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Page 1: Poster changes

Alterations Made to Poster Much like the magazine front cover, for the poster, myself and my partner Rhiannon, have collect quite a

varied amount of research so we were happy with then going back into the editing process with some ideas of what our target audience wanted to see.

Again Rhiannon took main control over the poster editing as my main focus was making sure that the trailer was coming along nicely. Every time Rhiannon would change something on the poster, she would inform me about it, and we would either both sit down and discuss the changes made together, or she would send it to me in a email so that I could look at it in my own time. Once we had both looked at it and discussed it, we would then show it to members of our target audience. This was mostly our media class, as we knew that they knew what they were looking for, and that the constructive feedback that they would give us, would be what we had wanted, to ensure that the next cut of the poster would be of a better standard.

Overall, with the amount of research and feedback that we collected, through videos, questionnaires and surveys, both myself and Rhiannon feel confident in the poster which has been created. We have taken everything that has been mentioned on board.

This presentation, will be explaining the alterations made between each cut of the poster, and why we made them.

Page 2: Poster changes

This was the very first poster that was created after the mock up stage. As you can see, the editing is quite basic, and the credit text at the bottom, was not what it should be. However, for a first attempt we were happy with the fact that we were able to replicate the mock up to a relatively good standard. In this first edit, we included everything that we wanted to be in the final edit so that we knew when we came to edit it again, that there was nothing which we wanted to get rid of. However, the most important people were to ask our audience. We showed this very first edit to our media class. Although they explained that they liked the concept, they still felt that a little more work should be gone into it, to ensure that it looked professional enough to be displayed in real life. For example, one of the big points that they made, was the editing of our two main protagonists, and how we had put them onto the page. They all liked the idea of having half of their faces, but they thought that it looked rather ‘stuck on’ than edited to sink in with the background.

Taking this on board, Rhiannon then went away and decided to incorporate our male actors shoulder into the poster. We all felt that this worked so much better. It made him seem like he was actually in the woods rather than just being edited on.

The editing of the shoulder was actually quite a hard process, In the editing process, Rhiannon actually had to find a completely different picture of Rob (the male) and use his shoulder from that to edit on to this particular poster. This was a very tricky process, although it is explained in even more depth in the editing of the poster post. Apart from the shoulder, one member of our class, and also our teacher, said that the background could use a bit more work. We chose to make it a bit lighter to emphasise the eeriness, and also because we wanted to make the trees in the background stand out even more, so that our target audience and anybody else who was to see the poster, would get the understanding that it has something to do with the woods.

Page 3: Poster changes

This was the third edit that was made after we showed our target audience the poster with our males shoulder added into it. Whilst various people expressed their love for it, some also said that it now seemed strange that only one had their shoulder edited in, and not the other character on the page. Not only this, but it also made our female character look even more simply copy and pasted onto the poster because the other character was so well integrated. To tackle this problem, we decided that the same editing should be done for our female character. Therefore, we had used another image of a shoulder to add on to this character. This gave a good effect over all, as now both of them looked well integrated onto the page. Having said this, we also felt that it now looked even better, as we placed the female characters shoulder in front of the males, as he is the victim, which helps to symbolise the message which is being displayed of ‘Watch Your Back’, as it now, in fact looks like he is behind her.This image in the bottom right, is the final edit of our film poster. It does look quite different from the others, and that is because we took a whole lesson, in asking our target audience to give us some feedback and what they seriously felt like needed to change before we went ahead and created the final version of the poster. The main difference on this edit, is the colour of the background, and the colouring and position of the font of the credits at the bottom.We were constantly getting criticism for the colour of the background, as a lot of people just didn’t feel like it worked very well. Taking this on board, we changed the background, toned down the blue and made it slightly whiter. The text at the bottom was also changed, because we were told that the positioning of our production logo was not in the correct place, and that we were in fact missing the age rating for our film. I then went back to look at some of our previous research and planning of this particular text on horror posters, and tried to imitate it with our own information. Luckily this made a big difference as it now looks so much more professional and realistic. Again we have included similar colours , as we wanted the red to be a significant colour that ran all throughout our products. Furthermore, we also ensure to make the release month of our film in red, to again make sure it stood out from the other text on the page.
