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• Week oneduring week one for this project my group (me ben and Jonjo) came together to search for a song we could use for our music video production. After a while we uncovered the song raincloud vs. sunshine, by the unsigned band lion O’Brien. The song is in the pop genre and features happy lyrics and an upbeat tempo. As our production was going to be an animation, the lyrics had a cartoon vibe to them and could be represented clearly and easily

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• Week 2• Week 2 was primarily used for pre production it allowed us

to devise a storyline that was in the same theme of the music. It was obvious from this moment that a story about love would be appropriate, as raincloud vs. sunshine is a love song. It is also a song about opposites. This can be deducted from lines such as ‘you are sad frown, and I am a smile’. We also started design on our characters for this video, and developed them in relation to the story. We decided on having 2 protagonists, a man and woman. From this we developed the general plot into a love story.

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• Week 3• In week 3 we chose which style of animation to

use. We settled on using stop motion animation (in a similar style to Wallace and gromit and chicken run). We would be doing this animation on paper. We would do this by drawing a frame, and then drawing another where the image has moved slightly. Lots of these frames put together would result in the image ‘moving’.

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• Week 4• Week 4 consisted of storyboard production.

This is where we finalised on our set design, as well as our narrative and locations. We also developed the characters more, as well as finalising their appearance

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• Week 5• Week five presented us with the first of many

problems we would uncover. After starting our animation, we realised that doing it on paper would take far too long, and we wouldn’t finish on time. To overcome this, we decided to make our animation on whiteboards. We assume that this would be quicker and easier than using paper, so we proceeded to do so.

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• Week 6• However, a week after changing from a paper format to

whiteboards, we encountered another problem. Despite being a lot quicker than paper, using whiteboards still wasn’t quick enough. Furthermore, it became apparent that no one in our group could draw to the standard we required. To overcome this problem we once again changed the format that we were going to produce our animation on. As a group we decided to use Microsoft paint and adobe Photoshop. It made for an easier less time consuming experience. It also allowed each member of the group to create specific scenes at the same time. This made the entire animation process a great deal easier for everyone involved

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• Week 7• Week 7 consisted solely of breaking up our

plan into 3 sections. Wesley would work on the opening shot in the house, Jonjo would focus on the shots that take place on the hill, and I would focus on the opening credits and the ending scenes. By doing this we will be able to finish our project quicker.

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• Week 8• We have finally started to make our video. All

of the backgrounds for the scenes have been fully completed, and animation on the characters has begun. In each frame I will move the characters slightly, until all of the frames played quickly in order will result in what appears to be motion.

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• Week 9• Week 9 consisted solely of everyone in the

group continuing to animate. At this point Wesley and Jonjo were over half way to finishing their frames. I was around halfway, but I have finished the opening titles.

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• Week 10• Wesley had managed to finish all of his frames in week 10.

Jonjo was almost finished as well. Also this week Wesley has added some scenes which link his frames and jonjos frames together. I have almost finished my frames, and have started adding content into premier pro to start editing

• Week 11• Everyone's frames are now finished (excluding mine) and have

been given to me to begin editing. The first thing I will do is put all of the clips onto the timeline in chronological order. One this is finished I will begin syncing the images with the music. This process will take a lot of time, and will be ongoing.

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• Week 12• This week we found a major problem.

Everyone's work was at different sizes and resolutions. As I had made the most slides, everyone agreed to change their slides to the same resolution of 1084 x900. This took everyone a few hours, but was easy to add the new frames back into the editing timeline.

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