Page 1: Peer evaluation (writing stories  e twinning project)


Writing Stories – eTwinning Project

Name of the partner you are evaluating:………………………...

Points: ……………….. (Maximum 24 Points)

Name of the partner you are evaluating:………………………...

Points: ……………….. (Maximum 24 Points)

Name of the partner you are evaluating:………………………...

Points: ……………….. (Maximum 24 Points)

Name of the partner you are evaluating:………………………...

Points: ……………….. (Maximum 24 Points)

Your signatures:

The scoring can help you to evaluate your team partner:

Team value / Aportaciones realizadas al equipo.

Ready to work / Disponibilidad en el trabajo.

Team spirit / Unidad con el grupo.

On time / Puntualidad en las entregas.

Final product / Trabajo realizado.

Team work / Colaboración en el proceso.
