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It all began from 2000…….

Found in Aug. 2000 Capital : USD $ 900K.Employee :40 Major Shareholder : Promate Electronics Co. Ltd.

Software Engineering Outsourcing is our core competence Top MFG 、 Financial Services & Telecom 、 Automobile

industry customers – cross industries Microsoft Golden Certified Partner - .Net IBM Business Partner – Java, Rational

Embedded Software is our major development direction of product and service Embedded Service – OEM/ODM for Embedded Device Embedded Product – Digital Life Product or Solutions

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PICOWAY @嵌入式軟體產業

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We adopt RUP methodology to deliver project management off shore outsourcing (to China, Russia, …etc.) for leading enterprises of Taiwan

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Major Customers

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Total : 30 Customers and 85 Systems in the past 8 years

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Case Study : UMCAMAS(Data Warehousing ) & CTOC (MASK) Projects 概述

2002 年 UMC CIO 根據以下目標,以 AMAS 與 CTOC 兩個專案做為 UMC 導入軟體工程的 Pilot 專案,由 IBM, PICOWAY 會同 UMC 高層主管 , IT 與 business user 共同合作完成。

四大目標 UMC Standard Development Process Globalization Software Component Reusability Outsourcing Mechanism

經由 AMAS 與 CTOC 專案的導入, UMC 於 2003 成功的導入軟體工程於逐步實現預定目標, UMC 並持續的跟 PICOWAY 合作經由軟體工程完成下列專案

EAI 企業應用平台整合專案 / DSPortal / UAPC / EPC 企業專案協同 / OfflineSPC /Windchill PLM 軟體整合設計

效益 UMC 透過軟體工程的元件技術所完成的系統,運用在工廠的良率與製程分析上,


PICOWAY - 六度空間的開放平台提供者 - 6 -

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Case Study :MediaTek Change and Requirement Management System

概述 2003 年,針對開發手機晶片的部門,需要在確保軟體的品質並

加速軟體開發時程,並同時整合大陸研發團隊,進行異地的開發 針對需求的變更,需要追蹤因此而造成的程式碼與檔案異動 希望透過 Rational change and requirement management

系統的建置與導入,加速異地開發時程與品質 經由本系統的建置, MediaTek 成功的完成異地同步開發的版

本與需求管理系統,並在兩年內擴展成為台灣 – 大陸 - 印度三方的異地同步開發團隊。

效益 本系統實現了 Mediatek 異地專案共同開發的目標,因此加速

了手機晶片的研發時程 ( 據內部估計縮短約 27.5 % 的專案時程 ) ,攻下全球 12% 的市場,並成為中國大陸手機滲透率最高的晶片供應商。

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GDD (Geographically Distributed Development)

RUP methodology applies to off-shore outsourcing

Benefits of a GDD Lower Development Costs Increase Staff Productivity Decrease Time to Market Increased Revenue and Competitive Edge Improve Quality Increase Competitive Advantage

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Rational Unify Process : Software Development Engineering

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GDD: the co-working model with customer & factory

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Case Study : TREND MICRO E-Order System

概述 Trend Micro ( 趨勢科技 ) 的 E-Order 系統,是一個服務全球經銷商處理訂

單 ( 包含搭配各種不同的行銷方案 ) ,計算並預估銷售數字的核心系統。 由於全球各個地區都有多重的行銷方案實施,並且要符合各國的稅務法規與

Trend Micro 的內部 business process, 因此開發過程中要突破許多需求管理與架構的設計彈性等難題。

客戶證言 “……. I do know however, that this amazing achievement would not have

been possible without the hard work, dedication, commitment and focus of all on the core SMB BP B2B project team and our exceptional third party vendor Picoway……. Picoway who, from the outset, saw and regarded themselves as a partner, not a contractor guaranteeing the success of this project.” BY Dervla Collins, BP Manager OF EMEA, TREND MICRO.

效益 大幅改善 Trend Micro 與 regional distributor 的互動關係,” making

Trend Micro Easier to do Business with” 彈性的資源整合及系統開發時程 , 大幅增加專案開發效率 , 兩岸異地 開發合作零差旅

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1. Board Support Package(BSP) development2. Embedded Software Application development3. All-in-one Development Service4. Outsourcing Service

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嵌入式軟體服務 (Embedded Software Service)

簡介1. Board Support Package(BSP) 開發服務,包括驅動程式、函式庫、

所需檔案系統套件移植等。 2. Embedded Software Application 開發服務,嵌入式應用程式,包

含 Device 端或是 Server 端軟體。 3. All-in-one Development Service ,除硬體外包含 Linux 作業系統

以及上層的軟體開發。 4. Outsourcing Service 委外開發服務,協助建置和執行委外開發。

特色 軟體工程手法開發,考量架構、使用版本控管、反覆漸進的開發手法等 提供專屬的線上支援系統 ( 透明的軟體開發資訊和進度,擁有整合性開發平台支援軟體的開發週期

效益 提供專業分工,讓企業更彈性與有效率 加速產品產品開發週期和上市時間 降低企業產品開發成本

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PICOWAY Technology Inc.


Freescale Freescale i.MX31i.MX31


Freescale Freescale i.MX31i.MX31



4 wire4 wireTouch PanelTouch Panel

4 wire4 wireTouch PanelTouch Panel

DavicomDavicomDM9003 DM9003 EthernetEthernet

DavicomDavicomDM9003 DM9003 EthernetEthernet

Hynix 1GB Hynix 1GB NAND FlashNAND FlashHynix 1GB Hynix 1GB NAND FlashNAND Flash …………

Linux KernelLinux Kernel

Display DriverDisplay DriverDisplay DriverDisplay Driver NAND Flash NAND Flash DriverDriver

NAND Flash NAND Flash DriverDriver



Touch Controller Touch Controller DriverDriver

Touch Controller Touch Controller DriverDriver RTC DriverRTC DriverRTC DriverRTC Driver

Ethernet DriverEthernet DriverEthernet DriverEthernet Driver


Audio DriverAudio DriverAudio DriverAudio Driver Video DriverVideo DriverVideo DriverVideo Driver Keypad DriverKeypad DriverKeypad DriverKeypad Driver I2C DriverI2C DriverI2C DriverI2C Driver USB Host USB Host Controller DriverController Driver

USB Host USB Host Controller DriverController Driver


MatchboxMatchboxMatchboxMatchbox …………KDriveKDriveKDriveKDrive libavcodeclibavcodeclibavcodeclibavcodec AGGAGGAGGAGGGTK+GTK+GTK+GTK+

GlibGlibGlibGlibLinterLinterLinterLinter SDLSDLSDLSDL FreetypeFreetypeFreetypeFreetype PangoPangoPangoPango libclibclibclibc

Application FrameworkApplication Framework

HildonHildonHildonHildon QtQtQtQt OpenmokoOpenmokoOpenmokoOpenmoko AndroidAndroidAndroidAndroid …………


BrowserBrowserBrowserBrowser Flash PlayerFlash PlayerFlash PlayerFlash Player MP3 PlayerMP3 PlayerMP3 PlayerMP3 Player Fitness PlannerFitness PlannerFitness PlannerFitness Planner Home AutomationHome AutomationFrontendFrontend

Home AutomationHome AutomationFrontendFrontend …………

Linux Board Support Package (BSP) DevelopmentLinux Board Support Package (BSP) Development

Embedded Linux Library PortingEmbedded Linux Library Porting

Application DevelopmentApplication Development

PICOWAY 是台灣嵌入式 軟體產業中少數能從底層一路開發到上層 AP 的廠商

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Ex 1 : Camphor 2.0 Digital Signage System

Effective content and display management Management multiple champignon location A complete system from a single source Easy management and operation Improved accountability by detail reports.

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Camphor Media Player v.s. IPC

項目 CMP (RISC 平台 ) IPC (x86 平台 )

特色 簡單安裝,容易操作專用機專用程式

相容市面上 Windows 架構之程式

OS Embedded Linux Win XPE / WinCE

OS License

Free 約 USD 60 ~ 80

CPU Embedded 300 MHz MIPS Celeron 1.5 GHz

解析度 Full HD (1920 x 1080p) 720p

多媒體 • 硬體晶片就可以直接 decode• CPU 速度較低即可

• 軟體為主要的 decode 方式• 較高速度的 CPU 才可以支援

耗電量 低 (15 W) 高 (45W)

穩定性 高 ( 無風扇 ) 低 ( 易熱當 )

價格 約便宜三成 貴

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Camphor 嵌入式軟體技術來源& PICOWAY 角色

策略夥伴 : 台灣工業技術研究院

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Ex 2 : WSN (Wireless Sensor Network)

No-brainer deployment for both sensor nodes and gateway

Zero configuration Sensor data are stored in

either gateway, home server, or remote data center

Web as platform with browser-based MMI

Data and information sharing and exchange

Value-added services Innovative services are

provided through this open platform

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SOA - 交通資訊部落格應用服務PICOWAY Technology Inc. - 19 -

Application ServiceApplication Service

Foundation ServiceFoundation Service





WSN 硬體裝置組態管理服務








User ServiceUser Service







WASP – Web 2.0 概念之無線感測網路應用服務平台

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Ex 3 : Intelligent Video Surveillance System(Joint Product Development with ITRI)

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Car Detection Human Detection Parking Lot Surveillance

Face Detection Face Recognition Behavior Analysis

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Ex 4 : I.MX31(JADE) Linux Board Support Package

ARM11™ Platform Smart Power

Management by Design External Memory

Interface (EMI) Smart Multimedia 2D/3D Graphics Support Smart Direct Memory

Access (SDMA) Expansion Ports System Connectivity

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Picoway Linux BSPPicoway Linux BSP PROMATE JADE




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TEAM-Embedded Software Outsourcing

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Located in Voronezh , Russia Over 20 years of experience in software and

product development Same team for 10 years Worked on numerous projects for both consumer

and mission critical application markets

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Experience-Embedded Software Outsourcing

Expert Linux kernel-level development Embedded / real-time platforms support Consumer and mission critical application markets Win32/WinCE in-depth practical knowledge Hands-on GPS technology experience Video content delivery systems

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Projects-Embedded Software outsourcing

Custom video player implementation Library-based database engine for dictionary

application implementation IPX networking protocol layer development for

Embedded Linux GPS support on mobile platforms (Blackberry ,

WinCE , J2ME) Proprietary wireless protocol implementation for

transportation Learning content delivery system (Flash-based)

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We distribute or self R&D to provide best embedded software products(or solutions) to prestige customers of Taiwan and overseas.

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Ex 1 : Linter (Greater China Distributor)

Linter is a successful embedded RDBMS, which has been widely applied in multi-media device, household electric appliances, mobile phone and car navigation system.

A de facto standard DB for most Japanese mobile device.

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