safety issues relating to the department o Infection control o COSH o POVA o Safeguarding adults and children o IR1/Safeguard Reporting

carries out load management assessment and is familiar with the appropriate equipment which needs to be used to assist moving and handling

carries out their duties with working awareness of the Health and Safety Policy to ensure an environment which is safe

has attended the following statutory in-service training

o Corporate Trust Induction o Annual Mandatory Training

Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Outcome Self- evaluation by Preceptee

Signature of Preceptor

Date Achieved


Has discussed the principles of food hygiene with the Food Hygiene Supervisor in the area (where appropriate). Has booked/completed the Alert Course (where appropriate - all adult areas). Knows what is expected of them in the event of critical incident. Is aware of de-escalation techniques and personal safety guidelines for their clinical area. Has identified stress reducing and coping strategies for themselves

Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Service improvement and quality Aim – Contribute to the improvement of services and improving quality

Outcome Self- evaluation by Preceptee

Signature of Preceptor

Date Achieved


has demonstrated awareness of national policy and targets

demonstrated understanding of the audit


is aware of how clinical supervision can be

used to enhance evidence based practice works as an effective and responsible team


Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Specific to area of work

Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Administration of Drugs

Aim - To safely administer patient medication. Outcome Self-evaluation by

Preceptee Signature of Preceptor

Date Achieved


The preceptee: understands the principles of medicines

management and safe drug administration

demonstrates safe practice of the administration of patient medication including calculations when required

completion of the Trust Medicines Management Booklet

(All newly qualified nurses must complete, others at the discretion of the Ward/Unit manager)

Discussed results with preceptor and line manager

Drawn up and had signed a

learning contract for further development if required

Supporting information NMC (2008) Standards for medicines management Trust Medicines Policy POL/MM/0001 Trust Medicines Administration Booklet

Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Patient Assessment and Planning of Care

Aim To be able to assess, plan, implement and evaluate patient care.

Outcome Date Signature of Preceptee

Signature of Preceptor


The Preceptee

• can effectively assess their patients’ progress on an ongoing basis and accurately document this on a care plan / care pathway • organizes patient / client care within their team according to the ward/department’s model and philosophy of care • can effectively evaluate their patients’ progress on an ongoing basis and accurately document this on the care plan / care pathway • has observed and participated in breaking bad news (where relevant to the ward / department) • can identify the key areas of knowledge required to deliver care for the different client groups (s)he is working with • can explain organization of their workload to ensure safe and effective care and demonstrate this in their daily work

Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Please add any appropriate to your area

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Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Final Outcomes Aim - To facilitate transition from preceptorship to other support mechanisms. .

Outcome Date Signature of Preceptee

Signature of Preceptor


The preceptee:

Has consolidated their experience during their period of preceptorship

Has identified a clinical supervisor and has discussed how this will support them once preceptorship is completed

Has identified an action plan for any future professional, educational and clinical skills acquisition

Has attended a three month appraisal with their manager and updated their PDP.

Has been handed the academic component of preceptorship to Teesside university.

Reflection To help you reflect in a productive manner you should use a reflective cycle. There are several variations of this but we have suggested the model below, however you may use another if you are more comfortable with that. The simple tool below is included to assist you but should be adapted to meet your individual needs. Having reflected, learning objectives or an action plan may be needed; you should discuss this with your preceptor.

How to Analyze an Incident or Event

Questions to ask yourself

1. A brief description of the event or incident. 2. Why is the event/incident significant to you? 3. How did this make you feel? 4. Could this incident have been anticipated? 5. What was the outcome of the event/incident? 6. What, if anything, made this event/incident difficult for you? 7. With reflection would you handle the situation differently? 8. What will this event/incident do to your future practice? 9. In a similar event/incident how would you deal with the situation? 10. Is this an event/incident that others could benefit from? 11. Do you need to take further action or training as a result of this

event/incident? You can reflect on positive as well as negative situations to explore and analyze in greater depth the factors at play and your role within it. It may be: an event that was challenging an event that you value positively an event that did not go as planned incidents where your actions made a difference an incident that you will now do differently in the future. Since reflection is about learning from experience and applying theory to practice you should: Consider what key points you have learned and discuss how you would

use this in your practice. Apply referenced theory to the issues you are discussing in your reflections


Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Reflection and self-evaluation supernumerary period

Preceptee signature …………………………

Preceptor signature …………………………

Date ..………………………. Copy to be forwarded to Line Manager: Signature…………………… date………………….

Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Reflection and self-evaluation Weeks 2 to 6

Preceptee signature …………………………..

Preceptor signatures …………………………………


Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Reflection and self-evaluation Week 7 to 10

Preceptee signature…………………………..

Preceptor signatures …………………………………


Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Reflection and self-evaluation Weeks 11 to 16

Preceptee …………………………..

Preceptor signatures …………………………………


Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Reflection and evaluation for weeks 17 and onwards

Preceptee …………………………..

Preceptor signatures …………………………………


Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Action for non-achievement of Preceptorship after three months

Where areas of non-achievement are identified at any stage, which cannot be resolved by the Preceptee and Preceptor, a meeting should be arranged with the line manager to agree a course of action. Cause for concern


Date for review …………………………… Comments

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Preceptee signature ……………………… Preceptor signature ……………………… Line Manager signature ……………………… Date of Meeting …………

Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Plan for continuing professional development Clinical Supervisor ………………………. Date for appraisal ……………………….

Preceptee signature ………………………………….

Preceptor signature …………………………………

Date ………………………………….

Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Medicines Management

A Competency Assessment for

Qualified Nursing Staff

New to a Clinical Area/Trust


Undertaking Preceptorship

Clinical Area …………………………… Name …………………………

Mentor ………………………………… Date…………………………..

Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Relevant Information

This document may be used as a single assessment for anyone who is new to a clinical area or Trust. It is a tool for self-assessment and a quality assurance initiative that may be completed following discussion with your line manager. All newly qualified Staff Nurses undertaking the Trust Preceptorship Programme will complete this assessment as part of their competency framework. '' The administration of medicines is an important aspect of the professional register. It is not solely a mechanical task to be performed in strict compliance with the written prescription of a medical practitioner (it can now be an independent and supplementary prescriber). It requires thought and the exercise of professional judgment….'' (NMC 2008 p 1) As a registered nurse or midwife, you are accountable for your actions and omissions. It is therefore essential that you exercise your professional accountability in the best interests of your patients by applying appropriate knowledge and professional judgment during the preparation and administration of any medications. You should work your way through this document by discussing each section with your mentor/preceptor or other appropriate professional (pharmacist). Once you have demonstrated appropriate knowledge and understanding you may be signed off. On completed this document should be included in your Professional Portfolio as evidence of PREP and photocopied by your line Manager to be included in your personal file. References NMC (2008) Standards for medicines management London: Nursing and Midwifery Council. NMC (2008) The Code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council.

Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Summary Sheet

1. Read and discuss the following Trust Policies

The Medicines policy The administration of IV medications The administration of blood and blood

products Local policy (please specify if any)

……………………………………………………. …………………………………………………….

…………………….. …………………….. …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..

2. Undertake drug calculation test

Create action plan (if appropriate) Set date to repeat test Repeat test

……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ………………………

3. Drug errors


4. Adverse drug reactions


5. Ordering, Storage and administration of

controlled drugs


6. Administration of oral, topical, intramuscular and

subcutaneous medications Demonstrate adequate knowledge of

administered drugs Demonstrate appropriate knowledge of

administration process Discuss accountability issues surrounding

drug administration

………………………. ……………………….. ……………………….. ……………………….

7. Training session for Intravenous Drug



Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Undertake supervised preparation and

administration of IV medication

Competent Yes No

8. Injection sites


9. Unlicensed preparations


10. Covert administration of medication


11. Action plan for professional development in this


Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Reflection and Self Evaluation

Module Code CCH 3071-N

Supporting professional Development through Preceptorship.

Assessment The student will engage in an assessment of his/her own reflection on their preceptorship and formulate a personal action plan to enhance personal effectiveness in his/her role. This will be presented in a written assignment of not more than 1500 words as part of the preceptorship portfolio. Assessment criteria

When writing this final section it is important that you:

Demonstrate a clear understanding of critical reflection. Present an analysis of your learning in relation to the Attitudes and

BehaviorsFramework & post outline. Show evidence of a critical exploration of the relevant supporting

literature. Include an action plan for personal and professional development. Present your work in accordance with School of Health & Social Care

Guidelines. Presentation - Referencing - Adhere to the School of Health & Social Care’s policy for

confidentiality and consent.

Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Completion of Preceptor ship Name of preceptor (in BLOCK CAPITALS)


The completed Preceptor ship Pathway should be added to the Professional

Portfolio as a record of achievement. The line manager should photocopy the

completed page and attach it to the personnel file.

Comments by Preceptor

Date of completion …………………… Preceptor …………………………….. Preceptor signatures ……………………. Seen evidence: Drugs calculation test passed (more than 80%) □ Submitted the Academic Component □ Comments Line Manager Signature…………………………. Date …………………….

Date Copy sent to Practice Placement Facilitator………………………………...

PPF Signature ……………….……….. Date Received ……………………

Certificate Sent ……………………………………………………………

Preceptorship framework 2011KS2009CDDFT


Evaluation Name…………………………………………………………….



Date preceptor ship completed………………………………..

1. Did you feel the preceptor ship was beneficial to your integration onto the ward/department? Yes No Comments…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. What aspects of the framework did you find useful? Comments…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. What aspects did you find least useful? Comments……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. Do you feel you were supported? Yes No Comments……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Any other comments …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Please send this page and your completion of preceptor ship to: Senior Nurse Practice Placements, Memorial Hall, Darlington Memorial Hospital, DL3 6HX. Telephone 01325 743536 email [email protected] [email protected]
