Page 1: PRAYER REQUEST Carol Reiner Are gentle (4:2)darkness, that ... · 7/31/2016  · Why did God send fiery serpents to plague the Israelites? _____ Write your name below. Then cut or

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Pace-maker put in on Monday,

November 18th

at St.John Hospital

Neil Richey, Shreveport, LA

Via Bulletin Digest

OUR PRAYER REQUESTS John Murray’s cancer has progressed and

there is a new chemo the doctors have

prescribed for him. He received 2 units of

blood on Thursday to help with his fatigue

and it will also boost his blood count. He

will start the new intravenous chemo

program on August 20th

. Please keep John

in your prayers.

Pam Howard is home after being

hospitalized at St. Francis Hospital in

Tulsa. She needs plenty of rest.

Ronda Moss is now home. The results of

her heart tests came back good.

Charles Finney was taken to Hillcrest

Hospital with high blood pressure.


Bess Brooks, Carl Best Sr., LaVerne

Boren, Carol Downs, Jeanetta Clark, Judy

Coppedge, Craig Coppedge, Sue Finney,

Lauren Graves, Luke Graves, Ronald

Hamm, Carol Hall, June Hester, Bradley

Monett, Carolyn Nelson, Carol Reiner,

Beverly Stout, Brannon Scrivener, Betty


Jesus said, “You are the light of the

world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.”

Mt. 5:14.

We normally apply His statement to

ourselves. We say, “ Christians are the light of

the world.” But are we? If, on a dark night, the

lights go out in a large auditorium full of

people, all it takes to get their attention is one

tiny candle. If someone lights a candle, it isn’t

long until every eye is on it. It’s like Jesus said

of the city on the hill; it cannot be hidden, it will

not go unnoticed.

The world is in darkness, spiritual

darkness, that gets blacker every year. If we are

the light of the world, why isn’t the world

looking our direction? Can it be that we have

been wrong in applying Jesus’ statement to all

Christians? When we look at the context of the

statement, it becomes obvious that Jesus was

speaking of those who hunger and thirst after

righteousness, those who are merciful, pure in

heart, peacemakers, and those who have been

persecuted for the sake of righteousness. It is

these of whom He says, “You are the salt of the

earth, you are the light of the world.”

Unless the attributes of the beatitudes

are ours, is it not questionable for us to claim to

be the light of the world? The light of the world

is what we ought to be, the light of the world is

what the Lord wants us to be. But it is not

necessarily what we are and it will not be what

we are unless we start living God’s way.

via Drexel Church of Christ, Oklahoma City,



BIBLE TRIVIA -Question of the


Why did God send fiery serpents

to plague the Israelites?


Write your name below. Then cut or tear this out

and hand to D.J. or Jean.


Congratulations to: Joel Dunham and Gracie Vivion

for answering last week’s trivia question correctly!


August 9 – Love Meals served

August 9 – Power of Prayer – 6:00 p.m.

August 15 – Ladies’ Night Out 6:00 p.m.

August 20 – Men’s Breakfast – 7:30 a.m.

August 23 – Power of Prayer – 6:00 p.m.


July 31-August 6 – Joshua

Kara McCoy – August 1 Linda Pogue -August 3

Cassandra King – August 4 Linda Applegate – Aug. 5 Ilena Ramsey – August 6

Carl and Dana Best – August 6


ENCOURAGEMENT Health Concerns/Long Term Illnesses

Teresa Stafford had surgery on July 27, to

insert a feeding tube.

D.J. Castoe will be having a scope

procedure on August 1.

Keith Martin received some good news in

Houston last week. Some of his tumors

have shrunk. He will be continuing his


Nathan Tears, one of the missionaries we

support, has requested prayers for his wife

and baby who have malaria.

Carol Reiner had to have another blood

transfusion this week. Her blood count

numbers continue to drop.

OUR NURSING HOME RESIDENTS Laverne Boren – Nursing home in Texas

Colonial Terrace-Pryor

Carol Reiner, Sue Finney, Sammie Casey

Shady Rest, Apt.C-10 - Oliver Elliott

Avondale Cottage– Pryor - Edith Radschweit

Cancer/Cancer Treatment

Colt Rowland Eric Yoder Patty Clawson

Monty Stipes Charles Finney Beth Monett

Others to Pray For Joyce Anglin, Gary and Cathy Boren, Don and Norma

Foster, Louis Gabbard, Debbie Hamill, Taylor Kegley,

Lynn King, Margie Kinion, Jerry McNickle, Juanita

McNickle, Cara Renbarger, Payton Stanley, Joe and

Beverly Stout, Chester Thompson, Gertrude Teague,

Tucky and Bev Tucker, Katie Vickery


Sunday, July 31, is the last day to

contribute to Hope Harbor’s perishable

food drive.

August 7, is the deadline to bring school

supplies for the fifteen children we are

helping. You may also give a cash

donation to Linda Pogue or Toni Vivion.

If any ladies would like to help with the

Love Meals by making a salad on August

9th, please see Lelia or Arlene. Thank




SERMON TOPICS FOR JULY 31 Sunday AM –“Reckless” Matthew 7:13-14 Sunday PM – “Words Hurt” James 3:1-12

LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS (from Ephesians 4-6)

Lights in the darkness are Christians who: Walk worthy of their calling (4:1) Are humble (4:2) Are gentle (4:2) Are patient (4:2) Bear with one another in love (4:2) Are eager to keep unity and peace (4:3) Are no longer children, spiritually (4:14) Speak the truth in love (4:2) Are renewed in the spirit of their minds (4:23) Put on a new self (4:24) Honest (4:24) Do not sin when angry (4:26) Are kind to one another (4:32) Imitate God (5:1) Avoid immoral thought and conduct (5:3-5) Conduct themselves carefully and wisely (5:15) Seek to understand God’s will (5:17) Worship God wholeheartedly by singing (5:19) Submit to one another in respect for Christ (5:22) Love and respect their spouses (5:33) Honor their parents (6:2,3) Raise their children in a Godly manner (6:4) Respect their employers (6:5) Respect their employees (6:9) Stand firm, in the armor of God, as soldiers of God (6:13) Lance Cordle, Calvert City, KY

Page 2: PRAYER REQUEST Carol Reiner Are gentle (4:2)darkness, that ... · 7/31/2016  · Why did God send fiery serpents to plague the Israelites? _____ Write your name below. Then cut or

Email: [email protected]


Phone: (918) 825-2539

Deadline for school supplies: Aug. 7

SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Bible Class – 9:45 a.m.

Worship – l0:35 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.


Bible Class and Devotional – 7:00 p.m.


D.J. Castoe, Pulpit Minister


Carl Best Tom Coats

Gary Risner Don Stafford

Freddie Vivion

DEACONS Don Foster Rick Howard

Louis Gabbard


PRYOR Hope Harbor Claremore, Ok

Ghana Outreach Ghana, West Africa

Tent City & Last Water Village Papua, New


Church of Christ

605 South Coo-Y-Yah

Pryor, OK 74361

Bible Study……………………………………..108

A.M. Worship…………………………………..135

P.M. Worship…………………………………....79





Prayers: Don Stafford

Wendell Kropp John Robert Reist

Benjamin Reist Carl Best Jr.


Carl Best Jr./Don Stafford


Jeff Lair James Hays

Carl Best Sr. Freddie Vivion


Charles Longenbaugh/Don Stafford

Darrell Applegate


7/31 Mike Bartgis 8/7 Mike Dunham


Rick Howard D.J. Castoe


Darrell Applegate /Don Stafford


Martha Floyd Roberta Mitchell


7/31 Regina Kropp 8/7 Toni Vivion

7/31 Regina Kropp 8/7 Toni Vivion

July 31, 2016


I am not really the bragging type, so I didn’t say a whole lot or tell a lot of people when I

joined a pretty exclusive club back in the spring. I know you probably don’t see me as the club

type, but I am quite the clubman I must say. Back in about March, as I was pre-fishing on Grand

Lake, I joined a club. As my buddy and I were cruising across Grand Lake at about 50 mph, we hit

a wave hard enough to shift one of my fishing poles from its protective strap. I have straps that

keep my fishing poles from being bounced around or flying out of the boat while we are going

down the lake. When this shift happened, the pole moved below where the strap was covering it

and because this happened, I lost one of my fishing poles in Grand Lake in about 80 feet of water.

Now I know I am not the only person that this has ever happened to. In fact, I have a

couple of buddies who have done the same thing. But as you read this, you can see why I didn’t

brag about this or say a whole lot about it when it happened a few months ago. But, now I am a

part of a club that I am pretty sure has a few hundred or more members.

While I do not brag about being a part of a club where you have to lose a fishing pole in

Grand Lake, I do like to talk about a different group or “club” that I am a part of. I am a Christian.

I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I have gone down into the watery grave of baptism and come up as

a new creation in Christ Jesus. I have had my sins washed away. I have received God’s

forgiveness. I have the hope of spending eternity with God!

Again, I know I am not the only one who is a part of this group. Since the Day of

Pentecost, people have been making the decision to be a part of this group. And while this is an

exclusive group, since you must be covered by the blood of Christ, it is open to anyone who would

believe and be obedient to God! If you haven’t made the decision to believe and be obedient, why

not make the decision today to become a follower of Jesus Christ and be a part of his exclusive


Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that

leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14 For the gate is small and the way

is narrow that leads to life, and there are few that find it.”

D.J. Castoe