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Page 1: Polar Bears






Page 2: Polar Bears
Page 3: Polar Bears

Polar bears are carnivores. The polar bear, Arctic King, feeds all

animals except Arctic foxesand wolves. Despiteall his favorites are the baby seals and

reindeer (which are much scarcer than the first) and come to eatabout 30 kilos of food a day,

and the puppies 1 kilo. Bears do not drink water, because their environment is salty

and acidic. They take the fluids they need fromthe blood of their prey.

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Page 5: Polar Bears

Polar bears often move by swimming or chips of ice to other shores.

Polar bears roam the Arctic ice and swim intothe coastal areas. Are very strong swimmers

who use their front legs to propelthemselves. They have seen polar bears

swimming over long distances at sea. Mostlikely, part of the journey the hiciesen

mounted pieces of ice giants.

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Page 7: Polar Bears

Polar Bears are Mammal. He lives a measure of 25-30 years in the wild. Your body is between 2 and 2.5 meters, and its tail between 8 and 13 inches. It weighs between 400 and 730 kg.

Polar bears live in one of the coldest places, and thus depend on their fur, which covers their entire body, which consists of fatinsulates the body heat, thus preventing them from freezing. The coat grows them in the legs, which also facilitates the grip is slippery ice. Another important function of fur is camouflage that this offers in the snow, because of the color white. But under his white coat, his skin is black to absorb more sunlight when available.

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The mating period is between April and May, but the eggs are not fertilized and begin to develop until September or so, in what is known as delayed implantation. During

this time, the female is to store as much fat as possible.Only pregnant females seek shelter during the winter ,

giving birth to one or two cubs during the winter in a shelter dug into the ice. All other individuals are still

active despite the darkness and extreme cold prevailing in the environment and wander in search of food on the icy plat .Mothers do not eat anything during this period,

but live of the fat that has accumulated in your body during winter, while the puppies are fed breast milk. This results in a strong maternal weight loss, should recover

during the summer.

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