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Page 1: Plan b 3.0 preface slides

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Page 2: Plan b 3.0 preface slides

* “Lester Brown tells us how to build a more just world and save the planet . . . in a practical, straightforward way. We should all heed his advice.”

—President Bill Clinton

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*1. Entering a New WorldI. A CIVILIZATION IN TROUBLE

*2. Deteriorating Oil and Food Security

*3. Rising Temperatures and Rising Seas

*4. Emerging Water Shortages

*5. Natural Systems Under Stress

*6. Early Signs of Decline


*8. Restoring the Earth

*7. Eradicating Poverty, Stabilizing Population

*9. Feeding Eight Billion Well

*10. Designing Cities for People

*11. Raising Energy Efficiency

*12. Turning to Renewable EnergyIII. AN EXCITING NEW OPTION

*13. The Great Mobilization

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*Mobilizing to save civilization

*Failing states early sign of failing civilization

*Peak Oil

*Grain now pegged to the price of oil

*Grain production now falling below world use

*Peak Everything

*2030 China will be consuming twice todays world

*Throw away society won’t work anymore

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* The challenge of our generation is a renewable economy

*Powered largely by renewable sources of energy

*Has a highly diversified transport system

*reuses and recycles everything.

And to do it with unprecedented speed.

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*Four Overriding Goals in Plan B


1. Stabilizing climate

2. Stabilizing population

3. Eradicating poverty

4. Restoring the earth's ecosystems

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* Heart of the climate-stabilizing initiative

*Cut carbon dioxide emissions 80 percent by 20201. Raising energy efficiency

2. developing renewable sources of energy

3. expanding the earth's forest cover both by

*banning deforestation

*planting billions of trees to sequester carbon

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* We are in a race between tipping points in nature and our political


*Can we phase out coal-fired power plants before the melting of the Greenland ice sheet becomes irreversible?

*Can we gather the political will to halt deforestation in the Amazon before its growing vulnerability to fire takes it to the point of no return?

*Can we help countries stabilize population before they become failing states?

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*We have the technologies to restructure the world energy economy and stabilize climate.

*The challenge now is to build the political will to do so.

To not use extreme measures in the face of extreme danger is insane, sub-human. Start Loving.

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*The challenge of our generation is a renewable economy

*We all depend on the same grain, same resources

*Reuse and Recycle Everything

*Plan A is destroying the economic supports

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*Plan B 3.0

*Stabilizing Climate

*Stabilizing Population

*Eradicating Poverty

*Restoring Eco Systems

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*Cut carbon dioxide by 80% by 2020

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*Climate Initiative

*Raise efficiency

*Renewable energy

*Restore forests

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*Race between tipping points

*Phasing out coal plants or do glaciers melt first

*Can we raise the political will in time

*Can we stabilize population before too late

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* Slight hope – Citizens are stopping US coal plants

*Needs to expand

*Needs to phase out existing plants

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*Wind power

*Scale is expanding

*Texas is leading the wind farm expansions

*23 coal plants equivalent

*Plug in hybrids now coming to markets

*We have the technology

*We need to raise the will

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* If you don’t study, learn, and spread Plan B 3.0… Why?

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