
Lares Valley Trout Fishing Expedition/Trek and Sacred Valley TourMay 20-23, 2014

Guided by: Alvaro Ibañez Corpancho

Photos by: Brian L. Johnson

It all started with a morning pickup from El Mercado Hotel in Cusco after meeting us the prior night for dinner/orientation.

We met our cook, porters, mules and dropped off the gear en route to 4WD access to the trailhead.

Three hot, safe, and very tasty meals a day were served in a dining tent either along the trail or at base camp.

As we ascended, nymph and dry –fly fishing the beautiful valley’s streams was productive for 6-10 inch rainbows.

The alpaca and I enjoyed the pre-dinner views from our base camp in Cancha Cancha village (elev. 13500 ft).

The next morning we continued up, fishing the streams and lake outlets - now producing 8-12 inch rainbows.

Per my cheering section of locals, I was one of the first to ever fish this lake (elev. 14200 ft) and streamers were hot!

The largest trout ever caught in the Cancha Cancha valley! (according to the village elder/president, whom special permitted our fishing)

The day hike down to Qawana Lodge on the Urubamba River resulted in gorgeous views both from our room

and the back patio of their gourmet Peruvian restaurant.

The next day Alvaro and driver took us on a private tour through the Sacred Valley…

…to the Inca ruins of Moray and the Maras salt mines before safely taking us back to Cusco for a farewell dinner.
