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  • Planning & Community Development Department 245 South Los Robles Avenue Predevelopment Plan Review City Council December 8, 2014
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Vicinity Map 2 Subject Site
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Subject Site 3
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Project Description Site is split zoned The northern portion of the subject site, improved with the office building, is zoned Central District Specific Plan (CD-2). The southern portion of the site, improved with a surface parking lot, is zoned RM-48 HL-40 (Multi- Family Residential, 0-48 units per acre) with a Height Limit Overlay Zone of 40. Multi-Family Housing within the RM-48 Subject to the City of Gardens Standards. 4
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Project Description Subdivide the existing parcel from one lot to two lots at the boundary of the CD-2 zone and the RM-48 zone. The existing office building will remain in the CD-2 zone (southern portion of project site). Demolish the existing surface parking lot in the RM-48 zone (southern portion of project site). Construct a three-story residential building containing 58 units. 5
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Project Description Two levels of subterranean parking. First level, 115 relocated parking spaces for the office use. Second level, 126 parking spaces for the residential use Maximum permitted height: 40 ft. Request for 45 ft. height utilizing height averaging to be reviewed by the Citys Design Commission. 6
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Project Description Maximum permitted density: 48 units per acre or 57 units. Proposed: 58 units. Will be redesigned to comply. Maximum permitted floor area ratio: Not Applicable. Proposed building size: 67,128 square feet or 1.29 floor area ratio. 7
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Project Description 8 South Elevation Fronting East Del Mar Blvd.
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Project Description 9 East Elevation Fronting South Los Robles Ave.
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Project Description 10 North Elevation Facing Existing Office Building
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Project Description 11 West Elevation
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Project Description 12 Site Plan Ground Floor
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Project Description 13 Second Floor
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Project Description 14 Third Floor
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Discretionary Entitlements Entitlements: 1)Design Review for a project that contains 10 or more dwelling units; 2)Height Averaging for a project that exceeds 40-feet in height; 3)Private Tree Removal for the removal of two protected trees; and 4)Tentative Tract Map for subdivision and condominium purposes. 15
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Discretionary Entitlements Review Authorities: Design Commission is the review authority for the Design Review, Height Averaging and Private Tree Removal entitlements, along with the appropriate environmental review documentation; and Hearing Officer is the decision maker on the Tentative Tract Map. 16
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Major Issues for Analysis Maximum height and height averaging; Location of interim parking for the existing two- story office building during construction of the new subterranean parking garage; and Design and compatibility with surrounding built environment. 17
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to Zoning Code: Height: Maximum 40 feet or 45 feet when utilizing height averaging The building was originally proposed to be three stories in height and have a overall height of 40 feet. The applicant has indicated that they will be submitting an application to utilize height averaging to provide a 45 foot tall building. Size (Floor Area): No Maximum in the RM-48 zone The building is proposed to be 67,128 square feet or have an FAR of 1.29. Density: 48units/acre or 57 units for the site 58 units are proposed; will be redesigned to comply. 18
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to Zoning Code: Setbacks: Front: is the average of the front yards of the developed lots on the blockface within the same zoning district, but not less than 20 feet. Rear Yard: a five foot setback for the first 40 feet behind the corner side yard setback line and zero foot setback thereafter. 19
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to Zoning Code: Setbacks: Interior Side Yard: five foot setback for the first 40 feet and a possible zero foot setback. Corner Side Yard: a 15 foot corner side yard setback is required along Los Robles Avenue As proposed, the building appears to be in compliance with the required setbacks. Parking: the parking requirement is the following: 2 on-site space for each unit, 57 units allowed. 1 on-site guest parking spaces for every 10 units Based on the project a total of 120 spaces are required, 126 spaces are proposed. 20
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to Zoning Code: Main Garden: the amount of main garden area required for this project site is 10,453 square feet (20% of the lot size) Staff was not able to determine the projects compliance with the applicable garden requirements. Further information will need to be provided, as the project proceeds. Total Garden: the total garden area required for this project site is 19,338 square feet (37% of the lot size). Staff was not able to determine the projects compliance with the applicable garden requirements. Further information will need to be provided, as the project proceeds. 21
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to Zoning Code: Building Massing: no faade along a street may be longer than 60 feet. The faade along Del Mar Boulevard has a length of 156. The building facades along Los Robles Avenue, facing the corner side yard, have a width of 62. The applicant has indicated that they will redesign the project to comply. 22
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to Design & Historic Preservation: Design Review: Design Commission will review because: Project entails10 or more dwelling units. 23
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to Design & Historic Preservation: Massing & Siting: Creating a carefully laid out plan that analyzes pedestrian circulation in conjunction with well- planned open space can help to ensure the success of the future development at this site. Sitting: The siting of the building is appropriate to the surrounding context and the anticipated level of development for this area. 24
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to Design & Historic Preservation: Compatibility: The new building should attempt to reference some Old Pasadena conventions, e.g., regulating lines, materials, window openings, transition from the ground level to the upper stories, the design for residential stoops along the ground-floor, etc. 25
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Major Issues for Analysis Historic Resources are: The building at 324 South Euclid was built in 1890 and is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places; The building at 300 South Los Robles is across from the subject site and is the site of the Throop Memorial Universalist Church, built in 1922 and eligible for historic designation and listing in the National Register of Historic Places The building at 272 South Los Robles Avenue is across from the subject site. It was built in 1910 and is an individually designated historic resource listed in the National Register of Historic Places 26
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Historic Resources 27 300 S. Los Robles 272 S. Los Robles Subject Site 324 S. Euclid Ave
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments Topics related to General Plan: 1994 Residential General Plan Caps: 5,095 residential dwelling units originally allocated. As of December 31, 2013, balance of 1,035 residential dwelling units available. The proposed project is within the residential development caps. 28
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Public Works Comments Topics related to Public Works: Wheelchair Ramps: The applicant will be required to install a wheelchair ramp that complies with the regulations of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) at the northwest corner of Del Mar Boulevard and Los Robles Avenue. Street Trees: The applicant will be required to plant four Quercus virginiana, Southern live oaks on Los Robles Avenue frontage and a maximum of four Lagerstroemia indica, Crape myrtles on Del Mar Boulevard. 29
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Transportation Comments Topics related to Transportation: Traffic Impact Study: Required per City guidelines. Driveway Configuration: The driveway and apron along Del Mar Blvd shall have a minimum width of 18-feet to accommodate 2-way traffic. 30
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Environmental Review Per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), an environmental review of the project will occur. Analyze projects potential to result in significant impacts, as identified by State and local environmental guidelines. 31
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  • Planning & Community Development Department Next Steps Environmental Review Design Commission Meetings Preliminary Consultation; Concept Review (design, height averaging, private tree removal and environmental review); and Final Review Hearing Officer Meeting Tentative Tract Map. 32
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  • Planning & Community Development Department 245 South Los Robles Avenue Predevelopment Plan Review City Council December 8, 2014