
Introduction 1

Functions overview 2


System configurations / application examples 3

Online computer link via TCP/IP

Configuration / operation 4

System description PM-OPEN TCP/IP version 8

Release 01/01/2009

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description


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1 Introduction Page 1-1 1.1 General Page 1-1 1.2 Universal use Page 1-1 2 Functions overview Page 2-1 2.1 Sending tags Page 2-1 2.2 Receiving tags Page 2-1 2.3 Sending alarms Page 2-1 2.4 Receiving alarms Page 2-1 2.5 Dialup connections Page 2-2 2.6 Telegram templates Page 2-2 2.7 Microsoft ® Visual Basic ® Page 2-2

2.8 Diagnostics Page 2-2 3 System configurations / application examples Page 3-1 3.1 System configuration: WinCC / third-party systems Page 3-1 3.2 System configuration: WinCC / WinCC Page 3-2 3.3 System configuration: Central system Page 3-2 3.4 System configuration: WinCC / third-party systems over

telephone networks Page 3-3

3.5 Application examples: Visual Basic Page 3-4 4 Configuration / operation Page 4-1 4.1 General Page 4-1 4.2 The Operating shell Page 4-1 4.2.1 The Project window Page 4-2 4.2.2 The Content window Page 4-3 4.2.3 The Telegram window Page 4-4 4.3 Functions of PM-OPEN TCP/IP Page 4-5 4.3.1 Computer Page 4-5 4.3.2 Dialup connections Page 4-8 4.3.3 Telegram templates Page 4-10 4.3.4 Tag list Page 4-11 4.3.5 WinCC operator input messages Page 4-12 4.3.6 Macro trigger Page 4-13 4.3.7 Microsoft ® Visual Basic ® Page 4-14

4.3.8 Diagnostics Page 4-15 4.3.9 Security settings Page 4-16

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description

1 Introduction

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1.2 Universal use

Wherever extensive special solutions were previously required for online computer linking, PM-OPEN TCP/IP offers a flexible and low-cost solution for linking compu-ter systems (MRP, laboratory, logistics and quality ma-nagement systems, etc.) and Office PCs at an automa-tion and process control level.

One further application possibility of PM-OPEN TCP/IP consists of linking several WinCC stations in order to exchange tags and alarms or to record them centrally.

For PM-OPEN TCP/IP long distances do not represent a problem: The "Dialup connections" function can be used to connect TCP/IP networks time-controlled or triggered by a tag over telephone networks (modem / ISDN).

By means of online language switching, a simple mouse click permits the entire user interface to be displayed in different languages.

Therefore, the integration of PM-OPEN TCP/IP in the SIMATIC WinCC process visualisation system offers integrated communication solutions for consistent industrial automation.

1.1 General

PM-OPEN TCP/IP enables an exchange, via the TCP/IP protocol, of tags and alarms between WinCCTM and one or several computer(s) (link partners), e.g. computers running under Windows, UNIX, etc.

The following specific utilities are available:

• sending tags in the event of changes in values

• sending tags at cyclic intervals

• sending tags on demand of a network computer

• receiving tags

• sending alarms

• receiving alarms

• building up dialup connections in order to send/re-ceive tags or alarms

• customer specific telegram structures

• Microsoft ® Visual Basic ® for Applications

• Remote-controlled trigger of macros

• Diagnostics

• Security settings

• Ping of receiver computers

Datagram (UDP) or stream sockets (TCP) are used as communications mechanism. The term refers to the way in which the connection between computer systems is established. In the case of datagram connections, the "sender" transmits individual packets (datagrams) without a reply (acknowledgement) from the "recipient". Stream sockets (TCP) is a secure, connection-oriented point-to-point service. TCP is responsible for establishing a connection, maintaining the correct transmission and the acknowledgement of the data transfer. It is also responsible for restoring any possibly lost data during the transmission.

This description applies to the version V8 of PM-OPEN TCP/IP within the WinCC environment WinCC V6/V7. Please refer to the valid ordering documents for further information and the operating system platform.

Process bus

Graphics Designer

Alarm Logging

Tag Logging


Data manager

WinCC-Base modules

Illustration 1.1: PM-OPEN TCP/IP in a WinCC environment

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description

2 Functions overview

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2.1 Sending tags

WinCC tags (process/internal tags) can be sent to linked partners by PM-OPEN TCP/IP

• in cycles of 1 sec., 2 sec., 5 sec., 10 sec., 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes or 1 hour

• when a change of value occurs

• on demand of a network computer

For example, data can be transferred for central display/processing from connected automation systems to higher-level computers or to other WinCC stations.

This is configured in the "Project window". New tags can be added to the appropriate cycle if PM-OPEN TCP/IP has been put into stop mode. The sending of tags can be

• manually activated and deactivated

• enabled/disabled using a WinCC tag.

PM-OPEN TCP/IP supports the following data types:

• binary tags

• unsigned and signed 8-bit value, 16-bit value and 32-bit value

• 32-bit and 64-bit IEEE 754 floating-point number

• text tag, 8-bit character set

• raw data type (if supported by the WinCC-channel).

The sending of SIMATIC WinCC tags on demand of a network computer is effected by a corresponding request telegram sent to PM-OPEN TCP/IP. One tag per each telegram can be sent to a discretionary destination computer in the network. For this the tags to be sent have to be included in the “Tag list” of PM-OPEN TCP/IP. The request telegram indicates the name of the tag to be sent and the destination computer.

PM-OPEN TCP/IP supports DNS (Domain Name Ser-vice), i.e. the destination computer can be addressed by its domain name (e.g. or directly by its IP-address.

Another possibility for sending tag values is the Direct Tag Request. For that a request telegram with the tag name is sent on which PM-OPEN TCP/IP responds via the same channel (only available with stream sockets).

2.2 Receiving tags

Data received (jobs, recipes, production data etc.) from higher-level computer systems is mapped in WinCC tags (process/internal tags). A WinCC tag can be used to enable/disable the receiving of tag telegrams.

Both sent and received data are additionally displayed in a "Telegram window" along with the date and time.

2.3 Sending alarms

Current alarms from the WinCC "Alarm Logging“ module such as

• fault signals

• process signals

• system signals

• operator inputs

• instance messages

are transferred to higher-level computer systems and/or other WinCC stations.

Alarms to be transferred can be selected using the configured alarm blocks, e.g. according to date/time, alarm number, alarm status or text blocks etc.

This is configured in the "Project window". New alarms can be added if PM-OPEN TCP/IP has been put into stop mode. The sending of alarms can be

• manually activated and deactivated

• enabled/disabled using a WinCC tag.

Alarms sent are additionally displayed in a "Telegram window" along with the date and time.

2.4 Receiving alarms

Alarms from higher-level computer systems or other WinCC stations are accepted in the “WinCC Alarm Logging" module. Thus, for example, a central alarm system can be created. A WinCC tag can be used to enable/disable the receiving of alarm telegrams.

Alarms received are additionally displayed in a "Telegram window" along with the date and time.

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description

2 Functions overview

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2.5 Dialup connections

In addition to the connections using networks (LAN), the "Dialup connection" function permits the communication from WinCC using telephone networks (modem / ISDN). This coupling is based on the "Remote Access Service" (RAS) operating system function.

PM-OPEN TCP/IP is able to build up Dialup connections time-controlled or tag-triggered by a tag. The communi-cation is established with the rising edge of the binary tag and interrupted with the trailing edge.

2.6 Telegram templates The function “Telegram templates” increases the system flexibility due to the possibility to define user-specific telegram structures for different destination computers.

Furthermore the telegram length can be reduced, e.g. to limit the required bandwidth and achieve better throughput in a WAN environment.

Thus the Tag- and Alarm-Telegrams can be easily con-figured individually via Drag&Drop for each destination computer.

2.7 Visual Basic For the user the integration of Visual in PM-OPEN TCP/IP provides a maximum of flexibility for any kind of integration project.

Thereby PM-OPEN TCP/IP becomes a comfortable infor-mation turntable for production data, quality data, fault signals, process signals etc.

With Visual Basic the standard functions of PM-OPEN TCP/IP can individually be adapted or extended depending on specific requirements.

Programming user-specific applications with Visual Basic can be done in the same way like programming macros in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel.

Macros written in VBA can be started either time or tag controlled on the local computer or alternatively by trigger telegrams sent from other computers on the network.

2.8 Diagnostic functions PM-OPEN TCP/IP includes enhanced diagnostic func-tions that assist in diagnosing and eliminating the causes fast in the case of interferences.

There is a connection-diagnostic-window available for each destination computer, offering e.g. information on status, connection type (datagram or stream socket), pending telegrams etc.

Furtheron an extended-diagnostic-window can be dis-played with corresponding informations of the local PM-OPEN TCP/IP computer.

Illustration 2.7: Integration of Visual Basic in PM-OPEN TCP/IP

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description

3 System configurations / application examples

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3.1 System configuration: WinCC / third-party systems

PM-OPEN TCP/IP enables an exchange of tags and alarms between WinCC stations and higher-level computer systems.

For example, using this configuration process data and alarms can be transferred to higher-level computers or production jobs/recipes etc. can be forwarded to a process.

Illustration 3.1: System configuration “WinCC / third-party systems”

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description

3 System configurations / application examples

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3.2 System configuration: WinCC / WinCC

With this configuration variant PM-OPEN TCP/IP ena-bles an exchange of process tags, process tags and alarms between several WinCC stations.

For example, using this configuration process tags of plant A can be transferred to the automation systems of plant X, although plant X has no process link to plant A.

Illustration 3.2: System configuration “WinCC / WinCC”

3.3 System configuration: central system

For applications in which time is not a critical factor, PM-OPEN TCP/IP enables a low-cost and easily configurable creation of a "Central System" in

which the process tags and/or alarms of the subordinate WinCC stations can be visualised and operated centrally.

Illustration 3.3: System configuration “Central System”

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description

3 System configurations / application examples

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3.4 System configuration: WinCC / third-party

systems over telephone networks

The "Dialup connections" function permits PM-OPEN TCP/IP, based on “Remote Access Service” (RAS), the time-controlled or tag-triggered connection from compu-ters and networks over telephone networks (modem / ISDN).

In this case PM-OPEN TCP/IP also permits the ex-change of process tags, internal tags and alarms bet-ween multiple WinCC stations and computer systems.

Illustration 3.4: System configuration “WinCC / third-party systems over telephone networks”

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description

3 System configurations / application examples

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3.5 Application examples: Integration of Visual


The integration of Visual Basic in PM-OPEN TCP/IP offers an maximum amount of flexibility and facilitates the user immense possibilities for realising easily and economically customer-specific office-applications on a standardized platform.

The following examples show a rough overview for pos-sible use cases with Visual Basic and PM-OPEN TCP/IP:

• Transmit quality data cyclicly or on demand to an Excel report

• Create automatically production reports with Microsoft Word

• Forward production data to determined subscri-bers via E-Mail

• Create production reports on demand with Word or Excel (reporting on demand)

• Import ASCII-files into WinCC

• Database linking e.g. Access, Oracle etc.

• Forward selected alarms via E-Mail to correspon-ding employees

• etc.

Application example 1

Illustration 3.5.1: Reporting on demand

With the next step ( ) the Visual Basic application of PM-OPEN TCP/IP initiates the generation of a response E-Mail to the report request, encloses the Excel-sheet as an attachment and inserts the E-Mail in the OutBox of Microsoft Outlook. Afterwards Outlook is instructed to send the corresponding E-Mail ( ).

Application example 2

Illustration 3.5.2: Forwarding alarms via E-Mail

The purpose of this example is to forward production relevant alarms e.g. to the maintenance staff.

If an alarm occurs at the plant ( ) SIMATIC WinCC will send a corresponding message to PM-OPEN TCP/IP ( ), which thereupon will pass it to Microsoft Excel ( ). Excel reads the affiliated distribution links and adds, as the case may be, additional information to the alarm message ( ). Afterwards an E-Mail is generated ( ), copied to the Outlook OutBox and sent ( ).

A reporting request is sent via E-Mail to the WinCC server (see ).

The Visual Basic application of PM-OPEN TCP/IP reacts on the corresponding E-Mail in the InBox of Microsoft Outlook ( ) and arranges SIMATIC WinCC to read the required production data ( ). Adjacent PM-OPEN TCP/IP transmits the data to Microsoft Excel ( ) and prepares the report, e.g. with a suitable macro ( ).

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description

4 Configuration / operation

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4.1 General

Following configuration, PM-OPEN TCP/IP runs in the background, i.e. the configured tags and alarms are transferred automatically to linked partners without the need for operator actions. Configured dialup connections are established time-controlled or triggered by a binary tag. Tag and alarm telegrams received are made available to the WinCC system automatically and are displayed in a PM-OPEN TCP/IP Telegram window for diagnosis.

4.2 The Operating shell

The start screen appears after the program has been started. From here, you define the parameters of PM-OPEN TCP/IP. This is also where sent and received telegrams are displayed.

The start screen consists of three windows:

• Project window

• Content window

• Telegram window

The “Project window” contains the functions and services offered by PM-OPEN TCP/IP:

• Computer

• Dialup connections

• Telegram templates

• Tag list

The representation of the "Content window" depends on the folder/object selected in the "Project window":

If, for example, the selection on the “Project window” is located on the "Computer" folder, the computer name(s) and IP/address(es) of the configured computer(s) are displayed in a list. When a tag cycle is selected, the configured tags are listed in the "Content window".

All sent and telegrams are displayed in the "Telegram window".

Information about the current status is output to the "Status Bar" of the start picture.

Illustration 4.2: The PM-OPEN TCP/IP start screen

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description

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4.2.1 The Project window

The “Project window” contains the available functions and services of PM-OPEN TCP/IP.

This is the place where for example the computers to which tag and/or alarm telegrams are to be sent can be configured in a hierarchical structure.

Dialup connections and telegram templates for the dif-ferent destination computers are defined in the same way and manner.

You can navigate through the tree according to the usual Windows Explorer conventions. You can selectively

activate or deactivate the sending of telegrams by clicking the checkbox belonging to each node. Depending on the current status, the icons in the “Project window” are displayed differently.

Thus, in the figure below, the sending of tags in the Upon Change, 1 second, 2 second and 5 minutes cycles to the computer "StandardSingle" is activated.

Illustration 4.2.1: The PM-OPEN TCP/IP Project window

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4.2.2 The Content window

The representation of the "Content window" depends on the folder/object marked in the "Project window".

If, for example, the selection is located on a "Send Tags" -> "Every...cycle" object, a list of tags parameterized for this cycle is displayed in the "Content window".

For the selection of the "Computer" folder, the computer name(s) and IP/address(es) of the configured computer(s) are displayed in the "Content window".

If the "Send Tags" folder has been selected in the “Project window”, the send cycles with the corresponding number of tags are displayed as a list in the "Content window".

If the selection in the "Project window" is located on the "Dialup connections" folder, the names of the configured dialup connections and their next expiration are listed in the "Content window".

For the selection of a “Template” object, the template structure is displayed. Templates are also configured in the “Content window”.

For the selection of the “Tag List” object, the tags requested from WinCC are displayed, for the selection of the “WinCC operator input messages” object, the configured messages and for the selection of the “Macro triggers” object, the triggers with the respective execution time are displayed.

By clicking on the column headers, the complete contents of the list are sorted according to the corresponding column. In this process, the sort order is reversed each time the header is clicked, i.e. the first time you click the header the list is sorted in ascending order. The next time you click it, the list is sorted in descending order.

Illustration 4.2.2: The PM-OPEN TCP/IPContent window

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description

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4.2.3 The Telegram window

The “Telegram window” displays all sent and received tag telegrams, alarm telegrams and macro triggers, provided the reception of a specific telegram type is not explicitly disabled by means of the "Receive tags active", "Receive alarms active", “Receive macro triggers active” commands in the "Options" menu.

Up to 100 telegrams are displayed in the "Telegram window" list as a cyclic list (i.e. ring buffer).

PM-OPEN TCP/IP shows in the first column the direction of the data exchange. In the second column the date and time when a telegram was sent or received is displayed. The timestamp can be optionally in short or long format.

The "Telegram" column depends on the type of telegram. In the example below the values of an archive tag were sent.

More texts are "Set value" or "Generate alarm (x)", where as "x" may be "+" (coming), "-" (going) or "Q" (acknowledged) depending on the received telegram type.

In the case of tag telegrams, the name of the tag whose value is to be changed is displayed in the "Tag/Alarm No./Macro trigger" column. In the case of alarm telegrams, the alarm number (decimal) is displayed, in the case of macro trigger telegrams the name of the executed macro trigger.

In the case of tag telegrams, the "Value/Process value" column contains the tag value received in the telegram. Inthe case of alarm telegrams, it contains the process values linked with the alarm.

By clicking on the column headers, the complete contents of the list are sorted according to the corresponding column. In this process, the sort order is reversed each time you click the header, i.e. the first time you click the header the list is sorted in ascending order. The next time you click it, the list is sorted in descending order.

WinCC tags can be used to enable/disable the receiving of telegrams.

Illustration 4.2.3: The PM-OPEN TCP/IP Telegram window

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description

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4.3 Functions of PM-OPEN TCP/IP

The following functions of PM-OPEN TCP/IP are availa-ble via “Project window” or menu bar:

• Computer

• Dialup connections

• Telegram templates

• Tag list

• WinCC operator input messages

• Macro triggers

• Visual Basic

• Diagnostics

• Security settings

4.3.1 Computer By selecting the object “Computer” and clicking the right mouse button or via toolbar a new destination computer can be configured.

The connection parameters PM-OPEN TCP/IP uses to send alarm and/or tag telegrams are specified in the "Destination Computer Properties" dialog.

If you do not know the IP address of the destination com-puter please insert the computer name in the field “Host-name” . By clicking the button next to the field “Host-name” PM-OPEN TCP/IP will automatically determine the IP address, if the computer can be found on the network (Domain Name Service).

PM-OPEN TCP/IP permits the exchange of tags and alarms between WinCC and the destination computers (peers) using

• Datagram sockets (UDP) or

• stream sockets (TCP).

This setting can be made separately for each destination computer.

For connections with stream sockets (TCP), PM-OPEN TCP/IP supports the buffering of data in the case the connection fails. The data to be transferred is buffered

• in main memory

• in a file.

Once the connection has been established, this data is sent automatically to the destination computer.

The buffer behaviour can be selected:

• Overflow buffer

• Cyclic buffer

In the setting “Overflow buffer” the data to be send is bufferd until the buffer range is exhausted. All other data to be send is discarded.

In the setting “Cyclic buffer” the data to be send is buffered until the buffer range is exhausted. Then the oldest data is deleted and the new data is buffered.

A WinCC tag can enable/disable the sending of telegrams to the destination computer (peer).

If there is a connection failure to the destination computer (peer), this information can be written to a WinCC tag.

In particular for large data volumes and high transmission rates, the "Send Telegrams as block" operating mode produces a considerably improved performance. In contrast to the normal operation, the data (tags) to be sent at the same time is combined in a single data packet (block).

For checking the computer linking a ping function can be activated which sends a periodical call to the destination computer. So the availability of the destination computer (physical and ready to use) can be controlled particularily in the communication type "datagram". The time interval for sending the call is configurable. Within the configured timeout time the echo from the destination computer is expected. Overstepping this time means the computer is not available. This can be accordingly analyzed in VBA script.

For sending tag telegrams PM-OPEN TCP/IP offers some operations regarding a server prefix:

• none (an existing server prefix isn’t modified),

• add server prefix

• remove server prefix

The configuring data for the computer can be inserted in all OLE drag&drop compatible applications (e.g. Excel, Word) using drag&drop.

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description

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Illustration : "Destination Computer Properties" dialog

For each destination computer the objects “Send Tags”, “Send Alarms” or “Send Macro triggers” are automatically added. These objects permit a destination-specific configuration of data to be transmitted.

The "Select Tags" dialog is invoked using the "Add/Remove tag" context menu of the "Every....cycle" object or "Upon change" in the "Project window".

The list automatically contains all tags that are sent from PM-OPEN TCP/IP in the corresponding cycle or upon change of value.

It does not matter here whether the required value is an internal or external WinCC tag. The button Add opens the WinCC tag selection dialog.

The "Tag filter" edit field permits a filtering of the tag list. Wildcards may be used here:

• For example, the input of "PMT*" displays all tags that start with "PMT".

• For example, the input of "S?lo" displays all objects that start with "S", the second character is arbitrary, and the remainder is "lo”.

Illustration "Select Tags" dialog

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description

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The dialog for the selection of alarms is invoked using the "Add/Remove alarms" context menu of the "Send alarms " object in the "Project window".

The default setting sends all alarms that occur.

A release tag can enable/disable the sending of alarms.

Illustration "Define Message filter" dialog

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4.3.2 Dialup connections

In addition to the connections using networks (LAN), the "Dialup connection" function permits the communication from WinCC using telephone networks (modem / ISDN). This coupling is based on the "Remote Access Service" (RAS) operating system function.

PM-OPEN TCP/IP offers two different possibilities for establishing a dialup connection:

• time-controlled

• tag-controlled

For building-up a time-controlled dialup connection a wide range of triggers are provided:

• adjustable minute, hour cycle

• daily with preselectable clock time

• weekly with the specification of weekdays and time of day

• monthly and annually with adjustable times.

Further properties can also be specified for each dialup connection:

• relative time displacement (e.g. 10 minutes after the full hour for an hourly trigger)

• one-off offset before the cyclical transmission (e.g. do not start before 01/20/2009 at 12.00 am)

To create a copy of a previously configured dialup connection, the dialup connection to be copied can be selected in the "Project window" and added using the menu command.

A time range can be set in the "Start / end -> Not before" and "Start / end -> Not after" fields within which the dialup connection is activated.

An active dialup connection is terminated after the time set in "Hangup after“.

Should the dialup connection not be established (e.g. subscriber busy), the dialup connection attempts automatically to reach the subscriber until this time has expired (call repetition).

When a successful connection is made to the subscriber, the dialup connection sets the WinCC tag in the "Connection status" field to the value "1".

Illustration “Dialup connections” dialog

The configuring data for the computer can be inserted in all OLE drag&drop compatible applications (e.g. Excel, Word) using drag&drop.

Illustration : "Dialup connection properties" dialog for time-controlled dialups

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For establishing a tag-controlled dialup connection the corresponding binary tag has to be selected via the SIMATIC WinCC tag selection dialog.

The rising edge of this tag triggers the dialing process, the falling edge causes the modem to hang up.

Illustration : "Dialup connection properties" dialog for tag-controlled dialups

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4.3.3 Telegram templates

Concerning flexible linking to third-party systems it might be necessary to configure the telegram structures desti-nation-specific.

PM-OPEN TCP/IP provides this possibility for tag tele-grams as well as for alarm telegrams by using so called telegram templates.

For each destination computer the telegram structure can be defined via drag&drop out of the available fields.

Afterwards the telegram templates can be assigned in the “Destination Computer Properties” dialog.

Illustration : Telegram template for Tag telegrams

Illustration : Telegram template for Alarm telegrams

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4.3.4 Tag list

Sending single tags on demand of a network computer is another feature of PM-OPEN TCP/IP.

Tags to be sent in that way must be included in the “Tag list” of PM-OPEN TCP/IP, which you will find in the “Pro-ject Window”.

This is also necessary to ensure that in the case of reading tags via Visual Basic the current value is available.

The requirement telegram has to contain the name of the destination computer as well as the name of the tag to be sent. If PM-OPEN TCP/IP is able to address the des-tinated computer and finds the assigned tag in the “Tag list” the transmission will start. Otherwise a correspon-ding message will be displayed in the “Diagnostic Win-dow”.

Alternatively PM-OPEN TCP/IP supports a direct tag request telegram, where the requested tag value is directly send back to the requesting computer as a response.

Illustration : “Tag list” of PM-OPEN TCP/IP

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4.3.5 WinCC operator input messages

The operator input messages of the local WinCC project configured in the WinCC Alarm logging can be forwarded to the configured computers. Single alarm numbers separated by a comma or a range of alarm numbers separated by a hyphen may be selected. Operator input messages are those messages that are a member of a message class with the acknowlegement behaviour “without status went out”.

If the attribute Operator Input Message-> Yes has been set for I/O fields in Graphics Designer, an internal WinCC operator input message is created each time the input value is changed by the operator. This is a standardized message with a WinCC standard number. By selecting the check box the internal WinCC operator input message will be forwarded.

Illustration : “WinCC operator input messages” of PM-OPEN TCP/IP

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4.3.6 Macro trigger

The macros written in VBA on the local computer may be executed either time or tag controlled. Execution may be triggered either by the local computer or by reception of macro trigger telegrams sent from other computers on the network. The local computer can also start macros on other computers running PM-OPEN TCP/IP. Only those VBA routines with no parameters, no return value and Public access are available for invocation by macro triggers.

Executing a macro on the local computer The execution of a local macro from the local computer is set up with the context menu New macro trigger in the tree structure. The macro that should be executed is selected.

The locally written macros are listed for selection under "Available Macros".

Invoking a macro on a computer over the network The computer with its name, IP-address (if necessary) and port corresponding to the configuration is entered as destination computer under the object Computer. To receive a list of the macros available on the destination computer, a connection to this computer is established by clicking the button Select. The list of available macros is only filled if PM-OPEN TCP/IP is running on the destination computer.

Illustration : “Macro trigger” in PM-OPEN TCP/IP

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4.3.7 Visual Basic

The integration of Visual Basic in PM-OPEN TCP/IP provides the user with maximum flexibility allowing for economical realisations of integration solutions for production and office environments.

Chapter 3.5 of this system description showed a short presentation of a possible application example.

On the one hand you can create macros under PM-OPEN TCP/IP in the usual way like in other Microsoft programs, e.g. Excel or Word. On the other hand a fast and economic development of more complex applica-tions is also possible by using Visual Basic.

The Visual Basic Editor can be called up either via the usual button in the button bar or via the menu “Options ->Macro->Visual Basic-Editor” or with the function keys “Alt+F11”.

Illustration Create macros in PM-OPEN TCP/IP

Illustration Assigning function keys

Additionally PM-OPEN TCP/IP provides the possibility of assigning the macros up to 12 function keys.

In this case the macros can be called up with function keys “Ctrl+F1” to “Ctrl+F12”.

Illustration The Visual Basic-Editor of PM-OPEN TCP/IP

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description

4 Configuration / operation

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Siemens Aktiengesellschaft valid from 01/01/2009 Page 4-15

4.3.8 Diagnostics

PM-OPEN TCP/IP offers two different diagnostic functions:

• destination computer-specific diagnostics (connection diagnostics)

• diagnostics for the local PM-OPEN TCP/IP computer (extended diagnostics)

The display window of the destination-computer-specific diagnostics can be accessed by selecting the destination computer and clicking the right mouse button.

It contains the diagnostic informations shown in illustra-tion

Illustration Destination computer-specific diagnostics

The diagnostics of the local PM-OPEN TCP/IP computer are called up from the menu „Options-> Diagnostics...“.

Illustration shows an example of possible infor-mation for this diagnosis.

Illustration Diagnostics of the local PM-OPEN TCP/IP computer

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description

4 Configuration / operation

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Siemens Aktiengesellschaft valid from 01/01/2009 Page 4-16

4.3.9 Security settings

In the security settings, the connection from other computers on the network to the local host for receiving telegrams and the triggering of macros is allow, restrictedor generally denied.

The dialog for configuring incoming connections from other computers and the release for execution of macros is opened under the menu Options-> Security settings.

Illustration : “Security settings, connections” in PM-OPEN TCP/IP

The dialog "Rule" for allowing a connection for a computer is opened with the button New.

Illustration : “Rule” for released computers

If the integrated learning mode is activated, the dialog Incoming connection is opened upon identifying an incoming connection from a computer that is not entered in the list of permitted computers. If the incoming

connection is desired, the rule for the previously unknown computer is automatically created and entered in the list of permitted computers.

PM-OPEN TCP/IP System description

4 Configuration / operation

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Siemens Aktiengesellschaft valid from 01/01/2009 Page 4-17

Release of macro triggers from other computers

The macros that may be started on the local host from the computers allowed for connection are determined in the register macro trigger. The setting possibilities are All macros, general no macros and allowed macros.

All VBA routines with no parameters, no return values and Public access are displayed for execution in the list of the Available macros. In the list of the allowed macros, the macros on the local host which may be invoked from remote computers on the network are displayed.

Illustration : “Security settings, Macro triggers, ” in PM-OPEN TCP/IP

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