Download ppt - Personal Profile

  • 1. ABOUT: MIKE JOHNSON Personal Profile

2. My Background African American German Italian Irish Polish French 3. Interests

  • Playing Football.
  • Hanging out with my friends.
  • Going to parties.
  • Playing the drums.
  • Makingdifferent kinds of videos.
  • Watching crazy movies.
  • Listening to different types of music.


  • Outgoing
  • Fun
  • Crazy
  • Twisted
  • Disturbed
  • Friendly
  • Helpful


  • Health Ed.
    • Enjoy learning about the human health and body.
  • American History II
    • Enjoy studying about the past historic events.
  • Pre Calculus/ Trigonometry
    • Very intelligent in this field and enjoy solving difficult problems.
  • IT Essentials
    • Enjoy learning about past and modern technology.


  • Creating things.
  • Making and composing my own lyrics/ instruments.
  • Playing football.
  • Making people laugh.
  • Making movies.

7. Favorites

  • Color
    • Red: It really explains a lot about me.
  • Sport
    • Football: I am very talented in this sport. I enjoy it very much.
  • Animal
    • Dog: A dog is mans best friend. You can rely on them for anything.
  • Subject
    • Pre Calc/Trig: To be honest I enjoy this class very much. Im very good at it.
  • Food
    • Oodles & Noodles: The best thing ever created.


  • Mom & Dad
    • Melissa Anne Henderson & Mark Anthony Johnson
  • Step Mom & Dad
    • Melissa Johnson & Robert Eugene Henderson
  • Brother
    • Tyler Wayne Johnson
  • Step Brother & Sisters
    • William Eugene Henderson, Ruby Tuesday Henderson, & Dianna Henderson
  • Pets
    • Dogs
      • Blue, Maji, & Tae Tae
    • Cats
      • Nutmeg, Lucky, Neo, & Miko
    • Turtle
      • ?
    • Snakes
      • ?, ?, & ?

9. Future Goals

  • Graduate high school.
  • Go to Temple University.
  • Graduate with a degree and get accepted to become a movie director and producer.
  • Start a family.


  • Careers
  • sees big picture
  • learns by challenging situations or systems
  • tests constantly
  • analyzes pieces of the whole
  • thinks about how parts fit together to make the whole work better
  • likes complexity
  • likes puzzles
  • Database Design and Administration
    • help people design systems for tracking of lots of different kinds of information on the computer
  • Computer programming/Engineering
    • write programs in computer languages that instruct computers to do certain tasks
  • Network design and Administration
    • design, install and maintain the networks of computers that offices and companies rely on today
  • Enterprise Systems Analysis and Integration
    • help companies figure out how to improve their old work processes by moving to new computerized systems

IT Interest Inventory 11.

  • I am slightly introverted.
  • I am very considerate.
  • I am very impulsive.
  • I am quite excitable.
  • I am very practical.
  • I am very concrete in my thinking.


  • IT: Information Technology
    • It is the design, development, support, and management of computer hardware and software applications. It is involved in many of our modern technology sources today. IT has brought help to our technology today, by either fixing or solving problems, creating newly developed technology, giving more people jobs in the technology field, and making life much easier andexciting.


  • Test:
    • Computer Fundamentals (Win XP)
  • Date:
    • 04-Dec-2008
  • Score:
    • 2.75
  • Weights:
    • 100% Computer Fundamentals (Win XP)
  • Elapsed time:
    • 25 min 10 sec
  • Computer Fundamentals (Win XP) Score:
    • 2.75
  • Percentile:
    • Scored higher than 37% of previous examinees
  • Demonstrates a solid understanding of core concepts within this topic. Appears capable of working on most projects in this area with moderate assistance. May require some initial assistance with advanced concepts, however.
  • Strong Areas
    • Office Applications
  • Weak Areas
    • Files and Folders
    • Performance and Maintenance
    • Basic Windows Features
    • Hardware
    • Networking
    • Desktop and Taskbar

14. Business Writing

  • Score:
    • 2.40
  • Percentile:
    • Scored higher than 20% of previous examinees
  • Demonstrates an understanding of the fundamental concepts involved with this topic. Knowledge level appears equivalent to that gained through introductory courses. May require supplemental training and close supervision to develop a working knowledge level to be able to perform assignments independently.
  • Strong Areas
    • None noted
  • Weak Areas
    • Business Letters
    • Other Formats
    • Rules of Grammar
    • Vocabulary