
Pierre ValetteHead of Unit

Research in social and economic sciences,

and humanities - Prospective

SSH Research on behaviour and


SSH Activities in FP7

Social Sciences and Humanities structure is based on the main EU challenges:

Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society (Lisbon strategy)

Path towards sustainable development Major trends in society Europe in the World Citizens in the European Union

SSH and research on behaviour

• Behaviour issue is a main component of research, addressed in all the socio-economic areas: innovation, integration of markets, sustainability, societal trends, adaptation to global changes,...

• Economics, social aspects, long term evolution of behaviour, impacts of regulation, representation in modelling, indicators, foresight are topics dedicated to consumers and behaviour

• SSH research is problem solving and policy relevance oriented; emphasize is given also to data bases and modelling (GE, econometric, macro and sectoral)

• Policy-review and stock-taking of SSH projects on inequalities to be prepared soon


Building on areas of continuing SSH interest, e.g. on education and Lisbon agenda, service economy, public economy, territorial dynamics, social inequalities, consumers’ behaviour, quality of work, families, CSR,...

Innovative research in the SSH programme: geopolitics, foresight (World, EU and Mediter. 2025), building new infrastructures...

Deadline 13 January 2009


• A topic is open on behaviour and consumers: “changes in consumption, consumer markets and consumer behaviour” (collaborative project, 2.7 M Euros, Activity 3.2)

• Keywords: new trends in consumers behaviour, social, cultural and economic underpinnings, mutual impacts of consumers behaviour and collective issues, factors influencing choices, assessment of policy instruments and market incentives for reconciliation between consumer expectations, markets and societal objectives.

• Quantitative and qualitative approaches
