Page 1: Portable Text to Speech for Indonesian Language (Bahasa)

Portable Text to Speech for Indonesian Language (Bahasa)

Ilham Ari Elbaith Zaeni安啓聖


Presented on Seminar ClassMarch 18, 20014

Dept of Electrical EngineeringSouthern Taiwan University of Science and Technology

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• Definition• Background• System Design• Algorithm• Hardware Implementation• Result

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• A text-to-speech (TTS): system converts normal language text into speech [wikipedia]

• Syllable : a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word

• Language of Indonesia– Indonesia have >700 languages. – The official language is Indonesian (known as Bahasa

Indonesia), a variant of Malay + other languages. [wikipedia]

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surveyedMain areas where spoken

Indonesian/Malay 210 2010 throughout Indonesia

Javanese 84.32000

(census)Northern Banten, Northern West Java, Yogyakarta, Central Java andEast Java

Sundanese 342000

(census) West Java, Banten

Madurese 13.62000

(census) Madura Island (East Java)Minangkabau 5.5 2007 West Sumatra, RiauMusi (Palembang Malay)[4] 3.9

2000 (census) South Sumatra

Manado Malay (Minahasan) 3.8 2001 Minahasa, North SulawesiBugis 3.5 1991 South Sulawesi

Banjarese 3.52000

(census)South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan

Acehnese 3.52000

(census) Aceh

Balinese 3.32000

(census) Bali Island and Lombok IslandBetawi 2.7 1993 Jakarta etc

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English one two water person house dog coconut

Kutainese satu due ranam urang rumah koyok nyiurIndonesian/

Malay satu dua air orang rumah anjing kelapa

Javanese siji loro banyu uwong omah asu kambil

Sundanese hiji dua cai/ci jalma imah anjing kalapa

Madurese settong dhuwa' âên oreng roma pate' nyior

Minangkabau cie' duo aie urang rumah anjiang karambia

Palembang Malay sikok duo banyu wong rumah anjing kelapo

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Loan words of Sanskrit Origin◦ भा�षा� bahasa (language),◦ का�च kaca (glass, mirror), ◦ रा�ज- raja (king), ◦ मनु ष्य manusia (mankind), ◦ भा�मिम bumi (earth/ world), ◦ आगम agama (religion), ◦ स्त्री� Istri (wife/woman),

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Loan words of Arabic Origin◦ selamat ( السالم salaam = peace)◦ dunia (دنياdunya = the present world), ◦ Sabtu (السبت as-sabt =Saturday), ◦ kabar (خبر ḵabar = news), ◦ ijazah (إجازة ijāza = vacation), ◦ kitab (كتاب kitāb = book), ◦ tertib (ترتيب tartīb = orderly) ◦ kamus(قاموس qāmūs = dictionary)

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Loan words of Chinese Origin◦ pisau ( 匕首 bǐshǒu  – knife), ◦ loteng, ( 樓 /層 = lóu/céng – [upper] floor/ level), ◦mie ( 麵 > 面 Hokkien mī – noodles),◦ lumpia ( 潤餅 (Hokkien = lūn-piáⁿ) – springroll), ◦ cawan ( 茶碗 cháwǎn – teacup), ◦ teko ( 茶壺 > 茶壶 = cháhú [Mandarin], teh-ko

[Hokkien] = teapot), ◦ 苦力 kuli = 苦 khu (bitter) and 力 li (energy)

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Loan words of Portuguese Origin◦meja (from mesa = table), ◦ boneka (from boneca = doll), ◦ jendela (from janela = window), ◦ gereja (from igreja = church), ◦ bendera (from bandeira = flag),◦ sepatu (from sapato = shoes), ◦ keju (from queijo = cheese),◦mentega (from manteiga = butter), ◦Minggu (from domingo = Sunday)

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Loan words of Dutch Origin◦ polisi (from politie = police), ◦ kualitas (from kwaliteit = quality), ◦ rokok (from roken = smoking cigarettes), ◦ korupsi (from corruptie = corruption), ◦ kantor (from kantoor = office), ◦ resleting (from ritssluiting = zipper) ◦ gratis (from gratis = free)

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• Developed on 2005 for – LCEN competition– Bachelor degree final project on Dept of Electrical

Engineering Brawijaya University.• To help people who cannot speak • It should be portable• Why not applied on the smartphone?

– Iphone released on 2007.– First Android (HTC Dream) released on 2008


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System Design

• Process that should do:– User can type a text using keypad/keyboard.– Text stored into memory– Text converted into syllable– Play sound that is corresponding the syllable.

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System Design

• What is needed by the system– Text Editor

• Input > 26 button Using 2 keypad 4x4• Display LCD 2x16• Processor Microcontroller AT89S8252

– Memory for the Sound • ISD25120 Chipcorder from Windbond • Audio Amplifier

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Syllable spelling (on Bahasa)Bahasa have :

vowel (a, e, i, o, u)consonant (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r,s, t, v, w, x, y, z)

Diphthong (ai, au, oi)Consonants combination (kh, ng, ny, sy, etc)

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Rule of spelling (on Bahasa)If there are two vowel in sequence, the words

should be separated between two vowels.Ex: ma-in (play), bu-ah (fruit)

If there is one consonant between two vowel, the words should be separated before the consonantEx: sa-ya (i), ka-mu (you)

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Rule of spelling (on Bahasa)If there is two consonant between two vowel,

the words should be separated between the consonantEx: man-di (take a bath), makh-luk (creature)

If there is three consonant between two vowel, the words should be separated after the first consonantEx: ul-tra, in-fra [wikisource]

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Hardware Implementation

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Hardware Implementation

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Hardware Implementation

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ResultNo. Input Text Meaning

The expected output

Output Correct/Wrong

1 saya i /sa/ /ya/ /sa/ /ya/ correct

2 anda you /an/ /da/ /an/ /da/ correct

3 dia he/she /di/ /a/ /di/ /a/ correct

4 intra intra /in/ /tra/ - wrong

5 mereka they /me/ /re/ /ka/ /me/ /re/ /ka/ correct

6 keluar out /ke/ /lu/ /ar/ /ke/ /lu/ /ar/ correct

7 alias alias /a/ /li/ /as/ /a/ /li/ /as/ correct

8 anak child /a/ /nak/ /a/ /na/ /ak/ wrong

9 tragedi tragedy /tra/ /ge/ /di/ /us/ /ra/ /ge/ /di/ wrong

10 buka open /bu/ /ka. /bu/ /ka. correct

11 angka number /ang/ /ka/ /ang/ /ka/ correct

12 pramuka scout /pra/ /mu/ /ka/ /pra/ /mu/ /ka/ correct

13 syair poem /sya/ /ir/ /sya/ /ir/ correct

14 karena because /ka/ /re/ /na/ /ka/ /re/ /na/ correct

15 artikulasi articulation /ar/ /ti/ /ku/ /la/ /si/ /ar/ /ti/ /ku/ /la/ /si/ correct

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