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Passion for community+ Your church+ Good news− Isolation− Deprivation+ 97 cups of tea

Prayer diaryJan/Apr 2018

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Welcome to the prayer journey for 2018Dear Prayer Supporter,Welcome to 2018's first edition of Livability's Prayer Diary. We're delighted to be starting a new year and new journey of prayer with you.For many people in our society, January can be one of the most isolating and lonely times of the year. A combination of post-Christmas blues, dark nights and the pressure of unpaid credit card bills falling through the letter box can stack up and feel overwhelming. This can have a detrimental impact on people's mental health and wellbeing. At Livability - we are passionate about sharing the good news and hope of the kingdom with all we support - through prayer and action.During 2018 we'll be delivering new resources for churches to support people with mental health in their setting.

From dementia inclusive church work, our wellbeing programme 'The Happiness Course' and a new Mental Health Bible study series at Easter - there are lots of ideas and training available to enrich what you do with your church this year. As we embark upon 2018 together, we look forward to a challenging and inspiring year of connecting people with their communities. Thank you for praying.Mat Ray Head of Church PartnershipsAbout Livability

Livability is the disability charity that connects people with their communities. We tackle social isolation and the barriers that can cause this in the lives of disabled and vulnerable people. Through a wide range of disability, education, training and community services, we promote inclusion and wellbeing for all. Inspired by our Christian ethos, we work to see people take part, contribute and be valued.We put the elements in place that all add up to connected lives and communities.

Friendship+ Connections× Happiness

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Real life storiesWorking through the local church, our disability services, with community partners and healthcare providers, Livability services enable the people we serve to live more connected lives and create stronger communities, every single day. Your prayers underpin this work – here are stories from three people who are enjoying better connections and better lives, enabled by Livability.

Chris’ story Chris took The Happiness Course when he was recovering from addiction: "I am surprised at how much I opened up and shared and I think this is because it felt like such a safe space with no judgement. Today I have so much hope for my future."

Jenson’s storyFour-year-old Jenson, a disabled pupil at Livability Victoria Education Centre (VEC), independently completed his first sponsored walk recently. Mum Emily says "VEC’s support for Jenson enabled the family to feel fully part of the local community at this event."

A boxing storyResidential home Livability John Grooms Court enables residents to boost their wellbeing with boxing and skiing classes. "I absolutely can’t get enough of boxing, it makes me feel alive!" says one of the people that uses our services.

Watch out for new church and community resources in 2018 to help you connect with your community.Working to make your church and faith community welcoming and inclusive is so important. In 2018, Livability will be creating a range of resources to support churches in this journey.Why not order our Accessible Bible? Or get our Lent resource pack full of Bible studies and tools, helping you to think about mental health. For more information email: [email protected]

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JanuaryThank you for being a Livability prayer supporter - we value the thousands of people who bring our work before God each week. As we start a new year, we focus our prayers on the people who use Livability’s wide range of services, enabling them to take part and be valued in their communities.

31 Dec/1 Jan – New year, new termTerm starts this week for students and staff at Livability Victoria Education Centre and Livability Nash College, both providing specialist education for disabled young people. Aged from 3 to 25 years old, students gain increased independence, confidence and skills from day one in a positive, can-do environment. Learning to use adaptive communication technology is key. Let’s ask God for peace and joy to be hallmarks of this term.

7 Jan – Supporting people in to employmentPlease thank God that Livability has been chosen as one of three lead providers for a Dorset-wide employment initiative. Livability will support people to gain new and better skills for the workplace as we bring disability and networking expertise to this project, and specialist mentoring support to enable participants to overcome barriers to work. Please pray many lives will be transformed as a result.

14 Jan – Blue Monday Blue Monday is a name typically given to the third Monday in January; claimed to be the most depressing day of the year. In 2018, this will be the 15th January. Please pray for people living with mental illness, that they will find peace. Please pray for the work of Livability in the areas of mental health and wellbeing - through courses like The Happiness Course. Updated last year, the course helps people improve wellbeing and connect with their community.

21 Jan – Brain injury supportLivability’s brain injury rehabilitation services will positively impact the lives of people recovering from injury this year. Our centre - Livability Icanho - in Suffolk helps people regain independence, connect with friends and everyday activities. Please pray for all our therapists involved in delivery rehabilitation support.

28 Jan – Overcome winter isolationWinter weather can make getting out of the house more challenging for elderly and disabled people. Many of our partner churches help local people beat social isolation with clubs and activities, such as Regenerate RISE’s day centre in Putney, which helps with transport and provides hot meals and activities for older people. Please pray that more older people will get connected to others this winter through Livability’s partner churches.

New Year+ Hope× Gratitude

Why is our work needed? 3.6 million people aged 65 and over agree that the television is their main form of company.

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Why is our work needed? 8 out of 10 carers have felt lonely or isolated as a result of looking after a loved one.

FebruaryLivability’s vision of enabling disabled and vulnerable people to overcome social isolation and live more connected lives becomes a reality through the work of hundreds of people across the Livability community. We give thanks for just some of those people this month.

1 Feb – Celebrating our staffLivability's 2000 strong staff work across the UK to deliver quality care and community work. In 2018, we'll be celebrating our staff through our annual staff awards ceremony. Please pray that staff will feel valued and appreciated at this special event.

4 Feb – Celebrating our volunteersPlease thank God with us for our hundreds of amazing volunteers, both individuals and corporate partners, who give time, funds and friendship to Livability’s services. Their enthusiasm and connection with people who use our services are a vital part of our work. Nationwide and Barclays Bank are just two partners whose staff helped to improve gardens at Livability Talbot Manor and Livability Holton Lee recently.

11 Feb – Celebrating churchesMany people who use Livability Independent Living services receive help from primary carers, often family or friends. Jacqui Goff, who is a carer for husband Steve, says their Christian faith and support from their church and friends, helps them to cope. Please pray for carers who are part of the wider Livability community, and those in your church.

18 Feb – Dementia faith groupDid you know Livability is a key member of the Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia Faith Group? "The group draws together different individuals across faith communities to jointly promote positive ways for communities to engage with those impacted by dementia," says Corin Pilling, Associate Director, Community Engagement. "We are currently planning a joint conference for next year and would value your prayers as we draw a programme together."

25 Feb – Football heroesLivability staff are always on the lookout for ways to enable the people we support to get involved in the community. Take Jeffrey, who lives at Livability Beaumont Court in Northumberland, whose dream it was to see Newcastle United play live. Staff made it happen, supporting him to become a fan club member and get to lots of live matches. Please thank God for our dedicated staff and the way they create opportunities for joy and fun for people who use our services.

People+ Celebration× Appreciation

Pop-up prayers Anna Wendt is Head of Occupational Therapy at Livability Nash College, "I love that the job is never the same, there are no two students who are alike," Anna says. Please pray for everyone in our therapy teams at Nash and Livability Victoria Education Centre.

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MarchWe hear stories every day about how Livability’s work is building stronger communities – through our volunteers, the people we support and churches. We give thanks this month for a variety of communities, and we remember the needs and wellbeing of community and church leaders.

4 March – Livability and a disability conference at the VaticanLivability supported one of the key partners at a recent international conference on disability and the Catholic Church. It drew together eminent practitioners, theologians and thinkers on disability and spirituality. Please pray that this event will result in disabled people playing a fuller part in the life of the Church.

11 March – Friends GroupsLivability has 12 dynamic Friends Groups, each supporting their local Livability service with friendship, fundraising and fun events. The Friends of Livability Wall Street, a residential care home in Hereford said: "Our fundraising initiatives not only help to enhance our home but also build positive relationships with the community. The more the people we support are involved in their local area, the better and richer their lives." Please pray that our Friends Groups will thrive and grow.

18 March – Community church, cafe and drop insFollowing training with Livability, Jubilee Community Church in East Grinstead has developed its outreach to disabled people, with programmes including a drop-in centre and a café for parents and carers of children with additional needs. Let’s pray for energy, blessing and creative thinking for all churches like Jubilee, who are working to become more inclusive.

25 March – Care for the carersChurch leaders, care and community workers can be prone to burn-out unless they make time and space to nurture their own wellbeing. Livability offers training for people working in these fields – please pray that it will significantly impact everyone who attends.

Why is our work needed? 225,000 people will develop dementia this year - one person every three minutes.

Church groups+ Community× Support

Pop-up prayers Getting a job is the goal of many people who use our services – but is statistically much more challenging if you are disabled. Let’s give thanks for people like Stephen, who lives at our Plas Lluest care home, Stephen is delighted because his work hours at a local dairy have recently been increased.

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AprilEaster Day dawns this month, and at Livability, we’re celebrating the season with prayers for events and initiatives that bring new hope and new life, including a Bible that’s accessible to people of all reading abilities.

1 Apr – Easter hope, easter life Easter Sunday is a day of resurrection and renewal. Please pray for every person who uses Livability services, that they will know the hope of Easter and experience afresh what it means to contribute, take part and be valued by their community.

8 Apr – National autism awareness monthIt’s National Autism Awareness Month and we’re proud that Livability Nash College is recognised by the National Autistic Society for its outstanding provision for people with autism. Please pray that studying at Livability Nash College will be a significant time for all students.

15 Apr – 50 year celebrations Residents enjoyed a special celebration at Livability Brookside, our North London care home, for resident Mary, who has lived at a Livability care home for 50 years, arriving when she was 26. Please pray God’s blessing on our longterm residents across Livability’s services as they celebrate friendship and person-centred care going back many years.

22 Apr – Marathon runnersEvery year, intrepid volunteers undertake running the London Marathon to raise thousands of pounds for Livability and spread the word about our services. It’s happening this weekend - please thank God for all our runners who have trained hard for today’s event, and pray for a successful day for all.

29 Apr – Accessible BibleLivability brought its expertise in communication and disability to a team that designed an accessible version of the Bible last year, now available around the world. Head of Church Partnerships Mat Ray says: "It’s Livability’s prayer that this Bible will result in a new generation of Christians free to play their part in the body of Christ – people who might have struggled to read the Bible can now read for themselves about the transforming love of God." Please pray that this will be the experience of many.

Why is our work needed? Nearly 1 in 4 adults living with autism say they have no friends at all.

Easter+ New life× New beginnings

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How your support helpsWe’re so glad that you’re part of the praying community that supports Livability’s work. Would you like to deepen your connection with Livability? Any support you can offer will help us connect disabled and vulnerable people with their community so that their lives, health and wellbeing do better.There are all sorts of ways to join in.

Donate: Make a one-off or a regular donation. Whatever you can give will enable Livability to impact the lives of the people we serve.

Volunteer: Volunteer at one of our services, join a local Friends Group to help us raise funds, or get active in your community or church. Whatever your reason for volunteering, we want to hear from you.

Share your story: How are you reaching out to others and tackling isolation? What are you doing to grow community connections and boost wellbeing? Send us your stories about what’s adding up for you in your life and community. We may feature it on our charity blog and social media channels.

Become a church or community partner: Livability works with local churches and community partners as key agents of local change. If you’d like to get active in your community – contact us today to find out how you can become a partner.

Ref PD 01/18

With new data protection regulations becoming law in May 2018 we want to provide extra information to ensure you are fully aware of how we may use your data and your rights. We value your vital support and want to ensure all our supporters are protected and informed.

We may process your information for communicating to you about our work via newsletters, fundraising appeals and other charitable activity via channels indicated by your preferences above. We promise to keep your details safe and secure and to hold your data for no longer than 5 years without renewing your permission – for further information, please read our privacy notice at

Your rights under the DPA (Data Protection Act) and the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) entitle you to request a copy of any information we may hold about you or to update any inaccurate information we hold about you. If you have a complaint regarding the use of your data that we cannot satisfy, you can contact the Information Commissioners Office at

You can change how you hear from us at any time by contacting us on 020 7452 2121 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) or email: [email protected] or writing to us at Livability, 6 Mitre Passage, London SE10 0ER.

Yes! I want to know more about Livability.Please keep in touch with me by:

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Title: First name:Surname:Address: Postcode:Email:Church name:

Mobile number: 0 7 I am over 18 years old

I’d like to find out more about: How my church can respond to dementia How The Happiness Course could bring hope to my community How to encourage my church to welcome and include disabled people How Livability’s training can help my church’s community projects How my church can support Livability

You can also visit our website to find out morePlease return this form to:Livability, Communications Team, 6 Mitre Passage, London SE10 0ERThank you for your support

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Contact us:Mat RayPray for Livability Editor6 Mitre Passage, London, SE10 0ERTel: 020 7452 2000Email: [email protected] LivabilityUK

Livability is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee in England and Wales. Charity No: 1116530 and Company No: 5967087. Registered office: 6 Mitre Passage, London, SE10 0ER.

With thanks to Nancy Honey for some photos featured.