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Amy, CHELSEA, Duaa

Figure printed on bus, was denied. This claim proved Void towards Brexit debates.

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POST-TRUTH what is it:‘relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief’

Simplified...its when news that's reported lacks substantial factual evidence to back its accuracy

Why de we still consume it:It gratifies our social integrative needs, as we are provided with an alternative viewpoint within media

Sources:Oxford Dictionary:

AC Grayling Quoting – philosopher

• “Everything is relative. Stories are being made up all the time - there is no such thing as the truth. You can see how that has filtered its way indirectly into post-truth.“

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How Technology Disrupted The Truth

-Audiences are more likely to have a negotiated reading, when it comes to the recent news being reported .

‘Isabel Oakeshott, the Daily Mail journalist who had co-wrote. Admitted she wasn’t certain her report was even true, when asked to provide evidence to support her sensational claim.’

‘Story reported in dozens of newspapers and repeated in millions of tweets and Facebook updates ‘

‘ No evidence P.M (D.Cameron) “inserted a private part of his anatomy” into the mouth of a dead pig ‘

Audiences responseappear passive, may have a dominant reading from reports as they value the content coming from established media

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Nigel Farage Admits "mistake" to promise that £350million a week would be spent on the NHS if the UK backed a Brevity vote.

A published false truth, demonstrates two step in place.In this instance the audience has received information from a role model that they ‘trust’

SOURCE : Mirror

Vote Leave campaign backtracked on their claim that £350 million a week spent on EU membership would go towards the NHS.

Mr FarageSupporters voting to leave underFalse information

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