

Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activities

Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.


Document ID: PR-1834 Filing key: Business

Pipeline Maintenance and repairsWork Management for Pipeline Maintenance & Corrosion

Keywords: Work Order, activities, pipeline, maintenance, corrosion, and contract



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Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activities

Authorised For Issue

Issue d for appr o Version 2 Version 1 Version 0 Dec 04 Sep 03 Aug 03 Pam Ooms TTO/14X Nasser Behlani UIP/411 Nasser Behlani UEC/14 Issued for approval Issued for approval Draft


PR-1834 ser Behlani, Dec 04

Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activities Pam Ooms TTO/14x



ableVersion 23


contents4 1 Introd uction 41.1 Background 4 Purpose 4 Distribution /target audience 4

Work manag ement proces ses 4


Scope 4 2.1Pipeline maintenanc e and repairs (refer to Index III): 4 2.2Ordering Goods and Materials 4 2.4Contract s 4

3.1 Process

Work manag ement proces s: Routin e Activiti es 4

4Contract Support

PR-1834GEN work orderIssued for

Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activitiesFor each asset a GEN W.O. will be created for the total value of the routine activities for a the full year. Contract Representative The contract support will estimate the routine activities total amounts and split it according to activities carried out in each asset. 11 W.O. are created and release. After the WOs been released, PRs are automatically generated which shall be released by the CR/CH/CO (as per release strategy). System


Purchase Requisition

Purchase Order

All 11 PRs to be released in same time to create 1 PO containing the complete value of routine activities for 1 year. This PO will be sent to the contractor. The Contract Representative/ Holder /Owner will release the PR as per the manual of authority On a monthly basis an accrual S.E. is generated against each asset to accrue/record amounts /workload (VOWD value of work done). SNR planning Engineer prepares and release monthly plans of routine activities in line with SAP maintenance plan. The contractor carry out activities and record actual carried out tasks against plans. Confirmations are done for the executed routine activities.

Contract Representative/ Holder / Owner Contract Representative SNR Planning Engineer Contract Planner/Site Manager Contract Planner/Site Manager CSRs

Service Entry (Accruals) Activities Plan Supporting Document Confirmations

TECO work orders Certify Supporting Document Adjust Service entry Technical release Service Entry Financial release Service Entry

CSRs approve supporting documents of carried out activities and TECO W.O.s Supporting documents are certified against plans by SNR planning engineer Amount certified is split into the 11 A/C and the accruals S.E.s are adjusted to actual S.E.s The contract support will technically release [OT] the SE to reflect VOWD at the end of each month. The Contract representative/Holder/Owner financially releases the SE (As per manual of authority).

SNR planning Engineer Contract Representative Contract Representative Contract representative/ Holder/Owner


Activity Work Orders SAP PM

In parallel with 3.2.1 above, SAP PM Maintenance plans automatically generate WOs that contain object lists describing the scope of work for activities in a particular area. The WOs are generated by the system on a regular basis, e.g. weekly, monthly or quarterly, depending on the frequency of the activity. These WOs require release by CSRs, and maintained by respective area contractors planners.



Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activities

Activity Maintenance plan

Activity description Each routine activity (e.g. W1 routine pigging in Fahud) has its own maintenance plan. These maintenance plans automatically generate the WOs containing the routine scope of work. For an overview of the maintenance plans see Appendix II Scope of work. The WOs generated by SAP PM (at the beginning of each 6 months) have user status [INIT]. The WOs need to be released using ZIW38. After

Who? System Custodian

Work order


release they will have system status: REL. As soon as the work order has Maintain Work Order been released the work may start. The contractor will maintain the work orders by planning the scheduled start, duration and finish dates to reflect the execution plan. Contractor planners

Confirmation of work completed [CNF]

When all work on the WO has been completed, it shall have final confirmation (CNF). Selecting the Final Confirmation box will set the system status to CNF. Confirmation of work completed can be done using Transaction ZIW37 or IW41. Partial Confirmation (PCNF) may be used to indicate work is in progress. After setting the final confirmation and reporting any missed activities the WO shall be technically completed [TECO] using SAP transaction IW32 or IW38 by the CSR. Contractor Planners Site Managers /

TECO Work Order



PR-1834 Z6 Notifications [IW21]

Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activities (Also refer to PR 1528)

Request change scope of work [User status: INIT & AWAP]

Z6 Notification is used to request update SAP-PM Master Data i.e. creation ofCSR/CS new SAP Master Data or changing existing SAP Master Data like Equipment Movement from one location to other, change of Maintenance Plan, etc If SAP Master Data required an update i.e. creating new maintenance plan, changing frequency, adding or removing an object (function location), deleting maintenances activity from the system.etc, then CSR / CS should raise the Z6 notification in SAP using SAP Transaction IW21 to request the updates. There two types of changes; Maintenance Plan information i.e. planner group , main work centre, adding or removing object, deleting existing , creating new maintenance plan, then Main Work Center should be used CDFPMMS Pipelines maintenance and repair related issues i.e. pigging frequency etc, then Main Work Center should be used CDFPPL. The status of Z6 should be AWAP (awaiting approval). For more details, please refer to Z6 Procedure: PR-1528 - Z6 NotificationProcedure

Approve & update CDFPs should review Z6 Notifications assigned to them that are AwaitingCDFP Master data [User status: APPR & TBCO] Approval. Upon review, the CDFP may Approve (APPR), Cancel (CNCL). The SAP-PM Master Data Team will review the Approved Z6 Notifications in the SAP System and apply the changes. The SAP-PM Master Data Management Team will review the Approved Z6 Notifications in the SAP System and apply the changes. The SAP Master Data Team will update the Z6 Notification to indicate that the change request is complete and marked as TBCO (To Be Completed) at the header level to indicate that the Notification is ready to be review by the CDFP for closure. I Support





Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activities

4 Work management process: non-routine activitiesProcess flowWork management process Non-routine activitiesMaintain WOContractor Work order Orde r CS Work completed CNF WO TECO WO Approve COC CSR Actual Actual Certify SE COC Contractor Contractor CS OT SE CS Final entry Entry SE CS Fin. release Release SE CR/CH



NotificationOriginatorC SR / Contractor



Work Contractor


Originator Contractor

CSRContract CSR Contractor or Work ongoing [end 24th of the month] Accrual SE (VOWD) Contractor

FCP Contractor CS CS Approve FCP CSR

Refer to non routine activities process flow chart.


Process descriptionActivity description Scope of work is identified, tuned and agreed by CSRs. The scope is logged, giving reference and sent to contractor requesting an estimate Based on the scope of work, the contractor shall prepare a cost estimate detailing the specific resources and services to carry out the task. The cost estimate shall include the planed start and end date of the job. This cost estimate shall be sent to the originator.. Once the estimate is agreed, A Z1 notification in SAP is raised (IW21) containing the scope of work and the functional location of the asset. The notification shall be raised by the work originator/ contractor. All of the planned non-routine jobs should be in the system early in the year so that the contractor has an overview of the annual work load and can start scheduling the work orders. The Priority in the Notifications is determining the LAFD of the work order , therefore and the notification set according to the Corrective Maintenance Who? CSR Contractor

Activity Scope Estimate


Work originator CSR

Prioritization tool by filling the 3 CMPT fields in the Z1 notification: Consequence Category Consequence Severity Occurrence Likelihood

The Priority is mandatory information for any corrective job request This is required for (FSR system) Facility Status Reporting) SAP will automatically determine the priority based on the CMPT matrix (see Appendix. IV) The Priority and Required Start and End Date will be calculated by SAP.



Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activities

The work originator shall release the notification

Work order

CSR shall approve the cost estimate based on its technical content. The Contract Support shall verify the rates used by the contractor and any changes shall be communicated to the contractor and work originator. Queries shall be discussed with the contractor representatives at the coast. The Contract Support will convert the notification into work Order and release it (IW22). The A/C charged (WBS) is automatically picked by system if correct functional location is stated. The order shall be unplanned, i.e. have a lump sum plus a 10% or $1,000 contingency, which ever is higher. The scheduled start dates and durations / scheduled finish dates shall be appropriate to allow the contractor to plan and execute the work. The order shall be a 72FC type i.e. corrective with the appropriate Maintenance Contract Representative

Purchase Requisition

activity type (MActType): CPM or CRB After the work order has been released, a purchase requisition (PR) will automatically be generated by SAP. In order to generate a PO, the PR needs to be released, (ME54) by CR or CH (as per manual of authority). If the PR value is less than a $1,000, the PR will be automatically released by the system. The contractor shall maintain the work order after it has been raised and released. The contractor will make sure that the scheduled start and finish date reflect when the work is planned to take place. As the work is ongoing it is important that these dates are kept up-to-date. Contractor planner / site manager Contract representative / Holder

Maintain work order

Purchase Order

After the PR is released, a PO is automatically generated by SAP and sent to the contractor. Once the PO is issued, work can be carried out. PRs released to one contractor in same time will be clamped as one PO with different items. Contractor shall not carryout any task without a PO, unless declared as an emergency. The contractor shall inform contract representative in the event Contractor Planner / site manager Contractor receiving a PO is not from UI/P4. After receiving the PO the work will be planned, scheduled and executed by the contractor. The planning and progress of the work will be discussed during the daily meetings between the CSRs and the contractor site managers. Contract site manager should prepare daily day work sheets summarizing all resources used to carry out the task, and shall be submitted to CSR within 24 hours. System

Work Execution Day work sheet


PR-1834Monitoring work Partial Confirmation [PCNF] F change Proposal (FCP) procedure

Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activitiesCSRs shall monitor progress and quality of work being carried out by the contractor. Partial confirmation to be attached using IW41 to record the time spent to carryout the task. If, during work execution, it turn that more resources are required (not stated in the original estimate) an FCP to be prepared by the contractor. It shall describe the change to the scope of work, the reason for the change and the additional costs. CSR Contractor CSR Contractor Planner / site manager

The FCP to be approved by CSRs and sent to the contract representative. Once the FCP is certified, WO to be amended. If the increase in PR value is equal to or in excess of 5% of the original PR value, the PR needs to be re-released. Automation to be informed (in writing) of the changes to update the Purchase order.

Contract Representative

CR/CH When the work is completed the FCP needs to be included within the COC.

Final Confirmation [CNF] Closing COC

As soon as the contractor completes the work, final confirmation shall be made using transaction IW41. Ticking final confirmation box or no remaining work will record that the WO is completed Once the work is completed, contractor shall prepare COC (certificate of completion) and a summary of all resources used to carry out the job. supporting documents (originals) shall be attached to the COC. All Contractor planner / site manager Contractor planner / site manager

TECO Work order Accrual Exercise

For Supporting documents refer to supporting documents appendix V. Once the COC is accepted, the WO can be technically completed [TECO] using SAP transaction IW32. At the end of each month (every 24th), accrual exercise shall be carried out by the contractor to record VOWD (value of work done). The exercise shall record percentage completion of all ongoing POs. Service entries shall be made and updated in SAP by the contractor (ML81N) The accrual entry will be updated on a monthly basis as long as the job is ongoing. Contractor CSR

Certifying COC Actual service entry

Contract support shall verify the COC and supporting documents against the contract terms and conditions. A service entry is attached to the PO recording all verified resources used to carry out task. IF an earlier accrual service entry is done, then to be updated to actual. Creating new service entry or updating existing accruals is done using transaction (ML81N) After the contractor has made the service entry, the contract support reviews and release the service entries technically (OT) using SAP transaction ML81N. There shall be no partial payment for any single PO, but all Service entry shall

Contract Representative


Technical release [OT] Service entry

Contract Representative



Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activitiesbe flagged with final flag payment, which will reset PO value to Service entry value (ACV report is taking the PO value).

Financial release SE Invoice

Once contract support release the service entry technically, CR/CH verifies the COC and release the service entry financially as per manual of authority. Once the COC is approved by CR/CH (financially releasing the SE), the contractor shall prepare an invoice based on the approved COC and handed to the payroll section. A copy of the invoice shall be handed to the contract support to close the task. Several COCs can be claimed by one invoice.

Contract representative/ Holder Contractor



Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activities

Work management process: ordering goods and materialsProcess flowRequest for quotation (RFQ)For non stock items

Majan (R & D)For non stock items

GEN Work orderPipeline Supervisor s

Pipeline Supervisor s

Release work orde r


Release PR

Pipelin SNR PipelineCSR eCSR



goods receive dPDO supply

Report goods received (MIGO )PDO SupplyFor stock items


Process descriptionThis process is for ordering goods and materials (Coded only) via PDO supply for non-stock items.All pipeline spares must be SAP coded and ordered at site

Pipeline Spares work order Activity Work order Activity description Who? Pipeline maintenance supervisors raise and release a GEN work order usingCSR (IW31) in SAP. Correct A/C shall be charged by selecting the correct functional Purchase Requisition location or the Assets WBS. After the work order has been released, the system will trigger the purchaseCSR requisition (PR) automatically. PR shall be released by CSR in order to generate a PO for stock items & RFQSAP for non-stock items . Request for quotation (RFQ) The buyer will float inquiry to request quotations form group of vendors based on the AVME. This will generate 3 or more quotations from different vendorsBuyer this process usually takes 10-15 day. The buyer will forward the quotations to the originator recommending to cheapest vendor. Purchase order CSR The originator can reject the recommendation with justification. A) Stock items : The PO is automatically generated by SAP after releasing the PR. SAP / Buyer

B) Non-stock items : the buyer will generate the PO after finalizing the RFQ. Receive materials The warehouse (@ Ghala) will receive the materials and goods ordered. FromPDO here the materials will be redistributed to the specified location. Report goods Warehouse The delivery note will be sent to the work originator. After the CSR has received the delivery notes, the goods received are reported CSR

received in MIGO. The MIGO shall be released TECO work order After the PR has been released and the PO created, the work order can be CSR technically completed (TECO).



Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activities



Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activities



Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activities


SAP ReportsSAP ReportsOutstanding In process Select Notification status outstanding to get an overview of all notification (Z1, Z6 or M3) that are awaiting approval and/or are under investigation [NVST]. Select Notification status in process to get an overview of all released notifications to which (Z1) a work order will be attached or in case of Z6 are Completed being dealt with by SAP support. Notification status Completed gives an overview of all notifications that have been closed following setting a TECO on the attached work order.

Notification IW28 Change Notifications & IW29 Display Notifications

Work Orders ZIW37 Change operations: Selection of

Outstanding Completed

Selects all work order operations that need a final confirmation [CNF]. Partial confirmed operations are also shown as outstanding. Selects all work order operations that have been confirmed [CNF] or have been technically completed [TECO].

order operations

ZIW38 Change work orders & ZIW39 Display work orders

Outstanding In process Completed

Select Order status outstanding to get an overview of all work orders that have been created and are awaiting release. Select Order status in process to get an overview of all released work orders. To get a list of all Confirmed work orders select Status inclusive: CNF. Order status Completed gives an overview of all orders that have been TECOed and/or Closed. An order gets TECO-ed as soon as the work has been completed.

Confirmations IW48 Confirmation using operations list


Selecting operations outstanding will give an overview of all operations (of a work order) that still need to be confirmed or have been partially confirmed [PCNF] (using IW41). It will allow you to select and confirm these operations.

Completed Overview ZWR_WOPRPO Cross reference report (Services WO/ PR/PO report) Completed In process

Selecting Completed gives an overview of all operations (of a work order) that have a Final confirmation [CNF] status or that have been TECO-ed.


Select Order status outstanding to get an overview of all work orders that have been created and are awaiting release. Select Order status in process to get an overview of all released work orders. To get a list of all Confirmed work orders select Status inclusive: CNF. ZWR_WOPRPO report will also give you a PR, PO and SE number and the service entry status of the work order. Order status Completed gives an overview of all orders that have been TECOed and/or Closed. An order gets TECO-ed as soon as the work has been completed. ZWR_WOPRPO report will also give you a PR, PO and SE number and the service entry status of the work order.

Contracts ZCR_COST_AC V - Planned Costs vs ACV

Released POs

This report will list summary of all released POs


PR-1834Report FBL1N - Vendor List of invoices

Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activities


This report list all logged invoices against the vendor (not the agreement) and their status.


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)PDO measures SAP KPIs (Key

Performance Indicators) across PM process to

monitor process performance. These KPIs are used to monitor the scheduling compliance and technical integrity of the SAP PM/CM work orders.

6.2.1 Integrated Activity Planning (IAP):They use the scheduled start and finish dates of activities, they cover PM and CM work: Weekly frozen includes all the Pipeline Maintenance, Monitoring & repairs activities - 14 day plan Monthly frozen includes only all Pipeline Maintenance, Monitoring & repairs activities production impact 90 day plan.

6.2.2 Technical Integrity MeasuresPM/CM compliance, these use the LAFD (Latest Allowed Finish Date) date in Work Orders, they reported on monthly basis. All the KPIs reported in PDO Total Reliability Measures Dashboard (Refer to variants Index).

11 GEN work orders [raised once a year] GEN work orderFahu d Lekhwa ir Yiba l Qarn Alam MOL SOG G LG S arm M ul Bahj a im N r Rim a

Work management process routine activitiesPurchase Req.11 P.R.s generated And to be released in Same time To generate One PO For Administrating purposes 1 11 P.R.s Purchase generated Order And to be released in Same time To generate One PO For PO is generated for the total value of Routine Tasks For the Whole Year

Service Entry

Supporting DocumentsSupporting documents is furnished by Contractor and Approved by Coordinators Verified by SNR Planning Engineer

Service Entry

Accruals Exercise Generated every 24th Of the month

Report actual amounts Adjust Accrual S.E.s To reflect actual Certified amount

Contract SupportSAP PM Maintenan ce plans

Contract Representative

Administr ating purposesMaintain work OrderWork Carried Out

Contract Support

Contractor Support

release WO's Coord inator sCSR

Confirmati on [CNF] WO


Report missed activities Change of Scope [Z6 [M3] / notification] Contract orCSR

TECO Coord inator sCSR



Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activities



Work management for pipeline maintenance & corrosion activities

Appendix I SAP variants

Overview of variantsZIW37 North Variant name /IIM_STPNTH16D /IIM_STPNTH90D /IIM_STPNTH3D /IIM_STPNTHBK South Variant name /IIM_STPSTH16D /IIM_STPSTH90D /IIM_STPSTH3D /IIM_STPSTHBK ZIW38 North Variant name /IIM_STPNTH16D /IIM_STPNTH90D /IIM_STPNTH16ODUE South Variant name /IIM_STPSTH16D /IIM_STPSTH90D /IIM_STPSTHODUED Short Description STIPALG1 WkCtr Nth: Next 16d ops/ac STIPALG1 WkCtr Nth: Next 90d ops/ac STIPALG1 WkCtr Nth: Yday/Tday/Tomor STIPALG1 WkCtr Nth: Backlog
