
AS PE Exam Questions (2009).

Anatomy and Physiology.

Muscles.What do you need to know about muscles?Fibre types, names, strength exercises, agonist etc.

A long Jumper would use type 2B muscle fibres during the take off phase. Identify two reasons why this fibre type would be used. [2]

During sub-max exercise (aerobic), the predominant muscle fibre type would be type 1. Give one structural and one functional characteristic of this fibre type. [2]

Bones.What do you need to know about bones and joints?Joint types.Articulating bones.Movement classification.Structure and function of a joint.

Complete an analysis of the following activities:

Knee joint during extension.Ankle joint during plantar flexion.Upward phase of a sit up.Upward phase of a press up (elbow).A tennis serve (shoulder).

Discuss both the positive and negative impacts on the joints and muscles of the body through participating in different types of physical activity. [10]

Tips:You must be able to critically evaluate the impact of different types of physical activity on the skeletal and muscular systems.How would you break the question down?

Warm-up / Cool-down.What do you need to know?Effect on the muscular system and skeletal system.

Motion and Movement.What do you need to know?Newtons 3 laws.Force/motion – Direct and eccentric.Stability.

How can you relate them to sport?

Apply Newton’s laws of motion to a strength training exercise of your choice. [3]

Where would you get the 3 marks from?

Describe how the position of the centre of mass can affect a balance. [3]

Identify 4 factors that affect stability. [3]

When hitting a tennis ball, an understanding of force is important. Explain how force can cause the ball to:Move straight.Spin.

The Heart and Cardiovascular system.

What do you need to know?The cardiac cycle.The chambers of the heart.The hearts conduction system.The CCC.Blood volumes + Changes during max and sub-max exercise.Blood pressure.The VCCThe flow of blood through the systemic and pulmonary circulatory networks.The different blood vessels.Venous Return Mechanisms.Understand how a warm-up and cool-down affect the vascular system.

Define stroke volume and give a maximal value for an Aerobic athlete. [2]

Draw a graph to show how a cyclists cardiac output Q changes, prior, during and after exercise. [4]Do the same for the cyclists HR. [4]Cardiac output is a determining factor during endurance activities. Describe how Q is increased during endurance activities. [4]

Identify the mechanisms of venous return that ensure a sufficient supply of blood is returning to the heart during exercise. [4]

An increase in venous return leads to an increase in HR. Explain how this is achieved by intrinsic control. [4]

What do you need to write about?

Describe the passage of oxygenated blood through the pulmonary and systemic networks from the lungs to the working muscles. [4]Describe how the conduction system of the heart controls the cardiac cycle to ensure enough blood is ejected from the heart. [4]

Give two effects of a warm-up and two effects of a cool-down on the vascular system. [4]

Explain how the CCC (neural control) increases the HR during exercise. [4]

During a training run, blood needs to be diverted away from non-essential organs to the working muscles. Explain how the Vasomotor control centre (VCC) controls this distribution.

Critically evaluate the role of exercise in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. [10]What do you need to include?How often to train.Cardiovascular diseases.Effects of smoking.The role of exercise in a healthy lifestyle.

The Respiratory system.What you need to knowThe structure of the respiratory system.The RCC.The mechanics of breathing.Changes in the mechanics of breathing.Lung volumes.The impact of Smoking on the Respiratory system.Gaseous exchange.The effects of altitude on gaseous exchange.Transport of O2 and Co2 in the blood.

Describe the mechanics of breathing which allow a marathon runner to breath in more (inspiration) greater volumes of O2 during a run. [4]

Explain how the respiratory centre uses neural control to produce changes in the mechanics of breathing. [4]What do you need to include? Can you draw it as a diagram?Describe how Co2 is diffused from the blood into the alveoli. [3]Draw a diagram of O2 + Co2 exchange at the lungs and the muscles.

During endurance activities at altitude there may be a reduction in performance. Why do the changes in air pressure at altitude reduce performance? [4]

What could you talk about?Partial pressure.Diffusion gradient.Gaseous exchange.Lactic acid.

How is O2 and Co2 transported in blood. [4]

Minute ventilation is defined as the volume of air inspired or expired in one minute. Sketch a graph to show the minute ventilation of a swimmer completing a 20 minute sub-max swim.

Show minute ventilation:Before, During After exercise. [4]

Define minute ventilation and give an average value during

maximal exercise. [2]

Describe the impact of smoking on the respiratory system. [4]