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2. Apa itu Komunikasi ? 3. Who Says What In Which Channel To Whom With What Effect? Harold Lasswell 4. Mengapa perlu berkomunikasi ? 5. People & Communication Skills 3.7 Referrals from Clients 3.6 Educational Background 3.3 Having 'Advance License 3.2 Keeping up with Continuing Education 3.1 Specialization 2.8 WHAT DRIVES SUCCESS ? SOURCES OF SUCCESS WITHIN THE FINANCIAL PLANNING INDUSTRY Sources: Financial Planning Conference-Singapore 6. Importance of Competencies in Hiring Decision Rank/Order Factors/Skill Evaluated 1 Oral Communication 2 Self-motivation 3 Problem Solving 4 Decision Making 5 Leadership 6 Human Relations 7 Teamwork 8 Work Experience 9 Time Management 10 Personal Appearance 11 Written Communication 12 Academic Performance 13 Creativity 14 Delegation 15 Multilingual ability 7. 7 KOMUNIKATOR Gangguan PESAN MEDIA KOMUNIKAN Ya, saya mengertiO dia mengerti Umpan balik Encoding Decoding 8. FUNGSI KOMUNIKASI 9. Menyampaikan Informasi (To Inform) 10. Mendidik (To Educate) 11. Menghibur (to Entertain) 12. Mempengaruhi (to Influence) 13. Mempromosikan (to promote)