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PPC: What Is It and What Does It Do for Your Business?

It is a well-established fact that the Internet has changed the way we do business and shop. These days,

you can expect to find an online business presence for over 70 percent of all small companies. Online

stores are changing how shoppers search for goods, services, and products and how they compare

prices. When properly executed, you can get a good return on investment for your enterprise with PPC,

or pay per click, advertisements.

Without seeing an uptick in traffic or sales, a small company can lose money quickly if they venture into

the world of PPC advertising without knowing how it works. In order to drive traffic to your business and

website using PPC, you must have an understanding of how PPC marketing works as well as the ability to

pay attention to details. This entry will help you get started.

How PPC Works

When you type in a search word, phrase, or question on sites like Google or Yahoo, the audience

targeted ads that are shown as sponsored ads are PPC advertisements. If done correctly, with the

precise services, information, or products they are seeking, your targeted audience will be exposed to

your company’s PPC promotion when they perform their search.

As part of a strong PPC ad campaign, you must devote time to budget planning, strategic bidding, and

keyword research. Also, you must create compelling advertisements that will encourage your targeted

demographic to click on your ad rather than your competitors’ links. The key is to research keyword

phrases and keywords that are the most likely to bring in customers who will buy your services and

goods, since it costs you money each time your PPC ad is clicked on.

You may wonder why you would not just use traditional advertising rather than the seemingly

overwhelming PPC ads. At the place and time your potential clients are seeking information, your PPC

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ads get your information in front of them. An ecommerce site that uses well-designed and researched

PPC campaigns will see an increase in conversions to sales and traffic as online shopping continues to

grow in popularity.

Landing Pages Are Important

When users click on your PPC ad, the landing page they are directed to is just as important and

influential in driving sales as the physical location of a traditional business used to be. Information about

the exact goods, services, or products your PPC campaign is advertising should be included on a landing

page prior to creating your PPC ads.

Your first instinct may be to send visitors to your homepage with your PPC ad. Consumers are actively

seeking what exactly your business has to offer. Your landing page should help with this need to

influence sales.

Offer free information in the form of a special report or booklet, discount coupons, or free samples for

prospects who provide their contact information and give you permission to follow up with value based

information and offers. This will help you establish a relationship with people looking for what you have

to offer and build your potential client base.

Test and Keep Testing

All aspects of your PPC ad campaigns should be tested. This includes offers, landing pages, design, and

ad copy. Many businesses use PPC and just hope they get a return on their investment. You can do much

more than hope. By constantly testing, you can figure out what is effective and what is not and adjust

your campaign accordingly.

Track the Success and Costs of Your Ads

To evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of your promotions and ad campaigns, use the analytics that

come with your PPC account. Online advertisements give you a good idea of how many consumers have

clicked through to gain more information, bought your services or products, and have seen your ads.

This stands in stark contrast to traditional ads, where you have no clue how many people have seen your

ads. Become familiar with cost per acquisition, conversion rates, return on investment, average sale

rate, and click through rates.

All marketing and advertising will vary based on a vast array of influences, including location, target

audience, cost range, and other factors that you may never be able to identify. Smart companies

understand that all forms of media advertising interact, therefore they use a mixture of marketing ideas

and tools. PPC for your online store or website gives you a huge advantage, since you can evaluate the

effectiveness of your internet marketing with real time data.

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