
PITCH COACH LU HUANG CHRIS LAFRENIERE NOAM SAMUEL NATHAN YU Hard to self-teach singing Teachers are expensive Discomfort with singing in public Mobile app to teach pitch Available on every android tablet Users learn at own leisure UI Music/Voice Input Music/Voice Input Visual Feedback Force Feedback Pitch Mode Control Pitch Mode Control Song Mode Control Song Mode Control File Sys. Pitch Recognition Engine Repetitive Learning Engine Proven learning techniques. WeekNoamLuChrisNathan 1Brainstorming, learning & setup 2Pitch recognition UI & ControlNote feedback UI & performance asssesment Spaced repetition system 3 4 5Integration 6Bugfixing and polish. Release Milestone 1. 7 (MS) 8Song loading spec Song mode UI spec Improvements to pitch mode spec Improvements to note feedback UI spec 9Song loading and song delivery/comp osition Song mode UIImprovements to pitch mode UI Improvements to note feedback UI 10 11Integration (if necessary), bugfixes, and polish. Release Milestone (MS) Learn to sing Immediate visual feedback Proven learning techniques Thank You