Page 1: Population of bulgaria mejorado


By Manuel García, Marcos García and Rodrigo Pozuelo.

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Is an European Country member of the EU.

Bulgaria is located in the southeast of the european territorry.

His capital is Sofía. Bulgaria,officially the Republic of Bulgaria is a

country in southeastern Europe. It is bordered

by Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south,

and the Black Sea to the east. With a territory of 110,994 square kilometres (42,855 sq mi),

Bulgaria is Europe's 16th-largest country. The dates in the past 2015 were:

The population was of about 7,200,000 inhabitants.

Man were 3,500,000 inhabitants and woman 3,700,000.


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Nowadays the POPULATION

is about 7,364,570 inhabitants, the most part of them live in the capital.


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We need to calculate the birth rate

of that country.

Br, is Number of births/ Total POPULATION multiplied by 1,000.

65,950/ 7,364,570* 1,000= 8,95% is the birth rate.

Formula of the birth rate

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Bulgaria’s pyramid

is contractive, it has convex side with very low birth rate. It has too low death rate and it has longer life expentacy. It has longer dependency ratio and Bulgaria is a MEDC.

The commentary of the population pyramid for each country

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Increasing productivity so that fewer workers produce more;

Investing in education to keep the skills of an aging population current;

Increasing the labor force by providing employment opportunities for all population groups;

Reducing the pension deficit to slow-down the increase in public debt;

Providing pensions to all so that none are left out

Improving the health sector so that Bulgarians enjoy long and healthy lives

Scaling up long-term care so that elderly in need of care are taken care of;

Increasing savings: Saving for the future.


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Facts of low birth rate: Bulgaria's birth rate plummeted to a 67-year-low in 2012. A total of 62 000 babies were born in 2012, the lowest number

since 1945, according to reports of the Bulgarian National Television (BNT).

In 2011, a total of 71 000 babies were born in Bulgaria and in the crisis-stricken 1997, the number was 64 000.

Facts of high death rate: Bulgaria has the highest mortality rate in the European Union, with

infant mortality double the rate of the rest of the EU Infant mortality was the lowest in the history of demographic

statistics in Bulgaria, the report to the cabinet said, but still was double that of the EU average.

Every fourth death is of a person younger than 65, with heart disease and cancer the leading causes of death overall.

Birth rate and death rate
