

Todays AgendaObjectives/AgendaUrgent vs. ImportantAchieving Balance Between RolesThe Three Legs of Stewardship The Weekly Planning ProcessMaking CommitmentsAdjourn 3

Inspired by:This is this mornings agenda:(*) Were going over the Objectives and the Agenda now(*) Then we are going to talk about some of the traps we fall into in managing our time. Understanding the concepts of URGENCY and IMPORTANCE. We will talk about where they are different and where they overlap.(*) Then were going to give some thought to the MANY roles you play in your a Catholic, but also as a friend, an employee, a parent, a PTA president.whatever. what your goals are for each of those roles, and how you achieve some sort of balance between them all.(*) Then well take a close look at the Three Legs of Stewardship. These are the critical components of a healthy Catholic lifestyle.(*) Then we will lay out a step-by-step Weekly Planning Process that will help you make this happen. Well try it out, AND it will be something you can take with you and use TODAY.(*) Then well wrap up by making some commitments to one another about the things we feel ready to try and do differently as a result of what weve learned.(*) We plan to adjourn at 12:00, and if all goes well, we will be ready to go by then!

Sound like a good plan? (Nods)OK Then lets start by finding out from a few of you WHY you came to a class on time management! (*)5Five Key Verbs.Balance.Plan.Pray.Serve.Give. 36Discussion:What Gets in the Way of Achieving Balance?

4What gets in the way of your achieving what you want to achieve?

Possible Reponses:I cant say noI have too much going onMy family always comes first and I dont feel in control of my scheduleThere arent enough hours in the dayIm working two jobs and my husband works tooI am trying to raise kids AND take care of my aging parents.

(Listen and affirm what you are hearing.ask other if theyve experienced these things, too.get the room nodding.generate discussion. Once youve got a pretty good sampling of Time Management issues, move on)

Are you stressed? What are you like when youre stressed?Are you focused? (No, yes.)Are you kind and thoughtful? Are you at your best? Your worst?

Sometimes its easy to lose sight of whats going on around you, isnt it? (*)

7What do you think of when you hear the word Urgent ?Is there a difference? Can they co-exist?Must they co-exist?What do you think of when you hear the word Important ? 4So lets talk about some of the terms we use when we prioritize our time.

(*) The first word is URGENT. What do you think that means? Or What do you think of when you hear the word URGENT?

Possible Answers:Has to be done right awayImportantCritical Top Priority

OK. What about the word IMPORTANT? What does that mean to you?Possible Answers:Critical Makes a differenceIt mattersIts urgent

So there is some overlap there, right? Maybe some confusion, too?Can something be Important, but not Urgent? How about urgent, but not important?

Lets put those two ideas next to eachother and talk about that overlap. (*)8VIDEO Seeing the World Through Gods Eyes

Im going to show you a quick video that illustrates what can happen when we are swirling in busyness sometimes. Id be interested to hear what you think.

(Play video)

What did you think of that? Can you relate to it? What did it make you think?

Conclusion: It is worth slowing down, just to see the world through Gods eyes. Thinking as HE would have us think. Seeing opportunities to serve him as we move through our days. Most of these things dont actually take time. Its more about THE WAY WE LIVE than the hours we commit. How we treat one another.

But we are so often in a rush.its easy to forget. (*)_________________________________________________ 2005 All rights reservedFellowship Bible Church, Little Rock, AR www.fbclr.orgWrote for permission: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]: Stephen R. Covey, First Things FirstIIVIIIIINot SoUrgentNot SoImportantImportantUrgentImportant AND UrgentUrgent, but Not ImportantImportant, but Not UrgentNeither Important Nor Urgent 5Lets put the (*) Importance on the Y axis, with the most important toward the top, and not-so-important down belowLets put (*) URGENCY on the X axis, with the most urgent on the left and Not-so-urgent toward the right.So the Top Left, well call (*) Quadrant I thats the stuff that is IMPORTANT AND URGENT. Can you tell me something that might be in that quadrant?Possible Answers:Your house is on fireYoure having a heart attackYoure having a financial crisisNOTE: Push for answers that are TRULY URGENT, AND IMPORTANT

OK. Lets look at the next quadrant: (*) Quadrant II. This is where we find things that are NOT Urgent, but theyre IMPORTANT. What are some examples for this?Possible Answers:PrayerGetting an educationTime spent with a loved oneGetting your teeth cleanedPlanning a vacationGood. Now how about (*) Quadrant III? These things are URGENT, but NOT important?What are some examples of these? Possible answers:Someone elses deadline or last minute requests that I dont care aboutJunk MailMost of my emailsFacebook (controversial)

And finally, (*) how about Quadrant IV? Things that are neither urgent, nor important.Possible Answers:Watching reruns or junky TVStaying up late, sleeping in lateTimewasters

Lets talk about the dynamics between these quadrants(*)10IIVIIIIIUrgent AND ImportantUrgent, but Not ImportantImportant, but Not UrgentNeither Important Nor UrgentOmit or UpgradeImprove or Say NOINVESTJust Do ItWHERE IS YOUR FAITH LIFE? 5SOURCE: Stephen R. Covey, First Things FirstThere are some people who spend their lives moving from Quadrant I to Quadrant 4. Back and forth.In fact, some people LOVE life in Quadrant 1. They love emergencies. Do you know anyone like that? These people often CREATE emergencies (through procrastination or gossip or even sabotage) so they can fly in and save the day. Theres an old saying that sometimes the best fire fires are actually the arsonists. (Did you see the movie Backdraft?)

When does something from Quadrant 2 become urgent?Possible Answers:NeglectAbuseFailure to spend time in Quadrant 2

So the main objective here is to (*) get rid of the stuff in Quadrant 4, or at least UPGRADE so there is some value (in your TV watching, for example)(*) Improve the time wasters in Quadrant improving processes, learning to say No when you can.getting off of junk mail lists, for example or eliminating reports at work that no one reads or uses.then USE that time you save from Quadrants 3 and 4, and (*) INVEST it in Quadrant 2.The EFFECT (*) of this will be that you will MINIMIZE the time you spend in Quadrant 1! Youll experience fewer emergencies because you will be well prepared, you will have planned, you will have prayed and learned and youll have stronger relationships from having invested in them!

Now let me ask you a question: (*) Where is your FAITH LIFE on this grid?Quadrant 2. Can it move to Quadrant 1?YES. And it does for many. Many discover or re-discover their faith in a time of crisis. Those who have a strong faith are better prepared for challenges and crises because they are investing in their faith life all the time. They are more calm, clear, focused, and prepared.

So lets get practical! Were going to do an exercise now to begin our balancing act.(*)11

Exercise:Your Roles Choose 4-6Faith Based Role(s)Catholic, Steward, Parishioner, Church LeaderKey Family Role(s)Parent, Spouse, Sibling, Son/DaughterProfessionalManager, Trainer, Worker, Doctor, StudentKey RelationshipsFriend, Coach, Teacher, MentorOther Key CommitmentsPTA President, Football coach, Activist, Committee Chair 6The first step in our balancing act is to define what it is we want to balance.On Page X in your Participant Book, Id like you to take a few minutes and choose 4-6 of the key ROLES you play in your life.One of the roles may be a (*) FAITH-based role. Here are a few examples.Then list a couple of (*) key FAMILY roles.If you work, you may want to list (*) 1-2 PROFESSIONAL roles.Then maybe another key (*) RELATIONSHIP role, such as friend or coach.And if you have another (*) role in your life like PTA President, or maybe youre an Activist or Girl Scout Troop Leader or something like that.

Just narrow it down to the most critical roles, with no more than 6 of them.

Ill give you a few minutes to write those down. Let me know if you have questions.(Wait 5 minutes or so. Watch for people to stop writing.look finished..give a one minute warning to get them to wrap it up.)Before we begin to set some goals for each of these roles, Im going to take some time to break down one of these roles: (*) Your FAITH-BASED ROLE.12Exercise:Find Your Balance by Identifying Key Roles1 2 3 4 5 6 6SOURCE: Stephen R. Covey, First Things First13Exercise:Find Your Balance by Identifying Key Roles1 Steward2 Spouse3 Parent4 Manager5 Friend6 6SOURCE: Stephen R. Covey, First Things First14STEWARDSHIPIs a Freely Chosen Way of LifeSt. Josephs is a Stewardship Parish. Our mission is to evangelize Gods people, beginning with the gift of the Holy Eucharist.To define your role of faith, Id like to introduce you to a model created by our Stewardship Committee that makes it quite simple.We call it our Stewardship Model.Because we are a Stewardship parish, we thought it was important to make the meaning of that clear to everyone in our parish, and I think it will help you with your time management on this role.We CHOOSE to believe it all belongs to God (because it does).15Introduce the Model

FatherSonHoly Spirit Sends thePrays toGives graceInspires charityTrinitarionChristologicalSt. Josephs Answer to the HOW? of Stewardship:TimeTalentTreasure 7You may have seen this logo many times before.You may have heard it said during Mass, even:At St. Josephs we LIVE OUR FAITH by PRAYING GRATEFULLY, SERVING RESPONSIBLY, and GIVING GENEROUSY.Thats the model!Its simple: Its about PRAYER, SERVICE, and GIVING materially.

The three areas need to be balanced. In fact, we compare it to three-legged Stew Stool (*)16

Finding Balance in Your Role as a Steward of the Catholic FaithYour Faith Life rests upon it.If one of the legs of this Stewardship stool is shorter than the others, or missing altogether, our faith life is unsteady.We might even topple over!So balance is key. (*)17

Catholic Stewardship Is About All Three Legs of the Stool

Balanced Stewardship Requires Planning and ACTIONIts easy to fall out of balance in our faith life.Lets look at these examples.

In each case, there is a gap in our lives as Stewards of the Catholic Faith.Lets look at each leg briefly. (*)18

The First Leg: PrayerSetting the StageBeware your thoughts, for they become words.Beware your words, for they become actions.Beware your actions, for they become habits.Beware your habits, for they become character.And beware your character, for it becomes your destiny.-Lao Tzu, Chinese Philosopher

Turn our thoughts to GOD, so that He might guide our DESTINY.


8The First leg is Prayer.Why do you think prayer is such an important part of our faith life?Possible Answers:It puts God firstIt causes us to stop and think

(*) (Read the quote as it spills out)

THATs what prayer IS: Turning our thoughts to GOD so that He may work in our lives.Remember the video about looking at the world through Gods eyes? Prayer puts us there. It slows us down and shifts our perspective so that we may bring our FAITH TO LIFE!

Now lets take a look at the 2nd leg of the stool (*)19The Second Leg: ServiceFinding a FitDiscerning your unique giftsGod gave them to you to USE for GOODDesigning ways to use them for the benefit of those in needDetermining a specific GoalDoing the thingRepeat


Once you find a match for your gifts, (*) you should set a GOAL that fits your schedule and your lifestyle. EVERYONE can give need to focus on what will fit.(*) Then you DO it. We will talk about this more when we talk about weekly planning and getting everything onto a schedule.And once you start the process, (*) you will become addicted to that feeling you get when youve really helped someone in need. And youll WANT to REPEAT it.Thats is Gods love working through us.We are his hands and feet. (*)20The Third Leg:Managing Gods WealthAll you ARE and all you HAVE are gifts from GodWe dont OWN anything It belongs to God!Circulating material wealthLets get practical!


The Third leg is the financial and material leg. Its about GIVING to others.As Catholics, we realize that (*) All we ARE and ALL we HAVE are gifts to us from God. He gave us FREE WILL, so each of us can decide what to DO with the gifts weve been given, and the money we earn with those gifts. In the end, (*) we are not OWNERS of these gifts. Rather, we are STEWARDS of them. We have a responsibility to take care of them. In fact, we have a responsibility to (*) CIRCULATE material wealth when it comes our way!How do we manage Gods Wealth? (*) Lets get practical: WE BUDGET. (*)


Its Simple: Build a BudgetMake it a shared experiencePush togetherplan sacrifices!Where do we want to give? To whom? Why?THEN, treat it like a SPENDING SPREE OF GIVING

Lets transform our Parishs giving experience into a JOYFUL RESPONSE to Gods blessings! 10Giving money and material good SHOULD be a joyful experience.Part of the reason it is NOT, is often because we are afraid we cant spare it. We might need it. And its overwhelming how many needy people there are, so sometimes we feel pressure to give and give and give and it starts to feel icky.So we need to get back to basics: We need to PLAN. Quadrant 2 stuff!(*) Make is a shared experience. Something you do at the beginning of the year. You set a goal. (*) You plan to make a few sacrifices so you can share Gods wealth with others.(*) You decide where you want to give. At church AND to other organizations that support the needy. Maybe leave yourself some amount that you can give spontaneously.(*) Then you get to treat it like a SPENDING SPREE! When it comes time to give, you will have PLANNED for it, and it can feel GOOD again! If you cant give every time, its OK, because YOU HAVE A PLAN.(*) Thats the idea. Plan what you can do, maybe push a little more to make a sacrifice, then ENJOY the act of GIVING! (*)

22Planning Your GivingMakes Giving More Joyful!Giving Opportunities20152016GIVING BUDGET:$$Weekly Offertory$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Spending Spree Fund!$$SacrificeValue$ perWeek/Month/Year$ perWeek/Month/Year$ perWeek/Month/Year$ perWeek/Month/YearBishops Ministry AppealMany Hands Many HeartsVisiting MissionsChurch for TomorrowSt. Vincent de PaulThe Red CrossAmerican Cancer SocietySPCANo Starbucks on Tuesdays and Thursdays 4001001001005050One Less Day of Vacation30023The Three Legs of StewardshipStewardship ACTS are ACTS OF GRATITUDE.These acts glorify God.

13So those are the three legs of the Stewardship Stool.Our Faith Life rests upon our ability to Pray gratefully, Serve responsibly, and Give generously.(*) These are all acts of Gratitude to God for all He has given us.(*) And these acts GLORIFY HIM.24

Continuing Our Exercise:Living Your Life On PurposeBegin by Creating a Vision of Your 90th Birthday PartyHow will you be described as a SPOUSE?How will you be described as a PARENT?How will you be described as a FRIEND?How will you be described as a CATHOLIC STEWARD? 14SOURCE: Stephen R. Covey, First Things FirstSo now that weve gone a bit deeper into our ROLE as a CATHOLIC STEWARD, lets get back to the exercise of setting some GOALS for each of the Key Roles we play in our life.

Heres what were going to do:IMAGINE a day way out into the future..You come into a big, beautiful room set for a fancy party. Then you realize ITs a BIRTHDAY PARTY!The place is crowded with all the people you know and love.and suddenly you realize this birthday party is for YOU! (*) Its your 90th birthday and youre healthy and doing fine!Then you notice there is a head table. At that table are 7 seats. One in the middle for you, and in each seat next to you is a person who represents a role you play in your life. Each on of those people is going to say a few words about the kind of person you are in that role. (*) Your spouse will talk about the kind of partner youve been(*) One of your kids will talk about the kind of a parent you became(*) Your friend will describe the kind of friend you are.(*) And there will be someone there from St Josephs who will talk about the kind of Catholic Steward you became!Wont this be great? The best part of ALL of this is that YOU now get to write what they are going to say! Not based upon who you are today, but based upon who YOU WANT TO BECOME. Ideally! Your aspirational self! A FANTASTIC 90 year old!25VIDEO: Prepare for Planning With PrayerTo prepare you for this exercise, you should enter into a prayerful state of mind. Id like to share this short video with you, and when its over, Id like you to spend some time working on your Birthday speeches

No copyright mark. No contact information.26

Exercise:20 Minutes Outlining Each SpeechHow you want to be described as a SPOUSEHow you want to be described as a PARENT How you want to be described as a FRIENDHow you want to be described as a CATHOLIC STEWARD?In terms of PrayerIn terms of ServiceIn terms of Material Giving 14SOURCE: Stephen R. Covey, First Things FirstWhen the exercise is over (20 minutes OR when a majority appear to be finished)Ask the participants.How did that make you feel?Possible Responses:Good/BadHopefulExcitedPressured (to become a better person)Guilty (that I am not all I should be)Satisfied (that I am on track)Sentimental

(Validate all of these responses.there are no right or wrong responses!)

Stephen Covey, author of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, calls this habit, Begin with the end in mind.

Sadly, most people dont plan their lives this way. But just like an athlete preparing for an event/doctor preparing for surgery/priest preparing for mass/teacher preparing for will be more likely to achieve what you want to achieve if you visualize the best possible outcome FIRST

27Exercise: Your 90th Birthday1 JohnShes my best friend. She believes in my dreams. She makes me feel good about myself. We have fun together.2 KidsShe is always there for me and I can trust her completely. She nurtures me when I feel weak and she inspires me to be my best. She reminds me to put God first.3 FriendsShe is loyal and kind. She is fun loving and energetic. She puts the needs of others before her own. She is worthy of trust and gives others the benefit of the doubt.4 LeaderShe is hard-working, honest, and supportive. She makes decisions that align with her values and she accepts accountability for her team. We follow her enthusiastically.5 PrayerShe demonstrates reverence and joy in her prayer life. She sets an example for others to follow. She supports others efforts to enrich their prayer life. She prays for me6 ServiceWe can count on her to share her talents. She contributes cheerfully and she always keeps her commitments. She listens for opportunities to serve the needs of others and finds creative ways to pitch in that really make a difference.SOURCE: Stephen R. Covey, First Things First28

Demonstration:Achieving Balance Through Weekly PlanningLets get practical. 16Now that weve had a chance to think about the BEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME for your life, we need to do some practical things to make it happen.

To make sure you PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST. (Another Covey habit!)29

The KeyScheduling the Important ThingsPut you Big Rocks in FIRSTIf you are schedule driven, put GOD on your scheduleIf you are goal driven, put GOD in your goalsIf you are budget driven, put GOD in your budget 16Lets begin by challenging the way most of us work today.

If an opportunity comes along, how do you find time for it?Possible answers:I squeeze it inI try to work fasterI give something else upI pass it up OR I put it off

Most people try to cram it in to their already packed schedule. Thats what makes people say things like, There arent enough hours in the day! If I only had some time to catch up. or Someday, I will have time

(INSERT BIG ROCKS DEMO)Ask a volunteer (who has not seen this demonstration before) to come forward.Container 2/3 full of gravel: Imagine this is your busy week. Full of activity already.Large rocks, labeled with Important Things: These Big Rocks represent important things in your life that are NOT urgent. (Prayer, Marriage, Fitness, Service, Education/Learning, Social/Friendships.)Your challenge is to fit all of these Big Rocks, into this busy week.___________________________Once they have struggled a while to choose the most important ones to cram them inpoint out the ones they had to leave out.Too bad

Then say, OK, I am going to let you take a new approach. Start fresh, with an EMPTY container. NOW how will you make sure you get all your rocks in?The volunteer will put the big rocks in, then pour in the gravel over the top.What about the gravel that doesnt get in? Does it matter?....NO. You will never get it ALL done, but isn't it most important to get the important stuff in FIRST?This is how we must plan our weeks: Literally putting (*) FIRST THINGS on the schedule FIRST. (*) We are SCHEDULE driven, so we have to put GOD on our schedule.(*) Many of us are GOAL driven, so we need to put GOD in our GOALS.(*) And many of us are focused on our BUDGET and what we can AFFORD. SO we need to make sure we put GOD in our BUDGET!Lets look at that planning technique.(*)

30The Power of Weekly PlanningEvery Week, Same Time and Place: 10-30 Minutes AloneGather together your Calendar, To Do List, Roles and Birthday SpeechesPrayPlanInsert appointments/time sensitive items

17I am going to get very specific with you about this approach to planning:(*) Once a week.every single week.forever and need to have a Weekly Planning Session. At first, it may take you 20 minutes.but after a while, it will take you less and less time..5-10 minutes even. (NOTE: Even if it took you 20 minutes every week, that would be a GREAT investment!)Find a quite place where you can be alone to think, and (*) gather your calendar, your to-do list, and your roles and goals.(*) take a DEEP BREATH and Pray. Pray for calm, clear thinking. Pray for patience and strength. Pray that Gods hands will guide yours and that Jesus heart will guide yours. Once your prayers are finished and you are feeling calm and centered, open up your calendar for the week.(*) Begin by listing (or reviewing) the commitments youve already made. Your work schedule, lunch appointments, family appointments. Everything.31


Dentist ApptAccountantPTA MtgGarage SaleLunch w/JessePattis Bday DinnerCar PoolCat to VetMassCar Pool 1833The Power of Weekly PlanningEvery Week, Same Time and Place: 10-30 Minutes AloneGather together your Calendar, To Do List, Roles and Birthday SpeechesPrayPlanInsert appointments/time sensitive itemsSchedule time to achieve weekly goals for every role Parent, Spouse, Friend, Professional, Catholic Steward (Prayer, Service, Financial)What can I do THIS WEEK that will get me closer to my vision for myself in each of these Roles?

17(*) Turn to your roles, and ask yourself, What can I do THIS WEEK, that will get me closer to becoming that person I wrote about in my 90th Birthday Speech?These are Quadrant 2 BIG ROCKS that you have to put in the schedule FIRST before all of the gravel caves in around you!At first, this may be hard to do. (*) thats why you need to examine those things that fall into Q3 and 4, eliminate them so you can find space on your schedule for more Big Rocks (Q2)34

Dentist ApptAccountantPTA MtgGarage SaleLunch MeetingPattis Bday DinnerCar PoolCat to VetMassCar PoolAdorationDonut DutyDate NightPlanting Garden with SallyCareer Planning Mtg1 Spouse2 Parent3 Manager4 Coach5 Friend6 Steward 1835

Early AMEve

SUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATPRAY PLAN PROTECT. 1936The Power of Weekly PlanningEvery Week, Same Time and Place: 10-30 Minutes AloneGather together your Calendar, To Do List, Roles and Birthday SpeechesPrayPlanInsert appointments/time sensitive itemsSchedule time to achieve weekly goals for every role Parent, Spouse, Friend, Professional, Catholic Steward (Prayer, Service, Financial)What can I do THIS WEEK that will get me closer to my vision for myself in each of these Roles?Not enough time? Work harder to eliminate Quadrant III and IV stuff!Protect: Live Your FaithMove your rocks around, but never give one up

17(*) Then finally, you can go forth into your week and truly LIVE YOUR FAITH.By that I mean that you have a PLAN, and if you work it (moving Big Rocks around when you need to be flexible for Q1 stuff) but you never eliminate the Bog Rocks. You protect them.

Big Rocks in every role gives you BALANCE and QUALITY and TRUE STEWARDSHIP of your FAITH and your GIFTS and your ROLES. (*)37SOURCE: Stephen R. Covey, First Things FirstIIVIIIII 20And what do you think happens when you spend more and more time in Quadrant 2 with these kinds of activities?

38SOURCE: Stephen R. Covey, First Things FirstIIVIIIII 20And what do you think happens when you spend more and more time in Quadrant 2 with these kinds of activities?

39SOURCE: Stephen R. Covey, First Things FirstIIVIIIIIRelationshipsService And GivingFitness and LearningPrayerPlanning and Preparation 20And what do you think happens when you spend more and more time in Quadrant 2 with these kinds of activities?

40SOURCE: Stephen R. Covey, First Things FirstIIVIIIIIRelationshipsService And GivingFitness and LearningPrayerPlanning and Preparation 20Quadrant 2 grows, 3 and4 SHRINK (its easier to say NO to time wasters when you have a compelling things to do tht are TRULY IMPORTANT and you are protecting them!

And you will also see that Q1 SHRINKS. Fewer crises. Fewer disasters?

Examples:Financial crises? Why? Because you BUDGET and PLAN.Relationship Crises? Because you take care of them all the time.Straying form your faith? Because you methodically stay connected to your faith (*)41Tying It All TogetherSo lets take a look back and see how we did on our objectives. (*)

42Review Class ObjectivesFind Balance in Our Lives as Busy CatholicsLearn a Process for Turning Our Life Objectives into Practical PlansDeepen Our Understanding of Stewardship Create a concrete plan for praying, serving, and giving as a way of life

(*) We learned that the key to balance is defining roles and setting goals for how we can contribute each week to achieving progress in each of our roles(*) We learned that living ON PURPOSE means Beginning With the End in Mind (our birthday party declarations) and making those things happen deliberately.(*) We learned about what Stewardship REALLY means.taking responsibility for our FAITH and our CHURCH by Praying gratefully, Serviing Responsibly, and Giving Generously.And finally (*) we now have a simple weekly planning technique that will turn our aspirations into ACTIONS so that we truly live a life that brings Glory to God!

So do you think we did OK?

OK Lets make some commitments to each other. (*)43Remember The Five Verbs?44Balance.Your life roles AND your Three-Legged Stewardship Stool.Plan.Weekly. Put Q2 first.Pray.Connect to God and let Him work through you.Serve.Find ways to use your unique abilities to glorify God.Give.Plan it. Make sacrifices. Enjoy it! 2144

FinallyLets Commit to One AnotherWhat was your most important Ah HA! moment of this session?Name one thing you will do (or do differently) as a result of todays class.With WHOM will you share what you learned today? 21Who would like to share with the group an example of what you plan to do differently as a result of this session?(Wait patiently.someone will volunteer! Get several many as you have time least 3)

Fantastic examples. Thank you for sharing. Now lets close with some grateful prayer. Maybe this prayer will men even more to you now than when we read it together just two hours ago. (*)

45 1A Stewardship PrayerLord of all Creation,

We praise and thank You for everything we are.All we have is Your gift to us.Through Your love for us, You gave us the greatest gift of all:Jesus Christ.Filled with Your love, we respond to Your call to be disciples of Your Son.Unite us as a community of Your disciples. Open our hearts and minds to Your abundant grace so that we might become good stewards of Your gifts.As stewards, teach us to receive Your gifts gratefully, nurture them responsibly, share them generously, and return them to You with increase, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


CONSIDER REPLACING WITH A TIME MANAGEMENT Prayer 2Invite everyone to stand.As we begin all things, we direct our hearts and minds to God.

(Recite the prayer together)

Before we begin to dive into the material, lets establish some objective and paint a picture of our 2-hour agenda (*)46

Thank You!47St Josephs 2014 Annual Stewardship PlanningParish Video48Sheet1PrayServe GiveCareful Carl XX"I can't"Frenetic Fred"I don't"XXPrivate PattyX"I won't"X


