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Planning For Final Images. Georgia Cox


Photo Date Time Subject Equipment

1 30th January 11:30-1:00pm Tearney Camera,Tripod and Studio

2 30th January 11:30-1:00pm Tearney Camera,Tripod and Studio

3 30th January 11:30-1:00pm Zoe Camera, Tripod and Studio

4 31st January 1:00pm- 2:00pm Zoe Camera,Tripod and Studio

5 31st January 1:00pm- 2:00pm Sam Camera,Tripod and Studio

6 31st January 1:00pm-2:00pm Sam Camera,Tripod and Studio

Mood Board

Here I collected a range of images linking towards my chosen theme of human Typography. I have also got images referring to expressions, poses and filters Im planning to use and express.

Test shots

Here below are my test shots… Here I have experimented using different subjects and colour filters within the studio. I used a purple filter for the first subject to express the idea of relaxed and calm. On the second image I experiment using just studio lights for one image and then the other using filters, in order to see what best for the image. I asked my subject to hold the same pose within both, and changed the filter colour to a blue to express the idea of sadness.
