

December 2013

Merry Christmas— Plus

Family! As we get closer

to the new year many of

us will be making resolu-

tions to improve ourselves

whether it be profes-

sional, personal, or a

combination of both. Many of you

have heard me refer to the SMART

philosophy when setting goals.

Make your goals:

S- Specific


A- Attainable

R- Realistic

T-Time Sensitive

Specific should refer to a specific

number or target. "I want to lose 10

pounds" versus "I want to lose


Measureable: I want to lose 5 pounds

by Jan 31st and another 5 pounds by

Feb 28th."

Attainable: If your resolution is not

attainable the likelihood you will give

up is high.

Realistic: Same premise as attainable.

You should set a goal that is realistic

so you do not get frustrated with your

progress. Even if you have a large goal

to attain breaking it down into realistic

segments improves your chances of


And lastly, time sensitive: Set a time

parameter for when you want to

achieve your goal or set milestones.

This will help to keep you on track.

Keep in mind, studies show it takes 28

days for an activity to become a habit

so stick to it for at least 28 days to en-

sure success. Also, it takes 10,000

repetitions to become an expert at

something (think of how many times

Tiger Woods must have swung his

club before becoming an expert!) so

cut yourself a little slack if it takes a

while to attain your goals. And if you

falter start again. It takes courage to

start again if you falter but it is better

than giving up. Never give up!

Wishing you and your loved ones a

wonderful holiday filled with laughter

and love. I'm looking forward to an-

other successful year in 2014.

Tara Carter

Director of Operations

Positively Plus is a quarterly newsletter for the employees of Plus Management

Look who reached a milestone !

5 YEARS with Plus !

John Daniel on left, Senior Service Manager

for Village Green and Dennis Burrows on

right, Executive Director.

And “Santa” aka Tara Carter, gave out some

really nice gifts for this achievement ! John

and Dennis each received a Citizen watch for

their 5 years of loyal service and dedication to

Plus Management. Congratulations !

Enjoy other highlights of the

Christmas party on the next 2 pages !

Maintenance ornament contest : Left to right—Jason Lowder, John Daniel,

Brad Moritz and Ben McLane. Ben had the winning entry with his Santa, sled

and reindeer!

Page 2 December 2013

CELEBRATIONS - Christmas Party Highlights!


son of Nicole Walters

Lily and Everett,

grandchildren of

Vickie Stanfield

Austin, grandson of

Jackie Willis

2 year employees: Bonnie Bean and Victoria Cathey with Tara Carter and

Dennis Burrows. Not pictured—Munira Gheewala, Donald Bredemeier,

Alex Jefferson and Adam Privette


son of

Emmy, Allie and Austin,

grandchildren of Cindy Plumley




1 year employees as of 12/31/2013:

Felicia Walker, Brandi Parker, Jennifer Bo-

tello, Kristen Davis, Vonnie Nutt, Amanda

Phelps, shown with Tara Carter and Dennis

Burrows. Not pictured- Beth Jacobs,

Deanna Preston and Andrea Johnson

3 year employees shown

with Tara Carter and Den-

nis Burrows: Vickie

Stanfield, Meredith Glass,

Niki Wilson, Cindy Plumley,

Mike Morris, Andrea

Glass and Frank Gambaro.

Not pictured -Matt Wray

6 year employees: Joan Barnett and Ashley Tucker

with Tara Carter and Dennis Burrows

7 year employee: Brad Moritz with

Tara Carter and Dennis Burrows

December 2013 Page 3

CELEBRATIONS - Christmas Party Highlights!

Tacky Sweater Participants:

Lare Keeton (Megan Abrams’ hus-

band), Cait Panhorst, Karleigh Joyner,

Andrea Johnson, Nzingha Price,

Tammy Moritz, Jessica Mahefky (Ben

McLane’s fiancée)

And the winner is:

Nzingha Price (The antlers really complete

the “tacky” look !)

Sean Eichert won the BEST WRAPPED gift

contest with his creative Plus logo wrapping.

Who would have thought there was a

bottle of wine inside !

4 year employees: Mary Hastings,

Tammy Moritz, Nicole Walters, Sean

Eichert and Mary Holman shown with

Tara Carter and Dennis Burrows And

Tara Carter is a 4 year employee as

well !

And our longest

tenured employee is:

Kristie Brewer at 9 years !

Page 4 December 2013

Employees’ Christmas Blessings & Resolutions

Christmas Blessings

Frank Gambaro: I am blessed to have a loving wife who

supports me and a beautiful daughter whose love is uncondi-

tional. Also to work for such a caring company where hard

work is rewarded and employees are treated as individuals

not numbers

Megan Abrams: My lovely daughter Ava Grace and newly

obtained step daughter, Eliza Opal – both so sweet & so

smart! To have married the man I once only DREAMED I

would marry. My parents & in-laws and their never-ending

love, patience & generosity. My church and my pastor = my

Guiding Light and last but not least—my team here at Colony

Village !

Alex Jefferson: Blessed to have a wonderful family and

friends all around !

Cindy Plumley: My family is well this Christmas !

John Daniel: My lovely wife and family !

Nzingha Price: I moved to Richmond on Sept .7, 2013 on a

whim, ready for a change from my normal routine in Hamp-

ton Roads for the past 8 years. I started out with no job and

no place of my own but within a MERE 2 months and 4 days

(on 11/11 to be exact, MY BIRTHDAY!) I was blessed to

start a wonderful position with the PLUS team and open the

doors to my new apartment in the heart of the city. I couldn’t

have asked for a better way to end the year and start a new


Ashley Tucker: Blessed for our newest addition to our fam-

ily, little Miss Berkley Charlotte, and the health of my fam-


Andrea Glass: I wish everyone great health and lots of

money in 2014! I’m blessed to say that 2014 will be the

best year for my family!

Lisa Hall: I am blessed to have a little nephew this Christ-

mas !

Now how about those resolutions !

Jennifer Botello: My New Year’s Resolution is to make time

to read at least 15 minutes a day

Liz Bogue: My resolution for 2014 is to step outside my

comfort zone and take more risks in life!

Vonnie Nutt: Learn from my mistakes.

Kristen Davis: Keep my sparkle on !

Karleigh Joyner: Stop using post it notes.

Sarah Joyner: Master the time clock.

Mary Holman: Be more organized.

Domnique Stepp: Get into shape !

Katie Lynch: Read more !

Cait Panhorst: My new year’s resolution

is to enjoy married life!!

No more planning (ok,

maybe a little planning),

just enjoy being with each

other and finally have

time to really explore


Here is a great picture of

Cait with husband Bryan,

married in September !

Brandi Parker: My resolution is to master

another fancy accent.!

Editor’s note: And we are certain Brandi

will be ready to use that “fancy” accent in

the quarterly leasing brainstorm sessions

beginning in January. Brandi has enhanced

the role of Senior Leasing Specialist! Not

just a “fill in” for all office roles at conven-

tional and tax credit properties, she is also focused on provid-

ing additional training for the leasing professionals. In addi-tion to the brainstorm sessions, she also provides one on one

training with new leasing professionals during their first 3

weeks !