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Renaissance & Reformation

Created by Ms. Ronna Williams.

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The Italian Renaissance began to spread

North into1. France, England, the

Netherlands & SwitzerlandIt spread by Cultural diffusion.2. Cultural diffusion is when a culture influences

another culture.

Cultural diffusion can happen by 3. War, trade, travel, printing, intermarrying

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A new invention called (4.) The Printing Press causedCultural diffusion to spread quickly. The Humanist

ideas were becoming well known even to the people who couldn’t afford to travel to Italy.

The printing press was invented by 5. Johannes Gutenberg.

The French blended Medieval Gothic Towers with the columns of Italy. They created castles which they called (6.) Chateaux

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Only the Clergy Could Read Latin~

The Renaissance here had more of a (7.) religious tone

Here, the humanists called themselves (8.) Christian humanists

The people wanted the Bible to be translated into Greek &Hebrew. At this time, the Bible was written only in (9.) Latin

The Northern Painters were the first to use (10.) oil paints

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England didn’t have their Renaissance until after 1485 when the War of the Roses ended. What was the War of the Roses (11.) A bloody war to see who was going to be the heir to the English throne!

Who Won? (12.) The Tudor family defeated the York family & Henry VII became King.

King Henry encouraged the teaching of the humanities & invited the Italian humanists to England. One of the most famous writers emerging in England was

(13.) Williams Shakespeare.

Shakespeare’s plays focused on humanexperiences like jealousy, love &


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Ms. Ronna Williams

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The people began to call for a reform of the Catholic Church.In Germany, this friction split the church and a new groupwas created called the (1). Protestants

The series of events that led to the split of theChurch & the creation of this new group became knownAs the (2). Protestant Reformation

The most important person in the Protestant Reformation was (3). Martin Luther.

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• The most important person in this event was a German named MARTIN LUTHER.

He was the son of Peasants and his father had wanted Martin

LutherTo become a Lawyer.

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• Martin Luther wanted to please his father, so he went to law school.

• He was really interested in religion, but pushed it aside to honor his father.

• He had already felt that God had called him to become a monk, but stayed in law school.

• One day, July 2, 1505, Martin Luther was returning to the University after a trip home.

• Suddenly, a bolt of lightning touched the ground just missing him by inches.

Click on the dark cloud!

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• Right there, he knelt to the ground & submitted to God to become a monk & not return to law school. It was a vow he would honor forever.

• He sold his books, quit law school & moved into a closed monastery on July 17, 1505.

• Luther had made friends in law school & they held a farewell supper for him. They never saw him again.

Luther’s father was furious!

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• While Luther studied the Bible hours each day, prayed & fasted, he never felt like he was good enough for God and questioned his own salvation.

One day during a study of the Book of Romans, Martin Luther had a revelation. He discovered that all a person needs to do is have faith.This became known as (4.)JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH

One of Martin Luther’s rooms in the monastery where he studied each night.

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Justification By Faith• He realized he could never do enough to feel


In his study of Romans he learned

Romans chapter 3: This is what he read “sort of”

There is no one who is perfect enough & no one who understands. Everyone has messed up

at one time or another.People cuss, fight & don’t fear the Lord.

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• All have sinned and fell short of God’s glory, but righteousness comes from faith.

• People can ask forgiveness & their sins will be covered.

• You can’t buy forgiveness, do enough good things to gain forgiveness or pass your forgiveness on to your children.

• It is only by faith that a person becomes justified to enter heaven.

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• This was so different than what the Catholic Church was teaching during this time.

(5.)Pope Leo X was trying to raise money to

build St. Peters’

Basilica in Rome.

To raise money he began to sell


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(7.) The church would issue certificatesthat were supposed to cancel sin.Pope Leo explained that he had so much grace.

He actually had an excess which hecould sell to lesser people.

People actually believed that these documents would guarantee their forgiveness. Some church agents even sold indulgences for future sins & even excused the sins of dead loved ones.

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(8.) Johann Tetzel• This is a copy of an

indulgence granted with the authority of the Pope by Johann TetzelJohann Tetzel in 1517. The text reads: "By the authority of all the saints, and in mercy towards you, I absolve you from all sins and misdeeds and remit all punishments for ten days."

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Door where Martin Luther Nailed the

(9.) Ninety-Five Theses

• Martin Luther had become a priest in Wittenberg Germany. John Tetzel & others sold indulgences from the church.

95 Theses

Ms. Ronna

On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther went to the Wittenberg Church & nailed a complaint to the church-house door. It became known as the Ninety-five Theses.

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The Ninety-Five Theses listed the crimes of the Catholic Church & demanded change or reform.

• Copies of this document spread all over Germany.

• The sell of Indulgences declined and this affected the Pope’s money.

• The Pope responded: 1. {10.}He excommunicated Martin Luther2. {10.}He banned all of Martin Luther’s works3. {10.} A Council of German Princes

condemned Martin Luther to death.The Council of German Princes was called THE DIET OF WORMS!

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Martin Luther Becomes A Wanted Man!


Of Worms

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St. Peter’sBasilica

“Once You Hear the Money’s ring, the soul from purgatory springs!”

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That’s What Friends Are For

• Martin Luther had a friend named {12.}Prince Frederick of Saxony who hid Martin Luther in his castle & saved

his life.

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• While in hiding, Martin Luther translated the Bible into German. Now, even the common people could read it.

• Before this time, Bibles were only written in LatinLatin & only the church could read Latin.

• Luther made his final break from the Catholic church & created the first Protestant Faith- {13.}LUTHERANISM

{14.}Salvation is not bought, it is by faith alone!

{15.}The only Truth is the Bible not the church doctrine!

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{16.} The church is not a social ladderwhere some people are more important thanothers.All the jobs in the church are equally important. The jobs were called Vocations.The Lutherans called their leaders ministers instead of priests.

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(1.) Zwingli wanted a church run state! This is called a THEOCRACY!

He did get a theocracy for a while, but was overtaken by a more powerful group.

(2.) John Calvin created this more powerful group in the Swiss city of Geneva.Calvin’s belief did not involve free will. It involved a doctrine called (3.) Predestination.He called his religion (4.) Calvinism.There were 12 elders who controlled every aspect of the people’s lives.

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(9.) anabaptists baptized only adults. Most anabaptistsWere peaceful people, but a few radical fanatics madeTrouble for the anabaptists.A small group of anabaptists began to burn books, grabPrivate property & openly practiced polygamy!

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Focus: Catholic Church in EnglandKing Henry VIII was in power in

England.He & the Pope got into a fight!


King Henry’s wife was Catherine. She had already had 6 babies for Henry, but only 1 of those babies lived.

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• King Henry wanted a boy baby because this would give him a male heir

to the throne.• Catherine had a girl & named

her Mary.• Henry told Catherine she was

too old & blamed her for only producing a girl.

Henry wanted a divorce from Catherine, but the Pope refused to grant this!


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Henry had already found another woman—Anne Boleyn

King Henry wanted to marry her, And tried several times to get her To engage in a relationship with Him, but she refused because he was married.King Henry officially brokeFrom the Catholic Church & started a new church calledTHE CHURCH OF ENGLAND.Guess who was in charge of this new church!

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• King Henry named himself leader of THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND.

• The new church granted Henry the divorce from Catherine & he married Anne Boleyn.

• Anne did not have a male heir for Henry.

• She had a girl named Elizabeth.• Henry had Anne beheaded for


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• Henry’s next wife was Jane Seymour and she did have a son for Henry.

• She died due to complications during childbirth.

• Her son’s name was Edward, but he was very sickly.

• When Edward was only 6, King Henry VIII died.

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Catherine’s Daughter,

Mary becomes the new Queen of


Edward died at the age ,OfFifteen

She would Earn the


Bloody Mary

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BLOODY MARY• Mary did not want any

of the Protestant Faiths like Lutheranism to exist in England. She demanded that everyone be Catholic.

• She burned Protestants at the stake!

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• Burning at the stake was cruel with the person’s feet burning first, then legs, torso, then chest,

then death.

• Modern movies with

scenes of burning burning

• at the stakeat the stake are: are:

• Silent Hill

• Wicker Man

• Joan of Arc

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When Mary died (most likely of cancer), Anne Boleyn’s daughter,

Elizabeth, became Queen.

Elizabeth returned Peace to England. She made England Protestant again, but kept the Catholic features. She renamed the church the Anglican Church.

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Elizabeth’s Pirates

• Elizabeth tried to protect the Dutch from being forced to become Catholic. Spain owned the Dutch, and Spain was Catholic. Elizabeth formed an alliance with the Dutch & allowed her own English pirates to attack Spain’s merchant ships and rob them. The queens pirates were called privateers, and the most famous pirate was Sir Francis Drake.

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Create A Graphic

• Prove your understanding of Henry, the 3 wives we discussed & the children from those marriages. Be sure to include divorce & creation of new religions.

• I created a sample.

• I expect yours to be better than mine!

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What kinds of things did the Catholic Church do during the Catholic Reformation?1.They explained what they believed (They clarified their theology)

2. They got rid of some of the abuses.

3. They re-established the power of the Pope. They believed the Pope was theVicor of Christ.

They decided to get rid of some of the Protestants through a process called(4.) Inquisition!

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They also created the (5.) The Council of Trent.

The Council of Trent came up with some new rules for theChurch.

6.) Only the Pope & the Clergy could interpret the Bible

7.) Forbid the sell of anymore indulgences

8.) Created a seminary to train future priests

9.) Mass could only be said in Latin

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The Catholic Reformation sparked a new kind of art called 10} BaroqueThis kind of art is characterized by asymmetry & dramatic exaggeration.

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An important person who tried to help reform the Catholic Church’s image was (11.) Ignatius Loyola

He created a secret society called the Society of Jesus. Later, his group became known as (12.) The Jesuits.

They believed in the Pope! They obeyed every word he said & dressed in black robes. They start schools to teach people how to become good catholics.

Europe divides~ In the North, Europe is Protestant ~ In the South, Europe is Catholic ~Each one claimed to be the OneTrue Religion & this lead to religious wars!

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Primary source: A person who is telling you what he actually Saw (or heard) with his own eyes or (ears). The writer saw it himself.

Secondary Source:A person is telling you what Someone else told him.Another person seen orHeard something & told the Writer about it.

Which one is more Dependable?

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My grandmother told meabout a place from herchildhood with a rock bridge.There was always a fireburning in the fireplacein winter.

As a child I loved to visit my grandmother. I wouldpick flowers along the edge of the stream & dangle mylegs from the bridge at the end of the day.

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Read the situations below.

Here is a claim: Well-to-do women in Elizabethan times cultivated a life of leisure.Rich Women in this time could relax & not work

Here is the evidence: A description of wealthy English womenBy a visitor to Elizabethan England.

Is this evidence a primary source or secondary source?______________________________primary