Download pdf - Poster genre conventions


In what ways does Your media

product use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of real media


Film Poster


Poster Conventions

When creating our poster we needed to keep within the guidelines of poster

conventions, we researched genre conventions for documentary posters during our

research stage.

• A film poster must have conspicuous typography, iconography, lasting appeal

and recognisability.

• There must be prominent use of photography.

• The typography is inventive, recognisable and suitable.

• Institutional information is displayed at the bottom of the poster.

• There is usually reviews from outside companies.

“A film poster must have conspicuous typography,

iconography, lasting appeal and recognisability.”

House style – our house style is

pink and green with a bold text

written across the abs which

target the 17-25 audience. This

colour scheme runs throughout

our products, creating a

cohesive campaign. This also

attracts our female audience.

We follow the convention of

house style, as we think that

this is iconic in creating a

successful brand identity. This

ensures the products to be

distinguishable and


The background image of a low

resolution of a montage of

images of Fitspo style models

taken from social media site

Instagram, have a lasting effect

on our audience. The 17-25 year

old female audience will be able

to relate to the social media

iconography of the iconic

instagram page. The use of

iconography meets the

convention and leave a a lasting

appeal that the content of the

poster and documentary is

targeted around social media and

technological devices. The title of the film

poster has

recognisability as it is

the same as the

Documentary creating

a clear brand identity in

which the audience can

recognise and link to

all our products.

The BBC three logo is

recognisable with our 17-25

target audience as it is home to

iconic documentaries in which

the demographic is similar to

our young active digital native

target audience, creating


“A film poster must have conspicuous typography,

iconography, lasting appeal and recognisability.”

The recognisable awards

featured in the top corners of

the poster are iconography fro

a film poster and therefore will

attract the audiences attention

if they are seen to be award

wining and highly commended

in the field of short films.

We believe that the central

image of the female is iconic

and recognisable to the genre

of the content. With regards

to her costume she is wearing

a gym kit with her torso on

show, clear iconography of

keeping fit and health.

The glow behind the tagline

attracts the audience to

reading it similar to a

motivational tagline found on

a fitspo style Instagram page.

This allows the audiences

attention to be attracted to it

allowing them to make a link

to the content of the


The use of the # in

several places on the

poster is iconography of

social media and allows

the audience to establish

the genre.

“There must be prominent use of photography.”

One image – We have

followed this convention as

we believe this to be most

successful in ensuring our

product stands out. The

medium shot we employ

creates intensity suggesting

we target a sensitive topic.

Using Nicola Cooper a

subject featured in an in

depth interview in our

documentary and also within

our radio trailer will create

personal identity to the

young female audience and

help create more of a brand


We believe by using a

medium shot which

doesn’t include the models

head, connotes the lack of

identity often represented

by the use of social media

where there is a lack of

human interaction online

seeing many issues

develop similar to the ones

discussed in our


By using a shot of a model

wearing a small sports bra and

shorts with her torso on show

highlights the iconography of

Fitspo pages on Instagram

where unidentified females

bare their toned bodies off

online, without revealing their

true identity representing the

whole lack of interaction

world of social media

allowing our audience to gain

a deeper insight into what will

be revealed within our


“The typography is inventive, recognisable and


The large font across the

torso of the central

image is conventional

for a film poster as it

grabs the audiences

attention and creates a

brand identity as it

easily recognisable due

its presence in our

documentary. We have

accomplished this font

through the Garden

Style on


style has female

connotations appealing

to our target audience.

Including the use of a

social media digit a

hashtag # the typography

becomes instantly

recognisable o the

audience who will be

able to distinctly

recognise the heavy

presence of social media

iconography linking to

the content.

Adding a glow to the

tagline makes it instantly

stand out to the audience

giving it connotations f

importance as it posses a

key question to the

audience introducing the

expository convention.

“Institutional information is displayed at the bottom of the


Institutional info –We have

followed this convention as this

is essential information which

is needed on a poster giving

important information to the

audience and recognising the

work put into the documentary.

In addition it creates a

professional looking poster

similar to those in the

documentary genre.

Positioning the small font at

the bottom of the poster is

not only conventional but

doesn’t allow the institutional

information to become the

focal point of the poster,

however creates confidence

within the viewer that the

production is professional.

The font style we used has

stereotypical connotations of a

film poster style, meaning it is


The bold white

font is striking

allowing it to be

easily read by our

audience without

drawing the

attention away

from our central

image and title.

The small size 8 font means that it

doesn’t distract the audience from

the main poster and the image but

allows them to read it if they wish to. The font style is

conventionally cinematic

suggesting the productions

realism and professionalism

as well as it being exhibited

on other channels appealing

to the 17-25 target audience

creating a documentary

genre similar to ours that

informs the viewer about

issues relating to social

media and technological

devices in our society today.

“Institutional information is displayed at the bottom of the


Actors – We have broken the convention of

including actors names at the top of the poster

as we think this is more suitable for film


Instead we featured our actors in the

institutional information at the foot of the page.

We didn’t see it necessary to feature the names

of our actors on the poster as the idea of our

documentary is so that people can receive

personal identity by applying their own

situations to the matter in question rather than

this being about who stars in the production it

is about raising awareness to others, supplying

information to those who may need it.

“There is usually reviews from outside companies.”Rating – We didn’t follow this

convention as we thought this

was only necessary if he

documentary was to be shown at

a multiplex. We would reflect

the rating of our production

through alternative methods for

example by showing the

documentary after 9 o’clock

watershed on a school night, this

would suggest that anyone under

the suitable age for viewing

would be in bed and away from

the content which could be

argues as sensitive.

Critics reviews – We followed this convention

as we believe such information to be key to

targeting viewers and creating a professional

and highly acclaimed brand identity enticing

the viewer to watch the documentary.

Our 17-25 target audience

who are young and active

will respect the critics

reviews at the top of the

poster as the key words such

as Powerful and Influential

stand out and influence the

audience to watch the

credited production.

By including critics reviews from

acclaimed institution Radio Times it

allows the audience to recognise that

the documentary is highly acclaimed

and linked to large institutions. The

link here is also that the Radio times is

published and produced by BBC

magazines linking to the distribution

of the production by BBC three

creating cohesiveness in the

institutions used.

Having critics reviews by

magazines that link to the

content allow for the target

audience to be targeted more

directly though similar content

style and themes. Zest magazine

is aimed at women looking fro

healthy, beauty and fitness

advice. Not only does this target

our female demographic but

links to an audience who already

have a strong interest in keeping

fit and healthy and caring about

what they look like.

Institutional conventions for BBC three


BBC three documentary posters are all

cohesive in a particular way. Many feature the

BBC three logo in which the colour scheme of

this carried throughout the posters in text and

colour blocks. A distinct convention for BBC

three is to include a tilted coloured box in the

top right hand corner for the poster with the

documentary title. A convention fro BBC

three is to include their distinctive logo close

to the institutional information as well as

incorporating it within the poster.

Link to #FITSPO

In addition the conventional black and pink

logo allows the audience to easily

recognise the logo from previous

documentaries they have seen.

Our poster features the BBC three logo close to the

institutional information allowing for the audience to identify

the logo easily, and enticing them to watch the documentary

knowing especially if they fall into the BBC threes

demographic the documentary could have particular interest

to their generation.

We have continued the convention of the BBC

three logo as the logo facia is invisible and

integrating making it more professional and


Visual Identity

We believe we have created a powerful and

distinct poster that lies within the conventions of

BBC three posters and the ethos that BBC three

believe they create- "innovative" content to

younger audiences, focusing on new talent and

new technologies.

The writing and design of the poster work

together to create connotations of a presence

social media issues affecting young people

through the pressures that are created to look a

certain way.

The heavy use of technological device

iconography links to the institutions aim to

include new technologies. Our use of social

media icons such as the # and the distinct

instagram style pictures creating the background

image enable to audience to identify with the

poster and recognise the genre of new


The Logo

BBC three has a distinctive logo that is

easily recognisable with its audience.

Its distinct colour scheme of pink and

black allows the audience to easily

recognise the brand and the colour

scheme is brought throughout the

poster in some cases.

For our production the pink colour of

the logo ties in well with our chosen

colour scheme which includes pink.

This also attracts our female

demographic and links with the models

costume of a pink sports bra.


We believe we have

created an engaging and

memorable poster which

entices the audience in

wanting to find out

more, hopefully enticing

them to watch the

documentary. This is

represented through the

lack of identity of the

model linking to the

aspect that social media

can lead users into being

part of an unknown

digital world where

there is limited human


The central image plays

a literal role in

beginning to reveal a

narrative truth behind

the documentary, that

there is an increasing

amount of images

displayed of fitness

models, creating a

pressure to look fit and

healthy. This is also

shown through the lack

of identity of a character

in the poster of the

medium shot

concentrating on the

body of the model

instead of the true

identity connoting that

image is more important

than personality.