
    Norma Petrom OMV



    Petrom OMV Group Standard


    Elaborat/Compiled: Manoiu Liliana Florentina

    Verificat/ Checked: Decusara Felicia

    Rev: 3/18.11.2009

    Aprobat/ Approved: Neil Morgan

    Divizia Rafinare Petrom OMV isi rezerva toate drepturile asupra acestei documentatii si va da in judecata pe orice persoana neautorizata sa o utilizeze sau sa o transmita la terti

    Pentrom OMV Refining Division reserves all its rights to these documents and will take legal action against anyone using them or passing them on without authorization.

    Aceasta norma a fost elaborata pentru rafinariile Petrom prin prelucrarea i adaptarea Normei de concern OMV 901 rev. 28.07.2009

    This Norm was elaborated for Petrom refineries by the processing and adapting of Corporate OMV Norm 901 rev. 28.07.2009

    Punct Continut Pag Item Content Page 1.0 PREVEDERI GENERALE

    1.1 Domeniul de aplicare

    1.2 Scopul


    2.1 Contract

    2.2 Beneficiar/Investitor (Petrom/OMV)

    2.3 Contractant

    2.4 Furnizor

    2.5 Instalatie

    2.6 Santier

    2.7 Echipament

    2.8 Finalizare in scop de montaj


    3.1 Notificarea finalizarii in scop de montaj

    3.2 Verificarea finalizarii lucrarilor mecanice

    3.3 Finalizarea lucrarilor mecanice

    3.4 Aprobarea finalizarii lucrarilor mecanice

    3.5 Aprobarea privind tehnica de securitate (siguranta)

    3.6 Procesul verbal de receptie

    3.7 Punerea in Functiune

    3.7.1 Pregatirea pentru Punerea n Functiune

    3.7.2 Finalizarea operatIonala pentru Punerea in Functiune

    3.7.3 Punerea in Functiune

    3.8 Prima punere n functiune a Instalatiei

    3.9 Confirmarea primei Puneri in Functiune a Instalatiei

    3.10 Procesul Verbal de Punere n Functiune

    3.11 Verificarea Performantelor

    3.12 Preluarea Instalatiei

    3.13 Sfarsitul perioadei de garantie Receptia Definitiva




































    1.0 GENERAL

    1.1 Field of application

    1.2. Purpose


    2.1 Contract

    2.2 Principal/Investor (Petrom/OMV)

    2.3 Contractor

    2.4 Supplier

    2.5 Plant

    2.6 Construction site

    2.7 Equipment

    2.8 Ready for Tie-In


    3.1 The notification for Ready for Tie-In

    3.2 Mechanical inspection

    3.3 Mechanical completion

    3.4 Approval of the mechanical completion

    3.5 Safety related approval

    3.6 Reception Minute

    3.7 Commissioning and Start Up

    3.7.1 Commissioning

    3.7.2 Ready for Start-Up

    3.7.3 Start Up

    3.8 Initial run of the Plant

    3.9 Confirmation of Initial Run of the Plant

    3.10 Put-In-Function Minute

    3.11 Proof of Performance

    3.12 Handover of the Plant

    3.13 Warranty and period Final Reception




































  • Pag.2 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901


    1.1 Domeniul de aplicare 1.1 Field of application Aceasta norma deservete rafinariile Petrom/ OMV, pentru pregatirea predarilor i procesarea acceptarilor instalatiilor cu ajutorul formularelor enumerate la punctul 4.0.

    This Standard serves within Petrom/OMV Refineries for preparing handovers and processing acceptances of the plants by using the logs as listed under point 4.0.

    Conform acordului cu Beneficiarul, aceasta norma poate fi folosit si pentru acceptarea unor parti ale instalatiei.

    In coordination with the Principal this Standard can also be used for the acceptance of parts of the system.

    La pregatirea i acceptarea instalatiilor conform unui contract (definit mai jos) cu sau fara implicarea companiilor de inginerie, formularele enumerate la Sectiunea 4.0. trebuie utilizate.

    When preparing and executing the acceptance of a Plant under a contract (as defined below) with or without the involvement of engineering contractors the logs according to Section 4.0 must be used.

    Norma 901 va fi parte integranta a fiecarui contract privind proiectele de investitii; daca partile convin sa deroge de la prezenta norma, aceste derogari vor prevala.

    The Standard 901 shall be part of each contract concluded for investment projects; where the parties agree upon deviations to this Standard, the agreed upon deviations shall prevail.

    Orice functii sau roluri mentionate n aceasta norma vor fi considerate drept neutre.

    Any functions or roles mentioned in this Standard shall be deemed as meaning either gender.

    Toate documentele mentionate n aceasta norma vor fi redactate bilingv n limba romna/engleza (autoritatile romne nu accepta dect documente redactate n limba romna).

    All documents mentioned in this Standard shall be issued bilingual - Romanian/English (Romanian authorities do not accept documents other than in Romanian).

    1.2 Scopul 1.2 Purpose Serviciile furnizate de compania de inginerie i/sau de managementul proiectului Petrom/OMV ca parte a realizarii unei instalatii trebuie sa fie documentate sub forma de formulare.

    The services which are provided by an engineering contractor and/or by the project management of Petrom/OMV as part of erecting a plant are to be documented by logs.


    2.1 Contract 2.1 Contract Reprezinta contractul asociat cu proiectul respectiv, inclusiv anexele sale precum i toate aditionalele la Contract consimtite de parti.

    This is the contract associated with the respective project, including its annexes as well as all amendments agreed by the parties to the Contract.

    2.2 Beneficiar/Investitor (Petrom/OMV) 2.2 Principal/Investor (Petrom/OMV) Reprezinta Petrom/OMV sau filialele sale, reprezentate de managerul de proiect.

    This is Petrom/OMV or its subsidiaries, represented by the relevant project manager.

    2.3 Contractant 2.3 Contractor Reprezinta compania de inginerie nsarcinata cu managementul proiectului i/sau cu constructia Instalatiei. n cazul n care Beneficiarul nu a contractat o companie de inginerie, obligatiile Contractantului prevazute de prezenta Norma vor cadea n sarcina managementului de proiect al Beneficiarului.

    This is the engineering contractor assigned with the management of the project and/or the construction of the Plant. Where no external engineering contractor has been contracted by the Principal the obligations of the Contractor under this Standard shall read as obligations of the Principals project management.

  • Pag.3 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    2.4 Furnizor 2.4 Supplier Reprezinta, dupa caz, compania care furnizeaza echipamente i/sau presteaza lucrari de executie i/sau de montaj.

    Are any of the companies that supply equipment and/or perform the execution and/or assembly works, as the case may be.

    2.5 Instalatie 2.5 Plant Reprezinta Instalatia ce se va construi sau moderniza conform Contractului n cauza.

    This is the Plant to be constructed or revamped as designated in the relevant Contract.

    2.6 antier 2.6 Construction site Reprezinta locatia Beneficiarului unde se va construi Instalatia.

    This denotes the location at which the Plant is to be constructed on the premises of the Principal.

    2.7 Echipament 2.7 Equipment Reprezinta aparate, maini, materiale, piese ale echipamentelor i articole similare care vor constitui componente ale Instalatiei, precum i piesele de schimb principale.

    This denotes the apparatus, machines, materials, equipment parts and similar items which are to form a component of the Plant as well as all capital spare parts.

    2.8 Finalizare n scop de montaj 2.8 Ready for Tie-In Reprezinta etapa n care partile componente ale Instalatiei, facilitatile, branamentele i alte parti similare ce urmeaza a fi construite n cadrul Contractului sunt finalizate n masura n care urmatoarele lucrari de constructie i montaj necesita oprirea Instalatiei sau a componentelor sistemului.

    This refers to the fact that the Plant components, facilities, connections and other similar parts to be constructed under the Contract are completed to the extent that all further construction and assembly work requires a shutdown of the Plant or of the system parts.


    3.1 Notificarea finalizarii n scop de montaj 3.1 The notification for Ready for Tie-In Contractantul are obligatia sa notifice Beneficiarul despre finalizarea n scop de montaj folosind Formularul [0]. Aceasta notificare trebuie efectuata n maximum 15 zile calendaristice nainte de verificarea finalizarii n scop de montaj i trebuie sa includa o lista cu lucrarile ce trebuie sa fie executate pna la termenul convenit pentru verificare.

    The Contractor has the obligation to notify the Principal about the Readiness for Tie-In using Form [0]. This notification shall be within maximum 15 calendar days prior to checking the readiness for Tie-In and should include a list of all works necessary to be performed until the agreed day of checking.

    3.2 Verificarea finalizarii lucrarilor mecanice 3.2 Mechanical inspection Presupune ca toate verificarile componentelor Instalatiei sa fie efectuate sub supravegherea Contractantului, inclusiv toate verificarile stipulate de autoritati i de expertii autorizati (teste de presiune, testare radiografica, testarea nedistructiva, testarea automatizarilor etc.), daca este necesar n prezenta Beneficiarului sau a partilor terte, verificari cu privire la care Contractantul va completa formulare. Formularele vor fi semnate de Contractant si predate Beneficiarului.

    The mechanical inspection requires all the examinations of the Plant parts to be carried out under the supervision of the Contractor, including all inspections stipulated by the authorities and authorized experts (pressure tests, radiographic testing, non-destructive testing, instrumentation testing etc.), if necessary in the presence of the Principal or of third parties, about which the Contractor shall keep logs. The logs shall be signed by the Contractor and be handed to the Principal.

    Beneficiarul va decide daca prezenta sa ori cea a unor parti terte e necesara.

    The Principal will decide whether his presence or the presence of a third party is necessary.

  • Pag.4 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    3.3 Finalizarea lucrarilor mecanice 3.3 Mechanical completion Dependent de aprobarea ulterioara a Beneficiarului, se considera ca Instalatia este finalizata din punct de vedere mecanic daca aceasta a fost curatata corespunzator i daca Contractantul a efectuat verificarea finalizarii lucrarilor mecanice. Contractantul trebuie sa informeze imediat n scris Beneficiarul despre aceasta.

    Subject to the Principals subsequent approval, the Plant is mechanically completed if the Plant is properly cleaned and the mechanical inspections by the Contractor have been carried out. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Principal of this in writing.

    Respectiva notificare a finalizarii lucrarilor mecanice se va efectua de catre Contractant n prima parte a Formularului [1] din Sectiunea 4.0.

    For the said notification of mechanical completion the Contractor shall use the first part of the Form [1] of Section 4.0.

    3.4 Aprobarea finalizarii lucrarilor mecanice 3.4 Approval of the mechanical completion Dupa notificarea finalizarii lucrarilor mecanice, Beneficiarul va inspecta Instalatia. Inspectia se va efectua mpreuna cu Contractantul. n aceasta privinta se va completa partea a doua a Formularului [1] din Sectiunea 4.0 ce va fi semnat de Contractant i de Beneficiar.

    The Principal shall inspect the Plant after the notification of mechanical completion. This inspection shall be carried out jointly with the Contractor. The second part of the log Form [1] from Section 4.0 must be completed in regard to this and must be signed by the Contractor and Principal.

    Defectiunile si lucrarile restante vor fi mentionate n Lista de lucrari restante (punch list) (Formularul [1a]), anexa la Formularul [1]. Fiecare lucrare restanta trebuie ncadrata n categoria A sau B.

    The defects and deviations are to be mentioned in the Remaining work list (punch list) (Form [1a]), which is an annex to Form [1]. Every deviation indicated shall be assigned to category A or B.

    Defectiunile si lucrarile restante incadrate in categoria A impiedica aprobarea finalizarii lucrarilor mecanice. Aceasta aprobare se va elibera doar daca Beneficiarul a confirmat finalizarea lucrarilor restante din categoria A pe Lista originala de Lucrari restante (punch list).

    Defects and deviations of the category A impede the approval of the mechanical completion. This approval is only granted if the Principal has confirmed the correction of all deviations of category A on the original of the Remaining work list (punch list).

    Defectiunile si lucrarile restante incadrate in categoria B nu impiedica aprobarea finalizarii lucrarilor mecanice. Acestea se vor finaliza pana la termenul convenit de parti si prevazut in Lista de lucrari restante (Punch list).

    Defects and deviations of the category B do not impede the approval of the mechanical completion. These deviations shall be corrected until the deadline agreed by the parties and set forth in the Remaining work list (Punch list).

    Remedierea defectiunilor si finalizarea lucrarilor restante va fi supravegheata de Contractant.

    The correction of any defect or deviation shall be monitored by the Contractor.

    Aprobarile partiale depind de acordul anterior scris al Beneficiarului.

    Partial approvals are subject to prior written consent of Principal.

    3.5 Aprobarea privind tehnica de securitate (siguranta)

    3.5 Safety related approval

    nainte sau concomitent cu verificarea finalizarii lucrarilor mecanice, Contractantul i Beneficiarul vor efectua i verificarea tehnicii de securitate.

    Prior or Concomitant with the mechanical inspection, the Contractor and the Principal will carry out the safety-related inspection.

    Pentru a notifica finalizarea Instalatiei pentru verificarea tehnicii de securitate, Contractantul va invita imediat Beneficiarul folosind Formularul [2] din Sectiunea 4.0.

    For the notification of the Plants readiness for the safety related inspection the Contractor immediately invite using Form [2] of Section 4.0.

  • Pag.5 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    Rezultatele verificarii tehnicii de securitate impreuna cu toate cerintele privind securitatea trebuie consemnate in Formularul [2] din Sectiunea 4.0. Defectiunile si lucrarile restante vor fi mentionate in Lista de lucrari restante, Formularul [2.a] din Sectiunea 4.0, parte integranta a Formularului [2]. Fiecare defectiune, respectiv lucrare restanta trebuie ncadrata n categoria A sau B.

    The results of the safety-related inspection are to be recorded with all safety-related requirements in the log Form [2] of Section 4.0. The defects and deviations are to be mentioned in the Remaining work list using Form [2.a] of Section 4.0, which is an integrated part of the log. Form [2]. Every defect respectively deviation indicated shall be assigned to category A or B.

    Defectiuni, respectiv Lucrari restante categoria A Defectiuni, respectiv lucrari restante necesare

    pentru indeplinirea conditiilor stabilite de autoritatile publice

    Defectiuni, respectiv lucrari restante ce ameninta securitatea profesionala a personalului operant

    Defectiuni, respectiv lucrari restante ce impiedica operarea sigura si fara defecte a Instalatiei

    Defectiuni, respectiv Lucrari restante categoria B Toate celelalte defectiuni, respectiv lucrari


    Defects respectively Deviations category A: Defects respectively deviations, that are

    conditional to the fulfillment of conditions stipulated by the public authorities.

    Defects respectively deviations, that threaten the occupational safety of the operating staff.

    Defects respectively deviations, that prevent a safe and flawless operation of the Plant.

    Defects respectively Deviations category B: All other defects respectively deviations

    Defectiunile, respectiv lucrarile restante incadrate n categoria A impiedica aprobarea tehnicii de securitate. Aceasta aprobare se va elibera doar daca Beneficiarul a confirmat finalizarea lucrarilor restante din categoria A pe Lista originala de Lucrari restante (punch list).

    Defects respectively deviations of the category A prevent the safety approval. This approval is only granted if the Principal has confirmed the correction of all deviations of category A on the original of the Remaining work list (punch list).

    Remedierea oricaror defectiuni, respectiv finalizarea lucrarilor restante va fi supravegheata de Contractant si inregistrata in punch list folosind Formularul [2a] din Sectiunea 4.0.

    The correction of any defects respectively deviations shall be monitored by the Contractor and is to be documented in the punch list using log Form [2a] of Section 4.0.

    Dupa remedierea defectiunilor, respectiv finalizarea lucrarilor restante, Contractantul va notifica imediat Beneficiarul folosinf Formularul [2a] din Sectiunea 4.0. Dupa control, Beneficiarul va confirma remedierea fiecarei defectiuni in parte.

    After correction of the defects respectively deviations, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Principal using Form [2a] of Section 4.0. The Principal shall confirm after examination the remediation of each individual defect.

    Aprobarile partiale depind de acordul anterior scris al Beneficiarului.

    Partial approvals are subject to prior written consent of Principal.

    3.6 Procesul verbal de receptie Receptia dupa Finalizarea Lucrarilor Mecanice

    3.6 Reception Minute Reception After Mechanical Completion

    Suplimentar aprobarii finalizarii lucrarilor mecanice (Sectiunea 3.4 de mai sus) i aprobarii privind tehnica de securitate (Sectiunea 3.5 de mai sus) se va organiza o Receptie formala dupa Finalizarea Lucrarilor Mecanice la care vor fi invitati reprezentantii autoritatilor administrative competente. Receptia formala dupa Finalizarea Lucrarilor Mecanice va fi organizata i se va desfaura conform Hotarrii de Guvern nr. 51 din 05/02/1996 (privind aprobarea Regulamentului de receptie a lucrarilor de montaj utilaje, echipamente, instalatii tehnologice i a punerii n functiune a capacitatilor de productie)

    In addition to the approval of the mechanical completion (Section 3.4 above) and the safety related approval (Section 3.5 above) there will be a formal Reception After Mechanical Completion, where representatives of the relevant administrative authorities are to be invited. The said formal Reception After Mechanical Completion shall be organized and carried out according to Government Decision no 51 dated on 05.02.1996 (Hotarre nr. 51/1996 din 05/02/1996 privind aprobarea Regulamentului de receptie a lucrarilor de montaj utilaje, echipamente, instalatii tehnologice i a punerii n functiune a capacitatilor de productie).

  • Pag.6 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    Conform Hotarrii de Guvern precizata anterior Beneficiarul va organiza nceperea Receptiei dupa Finalizarea Lucrarilor n 15 zile calendaristice de la notificarea finalizarii lucrarilor mecanice (prima parte a Formularului [1]) i va comunica data stabilita: membrilor Comisiei de receptie, Contractantului i proiectantului. Comisiile de receptie se vor numi de catre Beneficiar i vor fi alcatuite din cel putin 5 membri.

    According to the said Government Decision the Principal shall organize the start of the Reception After Mechanical Completion within 15 calendar days from the notification of mechanical completion (first part of the Form [1]) and he will communicate the established date to the: members of the Reception Commission, the Contractor and the designer. The Members of the Reception Commission (minimum 5 members required) are nominated by the Principal.

    Dintre acetia, vor face parte, obligatoriu, un reprezentant al Beneficiarului i un reprezentant al administratiei publice locale; ceilalti membri ai comisiei vor fi specialiti n domeniu. Reprezentantii Contractantului, proiectantului, furnizorilor de utilaje i ai agentilor economici, care au participat direct la realizarea obiectivului de investitii, nu pot face parte din Comisia de receptie, acetia avnd calitatea de invitati.

    The nomination of a representative of the Principal and a representative of the Local Public Authority to the Reception Commission is mandatory; the other members will be specialists of the respective field of activities. The representatives of the Contractor, designer, equipment suppliers and other companies who were involved in the realization of the projects cannot be members of the Reception Commission, they will have the quality of guests.

    La receptia proiectelor de investitii de mare importanta, avnd n vedere gradul de risc sub aspectul sigurantei, destinatia, modul de utilizare, complexitatea i volumul lucrarilor care fac obiectul receptiei Comisia de receptie va fi alcatuita din cel putin 7 membri, numarul de specialiti fiind de minimum 5.

    For the reception of high importance investment projects, taking into consideration the safety risk rate, destination, operation process, the complexity and the volume of the works which are the scope of the reception, the Reception Commission will be comprised of 7 members, with a minimum of 5 specialists.

    ntre aceti specialiti, n functie de specificul i importanta proiectului de investitii, trebuie sa se numere i reprezentanti ai Ministerului Apelor, Padurilor i Protectiei Mediului, ai Ministerului Lucrarilor Publice i Amenajarii Teritoriului, ai ISCIR etc.

    Depending on the specific and the importance of the investment project, the specialists nominated shall include also representatives of the Ministry for Water and Environmental Protection, the Ministry for Public Works and Theritory Arrangement, the ISCIR etc.

    Daca aceti reprezentanti nu sunt cuprini n componenta comisiei, la receptie Beneficiarul va prezenta avizele obtinute de la aceste organe abilitate. Contractantul are obligatia sa pregateasca din timp toata documentatia necesara pentru obtinerea de catre Beneficiar a avizelor mentionate anterior.

    If these representatives are not present in the commision, at reception time, the approvals obtained from these authorized bodies will be provided by the Principal at the reception. The Contractor has the obligation to prepare all documentation necessary for the Principal to obtain the said approvals in time.

    La receptia proiectelor de investitii care reprezinta surse mari de risc, Beneficiarul va include n Comisia de receptie i o persoana desemnata de catre inspectiile teritoriale din cadrul Comandamentului trupelor de pompieri, persoana pe care o va invita n scris.

    In the event of reception of investment projects which present a high risk sources, the Principal shall also include in the Reception Commission a representative of the Official Firefighting Unite nominated by the relevant Firefighting Unite and shall invite this person in writing.

    Receptia dupa Finalizarea Lucrarilor Mecanice va fi mentionata n Procesul Verbal de Receptie (Formularul [3], Anexa B a Directivei PETROM 023).

    The Reception After Mechanical Completion will be documented in the Reception Minute (Form [3], Annex B of the PETROM Corporate Directive 023).

  • Pag.7 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    3.7 Punerea n Functiune 3.7 Commissioning and Start Up

    3.7.1 Pregatirea pentru punerea n Functiune 3.7.1 Commissioning ndata ce Beneficiarul a notificat Contractantul despre aprobarea privind tehnica de siguranta, Contractantul trebuie sa pregateasca Punerea n Functiune a Instalatiei.

    Once the Principal has notified the Contractor about the safety-relevant approval in writing, the Contractor shall immediately prepare the start up of the Plant.

    Pentru a permite punerea n functiune a Instalatiei, a fiecarei instalatii individuale sau a partilor acestora, Contractantul va desfaura toate activitatile necesare pentru aceasta ntr-un mod care sa permita verificarea finalizarii acestor activitati.

    In order to enable start up of the Plant, of each individual plant, facility or part thereof, the Contractor shall carry out all activities which are necessary therefore in a manner, which allows for verifying the completion of such activities.

    Contractantul va prezenta Beneficiarului o declaratie pe propria raspundere, n care sa confirme ca Instalatia a fost realizata n conformitate cu prevederile legale, deciziile oficiale, proiectul i prevederile contractuale. Documentatia aferenta trebuie sa fie completa i actualizata conform cerintelor autoritatilor administrative relevante.

    The Contractor shall submit to the Principal a legally binding declaration in which he confirms that the respective Plant has been executed in accordance to all legal requirements, official notifications, designs and the Contract stipulations. The plant and work documentation shall be complete and updated on an ongoing basis and properly compiled as required by the relevant administrative authorities.

    3.7.2 Finalizarea operationala pentru Punerea n Functiune

    3.7.2 Ready for Start-Up

    Instalatia poate fi pusa n functiune atunci cnd Punerea n Functiune precum i executia lucrarilor restante sunt posibile i permise conform regulamentelor de siguranta existente i a specificatiilor oficiale .

    The Plant is ready for Start Up when the Start Up and further operation as well as the execution of the remaining work under consideration of the pertinent safety regulations and the official specifications, is possible and permissible.

    O conditie pentru confirmarea pregatirii pentru Punere in Functiune o reprezinta existenta documentatiei As-built (red-lined).

    Condition for the confirmation of the readiness for Start Up by the Principal is the existence of the As-built documentation (red-lined).

    Contractantul trebuie sa notifice Beneficiarul in scris, n legatura cu finalizarea operationala pentru Punerea n Functiune a Instalatiei, folosind Formularul [4] Finalizare pentru Punere n Functiune.

    The Contractor shall notify the Principal in writing about the Plants readiness for Start Up, after finishing the start-up preparations, using the log with the title Ready for Start Up (Form [4]).

    3.7.3 Punerea n Functiune 3.7.3 Start Up Reprezinta prima prelucrare a materiei prime utilizata la Instalatie. Punerea n Functiune se va efectua doar dupa ce Contractantul prezinta Beneficiarului declaratia mentionata n sectiunea 3.7.1, al treilea paragraf.

    This means the initial processing of the Feed raw-materials used in the Plant. Start Up shall only be performed after the Contractor submitted to the Principal the legally binding declaration stipulated under section 3.7.1 third paragraph.

    Punerea in Functiune se va opera sub indrumarea Contractantului. Beneficiarul va efectua punerea in aplicare operationala. Contractantul va dovedi ca datele si operatiunile privind procesul si ingineria tehnica precum si instructiunile si training-urile sunt in fapt corecte. Aceste fapt trebuie documentat.

    The Start Up shall be under the guidance of the Contractor. The operational implementation shall be the duty of the Principal. The Contractor shall have the burden of proof that the necessary data and operations regarding process and technical engineering as well as the instructions and trainings are factually correct. This fact shall be documented.

  • Pag.8 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    3.8 Prima Punere n Functiune a Instalatiei 3.8 Initial Run of the Plant Prima Punere n Functiune reprezinta operarea Instalatiei n modul proiectat i nu operarea manuala Instalatiei. Prima Punere n Functiune se executa pentru o perioada de minim 3 zile n care Instalatia functioneaza n mod continuu, constant i normal, la minim 80 % din capacitatea specificata in contract (cu exceptia cazului in care Beneficiarul solicita altfel) i produsele obtinute sunt conforme cu specificatiile de proiectare. Notificarea privind efectuarea cu succes a Primei Puneri in Functiune a Instalatiei se va face folosind Formularul [5] din Sectiunea 4.0.

    The definition of the Initial Run is to operate the Plant by the intended operating mode of all essential controls, instead of manual mode. This shall be carried out over a minimum time period of three days, at a minimum throughput of 80 percent (unless the Principal demands otherwise) of the contractually specified capacity and at a continuous, constant and normal output of the products in conformity with the specifications. The notification regarding the successful execution of the Initial Run of the plant shall be using Form [5] of Section 4.0.

    Prima Punere in Functiune se va efectua sub supravegherea Contractantului. Beneficiarul va efectua punerea in aplicare operationala. Contractantul va dovedi ca datele si operatiunile privind procesul si ingineria tehnica precum si instructiunile si training-urile sunt in fapt corecte. Aceste fapt trebuie documentat in scris.

    The Initial Run shall occur under the surveillance of the Contractor. The operational implementation is the obligation of the Principal. The Contractor shall have the burden of proof that the necessary data and operations regarding process and technical engineering as well as the instructions and trainings are factually correct. This fact shall be documented in writing.

    3.9 Confirmarea Primei Puneri n Functiune a Instalatiei

    3.9 Confirmation of Initial Run of the Plant

    Contractantul trebuie sa notifice Beneficiarul despre prima Punere n Functiune a Instalatiei folosind prima parte a Formularului [5].

    The Contractor has the obligation to inform the Principal about the Initial Run of the Plant using the first part of the Form [5].

    Daca prima Punere n Functiune a Instalatiei se conformeaza Contractului, Beneficiarul va prezenta Contractantului o confirmare scrisa (partea a doua a Formularului [5]) ca prima Punere n Functiune a Instalatiei a avut rezultatele ateptate.

    If the Initial Run of the Plant conforms to the Contract, the Principal shall provide the Contractor with a written confirmation that the Initial Run of the Plant has been carried out positively, using the second part of log Form [5] of Section 4.0.

    3.10 Procesul Verbal de Punere n Functiune 3.10 Put-In-Function Minute Ulterior Punerii n Functiune, conform Sectiunii 3.7.3. de mai sus, i indiferent daca s-au efectuat Prima Punere n Functiune (Sectiunea 3.8. de mai sus) i Confirmarea Primei Puneri n Functiune (Sectiunea 3.9. de mai sus), se va ntocmi un alt certificat (Proces Verbal de Punere n Functiune, Formular [6], Anexa C a Directivei PETROM 023) conform Hotarrii de Guvern nr. 51 din 05/02/1996 (privind aprobarea Regulamentului de receptie a lucrarilor de montaj utilaje, echipamente, instalatii tehnologice i a punerii n functiune a capacitatlor de productie).

    After the Start-Up as stipulated in the Section 3.7.3 above, and irrespective of whether the Initial Run of the Plant (Section 3.8 above) and the Confirmation of the Initial Run of the Plant (Section 3.9 above) have been carried out, the Put-In-Function Minute, Form [6], Annex C of the PETROM Corporate Directive 023) shall be compiled according to Government Decision no 51 dated on 05/02/1996 (Hotarre nr. 51/1996 din 05/02/1996 privind aprobarea Regulamentului de receptie a lucrarilor de montaj utilaje, echipamente, instalatii tehnologice i a punerii n functiune a capacitatilor de productie).

  • Pag.9 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    Conform prevederilor legale, Procesul verbal de Punere n Functiune necesita activitati de receptie i participarea Comisiei de Receptie. Activitatile de receptie pot fi desfaurate simultan cu Prima Punere n Functiune a Instalatiei sau ulterior, dupa caz. Beneficiarul va organiza i planifica activitatile necesare conform Hotarrii de Guvern nr. 51 din 05/02/1996. Hotarrea mentionata impune Beneficiarului inter alia respectarea urmatoarelor:

    The Put-in-Function Minute requires reception activities and the participation of the Reception Committee as described in the pertinent legal provisions. The reception activities attached to the Put-in-Function Minute can be carried out at the same time as the Initial Run of the Plant is performed or after, as the specific of the Plant may require. The Principal shall plan and organise the necessary activities according to Government Decision no 51 dated on 05/02/1996 . The said Decision requires the Principal to observe inter alia the following rules:

    Beneficiarul va organiza receptia de Punere n Functiune n maximum 15 zile calendaristice de la notificarea finalizarii operationale pentru Punere n Functiune (Formular [4]) i va comunica data stabilita: membrilor Comisiei de punere n Functiune; Contractantului, proiectantului i furnizorilor de echipamente aferente Instalatiei.

    The Principal shall organize the reception of the Put-in-Function in a maximum of 15 calendar days from the notification of ready for start-up (Form [4]) and he will communicate the established date to the: members of Put-In-Function Commission, the Contractor(s), designer and the suppliers of main equipment related to the project.

    Comisiile de Punere n Functiune se vor numi de catre Beneficiar i vor fi alcatuite din cel putin 5 membri. Dintre acetia, va face parte obligatoriu, un reprezentant al Beneficiarului, restul fiind specialiti. Reprezentantii Contractantului i ai proiectantului nu pot face parte din Comisia de Punere n Functiune, acetia avnd calitatea de invitati.

    The members of the Put-In-Function Commission (a minimum of 5 members required) are nominated by the Principal. One of the Commission members has to be a representative of the Principal; the other members will be specialists. The representatives of the Contractor or the designer cannot be members of the Put-in-function Commission, they will have the quality of invitees.

    Proiectantul, n calitate de autor al proiectului tehnologic, va ntocmi i prezenta n fata Comisiei de receptie de Punere n Functiune punctul sau de vedere privind executia probelor de Punere n Functiune.

    The Designer, as author of the technological process design, will issue and present to the Put-in-Function Commission his point of view regarding the execution of the tests for the put in function.

    Receptia va fi mentionata de Comisia de Receptie n Procesul Verbal de Punere n Functiune (Formular [6], Anexa C a Directivei PETROM 023).

    The Reception Committee shall document the reception activities as required in the Put-In-Function Minute (Form [6]), (Annex C of the PETROM Corporate Directive 023).

    3.11 Verificarea Performantelor 3.11 Proof of Performance Contractantul va prezenta Beneficiarului o confirmare scrisa (folosind Formularul [7]) atunci cand considera Instalatia pregatita pentru Verificarea Performantelor.

    The Contractor shall provide the Principal with a written confirmation (using Form [7]) as soon as he deems the Plant suitable for carrying out the Proof of Performance.

    Pna la finalizarea procedurii de Verificare a Performantelor, Instalatia va fi exploatata de catre Beneficiar (daca e necesar in acord cu detinatorul licentei), sub ndrumarea, supravegherea i responsabilitatea Contractantului, n conformitate cu specificatiile i datele Contractului.

    Until completion of Proof of Performance procedure, the Plant will be operated by the Principal (if necessary in adjustment with the licensor), under guidance, supervision and responsibility of the Contractor, in accordance with the specifications and data of the Contract.

  • Pag.10 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    Verificarea Performantelor se efectueaza prin realizarea unui bilant ntre materii prime, utilitati i produse obtinute. Masuratorile sunt efectuate conform metodelor de masurare i de analiza, convenite de Beneficiar i de Contractant. Se va stabili o valoare medie a valorilor de analiza obtinute; tolerantele de masurare i analiza nu sunt luate n considerare.

    The Proof of Performance is carried out by balancing the quantities of feed raw-materials, utilities and end-products. The measurements are carried out in accordance with measuring and analysis methods jointly specified between Principal and Contractors. An average value will be formed via the analysis values obtained; measuring and analysis tolerances are not considered.

    Verificarea Performantelor va cuprinde i verificarea tuturor calitatilor garantate de licentiator(i).

    The Proof of Performance shall also comprise verification of any properties guaranteed by the licensor(s).

    Verificarea Performantei se va efectua n decursul a 10 zile lucratoare dupa finalizarea lucrarilor restante necesare pentru Verificarea Performantei dar nu mai trziu de 120 de zile dupa Prima Punere n Functiune a Instalatiei.

    The Proof of Performance shall be realized within 10 working days after the finalization of the residual works necessary to perform the Proof of Performance but not later than 120 days after the Initial Run of the Plant.

    3.12 Preluarea Instalatiei 3.12 Handover of the Plant Preluarea Instalatiei i a partilor sale n relatia contractuala dintre Beneficiar i Furnizori sai si Contractorii sai se va efectua prin confirmarea scrisa a Beneficiarului (folosind Formularul [8]) ca Verificarea Performantelor a avut rezultate pozitive.

    The handover of the Plant and its parts in the contractual relationship between the Principal and his Suppliers and his Contractors shall be performed by the Principals written confirmation that the Proof of Performance has been carried out successfully, using Form [8] of Section 4.0.

    Pentru evitarea oricarei incertitudini se stipuleaza explicit ca finalizarea lucrarilor restante este parte din obligatiile contractuale ale Contractantului si va fi efectuata si monitorizata de el inaintea preluarii instalatiei.

    For the avoidance of doubt it shall be stated that the completion of any possible remaining work is part of the contractual services of the Contractor and shall be effected and monitored by him prior to handover of plant.

    Se considera ca Instalatia a fost predata chiar daca nu s-a realizat prima Verificare a Performantelor n decursul a douasprezece luni de la finalizarea operationala, din motive care sunt exclusiv n sarcina Beneficiarului, iar Contractantul a prezentat Beneficiarului documentele convenite. Cu toate acestea, Contractantul ramne obligat dupa expirarea termenului de douasprezece luni sa asigure verificarea performantelor pe propria cheltuiala.

    The plant shall be deemed handed over even if the first performance verification has not been executed within twelve months after operational readiness for reasons which are exclusively in the responsibility of the Principal, and the Contractor has submitted the agreed upon documents to the Principal. However, the Contractor remains obliged to provide the performance verification at his expense even after the elapse of the said twelve months.

    Din momentul Preluarii Instalatiei, Beneficiarul va suporta riscul pierderii accidentale a Instalatiei.

    As of the Handover of the Plant the Principal shall bear the risk of random loss of the Plant.

  • Pag.11 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    3.13 Sfritul perioadei de garantie Receptia Finala

    3.13 Warranty-end- or Final Reception

    Dupa confirmarea performantelor sistemului (3.10) sau simultan cu aceasta faza se va intocmi Procesul Verbal de Receptie Finala (Formularul [9], Annex F a Directivei PETROM 023).

    After the confirmation of the systems performance (3.10) or simultaneously with this phase the Warranty-end Final Reception Minute (Form [9], Annex F of PETROM Corporate Directive 023) shall be issued.

    Conform Hotarrii de Guvern nr. 51 din 05/02/1996, Beneficiarul este obligat sa organizeze nceperea Receptiei Finale n maximum 15 zile calendaristice de la expirarea perioadei de garantie convenite prin Contract i va comunica data stabilita: membrilor Comisiei de Receptie, Contractantului, proiectantului i furnizorilor principali de echipamente tehnologice.

    In accordance to the Decision no 51 dated on 05.Feb.1996, the Principal is obliged to organize the start of the Warranty-end Final Reception in maximum 15 calendar days from the expiration of the warranty period agreed upon in the Contract and he will communicate the established data to the: members of Final Reception Commission, the Contractor(s), designer and main technological equipment Suppliers.


    4.0 LIST OF FORMS Formular 0 Finalizarea n scop de montaj Form 0 Ready for Tie-in Formular 1 Aprobarea lucrarilor mecanice Form 1 Mechanical approval Formular 1a Lista de lucrari restante pentru finalizarea

    lucrarilor mecanice Form 1a Remaining work list (Punch list) for

    mechanical completion Formular 2 Aprobarea (Avizul) privind tehnica de

    securitate (siguranta) Form 2 Safety-related approval

    Formular 2a Lista de lucrari restante pentru aprobarea tehnicii de securitate

    Form 2a Remaining work list (Punch list) for safety related approval

    Formular 3 Proces Verbal de Receptie Form 3 Reception Minute Formular 4 Finalizarea pentru Punere n Functiune

    (finalizare operationala) Form 4 Ready for Start Up

    Formular 5 Prima Punere n Functiune Form 5 Initial Run Formular 6 Proces Verbal de Punere n Functiune Form 6 Put in Function Minute Formular 7 Verificarea performantelor Form 7 Proof of Performance Formular 8 Preluarea Instalatiei Form 8 Handover of the Plant Formular 9 Proces Verbal de Receptie Finala Form 9 Warranty-end Final Reception Minute

  • Pag.12 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901



    0/Mai 2006 - Preluare si adaptare Ghid OMV 901/ 01.06.2006

    0/Mai 2006 - Processing and adapting of Corporate Guide 901/ 01.06.2006

    1/Sept.2007 - Schimbare format

    1/Sept.2007 - Format change

    2/Julie 2008 - Modificare cap.4(formulare) si corespunzator a capitolelor 1-3

    2/July 2008 - Chages of guide forms (cap.4) and accordingly of items 1-3

    3/Nov. 2009 - Trasformare Ghid in Norma de Concern si revizie completa conf.Normei de Concern OMV 901/28.07.2009

    3/Nov.2009 - Corporate Guide changed into Group Standard and completly revised OMV Corporate Norm 901/28.07.2009

  • Pag.13 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    Formular 0 Finalizare n scop de montaj Form 0 Ready for Tie-In

    0 Finalizare n scop de montaj Notificare i confirmare

    Sectia: Petrom Proiect-Nr.: Instalatia: Proiect general Nr.: Proiect:

    Finalizarea n scop de montaj a Instalatiei [de introdus numele instalatiei] ................................................................ este notificata pentru data de..................................... (aceasta notificare trebuie facuta cu maxim15 zile calendaristice nainte de verificarea finalizarii n scop de montaj, cuprinznd o lista cu lucrarile care mai sunt de executat pna la termenul mentionat)

    Contractant ........................................................tampila ........................................................................... Semnatura / Data

    Finalizarea n scop de montaj a Instalatiei mentionate mai sus [de introdus numele instalatiei] este confirmata la data ................................ nu se confirma Motive:

    Contractant Manager proiect Petrom (pentru Beneficiar)

    Sectia Productie

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data



    Se distribuie la: Sectia - Productie Sectia - Intretinere Contractant Manager proiect Petrom (Orig.)

  • Pag.14 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    0 Ready for Tie-In Notification and confirmation

    Section: Petrom Project-No.: Plant : General Project No.: Project:

    The ready for tie-in of the Plant [insert name of the Plant]is notified for the [insert date].

    (maxim 15 calendar days before checking of ready for tie-in, this notification must be made including a list of works that should be performed until the specified deadline).

    Contractor Stamp Signature / Date

    The readiness for tie-in of the above mentioned plant [insert name of the Plant]........................ is confirmed as of [insert date] not confirmed Reasons:

    Contractor Petrom Project Manager (for the Principal)

    Production section

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date



    To deliver to: Section - Production Section - Maintenance Contractor Petrom (Orig.) Project Manager

  • Pag.15 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    Formular 1 Aprobarea lucrarilor mecanice

    Form 1 Mechanical approval

    1 Aprobarea lucrarilor mecanice Notificarea finalizarii lucrarilor mecanice i aprobarea lucrarilor mecanice

    Sectia: Petrom OMV Proiect-Nr.: Instalatia: Proiect general Nr.: Proiect:

    Disponibilitatea pentru inspectia finalizarii lucrarilor mecanice ale Instalatiei ............................................................ se notifica pentru data de........................................ de catre: Contractant Stampila Semnatura Contractantului / Data

    Finalizarea lucrarilor mecanice a Instalatiei sus mentionate ............................................................................... este

    confirmata la data............................................ nu se confirma


    Contractant Manager proiect Petrom OMV (pentru Beneficiar)

    Sectia Productie

    Sectia ntretinere

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data


    Anexe: Lista lucrari restante

    Lista participanti

    Se distribuie la: Sectia - Productie Sectia - Intretinere Contractant Manager proiect Petrom (Orig.)

  • Pag.16 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    1 Mechanical approval Notice of mechanical completion and approval of mechanical completion

    Section: Petrom OMV Project-No.: Plant : General Project No.: Project:

    The readiness for the inspection of the Mechanical Completion of the Plant ............................................................ is notified for [insert date] ........................................................................................................................................................... by:

    Contractor Stamp Contractors signature / Date

    Approval of mechanical completion of the above mentioned Plant ..................................................................... is confirmed as of [insert date].................................. not confirmed Reasons:

    Contractor Petrom OMV Project manager (for the Principal)

    Production Section Maintenance section

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date


    Annex: List of Residual works List of Participants

    To deliver to: Section - Production Section - Maintenance Contractor Petrom (Orig.) Project Manager

  • Pag.17 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    Formular 1a Lista de lucrari restante pentru finalizarea lucrarilor mecanice

    Form 1a Remaining work list (Punch list) for mechanical completion

    1a Lista de lucrari restante pentru finalizarea lucrarilor mecanice

    Pagina 1 din 2

    Sectia: Petrom OMV Proiect-Nr.: Instalatia: Proiect general Nr.: Proiect:

    Lucrarile restante vor fi mpartite n urmatoarele categorii: Categoria A: Toate lucrarile restante care trebuie sa fie executate n vederea aprobarii finalizarii lucrarilor mecanice. Categoria B: Lucrarile restante care nu mpiedica aprobarea finalizarii lucrarilor mecanice. Acestea vor fi rezolvate la termenul prevazut n aceasta lista.

    Continuare verso Executarea lucrarilor restante se confirma de catre:

    Contractant Manager proiect Petrom Petrom

    (pentru Beneficiar)

    Sectia Productie

    Sectia ntretinere

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data


    Se distribuie la: Sectia - Productie Sectia - Intretinere

    Contractant Manager proiect Petrom OMV (Orig.)

  • Pag.18 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    1a Remaining work list (Punch list) for mechanical completion

    Page1 from 2

    Section: Petrom OMV Project-No.: Plant: General Project No: Project:

    Residual works are to be classified in the next categories: A Class: All residual works that should be performed so as to obtain a mechanical completion approval. B Class: Residual works that do not impede the mechanical completion approval. These are to be solved until the deadline(s) set forth in this list.

    See on the other side

    Residual works confirmed by:

    Contractor Petrom Project Manager (for the Principal)

    Production Section Maintenance Section

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date


    To deliver to: Section - Production Section - Maintenance

    Contractor Petrom OMV (Orig.) Project Manager

  • Pag.19 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

  • Pag.20 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

  • Pag.21 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    Formular 2 Aprobare privind tehnica de securitate (siguranta)

    Form 2 Safety-relevant approval

    2 Avizul privind tehnica de securitate (siguranta) Notificare pentru inspectie i aprobarea tehnicii de securitate

    Sectia: Petrom OMV Proiect-Nr.: Instalatia: Proiect general Nr.: Proiect:

    Inspectia privind tehnica de securitate a Instalatiei ................................................................................................... este notificata pentru data de........................................... de catre: Contractant Stampila Semnatura Contractantului / Data

    Finalizarea tehnicii de securitate a Instalatiei sus mentionate ............................................................................ este confirmata la data............................................ nu se confirma


    Contractant Manager proiect OMV (pentru Beneficiar)

    Sectia Tehnica de securitate

    Sectia Productie

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Acest protocol va deveni anexa la notificarea privind Finalizarea pentru punere n functiune [Formular 4].


    Anexe: Lista lucrari restante

    Lista participanti

    Se distribuie la: Sectia - Productie Sectia Tehnica de securitate Contractant Manager proiect Petrom (Orig.)

  • Pag.22 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    2 Safety related approval Notification for inspection and safety related approval

    Section: Petrom OMV Project-No.: Plant : General Project No.: Project:

    The readiness for the inspection regarding the safety of the Plant ............................................................................ is notified for the [insert date] ..................................................................................................................................................... by:

    Contractor Stamp Contractors signature / Date

    Approval of safety of the above mentioned Plant ............................................................................................. is confirmed on the date of ....................................... not confirmed Reasons:

    Contractor Petrom OMV Project manager (for the Principal)

    Security Technique Section Production section

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date This Form 2 shall become an annex to the Form 4 Ready for Start-Up.


    Annex: List of Residual works List of Participants

    To deliver to: Production - Section Security Technique - Section Contractor Petrom (Orig.) Project Manager

  • Pag.23 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    Formular 2a Lista de lucrari restante pentru aprobarea tehnicii de securitate

    Form 2a Remaining work list (Punch list) for safety related approval

    2a Lista de lucrari restante pentru aprobarea tehnicii de securitate

    Pagina 1 din 2

    Sectia: Petrom OMV Proiect-Nr.: Instalatia: Proiect general Nr.: Proiect:

    Lucrarile restante vor fi mpartite in urmatoarele categorii: Categoria A: Toate lucrarile restante care trebuie sa fie executate n vederea aprobarii privind tehnica de securitate (siguranta). Categoria B: Lucrarile restante care nu mpiedica aprobarea privind tehnica de securitate (siguranta). Acestea vor fi rezolvate la termenul prevazut n aceasta lista.

    Continuare verso Executarea lucrarilor restante se confirmade catre:

    Contractant Manager proiect Petrom Petrom

    (pentru Beneficiar)

    Sectia Productie

    Sectia ntretinere

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data


    Se distribuie la: Sectia - Productie Sectia - ntretinere

    Contractant Manager proiect Petrom OMV (Orig.)

  • Pag.24 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    2a Remaining work list (Punch list) for safety related approval

    Page1 from 2

    Section: Petrom OMV Project-No.: Plant: General Project No: Project:

    Residual works are to be classified in the next categories: A Class: All residual works that should be performed so as to obtain a safety relevant approval B Class: Residual works that do not impede the safety relevant approval. These are to be solved until the deadline set forth in this list.

    See on the other side

    Residual works confirmed by:

    Contractor Petrom Project Manager (for the Principal)

    Production Section Maintenance Section

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date


    To deliver at: Section - Production Section - Maintenance

    Contractor Petrom OMV (Orig.) Project Manager

  • Pag.25 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

  • Pag.26 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

  • Pag.27 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    Formular 3 Proces verbal de receptie

    Form 3 Reception Minute

    3 Proces verbal de receptie

    (Anexa B la Directiva Petrom 023)

    Centrul de Profit Proiect Nr.

    Comanda Investitie Nr. # Centrul de Cost

    sau comenzi de investitie Anexa __

    Centrul de Cost solicitant Obiectivul de investitii

    Obiectivul Receptionat


    Segment (cod companie) Unitatea

    Zona de Activitate/Sector de Productie


    Cod Subsegment Departament

    Entitate econ. (Instalaie) Locatie

    PROCES-VERBAL DE RECEPTIE (Cod 14-2-5 / 14-2-5/a)

    Nr_______ / ___.___.20__

    I. DATE GENERALE 1. Comisia numita de ________________________ prin decizia nr._____ / ___.___.20__, convocata la data de ___.___.20__ si-a desfasurat activitatea in intervalul: ___.___.20__ - ___.___.20__ Comisia a analizat si constatat situatia obiectivului de investitii in vederea receptiei.

    II. CONSTATARI In urma examinarii documentatiei prezentate si a cercetarii pe teren a lucrrilor executate s-au constatat urmatoarele:

    Lucrri de constructie: Nu este cazul Lucrrile de constructie pentru obiectivul _________________________________________________ au fost executate in cadrul contractului Nr_______ / ___.___.20__ incheiat intre __________________ si ___________________ pentru lucrrile de_____________________________

  • Pag.28 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    Lucrrile au fost executate in baza autorizatiei nr._________ eliberata de__________________________ la data de ___.___.20__, cu valabilitate pina la ___.___.20__.

    1. Documentatia tehnico-economica aferenta receptiei obiectivelor de investitii a fost prezentata comisiei de receptie integral cu urmatoarele exceptii: __________________________________________________________

    1. a) Pozitii lipsa sau incomplete din documentatia scrisa si desenata necesar a fi prezentata Nu este cazul / Anexa 1

    1. b) Lucrri care nu au fost executate Nu este cazul / Anexa 2

    1. c) Lucrri executate care nu respecta prevederile proiectului Nu este cazul / Anexa 3

    Comisia constata ca lipsa documentatiei mentionate mai sus nu impiedica / impiedica efectuarea receptiei 2. Recepia punerii in funciune a fost efectuat la data de , iar pn la recepia obiectivului de la data punerii in funciune au trecut . luni.

    3. Valoarea lucrrilor supuse recepiei conform documentelor de decontare este de __________________ lei.

    Valoarea total a obiectivului supus analizei comisiei n vederea recepiei la data prezent este de __________________ lei.

    4. La data recepiei, nivelul atins de indicatorii tehnico-economici aprobai se prezint astfel:

    Nu este cazul / Anexa____

    5. Urmtorii factori au influenat nefavorabil realizarea indicatorilor care n-au atins nivelul aprobat:

    Nu este cazul / Anexa____

    6. Comisia constata urmatoarele disponibilitati de capacitati ale utilajelor tehnologice si de spatii construite care pot conduce la imbunatatirea indicatorilor tehnico-economici: Nu este cazul / Anexa____

    7. Comisia constata ca nu sunt luate masurile pentru mentinerea nivelului aprobat al indicatorilor tehnico-economici in ceea ce priveste asigurarea cu materii prime, materiale, combustibil, energie, apa, lucrri conexe, utilitati, deservire forta de munca etc.) Nu este cazul / Anexa____

  • Pag.29 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    8. Obiectivul supus analizei comisiei in vederea receptiei cuprinde urmatoarele elemente conform documentelor specificate:

    8a) Constructii, constructii speciale, utilaje, instalatii, echipamente etc. Anexa____

    nr crt.

    Descriere furnizor / Observaii document


    Valoarea elementelor de mai sus conform documentelor de decontare este de __________ Lei

    8b) Lucrri Anexa____

    nr crt.

    Descriere furnizor / Observaii document


    9. Alte constatari: Anexa____ _________________________________________________________________________


    III_ CONCLUZII Pe baza constatarilor consemnate mai sus, comisia de receptie hotaraste in unanimitate/cu majoritatea de pareri:

    1.a. DA / NU AMANAREA RECEPTIEI OBIECTIVULUI DE INVESTITII pana la data de ___.___.20__

    MOTIVELE PE BAZA CARORA COMISIA HOTARASTE AMANAREA RECEPTIEI: _________________________________________________________________________


    1b. DA / NU RECEPTIA OBIECTIVULUI DE INVESTITII OBIECTIVUL _____________________________ SE CONSIDERA RECEPTIONAT incepand cu data prezentului Proces Verbal. Receptia prezentului obiectiv constituie o receptie Partiala / INTEGRALA a intregului obiectiv de investitii .

    2. Comisia de recepie stabilete c, pentru meninerea nivelului aprobat al indicatorilor tehnico-economici aprobai si pentru o ct mai bun exploatare a capacitilor ce se recepioneaz, mai sunt necesare urmtoarele masuri:

    Nu este cazul / Anexa____

  • Pag.30 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    3. Prezentul proces-verbal, care contine _____ file si _______ anexe numerotate cu un total de ________ file, care fac parte integranta din cuprinsul acestuia, a fost incheiat azi ___.___.20__ in 3 (trei) exemplare

    Comisia de Recepie Nume i prenume Funcia Unitatea Semntura

    Preedinte comisie Membrii comisie

    Secretar Specialiti/ consultani



  • Pag.31 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    Obiectivul de investitii _________________

    Anexa 1 la Procesul Verbal de Receptie Nr_______ / ___.___.20__

    nr crt.

    Pozitii lipsa sau incomplete din documentatia scrisa si desenata

    Observaii de la Termen de rezolvare



    Obiectivul de investitii _________________ Anexa 2

    la Procesul Verbal de Receptie Nr_______ / ___.___.20__

    nr crt.

    Lucrri care NU au fost executate Observaii de la Termen de rezolvare



    Obiectivul de investitii _________________ Anexa 3

    la Procesul Verbal de Receptie Nr_______ / ___.___.20__ nr crt.

    Lucrri executate

    care NU respecta prevederile proiectului Observaii de la Termen de

    rezolvare Responsabil


  • Pag.32 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    3 Reception Minute

    (Annex B to Petrom Corporate Directive 023)

    Profit Center Project No.

    Cost Center Investment Order No. or investment orders

    Annex __

    Requesting Cost Center Investment Objective

    Objective for Reception


    Segment (company code ) Unit

    Business Area/Production sector

    Agency/Field Cluster

    Subsegment Code Department

    Economic unit (installation) Location

    RECEPTION MINUTE (Code 14-2-5 / 14-2-5/a)

    No_______ / ___.___.20__

    I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The commission appointed by _______________________ according to decision no._____ / ___.___.20__, assembled at ___.___.20__ performed their activity during: ___.___.20__ - ___.___.20__ The commission observed and analyzed the condition and current status of the investment objective subject to the reception.

    II. OBSERVATIONS Subsequent to the examination of the necessary documentation and the on-site inspection, the commission confirms the following:

    Construction works: Not Applicable The construction works for the investment objective ____________________________________________ have been performed based on contract number_______ / ___.___.20__ signed between __________________ and ___________________ regarding works of_____________________________ The construction works have been performed according to the authorization no. _________ issued by__________________________ on date ___.___.20__, valid until date ___.___.20__.

  • Pag.33 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    1. The technical - economic documentation regarding the reception of the investment objectives has been presented to the reception commission


    With following exceptions: __________________________________________________________

    1. a) Missing or incomplete positions of the written and drawn documentation required to be presented. Not Applicable/ Addendum 1

    1. b) Works not performed Not Applicable/ Addendum 2

    1. c) Work performed that does not comply with the specifications of the project. Not Applicable/ Addendum 3

    The commission decides that missing documentation, mentioned above Does not obstruct / Obstructs the reception.

    2. The put in function reception was performed on and since the put in function date until the reception date have passed . months.

    3. The value of the works submitted to the reception according to the documentation is __________________lei, The present total value of the objective submitted to the comission analysis is _________________________lei.

    4. At the reception date, the level of the approved technical and economical indicators are as follows: Not Applicable/ Addendum____

    5. The following factors have affected unfavourably the indicators which were not at the approved level: Not Applicable/ Addendum____

    6. The commission estimates the following availabilities in technical equipments and buildings capacity that may lead to an improvement of the technical economic indicators: Not Applicable/ Addendum____

    7. The commission decides that not all the measures for maintaining the approved level of the technical-economic indicators are properly applied, regarding supplies of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy , water, additional work, utilities, labor force, etc. Not Applicable/ Addendum____

  • Pag.34 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    8. The objective submitted to the commissions review before reception included the following elemnts according to the specified documentation:

    8a) Constructions, special constructions, machinery, installations, equipments etc. Addendum____

    No. Description supplier / observations



    Total value of the above elements according to the documents is __________ Lei

    8b) Work Addendum____

    No. Description supplier / observations



    Total value of the work performed according to the documents is __________ Lei

    The total value of the objective subjected to the commissions analyze for reception at present date is ______________ Lei.

    9. Other observations: Addendum____ _________________________________________________________________________


    III CONCLUSIONS Based on the observations above, the reception commission decides unanimously / by majority: 1.a. YES / NO TO POSTPONE RECEPTION OF THE INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE until ___.___.20__

    THE REASONS SUPPORTING THE COMMISSIONS DECISION TO POSTPONE THE RECEPTION: _________________________________________________________________________


    1.b. YES / NO TO ACCEPT THE RECEPTION OF THE INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE The OBJECTIVE_____________________________ IS CONSIDERED TO BE FORMALLY RECEIVED starting with the date of the present document. The reception of the present objective represents a PARTIAL / FULL reception of the whole investment objective.

  • Pag.35 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    2. The reception committee establishes that, in order to maintain the level of the approved technical-economic indicators and for the best exploitation of the received asset, the following measures are necessary: Not Applicable/ Addendum____

    3. The present document contains _____ pages and _______ numbered addendums in a total of ________ pages, which are integrant part of its content, and was signed today ___.___.20__ in 3 (three) copies.

    Reception Commission Name Position Unit Signature

    President Full members

    Secretary Advisors, Consultants



  • Pag.36 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    Investment objective _________________ Addendum 1

    to the Reception Minute no. _______ / ___.___.20__

    No. Missing or incomplete positions from the written and drawn documentation

    Observations from Deadline Responsible person


    Investment objective _________________ Addendum 2

    to the Reception Minute no. _______ / ___.___.20__

    No. Work NOT performed Observations from Deadline Responsible person


    Investment objective _________________ Addendum 3

    to the Reception Minute no. _______ / ___.___.20__ No. Work performed that DOES NOT comply

    with project specifications Observations from Deadline Responsible

    person 1

  • Pag.37 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    Formular 4 Finalizarea operationala

    Form 4 Ready for Start up

    4 Finalizarea pentru punere in functiune (finalizare operationala) Notificare si aprobare

    Sectia: Petrom OMV Proiect-Nr.: Instalatia: Proiect general Nr.: Proiect:

    Situatia actuala n relatia cu autoritatea competenta: (valabil numai pentru proiectele pentru care se prevede obligatia aprobarii)

    Contractantul declara ca Instalatia a fost realizata conform prevederilor legale, deciziilor oficiale, proiectului i prevederilor contractuale de catre: Contractant

    tampila Semnatura/ Data

    Finalizarea pentru punerea n functiune a Instalatiei este notificata pentru data de ........................................ de catre: Contractant tampila Semnatura/ Data

    Finalizarea pentru punerea n functiune este confirmata pentru data ......................................... nu se confirma (indicarea motivelor)

    Contractant Manager proiect Petrom OMV (pentru Beneficiar)

    Sectia Productie

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data Observatii:

    Anexe: Lista lucrari restante Avizul pentru tehnica de securitate

    Se distribuie la: Sectia - Productie Contractant Responsabil Petrom OMV in relatia cu autoritatile Manager proiect Petrom OMV (Orig.)

  • Pag.38 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    4 Ready for Start-Up Notice and approval

    Section: Petrom OMV Project-No.: Plant : General Project No.: Project:

    Status quo regarding the relevant authority: (only valid for projects for which the approval obligation is stipulated)

    The Contractor declares that the Plant was executed according to all legal requirements, official notifications, the project and contractual stipulations.

    by: Contractor

    Stamp Signature/ Date

    The readiness for Start-Up is notified for the [insert date]....................................... by: Contractor

    Stamp Signature/ Date

    The readiness for Start-Up is confirmed for the date ................................................... not confirmed (specify reasons)

    Contractor Petrom OMV Project Manager (for the Principal)

    Production section

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date


    Annex: List of Residual works Notice for security technique (safety)

    To deliver to: Production - Section Contractor Petrom OMV responsible in relation to the authorities Petrom OMV (Orig.) Project Manager

  • Pag.39 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    Formular 5 Prima punere n functiune Form 5 Initial Run

    5 Prima punere in functiune Notificare si confirmare

    Sectia: Petrom OMV Proiect-Nr.: Instalatia: Proiect general Nr.: Proiect:

    n perioada de timp convenita prin Contract, Instalatia a produs permanent cantitatea convenita de produs conform specificatiilor. Prima etapa de functionare s-a derulat de la data ........................... .. pna la data ........................... Confirmarea privind derularea primei etape de functionare este solicitata pentru data de................................... de catre: Contractant Stampila Semnatura/ Data

    Derularea cu succes a primei etape de functionare se confirma la data .......................... nu se confirma Motive:

    Contractant Manager proiect Petrom OMV

    (pentru Beneficiar)

    Sectia Productie

    Sectia ntretinere

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Nume/ Semnatura / Data

    Prima etapa de functionare a Instalatiei nu atrage dupa sine nici transferul de riscuri, nici inceperea perioadelor de garantie, ntruct prima etapa de functionare se deruleaza sub rezerva ndeplinirii i dovedirii capacitatii Instalatiei.



    Se distribuie la: Sectia - Productie Sectia ntretinere Contractant Manager proiect petrom OMV (Orig.)

  • Pag.40 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    5 Initial Run Notice and confirmation

    Section: Petrom OMV Project-No.: Plant : General Project No.: Project: During the time period specified within the Contract, the Plant has permanently produced the agreed quantity of product according to specifications. The Initial Run has been carried out from the date of ..................... .. until the date of ...................... We are requesting your confirmation concerning the Initial Run of the Plant as of ................................................. by: Contractor Stamp Signature/ Date

    Confirm the successful development of the Initial Run as of ............................................ not confirmed Reasons:

    Contractor Petrom OMV Project manager

    (for the Principal)

    Production Section Maintenance section

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date

    Name/ Signature / Date

    The Initial Run of the Plant does not imply risk transfer nor the beginning of the warranty period, because the confirmation of the Initial Run of the Plant is subject to the subsequent Proof of Performance.

    Observations: Annex:

    To deliver to: Section - Production Section - Maintenance Contractor Petrom OMV (Orig.) Project Manager

  • Pag.41 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    6 Proces verbal de Punere n Functiune

    (Anexa C la Directiva Petrom 023)

    Centrul de Profit Proiect Nr.

    Centrul de Cost Comanda Investitie Nr. # sau comenzi de investitie

    Anexa _

    Centrul de Cost solicitant Obiectivul de investitii

    Obiectivul Pus in Functiune


    Segment (cod companie) Unitatea

    Zona de Activitate/Sector de productie


    Cod Subsegment Departament

    Entitate econ. (Instalaie) Locatie


    (Cod 14-2-5/b) Nr_______ / ___.___.20__

    I. DATE GENERALE 1. Comisia numita de ________________________ prin decizia nr._____ / ___.___.20__, convocata la data de ___.___.20__ si-a desfasurat activitatea in intervalul: ___.___.20__ - ___.___.20__ Comisia a analizat si constatat situatia obiectivului de investitii in vederea punerii in functiune.

    II. CONSTATARI In urma examinarii documentatiei prezentate, a rezultatelor probelor tehnologice si a cercetarii pe teren a lucrrilor executate s-au constatat urmatoarele:

    Lucrri de constructie: Nu este cazul Lucrrile de constructie pentru obiectivul _________________________________________________ au fost executate in cadrul contractului Nr_______ / ___.___.20__ incheiat intre __________________ si ___________________ pentru lucrrile de_____________________________ Lucrrile au fost executate in baza autorizatiei nr._________ eliberata de__________________________ la data de ___.___.20__, cu valabilitate pina la ___.___.20__.

  • Pag.42 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    1. Documentatia tehnico-economica aferenta punerii in functiune a obiectivelor de investitii a fost prezentata comisiei de receptie


    cu urmatoarele exceptii: ________________________________________ Anexa____

    Comisia constata ca lipsa documentatiei mentionate mai sus nu impiedica / impiedica efectuarea punerii in functiune. Documentatia care a fost predata beneficiarului cu ocazia punerii in functiune este mentionata in Anexa____ / Nu este cazul

    Obiectivul supus analizei comisiei in vederea punerii in functiune cuprinde urmatoarele elemente care au fost in prealabil receptionate conform documentelor specificate:

    a) Constructii, constructii speciale, utilaje, instalatii, echipamente Anexa____

    nr crt.

    Descriere furnizor / observaii document receptie

    1 PV Receptie Valoarea elementelor de mai sus conform documentelor de decontare este de __________ Lei

    b) Lucrri Anexa____

    nr crt.

    Descriere furnizor / observaii document receptie

    1 PV Receptie Valoarea lucrrilor conform documentelor de decontare este de __________ Lei

    2. Probele tehnologice ale utilajelor si instalatiilor aferente capacitatii in vederea exploatarii normale si asigurarii calitatii produselor conform documentatiei tehnico-economice au fost efectuate de ctre _______________ in perioada ___.___.20__ ---- ___.___.20__


    Probe tehnologice Observaii total probe executate ___, din care - probe executate ___ - probe ramas de efectuat ___

    3. La data punerii in funciune, nivelul atins de indicatorii tehnico-economici aprobai se prezint astfel:

  • Pag.43 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901




    4. Valoarea lucrrilor si cheltuielilor pentru efectuarea probelor tehnologice conform documentelor de decontare este de __________ Lei

    5. Valoarea produselor rezultate in urma probelor tehnologice, care se pot valorifica, este de _________ Lei

    6. Valoarea totala a mijloacelor fixe puse in functiune este de _________________ LEI conform tabelului de mai jos si a situatiilor din Anexa____

    Au fost completate ____ formulare Fisa Mijlocului Fix ( Anexa____) din totalul de ____ mijloace fixe puse in functiune conform prezentului Proces Verbal.

  • Pag.44 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    TOTAL Nr crt.

    Descriere mijloc fix Core C F N

    Cod categorie

    Super-number cod clasificare

    (MF nou create)

    Nr. de Inventar (MF existente)

    Valoare unitara (Lei)

    Cantitate / UM Valoare Totala

    (Lei) % valoare






    TOTAL 100%

    Urmatorii factori au influentat nefavorabil realizarea indicatorilor care au atins nivelul aprobat: Anexa____ ___________________________________________________________________________

    Comisia constata urmatoarele disponibilitati de capacitati ale utilajelor tehnologice si de spatii construite care pot conduce la imbunatatirea indicatorilor tehnico-economici: Anexa____ ___________________________________________________________________________

    Comisia constata ca nu sunt luate masurile pentru mentinerea nivelului aprobat al indicatorilor tehnico-economici in ceea ce priveste asigurarea cu materii prime, materiale, combustibil, energie, apa, lucrri conexe, utilitati, deservire forta de munca etc.) Anexa____ ____________________________________________________________________________

  • Pag.45 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    7. Alte constatari: Anexa____ _________________________________________________________________________


    III_ CONCLUZII Pe baza constatarilor consemnate mai sus, comisia de punere in functiune hotaraste in unanimitate/cu majoritatea de pareri:


    MOTIVELE PE BAZA CARORA COMISIA HOTARASTE AMANAREA PUNERII IN FUNCTIUNE: _________________________________________________________________________

    1.b. DA / NU PUNEREA IN FUNCTIUNE A OBIECTIVULUI DE INVESTITII OBIECTIVUL ____________________ SE CONSIDERA PUS IN FUNCTIUNE incepand cu data de ___.___.20__ la parametrii _______________________ si va fi inregistrat ca mijloc fix cu data prezentului Proces Verbal.

    2. Comisia de receptie stabileste ca, pentru mentinerea nivelului indicatorilor tehnico-economici aprobati si pentru o cat mai buna exploatare a capacitatii puse in functiune, mai sunt necesare urmatoarele masuri: Anexa____ _________________________________________________________________________


    3. Prezentul proces-verbal, care contine _____ file si _______ anexe numerotate cu un total de ________ file, care fac parte integranta din cuprinsul acestuia, a fost incheiat azi ___.___.20__ in 3 (trei) exemplare

    Comisia de Punere in Functiune

    Nume si prenume Functia Unitatea Semntura Presedinte comisie

    Membrii comisie

    Secretar Specialisti /consultanti



  • Pag.46 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    6 Put-In-Function Minute

    (Annex C to Petrom Corporate Directive 023)

    Segment (company code ) Unit

    Business Area/Production sector

    Agency/Field Cluster

    Subsegment Code Department

    Economic unit (installation) Location

    PUT IN FUNCTION MINUTE (Code 14-2-5/b)

    No_______ / ___.___.20__

    I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The commission appointed by ________________________ according to decision no._____ / ___.___.20__ and assembled at ___.___.20__ performed their activity during: ___.___.20__ - ___.___.20__ The commission analyzed and observed the condition and current status of the investment objective subject to the put in function.

    II. OBSERVATIONS After the examination of the required documentation presented, on-site inspection and technological tests results, the commission confirmed the following: Construction works: Not Applicable The construction works for the investment objective ________________________________________ have been performed based on contract number_______ / ___.___.20__ signed between __________________ and ___________________ regarding works of_____________________________ the construction works have been performed according to the authorization no. _________ issued by__________________________ on date ___.___.20__, valid until date ___.___.20__. 1. The technical economical documentation regarding the put in function of the investment objective has been presented to the reception commission

    Profit Center Project No.

    Cost Center Investment Order No. or investment orders

    Annex __

    Requesting Cost Center Investment Objective

    Objective Put in Function


  • Pag.47 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901


    With following exceptions: _______________________________ Addendum____

    The commission decides that missing documentation mentioned above does not obstruct / obstructs the put in function process.

    The list of documentation that has been handed over to the beneficiary following the put in function is listed in Annex _ / Not Applicable

    The objective submitted to the commissions review before the put in function contains the following elements received according to the specified documents:

    a) Constructions, special constructions, machinery, installations, equipments Addendum____

    No. Description supplier / observations reception document 1 Reception Note no. __/__.__, 2__

    The total value of the above elements according to the documents is __________ Lei

    b) Works Addendum____

    No. Description supplier / observations reception document 1 Reception Note no. __/__.__.2__

    The total value of the work performed according to the documents is __________ Lei

    2. In order to obtain a normal and operative work process and to ensure the proper quality of the goods according to technical-economic documentation technological tests on machinery and installations have been performed by _______________ during ___.___.20__ ---- ___.___.20__

    Addendum____ Technological tests Observations Total number of technological tests: __, out of which - already performed: ___ - to be performed: ___

    3. At the reception date the level of the approved technical-economic indicators is the following: Addendum____ _________________________________________________________________________

  • Pag.48 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901


    4. The total value of the expenses and the work performed for technological tests, according to documents is __________ Lei

    5. The total value of the products resulting during the tests, which can be recovered or sold, is ______Lei

    6. The total value of the put in function fixed assets is ____________________ LEI according to the table below and information from Addendum____ _____ Fixed Asset Information Sheet template(s) have been completed ( Addendums_____) from the total of ___ assets put in function according to the present document. _

  • Pag.49 Norma Petrom OMV 901/ Petrom OMV Group Standard 901

    TOTAL No Fixed asset description Core

    C F N

    Category code

    super-number classification code (for new assets)

    inventory number (for existing assets)

    Value per unit


    Quantity / UM Total value

    (Lei) % Value

    1 2 3 4

    TOTAL 100%

    The following factors negatively impacted the level of the indicators, which have not met the expected target values Addendum____ _________________________________________________________________________

    The commission evaluates the following availabilities in technical equipments and buildings capacity, which may lead to the improvement of the technical economic indicators: Addendum____ ____________________________________________________________________________

    The commission decides that not all the measures for maintaining the approved level of the technical-economic indicators are properly ensured regarding the supply of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy , water, additional work, utilities, labor force, etc. Add
