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Petruska Clarkson 5 Relationship Model 46 slides including reference


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LIVEWith Rory Lees-Oakes––––––––––––––––––

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To make the best use of this lecture please accessthe following resources -

• Use the Glossary and reference link in the slide pack for further study • Visit the following lectures in the CSR – (Log in to CSR then click the page link)

Six Necessary and sufficient conditionsIntroduction to existential therapyIntroduction tom Transactional analysis

Don’t forget your CPD Certificates !

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This lecture will cover the following learning outcomes -ABC- Awards - Understand a major therapeutic model of counselling -

1.2. Evaluate the key concepts and principles of the chosen model, using relevant examples to indicate their importance in counselling practice

CPCAB – Use a coherent framework of theory and skills to inform and enhance counselling work

1.2 Use theory of therapeutic change to inform client work.

1.4 Use counselling skills and techniques associated with own theoretical approach.

Criteria such as define, describe , discuss, analyses the differing forms of therapeutic therapeutic relationships Suggested Reference If you attended the live lecture‘The Dodo Bird Verdict ’ ‘(Lees-Oakes 2018).Lees-Oakes R 2018, ‘Petruska Clarkson’s 5 relationship model lecture notes, Counselling Study Resource, delivered 20 May 2018

If you watched the recording‘The Dodo Bird Verdict’ Lees-Oakes 2018).Lees-Oakes R 2018, ‘ ‘Petruska Clarkson’s 5 relationship model ’, delivered 20 May 2018The text highlighted in red indicates the part of the lecture you are using for you assignment/research. It is also useful to attach the lecture notes to the back of your assignment. (Check with your tutor)

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This lecture will cover the following learning outcomes

Aims: To explore the application of Petruska Clarkson’s ‘5 relationship model

Objectives: • Define the concept of the ‘Dodo bird verdict (or Dodo bird conjecture)• Explore differing approaches to building and maintaining the therapeutic

alliance • Analyse the 5 relationship model, its underpinning ideas and application

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But first……..How many models of therapeutic relationship are there?

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Martin Buber (1923)The I – Thou Relationship

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The I – Thou Relationship

Martin Buber Jewish philosopher who was born in Vienna in 1887.

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The I – Thou Relationship

Mar Martin Buber Jewish philosopher who was born in Vienna in 1887

He is best remembered for his philosophy of dialogue, a form of existentialism based on two ideas of relationships. The I–Thou and the I–It.

His work influenced most of the main psychotherapeutic theorist who considered how the relationship influenced healing

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The I – Thou Relationship

In the I-Thou encounter we relate to each other as authentic beings, without judgment, qualification or objectification.

The I-It encounter is the opposite in that we relate to another as object, completely outside of ourselves.

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Saul Rosenzweig (1936) The dodo bird verdict

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What is the Dodo Bird Verdict?

“Saul Rosenzweig (1936) first hypothesized that outcome in psychotherapy might be due to factors that all therapies have in common (such as the personal characteristics of the therapist, the resources of the client, and the potency of the therapeutic relationship), rather than to techniques specific to theoretical orientations.

This hypothesis was termed the Dodo Bird conjecture. The character of the Dodo Bird appears in Alice in Wonderland. ….

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What is the Dodo Bird Verdict?

…..The animals decided to have a race to dry off after they were soaked by Alice's tears. Because they ran in all directions, the race had to be suspended. The animals appealed to the Dodo Bird for a decision.

The Dodo Bird ruled as follows: "Everybody has won and all must have prizes!" The conclusion that all major psychotherapies, in fact, yield comparable effect sizes (measures of effectiveness) is often referred to the Dodo Bird effect.” Source - Current Psychotherapies (p130)

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Carl Rogers (1957)Necessary and Sufficient Conditions

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In 1957 Rogers proposed six necessary and sufficient conditions for therapeutic change.

Type equation here.

Therapist–client psychological contact: a relationship between client and therapist must exist, and it must be a relationship in which each person’s perception of the other is important.

Client incongruence: that incongruence exists between the client’s experience and awareness.Therapist congruence, or genuineness: the therapist is congruent within the therapeutic relationship. The therapist is deeply involved him or herself — they are not “acting”—and they can draw on their own experiences (self-disclosure) to facilitate the relationship.

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In 1957 Rogers proposed six necessary and sufficient conditions for therapeutic change.

Type equation here.

Therapist unconditional positive regard: the therapist accepts the client unconditionally, without judgment, disapproval or approval. This facilitates increased self-regard in the client, as they can begin to become aware of experiences in which their view of self-worth was distorted by others.

Therapist empathic understanding: the therapist experiences an empathic understanding of the client’s internal frame of reference. Accurate empathy on the part of the therapist helps the client believe the therapist’s unconditional love for them.

Client perception: that the client perceives, to at least a minimal degree, the therapist’s positive regard and empathic understanding.

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Murphy and Gilbert5 Stages

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Systematic integrative relationship modelMurphy and Gilbert 2000

•Whether it’s possible to work together, the first meeting and assessment• Building trust through the working alliance•Moving through a process of exploration and change• Experimenting with new choices and approaches• Finally saying goodbye.

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Fowlie and Sills (2011)Relational Transactional Analysis

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Relation Transactional Analysis (2011)

• The centrality of relationship • The importance of engagement • The significance of conscious and non-conscious

patterns of relating • The importance of experience • The significance of subjectivity The importance of

uncertainty • The importance of curiosity, criticism and creativity • The reality of the functioning and changing adult,

Source - Psychotherapy excellence

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Petruska Clarkson (1991)5 Relationship Model

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Petruska Clarkson – A brief biography

Born in South Africa, she came to England in 1976 and became an authoritative voice in the world of psychotherapy, specifically developing a European perspective of Gestalt therapy.

Clarkson wrote an article for the Gestalt Journal based upon a presentation she made at the first International Gestalt Conference in 1996 in Cambridge, Massachusetts sponsored by the Gestalt Journal.

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Petruska Clarkson – A brief biography

The presentation, entitled “A Global Vision: Taking Gestalt Therapy into the 21st Century”, brought together delegates and presenters from across the globe that reviewed and explored views of Gestalt therapy.

Clarkson also co-founded two training organisations, the Metonia Institute and Physis.

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Petruska Clarkson – A brief biography

One of Clarkson’s many lasting contributions to the world of psychotherapy is her thesis on human relationships, known as the “The 5 relationship model’.

It is based on the philosophical idea of Intersubjectivity, described by the MerrianWebster Dictionary as “involving or occurring between separate and conscious minds”.

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The Five Relationship Model

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1- The Working Alliance

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“The working alliance as the part of the client/psychotherapist relationship that enables the client and therapist to work together even when the patient or client experiences strong desires to the contrary.” (Clarkson 2003:113).

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In simple terms…….

What Clarkson is referring to here is a contractual agreement in which boundaries are set and to which the client agrees to.

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2- The Transferential/CountertransferentialRelationship

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“The transferential /countertransferentialrelationship as the experience of unconscious wishes and theories transferred onto or into the therapeutic partnership.” (Clarkson 2003:113).

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In simple terms…….

Being aware of your own processas well as the clients. Being able to work with any transferences as they emerge.

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3- The Reparative/ Developmentally Needed Relationship

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“The developmentally needed or reparative relationship is an intentional provision by the psychotherapist of a corrective, reparative, or replenishing relationship or action where the original parenting was deficient, abusive or overprotective” (Clarkson 2003:113).

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In simple terms…….

Allowing the client to visit the hurt child within ,working with the transference to allow the full expression of themselves denied in their historic parenting.

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4- The Person-To-Person Relationship

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“The person-to-person relationship as the real relationship or core relationship as opposed to object relationship” (Clarkson 2003:113).

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In simple terms…….

A relationship built in the here and now. Not hampered by transference from past relationships.

Clear communication is at the core , a freedom to say “I experience you as “ , an adult dialogue.

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5- The Transpersonal Relationship

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“The transpersonal relationship is the timeless facet of the psychotherapeutic relationship, which is impossible to describe, but refers to the spiritual dimension of the healing relationship.” (Clarkson, P 2003:187)

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In simple terms…….

• Think of your favourite song.• Think about singing it with your

favourite people in a special place.• Access the feelings that come up.• That is a transpersonal moment …

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“The Therapeutic Relationship” Petruska Clarkson (1994)

Modality of the therapeutic relationship Kinship Metaphor 1 Working Alliance Cousins

2 Transference / Countertransference Step-Parent /God Parent

3 Reparative/Developmental Parent child

4 I-Thou (authentic/existential) Person to person

5 Transpersonal Marital pair

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The ebb and flow………

Finally it is worth remembering that the relational aspects are not linear.

Like the sea they ebb and flow , with some aspects risingup in the therapy room.

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The dodo bird revisited

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Recent research…. In 2015 Phd Candidate Lucy Goldsmith working at The University of Manchester’s Institute of Brain, Behaviour and Mental Health, working with colleagues at Liverpool John Moors University revisited Saul Rosenzweig’s ‘Dodo bird Hypothesis’

“Does successful treatment make patients feel well disposed towards their therapist or is the relationship actually at the heart of whether therapy succeeds?”

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Goldsmiths Conclusions -“The implications are that trying to keep patients in therapy when the relationship is poor is not appropriate,” Lucy said. “More effort should be made to build strong, trusting and respectful relationships, but if this isn’t working, then the therapy can be detrimental to the patient and should be discontinued.“The study clearly shows that the two types of therapy are equally beneficial to the patient – as long as the trust, shared goals and mutual respect between client and psychologist are in place.”Source- University of Liverpool

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Questions ––––––

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Wedding. D, Corsini. R,J, (2011) Current Psychotherapies, Belmont: Brooks-Cole. P 130

Rogers. C,R, (1957 ) 'The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Therapeutic Personality Change ', Journal of Consulting Psychology, Vol. 21,(), pp. 95–103.

Clarkson, P. (2003) The Therapeutic Relationship, 2nd edn., New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell. P 113