
Public Sector Show –ExCeL London

PPMA Open TheatresJune 27th 2017

Chaired by Karen Grave – Vice-President PPMA


About PPMA

Case study 1: Productivity – what does it mean and what role does HR/OD play?

About PPMA (1/3)

The Public Services People Managers Association (PPMA) is the first choice association for people professionals in public services.

We provide an unrivalled community of specialist professionals who support each other.

The who:

• Membership comes from Local Government, Central Government, Blue Light, 3rd Sector and consultants

• Our community is highly qualified, passionate, committed and diverse public services HR and OD community.

• We play a critical role in influencing key decision-makers and stakeholders involved in people management and workforce issues.

The what:

• We focus our efforts on ensuring that workforce issues are at the forefront of the debate about the future content and shape of public services and particularly the HR & OD support required to support them.

• With key partners, we sponsor and support a number of programmes which develop HR professionals at various stages of their career; and we deliver National and Regional events. We also deliver an Annual PPMA Excellence in People Management Awards programme and run a highly successful annual conference.

• We lobby relevant bodies on behalf of our members and influence thinking and decision making on key issues affecting the organisations we work with and within.

About PPMA (2/3)

We offer our members, employers and partners a compelling value proposition

We offer competitive membership pricing

Insight - Relationships – Career Enhancement

Reach – Community - Influence

Influence – Knowledge - Community

We offer our Members

Our partners obtain

Our employers benefit from

Level Description Pricing*

Districts and Boroughs

For Two-Tier authorities and Borough Councils

£60 pa

County councils/unitary authorities/metropolitan boroughs

Includes authorities in Northern Ireland

First members (full) £100 pa

Then £75 pa per individual

Blue Light and Central Government

Includes 3rd sector organisations


Non HR practitioner

For all non HR/OD professionals, but senior leaders with workforce leadership responsibilities, e.g., Director pf Adult Services


About PPMA (3/3)

We have an ambitious business plan but that is underpinned by our core values.

Our business plan has 4 core themes.Our brand values set out the behaviours

that we believe will best help us deliver our Business Plan objectives.

We reinforce these in all work that we do in advancing our vision:








Productivity – what does it mean and what role does HR/OD play?

Delighted to introduce Jan Douglas, Deputy Director HR & OD at OneSource.

OneSource won this year's PPMA Award for 'Improving Workplace Productivity Through Better Work Life Balance'.

Scope of our session:

• How can employee engagement influence productivity (for good and bad)?

• Do health and wellbeing initiatives deliver the goods in terms of productivity?

• What role do managers play?


Productivity can be defined as:

The efficiency of the workforce calculated as output per worker, output per job and output per hour. (ONS)

How effectively organisations, and the people working in them, produce value from individual and collective contributions. (CIPD)

What is Productivity?


Several areas where we have influence, e.g.

Staff engagement

Workforce and succession planning

Performance management

Improving leadership and management capability

Training and development

What role does HR&OD play?


Employee engagement - the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to the organisation, and put discretionary effort into their work.

Typical phrases used include discretionary effort, going the extra mile, feeling valued and passion for work.

Employee engagement is not the same as employee satisfaction.

The strength of this is its focus on a specific physical and psychological state of being, meaning that it can be reliably measured and acted upon.

Employee Engagement


Employers want engaged employees because:

as well as being happier, healthier and more fulfilled

they deliver improved business performance

Positive relationships are evidenced with profit, revenue growth, customer satisfaction, productivity, innovation, staff retention, efficiency and health and safety performance improving

Organisational brand and reputation improves

Why is employee engagement important?


Having a disengaged workforce has the opposite effect:

Productivity losses

May lose your best people

Face huge difficulties when embedding organisational change

Threatens effective collaboration, innovation and human capital management

Employees less inclined to use their tacit knowledge and skills for the good of the organisation


It may be possible to be ‘too engaged’ such that burnout becomes more likely.

Over the longer term, wellbeing is often considered a ‘hygiene factor’ for employee engagement, in that its absence will undermine it.

Engagement and link to wellbeing


Fostering employee wellbeing is good for people and their employers.

Promoting wellbeing can:

Prevent problems from escalating and

Help create positive working environments where individuals and organisations can thrive

It can be a core enabler of employee engagement and productivity

There is growing evidence that employee wellness programmes can have a positive impact on key organisational performance indicators.

Health and Wellbeing


Investing in wellbeing can lead to greater resilience, innovation and productivity

HR professionals are pivotal to steering the health and well-being agenda

Good leadership and management practices are required to successfully implement a wellbeing strategy

Wellbeing strategies need to be tailored to the organisation’s unique needs and characteristics

Different stakeholders are responsible for cultivating wellbeing in different ways

The UK Government has recognised the importance of the workplace in promoting health and well-being

Why promote health and wellbeing?


Depends on the needs of the organisation and its people, but is likely to include:

health promotions

a good working environment

flexible working

positive relationships

opportunities for career development

a healthy management style

What should be included in a Health and Wellbeing programme?


Wellbeing initiatives must be integrated throughout an organisation, embedded in its culture, leadership and people management

The HR profession is in a unique position to drive this agenda forward, to understand the needs of both workforce and organisation, and to deliver the benefits of wellbeing throughout the business

Managers are also key…….


Senior managers:

Crucial role models

Line managers and employees more likely to engage with health and wellbeing interventions if they see senior leaders actively participating in them

Have the authority and influence to ensure that wellbeing is a strategic priority embedded in the organisation’s day-to-day operations and culture

Line managers:

Day-to-day responsibility for managing employees’ health and well-being

Includes implementing stress management initiatives, spotting early warning signs of stress, making reasonable adjustments at work, and nurturing positive relationships. Poor management style is one of the top three causes of work-related stress (CIPD 2016)

Manager behaviour not only impacts on employee health and well-being, but also on employee engagement (CIPD 2017)

The role of managers


oneSource – shared services between three London councils: Bexley, Havering and Newham

Provides HR&OD services to Havering and Newham

Established in April 2014 – two employers: different terms and conditions, policies, working practices, 7,600 employees

Recognised from outset that employees are the councils’ most valuable asset – and a healthy workforce is a more motivated and productive one!

The oneSource approach


Brought together existing good practice from each council to create one new culture

Implemented a new Health and Wellbeing Strategy:

What did we do?


Recognises employers that are committed to health and wellbeing in the workplace

Both councils achieved charter accreditation at achievement level

The only councils to successfully to straight to this level

Mayor of London’s Healthy Workplace Charter:


Reviewed sickness absence levels and reasons for absence across both councils

High levels of stress related absence

Focused on raising awareness of mental health issues

Worked in partnership with MIND – ‘Time to Talk day’

Mental health awareness training

Regular financial awareness seminars

Greater understanding of Health and Wellbeing


Staff survey – ‘You Matter’ theme

Workforce Health and Wellbeing Group

Healthy Workplace Strategic Forum

Staff Forum

Workplace health champions

Health and wellbeing events

Online media

How we engage stakeholders and our staff


Healthy eating

Seminars, meditation sessions, health checks

Fund raising activities, staff barbeques, parking bays for bicycles

Book club, singing group

Exercise sessions

Staff Olympics

Other initiatives


So far, oneSource has:

Seen a 5% reduction in sickness absence rates since 2014/15

Fostered a ‘healthy workplace culture’ which has become a regular feature in organisational communications

Worked collaboratively with a number of partners to increase focus on health and wellbeing

Received staff feedback that interventions have reduced stress levels after participating in activities

Benefits of Health and Wellbeing